Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 201908

Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20190830

life-threatening storm surges and days of heavy rain will bring dangerous flooding even cities right in the center of the state are expected to be battered by hurricane-force winds. and pushed out. the personal assistant to president trump, a loyalist from day one and gate keeper to the oval office is forced to resign after it was revealed that she talked about the president's family with reporters. what could she have said to turn the president against her? i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> breaking news. the latest forecast is just in showing hurricane dorian as a major category three storm. expected to gabe even more strength as it churns toward florida where it is expected to hit overnight on monday as a likely category four. parts of the bahamas are already under a hurricane warning for what forecasters call an extremely dangerous storm and all of florida is under a state of emergency. with fema saying the entire state is at risk. there will be life-threatening storm surges, days of heavy rain and even inland cities like orlando could see hurricane-force winds. residents have unearthed a stockpile of week's worth of food and supplies. but in many places there are empty shelves already and florida's governor acknowledging statewide gas shortages. our correspondents and analysts and guests will have full coverage of the breakingtories and our crews are deployed around florida as dorian churns toward florida growing and more menacing. we're in sebastian, florida, what is the latest? >> reporter: the critical to-do list is short. it is fill up and load up and board up. the next step is get out. but that is proving more difficult than many expected. >> tonight all of florida is under the state of emergency and the clock is ticking. >> biggest concern about this storm is the uncertainty of where it is going and the intensity of which it is coming in. >> reporter: hurricane dorian expected to barrel head first into the sunshine state early tuesday morning is gaining intensity and could now unload heavy rains, powerful winds and a strong storm surgeon -- surge on more than 20 million people. >> i'm concerned about what category and what is going to happen. because i've never seen a hurricane. >> reporter: florida's governor said he's contemplating ordering evacuations. but hasn't yet. >> at the state level, we've been monitoring some of the decisions or contemplations about evacuations. it is something that we obvious believe for certain people is going to be necessary and in certain communities they need to do that. >> but getting out could prove difficult. while there are long lines at gas stations, there is little gas. the tate said at times as many as half of the fuel pumps in miami have run dry. >> starting today implementing florida highway patrol escorts for fuel trucks so we can facilitate refuelling in critical parts of the state. >> reporter: those who aren't gasing up are preparing to hunker down. >> i live in a mobile home so i stand to be homeless but that is not really what is worried me. i have animals. i could replace my home but i can't my animals. >> reporter: in miami they're tock piling food and water. >> how are you doing? >> reporter: though at some stores that is also in short supply. florida power and light said electricity could be out for days. the company is bringing in 16,000 workers. positioning them at 24 sites across the tate. >> the damage that could be required will require extended repair work and at extreme cases it may require fpl to rebuild part of the system in florida. >> reporter: and tonight the governor is warning those caring for the elderly to have a plan and a generator in place. 12 people died in 2017 after a nursing home in hollywood, florida, lost power in the aftermath of hurricane irma. >> these folks have to step up and protect these folks. >> reporter: more than a dozen universities preparing to shut down along with theme parks and other attractions. in a place that thrives on tourism, what should have been a busy labor day weekend is now a bust. as the sunshine state braces for days of rain. >> we're hoping that everything comes out okay. but i'm kind of freaking out. >> reporter: and here they go. these are indian river county sheriffs deputy deputies and in this case helping to put up hurricane shutters. notice these are the clear ones. that is important because once a home is boarded up it essentially becomes a dark cave. so these residents, it means they plan to ride it out. a cat 4 storm on the way. if you don't get the windows and doors sealed there is a good chance you'll lose your home. >> not much time left. martin savidge on the scene. thank you. let's go to our meteorologist tom sater at the cnn weather center. so tom, there is a new forecast just out. what does it show? >> well we have a little change in the track now. obviously what we're going to see, wolf, in the next couple of days here, is what was a small size storm is going to visually look a lot larger and that is normal. we're seeing thunderstorms really develop around the center in the eye so this engine is firing now on all cylinders. when you look at color of white on the infrared it is now circular around that core. that means this thing is really churning. these tropical systems, their only job in life is to take warm air and take it to the north so anything in its way is going to block it from moving northward. our watches in the bahamas and in many -- in many cases are warnings and by morning will have hurricane watches on the coast of florida. high pressure to the north has been blocking the systems. remember, they want the path of least resistance to the north. and therefore we've been expecting this landfall in florida. but remember yesterday things started to change. one of the models, the european model wanted to put on the brakes. when it does that, that gives the surrounding environment time to change. what could weaken, and could the high pressure weaken and allow this to move north. this is earlier. this is the european model on the west coast of florida after it wants to move northward. in fact it wants to go out into the gulf and this is the european. now two days ago, wolf, they were all to the north and then they drops down to the south. and now things are changing. let me explain the difference between the two. the u.s. model has a 2:00 p.m. tuesday landfall near cape canaveral and melbourne and this is at 2:00 p.m. on tuesday, same time period but still off shore. this stall movement may allow the environment to move in a different direction and if we're looking for some ray of hope, we may have one. here is the new track. it still takes it in as a landfall category four. doesn't take it across the peninsula in toward the gulf, but unfortunately this is a bad one, i'll get to the good news, this drags it up every populated community and city inland on that east coast of florida and continues to have it, 2:00 p.m. wednesday as a category 2. this would be disastrous. there is no doubt about it. because it is constant rain, it is constant surge and constant wind. that is devastation. but there -- here is the ray of hope. the european model wants to, because of the pause, because of that holding off shore, gives us steering current and this european model takes it to the coast. the last run was just off the coast. so the national hurricane center are saying we've seen so many changes, sure it could be inland or right on the coast but it could still be off the coast. that is much like matthew was, although matthew did cause a lot of problems in the carolinas and record rainfall. so when we look at the differences instead of getting two feet of rainfall, we were seeing maybe about nine inches in orlando. so that shift a little bit more toward the east, that delay could give us some hope. now this is still not the best case scenario. this is still bad news but we hope for everything we can. when you look at the amount of rainfall when we talk about this rain, there it is, melbourne around cape canaveral nine inches and orlando 3.9. we can handle that. sure we'll have some winds but our hope is the trend now coming back off the coast, that would be the best case scenario if we have any scenario at all and that is the game we've been playing, wolf. it is a scenario game. one thing is for sure, it is changing every day. it is changing every model run and will continue. but the closest we get to this. we'll have a much better idea. who boards up and evacuates. we don't know. we have the day tomorrow and sunday, although if you are starting to put up boards, the winds will get rough and that is a concern. wave heights with the storm system right now are looking at easily ten feet high. that is not the storm surge, that is under the center as it approaches cape canaveral. so again the change in the last couple of models really have been a little bit more of a turn to the north and the track of putting those models together is right on the coast and inland. that is not good news and things are changing and that is one thing to takeaway, things are changing and they will. >> for everybody watching, it is better to be safe rather than sorry to take the precautions the authorities are saying. joining us now jeffrey beyer, the president's nominee to head the agency. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> what are everything fema is doing ahead of the storm in. >> what we're doing is coordinating with state and we have resources in the tate of florida and beginning to move critical resources such as search and rescue, disaster medical assistance teams, those teams and personnel that can support the state in life-saving efforts and moving resources down so the southern part of the state because as you just saw with your meteorologist, this is -- this storm could hit anywhere from south florida up to jacksonville. so we want to be able to move in along with the state behind the storm and provide aid to the american citizens as quick as possible. and, wolf, i'll also say we want to thank you for what do you and the team. you're part of the team when it comes to the storms and getting the message of preparedness out and making sure the citizens of florida are aware of the dangers of this and possibly going into georgia and into the carolinas. this is going to be a long duration for fema our state partners and locals. >> it is critically important that you are doing life-saving work as we know. is there a plan to relieve what are serious gasoline shortages right now. we're seeing that develop in various parts of florida. >> right. and we're very familiar with the fuel infrastructure, architecture if you will within florida and how fuel come news the ports primarily in the peninsula and through pipeline lines and trucks in the northern part of the tate. we are working with the governor and also working with the private sector to make sure that -- that we get gas stations fuel but it is a challenge. you have a large population. it is fuelling both cars and generators and critical things that they need and that is going to be a challenge. it always is in florida. when you look at evacuations in the storm of this magnitude, however we will be enablers and not prohibitors to the private sector in every way possible. >> what really worries me as someone who has covered the hurricanes is the gasoline shortages could hamper potential evacuation plans. and that is a very, very serious concern, right? >> yes, sir, it always is. i know working with the governor and his team we have -- they're working on plans to make sure that critical deliveries or working with the private sector to get critical deliveries into certain areas. with some changes in the track, it may be a benefit for those in the very southern part of florida, which is very densely populated as you well know, wolf. so that may aid to us, any help we could get we'll take across the board. but we're monitoring the fuel shortages, the fuel outages and we're working with our critical partners to see what, if anything, fema can do, the government can do and again what we don't want to do is prohibit anything with the private sector. we want to be an enabler to what they do. >> what is the most important thing that people in florida need to do to prepare right now? >> wolf, first and foremost, make sure they know the risk and hazards around their communities. make sure they are listening to the local -- their local officials. they know it best. sometimes and a lot of times fema is on the tv and that is good. but it is really the local elected officials, the local emergency managers that know their community and that is why we support state efforts and we don't necessarily lead them. and know your family. have a plan. have a kit. download the fema app. go to and to get information. it is very important to make sure you are checking on your neighbors. that is what we do as americans. if you have elderly or population in your community that needs assistance, assist them. be part of the team. and our citizens are the biggest part of our team that we have and they do a wonderful job in situations like this. >> we know there are a lot of elderly people down in that part of florida as well. >> yes. >> jeff beyer, thank you to you and everything that the men and women of fema are doing for the people down in florida right knew now. >> joining us now the mayor of miami-dade county carlos jimenez. thank you for joining us. you just heard the associate administrator of fema say his agency is prepared for the storm. are local officials getting all of the help they need right now from the federal government? >> we're getting all of the help we need from the federal government and our state government. i think we've had extraordinary cooperation from our state government on this go-around and i'm very grateful to the governor and his team. but miami-dade county, we've gone through these in the past. we're pretty good at what we do down here. we have a couple of urban search and rescue teams based down here just for this reason. and so our preparations are underway. our residents have been gasing up for some days now which is good. that means there is not going to be a crunch at the final hour and so even though we do have some gas shortages, we'll be able to take care of that. our supply comes from port everglades just up the road. >> what should residents in miami and including miami beach, what should they be doing right now? >> well everybody -- we tell everybody at the beginning of hurricane season, you need to have three days of food, they need to have three days of water, of medicine, et cetera. but most of all, if your in a evacuation zone and we have a large evacuation zone depending on the storm, that you need to have a plan. so it is not -- if we call for an evacuation, you should have already figured out are we going to stay with a friend or a family or what it is that you are going to evacuate to. we don't expect you to evacuate miami-dade county. we expect you to evacuate basically miami-dade. we'll evacuate in place away from the coastline toward the center of the county. and we also ask to make sure the generators are checked to make sure they work. gasoline combustibles for the generators. and also we follow up with our elderly to make sure the laws are followed so that there is no repeat episode of what happened up in broward county in hollywood with that elderly facility. we've had new laws and we're following up on that. we're happy to say that every elderly facility in miami-dade is compliant with state law at this time. and so we're prepared. we're going to be looking at this storm. we're hoping for the best. hope that european model is the right model and that it steers away and goes up the coast and basically leaves florida alone. but in the case that it doesn't, miami-dade county will be prepared. >> are you worried, mayor, that the gasoline shortages are going to get worse over the next 24, 48 hours? >> i'm sure they -- that as more and more people gas up, we're going to have shortages. but again, we have plans in place to replace those gas stations and our mantra to gasoline stations is to top off your tanks and even if the storm approaches we want you to top off your tanks. we have laws in place that money dates that a certain number of them must have generators so that after the storm people can access and have gasoline. a large number of our food stores also have generators so that we could get back to business as usual as quickly as possible once the storm passes. and also we have great building codes down here. and, again, miami-dade county is no stranger to hurricanes. we've had a lot of experience. every single hurricane teaches us something a little bit different. we're always better prepared for this hurricane than we were for the last. and i'm confident that miami-dade county and the people of miami-dade county can ride out whatever dorian gives it. hopefully it doesn't give up much, hopefully it doesn't give the state of florida anything and moves out of the way in atlantic and we could say good-bye to dorian. >> we could hope for that but have to prepare as i say for the worst. mayor carlos jimenez, thank you for joining us. good luck to everyone down in miami-dade. good luck to everyone in florida right now. thank you. >> thank you. up next, there is more breaking news. with an emergency declared for then stire state, florida residents are scrambling to stock up on food and water but many shelves are already are empty and many gas stations have no gas. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to 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direct traffic and staffers have been here all day to direct traffic to wind around the building and then merge with another line because there is another line of cars going out to that cross street right there. now our photo journalist todd wynn and i will take you back to the line snaking around the corner and down the block all day long and they are expecting another rush because people are just getting off of work. now what are florida officials doing to mitigate this? governor ron desantis said we have fuel here in florida but we have a problem getting it from the ports to the gas stations because of such heavy demand and what they're going to do is they're going to wave truck and service fees for the tanker trucks coming here and they're going to haves courts by state police to get them here faster. and other measures like that. but this is kind of the result you see. the lines sneaking around the corner here. and the general manager of this wawa, his name is larry peck, he told us a short time ago on the average day he has 1700 people buyi buying -- gas at this station and today he believes it is more than tripled today and yesterday and he is frantically trying to prevent histation from running out of gas. they did run out of regular unleaded fuel at about midday but they had tanker trucks come into the rescue and give them some regular unleaded fuel but this is a situation they are running into here. they are running out -- the type of fuel that everybody wants to use and a lot of people are coming here because they think they may have to evacuate, wolf. >> brian, we'll get back to you soon. brian todd on the scene for us down there. florida residents, they have been urged to stockpile a week's worth of food, water and supplies. let's go to leyla santiago joining us from a busy costco in north miami. what is the situation there? >> reporter: so i'm standing where earlier today there was a line for water. but check it out. signs saying they are currently out of water. they even have a gentleman -- this is my friend guy who has his sign that said we are currently out of water to let folks know. they've in the last three days sold more than 25,000 -- go ahead, 25,000 packs of water here. and the foot traffic has gone up by 60%. so you see people are still here loading up on those nonperishable goods. the food this gentleman has sparkling water down here as well. getting ready for hurricane dorian. but i see none of the carts have water because they are out. now the manager tells me he does have a truck that is on its way. they expect to turn that out for tomorrow. but earlier when we were here, they were distributing water or selling water and that lasted for about an hour. most of it was gone within the hour. a lot of folks here telling me, when i say are you ready, they often say we remember hurricane irma which was just two years ago. so they are doing everything they can to make sure they are even more prepared than they were then. wolf. >> layla, thank you. in north miami. president trump will be monitoring his administration's response to the hurricane from camp david. the storm is hitting just after one of the president's top assistants is forced to quit because she shared some intimate details, as they are being described, about the first family with reporters. ♪ ing ] what about him? let's do it. ♪ come on. this summer, add a new member to the family. hurry in and lease the glc 300 suv for just $419 a month with credit toward your first month's payment at the mercedes-benz summer event. going on now. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. only marco's can deliver. america's most loved pizza. hot and fresh, and right to your door. every day at marco's, get two medium, one-topping pizzas for just 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[ crowd chanting ] >> oh, it's happening. it's not build that wall any more. it's continue building that wall. >> reporter: alsoonight, the trump administration is preparing to shift up to $3.6 billion from military construction funds in order to build sections of the wall along the u.s./mexico border. the move relies on the president's february emergency declaration which faced multiple legal challenges. in july, however, the supreme court cleared the way for the administration to use $2.5 billion in counter drug funding from the department of defense to construct parts of the wall. again president trump expected to depart the white house any moment now. wolf, we'll have to wait and see if he takes questions from reporters. >> i suspect he will. pamela, thank you very much. we have a lot to discuss. our political experts are here. we will have that conversation right after this. hi, i'm joan lunden. when my mother began forgetting things, we didn't know where to turn for more information. that's why i recommend a free service called a place for mom. we have local senior living advisors who can answer your questions about dementia or memory care and, if necessary, help you find the right place for your mom or dad. we all want what's best for our parents, so call today. sleep number 360 smart sale of the year on a can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the last chance to save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36-months. ends labor day. thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, family reunion attendance is up. we're all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! is that safe? oh, y... ahh! not at all. no, ma'am. nope. and more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. 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(team member) this is wells fargo. breaking news. hurricane dorian is gaining strength right now. it is now a major category 3 storm with sustained winds nearly 115 miles an hour. the newly updated forecast shows it on track to hit florida. president trump along with the acting heads of some key government agencies will monitor the administration's response from camp david this weekend. let's bring in our experts to discuss. phil mattingly is moderating the response with a bunch of acting officials, acting leaders as opposed to senate-confirmed official leaders. is that a problem. >> yes, it starts with the president. he likes the flexibility of acting officials and that is why you see acting officials and the senate takes time to confirm officials if there is no major white house push they languish to some degree. the concern is they don't have the clout do get what they need when they need it and there is in stability in the agency. fema is dealing with the last hurricane season and make sure they are on -- on target and track and you interviewed the nominated fema -- >> he's the nominee. >> but he hasn't been confirmed. so they hope there is stability but the concern is they don't have the clout to need to get what they want when they need it. >> he said, as phil points out, the president likes having the, quote, acting officials in charges of various agencies but is that the message the public wants to hear especially during a hurricane crisis? >> well, in a time of crisis, what the american public wants and expects is stability. and that is increasingly difficult when i have say number of officials who have been serving in an acting capacity more temporary roles. it is not entirely clear who is calling the shots. and as phil pointed out, the president likes that flexibility because it allows him to exert control over some of the departments and agencies. but it does call into question whether or not career officials are the ones who are able to exert influence over the decision-making process. and there is also the question of the -- the vetting process. because the senate is there to go through their backgrounds and make sure that they are capable of serving in these positions of utmost importance and also this president in particular is someone who has loyal over experience and we don't know if the individuals are equipped for the job at hand. >> and do you think the president is bothered by this perception there is a revolving door going around in. >> no. for the reason that everybody said. i think he prizes the flexibility of having acting officials to have leverage over. i will say regardless of whether the officials are acting or senate confirmed, there are two words you won't hear from anybody in the administration this weekend and that is climate change. we know the data is unmistakable the atlantic ocean is warmer than it used to be and the evidence is clear not that it means more hurricanes but more intense hurricanes. just as higher ocean levels mean more intense storm surge. and this is kind of the new normal we are facing as the climate is changing around us with the president called a hoax and what the administration has worked to dismantle and the efforts to respond to. >> he makes a very important point. as this hurricane moves across the atlantic, and if the waters are really very warm, it gains strength. potentially becoming a category four with winds higher than 130 miles per hour. >> yeah. and i think one of the concerns is basically the shape and kind of form of the storms as they continue to come up. you hear on capitol hill regularly and from democrats and republicans related to climate change to make sure there is action being taken and the administration is a different place for that -- or in a different place on that issue. but as it relates to this specific storm, people just want to know people are in the right place and willing to do what is need -- what needs to be done in this worst case scenario that this hits and that is the uncertainty right now. whether it is the administration's policy or where the officials are right now, i think you're seeing the administration say all of the right things. you've been talking to local government officials and they're in contact with the white house and feel prepared. the proof will be in the pudding on that one. and the hope from people i'm talking to on capitol hill is lessons were learned from past hurricanes whether this administration or before that and they are prepared no matter what happens in the days ahead. >> everybody stand by. there is a lot more we need to discuss. we're monitoring hurricane dorian. much more right after this. you t an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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bob wood word, no i didn't. madeleine is the key. she's the secret. because the president was complaining about bob woodward's book. why didn't you talk to me? he said i spoke to all your other aides, but i didn't speak to madeleine. >> this is to me just a reminder that anyone in the orbit of donald trump whose last name is not also trump may eventually fall out of orbit and probably will fall out of orbit. the turnover has been unprecedented and i think that is just the basic as michael cohen i think demonstrated. kind of the story of his life and career is that this is a president, this is a person who views loyalty largely as a one-way street. and that eventually everybody runs afoul of that and the cast of characters is forever rotating unless your last name is trump. >> madeleine, 28 years old. you knew her before she went to work for the president at the white house. >> i think when you look at the idea of the gate keeper of the president and administrations having any interaction with report reporters, it's almost asinine. she had contact with reporters because of being at the -- the interesting element is president trump almost always has someone like this. madeleine had clearly taken that role and it's an extremely important role that is not necessarily normal in when we see in a normal administration in terms of how the higherarchy works. it's unfortunate for two reasons. an off the record discussion became permanent. off the record, you're not supposed to use it or repeat it and i don't know how it became public but that's not great from our side, but it's also problematic when an aide is speaking about personal details of the white house in particular the family. that's something we don't generally get into. it's something that aides shouldn't necessarily be talking about. i would never discourage aides from talking to us, but the unfortunate element here is somebody who is so trusted and was loyal to the president ends up losing their job because they decide to tell a reporter that was something more personal than they should disclose in any way, shape, or form. >> the first close aide to the president who has been removed. >> there has been a great deal of turnover in this administration. one thing that's interesting, she did come from the rnc and more of that establishment wing in a recent book. there's some report she was crying on election night because she didn't actually want trump to win but over the course of time she emerged as a loyalist. what the circumstances were i'm sure we'll find more details with time. >> stick around. there's more news we're following including breaking news. the new forecast is in for hurricane dorian. a dangerous category 3 storm and expect expected to strengthen before hitting florida. warning that the entire state will be impacted. ally from cred. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right - by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. you can get your interest rate right - by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right. with sofi. check your rate in 2 minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. that could allow hackers devices into your home.ys and like all doors, they're safer when locked. that's why you need xfinity xfi. with the xfi gateway, devices connected to your homes wifi are protected. which helps keep people outside from accessing your passwords, credit cards and cameras. and people inside from accidentally visiting sites that aren't secure. and if someone trys we'll let you know. xfi advanced security. if it's connected, it's protected. call, click, or visit a store today. happening now, breaking news. state of emergency. dorian is now a major hurricane threatening catastrophic damage as it gets stronger and closer to florida tonight. we're tracking the storm and urging disaster preparations around the state. running out. huge lines are forming at florida gas stations tonight and fuel supplies are dwindling fast. will millions of residenting be ready if they get the order to evacuate? gatekeeper gone. the president's once loyal personal assistant who controlled access to the oval office has been abruptly pushed out. we're told she lost her job and her boss's trust by revealing so-called intimate information to reporters. and biles brother charged. simone biles brother is in custody indicted on multiple counts of murder. we want to welcome our viewers around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in the situation room. we're following breaking news on the extremely dangerous hurricane flowing toward florida. a hurricane warning was just issued for much of the bahamas as dorian bears down as a powerful category 3 storm. it's expected to be even stronger when it reaches florida overnight m

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