Jon hello everybody. How are you . Very nice to see you. Thank you for joining us my name is jon stewart. We have a fine fine program for you tonightment my guest tavis smiley is iting to be joining us. I always enjoy talking to tavis. Very interesting man. But we begin tonight with the media blockbuster. Rogging stone is now retracting its uva rape story after this devastating review by the Columbia University graduate school of journalism. Jon thats right it turns out that Rolling Stone the magazine that gave 5 stars to the most recent u2 album laughter may not be the most reliable source of information. So watch what happened. What went down . Is this a what dow call a steven glass new republic make them up story a rogue reporter peers into fiction writing without telling hereditier. The new report concludesed reporter failed to verify her story with other sources. The magazine used pseudonyms rather than confront the alleged attackers and they ignored fact check ares warnings that the alleged victim was the articles only source for key details. It was the collective fault of the reporter the edit are the editors supervisor and the Fact Checking department. Jon the schools they attended. Their parents and religious leaders. Oddly enough yoko ono. laughter all i can say is i think a lot of heads are going to be joining the magazines eponymous stoned in their beloved pass time of that heads are going to roll is what i mean. Rolling stone announced that everyone would keep their jobs. Jon what [bleep] thats actually not how this works. You know if nobody else has the guts to do it i will fire them. Im making a citizens firing. laughter pack up your desks and give me the number of security there. I will have them escort you out. How can there be no consequences. For an error of this magnitude. Publisher jann wenner believes the report is enough punishment. laughter jon the report is actually not punishment at all it is a list of things in many can i people would be punished for. Youre missing the ever crucial sentencing phase. The court finds you guilty so thats get some italian tonightment you have had to sit here an hear these terrible things you did. You must be very saddened. No. This isnt a gaffe or brain fart or whoop see daisy, this is a big deal. You cant just deal with it by sching a correction like the time you spelled kesha name with an ampersand. That is not what happened here. She actually was that also would have to be corrected in the magazine. But this uva story is a monumental [bleep]up territory. Campus rape happens with shocking frequency a very real underreported problem that many colleges and University Administration have metway lack of concern an stonewalling. Victims need help and support yet somehow in a sea of invest fewable assaults you manage to wheres waldo the only rape story that not would fail to get your point across but set the cause back. Someones got to go. Rolling stone im forced cheers and applause jon Rolling Stone in fact im forced to judge you by your own message an will give you your own harshest criticism. Tlae navistars, thats right. By the way underreporting a bad media are only two of the many systemic issues that americas rape victims have to condition tend with. Samantha bee files this report. America faces a litany of complex problems that we cant agree on how to fix. Our crumbabling infrastructure simplifying our bloated tax code is science even real . Hard stuff. But congresswoman debbi wassermanschultz thinks she has an issue that no one can disagree with. Right now a woman doesnt have the right across america to terminate her rapist parental rights. No that is not true. If you are the victim of rape and you conceive a child then you should be able to terminate your rapist parental rights. Were talking about custody, talking about visitation. Yes. Ef reother weekend you have to meet your rapist in dennys parking will the and hanover your child. Right. This cannot be real. No that doesnt happen no, i refuse to believe that. I spent two years of my own life fighting my attacker for custody of my daughter. And it prompted me to go to law school. Okay so this actually is a thing. And shawna has been a public advocate to end this un[bleep] believable situation. We know that about 33,000 women each year become pregnant through happy. At least a third of them go on to raise that child. So were looking at at least 10,000 potential custody battles every single year in this country. Oh thats very interesting. Okay, excuse me one second. Be rate back. Her numbers were making my brain explode. I was going to need a little help getting through this story. Luckily i was prepared for just such an emergency. Emotional support baby chicken. The good news is wassermanschultz introduced legislation to fix this. We do have bipartisan support. This bill is endorsed by prolife groups and prochoice groups. I expected that if it was any issue that would sail through without a problem that it would be this one. But the bill didnt even get a hearing. No nope its going to be okay. Its going to be okay. So why did this cant fail bill fail . There is a small provision in the bill that actually spends some money. The bill didnt move over the small funding issue. Okay. So this is a weird question. But how much money is too much money to stop rapists from pursuing their custodial rights. Let me share with you. The bill authorized 5 million perrier for five years. Do you know how much the government spends on promoting fruits and vegetables on social media. 5 million get fruit. So were cool with not helping rape victims. In the meantime wassermanschultz has reintrou introduced the bill an thinks it may pass. If it passes then no woman will ever have to face this nightmare ever again, Problem Solved right. I wish it were that simple. Its not automatic. It is up to the state. What we do in the bill is incentivize states that dont have this law in place. We have to either use a carrot or a stick. In this case we chose a carrot. I feel like i would have chosen the stick. I know the stick can be tempting. So constitutionally each state has to change its own laws am quick question why the [bleep] do the states even need an incentive. I think that the problem is that it goes back to the suspicion that legislators have of raped women. And not only that some women have been threatened by their attacker who have said if you stop the criminal process against me i will agree not to seek any custody of parental rights. Just going to get some fresh air. Thats it im out. Im out of shock. Okay just walk and think think and walk okay. Whooo. Nobody should have to choose between dropping charges or a custody battle. Oh my gow. Oh my god. Where am i . Oh this is pretty. So snowy. Not infuriateingly sad. You know what why would i leave. Ill just enjoy my tea. Grow a beard. Would you look at the lack of soulcrushing government dysfunction. I could make a new life here. Jon sam. What do you want . Jon its has an from the daily show. I know who you are. You need to finish the piece. Im to the going back. But its important. I know its important. Goddamn it. There was still work to do. Can i borrow your razor. I left that lady sitting there for a long time. Okay here we go. Are there any states out there doing the right thing on their own. Has a terrific law that say model that i would like to get replicated in a number of other states. Did you just say florida . Yeah. Ive been doing this job for a long time and i have never said these words before. Good job florida i knew what i had to do. Time for a good oldfashioned stateshaming. Hi. If your state is red on this map, call your legislator and tell them to get their [bleep] together. Dont here are their haims alabama arizona maryland minnesota, im so mad that felt better. And while were waiting if you are looking for me ill be in my happy place. Oh yeah. Jon samantha bee. Well be right back. What do you think . When i first sit in the seat it makes me think of a bmw. I feel like im in a lexus. You would think that this was a brand new audi. Its like a luxury car. Feels kind of like an infinity. Very similar to a range rover. This is pretty high tech. Yeah it is. It reminds me of a mercedes. This is chevy . Laughing i have a new appreciation for chevy. They thought about me. I could totally rock this. This thing feels pretty boss. It looks kind of dope. Thats pretty cool. This is the jam. Pretty bomb dude. Maybe i will go chevy. Im definitely in. light breeze and ocean sounds monster truck racing rock breaking nature microwave ding i love it out here old spice whistle when sweet and tart meet the possibilities are delicious. Get ready for sweetarts soft and chewy ropes. With no artificial flavors or colors. Theyre new from sweetarts. Jon welcome back chicago my kind of town. Chicago was i seedy hot bed of financial and financial ruinment blatant crime. Humanity. And by back in the day i mean 2011. The city is dealing with a 654 million deficit and rising crime. Jon its so bad detroit is like im getting the [bleep] out of here. Luckily for chicago a new sheriff walked in the form. Former white house chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel has been elected the next mayor of chicago. Jon and so those days of crime and cronyism and economic collapse came to an end after four years under mayor rahmulous emmanuel iii. This is the chicago of today. A 2 billion budget deficit. The number of shootings and sexual assaults doubledigit percentages. Jon things are looking up. laughter and by things i mean amount of money they dont have and crime. laughter jon it was lets call it laughter his record of being mayor that caused this powerful political play we are name recognition to find himself in an uncomfortable reelection race. Rahm emmanuel entered chicagos first ever runoff for mayor. Facing off against his challengeer jesus chuy garcia. Jon how would a sitting mayor with a terrible record and a universally recognized abrasive personality defeat this countrys fourth most famous chuy. laughter they say your greatest strength is your greatest weakness am im living proof of that. I can rub people the wrong way or talk when i should listen. Chicago is a great city but we can be even betterment and yeah i hear you. So can i. laughter jon Rahm Emmanuel just just kick my ass okay, ill not asking im telling you. Kick pie ass. Jon the arty suskin strategy is a new one. Dominoes tried it with its pizza. laughter jon how did it work out for Rahm Emmanuel. Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel won his second term last night. He beat his challenger by 11 points. Jon chicago congratulations. You Rolling Stoned that [bleep] laughter the report is in on everything you have done wrong and we feel that that report is punishment enough. laughter well be right back. cheers and applause this is brian. Every day, brian drives carefully to work. And every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. Hes been paying more for Car Insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesnt even notice them anymore. But one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. Now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. Get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. cheers and applause jon hey, everybody my guest tonight is the host and managing editor of tavis smiley on cbs and best selling authorment his latest is called my journey with mayament please welcome back to our program tavis smiley sir. How are you my friend if. Im doing the best i can with what i got. Jon oh stop. How are you . Jon im doing very well myself. Can i say something. Jon yes, please. I mean this in all seriousness it is difficult. Jon are you firing me . No no no, it is difficult jon stewart, to be a truth teller and a crowd pleaser at the same time. You have made us laugh and in doing so you got us to listen. And i want to say thank you. cheers and applause jon so much respect from me to you. But thank you. And this is, talk about a milestone. My journey this is your and for most authors never get this this is your 400th book. Not exactly. Jon how in gods name did a 21yearold kid end up getting a mentor like maya angelou. In gods name, i do not know. What i can tell you is im he internal eternally grateful. I believe gratitude is thity im forever traitful she allowed me in her space. By the time i met her she was an international icon. I ran for city council ins will and less. Jon all right tragically sad. I ran for city counciler when i was a 20 svming i lost that race. It is laughable now to think that i thought my life was over then. But when the only thing that you think you were born to do, you fail at you dont know what is next in your life. Jon right. So in that moment when i didnt know what my next step was i couldnt find my own voice i didnt know where mi place was in the world i get this invitation out of the blue to go to africa for two weeks with maya angelou. And all i did for two weeks was carry her bags around africa. I kid you not. I carried her bags around. It was the most sublime and joyful experience ive ever had to be exposed to that kind of mind. This is august of 93. Jon did she have a plan for you. Was there a moment there where you thought did you know at the time was it a per did shall did purposeful shaping, did she see something in you. Because i have had similar failures and i was mentored by a fellow named jack daniels. And she but did you get the sense that she was being purposeful with you . I think she was always purposeful. She loved young people. The reason why she moved there winstonsalem and began to teach at wake forest is because she loved young people. She saw herself as a gift and she was willing to share that gift with other young people. Keep in mind this same maya angelou was raped at 7 years of age. This is the whole story of her book her bestseller internationally. She was raped at the age of 7. She doesnt say a single word jon for five and a half words. Goes mute for five and a half years so if anybody understands what it means to be a youngster person to fight to find your voice, to claw your way back to find your place in the world and she goes on to be an icon i mean you go to africa in august of 93 this is after january of 93 when she gave that beautiful poem at clinton inauguration the only person to have done that before her was some guy named robert frost. She shows up to give this poem but for some reason she race mood her world. A young black man and having someone say to me, your life matters your opinion matters, what do you think about this, what are your views about this. Share with me tell me your life story for somebody of her stature to do that to me is a lifechanging lifealtering lifeaffirming dream. Jon and do you you know when you see the power of that a mentoring relationship can have you know, i cant help but think when you say lives matter the video even from today of a black man 50 years old running and being shot, how do you reach people who dont have that opportunity then. She cant touch everybody. You cant touch everybody. How does that message get through . We start by recognizing that because im human nothing human is alien to me. None of us is any better or any worse than any other human being. This is not some of about black and white. Its truly about it but not as much to my mind about black and white as it is about wrong and right. What we are seeing in our country is the of the humanity of too many people. And when you think that black mens lives dont marry and their humanity their dignity can be condition tested if that is your starting place then the ending point is on your eight bullets in the black lying face down. They shot him in the back eight times running a what. How do you know he doesnt care about his life, because as he is dead on the ground are you so afraid of a black man after you shoot him eight times in the become and he is face down he is dead and you still handcuff him . What does that say about how you regard or disregard the humanity of that particular human being. And so weve got to start to not just respect the humanity of fellow citizens but to even revel in the humanity of fellow citizens. Jon powerful stuff. cheers and applause jon and dead on right. But you see you know but you see the linkage of what maya angelou stood for and what she was able to impart to you and the wisdom. And then what are you able to improper. Impart. In some ways what i get the whole idea is it feels like after reading this that she knew politics was too small for you too a large extent. And that you would have ended up not having the voice you have. Because it would have been sensored by a process that is consider rosive to that type of free speech. And maybe that was ultimately where she was taking you. I appreciate that. I learned from her jon that sometimes rejection is direction. Jon right. Sometimes rejection is redirection. Maya said to me all the time, in the epilogue of the book i close with this we find our path by walking. I wanted her to just tell me in that moment of despair what is my role. What am i supposed to do. How do i find my voice how do i know that i matter in the world. Just tell me the answer to this question. Oh wise one. She said to me baby we find our path by walking. The good news is that every one of us has something to contribute. And whatever age you might be trying to discover who you are or trying to rediscover after being downsized what your role in the world is, there is a role for to you play. You wouldnt be here if there was some assignment uniquely for you to do. But youve got to keep walking that path until you find it. Jon well tavis i cant tell you, i really hope you find it. Im working on it. applause jon my journey with maya. It is on the book shelves now tavis smiley. Woohoo, bomb that cherry lip through the doggy door or its pittsville, brah. Its never too late to learn a Foreign Language go and smell the roses music plays love you by the free design attendant welcome back. Man thank you. Its not home. But with every well considered detail. It becomes one step closer. No wonder more people. Choose delta than any other airline. Woman its been a journey to get where i am. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org jon thats our show, do not forget, download the latest episode of the daily show pod cast featuring an interview with hasan minaj. Here is your moment of zen. I have to say that sometimes when i listen to less than loving expressions by christians i get concerned. But thats a topic for another day. Larry tonight a white cop has been charged in the killing of an unarmed black man. In the cops defense he had no idea it was on video. [laughing] larry rand paul launches his president ial campaign for 2016. Wait a minute shouldnt he have waited until 2020. Larry will hew3l he