Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20131012 : v

CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings October 12, 2013

Out. Elps everybody its a sad situation. Thank you for taking my call. We join the speech by rand paul. Headed to thei am white house. Does anyone have a message i can carry to the president . In a toyota prius, so im not sure if i can take all me. The supporters with if you need a ride back to the white house, we do have a prius, well take you along. Today i want to talk about something that is serious. Today i want to talk about a war the main stream media is ignoring. Boston to zanzibar, theres an attack on christianity. Christians are being attacked around the world, but you wont ear about it, its not convenient. It doesnt fit the narrative about radical islam. Talks about whos attacking the muslims, the media the christians as sectarian. Ut the worldwide war on christians is being waged by a islam. Al element of every since 9 11, commentators pointing to avoid fingers at islam, which is somewhat fair, its fair to muslims are t most not committed to violence against christians, but its not truth. Ole the whole truth is and we shouldnt let political orrectness stand in the way of this truth, the whole truth is theres a minority of muslims who condone killing of but unfortunately, that minority numbers in the of millions. Pugh research did a poll and it that 21 of egyptians, 5 of jordanians, many jordanians are our friend, but muslims of pakistani find terrorism acceptable, if not laudable. A minority to be sure. But if you add up the numbers in thats over 40 million muslims sympathize with violence against christians. Shouldnt be understated. A Daily Telegraph survey there were 100,000 muslims in britain who fully upported the london subway bombings. 400,000 said they had some sympathy for these bombings. This is not a little problem. Its not going away quickly. Theres an ancient christian city called melula they still speak aramaic, the language jesus suppose. Christian since the time of christ. Theyre a small final outpost in christians. East of the town was recently overrun by islamic rebels. Swarmed to the town and demanded everyone convert to islam or die. Up and el zakem stood answered them, he said if im a christian and you want to kill do so. Use i am, words. Were sarkezes last sister carmel of damascus said sarkeze, his death is true martyr dom, a death in the hate faith. Make no mistake. This is about your religion. Syria, islamic rebels have filmed beheadings of captives. Theyve filmed themselves eating the heart of their enemy. Christian bishops have been kidnapped and one priest was recently killed. Rebels are allies of the islamic rebels that the is now arming. Islamic rebelsng that are allied with al qaeda that attacked us on 9 11. Any sense at all . No dollars should never be spent to prop up a war on christianity. Ut thats whats happening now across the globe. S christians, we should take a stand and fight against any of your tax dollars funding any persecution of christians. Zanzibar, a tiny island off priestcoast of africa, a was shot in the head going to muslims. Y two ourokesperson said we thank young men killing the infidel. Many more will die. Finished. T at easter, be prepared for disaster. Motorcycle assailants hurtled bombs into a christian hurch injuring 15 people and breaking the legs of the pastor. N indonesia, the worlds most populous muslim nation, three girls were beheaded on the way christian school. Make no mistake, theres an lement of radical jihad in this. In guinea this year, a muslim 95 attacked and killed christians and injured 130. In egypt recently, 82 churches attacked leaving hundreds dead and wounded. Earlier this year, i forced the vote, to defund the brotherhood and every democrat [ applause ] democrat voted to continue sending your money to the muslim brotherhood. Tell you one thing, though, as long as im in the fight against sending any money to the muslim brotherhood. [ applause ] in cameroon recently, two from ians that converted islam were murdered. Sayeed , american pastor abidini is detained indefinitely facing physical and psychological torture. They asked him to renounce his thing they asked sarkeze before he feels killed. Resolution to the senate and says and calls for and says we should do everything power within our voice from the white house, from he state department, from our overnment, to release sayeed abadine. Until pastort rest abadini is freed. Are s the globe christians under attack, almost as if they as if n the middle ages they lived in early pagan urban rule. Early martyr, the disciples of christ. Its like its happening again the middle east. This administration does nothing to stop it and it can be argued giving aid and comfort to those who tolerate these crimes. In libya, the country we freed from oppression . That apparently were guarding our ambassador, have raided a Christian Church ounding up hundreds of christians, accusing them of eing missionaries, accusing them of being the crime of having the cross or a bible. Any were tortured and one christian was recently killed by the same militias. N pakistan last week, 75 christians were killled. Several hundred more killed in the bombing of a church. Abibi, a pakistani christian. Row for bras ath femy. He said it began when she drew water from muslim well. Of he was filling a bowl water, a crowd formed and chanted, death, death to the christian. She pleaded for her life. She was pelted with stones, punched in the face, drug streets. The the local imam interceded to say, if you dont want to die, to islam. Onvert the crowd descended on her, with sticks. Finally the Police Stopped the attackers only to arrest her. Shes now been on death row for blasphemy. Of what i say is until asia bibi is one dollar of u. S. Aid should go to pakistan. [ applause ] many have heard of melala, the was cious 13yearold who shot in the head for the crime of wishing the girls could go to school. Shes not a christian, but even cannot adical islamists tolerate the 14yearold girl who seeks nothing more than an tocation and the right to go school. If you havent listened to her, pull up one of the youtubes and amazing, her, shes this young woman, her poise, her elegance. Bizarre distortion of religion, someone who would to makegirl in the head a religious point. I asked wheres the rest of islam. Why dont they stand up and condemn this . Urdu poet wrote, they insist fly in theg the fire daylight. The children of our age from grown clever. Radical islam will end only when begins to police itself. When islam allows her children like melala to examine fly in the daylight. Only then will knowledge, begin to glowwill and grow and religious violence will recede. For that day pray to come sooner rather than later. We send billions of dollars to helped pakistan, weve put new islamic regimes in afghanistan and iraq. Obama now sends arms to islamic rebels in syria. Egypt, the mob attacked their embassy, climbed on top of the burned our flag. I dont know about you, but ive enough. [ applause ] one penny more to any would burn the american flag. [ applause ] to ensure that our country, our policies, our tax ollars are on the side of ending this violence rather than encouraging those who perpetrate it. On christianity is not just abroad, it came to boston the year, just in time for marathon. Two islamic radicals blew up civilians. I guess they thought somehow and children would make a religious or political point . Ou might argue saying maybe they werent targeting christians. But they certainly didnt target a mosque. Motive, if they can perceive one, is not against our overnment, but against us as a people, a christian people. That meone can believe killing innocent people could further ones cause is beyond me. The attack, i met policemenf the boston who was there, one of the first responders. He described the feelings, the this war he witnessed zone. His sadness as he raced to apply stop quets and try to bleeding and the death and arnage of what he saw when he showed up. He described his anger as he islamic radicals through the streets. He described he felt it was justified. Shootout, one was killed. If youre going kill innocents, youre going receive the same. After we captured the last one, after we captured last bomber, he said he also described a special appreciation for american justice. After the bomber was apprehended, he said we didnt drag him through the streets and beat him to death with tire irons. A lawyer, he will get a trial. Its what makes us different from them. [ applause ] hen i talk to our young soldiers, my wife and i helped to build a home for a young limbs in o lost three one of our neighboring towns in kentucky, i asked him, what are you fighting for . It mean to fight for your country . Wey said the essence of what fought for was our freedom, our bill of right, our constitution. We have to believe and preserve those. Thats what were here for. Thats what were here to fight for. Men and at our young women have put their lives on the line for. Now some politicians say this on christianity means that we must fight a large war against all radical islam. Well, part of my point here is theres 50 million, 100 million. This isnt going to be fought war. A conventional its going require islam to islam. But there will be times and we will have to defend ourselves. Were right no go to war after 9 11. There are times when military justified and necessary. I believe we must be willing and able to defend ourselves against the jihadists. Must also reexamine our policies because military action can at times actually enable and empower radical islam. Syria could to possibly enable al qaeda. It could make things worse. That. Ve to be clear about in egypt, libya, and syria, its still unclear whether the war or changes or the new regimes are going to be more friendly or less friendly to america. Me, it doesnt make any sense to send american arms, american or american troops to aid Syrian Rebels or the muslim rotherhood for goodness sakings. We should stop it. [ applause ] future, ive seen less and less conventional wars. Dont see how they can be defeated. They have to be contain and we have to defend ourselves. No mistakes, he should actively defend ourselves. Comes as theanswer rest of islam thats not radical has to police radical islam. [ applause ] the islamic republics, they see infidels. Ders and they wont accept us through force of arms. Omehow they must be made to understand that they must root ut and destroy the sadist and killers amongst them. The ones who distort and contort justify killing of civilians and children. Islam needs to remember and recreate the good in their history. Centuries, the middle east is home to cultural and of the tual centers ancient world. Math and science flourished in the middle ages. And sophistication were the norm at one time in the middle east. Great medieval physician measles. Ed smallpox and the great persian mathematician algebra. Ancements in there was enlightenment at one time in that part of the world. Islam carried the light for many centuries, they paved the way for our enlightenment. This history needs to be brought back to life again. Innovation in muslim communities compass, the magnetic pens, printing. T was said that at one time books were printed in cairo, in baghdad. The world really at one point in the time in the middle east was something that was very amazing. Come back. They need to figure this out. The policing has to come to them. As late as the 1960s, books were ritten in cairo, read in baghdad. There was a time in our history when islam was policing itself. A peacefulscribed as and tolerant religion. T one point, they prized inquiry over the heads of infidels. Ofelieve islam contains some the roots of these classical traditions and can return to them. We must defend ourselves, make no mistake about it. We need to understand that the christianity is not being waged by a rare anomaly, but by significant minority that numbers in the millions. Christians should be prepared for war, bull actively seek peace. Reagan said we should strive for peace through strength. Too often weve lost sight of peace as the goal. Gospels is not war. Hopefully the message of christianity if listened to can an eventual peace process. N the meantime, take action, pray for a solution. Politicians accountable for standing up and protecting life and standing up christianity. R on thank you and may god bless you. Thank you, senator paul . Keep it going . Faith in peakers americas promise was shaped early on by his parents who left under the castro regime. Raised in miami, he learned the alue of diligence and hardwork through his godly parents. The early trading paid off bigtime as he came from a huge underdog in his 2009 campaign to win the senate seat for his home of florida. His mission among other things build a tor, is to Strong America that our children their erit to reach dreams just as he has reached his dreams. Es become a leading voice for values voters all across america. Ladies and gentlemen, please marco rubio. Or right here right now theres no other place i want to be thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I hope all of the protesters who came here to scream at us left with ted. He did a good job with them. And so anyway, i appreciate it. All of the fighting going on in my biggesttoday that fears are were losing focus on the biggest issues facing our country. Thats the growing sense of so many across this country, were losing control of it. Losing control of our nation and more importantly were losing what weve come to American Dream. Why do people feel this way . Well, because millions of them a job for ut of months and maybe years at a time. Because millions more are jobs that quite frankly dont pay enough to live off of. By the way, when these people hear on the news that the economy is recovering, when they hear on the news that unemployment is down. 1 somewhere, it makes them angry. Because maybe wall street has ecovered, but for millions of americans, theyre still stuck with jobs that do not pay enough ends meet. And making all of this worse by the way is while the paychecks and going down, their bills keep going up. Working e parents and families how much theyre paying every month for child care. Ask the thousands upon thousands of students who are saddled with student loan death . I know that. And i had over 100,000 in Student Loans which i paid off last year with the book, now my available on paperback in case youre [ laughter ] so how do people make it through when they face this stuff . Know, i faced the rough patch like that after jeanette married. We faced a difficult moment. We got rid of a car, we move in months . Car for six sound familiar . From time to time, weve had to do that, but weve done that temporarily. Now you have millions and millions of people who feel like may have to do that as a new way of life. Themselves, is this the new normal. Is this the way things are going to be in this country from now on. Thats what people are wondering these days, that maybe the American Dream will never be what it used to be. Why is this ves, happening . Theres a lot of reasons. Its changed the nature of our economy. All of the jobs have gone cheaper because of labor costs. Millions of jobs have been replaced by machines. Grocery store, less cash years, more of the selfcheckout counters. People never got the education or the skills needed that the jobs that the new creating. S and Big Government is keeping our economy from creating the middle class jobs people desperately need to live the of dreams they want. All of this is contributing to the challenges. One of the major causes of it i think does not get enough attention. Fundamental truth that you cannot have a Strong Economy if it is not built on strong values. No one is born with these values. Values have to be taught. The government has to teach them. Reenforced by institutions like churches, synagogues, coaches, mentors, by society. But we have countless children that are untry today not being taught these values. Because the society is breaking down. The families are falling apart. Our country is paying a terrible, terrible price. Answer to all of this is just how the government spends more money. Ook, theres a role for government. No matter how much money the government spends, it will never e able to take the place of parents and strong families. Amen broken families and culture by a popular that glamorizes violence and irresponsibility, these children are going to struggle to succeed matter how much the government spends. And this is a serious problem. Are goingf our people to be left behind if we do not fix this. What can those of us in Public Service do about all of this. Thing we must do is we must empower parents and empower civil society. And thats why i believe as most of you do that every single america has the right and should have the opportunity to the their Children School of their choice. Second, we need to make sure Government Programs encourage work, not dependence. Yes we look, we have to we to serve safety net those who cannot help themselves. To serve those who have fallen up on can stand back their own two feet and try again. But our people want jobs, they net as a waysafety of life. Thats why these programs need reformed. So that these programs encourage work, encourage education. They need to be reformed to make sure that they do not punish if they decide to get married. By this point, i had hoped someone could heckle me so i water, but all right. That should get me through. The third thing i think we eally have to do, and this is perhaps most important is our leaders have to stop ignoring is impact that culture having on our nation. Now, let me tell you the reaction i get to that from some. Some say this is nothing more than an effort to impose mine or religious bodys values on the others. Its not about imposing values. Work unless dont you really believe them. Lectured as many of you have that we need to stop issues if ut social we want to win elections. Ut if were serious about saving the American Dream, we cant stop talking about these issues. Stop talking about the importance of our values and our culture. We cant stop talking about them ecause the moral well being of our people is directly linked to the economic well being. See a rising tide of intolerance in america. Intolerance towards those who cherish these values. Have s country, we still millions of people who try to live by these values. Hey the traditional values they cherish hard work, responsibility, selfcontrol, not elief that life does revolve around us. Whos harmed by these values . Who how does promoting these values hurt anyone . The millions of americans who values are tired of being constantly told that they eed to keep their opinions to themselves. Thats right. On issue after issue. Are sue after issue, they expected to be tolerant of others. Increasingly, our culture is intolerant of them. Imposings our ut religion on anyone. In america, you have the right way you choose. Thats why virtually every faith and denomination on earth has a land. Ce

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