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The issue of gun control saying this, quote, bernie has been weak on gun safety his entire career. Hes voted against background checks. He voted to give gun makers immunity. Hes received help from the nra. This is not the record of someone who will save our country from gun violence. But cnn has learned thats not the only attack Team Bloomberg is rolling out tonight at the democratic debate in South Carolina. So for that lets go to charleston to our cnn business and politics correspondent cristina alesci. Tell us what to expect. Reporter well, the Bloomberg Team has been rolling out attack after attack as you mentioned, on Bernie Sanders, and i just came from a press conference where the campaign essentially lined up five black lawmakers and thought leaders, current mayors, former mayors, a congressperson all basically saying no one on that stage has a perfect track record when it comes to the issues that africanamericans care about in this country, but they made the case that Michael Bloomberg was the best suited to take that on. They also hit Bernie Sanders particularly hard suggesting that hes failed the constituents in his state, the africanamerican constituents in his state, and they hit him for his support of the 1994 crime bill. Listen. Bernie sanders voted for the crime bill, joe biden coauthored the crime bill. Again, so if were going to talk about every candidates record, lets talk about their record on criminal justice issues in their totality. The crime bill along with several other votes in the 80s ushered in this period of mass incarceration. Every candidate needs to own that. Thats just a fact, and if, in fact, were going to take on donald trump in the fall, every candidate needs to make sure it has their proper vetting, and thats what were talking about. Reporter now, brooke, ive spoken to several Bloomberg Campaign aide who is had said its great that they are getting some traction on, you know, these attacks on Bernie Sanders, but and the big but here is that Michael Bloomberg has to bring that fight to the debate stage. People at home are not watching a press conference, you know, with the five democratic lawmakers and thought leaders. Theyre going to be watching the debate tonight, and Michael Bloomberg has to recover from that terrible performance last week that really undercuts the argument that he is in the best position to defeat donald trump and can take him on on the debate stage and this whole argument of electability really comes into play here. Now, what happens if Michael Bloomberg has a bad night tonight . Well, i heard from one source who said, you know, they took a little bit of a hit in the polls, but its not a total end game for them if they if he performs poorly tonight, brooke, but were going to have to wait and see. A lot of people are going to be focused on how bloomberg does tonight. So many eyes on him, so many eyes and also ire from folks on the stage again, senator Bernie Sanders, kristina, thank you. A chief argument against senator sanders is that he will be a disaster for democrats down ballot if he, indeed, is the partys nominee, but didnt people say that about trump in 2016 . Cnn senior political analyst john avlon takes a look. Donald trump was a populist outsider who broke all the rules, the gop establishment warned hed be a disastrous nominee. Now people see a mere image of that script with Bernie Sanders. This outsider has built a populist movement, his supporters are passionate and quick to condemn the democratic establishment. Sanders is the front runner after trailing joe biden for most of the campaign. He has momentum, but can bernie win . Thats the 270 electoral vote question. Now, the most theologically extreme candidate is usually worst positioned to win over swing voters, Barry Goldwater and George Mcgovern are examples, both lost in landslides. What if this time its different. Instead of asking if sanders is unelectable, what is sanders is actually the most electable democrat . This may sound like magical thinking. In the age of trump, hyper partisanship, institutional distrust and social media sanders could be examined as a candidate custom built to go head to hoed with trump. Theres plenty to suggest his views play better in a polarized primary than a general election. Lets look at Democratic Party divisions. Only 15 of democrats identify as very liberal. 32 liberal, 38 moderate and 14 as some flavor of conservative. The overall american electorate, 27 of americans identify as democrats, 30 republican, 42 independent. America remains a center right nation with 37 calling themselves conservative, 35 mooed rm mooed moderate and 24 liberal. Bernies argument echoes trump. Hell drive turnout by connecting with working class voters who have been alienated by the establishment. The label socialism, under which democratic socialism lives is really not popular. Now, you can say americans vote on authenticity, not ideology but the center right center of fwrafty is tougher to argue against. Democrats need to understand why reagan and nixon won reelection why clinton and obama had fight for their second term. Running up margins in new york and california aint enough. You cant write off florida or ignore swing district indicates warning against sanders. But bottom line, could bernie win . Sure. Anything is possible. Donald trump is an unpopular president despite the Strong Economy to date. Top tier democrats beat trump by different margins in head to head polls like this. Same is true for pennsylvania and michigan, better gauges of who might actually win the white house. Bernie sanders has built a movement. He has momentum, but there are rational reasons to think nominating a democratic soci socialist is a real risk that could reelect donald trump. Thank you. With me now, South Carolina state senator marlin kibson, he has endorsed joe biden. Senator, welcome. Good to be with you. So i know that you call the South Carolina primaries the first real 2020 contest that reflects the Democratic Party in the country, and obviously we know that you think the former Vice President will do well in a new nbc marist poll shows that he is still the top choice among likely primary voters. My question to you is who are you most concerned could prevent biden from winning South Carolina . Well, at this point as youve and all of the commentators have suggested, Bernie Sanders. Obviously hes done well in the first three states, and our argument is simple. The first three states do not reflect the soul or the largest demographic of the Democratic Party. Thats just a fact, and so we will be drawing contrasts to the independent vermont senator Bernie Sanders. You know, i am the senator of charleston. We had the massacre at mother emmanuel, gun reform and closing the charleston loophole is a significant issue. You cannot waffle on gun reform, and so he will have to answer for his record for five times not supporting the brady bill, and being backed i tby the nra. We have a clear contrast on that issue and a number of other issues when we make the case in South Carolina. I have been in that church. I have been in that room. I have spoken with the sole survivor. Well look for that certainly to come up this evening at the debate. You bring up Bernie Sanders, and im curious, we have joe biden releasing this new ad saying that senator sanders wanted to primary president obama during his 2012 reelection bid. Sanders has denied it, but then there was a clip of him saying it twice. Watch this. My suggestion is i think, you know, and i think one of the reasons the president has been able to move so far to the right is that there is no primary opposition to him. I think it would be a good idea if president obama faced some primary opposition. Senator, do you think sanders denial and the tape add up . Its just like his medicare for all plan. It doesnt make sense, and im hoping that the commentators tonight not only ask him that question, but there are others on this stage who have not supported president barack obama. When faced with the most the most important decision of launching his campaign, he chose Vice President biden. The Affordable Care act is very popular in South Carolina. All of the South Carolina democrats have been fighting to expand the aca and expand medicaid under the aca. These issues do not comport with South Carolina voters the fact that he is for medicare for all and the fact that we have either independent or just converted democrats on the stage tonight is a subject of should be a subject of great inquiry. Where did you stand with the most Popular Democratic president in our history . President barack obama, were you for him or were you against him, and im hoping that distinction will be drawn tonight, and i know that theres one person that can say that unequivocally without fear of contradiction, and thats joe biden. I know that joe biden is really relying on this South Carolina win. He said it himself. Senator, what if he doesnt come out on top . Will that mean game over . Well, it certainly would present a very significant challenge for the Vice President because he is he said that himself. But fortunately as your polls show, he is the front runner here. He has been consistent in that status and actually, nationally when you take a look at all the average of polls, hes still the front runner and the most electable in this state. What we have is we have a number of moderates who have no chance of winning a national election, for example, tom steyer, a vote for all of these candidates who are a vote for all of these candidates that are not polling high in my view is a vote for Bernie Sanders. I say that with all due respect. At some point were going to have to consolidate the moderates in this race and really Start Talking about electability zb electability. Yeah, im hearing it. You hear it already from so many voters thinking of who best can beat donald trump. Well see how it shakes out this weekend. I think its so important how you characterize it is really South Carolina represents the soul of this country just demographically speaking. Thank you very much. Appreciate your time, sir. Thank you for having. Thank you. Coming up next, President Trump says he doesnt want foreign help in 2020. He is still refusing to acknowledge intelligence reports that russia is trying to interfere again. Well get reaction from democratic senator Tammy Duckworth skpnch duckworth. And minutes after the judge in the roger stone case blasted the president s attacks against the juror, guess what, he is now doing just that again on twitter. Stand by. People, our sales now apply to only 10 frames. A new low at visionworks, our sales are good on all of our frames. Why are you so weird . Use your tax return and get 50 off any pair. Visionworks. See the difference. Its got all my favorite shows turn oright there. Boom, i wish my Trading Platform worked like that. Well have you tried thinkorswim . This is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. Okay, its got screeners and watchlists. And you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks youre interested in. Now this is what im talking about. Yeah, itll free up more time for your. Uh, true crime shows . British baking competitions. Hm. Didnt peg you for a crumpet guy. 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Where roger stone is asking for a new trial, and sara, i cant imagine this is helpful. Reporter yeah, i dont think its going to be super helpful, and you know, the president is traveling back from india, and its unclear if hes getting news of whats happening inside of court right now, but he did, he tweeted that theres rarely been a juror so tainted as the forewoman in the roger stone case. He alleged that the juror is biased. He alleged that the judge is biased. Hes peddling more falsehoods like roger stone didnt even work on my campaign. That is a lie. This is all happening truly moments after the judge was citing the president s tweets and citing segments on fox news attacking this jury and the foreperson specifically. Thats part of the reason that the rest of this hearing that shes holding today we can only hear the audio of. We cant see any visuals of. Its possible that the judge is going to have jurors in there testifying. We are not going to see them. Shes banned anyone in this courtroom from using their name or referring to their juror number, and she cited potentially substantial threats of harm against members of the jury. Shes condemned tweets like this from the president. Obviously thats not stopping him. No, its not. Sara murray, thank you for that. Now to this, today President Trump would not say whether he believes his own Intelligence Experts conclusion that russia is trying to interfere in the november election. However, the president did say this. Okay, first of all, i want no help from any country, and i havent been given help from any country. But remember the president giving this answer when asked what he would do if a Foreign Government tried to give him information on an election opponent . I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen. I dont theres nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent. Oh, i think id want to hear it. You want that kind of interference in our elections . Its not an interference. They have information. I think id take it, if i thought there was something wrong, id go maybe to the fbi. Democratic senator Tammy Duckworth represents the state of illinois and is a member of the Armed Services committee. Senator duckworth a pleasure, welcome. Thanks for having me on. In addition to those comments we just played, the president has refused to acknowledge that russia is currently interfering with the 2020 election. Your reaction, senator duckworth . Well, its just continuing what he does all the time, which is refuses to listen to his own Intelligence Community and Intelligence Experts. The Intelligence Community, independent experts and a Bipartisan Group of senators and congressmen and women have time and again shown that the russians interfered in our 2016 elections. They attempted to interfere in the 2018 elections, and we know that theyre trying to interfere in the 2020 elections. And for the president to deny this means that hes putting our elections in jeopardy busy we need to be preparing ourselves and fighting back against the russians not denying that itner happened. It is happening whether he likes it or not. And then just for americans who are obviously concerned about their votes when they hear this, what are you hearing just as a senator about whats being done to stop this . Because we are just a week away from super tuesday. We are, so let me tell you that in illinois we were the state that the russians attacked first in 2016. They actually download our entire voter file of every voter in the state of illinois, and one of the things that weve done is made sure that every single voting machine has a paper backup. And thats what i encourage all states to do, that if youre using a voting machine you have a paper backup. When you go to cast your vote, you look at that paper backup. That is that incon tree ver shl. This does not even talk about what theyre trying to do in social media with bots sending out false information, with voter suppressions telling people not to vote, to go vote at the wrong location on the wrong date. So we really do need to push back against them, and we need to empower our Intelligence Community to do their jobs and do that. Let me turn the page and ask about Something Else the president said during this News Conference ch conference. Here he was. I dont think its a big problem. I dont think its very many people. I think we had a whistleblower who was a fake because if you look at the whistleblower as an example, if you look at his report and then you compare that to the transcripts, it bore no relationship. So that was a very sad situation and a lot of time wasted. We want to have people that are good for the country, are loyal to our country because that was a disgraceful situation. He was asked about the purge of officials, right, around him, and im wondering what do you think he meant by that. I have no idea what this president s talking about. If you look at the whistleblowers report and you look at the transcript that the white house itself issued, you know that they are very, very consistent with one another, and that transcript its not an actual transcript, by the way. Its edited. Theres a full transcript out there that the white house refuses to issue. If you look at it, theyre very much similar. This president is time and again attacking civil servants, attacking people and feels that he can do whatever he wants. He recently said hes the one who sent Rudy Giuliani to the ukraine to dig up whatever dirt he could, you know, after his impeachment, he then came out and said, after all, i did send Rudy Giuliani. The impeachment acquittal vote really has allowed this president to move forward and retaliate against people to continue to be out of control and really this is not to the benefit of the american people. Another concern of the american people, the coronavirus. The cdc was sounding the alarm today saying there will be more cases, it will spread here in the united states, and i know you were briefed on the coronavirus this morning. What were you told . And is really the question everyones wondering is are we ready . Im deeply concerned that we may not be ready. The problem is tracking all these individuals, and in fact, when i served in the military one of the things that i did was actually give presentations and discussions on pandemics, global pandemics when i was in the Army Reserves towards the end of my military career. So we have to have better coordination between the cdc and civilian authorities. In illinois we had two individuals, one woman and then she transferred to her husband, and that was the best Case Scenario of how it could be handled, and we were able to isolate both people right away and stop the spread. This is an issue thats not yet at the tipping point, and this could really spread into a global pandemic. Its not there yet, but we have to be ever vigilant. Im not sure that we have enough linkages between the cdc, for example, just to get tested and get test results can take a whole week, and thats too long to have to wait to find out whether or not someone is positive. Appreciate you raising the flag. This is definitely one of those stories everyone is concerned, thank you for being on. Coming up next, a cuban american immigrant who fled that country joins me live, what he thinks of the Democratic Front runner Bernie Sanders praising some of castros record. Dont just plan to retire. Plan to live. 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The truth is the truth, and thats what happened on the first years of the castro regime. Lets talk to al cardin, the former chair of the Republican Party in florida and a cuban immigrant who came to the u. S. With his family at the age of 11. Al, welcome back, nice to have you on. Good to be with you. Those comments were both personally disturbing and troubling to me as an american citizen. Talk to me about that. I mean, i read that you say Bernie Sanders is a nogo. Well, look, basically, you know, my personal history, a history of my family, the suffering, the lack of safety, the fleeing to the united states, hearing that response is personally troubling, but even disturbing, but even more troubling is the fact that our countrys in the midst of a global competition between Market Forces and central governments, between human rights defenders and violators between the free press and censorship. Theres a world of good and a world of evil out there. If youre going to be citing the benefits of cuba, russia, china, and north korea, and cant say that this president shows me much more than that, then youre going to have two candidates competing to see whos going to be the leader of the most significant powerful country in the world whos supposed to be matching up against these evil forces. It gives me no comfort to have these at our disposal, and frankly its a lack of understanding of the values that we represent and are supposed to defend in our country. You just alluded to the parallels, right . I mean, you think back 2016 and donald trump did something similar just on a different political scale, and now you have Bernie Sanders. Al, what does it say just about american politics that in these past two elections we have had candidates on both the left and the right who defend autocrats in some form or fashion. Its eerily similar, right . Youve got this angry base in our party that frankly represents about 30 or 35 of our electorate, but given how we given how we have delegates selection, you had other kand. Ncandidates to a cen right who split that vote and donald trump emerged victorious. Here youve got Bernie Sanders at 27, 28 . Youve got four or five candidates on the center left splitting that vote and Bernie Sanders has emerged victorious. Democrats have a rule, and that is if you dont get to 15 , you get no delegates. Those who get above 15 split it, and so right now Bernie Sanders looks like a runaway winner, in spite of what may happen in tonights debate. And frankly, between South Carolinas results and three days later super tuesday. Three days later super tuesday, its hard to predict how hes going to be stopped. You cant have four candidates on the center right or center left, excuse me competing against one guy in one lane representing the angry base of his party. So then lets finish the thought, playing it forward, and this is the what if game, if it comes down to senator sanders versus President Trump in the general election, al, what do you do . Well, im not going to vote for either. You just wont vote. I was hoping that there would be someone i was hoping somebody in the center left would emerge in which case, look, im looking for three things. Im looking for a healer. Im looking for somebody who can help restore civility in our governance, and im looking for somebody whos a problem solver. Someone who can compromise and get something done in america. Nae neither of those two candidates offer those choices in my personal comfort. Im not going to vote for either of them if those are the choices. And i have a feeling you may not be alone. Al cardenas thank you for your perspective. Thank you. Coming up next, President Trump takes his attacks on judges all the way up to the justices on the Supreme Court. Why he says justices ginsburg and sotomayor should recuse themselves from cases involving him. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months after just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. No. Uh uh, no way. Come on. No. No. N. Ni ni, no no only discover has no annual fee on any card. It took plenty of work to get here. But its still important to be prepared for whats next. At fidelity, we can help you build a clear plan for retirement without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. Well make sure you can cover the essentials, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when you have a retirement partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Heres wishing you the bluest sky before heading home after wrapping up his state visit to india, President Trump told reporters that he wants two liberal Supreme Court justices to recuse themselves from all cases involving him and his administration. I always thought that frankly that Justice Ginsburg should do it because she went wild during the campaign when i was running. I dont know who she was for, perhaps she was for hillary clinton. And then Justice Sotomayor said what she said yesterday. You know very well what she said yesterday. It was a big story, and i just dont know how they cannot recuse themselves for anything having to do with trump or trump related. That statement from Justice Sonia sotomayor was part of a dissenting opinion, which makes it tough for immigrants to obtain legal status. Jennifer rogers is a former federal prosecutor and cnn analyst and kaitlyn dickerson, a National Immigration reporter for the new york times. Thank you for being here. Can you talk a little bit more about Justice Sotomayors dissent . Sure, her language was pretty scathing, what she basically said is that the Trump Administration is crying wolf. Whats happened over and over again at this point in almost half a dozen cases is that the Trump Administration introduces a controversial policy, and all of a sudden its challenged all over the country in state court. If the administration gets a ruling it doesnt like, so they run to the Supreme Court and ask for an emergency ruling, an emergency stay and Justice Sotomayor said their cries for emergent help are ringing increasingly hollow as time goes on. She said she thought that the courts in running to the administrations help and rescue were actually treating government lawyers better than they treat death row inmates because in each case over and over again, you know, this 54 conservative majority is siding with the administration and allowing these policies to come into effect. So jen, i want your thoughts on this. Sotomayor wrote that granting emergency application often upends the normal appellate process while, quote, putting a thumb on the scale in favor of the party that won. What do you make of how the administration has continually appealed to the Supreme Court . Well, as Justice Sotomayor said its unpres dentsed, the number of emergency stays theyve been seeking. The docket of the Supreme Court, they can only take so many cases a year, so for them to keep hearing over and over these quote, unquote emergency appeals really cuts into what theyre able to do with the rest of their workload. So commenting on that issue and treating one litigant one way or a class of litigants as opposed to a class of other litigants is really pretty run of a mill for a justice to say in a dissenting opinion, particularly. What do you make of how this president we remember, i mean, he wants a recusal of sotomayor and rbg but remember back in the day when he was furious over the recusal of the then attorney general jeff sessions. So wants it one way one day and another. As is often the case, im not sure the president really knows what the rules are with respect to recusals, when they should happen, when they shouldnt happen. I also will just note the notion of rbg going wild about anything is kind of a comical notion. Shes a tough cookie, though, i will say. I saw her in person last week. Its true. Recusals in the Supreme Court are up to that particular justice. Theres no process for another person or body to decide on recus recusal. That person would have to say to themselves, i am so biased in this matter in a case in which Justice Sotomayor didnt say anything about trump himself, any personal attacks at all. There werent any attacks on the protrump justices per se to say that she would recuse over that, that she couldnt be unbiased in a matter dealing with the entire president ial administration is ludicrous. I appreciate the conversation. Were out of time, thank you both very much for coming on and talking about this. Up next, this incredible moment in the wake of kobe bryants death. A College Basketball player who spoke at his memorial setting a record on the court just hours later. Hey there Kelly Clarkson whatre you doing on our sofa . Whatre you doing on your sofa . Try wayfair. You got this woah. Yeah let me try all alright, get it blow it up thats what im talking about. Except thats my seat, so. All right, so maybe after the movie lets talk about that bedroom of yours when was she in our bedroom . Reflecting on yesterdays emotional farewell to the lakers great and his 13yearold daughter gianna. 20,000 fans watched as kobes widow vanessa and nba legends like Michael Jordan in tears shared their loss. Kobe and i have been together since i was 17 1 2 years old. I was his first girlfriend, his first love, his wife, his best friend, his confidant, and his protector. He was the most amazing husband. Kobe loved me more than i could ever express or put into words. He was the early bird, and i was the night owl. I was fire and he was ice and vice ver at times. We balanced each other out. He would do anything for me. I have no idea how i deserved a man that loved and wanted me more than kobe. He isnt going to be here to drop bianca and capri off at prek or kindergarten. He isnt going to be here to tell me to get a grip, v, when we have to leave the kindergarten classroom or show up to our daughters doctors visits for my own moral support. He isnt going to be able to walk our girls down the aisle or spin me around on the dance floor while singing pyt to me, but i want my daughters to know and remember the amazing person, husband, and father he was, the kind of man that wanted to teach the future generations to be better and keep them from making his own mistakes. Gianna bryant is an amazingly sweet and gentle soul. She was always thoughtful. She always kissed me good night and kissed me good morning. There were a few occasions when i was absolutely tired after being up with bianca and capri, and i would text and say no kiss and gianna would reply with i kissed you, but you were asleep and i didnt want to wake you. She knew how much the morning and the evening kisses meant to me. She was so thoughtful to remember to kiss me everyday. She was daddys girl, but i know that she loved her momma and she would tell me and show me how much she loved me. She was one of my very best friends. God knew that they could not be on the earth without each other. He had to bring them home to heaven together. You take care of our gigi, and i have noni, b. B. And coc oshgts a and twe are the best team. I got the know kobe bryant and he was trying to be a better person. A better basketball player. We talked about business. We talked about family. We talked about everything. And he was just trying to be a better person. Now, he has me and i have to look at another crying meme for the next i told my wife i wasnt going to do this, because i did not want to see it for the next three or four years. That is what kobe bryant does to me. The week after the accident, i was in colorado. I had a game and like i do before every game, i prayed. This time i was thinking about kobe and gigi, and his voice is still in my head even if the body is not on this earth. And all i wanted was a sign that in some way he still heard me, too. I looked off into the sky, and there it was a beautiful golden sunset, the boldest yellow, lakers yellow, and further in the distance a helicopter. There was my sign that he is forever going to be with me. I heard his voice in my head, the last line from one of his books, walk until the darkness is a memory and you become the sun on the next travelers horizon. Today may feel like darkness because he was in so many ways a sun, beaming fixed in the sky. I asked each of you, and every girl dad and every human here with a voice and a platform and a heart to not let his sun set, shine for us in the sport where he once did and invest in us with his same passion and drive as he did his own daughter. In the end, she was a sun just trying to rise and god, did she glow. May their light forever shine. Kobe and gigi, i will love you forever. And that young woman that you heard at the tail end is university of oregon basketball star sebrina ionescu, and hours after the speech, she made history on the Courts Division i player male or female to make 1,000 assists, 1,000 rebounds and 2,000 points in a career. That is for him to do it on 2 24 20 is huge and we talked about it in the preseason. I cant really put that into words and he is looking down and really proud of me, and just really happy for this moment with my team. Sebrina, congratulations. We are minutes from the closing bell as the dow is taking another hit as the global fears glow over the coronavirus. Quick break and we are back in a moment. People, our sales now apply to only 10 frames. A new low at visionworks, our sales are good on all of our frames. Why are you so weird . Use your tax return and get 50 off any pair. Visionworks. See the difference. And now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Itll all go away soon. That is not really a plan though. The lead starts right now. Confident in public, unloading in private, President Trump is trying to convince the u. S. That he and the administration are doing enough to contain the Novel Coronavirus as critics suggest that he is asleep at the wheel, andhe virus spreads. It is bernie versus the buncha and critical debate tonight and the last chance for the critical candidates to knock down the frontrunner sanders before a major chunk of the country has the say on super tuesday. Plus as President Trump is trying the weed out perceived disloyalty inside of the Trump Administration, he is ripping the liberal leaning justices on the Supreme Court and suggesting that they, too, should get out of his way. This is cnn breaking news. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper and we will start with breaking news in the money lead, and for the second day in a row, you can hear the bell. The dow is taking a dramatic hit down almost 900 points and more than 800, and the investors are rattled by the steady spread of the Novel Coronavirus and fears that Health Officials around the world, including here in the u. S. , are unprepared and we will go straight to alison kosik who is at the new york stock exchange. This is supposed to be turnaround tuesday after meltdown monday, but it is looking as the investors are still spooked. They certainly are, and we could be stuck in the downward trend for a little while longer. All of the major indices are close to the correction which is a 10 drop from the recent high. The dow is taking it on the chin and losing 2,000 points in two days. Todays trig ser the centers for Disease Control saying to expect to see

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