Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 201808

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180806 19:00:00

charges related to bank fraud, tax charges. so this is the moment where this courtroom will now finally be hearing from manafort's -- essentially his number two, his former right hand man, rick gates. and gates is the prosecution's key witness. he will be the next person to testify. let's go first to cnn's caris beganel. she is just outside the courtroom in alexandria, virginia. tell me, when will this happen? mere minutes? >> we have one more witness to finish testified today. that's manafort's accountant. rick gates is the witness that's up next. many of the's attorney said that in court. this all came about as one of manafort's attorneys sort of dropped a bombshell alleging that rick gates embezzleled millions of dollars from paul manafort. he asked the accountant would that have been something she would have looikd to have known. she said she would. he teed all of it up by making
it appear that rick gates was the main person he dealt with. and he tried to suggest through his questioning of her this was all because gates was evading criminality himself. after the prosecution is done with this witness, we willing hearing from rick gates. he has worked with paul manafort for 20 years. we are ptd anding manafort's attorneys to hammer him when they get a chance to. that's likely to occur tomorrow. >> kara, thank you for the setup. i have people to talk us through what happens when this rick gates moment happens. rick and jessica, great to have both of you on. jessica, let me dive right into this with you. i think in order for everyone following this trial to appreciate how deeply connected these two men have been over
their lifetimes. kara just mentioned he had been his deputy for 20 years. but rick gates goes way back with paul manafort to when he interned at his lobbying firm. >> exactly right. he was his research assistant. >> wow. >> he did that for a while. and then he came back in 2006. that's when he worked hand in hand with paul manafort. brooke, that's why rick gates will be on the stand for this particular trial. because he will know impactly how this alleged scheme of paul many of the's operated. he will be able to tell the jury exactly what paul manafort directed him to do. you know, of course the government is alleging here that they hid these foreign bank accounts. they hid all the millions that they made from lobbying in the ukraine. so that's what rick gates will be able to tell the jury. of course the defense is planning to go on the attack here, as kara mentioned. they are going to say, no, this was rick gates embezzleling money, stealing millions from
paul manafort. and oh, by the way, rick gates has admitted to lying to the government. so, jury, why would you believe an admitted liar? that's going to be their tactic here. what is interesting here is maybe not so much what rick gates will tell the jury but maybe brooke what he has already told prosecutors. of course he has been working with them since he struck this plea deal back in february. who knows what he has been telling him behind the scenes about how the trump campaign operated and what may have been the dealings with the russians. he wasn't in the trump tower meeting but he knew about it. there is a lot going on here with rick gates. >> let's go inside the courtroom. seth, to you, put yourself on the prosecution side, the government side. he's up on the stand. what picture would you, if you are the prosecutor, what picture are you trying to paint for these jurors to hear in terms of this is the guy who knew the guy who did all kinds of, you know
naughty, naughty things, and he had a front row seat to it? >> it's all about closeness. it's all about proximity. and it's all about timing. this is a very strong case by prosecution. i know they have taken a few bumps along the way from judge ellis. but it's very well grounded in documents, and it's also very well grounded in witnesses. there was a point that was mentioned a moment ago that was very important. you have to get into the mind-set. you have to get into the intent. the documents are critical. and we see the signatures. we see the documents. and we see the trail. but rick gates is going to be a key witness in terms of being able to demonstrate straight the intent of paul manafort. the other thing i would add in terms of the color and the context of this is that there have been some colorful discussions about the role that judge ellis has taken and how he has been giving the prosecutors a little bit of a hard time in their case in chief. as a lawyer who practices in the eastern district of virginia on a regular basis and knows judge ellis very well and has been in front of him, i can tell you that he treats everybody quite
sternly and directly. he's very smart. he's very sharp. i'm sure when the defense puts their case in chief on he will give them some of that medicine as well. >> we have heard stories about this judge. it's good to know that you have experience firsthand. for the defense side, you know, as jessica and others have laid out, they are going to pin this whole thing on gates. it wasn't manafort. it was gates who was the mastermind. >> well, it's going to be very difficult the pull that off because at the end of the day, the lead of the business enterprise is in control. we have already heard from the accountant that manafort was a man of detail. he had his hand on the business. he was riding this horse. he had his hans happends on the. rick gates carries a lot of weight. i think that his testimony and the information he shared with prosecutors is so significant that i even think that
indirectly he had a role in the breakdown of the story on the trump tower meeting this weekend because when the fbi puts on witnesses they have to release fbi interview statements. and it seems that there may have been some further information behind the scene regarding some key discussions that took place before the trump tower meeting with don jr. which might have triggered a little bit of a change of heart from the president there are putting don jr. in jeopardy. i think the bottom line is that mr. gates is a significant witness that changes the dialogue and the narrative for many witnesses that are involved in this case. >> reminding everyone, gates was the third person in the trump orbit to cop a plea, he and flynn and papadopoulos cooperated. let's move along. let's talk about the legal implications. we were just talking about the trump tower meeting. the legal implications of
president trump's treat indicating that the trump tower meeting was to get dirt on hillary clinton. did this open the president and his son up to legal jeopardy. plus a bizarre sighting on air force one this weekend. hope hicks, we will talk about what she would have been doing there. >> and alex jones blocked. the conspiracy theorist and much of the content from his info wars website removed from you tube, facebook, apple. but is it a violation of free speech? you are watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. your brain y begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad's got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate!
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
his attorney, rudy giuliani added, this whole new storyline that okay, no -- not only was there no collusion, that collusion is not a crime. all right. now that we are all up to speed, this is where we are today. let me bring in cnn courthouse correspondent kate lin collins and seth barrons wag katlyn, to you. you, in addition to all of that you have new reporting today with jake tapper that trump is concerned whether his son, don jr., might have legal exposure in the special counsel's russia investigation. tell me about that. >> that's right, brooke. the president is growing increasingly concerned. that's why we have seen him ramp up his attacks on the special counsel which you have seen play out on his twitter feed calling out the special counsel robert mueller by name, something we did not see the president do six months ago, before. he would never go that far as to
that he did not tell his father about this meeting. the president maintains that on twitter. of course, brooke, as you pointed out, there are questions about the white house's credibility and the president and his family's credibility about this entire meeting because so far they have really thanked their story on multiple occasions and often the truth only comes out after it has been reported by another outlet. >> katlyn used the phrase by the books. seth, here's my question. trump says hey it's politics, everyone tries to get dirt on someone, everyone is doing it. let me point out federal law yolk makes it a crime for any person to solicit accept or receive any contribution or anything of value from a foreign person or for a u.s. campaign or for the purpose of influencing an election for federal office.even though seth they say they didn't get any dirt on hillary clinton was that meeting against the law, given that the intent was there? >> well, potentially, yes.
i hear the defense and i don't think the defense is very strong. if i try to rob and bank and i walk in to open up a safe but the safe is empty, i can't say it is a nothing burger. it is an attempt at criminal activity. in this instance, the reason why this yet another u-turn by the president on the trump tower meeting is that once it again it changes the narrative. the president thrown under the bus is his son donald trump jr. several legal issues come into play. they are high level and very serious. you arity absolutely right. this could give rise to an instance of an alleged conspiracy for aiding and abetting. a claim for violation of federal election law. there are other felony issues that potentially float out there as well. remember that donald trump jr. he bet the farm that this was an innocuous meeting about russian adoptions. he is all in on this. yesterday we have a complete
president also is enveloped potentially in a criminal conspiracy for aiding and abetting violation of federal election law. this is an underlying felony. also keep in mind that if you are gone after for ating and abetting by the federal prosecutor's office the agent who is trying to assist the principal on aiding and abetting has the same criminal liability as the principal himself. there is very high risk that's involved in this situation. this is the latest u-turn on the story about what's going on here. and this is direct heat not only on the president directly with you indirectly because if his son ends up getting in a lot of legal hot water then that's going to create a major storm cloud that could be heading directly towards the white house. >> katlyn last question to you just on lying. we know that jay sekulow the president's attorney said over the weekend he is explaining his initial misstatement saying okay he didn't have all the information on trump tower. no. the meeting was about adoptions
and then we find out it's actually about dirt. and then over the weekend hope hicks is seen getting on air force one. we don't know if the president lied to her or she lied to the american people. what do you think -- you cover this white house every day of lying in 2018? >> brooke, their credibility really at stake here. we have seen the white house make she is imts sta, these definitive statements saying the president had no role in the drafting of that statement. then the president's legal team goes against that and contradicts it in a memo to the special counsel when they said actually trump did play a role, he did dictate that entire statement. that has been a recurring pattern throughout everything with russia. the white house often complains about the focus of russia on reporters and on their reporting that they have on the white house. but we have seen their narrative change ever since president trump got into the white house. at first they said there was no contact at all with any russians. then they said there was no
collusion. and now they are saying that the collusion is not a crime. as far as this goes, jake sekulow is not the only one who said that the president had no role in that statement. sanders, hope hicks, and kellyanne conway. it simply isn't the truth anymore. >> the truth comes out in the end. thank you both so much. coming up next, you tube, facebook, apple band together against info wars content from the hate spewing website and its leader alex jones have been taken down. hear how he is responding. and all eyes on that courthouse in alexandria, virginia, the federal courthouse as the key witness for the government, rick gates, takes the stand this afternoon and testifies against president trump's former campaign chairman paul manafort. updates as soon as we get them. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen.
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family with a shield of faith. lord, that shield of face against the firry darts of the wicked one, against the jungle journalism that distorts integrity every day gets in his face with lies mistruths and innuendos. lord protect him. protect him. >> later on twitter the president would go on to accuse the media of being to blame for quote division in the country. and now some americans may take these dangerous attacks lightly but in terms of rhetoric listen to something. just one day before the rally in colorado a death threat was phoned in ailed at two journalists here at cnn. don, you are on the air. >> good morning. it all started when trump got
elected. brian stelter and don lemon from cnn called trump supporters all racis racists. they don't even know us. they don't know these americans out here and they are calling us racist because we vetted for trump? come on. give me a break. they started the war. i see them, i'm going to shoot them. bye. >> first of all, just on behalf of my two colleagues here at cnn, they never did that. and that call is reprehensible. a couple of members of the president's inner circle have publicly broke within the president over this. white house counsellor kellyanne conway and the president's daughter ivanka say they do not believe journalists are the enemy of the people. from media wars to info wars he suggested the sandy hook school shooting was hoax and that the september 1 th terror attacks were an inside job by the government. i'm talking about alex jones. he is the founder of info wars.
and he is now feeling the heat himself. you tube, facebook, and apple all announcing they're removing his content from their platforms. here's how you tube explained its decision. quote, when users violate policies repeatedly like our policies against hate spreech, harassment or our terms preventing circumstance up vengs of our enforcement measures we terminate their accounts. with me now,ology ifr darcy. you were just saying to me you were surprised that they took this kind of action so swiftly? >> yeah, this happened very quickly, over the past 24 hours. it seems to have been prompted by apple. apple last night removed the entire library of alex jones's podcasts from their store. then we have seen throughout the day tech platform basically remove alex jones from their website after ammel removed that podcast. then facebook came out this morning, early in the morning and said they had unpublished
info wars and other pages secretaried with alek jones. and you tube issued a suspension where they couldn't live stream decided to remove their you tube page all together. thousand we are seeing small tech platforms disassociate with alex jones. >> obviously what he spew is hate and it's abhorrent. how many folks are on the other side saying freedom of speech? >> a lot of people are, particularly jones's defenders are saying they are worried this might lead to other pages particular chi conservative media pages being removed. i think it's important to note that alex jones flagrantly violated a lot of the community standards that you tube, facebook, that apple have had in place for quite some time. if you look at it they say they removed them because they violated the standards but alek jones had been violating the standards for some time and they only took action after weeks of media pressure, after weeks of the media outlets saying you say
this would violate your standards. why is this still allowed to be posted? apple was first at the bat last night with the removal of his content. and now we are seeing it. >> apple and then the domino effect. oliver darcy thank you so much. just in, we are now learning the so-called manhattan madam will testify before a grand jury this friday in the russia investigation. kristin davis is her name. she is a close adviser of roger stone. she met with mueller's team last week in a voluntary interview. this is clearly a sign that investigators have an interest in roger stone and his actions during the campaign. coming up next, rand paul is in moscow right now and has just invited russian lawmakers to washington. what is going on there? and the russian government giving a formal diplomatic role to former action star steven segal. details on what exactly he is expected to do.
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committee and told those lawmakers that she had told white lies, remember, that was her comment, white lies on the job. with me now, evan mcmullen, former cia officer who ran as a third party candidate against trump in 2016. good to see you. >> good to see you brooke. >> i wanted to hone in on hope hicks. this is the very week -- the trump tower meetings are back in the center of the news. hope hicks, who trump dictated that false statement to, is suddenly on air force one. we don't know if trump lied to hope pics hicks about the meeting or if hope hicks just lied to the american people. either way, should she be in his orbit whatsoever? >> well it's certainly peculiar. the president has changed his story and his team has changed its story about that meeting time and time again. the more we learn, the more concerning that meeting is. and to have hope hicks turn up on air force one like this
without a clear reason -- she's no longer a part of the administration. she has kept her distance it seems, at least publicly from the administration since. and to have her show up like this does raise concerns. and i would think that the special counsel would want to know if it can find out what kinds of conversations she had. did she talk with the president during this flight or during the weekend? did she talk about this meeting? were any agreements made? it does raise questions. >> i want to talk to you about the truth n. politics, i know people don't always shoot straight. but this break neck piece of news, and the walkbacks and oh, i didn't have all the information at first, and the lies -- i mean, evan at the end of the day what is this going to do to the american people? >> well, i think the first thing i would say is that truth is absolutely critical for holding our government accountable. we simply can't hold our leaders accountable to us.
we can't -- we can't measure their performance. we can't know about their misdeeds and abuses of power without the truth. we have to know what the truth is. and we only have a few ways of really getting at the truth. we depend on our leaders in congress for example, exercising their article i power of the constitution in order to conduct oversight over the executive branch in particular. but we also depend on the media. the media is critical in that regard, too, asking tough questions, doing investigative work, and then relaying those details to the american public. we have to have that flow of information. and sometimes, by the way, it may not be correct. sometimes we may have to check thing. and stories develop and facts are clarified. and that's fine. but we must have a flow of information that approaches in an ever greater way truth all the time in order for us to --
in order for us to protect our liberty by holding our leaders accountable. >> speaking of shining a light, i wanted to ask you about republican senator rand paul. he's in moscow. and the news is that he has invited russian lawmakers back to washington. keeping in mind, this comes after this comment on cnn. >> who do you trust, senator, the american intelligence community, the american law enforcement community, or vladimir putin? >> what i would say is that all power needs to have checks and balances. i think our intelligence community has way too much power. >> what, evan -- what is rand paul up to here? >> you know it is hard to say. but i'll say this. rand paul has long been sort of in the isolationist or non-interventionist as he would like to say, camp in the republican party. and by the way, that part of the republican party grew after our
intervention in iraq. many republican members of congress feel burned by that action. they believe it was, in retrospect, a mistake. so they sort of drifted into this -- i would call it isolationist camp. although i too believe that we shouldn't have intervened in iraq the way we did. but the situation though with russia is that russia also wants us to withdraw from the world. and you see the republican party now, sadly a portion of its base moving closer and closer to russia. the rest certainly is leading them into that direction. earlier on cnn as i was on my morning run i heard ancer view with someone, a fellow american, a trump supporter, talking about how trump is delivering on his campaign promises, and if he received foreign help from the russians, then so be it as long as he met his campaign promises. so you see that. that's obviously highly alarming. we can't have foreign powers having a say in our elections.
again, then we can't hold our leaders accountable to us. they become accountable to other people. but what i'm concerned about is this move within the republican party that i think rand paul is now a part of of drawing closer to a foreign adversary while it attacks us. there is simply no excuse for this. >> well, speaking of that same foreign adversary, you now have -- we talked a lot about the putin/trump meeting and we still don't know. and high intel official don't note. here's what we do know. the guy on the screen, steven segal, who is by all accounts putt putin's bff is now the special envoy to the u.s. evan, do you think we will see steven segal visiting the oval office? >> i don't know. it would add to the bizarre world in which we now live. sure. why not? why not that?
>> sure, why not? >> everything else is happening. it would certainly -- yeah, it certainly wouldn't surprise me at this point. but it would be bizarre. >> well, when it happens we will play the clip back where you said you wouldn't be surprised. evan mcmullen thank you for weighing in. coming up next, a new production of the diary of anne frank is featuring a cast of mostly hispanic actors. we will talk with the director live about the message he's hoping to send. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you might or joints.hing for your heart...
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angeles. stan, welcome back. >> thank you for having me back. >> you tell me why you want to tell this story this way. >> well, actually, it started when i read a report of two of your cnn reporters about a jewish woman in los angeles who got connected with a latina mom and two daughters when her husband was suddenly deported and a priest in l.a. helped her and she created a safe house for the family because they were afraid of being deported by i.c.e. and e i went to the play of anne frank and i got very excited to start the dialogue of what that would mean for them. >> i want to come back on the second point. we have a clip of that cnn report you did read. here's the story of the jewish woman in l.a. >> reporter: off the grid since last year, say these two girls, both citizens born in the u.s.,
both in high school. i.c.e. deported their father for illegally crossing the border. their mother overstayed a tourist visa. the girls feared their mother was next. what's happened since then? when you had to pack up and leave. >> we became homeless for five months. we moved schools. we went somewhere else because we had to leave the city. we were sleeping from house to house. anywhere we could find. >> reporter: then they heard about an interfaith network of religious groups. pledging to resist trump's immigration policy hiding them in safe houses. even in spare rooms of homes. the network estimates dozens are being hidden at any one time and connected the family to this jewish woman. >> i grew up in a time when the holocaust was not so far behind me. >> reporter: she signed for the apartment, a cover for the family she's protecting.
do you hear the echos of history here? >> 100%. i think there's a long feeling in the jewish community we cannot let this happen. it is our responsibility. what was done to us cannot happen to other people. >> so it's a hiding place of a different sort. >> yes. but i want to make it very clear that we are not changing the nazis into i.c.e. we are doing a word for word presentation of the 1997 broadway production that natalie portman starred in. it really is just my director's choice to cast these latin actors in the play. >> because you're casting them, what is the message to send? >> i'm hoping that the tragedy of anne and the holocaust can reach a whole new audience and use to educate. we are doing this out of hall of fame -- love and honor of her
story. i would never demean her story and tonight because two of the actors that play anne and peter are 15 and 16 years old and came in to audition they said they didn't know the story of anne frank. >> oh wow. >> i had to read it in school. it was part of our curriculum. >> of course. >> today it is not part of the curriculum which i think is a sad fact. >> it is a sad fact but you will be educating people at the theater. before you tell people where to see it, i think you hit on it, 6 million jews were killed during the holocaust. how do you respoened nd to crit saying, stan, this is not the same? >> it's not the same. the only parallel i'm making is that there is a safe house in l.a. today for people and that there were safe houses in amsterdam and other places. that's the only parallel. the rest is art and people interpret it the way they do.
i hope they come with an open mind and expecting to come to see the production in l.a. looking for i.c.e. members, you will be disappointed and also see a really heart-warming wonderful story to be told today. >> all right, stan. next month in wills los? >> i'll see you there. >> stan zimmerman, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up next, a growing and noticeable trend, members of president trump's inner circle including family and top officials disagreeing with the president on a number of issues. me land that trump praising lebron james and trump insults him. we'll dig in to what's behind this. chicken?! chicken.
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because i didn't like the way things were going in washington and now i'm supporting danny o'connor because i met danny and i felt like he was very genuine, energetic, young, brings a new perspective. >> so this race is the final special election before the november midterms. getting a lot of national attention. president trump traveled to ohio over the weekend to endorse balderson. >> we must elect troy balderson. we have to elect troy. >> i need your vote august 7th. >> governor john kasich who endorsed balderson said the candidate every asked trump to come to ohio. he said he was honored to have trump there. polls open there in ohio tomorrow morning. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me here on this monday. "the lead" starts right now.

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Learning , Anncr , Free Speech , Trouble , Recall , Memory , Brain Health Supplement , Dad , Checkmate , Answers , Pair , Essilor , Better Sight , Collusion , Crime , Storyline , Speed , Rudy Giuliani , Trump , Reporting , Jake Tapper , Kate Lin Collins , Wag Katlyn , Addition , Robert Mueller , Exposure , Russia Investigation , Attacks , Play , Twitter , Name , Special Counsel , Feed Calling , Six , Family , White House , Credibility , Questions , Father , Truth , Question , Politics , Outlet , Phrase , Occasions , The Books , Law , Us , Someone , Contribution , Yolk , Anything , Value , Purpose , Election , Safe , Attempt , Criminal Activity , Yes , Nothing Burger , Bank , U Turn , Donald Trump Jr , Reason , Instance , Bus , Issues , Conspiracy , Claim , Aiding And Abetting , Rise , Adoptions , Felony , Russian , The Farm , Mind , Risk , Office , Agent , Principal , Abetting , Liability , Situation , Heat , Storm Cloud , Water , Weekend , Lying , Jay Sekulow , Misstatement , Statement , Statements , Stake , Drafting , Imts Sta , 2018 , Team , Everything , Focus , Memo , Pattern , Reporters , Contact , Isn T , Kellyanne Conway , The End , Sanders , Hate , Eyes , Courthouse , Leader , Info Wars Content , Band , Alzheimers Association , Afternoon , Updates , Fight , Eye , Branch , Shift , Use , Fire Pit , 0600 , Protection , Savings , Protected By Alan And Jamie , Auto , Home , Run , Flo , Chicken , Chicken Creations , Tear , Eat , Choice , Charlie , Plans , Answer , Tours , Zip File , Files , E File , Dream More , Dream Faster , 50 , Places , Gig , Comcast , Businesses , Media , Pastor , Voice Lending Support , Indication , Lord , Jungle Journalism , Some , Prayer , Face , Shield , Faith , Darts , Wicked One , Country , Integrity , Innuendos , Quote Division , Lies Mistruths , Rally , Rhetoric , Death Threat , Colorado , Air , Supporters , Racists , Faracis , Brian Stelter , Colleagues , Break , Racist , War , Come On , Behalf , Members , Daughter Ivanka , Call , Couple , Inner Circle , Media Wars , Journalists , Founder , Inside Job , Enemy , Sandy Hook School Shooting , Th Terror , Hoax , 1 , September 1 Th , Quote , Users , Platforms , Decision , Policies , Accounts , Enforcement , Mavengs , Harassment , Ology Ifr Darcy , Hate Spreech , Action , Apple Last Night , Store , Kind , Podcasts , Library , 24 , Morning , Podcast , Kammel , Pages , You Tube Page , Malek Jones , Suspension , Couldnt Live Stream , Defenders , Folks , Small Tech Platforms Disassociate , Freedom Of Speech , Chi Conservative Media , Community Standards , Alex Jones Flagrantly , Standards , Media Pressure , Media Outlets , Bat , Removal , Domino Effect , Adviser , Grand Jury , Oliver Darcy , Manhattan Madam , Rand Paul , Roger Stone , Interview , Interest , Actions , Sign , Investigators , Lawmakers , Steven Segal , Washington , Details , Lens , Candidate , Comment , Evan Mcmullen , Officer , Job , Who , Third Party , White Lies , Cia , Ran , News , Meetings , Center , 2016 , More , Part , Administration , Raise Concerns , Distance , Conversations , Flight , Agreements , Piece , Lies , First , Neck , Walkbacks , Leaders , Government Accountable , Power , Performance , Misdeeds , Abuses , Ways , Congress , Particular , Constitution , Executive Branch , Article , Example , Oversight , Public , Flow , Regard , Work , Facts , Fine , Light , Liberty , Republican , Moscow , Intelligence Community , Keeping , Senator , Checks , Balances , Law Enforcement Community , Vladimir Putin , Sort , Camp , Non Interventionist , Isolationist , Intervention , Mistake , Retrospect , Iraq , World , Direction , Supporter , Brest , Morning Run , Ancer , Portion , Base , Campaign Promises , Elections , Powers , Help , Say , Move , Drawing , Adversary , Excuse , Bff , Screen , High , Dont Know , Putt Putin , Dont Note , Evan , Envoy , I Dont Know , Oval Office , Clip , Wouldn T , Director , Production , Actors , Message , Cast , Coming Up , The Diary Of Anne Frank , Heart , Life , Sleep , Healthier Brain , Trials , Ingredient , Jellyfish , Revolution , Bed , Sleep Number , Movement , Dad Bod , Snoring , Smarter Sleep , 360 , Train , Marathon , Saint , Patience , 999 , 99 , Readiest , Breakfast , Holiday Inn Express , Buzzer Sound , Doctors , Care Team , Surgeon , Visit Cancercenter Com Breast , Stan Zimmerman , Report , Los Angeles , Welcome Back , Woman , Daughters , Safe House , Priest , Jewish , Husband , Mom , Latina , Ice , Ei , Anne Frank , Reporter , Girls , Citizens , Off The Grid , Mother , High School , Border , Tourist Visa , Anywhere , City , Schools , Somewhere , House To , Leave , Five , Network , Houses , Immigration Policy Hiding , Rooms , Groups , Homes , Dozens , Holocaust , Cover , Apartment , Jewish Community , Hiding Place , Responsibility , Feeling , Echos , 100 , Word , Presentation , Nazis , Natalie Portman , Broadway , 1997 , Tragedy , Audience , Honor , Love , Hall Of Fame , School , Play Anne , 16 , 15 , Fact , Curriculum , Theater , Same , Parallel , To Crit Saying , Respoened , 6 Million , Art , Safe House In La , Amsterdam , Mice Members , Wills Los , Officials , Thank You , Trend , Lebron James , Pouch , Candace , Starkist , Buffalo , Vision , Ultimate , Technologies , Beauty , Clarity , Essilor Ultimate Lens Package , Three , Young , Dannyo Connor , Perspective , Attention , Troy Balderson , Ohio , Race , Midterms , John Kasich , Vote , 7th , Elect Troy , August 7th , 7 , Polls ,

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