Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20131113

COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart November 13, 2013

Foreign diplomacy. There are signals that the u. S. Could be close to iran about an agreement over nuclear capability. Just in the knick of time nick in of time that is wonderful news because iran is just a week away from developing a nuclear weapon. They have been for the past 20 years. [laughter] says people who would like to bomb iran. [ laughter ] but if iran is willing to make a deal, dude Foreign Ministers of big western powers led by the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry diverted planes and canceled meetings to fly to geneva. Jon let the call go out to the league of unknown gentlemen. Diplomats assemble [laughter] they were all there, all the big diplomats. There was hans the germman jean claude from france, lord barrington j. Powder of the uk and the man from tehran, jimmy death to america zarif. [ laughter ] yes, from all around the world Foreign Ministers came to geneva by jet, by boat and train. John kerry himself turned around his trusty sailboard and said, entre you obviously it took kerry the longest time to get there because he was on the water. [laughter] it was worth the wait because bear in mind the Historical Context of these talks wench take it for granted that the secretary of state should talk to iran foreign minister but that hadnt happened in 34 years until last september and they spent more time in the last 24 hours than they have in 34 years. Jon 36 years. Im 34 years. Im guessing america was like, man, what were we even fighting about . And iran was all like, well in 1953 you organized a coupe and overthrew our government and ensured prooil contracts which led to the 1979 revolution at which point we took your people hostage and america like was right, i cant remember either. You remember in the 50s, you werent there man [laughter] the air was filled with the excitement, the weight of history leaning on this moment the triumphant climax of a decade long drama finally coming to fruition, what the bleep . Youll end decades of hostileity in a Conference Room in a best western . What is this . [laughter] did the time share sales group get the roosevelt suite or do you blow the whole budget on that jon stewart impersonator. [ laughter ] [laughter] stop stealing my life. [ laughter ] you handsome dog. Obviously we dont have the audio of what kerry said to zarif. Im pretty good lip reader. Just going to that is john kerry and he is going, you, appointed you and then they go to him and hes like ahhhhh. Im laughing because he pointed. [laughter] we really gotta get the audio for that. [ laughter ] looks like everybody is in a good mood. This say real deal, man, a done deal. It turned out that the deal could not be struck. Secretary kerry left geneva empty handed. Jon i guess zarif dont like it. Rocking the treaty. Rocking the treaty. [ laughter ] im sure kerry didnt leave empty handed if his instagram is any indication. Yeah. [ laughter ] mother bleep loves some mini bar [laughter] what happened to the deal . What happened . Secretary kerry says an interim deal on Irans Nuclear program was extremely close but in the end the iranians walked away. Jon iranians walked away. Son of a bitch. That didnt set well with the iranian counterpart who fired back a different version of events. Jon ruthroh . He pointed the finger firmly at the west. Mr. Secretary was it iran that gusted over half of u. S. Draft and publicly commented against it friday morning. Jon he tweeted . [laughter] weapon havent talked for 34 years, we get together and you tweet a break up. Thats what you do . Takes a will lot of balls. That takes a lot of balls. [ laughter ] doesnt the tweeting take the gravitas out of it, by the way . You know, the lamps are going out all over europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetimes, he tweeted. [laughter] peer is persevere. For more on this we go to samantha bee. Sam, thank you for joining us. Sam, how is the Obama Administration taking this diplomatic setback . Oh, they really needed this one, jon. Obama just really needed a win. Jon its been a rough couple months with the president. The whole mess with the nsa, congress holding up his appointments ant healthcar. Gov roll out was pathetic. Jon nightmare. A disaster stuffed in a traf industry wrapped in inexmp tense. They call the a cluster bleep now this softwear glitch. Jon what is that . When you try to sign up for obamacare your computer punches you in the dick. [laughter] jon what if you dont have in your dick. [ laughter ] i mean how do you not think about that when you design a web site . Obama just wants something to go right for a change. He is so desperate for a win he is playing call of duty on easy to rack up achievements its a punk move. Jon it is a punk move. Its bleep . I would never do thank i know. His staff is trying trying to cm up. They have him on the white house Basketball Court right now trying to build up his confidence. Jon did they lower the rim for him . Yeah, just a little. Jon i hope it brings back his sorry, oh, boy, a big boned girl in a flannel nightgown just won the game with a toma hawk [cheers and applause] jon welcome back. As we discussed earlier in the program, the rollout of the president S Health Care initiative has not been an easy one apparently now with the web site punching people in the dick. [ laughter ] its why you can hardly turn on a tv these days without seeing a medical expert providing guidance. Now for people who go to the marketplace who already have insurance they should check ahead of time to find out because it could influence what they are paying in copays and deductibles. As of january 1, comprehensive services will be available. This is socialized medicine. Jon wait what . What was that last one . That seemed less like medical advice and more like theng with the crazy republican uncle. This is socialism. Thats dr. Manny al alvarez, a valuable leave of foxs medical ateam. Theres no mr. T there. I see all george paparrds no mr. T. Papard reference what is up . Alvarez is there because he has the medical knowledge to make the ateam. Hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction, man boobs, whatever you call them, man boobs or moobs. Jon man boobs or i call them broasts, boybies, chestnuts, manor ies. Brokeback mountains. [ laughter ] really . Thats what pushed you over the edge . I guess medical advice isnt really the focus of foxs medical experts. They serve a much more important purpose to agree with fox news talking points. Say the president wants everyone to have insurance, who better to say thats a bad idea than a doctor . Before they started this we were all in trouble with insurance to begin with. Theres too much health insurance, it covers too much, too many people have it. [ laughter ] jon congratulations, ive never heard that before. [ laughter ] theres just too many people. Here is the problem with health care, too many people have insurance and food and shelter. I just doesnt feel special if everyone has it. [ laughter ] but these doctors dont just take on obamacare, they are medical expertise carries over to any fox talking point. Right new we feel like its unamerican to be a patriotic american in this country. Everything in this country at every level is about regulation. Its very suspicious that a president is not coming forward with his college records. Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group be they gays, be they nambla, be they people who believe in bestiality, they dont get to change the definition. Jon no group, be they fox news doctors or serial rapists. Im not saying they are equivalent, i just put the two of them in a sentence together. Its neurosurgeon ben carson and he wasnt a fox news consultant when he said that. It was after they heard it they said hire that guy. One of founders of communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you have to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Jon i dont want to it in pick the doctor here but historically slad her lenin never actually said that. Its a made up group and architect actualally, the keystone and the foundation are different things. One is at the top and one is at the bottom. My point is these guys seem more like expert doctors and more likely the shady expert witnesses paid about it defense. To say that the bullet wound is maybe a third nipple, i dont know. What fox really needs is an inhouse psychiatrist. Joining house in is fox news inhouse psychiatrist dr. Keith ablow. [ laughter ] jon this isnt going to work out well. Dr. Keith ablow despite the fact that he is a Mental Health professional with a segment called normal or not, i can only hope he is the voice of sanity and reason. Do you really believe children are going to turn transgender from watching chaz [cheers and applause] jon welcome back my guest tonight cohost of msnbcs morning show his new book is called the right path. Again, welcome back to the program joe scarborough, joseph. Nice to see you. [cheers and applause] how are you . Thank you for joining us so late. I know you have to get up at 4 00 in the morning. Its awful. Jon its a terrible thing. Its horrible. Talking about the show or me getting up at 4 00 in the morning. Jon the show is lovely. I watch the show. I havent seen the show. If you did, would you love it. Jon eisenhower and reagan, in my belief would not win primaries in the Republican Party anymore, they would be considered communists especially eisenhower after his military Industrial Complex comment would be drummed out. Ted cruz would run a crazy, general eisenhower made out with osama bin laden. [ laughter ] those guys would they would never survive in this current manifestation of the Republican Party. I actually think they would if they spoke out against the more extreme elements. During the 2012 campaign, i kept saying there were so many sister solja moments for mitt romney to stand up against. To stand down the crazies on the far right or stand down the crazies in the conservative Entertainment Complex and he never did it. The thing you find in politics is if you stand up to the more extreme elements you are rewarded not only by your people but this is shocking to some people in the Republican Party right now, independents and democrats may even vote for you. That used to be a good thing ike thought it was a good thing. Reagan thought it was going. We used to win 49 out of 50 states. Jon but you use used to not be so crazy. We have always been crazy. [laughter] jon you can talk the strategy. When you say they should speak out against them. They made them. This not happenstance, the rise of tea party and angry right. Karl rove there was that memo in 2004, matthew dowd wrote about it. He designed this to afeel what he called the anger points. He decided that there were no more moderates left. You cant really win on that im going to get people riled up. Im going to play to their anger and to their fear. Fox news did the same thing. They made these people. Look what happened though. Karl rove was the first person to ever say were going to win a president ial election by going to the hard right. Jon no, nixon. Nixon said you go to the right in the primary and in the general election go to the center. Jon the southern strategy of nixon was to take the disaffected old democrat democratic voters thar were bigoted, the old dixiecrats, divide vied them and get them to the polls. Nixon got a higher percentage of africanamerican voters than any republican has got money in years. I dont know that you could put the southern strategy on nixon. I do say a strong leader that speaks out against the extremes whether its bill clinton or whether its the republicans. We can say Chris Christie in new jersey frankly doesnt give a damn what people say about him on blogs. Occasionally he will yell at people. Jon teachers who come up to him and ask questions. Hey, man, how about the teachers union, get out of her here you son of a bitch the bigger point is if you are a strong leader and you can call out crazy youll get rewarded. That hasnt happened in a long time. Dwight eisenhower, he had the confidence and the power to pull it off. Ronald reagan was a guy. Jon it was a different mentality. Nixon, eisenhower, not reagan to the same extent, but those were people that believed in the power of government to do great things for people. This say very different manifestation. Its a group of people its like i liken it to this. If the Catholic Church, the council of cardinals, lets say 35 of that were atheists. Right. They were like let us runt Catholic Church we know what to do. Might be a bad idea. Its the type of nilism you get. History repeats itself. A new democrat elected in 199 2. Americans said you went too far left. We come along were supposed to pull him to the snemplet we go too far right we reelect bill clinton. We saw how well karl rove did in 2012. I dont think he could plan that far ahead to create the tea party in 2010. That was a creation of what happened in 2009 and 2010. Not just with barack obama but with george w. Bush a big spending republican who spent us into debt. He gave us Medicare Part b. Jon but they dont ever talk about it in that matter. They say the deficit is from bush. That pisses me off. I was here in 2004 his a book before the election in 2004 i said bush is bankrupting us. His Foreign Policy is going to bankrupt us. Were going to lose the next election and going to wreck the economy. Now im being attacked for writing things like this saying we seriously we probably shouldnt drive the beer truck off the cliff. Im saying the same exact thing. Im against Big Government republicanism. Jon you are saying the past ten years have all been because we didnt listen to you . Exactly. Exactly. At least the Republican Party. Now you know not you. I dont think i would have ever influenced you but its coming together, isnt it . Jon no the right path its on the bookshelves now. Mr. Joseph

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