Transcripts For CSPAN Federal 20240705 :

CSPAN Federal July 5, 2024

Competition. Ariza senator Kyrsten Sinema chairs the senate commerce, science, and transportation subcommieeearing. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] the subcommittee is now in der. Welcome everyone to a hearing on the u. S. Senate space and science subcommittee. Thank you to each of our witnesses for the participation today. Thanks to her subcommittee rankg member smith for worng with me on these issues and future capital and Ranking Member cz for their collaboratio a thriving commercial space instry is eentialor continued American Leadership o space innovation which in turn advances medical Economic National Security and scientific interes. The new space economy presents exciting opportunities where visiting living and working space can become reality. I am proud americas leading these global efforts to save advanced tecology that enables Space Exploration including human spaceflight. Im als proud to see my home state of arizona lding the way in commercial space. Ariza is a shining example of how to build meaningful careers and innovions in the new space economy thanks to publicprivate partnerships at Arizona State university, and university of arizona, as well as investment from Innovative Companies to produce space vehicles and Quebec Research across the state. To keep america on top we must foster annvironment that enables and encourages innovation without sacrificing safety. This will require congress to streamline authorization processes, and able to work, and workable safety framework for in Space Operations and clearly defined proper responsibility for different government agencies. In october the subcommittee heard from leading industry representatives and experts o the current Regulatory Environment and how they could be improved. Witnesses all emphasized the need to address Mission Authorization, the learning period and other pressing matters while looki ahead to a future with unknown capability. Its time for action is now. Competitor nations including adversarie like russia a china are making major space investment. Its imperative the u. S. Framework eablish the norms for a workable International Business cmate, promotes our nation interests and serves as a model for oers to follow. Commercial spa compaes are working right now to provide orbital and satellite services, mitigate orbital debris, manufacture in space, deliver space tourism,nd so much more. The question of howegulation of these new space activities wi work often referred to as mission authozation remains unclear, even as businesses in nasa press for a clearnd efficient authorization framework. The whi houseational Space Council released dra legislation in november to extend esting responsibilities of t department of transptationommerce while dividing Mission Authorization authority betweenhem. I ameartened the administraon working on this critic issue but the proposal contained numerous ambiguities, ne undefined terms, and grants of openended authority. Unfortunely the council declined to attend todays hearing and that youruestions on the proposal, but hope to hear from them soon a gain for the clarity in future discussis. One thing that is clears we caot simply continue with the status quo the results and licensing delays,egulatory certainty, and inefficient uses of taxpayerollars and private resources. The proper Regulatory Framework will both remove unnecessary burdens and provide the necessary certainty for the space industr to prosper safely now and into the future. For this to hpen we must keep mission authorizati fully distinct from missionuccess. The government to job is to allow innovation, investment and eams to flourish while ensuring safety. We need a framework that relies on our greatest asset, our people, to push both industry an the cntry forward. To succeed we will need aobust workfoe equipped to support the commercial space ecosystem. I a passiate about making sure america and arizonans have rewarding caree to choose from whe gduating either from certificate programs, vocational school,ut with advanced degrees. Couraging publicprivate partnerships and levering the existing expertise of entities like nasa would bessential to ensure we have the engineers, technical experts, and Skilled Workforce to win the next entry in space. As i sit and october, Congress Must take the same enterprising, pioneering approach to commercial space thatas served us so wl in earlier generations. I believe this requis a flexible Regulatory Environment able to attack the issues of day headon without compromising adaptability to the issues ofomorrow. Thank you. I will now turn to Ranking Member schmitt for his Opening Statement. Thank you, madam chair, and thanks for working so diligently with m on these important issues. Thank you to our witnesses for joining us here today. While we may not agree on everything thats discussed her today, your agencys have been an will continue to be invaluable to our space efforts. As itated before missouri has blazed a trail in our nations path of exploration. St. Charles, missouri, marked the beginning of lewis and clark pedition to elorehe nations he nations expansion to the west. In marshall producing edwin hubble who fathered our nions expiration distance galaxies. Today mr. Is home to over 54 companies whoupply our nations civil and commercia Space Missions. Space has been the ufying force for our nation dating back in space race with russia in the 1950s and 60s. Our nation rallied toeet the challenge and beating russia to the culminating inhe armstrongs famous words one sml step for m, one giant leap for mankind. Today, americas engage in a new 21st Century Space race, one of whichome one in which we n compete with china. Once aga face the challenge of landing on the lunar surface before china has the chance to plan its fg on the moon, claiming it is their domain. Fortunately, america hashe pieces in place from iustry perspective to win this important challeng however, regulatory ambiguity and uncertainty aretanding in way from truly unleaing our nations commercialerospa industry capabilities. In the intsifying space race with chi, retaining u. S. Leadership is imperative not just for economic and security interest but to ensure all nations follow appropriate rules andorms in space. As we contemplate new fmework for space regulation are policies must balance enabling the deployment of new techlogies for commercial operations while ensuring safety, whileustaining our role as the preeminent leader in space. Currently there are four key agencies regicides authority or juriiction over spa, the fcc, the department of transportation federal aviation adminiration office of commercial space transportation, i was just going to get acronyms. Nasa, and an mss. Ple a small role but for whatever reason it i in our nations space endeavors. As tays, at todays hearing were examining the re of some of these agencies resnsible for whether or not the roles need to be refocused or changed to meet the demands of our nations rapidly evolvg commercialpace industry. Ive already helped lead those efforts along with senator sinema and others are innocent and senator hickenlooper who was here with the launch Communications Act whi streamline the secs commercial launch and reentry spectrum licensing process to provide a more certain and timely licensing process to keep pace with the large and reentry demands at the commercial, with the commercial spa industry. That billas passed the senate look forwardo working with the house get it signed into la rently in attempt to address current regulatory uncertainty and confusion as reles to our federal policiesor new and novel in space activity kwn as Mission Authorization, Biden Administration released a proposal that would divide responsibilities between the department of transportation and commerce. Despite beinget with opposition, the white house and the statement said in the proposal ensures our gernment will build aegulaty environment that supports mmercial expansion to benefit all americans. I willake mention that the national Space Council, Space Council, which offered the administrations proposal was invited to todays hearing and is noticeably absent. Its dappointing theyre not here to answer some questns. Madam chair, it is importa that are industry ofegulatory clarity and certainty as w focus our efforts he in this committee on a commercial space bill. As we embark on this new frontierf Space Exploration, the stakes are profound. We mustake the hard decisions which may includereatin new authorities for some agencies and reforming or limitny authorities or others. Just as our nation did, just as a nation did this but thick and so this cast a dark shadow upon thearth and making 5 we must make thisoment. I stand ready to work with you and to bring forrd balance of light, to bring forward balance light touch policy that empower not hindermerican ingenuity andnnovatn, and get the government out of the way m eager to hear from her witness today to assist this committee in shaping the policy that retains americas primacy in space. I yield back. Thank you,enator schmitt. Now ill introduce our witnesses for today to get our first witness is nasa deputy administrator pam melroy. Ms. Melroy has launched a trip log more than 924 hours in space, is one of only two women to have Committee Space shuttle and flew more than 6000 hours during her air force service. Shes also served in leadership roles at lockheed martin, the federal Aviation Administration and the defse advanced research projects. Deputy administrator melroy you are recognized for your Opening Statement. Thank you, joe cantwell, chair sinema, rking member crs and Ranking Member schmitt, im extremelyleased to be here and have the opportunity to appear today on what is a critically important topic. This is a really exciting time for space. Theres a lot going on, spatial in commercial space which i playing an increasingly Important Role in nasasn aging after amazing Medicine Mission for meaningful scientificnvestigations throughout the universe. Are working to return humans tohe moon under the artemis prram, and then pressing rward for the first humans on mars. We are unlocking the secrets of the universe with the james webb space telescope, and our vision for nasa is that we take on the hardt and most complex challengeshat no one else can do. At the same time where industry is ready we are increasingly transitioning to commercially provided serviceshere it makes sense. Let me give you aew exales. When nasa decidedo retire the Space Shuttle we needed a new way to transport astronaut and cargo, including critical sides, to the interNational Space station. And working with congress, the agency funded and ahorize the development of new commercial space launch capabilities and spacecraft capable of caring humans under this model, massachusetts and onef our commercial providers, spacex, we together have launched eight crews to the spac station from american soil. And spacex has launched three ditional private human spaceflight missions opening the door to a new private commercial huma spaceflight market. And all of these launches are commercially licend byur colleagues at the faa. As nasa looks to the fure,e plan to build un the success of commercial crewnd cargo and leverage the tremendous proess of the commercial space industry. We are verxcited. We expect the first two robotic commercial lunar landers under nas commercial lunar payload seices to launch in january delivering medical science and Technology Payloads to the lunar surface. Nasa is just one of many customers for these commercial Lunar Landings. And by the end of theecade commercial space stations will be on orbit hosting both nasa astronauts and other private activities. As nasa acquires more of these commercial spa services to accomplish our mission, the agencies success isnextricably linked to the success of a mmercial space industry. And we did this by design. Did it by intent. Over the years nas has strategically fostered the growth of t commercial space industry which had increased coetition, ler cos a accelerated innovation in t maet. Our commercial space industry is e envy of the world. However, this innovation does raise important questions about who will authorize and supervise commercial space activities. We have to balance that amazing innovation and Economic Growth with protecting t space environment for coexisting users like nasa, government activities, and for future use. Foreign policy considerations and, of course, National Security concerns. So as nas isncreasingly a customer of cmercial servis, we reallyeed greater clarity regaing w is rponsib for authorizing and servisi commerci space activity. This clarity is vital for our missionuccess ths why nasa is pleased tha the national Space Council recent put forth a recommendation to congress to make a logical extension of the authorities t the department of commerce and transportation to better enable the authorition and continuing supervision of commercial sce activities. Important things such as orbal debris mitigation, spacebased manufacturing, commercial human spaceflight, and theecover and use of spaceesources. This proposal gives industry a clear path to provi on Orbit Services toasa and other customers while protectin against interference with the governments own missions and interest while ensuring also that space continues to be a safe place for all operators. The intent of thisupervision is not to stifle or slow down industry, but rather to work with industry and advancing commercial space. The space Industry Needs a clear predictable timely and flexible process to initiate nongovernmental space activities safely and successfully. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to discuss this important and exciting topic and answer any of your questions. Great here thank you so much. Our second witness is kelvin coleman, the federal Aviation Administration associate administrator for commercial space transportation. Mr. Coleman has more than 25 years of experience at the faa and formally unconformity work for the u. S. Nav air systems command. Associate administrator coleman, you are recognized for your Opening Statement. Thank you. Jim cantwell, chair sinema, Ranking Member smith a distinguish many of the subcommittee, thank you for the invitation to be her today to discuss the important topic of promoting safety and innovation and the new space economy. The success of the u. S. Commercial space industry is critical to our nation. Likewise, clear, predictable, transparent and right size relation of use commercial space is also critica for u. Continued leadership in space. The department of transportation and the faa are strongly commitd to enabling safe u. S commercial space activities in a manner consistent with our nations priorities. This is why the dartmen of transportation and the faa unequivolly stand in support of the administratns proposal regarding Mission Authorization and supervision of novel commcial spacectivities tha puts forward a cle and predictable Oversight Framework that will impose minimal regulatory burdens on u. S. Private secr actors in space. The proposal featus clear a cler delineation of rulatory oversight roles and responsibilities that smartly leverage existing u. S. Depamental authories and expertise. Specifally, the proposal logically extends the department of transportatio existing human spaceflightesponsilities to include human spaceflight tivities in space. This will ensure consistent, Single Agency oversight of human spaceflight acvities throughout our missions full lifecyclerom launch all the way through reentry. Further, proposal gives recognition t commercial in ace transportation, and appropriately assigns responsility for this very specific grouping of activities to the department of transportation, which current oversees u. S. Private secretary of traportation operations to win from space. Regulatory oversight clarity and process efficiency are important benefits garnered from this very common sense oversight construct. Over the lt several monthse together with our interagency rtners have worked tirelessly and givenareful and thoughtful consideration to the needs of u. S. Private sector and u. S. Government operators in space while crafting this important proposal. We are steadfastly committed to coinuedlose collaboration with the department of commerce, nasa, the department of defense and other agencies to collectively ensure the application of consistent standards in promoting safe and sustainable novel space activities. Since september of las year, i have been privileged to lead the faas office of commercial space transportation, which carries t theepartment of transportation statutory responsibility to rulate u. S. Launch an reentry, and u. S. Laun an reentry site operations, only to the extent necessary to protect the Public Health and safety, safety or property a

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