Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20190710 : vimars

CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront July 10, 2019

Nas President Trumps attitude tonight, according to a Senior Administration official. And its all about the growing calls for trumps embattled hand picked labor secretary to resign for not prosecuting jeffrey epstein. Epstein is accused of raping younger girls. The president sending alex acosta before cameras for an hour to defend himself. And acosta performed a audience everyone. He was unapologyist fiercely defending his role in securing the sweetheart deal in 2008 for epstein. A state grand jury brought that single, completely unacceptable charge. A state official allowed epstein to selfsurrender. I wanted to help him. That is why we intervened. We did what we did because we wanted to see epstein go to jail. He needed to go to jail. There was value to getting a guilty plea. You can always look at a play after the fact and say should it have been the safe play or gone for the big score . Well acosta certainly went for the safe play. Despite authorities having evidence that epstein skauly abused dozens of teenage girls. The deal hammered out resulted in epstein serving 13 months in a county jail. Allowed to leave every day six day as week for 12 hours a day. If epstein had been convicted he could have served life behind bars. That was a sweetheart deal. Yes acosta today portrayed himself as a hero. There is a value to a sure guilty plea, because letting him walk, letting what the state attorney was ready to do go forward would have been absolutely awful. Simply put. The Palm Beach State Attorneys Office was ready to let epstein walk free, no jail time, nothing. Okay. Just to say it again, because of acostas deal epstein was able to walk out of jail six day as week for 12 hours a day process when pressed by Katlyn Collins whether he would make the same agreement today ep sfeen said he couldnt say. Why well he says times have changed. That doesnt add up. Hoon here is why under acostas watch at the same time he hammered out that ep teen steel same time frame, there were other sex traffics case that is acosta prosecuted. They resulted in much tougher sentences. Meantime, back at the white house negotiable echos what acosta claimed today when it comes to having President Trumps full throated support. How would you describe your relationship with the president . Do you feel the news of the cycle here with epstein is caning that . My relationship with the president is outstanding. He has i think very publicly made clear that that ive got his support. He called me this morning to say if asked that our relationship is excellent too. Pamela brown is outfront live outside the white house. And pamela we marry acostas version of what trump thinks. What did trump think of what acosta did today, that defiant hour long question and ansari. Over embattled secretary acosta is getting high marks from the white house over the nearly hour long press conference that trump directed him to do. White house officials tell me he still does have the president s support and the president wants him to keep his job. Now, Vice President pence he spoke moments ago and he said that the administration welcomes acostas explanation for that controversial 2008 plea deal that critics as you ointed out laid out there say was inadequate. Now here at the white house erin im told the posture is to find the controversy and stand behind the labor secretary. Nas not always been the case in the past with a cabinet secretaries under fire. But as one source put it to me President Trump has an affinity for secretary acosta but of course this could all change depending on the news coverage, how long is lasts, how much of a political liability he becomes. But as you pointed out, erin acosta remained defiant, unapology etic today, portrayed himself as the hero who intervened to zbif epstein a stiffer punishment nan the state level but epsteins victims feel let down by him and wanted him to do more. For now the administration appears to be standing behind him and accept his explanation and the hope here erin is that this controversy will die down soon like it did earlier this year when the plea deal acosta reached with epstein first came under the scrutiny. Earn. Pamela, thank you very much. Now hard to imagine how that could be obviously as more comes as this case comes out all the pictures of the young girls and epsteins safe and those herbal headlines will keep crassing. Harry sand deck is it former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Gloria boringer our chief political analyst analyst. A former Trump Campaign aide who says he raised concerns about trumps relationship with epstein before the president ial campaign. Harry, acosta basically pointed the finger at the state of florida. Not me not my problem i did the best i could. Just moments ago the former pauch beach state foreign is slamming back at acosta. I want to read his statement. I can emphatically state that mr. Acostas recollection of the matter is completely wrong. Federal prosecutors do not stake a back seat to the state prosecutors thats not how the system works in the real world. Do you buy acostas argument is that it was the state not him. Not at all. The states attorney is right. The u. S. Attorney has tremendous power, tremendous discretion and there were all of the investigative leads that apparently were not followed even without following those leads they had a 50page draft indictment charging epstein with all sorts of serious crimes. And for reasons that we still dont fully understand acosta in his plea negotiations gave it all away. The things he talked about today, about deferring to the state district attorney, or about needing to be mindful of the department of justice, and that the defense lawyers kept making appeals, none of those things add up. Why didnt he get a search warrant to get the images the u. S. Attorney in new york got a few days ago . Why did he immunize the coconspiratorers instead of charging them to getting them to cooperate to build a case. Why dionte make a public search for victims like here in new york to bring out more evidence . All of these are mysterious to me. I mean, theyre mysterious and bizarre, gloria, annapolis you just say money and power is just able to trump anything, including the rule of on those charged with upholding it. Trump told acosta to hold the presser today. Acosta does in defiant performance. And makes sure its been happening to me a lot groery i hear you let me play the sound bite. Here is what acosta said about trump. My relationship with the president is outstanding. He has i think very publicly made clear that that ive got his support. All right. So thats acostas version. Everything is wonderful he is fully behind me. Yesterday, gloria, trump said this. I met secretary acosta this is the first time i know when i made the deal to bring him on into the administration. I can tell you that for two and a half years he has been just an excellent secretary of labor. He has done a fantastic job. Part of it is our economy is so good, unemployment numbers at record lows. You know, so many good things happening. Sew clearly gave himself an out, groeria, then acosta gives this performance. Did he save himself in trumps eyes today. He might have. Youre not hearing any screeches out of the white house . They believe he behaved appropriately. One thing he did which the president likes is he refused to aapologize, not at all. He was given lots of opportunities to apologize to these victims. And he didnt. And if you work for donald trump, an apology is seen as weakness. The president would look at him today saying well he explained his position well. He had a 53minute press conference and seemed rational. And i think for now at least the president will be watching to see what the public reaction is going forward. So, sam, let me just play what acosta said today about epstein. Because you know obviously it doesnt fit with the tone of it what he chose to do in the sweetheart deal. He is a bad man. And he needs to be put away. So putting aside, sam, that epstein could have been put away for life if convicted in flo if acosta hadnt give behind him the sweet team he Miami Epstein in the years the miami melander dates back to 2001. When he said ive known jeff for 15 years. A lot of fun to be with. Its even said he likes beautiful women as much as i could and many on the younger side. Look, you told the new york times, sam that you raised concerns about trumps relationship with ep teen and did it early, even before the formal campaign. What do you know about their relationship. I know that the relationship as the president said yesterday had come to a close. There was an issue that the president alluded to to me that happened at the club. And he said that he had not spoken to epstein in many years. He is completely barred from any of his properties. And he was actually very disgusted when he spoke about epstein. He he said that he would something along the lines of that in the guy was a real creep was i think the word he used to me. This was an issue if you remember in around late, mid140u9 there were civil actions against epstein and there was going to be a lot of circumstances coming out about bill clinton we had thought in light of what we had heard from the national enquirer. The president was forthcoming about this as well as opposed to other times i spoke to him and he didnt want to talk about certain issues. Which i understand. Im just curious, in your view then, if he was obviously said he was a creep and he is disgusted. You know, obviously and the quote he gave it didnt sound like that. It sounds like he knew about young women. He said on the younger side. But i dont think he knew about underage women was the impression i got. I dont think he knew about these underage women or any conduct like that. You could say a lot of things about donald trump. Erin ive said them on your show. Behavior like this is something that he finds absolutely appalling. And i would assume he is very happy. Why with you worried about relationship. We wanted to know i wanted to get exactly his story because as you know in any Campaign Issues like this would be brought up. And especially because epstein was going to be an issue that was brought up in conservative media on fox news, on breitbart. There was lots of talk about it in conservative radio. And the president did have an association with him which was public, including already reported in the new York Magazine profile, erin, that he had been upon epsteins plane. But i think the president. Yes, that is true. But from what i heard from not only the president and then mr. Trump but also people in his office they did not have communication at all for a long time. So harry i want to play what acosta said today when asked if he would make the same agreement today. As gloria said, no apology. That might have been what succeeded at the white house. But let me play that part harry. The questions are always very difficult. Because we now have 12 years of knowledge and hindsight and we live in a are have different world. Todays world treats victims very, very differently. Todays world does not allow some of the victim shaming that could have taken place at trial. 12 years ago. Harry, i pointed out he did prosecute go ahead with other cases at the same time, sex trafficking getting longer sentences than he was able to get in the epstein deal. Does his answer add up. Not to me. Its not matter of hindsight. Prosecutors, state and federal prosecutors have as long as i can recall made cases involving exploitation of children, whether its child pornography, sex trafficking, rape of children, to be among the highest priorities that they have. Everyone i knew when i was a prosecutor, including me, had cases that involved some issue of Child Exploitation in your career. And you made those your top priority. The idea that only in hindsight do we see this as a serious crime, i i dont understand what he is talking about. Its hard you know, its hard, erin. Gloria. Etches allowed to plead guilty to pros fusion. This isnt prostitution. S in rape this is rape of child. And i dont think secretary acosta explained that well. When he was asked today you know he was asked today do you think the young women were prostitutes, his answer was no. Yet in the agreement thats exactly what they were called. And still he found no need to show any regret, and no need to apologize, and really need no need to explain including what new evidence he talked about the Southern District of new york has that he did not have. After all, he did have 36 victims. 36 victims. I mean. Yeah. Just think about the time thats passed. And now more people young women. Its horrible. Thank you all very much. Thanks. Outfront next trumps fed chairman insists he will not go anywhere, even though the president keeps threatening. I have the right to demote him. I have the right to fire him. Plus exacts just wrapping up a meeting to go over the game plan for Robert Muellers crucial, highly anticipated testimony. So what are they going to do on the asylum crisis . To want we go to the Mexican Border town where thousands of mierpgts are waiting fearing for their lives as they wait to be called. Have you heard of people saying i dont want to wait in line anymore . Im going to sneak in illegally and tried to avoid being caught. Stand up to chronic migraine with botox®. What if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month . Botox® prevents headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® injections take about 15 minutes in your Doctors Office and are covered by most insurance. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life threatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. With the botox® savings program, most people with commercial insurance pay nothing out of pocket. Talk to your doctor and visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to enroll. Girl dad keep on watching amazing, honey. horn tooting who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies kraft. For the win win. When didwhen i needed ton . Ajumpstart sales. S build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. But i never had the time and then i tried babbel. [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. Youre learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. After just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. speaking in french language now im speaking french. Babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. Try babbel free today, go to babbel. Com or download the app. Tonight defiant Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell telling lawmakers he would not leave if President Trump tried to fire him. If you got call from the president today or tomorrow and he said im firing you pack up its time to go. What would you do . Well, of course i would not do that. I mean, that was a matter of fact answer. Its taking on the president , standing firm. Waters went on to ask powell why. Why would he refuse to leave if President Trump fired him . Because you think the president doesnt have the authority . Is that why you would not leave . I have i have kind of said what ive intended to say on the subject. And what ive said is that the law clearly gives me a fouryear term and i fully intend to serve it. Now to be clear the law says trump canned cant fire powell without cause. The president , know, begs to differ. I have the right to demote him. I have the right to i have the right to fire him. All right. Just to be clear, President Trump hired powell. He didnt hernt powell. Powell is his guy. Trump has been angry at powells decision over time to raise Interest Rates. Something trump thinks could hurt his economic record. But thats not cause to fire the chief of the most powerful and important central bank on earth, because its independent. Outfront now, peter nofr o assist to the president direct of the office and trade and manufacturing policy. Great to have you with you. I appreciate having you back, peter. Great to be here. What did you make of what Jerome Powell had to are leave. If President Trump asked him to leave and he wouldnt do that. What i heard today from Jerome Powell that was meaningful was that he was going to lower Interest Rates this month. Let me make the case as to why we in the white house are so disturbed by what powell has done. Basically, jay powell when he auditioned for that job he promised the president that he would be dovish on Interest Rates. And starting in march of 2018 he did four Interest Rate hikes of 100 basis points. Now if you use the fed model to basically determine what would happen with the 100 basis points, what we have was an 8 increase in the valve the dollar. What does that do . Makes our exports for expensive. Imports coming in annan the get the deficit up ancestor the feds model says we lost half a point of growth over time because of this. We lost closed to 400,000 jobs and our trade deficit goes up by 170 billion. President trump. But here is what im concerned you started to answer my question you used the words auditioned and promised. Those sort of. He did. Yeah. I think you make a lot of people nervous. The fed is supposed to be independent. When the fed kmarm. As the fed chief. When the fed chairman comes in when somebody comes in for the job they should be forthright about what theyre going to do and what they say theyre going to do they should do. But here is the point let me thin finish the point this is the point. What the right thing is today. We have a President Trump<\/a>s attitude tonight, according to a Senior Administration<\/a> official. And its all about the growing calls for trumps embattled hand picked labor secretary to resign for not prosecuting jeffrey epstein. Epstein is accused of raping younger girls. The president sending alex acosta before cameras for an hour to defend himself. And acosta performed a audience everyone. He was unapologyist fiercely defending his role in securing the sweetheart deal in 2008 for epstein. A state grand jury brought that single, completely unacceptable charge. A state official allowed epstein to selfsurrender. I wanted to help him. That is why we intervened. We did what we did because we wanted to see epstein go to jail. He needed to go to jail. There was value to getting a guilty plea. You can always look at a play after the fact and say should it have been the safe play or gone for the big score . Well acosta certainly went for the safe play. Despite authorities having evidence that epstein skauly abused dozens of teenage girls. The deal hammered out resulted in epstein serving 13 months in a county jail. Allowed to leave every day six day as week for 12 hours a day. If epstein had been convicted he could have served life behind bars. That was a sweetheart deal. Yes acosta today portrayed himself as a hero. There is a value to a sure guilty plea, because letting him walk, letting what the state attorney was ready to do go forward would have been absolutely awful. Simply put. The Palm Beach State Attorneys Office<\/a> was ready to let epstein walk free, no jail time, nothing. Okay. Just to say it again, because of acostas deal epstein was able to walk out of jail six day as week for 12 hours a day process when pressed by Katlyn Collins<\/a> whether he would make the same agreement today ep sfeen said he couldnt say. Why well he says times have changed. That doesnt add up. Hoon here is why under acostas watch at the same time he hammered out that ep teen steel same time frame, there were other sex traffics case that is acosta prosecuted. They resulted in much tougher sentences. Meantime, back at the white house negotiable echos what acosta claimed today when it comes to having President Trump<\/a>s full throated support. How would you describe your relationship with the president . Do you feel the news of the cycle here with epstein is caning that . My relationship with the president is outstanding. He has i think very publicly made clear that that ive got his support. He called me this morning to say if asked that our relationship is excellent too. Pamela brown is outfront live outside the white house. And pamela we marry acostas version of what trump thinks. What did trump think of what acosta did today, that defiant hour long question and ansari. Over embattled secretary acosta is getting high marks from the white house over the nearly hour long press conference that trump directed him to do. White house officials tell me he still does have the president s support and the president wants him to keep his job. Now, Vice President<\/a> pence he spoke moments ago and he said that the administration welcomes acostas explanation for that controversial 2008 plea deal that critics as you ointed out laid out there say was inadequate. Now here at the white house erin im told the posture is to find the controversy and stand behind the labor secretary. Nas not always been the case in the past with a cabinet secretaries under fire. But as one source put it to me President Trump<\/a> has an affinity for secretary acosta but of course this could all change depending on the news coverage, how long is lasts, how much of a political liability he becomes. But as you pointed out, erin acosta remained defiant, unapology etic today, portrayed himself as the hero who intervened to zbif epstein a stiffer punishment nan the state level but epsteins victims feel let down by him and wanted him to do more. For now the administration appears to be standing behind him and accept his explanation and the hope here erin is that this controversy will die down soon like it did earlier this year when the plea deal acosta reached with epstein first came under the scrutiny. Earn. Pamela, thank you very much. Now hard to imagine how that could be obviously as more comes as this case comes out all the pictures of the young girls and epsteins safe and those herbal headlines will keep crassing. Harry sand deck is it former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District<\/a> of new york. Gloria boringer our chief political analyst analyst. A former Trump Campaign<\/a> aide who says he raised concerns about trumps relationship with epstein before the president ial campaign. Harry, acosta basically pointed the finger at the state of florida. Not me not my problem i did the best i could. Just moments ago the former pauch beach state foreign is slamming back at acosta. I want to read his statement. I can emphatically state that mr. Acostas recollection of the matter is completely wrong. Federal prosecutors do not stake a back seat to the state prosecutors thats not how the system works in the real world. Do you buy acostas argument is that it was the state not him. Not at all. The states attorney is right. The u. S. Attorney has tremendous power, tremendous discretion and there were all of the investigative leads that apparently were not followed even without following those leads they had a 50page draft indictment charging epstein with all sorts of serious crimes. And for reasons that we still dont fully understand acosta in his plea negotiations gave it all away. The things he talked about today, about deferring to the state district attorney, or about needing to be mindful of the department of justice, and that the defense lawyers kept making appeals, none of those things add up. Why didnt he get a search warrant to get the images the u. S. Attorney in new york got a few days ago . Why did he immunize the coconspiratorers instead of charging them to getting them to cooperate to build a case. Why dionte make a public search for victims like here in new york to bring out more evidence . All of these are mysterious to me. I mean, theyre mysterious and bizarre, gloria, annapolis you just say money and power is just able to trump anything, including the rule of on those charged with upholding it. Trump told acosta to hold the presser today. Acosta does in defiant performance. And makes sure its been happening to me a lot groery i hear you let me play the sound bite. Here is what acosta said about trump. My relationship with the president is outstanding. He has i think very publicly made clear that that ive got his support. All right. So thats acostas version. Everything is wonderful he is fully behind me. Yesterday, gloria, trump said this. I met secretary acosta this is the first time i know when i made the deal to bring him on into the administration. I can tell you that for two and a half years he has been just an excellent secretary of labor. He has done a fantastic job. Part of it is our economy is so good, unemployment numbers at record lows. You know, so many good things happening. Sew clearly gave himself an out, groeria, then acosta gives this performance. Did he save himself in trumps eyes today. He might have. Youre not hearing any screeches out of the white house . They believe he behaved appropriately. One thing he did which the president likes is he refused to aapologize, not at all. He was given lots of opportunities to apologize to these victims. And he didnt. And if you work for donald trump, an apology is seen as weakness. The president would look at him today saying well he explained his position well. He had a 53minute press conference and seemed rational. And i think for now at least the president will be watching to see what the public reaction is going forward. So, sam, let me just play what acosta said today about epstein. Because you know obviously it doesnt fit with the tone of it what he chose to do in the sweetheart deal. He is a bad man. And he needs to be put away. So putting aside, sam, that epstein could have been put away for life if convicted in flo if acosta hadnt give behind him the sweet team he Miami Epstein<\/a> in the years the miami melander dates back to 2001. When he said ive known jeff for 15 years. A lot of fun to be with. Its even said he likes beautiful women as much as i could and many on the younger side. Look, you told the new york times, sam that you raised concerns about trumps relationship with ep teen and did it early, even before the formal campaign. What do you know about their relationship. I know that the relationship as the president said yesterday had come to a close. There was an issue that the president alluded to to me that happened at the club. And he said that he had not spoken to epstein in many years. He is completely barred from any of his properties. And he was actually very disgusted when he spoke about epstein. He he said that he would something along the lines of that in the guy was a real creep was i think the word he used to me. This was an issue if you remember in around late, mid140u9 there were civil actions against epstein and there was going to be a lot of circumstances coming out about bill clinton we had thought in light of what we had heard from the national enquirer. The president was forthcoming about this as well as opposed to other times i spoke to him and he didnt want to talk about certain issues. Which i understand. Im just curious, in your view then, if he was obviously said he was a creep and he is disgusted. You know, obviously and the quote he gave it didnt sound like that. It sounds like he knew about young women. He said on the younger side. But i dont think he knew about underage women was the impression i got. I dont think he knew about these underage women or any conduct like that. You could say a lot of things about donald trump. Erin ive said them on your show. Behavior like this is something that he finds absolutely appalling. And i would assume he is very happy. Why with you worried about relationship. We wanted to know i wanted to get exactly his story because as you know in any Campaign Issues<\/a> like this would be brought up. And especially because epstein was going to be an issue that was brought up in conservative media on fox news, on breitbart. There was lots of talk about it in conservative radio. And the president did have an association with him which was public, including already reported in the new York Magazine<\/a> profile, erin, that he had been upon epsteins plane. But i think the president. Yes, that is true. But from what i heard from not only the president and then mr. Trump but also people in his office they did not have communication at all for a long time. So harry i want to play what acosta said today when asked if he would make the same agreement today. As gloria said, no apology. That might have been what succeeded at the white house. But let me play that part harry. The questions are always very difficult. Because we now have 12 years of knowledge and hindsight and we live in a are have different world. Todays world treats victims very, very differently. Todays world does not allow some of the victim shaming that could have taken place at trial. 12 years ago. Harry, i pointed out he did prosecute go ahead with other cases at the same time, sex trafficking getting longer sentences than he was able to get in the epstein deal. Does his answer add up. Not to me. Its not matter of hindsight. Prosecutors, state and federal prosecutors have as long as i can recall made cases involving exploitation of children, whether its child pornography, sex trafficking, rape of children, to be among the highest priorities that they have. Everyone i knew when i was a prosecutor, including me, had cases that involved some issue of Child Exploitation<\/a> in your career. And you made those your top priority. The idea that only in hindsight do we see this as a serious crime, i i dont understand what he is talking about. Its hard you know, its hard, erin. Gloria. Etches allowed to plead guilty to pros fusion. This isnt prostitution. S in rape this is rape of child. And i dont think secretary acosta explained that well. When he was asked today you know he was asked today do you think the young women were prostitutes, his answer was no. Yet in the agreement thats exactly what they were called. And still he found no need to show any regret, and no need to apologize, and really need no need to explain including what new evidence he talked about the Southern District<\/a> of new york has that he did not have. After all, he did have 36 victims. 36 victims. I mean. Yeah. Just think about the time thats passed. And now more people young women. Its horrible. Thank you all very much. Thanks. Outfront next trumps fed chairman insists he will not go anywhere, even though the president keeps threatening. I have the right to demote him. I have the right to fire him. Plus exacts just wrapping up a meeting to go over the game plan for Robert Muellers<\/a> crucial, highly anticipated testimony. So what are they going to do on the asylum crisis . To want we go to the Mexican Border<\/a> town where thousands of mierpgts are waiting fearing for their lives as they wait to be called. Have you heard of people saying i dont want to wait in line anymore . Im going to sneak in illegally and tried to avoid being caught. Stand up to chronic migraine with botox\u00ae. What if you had fewer headaches and migraines a month . Botox\u00ae prevents headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox\u00ae is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox\u00ae injections take about 15 minutes in your Doctors Office<\/a> and are covered by most insurance. Effects of botox\u00ae may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life threatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox\u00ae if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. With the botox\u00ae savings program, most people with commercial insurance pay nothing out of pocket. Talk to your doctor and visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to enroll. Girl dad keep on watching amazing, honey. horn tooting who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies kraft. For the win win. When didwhen i needed ton . Ajumpstart sales. S build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. But i never had the time and then i tried babbel. [announcer] babbel, the number one selling language learning app in the world. Youre learning phrases that you can use right away in real life conversations. After just four weeks i was feeling confident enough to have simple conversations in french. speaking in french language now im speaking french. Babbel, the quick way to get conversational in a new language. Try babbel free today, go to babbel. Com or download the app. Tonight defiant Federal Reserve<\/a> chairman Jerome Powell<\/a> telling lawmakers he would not leave if President Trump<\/a> tried to fire him. If you got call from the president today or tomorrow and he said im firing you pack up its time to go. What would you do . Well, of course i would not do that. I mean, that was a matter of fact answer. Its taking on the president , standing firm. Waters went on to ask powell why. Why would he refuse to leave if President Trump<\/a> fired him . Because you think the president doesnt have the authority . Is that why you would not leave . I have i have kind of said what ive intended to say on the subject. And what ive said is that the law clearly gives me a fouryear term and i fully intend to serve it. Now to be clear the law says trump canned cant fire powell without cause. The president , know, begs to differ. I have the right to demote him. I have the right to i have the right to fire him. All right. Just to be clear, President Trump<\/a> hired powell. He didnt hernt powell. Powell is his guy. Trump has been angry at powells decision over time to raise Interest Rates<\/a>. Something trump thinks could hurt his economic record. But thats not cause to fire the chief of the most powerful and important central bank on earth, because its independent. Outfront now, peter nofr o assist to the president direct of the office and trade and manufacturing policy. Great to have you with you. I appreciate having you back, peter. Great to be here. What did you make of what Jerome Powell<\/a> had to are leave. If President Trump<\/a> asked him to leave and he wouldnt do that. What i heard today from Jerome Powell<\/a> that was meaningful was that he was going to lower Interest Rates<\/a> this month. Let me make the case as to why we in the white house are so disturbed by what powell has done. Basically, jay powell when he auditioned for that job he promised the president that he would be dovish on Interest Rates<\/a>. And starting in march of 2018 he did four Interest Rate<\/a> hikes of 100 basis points. Now if you use the fed model to basically determine what would happen with the 100 basis points, what we have was an 8 increase in the valve the dollar. What does that do . Makes our exports for expensive. Imports coming in annan the get the deficit up ancestor the feds model says we lost half a point of growth over time because of this. We lost closed to 400,000 jobs and our trade deficit goes up by 170 billion. President trump. But here is what im concerned you started to answer my question you used the words auditioned and promised. Those sort of. He did. Yeah. I think you make a lot of people nervous. The fed is supposed to be independent. When the fed kmarm. As the fed chief. When the fed chairman comes in when somebody comes in for the job they should be forthright about what theyre going to do and what they say theyre going to do they should do. But here is the point let me thin finish the point this is the point. What the right thing is today. We have a Monetary Policy<\/a> that is going to cost the American People<\/a> more than a half point of growth, a higher trade deficit and close to 400,000 jobs. And what we need to do and what we think the fed will do based upon what Jerome Powell<\/a> said today is start to lower Interest Rates<\/a>. Halfway through that, erin you know this well because you used to be a financial anchor. Halfway through the feds Interest Rate<\/a> hike, the yield curve started to invert. You can see that clearly meaning for the viewers that the long bond Interest Rates<\/a> began to decline signaling very clearly that powell had made the wrong decision. So, you know, my bottom line i run the office of trade and manufacturing policy. This is a president that created 5 million jobs, half a Million Manufacturing<\/a> jobs got a million more people in the workforce. Every day he gets up, lives and breathes putting American People<\/a> back to work particularly those working with their hands. And we try so hard every day and when the fed. The there are some argue that reason he had to change course is because of the trade war. But to finish my point. But when jerome paul hold hold on its important you talked to the president you know what he is thinking. Sure. If you got a call from the president today or tomorrow and side im firing you with what would you do, powell, of course i would not do that. Have you talked to the president about his reaction to that what he thinks about what Jerome Powell<\/a> is saying. He basically told him to take a hike. My role from a policy point of view is to point out what the implications of jay powell raising Interest Rates<\/a> by 100 basis points from march through december of 2018. Its going to cost us more than half a point of growth, close to 400,000 jobs. And its going to spike our trade deficit. And what it does is it undoes all the good things we were doing in terms of trade policy, tax policy and regulatory policy. So we cant fight the fed. We dont want to fight the fed lets be encouraged by what jay powell said. Clearly the market interpreted his remarks as the fed likely to cut Interest Rates<\/a> in july. En and i hope he goes 50 basis points. The market went First Time Ever<\/a> over 3,000. And what were about, erin, at that white house this is very different from any president in many, many decades, were about creating good jobs and good paying wages. We have the lowest unemployment rates for women, blacks, hispanics and the general population got rising wages and the fed chairman is trying to undo that. So get a little annoyed with the fed chairman when he doesnt read the tea leaves correctly. I full stop. I i think that many would take issue and rightfully so with you trying to characterize the kmarm of the u. S. Federal reserve as saying he is trying to undo Economic Growth<\/a> in the United States<\/a>. The record is clear, erin. He raised 100 basis points from march. He is trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. He is not trying to undo and hurt the economy. Look, it was either a rookie mistake or he is not fit for the job. He is not an economist. Thats for sure. 100 basis points hikes, the dollar goes up by 8 . And its going to cost half a point of growth or more and hundreds of thousands of jobs. Thats not goods for the American People<\/a>. I think hes got the message. Wall street huss given him the messages. His member of the board of governors have given the message. The president has given the the message. He has dovish today. Do you think part of the problem is the sanctions on the trade war that you all have the talk that youve been doing caused the economy to weaken and caused powell to have to move the other way. So the economy has not weakened. Would you consider that thats the way its going. There is nothing to suggest that the economy has weakened. We had record numbers on the unemployment rate. But what i like to do is as Wayne Gretsky<\/a> said is skate where the public is going to be. I worry when the fed raises rates high and the currency is overvalued that hurts exporters. Im worried about what happens in the next two, three four quarters of next year if the fed makes rookie mistakes like that. I think were back on track. The fed was powell was encouraging today. But we cant make those kinds of mistakes. He has an important job, and he made a mistake. I think everybody believes qb i dont know anybody who is defending what he did. They defend the independence of the fed but nobody evidence defends jay powell for raising rates 100 basis points. You find that person and show them to me because i cant find them. So he made that mistake. And the American People<\/a> have to live with that. So but, again, lets be encouraged, erin by his testimony today. Well and im also curious, peter to see what the president has to say. Jay powell did tell him to take a hike. He said fire me and i will not leave. Well ab, i acan assure you are the president is not going to do what the jay powell tells him to do. Thank you very much. I appreciate it peter good to have you with you. My pleasure. Thank you. Next democrats needing tofg over their game plan for questioning bob mueller. The congressman in the meeting next. Plus traveling to mexico where thousands of migrant wait to asylum. They have been told they have to wait a long time what are they doing . Well, we found out. This is nice. Yeah. Yeah, this is nice. Hmm. How did you make the dip so rich and creamy . Oh its a philadelphia family recipe. Can i see it . No. Philadelphia dips. So good, youll take all the credit. You dont need to go anywhere dad, this is your home. The best home to be in is your own. Home instead offers personalized Inhome Services<\/a> for your loved ones. Home instead senior care. To us, its personal. Not ecan match the power of energizer. Tery home instead senior care. 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Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Breaking news, democrats on the House Judiciary Committee<\/a> wrapping up a meeting on their game plan for bob mueller. The judiciary and Intel Committee<\/a>s racing the against the clock now to break new ground with mueller. This is the one shot. Public testimony a week from today. One shot. And now confirming to cnn there are talks to extend the length of the judiciary hearing amid real fears they wont get anything in a twohour hearing. Evan perez is outfront. Evan, obviously they want more time. But this had been the time that mueller was willing to give them. Would he ever gor for this, extending this and giving them more time. Well, you know, he is a reluctant witness. He didnt want to do in in the first place. I dont know i think you can tell from the from what we are hearing from the hill, manu raju and jeremy herb up there. They dont know he is going for this. Part of the strategy the democrats have is they want to get something meaning from Robert Mueller<\/a>. They want to make smur they can make the case, those of them who want to push for impeachment inquiry they want to make the case and they want Robert Mueller<\/a> to make that case to the American People<\/a> live on television. They have two to two and a half hours. Both committees will have that. And their strategy here is to try to have some discipline, try to restrict their questions to try to make sure they get something out of him. And when i tries to avoid answering certain questions to try to come back and pin him down. We dont know that that will work. Mueller is a very disciplined man. And he likely will stick to his guns. And the other wild card here erin is the fact gnat republicans other plans they want to use this hearing to undermine and to question the originens of this very investigation which mueller of course is going to defend. Well see this is obviously congress that is not known for discipline. So we can see well see whether or not in plan that they are coming up with will work. All right. All right thank you very much evan. Of course mueller said as everyone know that is he is only talking about whats already in the document. But the whole conversation with bill barr when he talked about whether it was misrepresented. What did i feel was misrepresented . Why thats an area he could go outside the report that could be illuminating plt outfront now one of the members on the house judiciary. Ted li from california. I appreciate your time. You were there in the meeting as you were trying to get the strategy together. What was discuss o discussed thank you, erin for the question. Let me first say that the Mueller Report<\/a> by itself is very damning. Many americans have not read it. Le all we need Robert Mueller<\/a> to do is highlight the main portions of his report to the American People<\/a>. We dont need a hole in one here. We just need to not whiff and i think we will accomplish that. Woe like more time but we believe if Robert Mueller<\/a> would highlight to the American People<\/a> that the russians interfered in our exeyes, that the Trump Campaign<\/a> welcomed interference and president obstructed the investigation numerous times that would be useful to the American People<\/a>. Okay. So so i hear what you are saying. But obviously part of the issue here is, you know whether you are right about that or whether people need more or dots connected that werent connected. The other part of course is time and how much time. I know you expressed concern with that. You are looking at two, two and a half hours with your committee. You have 41 different members. 22 would likely be questioning. 22 people in about two and a half hours. If you are not incredibly disciplined and even if you are congressman, its really hard to imagine getting much there. So we are going to be incredibly disciplined and coordinated. Were going to know before we walk into the hearing the likely questions we are going to ask. Keep in mind we are going to have four total hours right now. So two for Judiciary Committee<\/a> and two for Intel Committee<\/a> in open hearing. I think thats going to be very useful. Are you coordinating between committees too, one is additive upon the other. Yes, Intel Committee<\/a> will largely focus on volume one of the report, which is the russian interference into american elections. And the Judiciary Committee<\/a> will focus on volume two, largely the president s obstruction of justice and the number of times he tried to obstruct an investigation into the russian interference. Have you considered at all you know, bob barr said this would just be a spectacle. And im curious as to you know we look back at Brett Kavanaugh<\/a> and the use of an outside expert how effective that was. You had one person building, building with otto a lot of expertise. A lot of you guys have that as well. But youre a lot of different people. But why did you all dismiss that . When people say this is about you getting your moment, your sound bite, what do you say to that. Whats going to be important at this hearing or not the words of members its the words of Robert Mueller<\/a>. And i find it incredibly interesting that bill barr thinks this is going to be a speckle when Robert Mueller<\/a> says he is stick together fourn four corners of the report. The reason bill barr doesnt want that to happen is because when Robert Mueller<\/a> sticks to the four corners of the report. The American People<\/a> will see that bill barr lied to the American People<\/a> when he misrepresented the report. Congressman, i appreciate your time thank you. Thank you. En a next Kamala Harris<\/a> attaching herself to za alexandria ocasiocortes, could it back fire. Plus we travel to mexico where zpripgs sets in for thousands of those who are going to apply for asylum. He says he is fighting through it all here but he is not sure if he has the patience to how much how much longer his patience will last. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. 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Kamala harris becoming the latest candidate to attach her name to congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortes. Harris introducing legislation today with ocasiocortes which aims to provide fair housing to people with criminal records. And harris is not alone. Bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren<\/a> have teamed one the progressive star in recent months. Outfront now democratic strategy it. And our former counselor to president clinton. Aiysha. Obviously we have seen this push towards the left. Towards the Progressive Left<\/a> in the democratic primary. But in 2018 the democrats leading the chargeback to win the House Majority<\/a> were moderates when you look across the country. Could it end up hurting in the long run for harris to attach herself to someone so far left . Well, first i want to kind of reframe the narrative because we keep talking about pushing leftd and pushing left. What we are seeing a push towards the future. What is a Winning Strategy<\/a> what obamas winning strategic was and what will continue to be Winning Strategy<\/a> is aspiration. Who do we want to be asset americans who do we want to be as democrats . What policies shape ourp future and support us as we move forward . I think that you know no matter who the candidate is, the base is going to be looking for that. I do not think that it is a losing strategy by any stretch of the imagination to actually appeal to what excites and animates people. And the truth is is that the democrats need an inclusive base of folks who are people of color within young people, women, who are very much animated about the idea of progress and where we go in the future and are forward looking. Yes, i think the progressive values are what riles folks up. When it comes down to the general, the candidate is need needs to animate and excite and maximize turn out to President Trump<\/a> and thats what we should be thinking about. Okay. So, paul, the latest cnn poll shows that strategically liberal voters are more enthusiastic about voting in the election. So 80 of them say they are extremely enthusiastic or extremely or very enthusiastic. 67 of the moderates. So at this point from a Strategic Point<\/a> of view is jumping onboard with aoc, the right thing to do. Perhaps in that primary with the first caucus in iowa which is a very, very progressive place. And so in that sense it is. Just in terms of falent i think aiysha makes a great point. Aoc is an enormously talented. I cant think of someone that new, that new to congress who has been this influential. Now, having said that, democrats need web issue nas can stitch together their base and knows voters they need to win the majority. They did that in 2018. Pick up on aiyshas point, democrats ran the most diverse field in 2018 and the most moderate field of candidates they have ever put together. People like Sharice David<\/a> won in kansas when the last time a democrat won in kansas. Native american lesbian kick boxer and moderate. You need two wings to fly a plane. Left and right wegenke. Democrat haves to find ways to stitch together the base they must have in order to be in the game. And those schwinn voters that they need. And thats what they ought to be looking for. They should not say anything. But aiysha here is a question i have. When you look at you know youre talking about the bill, housing for people who had been convicted of criminals. You look at the stage when ten democrats raised their hand that they would provide Health Care Coverage<\/a> for people for undocumented immigrants. Were hearing talk about free college, student loan forgiveness, medicare for all and often keeping Health Insurance<\/a> is left off which americans find popular. The reason i point this out is that 57 of democrat haves a positive view of socialism in a primary that could be powerful. According to gallup. A recent monmouth poll 57 of americans say socialism is incompatible with american values. So by doing this in the primary, do you lose the general . Yeah, so i mean, i guess i just reflect these kind of false dichotomies we are having. The reality is that politics and policy should absolutely be about the people. And be about lifting up the people. So all the policies you just rattled off, whether about helping people deal with crushing student debt, making sure that everybody mass health care, making sure the people get a fair shake, the real comparison here is about whether or not were going to stand for the people or were going to stand for corporate special interests. I think that thats the dichotomy. Its not socialism versus capitalism. Elizabeth warren talks about the fact that snes a smart capitalist. She says that. And exactly i think some of the stuff turns into wedge sound bites. But at the end of the day if we focus on the people then the democrats win. But paul, providing all this stuff for free, its not free. Someone is paying for it. Well, thats exactly right. And i think when when isha talks about focusing on the people i think thats right. There are a lot of people busting their tails in soul sucking corporate jobs to keep Health Insurance<\/a>. We want to make sure they have options. Some in the Democratic Party<\/a> saying were taking away gnat employer provided Health Insurance<\/a> but give you medicare for all. I think the better choice is what many other democrats also running for president are saying which is lets have medicare for anyone. You can buy in. If you like the corporate provided Health Insurance<\/a>, fine. If you dont, if you want to by in medicare in other words i think can you find ways to appeal to the swing voters without alienating the base. Im terribly worried that the things that democrats are doing to fire up the base is going to alienate the voters they need when they want to beat donald trump. Thats going to be the big question. All right thank you both very much. I appreciate the conversation. And next we travel to mexico where officials claim thousands of Asylum Seekers<\/a> are having to wait in dangerous towns. Plus jeanne moos on the womens world cup celebration that ran afoul. New york city get a [ bleep ] e i can lean on people, and that for me is what teamwork is all about. You cant do everything yourself. You need someone to guide you and help you make those tough decisions, thats Morgan Stanley<\/a>. Theyre industry leaders, but the most important thing is they want to do it the right way. Im really excited to be part of the Morgan Stanley<\/a> team. Im justin rose. We are Morgan Stanley<\/a>. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why we created new ocuvite eye performance. Between screen light. Sunlight. 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Reporter in january, the Trump Administration<\/a> rolled out the migrant protection protocols often called the remain in mexico policy. It forces migrants to wait in Mexican Border<\/a> towns until their number is called to cross the border and request asylum. Government Officials Say<\/a> 5500 people are on the wait list to request asylum. The wait time is about four months. They have to wait even longer to get a court date in the u. S. As they wait, thousands of people are crammed into the 14 migrant shut migrant shelter that opened against the u. S. Mexico border and are feeling the stress like 20yearold albert that has been waiting four months. He rarely leaves the walls of these shelters because he fears the city around him. He says right now hes getting his strength from family to that send messages to keep waiting but hes not sure how much longer that will last and how much more patience he will have. Have you heard of people saying i dont want to wait in line anymore, im going to sneak in illegally and try to avoid being caught . A lot of them. Reporter a lot of them . Yes. They are desperate. Reporter many migrants facing months and months of waiting say they are taking matters into their own hands. They are too desperate so will come and jump over and dart across to the u. S. Side turning themselves into immigration officials. Because of that, the Mexican Government<\/a> deployed Army Soldiers<\/a> along this stretch of the border and in other places to detour them from doing that. U. S. Immigration Officials Say<\/a> the Trump Administration<\/a>s strategy is slowing the flow of migrants. Apprehensions dropped 28 from may to june. Our strategy is working. The president is engaging with mexico, the deal to enforce immigration security on their southern border, to partner with us on tackling the organizations is clearly having an impact on the flow. Reporter critics say forcing migrants to wait in dangerous Mexican Border<\/a> towns is inhumane. Were seeing upticks in the cases of kidnapping, assault. These are people easily targeted especially Central American<\/a> migrants. Its difficult and were putting them at risk knowingly. Reporter erin, the Trump Administration<\/a> is expanding this remain in mexico policy forcing migrants to wait in the town of laredo, mexico, which is on the boarder with texas and mexico considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world because of drug cartel violence. The Trump Administration<\/a> insists this is being done for humanitarian assistance and to ease the burden here along the border. Ed, thank you very much. Next, jeanie on the mustsee moments of the womens soccer world cup. On select ford models, plus earn complimentary maintenance through fordpass rewards. It all adds up. Dont you love math . So get here asap because tasty deals and summer go fast. 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But when it was the cocaptains turn to speak. Such at a loss for words. I mean, ill find them, dont worry. Reporter she found one in particular that maybe should have stayed lost. New york city, youre the most [ bleep ] best. Reporter the f bomb detonated on live tv. Wow. We certainly ladies and gentlemen we want to apologize for the language at the end there. Megan rapinoe and thats live tv. We cant control her speech. Reporter neither can Megan Rapinoe<\/a>. Anyone that knows me knows i use the f word way too much. Reporter the last time she used it publicly it preceded the words white house. She was asked if she was visit if invited. Were not going to the [ bleep ] white house. Reporter that led to this semi apology. I stand by the comments i made of not wanting to go to the white house with the exception of the expletive. My mom will be upset about that. Reporter megan, megan, your mom is going to have to wash your mouth out with soap. Kr someone said Megan Rapinoe<\/a> is a national [ bleep ] treasure and to think it happened after rapinoe passionately declared. We have to be better, we have to love more, hate less. Reporter she has a love, hate relationship with the f bomb. Youre the mother [ bleep ] best. Reporter a habit she cant kick, a word she cant kiss goodbye. Gee nikne gee. Good evening, a minor part of the news tonight in washington is whether the president s labor secretary alex accoosta will keep his job. The larger story is when he was back, he did all he could to put jeffrey epstein, a man he apparently believed to be a serial child molester and rapist behind bars and before we listen to any of his televised Public Accounting<\/a> this afternoon for the decisions he made back then for the deal he cut, for what he did and didnt say to the accusers, the alleged teenage victims, i want to read you some of what the chief Palm Beach County<\/a> prosecutor at the same just said about it tonight and im quoting, as the state attorney for Palm Beach County<\/a> for 16 years, 1993 to 200","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/3\/items\/CNNW_20190710_230000_Erin_Burnett_OutFront\/CNNW_20190710_230000_Erin_Burnett_OutFront.thumbs\/CNNW_20190710_230000_Erin_Burnett_OutFront_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240617T12:35:10+00:00"}

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