Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20141218

COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart December 18, 2014

Been overwhelmingly peaceful. It is very difficult for people to complain about them. Difficult, not impossible. We have the right to protest, they go on the sidewalk and make noise and hold signs an let people know you disagree. But when you block traffic, thats a form of violence. Jon yes thank you, blocking traffic is a form of violence. How dare these marchers put our streets in some kind of lets call it a chokehold of traffic. How dare they wouldnt have anything to do with the streets being black, now, does it . You know, if you are that convinced that impeding manhattan drivers is a form of violence, i think its time to indict the new york marathon. Macys thanksgiving day parade, the puerto rican day parade, gay pride pa rate, st. Patricks day parade, halloween parade, the german american parade or any random popup street fair selling misery meats and tube socks, and i havent even gotten to the most violent of offenders. That tree is like a glittering berlin wall preventing any movement from east to west. Mr. Claus, tear down that tree. applause but its one thing for protestor, its one thing for protestors to do violence to our city streets and traffic. It is quite another for them to use Excessive Force against christmas. It is creating havoc. Weve got two weeks before christmas. Do you think this is going to have some impact i mean who wants to go shopping at macys when this is going on. Protestors preventing people from shopping at macys. I hope these shoppers shall overcome. Now thats yes, i cant buy yes, yes, black friday matters. It does. The protest have even spilled over into professional sports. Athletes donning tshirts expressing a desire for justice. Last time i checked, tshirts dont block traffic. They dont prevent from you shopping at macys. They should be a perfectly acceptable way to express ones feelings about political issues. I wondered to myself, what if lebron james instead had a shirt be a better father to your dad. I mean be a better father to your son. Raise your children. Those difficult issues are not being dealt with by the black community. Jon well, be a better father. Lebron actually liveds that message. And if he wants advice on shirts im sure will ask someone who wears one. But point taken. Point taken no, now we have to respect the point. I mean obviously one of these two men has five kids in various locations by multiple baby mommas. And the other is lebron james. But obviously, geraldo isnt the only one up set about the tshirt protests. The Cleveland Police Union Demands an apology from the Cleveland Browns. One of the browns players Andrew Hawkins walked on to the field on sunday wearing this tshirt. It called for justice for tamir rice. The police union said the team should stick to what it knows best and that would be football. Jon wait. Stick to what . No football, were talking about the Cleveland Browns, right . I mean laughter random cheap shot at the Cleveland Browns. Look, its not as if there isnt a conversation warranted about the Cleveland Police department by tshirt or otherwise. Clevelands police force has been under federal investigation since 2013. The Justice Department examined over 600 cases within the Cleveland Division of Public Police engaged in a pattern and practice of using Excessive Force. Jon well, i guess the only difference is when Football Players use Excessive Force, they get penalized. And if that 15 yards, am i wrong . laughter jon and if that Football Player disrespected the officer who shot and killed tamir rice, a 12yearold hold a bebe gun within 12 second of pulling up on him, you should hear what he said about it. At his previous job the officer lowmans personnel records show he was in the process of being fired. His supervisor describing an emotional meltdown. Adding that he would not be able to substantially cope or make good decisions during or resulting from any other stressful situation. But the Cleveland Police never asked to see lowmans personnel records. Jon even without reading his record, they should have realized something was wrong when they met him. These babies can go off. So why shouldnt why shouldnt the Cleveland Browns or any other cleveland citizen talk about a huge and ultimately fatal departmental screwup. The clev land police union heads argued athletes had no business weighing in at all saying quote it is pretty pathetic when athletes think they know the law. Jon i guess where hes coming from. Dumb old Football Player. I catch a ball while wearing a shell on my head i mean seriously. What makes this guy think hes got an opinion worth sharing on this complicated issue . And that he, the Football Player, shouldnt apologize. My momma taught me all my life to respect law enforcement. I have family, Close Friends who are Incredible Police officers. And i tell them all the time how they are much braver than me for it unfortunately, my mom also taught me that just as there are good Police Officers, there are some not so good Police Officers that would assume the worst of me without knowing anything about me, for reasons i cant control. To me justice means that the innocent should be found innocent. It means that those who do wrong should get their due punishment. Ultimately, it means fair treatment. So a call for justice shouldnt offend or disrespect anybody. A call for justice shouldnt warrant an apology. applause jon well be right back. We all know someone this year. Who has done something special. Give them the gift for those who fly beyond. Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Who has done something special. We all know someone this year. Give them the gift for those who fly beyond. Jon welcome back you know, i want to let you in on an inside tip, a little thing in the news business, we call it tease, a teaser. We want to entice viewers to watch the next zming. You have to keep them there through the commercial. You want ton entice them without giving away what is going to happen. Later in the wake of the new york grand jury decision not to indiet an nypd officer in the death of eric garner, the governor of new york andrew cuomo thoited it was appropriate to take some advice from a guy that admits that he sol crack and was a drug dealer and actually shot somebody, and well tell you who it is as we continue. laughter jon this is going to drive me crazy. I dont know who it is im going go with jayz . You know, kuz of the photo of jayz . You have up on the screen there for a really long time. Or perhaps thats just part of the intricate it was also interested in mr. Hannitys description of mr. Z. A guy that admits that he sold crack and was a drug dealer and actually shot somebody. Stephen s that. Jon s thiss the tease. Jayz, crack dealer. Tell us more. I want to talk about jayz, lets go to his autobiography. I sold crack to addicts who were killing themselves, collecting the wrinkled bills they got from god knows where and making sure they got their rocks to smoke. Why would the governor pick him . It is better than the former crack dealer . Jon [bleep] man, i dont even know what to do here. Its so over the line jon, jon, jon stop it. Jon Jessica Williams cheers and applause jon how did you what did you how did were you hot . Yeah. Jon i didnt realize. Im a hot mama. Jon are you a hot mama. I didnt i sensed that you needed some help. Jon i do. I mean crack dealer, jayz huhuh, jon. Jon okay, all right. Its all right, its all right. Mommas here. Jon i mean on this chair. Jon how you can say that about jayz, all that he has done for himself. He is now the illest lyricist. Huhuh, stay in your lane, old man. Jon youre saying i should check myself. Okay, shut it down, stop, stop. Jon all right. But are you right, jon, hoover has done quite a few other things since his dealing days, you think that would impress people on fox because you know how much they like to preach to black folks about responsibility and selfimprovement and about what is wrong with the black community. Black people need to step up and start acting like first class citizens. Tow davids point what he was talking about in the Africanamerican Community, there is no father in the family. You had me on the fact that black people have to clean up their own communities. We never mentioned was the out of wed lock birth rate is over 70 . The dezrtion rate for africanamerican men, astronomical. This president could be a phenomenal role model within the Africanamerican Community to say get married, stay married, be there for your kids. They need to stay out of trouble with the law. They need to pull up their pants and finish school. I mean, look, jon, if you go over their blackmail to do list jz has it covered. Good job, check, stable marriage, check. Yeah, i mean sure t has its ups and downs, kind of like an elevator. Is he a good father, check. And hes not just pulling his pants up, the guy actually sells belts. Thats how devoted he is to the cause of raised pants applause jon its true. Jon, jayz is the guy they keep saying they want all other black guys to be. But to them hes still just a crack dealer. Jon and it is a pauling. His wife is this powerhouse no, stop, you have nothing to add about her. Do not bring her into this. The only thing i can imagine is that fox has a new rule where people must be labeled according to the worst thick theyve ever done. And if thats the case then we have to fix some chyrons on fox news, lets start with oj detective mark fuhrman, he had has been on fox a lot since ferguson but they always forget to label him properly. And what about rush limbaugh, the conservative patron saint, he is not just a radio host now. He is a Prescription Drug addict. Jon you know t seems hardly fair to do there. Why not . Jon yeah, youre right, fine. applause and remember, jon, theyre calling jayz a crack dealer not because he was convict. He just talked about it in his music so, by that standard their boy ted nudge ent definitely needs a new credit. laughter we know, we know that ollie north did terrible things for reagan and i dont even know this bald [bleep] is but he clearly has a rap sheet longer than any rapper. Jon no, no, no. That is actually g. Gordon liddy with the watergate. Im already board, stop it, stop it. Jon from the 70s. Stay in my lane. Stay in your lane. Jon. Jon h to the in your lane, in your lanement dont hurt yourself. Jon everything is good. Is it, though. Heres what im jaying, jon. Fox news has 99 problems but jayz aint one. Jon thank you, Jessica Williams. Jessica williams. Jessica williams. Well be right back. Lets spark the fire. Use your mastercard with apple pay okay handbag out there. Surprise and you could get a priceless surprise. Woah whos next . Four from golf experiences to concert tickets. So much cooler when you do it do it do it. Lets spark the fire. Even the chance to meet gwen stefani. Lets spark the fire. Cool hair ah haha priceless. Everybody lets go [ male announcer ] theyll see you before you see them. Cops are cracking down on drinking and driving. Drive sober, or get pulled over. Cops are cracking down on drinking and driving. Wellllll. Earlyfit latefit risefit fallfit ballfit wallfit pingfit ongfit ingfit ongfit owfit throwfit lowfit lliefit opsfit tisfit hiswayfit thatwayfit daddyfit pappyfit datefit weightfit goalfit gooooooalfit tepfit tairfit martfit eartfit spinfit ikefit hikefit ikesfit heeeeefit owfit whoafit findyourfit its all fitbit cheers and applause jon welcome back, my guest tonight, a good one, her new movie is called into the woods requests hes a very smart prince. Hes a prince who prepared. Knowing this time i would run from him. He spread pitch on the stairs. And im caught unawares. Well, it means that he cares. This is more than just malice. Better stop and take stock while youre standing here stuck on the steps of the palace. Jon its malice. Please welcome anna kendrick. Come on. Just nice to see you. Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me. Let me tell you this. Yes. Jon and i say this to you, congratulations. Thank you. Jon youre very welcome. Tass very sweet, you know, just on being, just on being here . Jon no, congratulations on this film, this into the woods, the pitch perfect, the only thing i wonder is are you concerned, at all. Yeah. Jon with being type cast as a hugely talented multidimensional star . And because of that, shouldnt you suck in something . I suck at plenty of stuff. Jon oh, stop t i wont have that talk from you. I cant cook, im trbl at math. Theres tons of stuff im bad at. Jon it is interesting, is it something you dont care to do. I want to learn. Im nervous about burning the house down but i do want to learn. Jon there is a place in between being an okay cook and not destroying your house. Okay. Thats good news. Jon exactly. Fingers krosd, yeah. Jon i know. Did you the singing aspect of it is the part that is somewhat astonishing. Yes. Jon which came first, the love of the drama, the love of the songs . Which well, i mean when i was like five years old i think, i wasnt like performing hamlet in the bathroom mirror. It was more, tlc in the bathroom mirror. But i mean im so happy to be doing these films that i get to do both. I feel like im probably going show up on my next set and burst into song about something. Jon i wish everything was like that. She comes as an actress. Im so nervous to talk to her. I can tell you, the weird thing. Jon perhaps some water. The weird thing about sicking on set and knowing that, you know, the scene is coming up and its sort of like being, if you were playing a runner in a movie you would be stretching and stuff, keeping warm. And you are supposed to sort of keep your voice warm so you are doing all these these weird vocal silly exercises. For your voice to stay warm. And some of the crew members would hear me, i would be sitting, you know, waiting to go ha, hmmmm, and they would be like can we get you something . Like im like im really bad at become exas operated, like im flu to passive aggression. And im like its really cold in this room. I will have a water. Jon you just go i could use a little water but instead you make a noise. But do they do you have to sing it every take or is that a tract, how do they film Something Like that. We day little bit of both. So there are scenes where im singing live and that was really great. But i am in a very, very legitimate corset so some of that stuff where im rung up and down the stairs, i cant sing sondz home in a corset running up a real set. Jon do they really have to lace new, those are like a torture device. Oh yeah, an youre stuck in there and it is, its like being temporarily asthmatic so just. Jon because you cant get a breath. Thosecismest things become significantly more difficult. And there was you know that thing when are you a little kid, and somebody is tickling you and its really fun and suddenly are you screaming for mercy . And this was there was a day that chris pine, chris pine is so funny in this move yeaux and he was making me laugh on set. And it is going well and i was thinking look at this its like behind the scenes, the actors are having fun. Getting to know each other. Oh that chris pine. And suddenly i was screaming that i was dying. And i was like crying at the coursette to get out of it. And they let you out and it takes a minute. And then, you know, i was dish sheveled but not dying. And had you know, apparently saying oh, chris was doing this really funny southern accent, is not like an acceptable excuse for holding up the shoot. It sounds like you were worried that you disappointed them for not being in an actual medical emergency. Well, you dont want to be the girl who cried wolf, i guess. Jon you just want to be the girl without make s weird noises and wants water. The thing about, though, the thing, what is the appropriate response from a crew, like because acting after a scene, you dont have to applaud. But traditionally following a song, you should applaud. Does the crew at a certain point go sure, okay . What is the prolt cole for that . There is no there is no clapping or anything but you know t was nice to hear the crew like the whole next week singing your song like as they are doing, or singing your song . Like kenney the grip is like, hes very smart prince. Jon i think that would be so much different its lard to have a [bleep] day on a musical it would seem. Because no matter how bad are you feeling, its like okay, two, three, four and you have to jump in. I mean, this musical is the first half of it is the fairy tales as you know them so that is fun. And its so funny and alive and amazing. And then the second half is sort of where things fall apart and it is sort of about how fairy tales are dishonest and they tell us that things in our lives are going to be simple and they arent. So the second half of the fill some about. Jon my daughter is probably watching. [bleep] laughter just go go to bed, honey. Nevers complicated but theyre going to be okay. Jon life say dream, sweetie. Go to bed. Nice having you on the program, anna. laughter congratulations. It is really wonderful. And like i said, we think you are very talented. Thanks for being here, we appreciate it. Thank you. Stephen into the wood t opens on Christmas Day which i hearsay great day for movey going. Did you know you can use an iphone 6 to make a call from almost any apple device . Really . Yeah. Give me a call on that macbook. Alright, call you now. [ringing] [french accent] hello, pierres bistro. Uhh, id like to make a reservation. [french accent] theres Nothing Available goodbye. Cmon dude. 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