Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20200425

CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera April 25, 2020

Immune to further infection. This just in to cnn, from the state of illinois, 2600 Health Care Workers in the state alone have tested positive for the coronavirus. Public Health Officials in illinois say about 4700 people are hospitalized there this weekend, a quarter of them in intensive care. Despite still rising infection rates. Some states like georgia are rolling out the first phases of their back to business plans. And the white houses Coronavirus Task force is meeting right now, the Vice President and doctors birx and fauci arriving just a short time ago. Lets go to georgia where businesses are reopeni ining ev though theres not been a 14 day decline in new cases. Businesses are allowed to open doors and accept customer. We are live in douglasville, georgia. These relaxed rules are expected to extend to even more businesses in georgia come monday. What can you tell us . Reporter right, ana, well some of these opened on friday like the barber shop there. They said that when they opened for the first time in a month, there were 15 people waiting to get in. The tattoo shop is also open and other hair salons on the strip, and come monday, restaurants will be allowed to offer dinein service. Now, a lot of the ones that we have reached out to and others who have posted on social media they are saying its too early for them to open for dinein, topps sports bar and grill, are not reopening only a handlef fhe doing that. We spoke to a Bowling Alley yesterday and he was excited to reopen. Heres what the owner said knowing that his decision will meet criticism. Im sorry for that, we are not trying to hurt anybody. If you look, we just want to get the business going. We have 25 employees that support families out of this Bowling Center and we, you know, we are trying to get them back to work also. You are sitting there watching, you know, the money fly out the window, i guess, you know. You still have to pay bills. Yeah, and we heard from a fellow owner there, debra holland, who she is a cancer survivor. So, she is very aware about how they are social distancing there, how they are cleaning everything. She said that she doesnt want to end up going to the hospital with this virus since she is missing half a lung. Theres other people that we talked to in the Small Businesses with similar concerns but they tell me none of them have actually gotten any financial help had. So theres a lot of pressure financially to the make some money here. Even if there are still some hesitations with the health risk are, ana. That is a tough position for the businesses to be in. Its not just georgia, states around the country are looking to restart opening businesses and get people back to work. As Health Experts are warning, its too soon. The governor is saying, the time to reopen is now. We look at the debate. As a u. S. Death toll crosses 50,000 lives lost. Some businesses reopened. Putting on masks and barber shops are back. Defying Public Health warnings, georgia and oklahoma allowed some businesses to open, like salons, in texas, curbside retail is open. I walk to the trunk, put it in there, and go on the front seat, and thank you so much for your purchase for helping us. The state pushed to restart the economy. Happening from the south, the midwest to alaska. A realtime experiment of the virus verse state policies. In south carolina, Department Stores are open with some restricti restrictions. Wisconsin, golf courses and some retail open curbside, alaska, restaurants allowed to open in a quarter of capacity, in to the weekend and if next week, more states are opening up. Tn will be allowing restaurants to open at half capacity on monday. Saying, its time. Our approach to rebooting the economy must be steady, and methodical, and empower opening in a way that doesnt jeopardize all of the strides that we have made so far in attacking covid19. But other local leaders are saying that is exactly what governors are doing by opening now. S in a premature and reckless decision. We know the risks are great. And we expect to see another spike. New yorks governor warned the country must learn from our very recent history. As testing continues to be inadequate said the National Governors association. What is the lesson . An outbreak anywhere is an outbreak everywhere. The new york governor is facing small protests. As isolated as we feel, and as stressed as we are about getting back to work. Reopening up businesses. We know that if we do it too fast, a second wave is likely and would be even more devastating. In los angeles, california, a grim announcement that highlights the toll of the virus. And another dark threshold that we crossed is that covid19 is now the leading cause of death in los angeles county. Deaths are doubling every seven to eight days here in los angeles still. Across the county and in our general emergency hospitals we continue to be resilient and strong. Our thanks for that reporting. I want to bring in now the president of the Atlanta Branch at the ncaa, richard rose and your response to the governors georgia plan is strong. You are asking to defy the governor and dont go to work. This is what you are calling, blackout, sick out. And you wanted it to start yesterday, so what have you seen and heard . Did people call out sick . Large numbers yesterday . Well, we think its a mixed bag. There are some people who do not understand the gravity of the virus, which is airborne, which can exist out of a host for days and weeks and that, can be carried by a person who is asympotmatic who can infect others. Let me stop you for a second. Forgive me, forgive me, i dont want to interrupt. I want to make sure something that you said is not right, i dont believe theres any evidence that this virus can exist out of a host for days or weeks. You know, possibly days on surfaces, but definitely not weeks. Has not been any data on that. Just want to be clear. At the cr the cruise ships after they emptied the cruise ships, they found the virus. Theres too much that we do not know and we have to take the virus seriously. We know in georgia 56 of the Covid Patients are of the black community. And they are having underlying issues in the black community. Such as hypertension, diabetes, we think that coming back too soon, which is contrariy to the expertser. The experts say, hey, wait 14 days after you have seen a decline, we dont have that experience in georgia. We still have an uptick and we dont have, not even a 1 of the, of the state of georgia residents have been tested. We are down in this thousands who have been tested beyond and we have got over 21,000 patients now. 22,000 patients now, its just too soon, its contrary to the experts and we need to follow the scientists. Follow the people who know what this disease is all about. Follow their lead and be careful. We want to, if you go back to work, you are earning money. But you are winding up in the hospital and on a sick bed or even death. What good did that do . We think its premature, we think the government was rash. Well said. Your specific message to people is to, and im quoting here, push back on brian kemp. What do you say to those who say, youre the one playing politics with peoples lives and livelihoods . Well, we think that, well thats always the response when you know, people call the naacp racist, because we speak out against racism. We are following what the experts say. What the w. H. O. Said, what the cdc said, what President Trumps own experts say. They say, take it slow. It is too soon to begin a phase of reopening the up the economy and they all predict that if we come back too soon, it will be more devastating than the first wave. You are a your mayor is supporting your message, saying stay home and listen to the scientists despite what the governor is saying and now, she and her son are receiving disgusting racist threats. Are you shocked how ugly the debate has gotten . I unfortunately we lost him. Apologize for the technical difficulties. Up next, experts away agree that widespread Antibody Testing is essential to getting life back to normal. How close is the u. S. To achieving that. You are live in the cnn newsroom. Antibody testing is essential to reopening. What exactly is, what does it tell you . A test that search es for markers of the coronavirus, and one that tests for the antivirus. First thing you notice, a test requires blood, for me, it was just a poke. We are all done. Look at all the steps after that. And then spun down, thats the clear part that might contain antibodies, if i have been previously exposed. The way to find it out is to put it in the same test tube of the virus. If you have antibodies against that. They would bind and be able to detect. The director of the blood bank in the hospital in atlanta where i practiced as a neuro surgeon, i was working as a doctor at meory, and Health Care Workers are doing it, heres what happens in your body. And the blue line, that is how long the virus typically lives outside the body. Antibodies appear. They disappear shortly and then the red line, thats the igg antibody. Thats the one that appears after the infection is cleared and might provide immunity. For just how long . Had how strong . That we dont know yet. We do know that for other coronaviruss like sars, antibodies lasted 2of 3 years and mahers, had antibody presence of three years. But with the new coronavirus, its still too early to tell. What is the value of having the test . If you are positive on this test. It indicates you have been exposed. It can be a bit of peace of mind that you know the cough i had two weeks ago, that was really covid19, it could indicate that you know, some of your close contacts should be tested. Perhaps most importantly, the doctor told me something i had not considered before. That if you test positive for the antibodies that means you have dealt with this infection and you have beat it. And chances are, that if you are exposed to it again, you will beat it again, as for me, that part is still an open question mark. I tested negative. Our thanks to dr. Sanjay gupta. The fda has proapproved three antibody tests. Antibody estimate thetests spec seven. Its found that some americans have already had coronavirus and not even known it. A study of miamidade residents have found that 7. 9 of the residents there. Have antibodies. Andrew cuomo said that results in new york city showed 25 of those tested had antibodies. I want to bring in the doctors with us. What percentage ofpopulation would you want to have antibodies in order to safely reopen . Well anna, it depends on some degree on the virus. We are talking 70 to 90 of the population need to have antibodies to have what we consider herd immunity. The more infectious the virus, you need to have 97 for herd immunity. The people in new york who were tested were people going to the Grocery Stores at the time. And even then it was 20 percent. So we are nowhere near what we call herd immunity leity levels. The World Health Organization said that theres no evidence that those with the antibodies are immunized from having infection but said it has not been studied. Here is the chief medical officers talking about it. Theres talk that some may be infected after having the antibodies. So we need to be careful, we dont assume we will have a vaccine for this disease as we have for lets say measles, which once you have it, you are protected for life. We may, or may not. We need to be clear about it. So, dr. Matthew, if this is the case, why does Antibody Testing matter . Hey, ana, im cautiously optimistic. I know theres a lot of questions surrounding the Antibody Testing. It matters for a lot of reasons. Number one, we can get the Community Back to working again and jump start the economy that way. If you have a loved one who is sick, you can take care of that person without really worrying about getting infected and then, as a Public Health specialist, this also gives us an indirect idea of how many people are infected. Its also the bottom line basic framework of developing a vaccine and lastly, plasma donation, that is something that we have studied quite a bit in immunology, if you have antibodies, you can donate the plasma to someone who is recovering from cocovid19. Theres a lot of questions about the Antibody Testing. But its something that we should be able to work through and previous viral infections have shown immunity. Im cautiously optimistic it should be the case with covid19. Oh, man, im keeping my fingers crossed and praying you are right. We heard from dr. Fauci today, and he said that he believes the u. S. Should double its testing over the next several weeks. Where should we be testing wise, both in diagnostic testing and the Antibody Testing . Largely what he is referring to is the diagnostic testing. What you want to do is identify all the people who was exposed to somebody who has covid, they may or may not have symptoms, but we want to theest them anyw. We know that many people infected do not have symptoms. So the only way to identify people who have the disease and dont have symptoms is to track down anybody who was exposed and test them. That requires ramping up testing dramatically. The uk chief medical officer warned that evidence of reinfection means a vaccine, its much less likely, once again, ana, i want we dont really know, theres so much about covid19. They will develop a vaccine, and we have developed a vaccine in the past. We have developed vaccine for infections that sort of disappear if you will like sars, and remember covid19, is in the family of sars, its a family of covid19. They are saying that we will have to deal with the threat for the rest of our lives. We will come up with the vaccine, its a matter of time, and it could be easily 1218 months away. Right, that is the latest number or date we were given just in the past week, it was march of next year being maybe the shortest time from now. The doctors are reporting that this virus appears to be causing strokes in young people otherwise healthy and either have mild cases or no symptoms at all. How concerning is this . Well one of the ways in which covid causes disease is that it over revs is up the immune system is. The immune system may have gone haywire. Blood clots can cause stroke and heart attack. And blood clots in the lungs and causing kidney failure, its unique to covid to see dramatic inflammation in the body. Its something that we are testing right now, is trying to turn down the immune system. Dr. Matthew, lets ask about the strokes that are being caused by large blood clots created by the virus. What are blood clotting symptoms that people should be watching for . Its a good question, ana, its really unfortunate that we are developing or finding out new symptoms that the covid19 is causing. When you develop a hypercoagualability, it means the blood gets thick. It can throw clots to the brain. You can have symptoms of stroke and people are reporting of blue toes and blue feet. Thats where, when the blood clot gets in the vessel, it prevent blood supply and your feet can turn almost blueish in discoloration. Hes are the symptoms to look out for, if you have these p absolutely, yes, you need to seek immediate attention or talk to the doctor or go to the emergency room. Thank you, doctors. My thanks to both of you. I really appreciate your expertise and thank you for taking the time to share it with us. Thanks, ana. Be well. Many of ous have questions about the many of us have questions about coronavirus, what to do, what to avoid, when to see a doctor . We have a podcast with answers, you can join fact verse fiction any time and you can listen wherever you get your favorite podcasts. We will be right back. vo at sprint, our priority is keeping our customers, employees, and communities safe. During these Uncertain Times we want you to get Great Service without leaving the safety of your home. Shop at sprint. Com for free next day shipping and no activation fees on our best new phone deals, like a Samsung Galaxy phone for just 0 a month. Plus, youll also get a 100 prepaid mastercard when you switch online. Stay healthy and visit sprint. Com to get the services you need. For people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com the Washington Post is reporting that a chicken Processing Company was forced to kill 2 million of its chickens earlier this month because of a labor shortage due to the coronavirus outbreak. Its just another example of the challenges meat and poultry plants have been dealing with in the pandemic as outbreaks in a number of plants across the country are forcing many to close. Cnn spoke with workers at one plant who say, they have been left wondering about their health and their future. Cars rolling in to the parking lot of the tyson pork production plant in woot waterl. The employees are waiting in a long line to take Company Provided tests for covid19, the plant shut this week after covid19 positive tests of employees have reached the 182 mark. Im scared. He said that somebody that he worked next to for hours tested positive. He went ahead and got a test on his own. I have not gotten my results back yet. Reporter a husband and father of a baby and one of the many employees of the plant, people in the community and politicians who called for the plant to close earlier when the word of infection came to light. He called the Hr Department last week. You said what . I was concerned about the coronavirus being in the plant and i was scared for me and my family. Reporter what did hr say to you . They told me, um, i was, i was, i was safe. And they told me that, um, everything was okay. And they told me i have a better chance of catching the coronavirus going out to walmart than in tyson, come to work, you safe. Reporter and did you believe that . I wanted to believe them. And then, i needed that money at the same time. So i went to work. Reporter this employee doesnt want to reveal his identity, fearing retribution from the company. Do you feel they care about your health . Not as much as they need to. Reporter he waited hour

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