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Reporters on capitol hill. A good. I am proud to announce the era of oneparty democrats rule in washington is over. Washington now has a check and balance, the American People have a say in their governments. And this new Republican Leadership team is ready to get to work to put america back on the right track. It was our commitment to america that we create in an economy that was strong, a nation that is safe, a future built on freedom and a government that is accountable and that is exactly what we will do. I want to bring up our conference chair alisa stephani. I am honored to our and support from my colleagues to continue serving as House Republican conference chair. We went this majority because of our commitment to america and we are the last line of defense to stand up for the American People. I particularly am proud being from the state of new york we picked up 4 exceeds in new york flipping blue districts to read. It is my honor to introduce a new member of the Leadership Team, the elective representative stephanie bice. Thank you. I served in leadership and as i entered congress i wanted to continue that role so i want to say thank you to the sophomore members of the one at her 17th congress who have elected me. I am excited to get to work with my republican colleagues to push back on democratic rule. It is an honor to represent oklahoma but also be part of this Leadership Team and i look forward to getting to work. Our next speaker will be lisa mcclain. Thank you i am from the great state of a michigan. I am excited to be on this team. We have elected some phenomenal leaders. I think we have a big a job in front of us. America is counting on us. They are counting on us with a commitment to america to move our country forward. I am just excited to be part of this team and quite frankly, i am excited to get to work so thank you. I want to introduce my friend, policy director, gary palmer. Thank you. I am in agreement with my colleagues that we have work to do. We made a commitment to america and we will keep its. We will work every day to bring down the cost of living, to make our country more secure and insure that parents have rights in regards to childrens education. This is an opportunity for this nation to move forward and i cannot wait for the opportunity to get to work as part of the next republican majority and 118 congress. The Vice President of the conference, Mike Thompson pollution on outgoing the group in that auditorium is ready to get to work and bring common sense to work. That is an Exceptional Group of people. They are patriots and they will serve the people well. We are delighted to serve in Exceptional Team and i am does i am delighted to introduce the new chair, Richard Hudson from north carolina. Think you so much. I was honored to be elected unanimously. The American People have spoken. They have given us the majority and expect us to deliver on our promises. Working together we will grow this majority in 2024 and i am excited to help lead that process. I am more excited to introduce our next speaker, the gentleman i actually made one Campaign Promise and said there will be no more hockey and analogies if i am elected chairman and as soon as he was elected he said to me hockey and analogies are back. I am excited to be in the majority. It has been 4 long years, House Republicans performed two cycles in a row and we will be the majority, we will be the only check on the Biden Administration and a Democratcontrolled Senate over the next two years. We are excited to get to work and be back in the majority and i now have the great privilege to turn this over to one of the greatest fighters we have in america and in the republican conference, the fighting tiger from louisiana, steve scalise. Thank you, tom. People all across america went to the polls last week to elect a Republican House majority that will fight for them. If you look everywhere from Portland Oregon down to south florida, we flipped seats from democrat to republican with candidates that were running on of the commitment to america. An agenda focused on securing americas border, combating crime where we can get police the tools they need to Keep Community safe and returned safely to their families. Get parents more involved in their kids education. I really look forward to bringing those bills to the floor through a Committee Process that is open again. We will make Congress Work again. Where the committees meet in person again, to debate things that are important to hardworking families who are struggling under this biden agenda. It will be an exciting time. We are ready to go to work for hardworking families all across the country. The person who will lead the way is our next speaker, Kevin Mccarthy. We know our job will not be easy. We know the tasks, we had a close majority. We have to Work Together. We want to work with anyone that wants to make america stronger, anybody on both sides of the aisle if they want to make America Energy independent, give their parents essay in a kids educations, or secure borders, stop defunding the police. We note there are challenges in this nation around the world. We are listening to the American Public and are prepared to lead. One thing i have always learned they dont hand gavels out in a small, medium and large, we get to the right size gavel and we will use it. Lets open up questions. Do you think you will have the votes by january to become speaker . Yes if you look at the last two speakers, paul ryan this time had 43, nancy pelosi had 32 votes and no one was running against her at that time. We have our work that out for us. We have to listen to everybody in our conference. If you watch what we have done, i thought it was very productive last night, what i propose to do is handle half of the rules, keep those open through thanksgiving and we will Work Together and get there. The American People expect us to do it and keep our word on in the commitment to america. I respect each and every one, equally and we will find a way to make it happen. [indiscernible] are you open to that proposal . When the conference is this tight i think we all Work Together. Nobody is going to have more power than anybody else. A majority like this, for people could decide the future. Either we are going to lead as a team or lose as individuals. I think at the end of the day we will lead as a team. Why havent you responded to the demands end of the letter . Will your response . I do not agree with your comment to their. They provided a letter, i met with them numerous times, we actually change the process. Last night we just had a conference to talk about amendments. Tomorrow we will bring up half of them and talk about them. I cannot do anything by myself. The interesting thing about the conference everyone will have to give a little on both sides but the number one thing i will do as a leader is a leader is listen to all voices in the conference and we will do together what is best. One thing you will learn as my opportunity to be speaker is the house will change. No longer will all the power rest the weight nancy had its. No more proxy voting. Bills will actually go through committees. They will be debated before they come to the floor and people actually will have a say. Because it the American Public have led your voice to every Single Member and you have a right to be heard. When you try to get two to 18 do you want democrats to try to support you . We are there majority as republicans and we will get there as republicans. There has been talk about what kind of leader you will be, we went together we lose alone but as a leader, it looks very fractured right now. How do you plan to bridge that gap . Looks like a majority to me. In four years all we have done is win. It has been oneparty rule in washington. We now have inflation at a 41 year high. We have gas prices and now winter heating prices that people cannot afford. We have a border that is unsecure and a secretary who says it is. We have people defunding the police and no we do not even know if we are safe on our own streets. We have a department of justice that goes after parents simply because they go to school board meetings. They call them terrorists. We have a government that has not been held accountable. Tell me one time they had a hearing on the origins of covid. To me one tent they had a hearing to know what went wrong in the last 60 days of afghanistan. Tell me one time they talked to the department of justice on white on why they went after parents. The American Public now has a voice. The American Public now has a right to things that will be said and that is what we will do together. Bridge the gap between all of your members . I know it will. You will have a laser thin majority. What went wrong . To take your question, when you are sitting in the majority and you win i do not know that it went wrong. Did we want something bigger . Yes we did. I have only been a leader through two cycles. When i came and we had less than 200. Last time they predicted it was going to be up blue wave. It was the First Time Since 1994 not one republican incumbent lost. We beat 14 of them. They were wrong on that perspective. History says it would go even further but if you look the republican proportion of votes compared to democrats is a higher percentage than it was in 2010. We gained a lot already before where we started but there is about 25 races out there we lost by less than 5 of the votes. If we had some top of the tickets, governor races in senate races that play better i think we would have carried room. It also is a time we should reflect that we have the right candidate, do we have the right message . We won but we could have won a bigger and we will continue to work harder. I will make one promise, i will always listen to you and no one will ever outwork us. Congressman said today that he received calls from several allies including lobbyists, has there been outreach to any other democrats no, i do not know who he is referring to and i have not spoken to anybody. All i have talked to art republicans. I am the republican leader,. Lame as it relates to bills lame duck as it relates to bills. I actually believe the nda a should hold up until the first of the year and lets get it right. We watched what happened today in poland, where the president sat down with president xi. He did not bring up fentanyl. The number one killer of children between 18 and 35. This is coming from china, across our border. But President Biden did not feel it was an opportune time to bring it up. He feels as though climate is the most important issue. I think there are more important issues and i think we should get the and d. A. Ndaa right. You guys have added black members of congress, why are we not seeing the diversity reflected in your current leadership . You are judging when you see the diversity here. Listen. [inaudible] i am proud of what we are looking at today. Look across this country. Not only is it impossible seat to win. One cisco money immigrated to america. He married his bride who was the first generation american, one of the first and her family to go to college. She got an academic scholarship to stanford. Six children. Juan just got called officially last night. When he won his primary he said kevin, you do not understand what this feels like. The party was a few blocks away from the house we used to mow the lawn at. This country just nominated me to be a member of congress. He was emotional like i am emotional. Thats is the greatness of this country. What i am proud of is you just said about our party, from john james, wesley hunt, monica de la cruz, myra florez, some we came very close. Alan fong fung and others. It is only going to continue to grow. You may have not looked at the Republican Party before but your voice is going to be listen tear. Listen to here. We pledge to you that we will work to solve it so the next generation is the american generation. Thank you again. [indistinct conversation] i am excited we got through our elections today. I am very excited for the results. We had great conversations in there and i am very proud of Kevin Mccarthy for listening to every Single Member in our conference. There are many of us and we are excited that that is the case. We have different republicans across the spectrum and he is listening to all of our voices and we elected other strong leaders as well. We still have work to do. We will be looking at an amendment that have been introduced for rules and i think those are important. I am thankful for my Freedom Caucus colleagues for doing this because these discussions will help us be the best republican conference we can be an America Needs thats right now. With the condition our country is the republicans have to show the American People that we are the party that can lead. As we had our vote today i want to remind everyone that nancy pelosi lost by 32 votes enter conference two years ago and her conference two years ago and she had no challenger. Paul ryan lost by 43 votes when he was challenged some years back. This is normal and productive and healthy. I am sure our conference when we come together to elect our speaker january 3 i know we will be unified and come together and get this done. I would also like to point out the way i look at this is our republican conference and who we have as our leader and speaker of the house is also extremely important going into 2024. Kevin mccarthy has set fundraising record after record and no one can raise more money than Kevin Mccarthy as we support candidates and have to keep the house, win at the senate and take back the white house in 2024. That is something extremely important as well. Speaking of 2024, we know President Trump has a special announcement tonight and i will say right now, President Trump has my full endorsement and support as our republican nominee in 2024. [indiscernible] we have to have the gavel. That is extremely important because the gavel means subpoena power and republicans need subpoena power the next two years. Yes maam . What to do you think the house caucus wants to see . [inaudible] they introduced a rules package they are interested in talking with him about and it has been published. They are discussing those rules packages and talking about different positions on committees as far as chairmanships are concerned. Those are the types of things they have talked with him about and he has been great. He is talking with everybody, all wings of our party and i like that in a leader. Yes maam . [no audio] [inaudible] i have heard some of these things. I am so excited to be helping Herschel Walker when his runoff race. I do not think president s President Trump announcement affects that whatsoever. President Trump Energizes our base and increases voter turnout. I want to remind everyone trump got more votes than any other republican president ial candidates and history. That is the fact Everyone Needs to remember and as far as peoples support for rand desantis or ron d santos or anyone else, that is their choice they can do that but President Trump remains a leader of the Republican Party and he will win and be our nominee going into 2024. I do not doubt that one bit. I think ron desantis is an incredible governor and the condition of our country right now, the fact we are so divided up here in the federal government and it is difficult to get things accomplished for American People, i think these types of governors like ron d santos are extremely important because they lead their states. Look a many people moved to florida and look how successful florida is because of his leadership as a of florida. I think we need more governors like ron desantis. I think florida wants to keep ron desantis and i hope he considers doing thats because that is how we save our country, with strong republican governors. I was really sad cup devin i was really devastated at the loss in arizona. Kari lake should have one and she would have been incredible forever zona. I want to see more governors like desantis. I want to see businesses thrive in at these red. Strong republican governors and working hard here on the federal level for America First policy. You think so many trumpendorsed candidates lost in a midterm . I would say it depends on the district. There are a lots of varying factors. Redistricting happened. A lot of people moved out of those districts over the past few years. I think that plays a part. I think it is candidates by a candidate. Sometimes one campaign is run really well and one is a notch. The media plays a big parts. The media leans pretty hard left so when republican candidates run for office, they are also running against the media. That is really not fair so i think there are a lot of factors at play and President Trumps record is historic. Very few of his candidates a loss. [inaudible] do you view january 3 as a choice if you are not voting for that helps the democrats or is it more complicated in that . We have to elect our republican speaker and that is what we will do on a january 3. [inaudible] i do not see why anyone would not vote for Kevin Mccarthy. I think our conference needs to elect him as a speaker and i look forward to sing that happen seeing that happen hopefully on january 3. Thank you so much everyone

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