Transcripts For CNNW Cuomo Prime Time 20200425 : vimarsana.c

CNNW Cuomo Prime Time April 25, 2020

Thank you very much. The headline out of the white house briefing. Not what was said but what wasnt. Mr. President. The president left abruptly, without taking any questions. Unlike all the previous marathon events. A source tells cnn trump is upset over the flack hes taken for his strange and dangerous musings yesterday. And then, i said suppose that you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And i see the disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do Something Like that, by injection inside . Or or almost a cleaning. As you see it gets in the lungs. Then, today. I was asking a question sarcastically. President trump, again, trying to rewrite history, the whole world saw on television. A bizarre spectacle as the u. S. Death toll crosses 50,000 lives lost. And states unevenly start to open on their own. When they come in, we will do temperature checks. They will be required to have a mask and gloves. In georgia, now allowed to operate are hair salons, gyms, and bowling alleys. Were not trying to hurt anybody. We just want to get our business going. Defying Public Health warnings, georgia and oklahoma allowed doors to open at some businesses. Although, many chose to stay closed. In texas, kcurbside retail is open. The state pushed to restart the economy, happening from the south, the midwest, to alaska. A realtime experiment of the virus versus state policies. In south carolina, Department Stores are now open with some restrictions. Wisconsin, golf courses. And some retail, open curbside. Alaska restaurants, open at a quarter of capacity. Into the weekend and next week, more states open up. Tennessee will be allowing restaurants to open at half capacity on monday. Saying its time. It must be steady and methodical, and empower opening in a way that doesnt jeopardize all of the strides that weve made. But other local leaders say thats exactly what governors are doing by opening now. This is a premature and reckless decision on behalf of the the governor. New yorks governor warned the country must learn from our very recent history. As testing continues to be inadequate. What is the lesson . An outbreak anywhere, is an outbreak everywhere. Thats why michigans governor, facing small but vocal rightwing protests to open, is extending the stayathome order for her state until may 15th. We know that, if we do it too fast, a second wave is likely and would be even more devastating. Cnn, los angeles. All right. Our thanks to kiong. Look. The president can lie to you and say he was being sarcastic. But leadership is about ownership. All right. And the impact of his words are evident. When the mayor of las vegas, okay, points to their desert heat, as if it will protect sin city. You see, our leaders cant be in the business of selling stupid. Okay. Im not sure why the heat in vegas, heat in arizona or florida or louisiana hasnt. And you cant combat stupid if you get caught up saying stupid things. And thats why the remedy for stupid is science. Knowledge. All right. So lets deal in that with the doctor of Infectious Disease, larry brilliant. Boy, its got to be tough to live up to that name. Welcome back to primetime. Hello, chris. Youve got a name to live up to, as well. Fair point. Well done. Well done. Doesnt sound or look anywhere near as good as yours. So messaging. Okay. Youre in the business of science. But messaging matters. When it comes to what is true and what is not. Because people are always skeptical. Especially, now, especially when its coming out of politicians. Do you fear the effect of, whether its the mayor in vegas saying the heat will make a difference out here, or the president not owning the absurdity that came out of his mouth about the disinfectants. Or about hydro you know, hydroxychloroquine. Or about how testings not good or how people should liberate their states against these unfair orders. Whats in th what is the net effect . Its very difficult. You know, i looked up the use of bleach in medicine on my favorite medical search engine, called google. And all i could find was a nurse named kimberly fowler, who was a serial killer who, 12 years ago, used bleach and killed five of her patients by injecting it intravenously. She went to jail. I think she is still in jail. Its its understandable to make a wordo. Its difficult when youre in the spotlight. We all know that. But anybody should quickly correct it. People hear this, and they dont know they just dont know what to think. It just creates such confusion. I wish that people would correct mistakes. God. I make lots of mistakes but i try to correct em. Never one. We have never had an experience where this president took ownership for something that he said that was fallacious, misleading, untrue, or absurd. And, instead, he gets his friends on the friends right to say, oh, he was right about uv light. There are a lot of people. You know, theres a product out there. And thats what he was referring to. And, you know, the disinfectant thing, you know, here is what he actually said and if you look at it really closely. And he said he was being sarcastic. Not giving him the benefit of the doubt is really unfair. Not owning it is whats unfair. And then you get into the implications of it. So hydro hydroxychloroquine. Okay. It may help people. You have anecdotal evidence. We dont have the sciencebased evidence. The president was way out in front of it. Now, you got the fda putting out a strong warning. Why . And what is the state of play with that drug . You know, i had personal experience with it. Lived in india for ten years, and i had malaria at least four times. And, twice, i was treated with chloroquine. I think, once, with hydroxychloroquine. Its a brutal disease. But malaria is a thats a brutal medicine. Malarias a brutal disease. I you know, the malaria that i had was less troublesome than the chloroquine but i have to say hydroxychloroquine saves a lot of lives with malaria. But caused the drug stores to dry up, and they dont have hydroxychloroquine in store and people with lupus and other diseases, who really need it, and for which it is the proper prescription, cant get it now. So, once again, i think that we have to be careful what we say. And, look, lets lead with the science. I mean, im all for any drug that winds up making this better. If i didnt have to suffer through what i did, i would have taken anything. In fact, i did. You anything that was offered to me, i took. You know, and i know look, i know people are going to come after me after this segment and say, whoa, whoa. You know, the mayo clinic and other people use bleach and baking soda. Yeah, in baths. Im talking about ingesting it. We are talking about something very different here. Were not talking about baktith in it. Were not talking about topical applications. Were talking putting disinfectant in your body. People were doinglingoogling, n word bath, injection. So lets not make a mistake about what were focusing on here. Now, the future. Athome tests are coming out. But theyre still dependent on the supplies that we cant get. Right . The reagent. The swabs. So what do you think the future looks like, lets say, the next ten months . Im optimistic, if you give me ten months, if you strict. If you strirestrict me to a monr two, its going to be a close call. The pinprick test. Everybody in the business knows thats what we need and we need it widespread. I heard tony fauci, yesterday, say at the time 100 event that he thought we would need 1. 5 million tests a month. Thats getting up to the numbers i think were going to have. Eventually, i think well have hundreds mf hundreds of millions of tests that are available, without a prich prescription. You can call the drug store and have it delivered to you. Until we have that, were blinded by not knowing where this dangerous virus is. And dont get wowed by the numbers, you at home, and say this is unreasonable. You guys are asking too much. We do the same thing with the flu. We get flus. The tests. Same kind of issues about a vaccine. This is not unnormal to have to scale up is not unnormal. To reopen, to do things where you dont know what you are unleashing by doing it, that is a he whats not normal. Dr. Larry brilliant, thank you. Thank you, chris, be well. You, too, sir. You, too. Up next, were taking you to the front lines. All right. The fight against coronavirus. Dr. Anthony leno is saving lives in new york hotspot. He has good reason to believe this virus was among us as early as january. Why . Answer, next. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again there is no let up. Why . Because flattening means the rate of increase of cases is going down. So people on the front lines have been overwhelmed from jump. That means they are still overwhe overwhelmed. Severely stick patients, still coming in. More than they can handle. The doctor you see here is anthony leno. He had to pronounce six people dead, in one shift. Okay. The average is about one. So, please, dont buy into this hype. This is what they signed up for. This is what they do. Please. Okay . Not under these circumstances. Not without the protective kbge they assumed was there and under equipped and overwhelmed. Dr. Leno is director of emergency medicine at a hospital thats been a major hotspot here in new york state. St. Joes Medical Center in yonkers. Bless you and your colleagues for keeping the rest of us safe. Thank you, chris, its good to be with you tonight. We cant let fatigue get in the way of the facts. I know we want to reopen. I know its not fair to you that people are being so selfish. Remind people, what is your daily reality, now that everype think things are Getting Better . Its no doubt we are on the back side of the peak, which is good. Were not seeing it like we were several weeks ago. But, in no way has this been easy. Theres still a lot of people, particularly the older folks coming in from nursing homes, illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, emphysema, were hit particularly hard by this. We do everything we can for them. But there theres clearly such a risk to them. And its so sad when you watch people just go through what they go through. Particularly, when theyre alone. What is the hardest part, medically, with what youre dealing with right now . I think, medically, we all trained. We had a blueprint, a game plan of how we approach things. This disease has been so devastating. People have been so rapid deterioration that we cannot almost keep up with it. Weve gotten a lot better. Weve gotten a lot better, as weve gone on at it. But its still been difficult to to treat. You know, one of the most basic things that we figured out is proning. I know other people have talked about this. By getting people on their stomach, they tend to breathe much better that way. Which is kind of counterintuitive. Most people that have respiratory failure, we tended to intubate as an aggressive, early intervention. And they did better. In this case, its not. And we had to learn that on the fly. Fortunately, theres some national, collective data that comes out. So when you stay up on it, you make these adjustments and your staff makes these adjustments on the fly. Now, you mentioned something earlier that i know you cant train for. The emotional toll. Yes, youve had to watch people die. Youre not a newbie. You are aware of the realities. Six in a day, six times the average. People dying alone. This is new. You guys are having to go above and beyond to be consolers. To be the last face that people see because they cant have their families. Weve heard stories, all over the country, that just break my heart about you guys using facetime so families can see their loved ones. Thats about you people, its not about policy. How hard is it for you, emotionally, to be in those situations . Its crushing to do it time after time. Weve all been had tough days. Weve all had particularly tough and heartbreaking cases. Its unusual to have so many work all day, and then go home, go to bed. And then hit it again the next day, in the same way, and realize that the same thing is going to happen. None of us theres no way to train for that. Its just hard. Particularly, a lot of the people who went into the hospital were having conversations with their family because they cant feel good. In generic terms or maybe they had a cough and a fever. Who would imagine that, in a very, very relatively short time, they would have had respiratory failure, potentially been intubated, and never have gotten to spoke to speak to their family again. The next time the family is talking to somebody, we would call them for updates. But being so pressed for time, theres only so much time you can spend on a phone. And, at some point, im on the phone, discussing with a family member, the death of their loved one, time and time again. And that is just soul crushing for all of us. What are you seeing in your staff . What kind of toll is this taking . Not just the hours. Not Walking Around like spacemen in ppe, if youre blessed to have all that you need. Having to take this home, to the extent that hthey get home. Not being able to have close contact with their own loved ones because theyre worried about what theyre bringing home. Having this emotional disconnect between families and their loved ones. What do you see in the faces of the people youre working with . Its across the board. Youll see people get angry, disproportionately, to the events that are happening. Youll see people randomly sit at the desk and maybe break down and start crying. Somebody will say, you know, whats wrong . We all know whats wrong. But theres only so much you can do. Eventually, that release valve just comes out. And sometimes people just had to step back for at least a few minutes. Sort of catch their breath. Because the next patient is coming in and you have to go back after it again. I know how maddening it is for you guys to rear recklehear voices in politics that only create more strain for you and danger for the people you are going to be treating. Youre not a politician. I know you believe you saw cases as far back as january. Im not going to put any political burden on you because that is a controversial thing right now. The data will tell us the truth about how long its been around, and were certainly wrong about everything we thought, so far, about cases and density and timing. Well see what the reality is about how long we have been dealing with this. But here is what we know for sure. Dr. Leno, you are the best of us, and, please, convey our love and our respect to the men and women who are doing the job for you up in yonkers at st. Joes. I really will, and i appreciate your support. Were in the eye of the storm, and were going to continue to hang to tin to the greatest pose extent we can. You are the best of us. Taking care of the rest of us and, without you, we have no shot. So be well, stay healthy. And let me know whatever you need, were a call away. All right . Thank you, sir. Thank you. Now, yes. Yes. New york. Coronavirus epicenter. Right . The Navajo Nation is not far behind. The what . The thNavajo Nation. Since when did we talk about reservations . Since when did since now. It has the countrys thirdhighest rate of Coronavirus Infection. Why . You will be disgusted by the reason why. You will be appalled at what they are trying to do, what they have to do, to get help. Please, watch the next segment, right after this. Why buy scented oil plugins that dont last as long . Switch to air wick for fragrance that lasts up to 60 days. Thats 20 longer than other brands. So your home smells true to nature for longer. Switch to air wick. My schizophrenia for a while, and then my kids asked me why my body was rocking back and forth. 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It is good to see you, sir, thank you for being with us. Good evening, chris, and thank you for having us on the show. Well, look. Im sorry it took this, and im sorry its under these circumstances. Please, let the audience understand what youre dealing with. Well, as of this evening, chris, we have total number of tests that ive given are 9,360. So we have been aggressively testing our sit zecitizens heree Navajo Nation. Negative result, 6,893. And we have 58 deaths here on the nation. 27,000 square miles of land. 350,000, population here of navajo citizens. And, chris, let me just say that i want to say thank you to your brother. Hes doing a great job. Andrew.

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