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Table of elements does not worry orut if you speak english spanish at home. If you can learn something, it is portable wealth, and nobody can take it away from you. If we go into excuses like it is increasingly happening, if let we let kids struggle, how can we expect young people to grasp their opportunities . That is why the challenging of fixing our schools should be one of the most Urgent National priorities. This is not just about saving the amazing students, education reform is renewing this country. In is about protecting the essential right to rise. We all know the challenges we face. A system that every year graduates millions of children unprepared for life, and is eld accountable for that failure. A system that blames the earlier budgets,n parents, just about anything but the people who control the budgets. Design therun and curriculum. Poverty is not an excuse. At the success of Academy Charter schools that are taking the poorest kids in new york city, and thanks to a culture of High Expectations and accountability, they are earning the best test scores in new york state. There are schools like this all across country. Working with the florida legislature, we implemented a old reforms starting with the a plus plan in 1999. Nationalent from a phage or to one of the top 10 states in the nation. Today our hispanic fourthgraders lead their peers in 34 states. Our africanamerican thirdgraders have advanced two grade levels since our reading reforms began. We are a National Leader in providing disadvantaged students access to advanced placement classes. Those who see art are here know that this works. Choice is at the center of our reform efforts. There are other things as well. High standards, rigorous quality assessments, accountability for school leaders, Early Childhood literacy, and ending the insidious idea of social promotion in third grade. Digital and distance learning. Transparency for parents to know if their schools are Getting Better or getting worse. These policies matter. How we achieve them will differ from community to community. We have to make room for diversity in our thinking even as we reach for common goals. For example there is a lively debate about testing. I do not know if you notice. [laughter] do we test the right things . Does testing promote real learning . Do we test too often . On theseme views issues. I believe that testing is studentsto identify who are struggling in school so we can get them the support and resources they need to help them improve. But we should have fewer and significantly better tests. It should be used in a way thats helpful for the teacher in the classroom. We should be willing to experiment. We should be able to improve our thinking based on the evidence. Over thehy the debate common core standards has been troubling. I respect those who have weighed in on all sides of this issue. Nobody in debate has a bad motive. But lets take a step back from the debate for a second. Over 213 million Chinese Students with the school. Nobody debated if academic expectation should be lowered in order to protect their students still the same a selfesteem. Week, that debate actually did occurred at a school board meeting. In georgia. Voted make itrd impossible for students to receive a grade below 50. You get 50 points out of a hundred for just showing up and signing your name. This was done by local officials so the students did not lose hope. Statess in the united ranked 21 in reading, and 31st an overriding concern for selfesteem instead of High Expectations does not get you to number one a get you number one. It gets you to number 21. Lets get real about this. Only one quarter of High School Students to be a ct are fully prepared for college. All those who are attending Community College need skills before they can go to regular college. Given this reality, there is no question we need higher academic standards. Diverseocal level, highquality content and curriculum. They view, the rigor of common core standards must be the new minimum in classrooms. For those who are choosing a path other than common core, it is fine, but you should be aiming even higher. Asked moreards, and for our students and the system. Everybody in this room knows that they have the potential to deliver with deliver it. We need to pull together wherever we can. It starts with the basic question. Our schooldesigning systems from scratch, what would they look like . Thanuld not part with more 13,000 government run, unionized, politicized goodolies who trapped teachers, administrators, and students in a system that no one can escape. It would be insane if we recreated what we have today. Lets think and act like were starting from scratch. Three ideas that i think fully embrace a surge in rising student achievement which is the whole objective of the reforms we will talk about. So that more students are college and career ready. Right tohould have the a full competitive marketplace of school options. Schools, Charter Schools, private schools, blended and virtual schools, homeschools. Children should be able to cross county lines,es, into neighborhood neighboring school districts. Families would be given a school neachers, and give information to make decisions. Clearl make it crystal that the students are first, the parents are advocates. The state of the local muted be our state and local communities are whether the best ideas come from. If the federal government wants role and reform committees to stop trying to tie every education dollar to something in washington dc. Make more programs that they can deploy as they see fit. Every education dollar should child needs,t the what what the federal government wants. Where the child goes, the caller should go and dollars should go. When we see that happen we will see major reforms. The federal government should go secondarysupportive role. Oureed to treat teachers like modern professionals. They get paid the same, they get treated the same, whether they do good work or bad, whether they take on great challenges or do less. View belongs in the last century. If we have good teachers, lets pay them more and find ways to honor and recognize them for the important work they do. If they volunteer to work with difficult students are challenging schools, reward them more, and lets hire and train Great Teachers and help those that shouldnt the in the classroom move on to other careers so every child has a chance to learn with an extraordinary teacher. Remember this a student to enters the classroom with a great teacher walks out in the summer a full year ahead of a student who had an ineffective teacher. Finally, one of the key organizing principles of schools needs to be turned completely on its head right now, we think occurseducation that based on the amount of time students spend in class not amount not about the amount of knowledge they gain. Variable ande the learning should be the constant. In effect, learning should be customized for each student, where mastery of material means a student moves onto the next challenge rather than spend a predetermined amount of time in the seat. Technology,done or having spent time with my threeyearold granddaughter, georgia, one of the most incredibly brilliant people on the planet, who plays with a tablet like a concert violinist plays with the stradivarius. I think most of us get this clearly. I sense todays kids will not struggle with this transformation. Taking a classe taught by the most impressive minds in the world. Blended learning helps us reach every child. Learning is no longer bound by the four walls of a school building. If you are the only kid in your high school who still wants to study latin, and there are probably a few out there still, you used to be stuck. Now you can learn latin if you connect with a great teacher of mine and if you move faster than the rest of the class or need more time, theres no reason a Technology Solution cant help. A great teacher working with 21stcentury technology can develop a blended learning strategy that works for every kid. Look at what is happening with rocketship education Charter Schools or carpe diem Charter Schools. In massachusetts, School Officials use blended learning and technology to turn around Revere High School which had a 75 poverty rate and a student body which speaks 27 different languages all stop once an underperforming school, this year, they won the gold award as the Top Urban School in the nation from the National Center for urban school transformation. Revere even has its own version of a genius bar on campus. Theres nothing unique about the kids at revere or any of the highperforming schools that embrace technology. The differences teachers, administrators, and students were given every incentive to innovate and use technologies, to transform the way teachers work, the way students learn, and the way the school performs. That is what reform looks like in the 21st century. Point to make one final educational reform with accountability, transparency and choice is now in its third decade. Done and allbeen that will be done in the future will require old leadership from the people in this room and i think we have an obligation to recruit 5, 10, or 100 more people to make it even more powerful. Abundant choices for parents, each way First Century teaching profession and the full embrace of Digital Learning will require changes. The time, its going to require a big political fight. Go quietlydo not into the night. The minute we begin to understand that together, the more incisive our efforts to open up an antiquated system will become. Our movement has become strong but our work is only beginning. There are millions of kids stuck in failing schools and deserving so much more. Armies of teachers you know we can do better than this. So lets get to work. Its ok to be disruptive, but never lose sight of our greater goal. The future of learning in america the future where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential and earn success. That is the purpose of this gathering and thats why i am so happy you are here and enjoy the summit. Don bless you all. God bless you all. [applause] the center for strategic and International Studies will look at a new report tomorrow on the Global Energy outlook. The International Energy Agency Report examines energy trends, nuclear power, and improving access to modern energy services. Economistes chief will present the findings live at 9 30 eastern on cspan2. Later in the day, i look at Climate Change policy with the state departments special envoy for Climate Change. He will talk about global efforts for curbing Climate Change, including the recent agreement between the u. S. And china to reduce carbon in missions. Monday night on the communicators the founder using datafiscal nut mining and Artificial Intelligence to predict the economy. We can actually break down on a legislator by legislator basis how likely they are to vote for a certain bill. Perspective,al there are a lot of opportunities for attorneys and lobbyists to be able to go in and say let me look at this bill. Here are the 50 people most likely to vote for it and hear the 50 be believed likely to vote for it. You can start developing a strategy in terms of trying to get at the information you need. Our analyticsy is dont provide all the answers, but that being said, theres a lot of power in being able to combine the analytics we provide with raw Industry Intelligence or intelligence on the ground. To combine those things should be able to get you to the answers you would like to get to. Thats monday night on cspan2. But the Senate Commerce committee had a hearing on airbags and recalls. Reports link the defect to at least five dozen more than 100 injuries. One of the victims testified at this hearing. Other witnesses included a senior official with the takata corporation. This is just under three hours. Good morning. We are here to investigate the link between defective airbags and the numerous injuries and deaths across the country, indeed across the globe. More than 7. 8 million vehicles in the u. S. Have been recalled because of defective airbags. And just this week the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced that it was calling on all auto makers to expand that recall from a few states, what they called a regional recall to the entire country. Well, the first thing that needs to be done is to take care of consumers. Auto makers need to get a replacement part so that the airbags can be replaced. That needs to be sent to the dealers and they need, because of people potentially driving around with a defective airbag in their Steering Wheel and dashboard, the dealers, the automobile makers need to provide a loaner vehicle or a rental car for those whose cars cannot be immediately fixed. General motors recently took that kind of step for certain modelsth

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