Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2022 Democrat Katie Hobbs Cam

CSPAN Campaign 2022 Democrat Katie Hobbs Campaigns In Phoenix October 25, 2022

Its so nice outside, i thought we would be doing this outside. Id like to first welcome our special guest who is going to be here and i also want to acknowledge some of our Council Members who are here. [applause] this is a special morning, we have all expanded our horizons and are out there in the community. Id like to introduce a candidate whos going to be a very strong governor for our state. Id like to introduce our secretary of state and hopefully future governor, katie hobbs. [applause] ms. Hobbs thank you, good morning, everyone, and thank you for that introduction. Im excited to kick off our election tour here. As you heard, on the secretary of state and also the democratic nominee for governor. [applause] we have an election that ins in 17 days, but voting is going on right now, its a critical election. In 2020, we saw the foundations of our democracy face the most serious challenges of our time. Their accusations of fraud in our election, questions about faith in the leaders in charge of them. There were threats against election workers, there were threats against me and my family. I had armed protesters outside of my house. As secretary of state, we conducted the safest and most secure election in our state history, with recordbreaking turnout. I stood for democracy when i refused to give into those insurrectionists who surrounded my home, and im still doing that today in this campaign for governor. Not just because im running against kari lake also because i truly believe that even then in this moment of criticism and anger, when we prove that government can help solve problems, we prove that democracy works. I cant believe we are still litigating the 2020 election when we have so many resting issues to focus on, like skyrocketing housing prices, inflation, fixing our Education System and dealing with our states water crisis. We need leaders who will look to the future and not dwell on the past, because our problems are urgent, and many of them are decades in the making. I havent shied away from our estates challenges because ive lived some of those same challenges myself. Im a born and raised arizona and from a hardworking middleclass family that knows the dollar of a dollar and the dignity of hard work. We didnt always have enough to get by and sometimes relied on support from her Church Community and Government Programs like food stamps. Husband and i also struggled with raising our kids with financial ups and downs. You know the impact of rising costs on families trying to put food on the table. Ive taken second jobs to help pay the mortgage. And i will never forget that struggle. I learned the value of service from my faith and my parents, and ive been serving arizonans my whole life. I put myself through college with workstudy and scholarships and i medially went to work as a social worker, helping arizonans who were struggling to get by. My first job out of college was working with youth experiencing homelessness in phoenix, and i helped run one of the largest mystic violence shelters in the country, where helped provide needed services to thousands of women in our community who are fleeing from domestic violence. I love making a difference in the lives of people that i was working with, but i wanted to help fix the problems that were causing people to end up in these situations in the first place. And i didnt see our elected leaders doing a lot about it. And so i ran for office myself, and i won. And then i got to work. In the legislature, i worked with republicans and democrats to help expand health care to over 500,000 arizonans. I worked across the aisle to find new ways to tackling our states growing opioid epidemic, and i worked with republican governor to clear the states backlog of untested rape kits and put sexual offenders in jail. And then when i got to the secretary of states office, we had more tough challenges to tackled. I promise that i would bring trust and accountability to the office, and we did that. We modernized the office, we fixed broken systems, battled misinformation. We are still battling this information, and we navigated the pandemic for the voters of arizona soto that no one had to choose between their freedom to vote and their health and safety. All of these led to historically secure elections in 2020. When people like my opponent kari lake try to overturn the will of the voters, we stood firm and we fall back on these challenges. That is exactly the kind of leadership im going to bring to the governors office. Real solutions, not fingerpointing or conspiracy theories, but bringing people together to solve our most urgent problems. I know that together we have what it takes to turn our talents into opportunities and make errors on the best place in the country to live, work, and raise a family. To start, we have released a bold plan to lower costs and make arizona more affordable. We will make government more accountable. We will stop kicking the can down the road and deal with our states water crisis. We will make sure that every single student in our state, no matter where they live, gets a high quality public education. [applause] we are going to make sure we are predicting access to Reproductive Health care for women and their families, including safe and legal abortions, and we will continue to stand up for our freedom to vote. In every single one of our plans, we will make sure we are uplifting latino communities and communities that have been marginalized and have not had access to opportunities. That is getting the job done. This race for governor is not about democrats or republicans. Its a choice between sanity or chaos. Its not just the crazy, offthewall things that kari lake says, not that she continues to spew dangerous conspiracy theories, but it is what she would actually do as governor. She is 100 against womens reproductive rights, she supports arizonas prerow ban that forces jail time for doctors that was passed before we were even a state before women had the right to vote. I was three years old when roe v. Wade was decided, and now in 2022 it is unbelievable that my 20yearold daughter has less rights than i did 50 years ago. But the reality is, if kari lake were to win this election, this government mandated band risks the lives of women. She continues to call for decertifying the 2020 election, which is a concept she invented. She continues to spew conspiracy theories about the last election, and refusing to say she will accept the results of this election unless the wins, unless unless she wins. If these things were bad enough, she wants to put government cameras and all of our classrooms, which would not solve any real problems that we are facing an education, but would potentially open up our kids to spying from big tech and big brother. She thinks everyday people should be able to own Rocket Launchers. Think about that for a minute. These are weapons of war, designed to fight tanks and heavy artillery. I hate to think of a rocket long Rocket Launcher in the hands of a dangerous criminal or someone whos going to commit the next mass shooting. She has called to dismantle our nations Top Law Enforcement Agency which would put the safety and security of every arizonan at risk. She wants to secede from the union and usher in another civil war, and she has promised that on day one of her administration, she will declare an invasion and our southern border, which will do nothing to secure the border, but will bring untold levels of chaos into the state of arizona. Kari lake is dangerous. She is too extreme and she is out of touch with every day arizonans. [applause] the question now is, do we want a governor whose entire platform boils down to being a sore loser, or a governor who will get the job done for arizonans . The last election was pretty important, but it is nothing compared to what the this might be the most important election in our states history, and we will win this, but its going to be tight. It is going to be tight, so we need everyone to help out and to turn out and vote in this election. Im not afraid of a tough fight. Im battle tested, i have never lost an election and i dont intend to start now because there is way too much on the line. So thank you all so much for being here. Make sure that youre talking to all your friends and neighbors and family and that they know what is arts take in this election what is at stake in the selection and so we turn out every voter so we can win. I look forward to voting alongside of you in 18 days. Are you next . Do you want me to introduce you . Thank you so much for coming out. This is a critical election. There is a lot at stake. If you look at positions of many candidates on the others out of the all, republicans, dictate, its dangerous for our economy, dangerous for our state, and definitely dangerous for our democracy. I want to sit right next to i have seen what she can do. She would work across the aisle, she would bring solutions. She was able to work across the aisle with republican governor for Medicaid Expansion here in the state of arizona. [applause] i also had an opportunity to work with her the last couple of years when our elections and our democracy were under attack. We were all getting desperate, they wanted us not to certify the election, but all five supervisors, four republicans, one democrat, stood up and said no, we are going to stand with the will of the voters of the state of arizona. Our elections are safe and fair and we are going to certify. Right next to the board of supervisors was secretary of state katie hobbs. She stood with us, and this is why we need katie hobbs as our next governor. We need someone whos going to represent the entire state of arizona. Kari lake continues to push conspiracy, spout false statements. Shes already putting out conspiracies on the 2022 election. Even postelection, they are going to throw as much garbage and false statements of conspiracies toward our election, but at the end of the day, its up to the voters of the state of arizona, and the voters will vote for katie hobbs as our next governor. Lets people out of their homes, lets talk to our neighbors and talk to our coworkers, our family and friends. Lets get everyone out to vote. Every vote matters and at the end of the day we will come right back here and we will celebrate a great victory when we elect katie hobbs as the next governor of the state of arizona. [applause] the latino vote is critical. The latino vote is going to determine who is elected. We need to get tinos out to vote, that is our mission for the next 17 days. Join us and lets bring home a victory for katie hobbs. [applause] thank you so much. Ms. Hobbs thank you so much. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much. We will do everything to support you. Ms. Hobbs well, we are tight. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. Thank you so much. Did you get a good one . Ok, thank you. [crowd murmurs] you guys, we need a Little Energy here. [chanting hobbs hobbs ] lets do it, 17 more days. Lets get the latinos out to vote. Lets fight for her. Lets get out the vote. [chanting katie katie ] lets do it. Ms. Hobbs thank you, everybody, for coming. We appreciate your support and all your love. [crowd murmurs] we need you. Arizona needs you. Ms. Hobbs thank you so much. All right. Thank you. [crowd murmurs] [crowd murmurs] a couple of quick questions, why is it so important to resonate with latino youth . When it comes to uplifting our latino communities, that we are implement and policies that work for everyone in our state. This is a do over chance, what have you learned from the Latino Community . You cant separate latino culture from arizona, it is who we are as a state. This the things ive learned from latino women i had a chance to work with, they have the most barriers and challenges and they were willing to take the risk for their families, to protect the family. When i thought about that, it just really was something i realized had impacted my work throughout my time in government, to help people that needed the most. Why do you think you are the better candidate . Making sure that in every single thing we do in government that we are uplifting communities of color, communities that have been marginalized and shut out of opportunities, that we are providing that, by including that in our administration at every single level so we have a government that reflects the diversity of our state. That is something im absolutely committed to. My opponent clearly is not. Weve seen a trend nationally of latinos sort of moving in the direction of republicans. Why is that . Why are democrats starting to lose latinos . Ms. Hobbs i dont think it is happening is much as you are seeing it in florida and texas. On the border, how are you going to handle that . Ms. Hobbs we have to work with the federal government to make sure they are focused on solutions that are right for arizona. We have decades of inaction from washington. We need the Biden Administration to step out on real border security, to tackled the crisis were seen coming from across the border, and we need immigration reform. Ending some of the chaos weve seen at the border and the impact it has on our communities. Its going to provide real relief from the Economic Issues were facing, with inflation, supply chain issues, we need immigration reform. As governor i will fight for that. I think it is important to be focused on what meaningful things we can implement that are not political stunts. Shipping containers on the border is a stunt. The republicans spent 12 million on that. I think i will inherit a Court Challenge on that. I think it is a waste of money on a political stunt that doesnt do anything that actually solves the problem. The cdc vaccine would you allow the Covid Vaccine to go on the schedule for children to attend school . The cdc is sort of moving toward adding the Covid Vaccine to the recommendation for school vaccines, its up to the states to actually decide what is on that list for their state. Ms. Hobbs that is not something i have contemplated. Broadly, what would be your principles around how you make decisions around that . Ms. Hobbs follow the cdc guidelines for the health of arizonans. Thank you. [crowd murmurs] with the political atmosphere the way it is now, we didnt really want to do it. But im so proud of you guys, you all have such great attitudes about coming here today. Is john here . John said, this is a really big deal. Katie hobbs is going to be in our garage . So here we are. [applause] id like to know how many of you are from the ranchette. I want to have a lunch pretty soon, in november. We are going to have cake and coffee, and theres water, soda, tea out here. So dont get thirsty, dont get hot. The weather has been pretty nice, actually. I guess we dont have three or i had made up some flyers of kts opponent. We have to win this election. I appreciate you welcoming and when you go home, you have to talk to as many people as you can about voting. That is pretty much it for me. [applause] thank you so much. I was going to say that about your birthday. Thank you for having us here at your home. I am really grateful for all of the support and the people we got to talk to. We are not taking a single vote for granted in this date race. This race is as much about the 2020 election as a taste the future and that is because we keep wanting to litigate 2020 like my opponent. In 2020 our democracy based the biggest test of our lifetime. There were questions about the legitimacy of our elections. There were armed protectors outside my house, but i had a job to do. As secretary of state, we make sure we oversaw the most secure election in our states history. This campaign for governor, i running against kari lake, the trumpendorsed election denying gop nominee. I truly believe that when we prove government can help solve problems, we prove that democracy works great i cannot believe we are still litigating the 2020 election when we have so many pressing issues to focus on, like prices, inflection inflation to name a few. We need leaders who are going to look to the future, not while on the past. Leaders who are going to get the job done for arizonans. I am a born and raised arizonan that knows the value of a dollar. My parents made huge sacrifices for me and my siblings. We did not always have enough to get by, sometimes relying on Government Programs like stamps. My husband and i raised our kids in phoenix and we had financial ups and downs. I know what it it is like to get a second job to pay the bills. I learned the value of service for my parents and my state. Starting as a kid who volunteered at my church, i put myself through college with workstudy study and scholarship and went to work as a social worker. My first job out of college was working with youth that are experiencing homelessness and i hope to run one of the largest Domestic Abuse shelters in the country, where i got to help provide support and services for thousands of women and their children who were fleeing from Domestic Abuse. I loved making a difference in the lives of the people i was working with, but i wanted to help fix the problems. I did not see our elected leaders doing anything about it. So i ran for office myself and won and got to work. In the legislature, i worked with republicans and democrats to expand health care to more than 500,000 arizonans. I worked with the republican governor to end the backlog of untested rape kids kits in the state. I promised i would bring trust and accountability to the office of secretary of state and i did that. We modernized the office, fixed broken systems, battled misinformation and i helped navigate the pandemic for the voters so that nobody had to choose between their health and safety. When people like my opponent kari lake tried to challenge the results and overturn the will of the voters, we fall back and we protected the voters of arizona. That is exactly the leadership i will bring to the governors office, real solutions. Not fingerpointing or conspiracy theories, but bringing people together to solve our most urgent problems. I note together we have what it takes to turn our challenges into opportunities and make arizona the best place in the country to live. My campaign has released a plan to lower costs to make arizona more affordable. We are going to make government more accountable. We are going to stop kicking the can down the road and deal with our states water crisis. We are going to make sure every woman has access to Reproductive Health care, including legal abortion. We are going to make sure every student no matter where they live gets a highquality p

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