Transcripts For CSPAN Washington This Week 20160130 : vimars

CSPAN Washington This Week January 30, 2016

Precinct. If i am serving in a separate precinct, i want to be on the platforms committee. How do i get there . Josie the question is about Convention Committees and how to get there. We will absolutely go through that election process. Again, you are able to be elected at that level. We will talk about that a little later. Yes . More theu explain once process for absentee ballots . You guys areessing probably familiar with this form. It is very similar to what we used in 2014. This is the absentee ballot request form. The forms are very similar to what was used in 2014. The person fills out the top line there is a perforated. Most of the information on the receipt is printed because it is the Iowa Democratic party, but the receipt also includes the name of the person who is requesting the ballot. ,ou just want to fill that out and the date and time the ballot was requested. Logistically, how do you accomplish that . Toie volunteers are good help with that. Volunteers . Josie the secretary is able to help with that process. Yes . [indiscernible] the question is what is the role of the secretary. I will move on here. Far. Too ok. Fireviability. We will get to the mass. Math. It the there with me. In order to be eligible to elect a delegate, the delegate must have a minimum level of caucus attendees and their Preference Group. , or is determined at 7 00 soon thereafter, when you are done with registration. If more than 85 of attendees do not wish to form Preference Groups, the delegates can be as a whole. Aucuses it probably will not happen, not in polk county. In smaller precincts, where Everyone Wants to move forward. The caucus chair will count the number of eligible caucus attendees, and announce that number to the group. A lot of times, and bigger caucuses, the way they will do that is have people number off until everyone is counted for. Based on the number of eligible thendees that you count in room that night, and the number of delegates your precinct has again,ssigned to elect on the front of your packet, also on your reporting credentials. You have that number. The viability threshold is calculated. We will go through the different formulas. Then, i have some examples to make this really clear. I will take questions, i promise. Determining viability in precinct that only elect one delegate. No Preference Group performs. The delegate is elected by the whole caucus by majority rule. Paper ballots may be used. Inermining viability precincts that elect to delegates to be viable, a group of contain at least 25 percent of eligible attendees. 25eligible attendees times. Determining viability in g threets electin delegates. To be viable, the candidate must 1 six. In other precincts, delegates 1 5. Have really, you only have to worry about one of these formulas because you have the specific number of delegates that your precinct will elect. When we calculate this number, all fractions around it up to the next toll number whole number. It does not matter if it is seven point one, or 7. 8, they will both round up to eight people to be viable. There can be no more preference delegates tohe board. Once the number has been determined, that number will be announced to the whole caucus so it will be very clear that you need this number on your side of the room to award that delegate. There can also be a spot on the board where you can write it. Fairy clears to everyone, especially in the bigger caucuses. Here are examples. We have 17 eligible caucus delegates to to delegates to elect. 25 . Point 25. 25 four what do we do with the decimals . Round of. The viability is five. Byee delegates 43 divided eight. Rounds up to 61 eligible caucus attendees with five delegates to elect, we will use the 15 threshold. 61 times. 1 5, 9. 15, again, we 10 eligible caucus attendees to be viable. Questions . A number of people go through registration process, and the number of people counted in the room the time the meeting is called to order is different. Which one roles . Thee the question is number of people who signed in versus the number of p will in the room when the caucus is called to order. We recommend that you count the actual number of people in the room, number off. How do i know that everybody that is claiming to participate is actually registered . If you want to also count out the number you have signed in to compare that, that is a good idea too, so you can make sure the number of people in the room have all signed in. Maybe if you are missing a couple, you can get them signed in. Also, you have observers in a certain area, and they are not to leave the area during the caucus. Is at thein, that discretion of the chair. That is the reason we recommend having a separate area. They are not necessarily going to hang in there, but we need to make sure we have accurate counts. Yes . Actually inwho is there, not on the sheets is that correct . Josie it is the number of people in the room when the caucus is called to order. We have a situation, three candidates, and only two delegates in the precinct. What happens . Are you excluding somebody . Question is we have three candidates and maybe only two candidates. We will talk about that in a minute. There are some apartments in my area, and actually some of them are people who are volunteering, been here for three months, may stay on are they eligible . Josie if they fill out the form,registration people are able to participate. Question here . Come toay when people the caucus, no idea, no anything, no verification. Everything is decided on the of the group for a candidate. If we have 30 people who come to the caucus who are illegal aliens, that should not be there, how is their influence taken out of the total . Josie again, people have to register to vote to be able to participate. Forms, andill out they are not who they say they are, that is voter fraud. Their influence on the caucus is not removed. They are just getting in trouble later. They can still have an impact on who the candidate will be. Id at thein, we dont door. If they registered to vote, that is illegal, and is voter fraud. What other questions to we have . Do we have . Ok. Viability has been calculated. Everybody knows how many people they need on their side of the room to get that delicate elected to their precinct. Now we will form the Preference Groups. That is the next step. John . That five ability number number islity established, what does that do Going Forward . Call the question is you the caucus to order and determined that threshold, what happens if halfway through, someone has to leave you will not recalculate viability at any point in the evening. We have a slide coming up on that. Viability number is the same you will use all night. Ok. Forming a Preference Group. Haves participants 30 minutes to divide into Preference Groups. That can be extended by a majority vote. The caucus chairs should direct Preference Groups to different areas of the room. That is one of the reasons it may be helpful to identify that ahead of time to keep the process moving along well. Can decide in 20 minutes you dont have to stand and look at each other for another 10 minutes. It is possible for an toommitted Preference Group form. After the groups form, a Preference Group chair will be elected in each group. This is usually the person the campaign has identified as the precinct chair. They will count all the members of their group and report back to you. They are the person getting the counts and working with you there. All right. Sorry. Is that the precinct captain or someone else . Josie they are elected and identified within each Preference Group. They identify who that person is. Yeah . Do we take their word for that. Josie i would recommend that is a conversation. Contact information of the chair will be reported to the caucus secretary. Where is that to be reported . Josie the question is about Contact Information for the Preference Group chair. We do have, on the worksheet, a spot where people sign off. That is one place. Also, you have your blank paper with you. If scenarios. At what if there are more viable Preference Groups than number of delegates to be elected. Lets say you are in a precinct the only elects three delegates. John lennon, george harrison, Paul Mccartney, and ringo starr are all viable. They all have the minimum number. [laughter] josie im always for george. In that situation, you cant you only have three delegates to split up. What do you do tackle the smallest Preference Group will to realign. They will either have to join another group, or pull people into their group to no longer be the smallest. That is what happens in that scenario. [indiscernible] josie correct. They have to be given an opportunity to realign. What if there is a tie . [indiscernible] choose to noould longer participate. Viability is never be calculated even if people leave. What if there is a tie for the Preference Group . In that situation, a game of chance is used to determine what group realigns. Drawing names from a hat for three or more. Here is the question we just had. What if a nonviable Preference Group decides to leave rather than realign. Is calculated on the calledwhen the caucus is to order. He would move forward there. We have a question slide after this. Remind the people that when they show up, once they are in the door, dont think about having a cigarette break or running errands. Josie make sure we stressed the importance of staying, and doing Party Building activities. Ealignment you have counted on your groups. You have determined which ones have enough people to be viable, and which ones dont meet the threshold. Any group that is not viable must begin when the opportunity to realign. They can join with other viable or nonviable Preference Groups. Viable Preference Groups are also able to realign. That means that in this first islignment period, anyone free to move. Just because i caucus for george, and he is viable, if i decide to change my mind and can dohns group, i that. Likewise, if i caucus for ringo, who will not be viable, i have the opportunity to join another group. Sorry. [laughter] josie this is a 30 minute period. It can be extended with a majority vote. If that ends after 15 minutes, dont stand around looking at each other. Unless anyone objects, you can move forward. First realignment anyod, that 30 minutes, if remain, agroups second Realignment Process will occur. In the second realignment nonviable groups. An bn realign this normally happens naturally. There is not really an official second realignment. People realize, if i dont join another group, im not getting anyone over to my side, and i will not be viable anymore. People will kind of naturally moves. Again, they can join together to viable for one candidate, or join other viable groups. A couple of questions. Yeah . I was going to comment further on people who need to leave the room, for example, to go to the restroom. That is the beauty of passing around a piece of paper to identify people who are ok toered so they are come and go if they find it absolutely necessary. Here . A question over after the first alignment, but before the second realignment, our persuasion speeches allowed . That will very precinct of precinct. You can give people time to address the whole group. If you do that, please make sure you are providing equal time to each candidate. During thet happens alignment process, so that will vary a little. Question over here . Past, people want to is that something that could happen . The question is about uncommitted. An uncommitted Preference Group can form. The same rules apply. One more question here, then we move on. Problem in the rule area, a challenge coming from the committee in a case like that. You are pressuring people to realign before they have an opportunity to form a group. Josie they will form those question isrry, the about if you have more viable Preference Groups than candidates to elect. You allow for the initial alignment, and if they are all viable, the Smallest Group will realign. They can get people into their groups to no longer be the Smallest Group. Those are the rules of the caucus. John . Do you still realign . Josie the question is if you is nonviable, do you have to realign . Our recommendation is it is areays good to offer there any objections to move along, everybody is viable, people could still switch, but you are ready to move forward without doing the Realignment Process. E will move along here again, im happy to take questions at the end, but i want to keep things moving. Point, you have done the realignment, it is clear you have all of your viable Preference Groups, and you dont have too many viable Preference Groups, so we are now ready to award the delegates. We will split of that number to the viable groups. A little bit of math involved. Again, this is on the poster, on the math worksheet. When awarding delegates, you take the number in a Preference Group and multiply that by the total number of delegates to be elected and divide that by the total number of caucus attendees , which is the same numbers you calculated at 7 00. That number will not change, even if people leave. That will give you the number of delegates your candidate has won. Bviability, when roundup, this is normal rounding. You will want to total of the total numbe you have assigned to each candidate, and make sure that matches the number you are allowed to allocate in your precinct. People talk through some what is scenarios in the second. First, an example. There are 60 eligible entities caucus,arlton precinct and they will elect five delegates to the county convention. What do we use for viability . 50 . 15. Ll take 60 times that gives us nine. We have 22 members aligned for Paul Mccartney. 16 for george harrison. 12 for john lennon. 10 for ringo starr. The delicate formula delegate formula for Paul Mccartney is as follows. 60. Imes five, divided by 1. 833. Uld give us with grounding, Paul Mccartney receives two delegates from the precinct caucus. In applying the same mass, the remainder of the captives would receive you can see there how each of those formulas will play out. What we want to do is add those up and make sure we have allocated the number we are allowed to allocate. Two plus one plus one plus one is five. We have five to give out. We are good to go. Can you Say Something about realignment to try to get a five in yourve area . Josie the question is about ties and alignment. Like i said, if there are two groups that are tied for be realigning, you flip a coin there. G the bit aboutlk a little this more in a minute. Ok. What if there are too few delegates. What happens if you total up the numbers and realize they dont match, and you have awarded to fewdelegates too delegates. An additional delegate will be awarded to the group with the. 5. Est decimal below you basically say who is closest to rounding up. That will be the person to get the extra delegate. An example. You have 100 attendees with six delegates to elect. The viability is 15. Sorry about that. Here is the example. You have 100 with six delegates. 15 is your viability threshold. All of these groups are viable here. When we do the math, and look at the rounding, two plus one plus , but we one is five have six delegates to award. We will want to go to the decimal point. Up,say, who did not round o but was closest you can see, that is paul with 1. 44. He will get awarded an extra delegate there. Oneplus two plus one plus is six. We are ready to go. The flipside. What if the number of delegates number of than the able to the precinct. A very similar process. We say who barely rounded up, or who was closest to rounding down. Just a note here during the process, a Preference Group cannot lose it only delegate. If a Preference Group has only been awarded one delegate, the next closest decimal point will be the one to lose their delegate. That is actually in the example here. Again, 100 attendees with four delegates to elect, all the groups are viable. After rounding, we have awarded five delegates, and really had for to go out. We have to look of the decimal point here and say, who is closest to. 5. It is ringo. 60. At he only had one delegate to begin with. In this process, you cannot lose your only delegate. We will go to the second closest decimal point which is john. John will move from two to one. When we at all those up add all those up, we are back at four. [indiscernible] [laughter] [applause] josie thank you. If scenarior what here. What if two or more Preference Groups are tied for the loss of a delegate. In this situation, a game of chance is used. We recommend a coin must want tossng a name coin or drawing a name. It is all about the decimals. 5. 48es not matter if it is or 2. 48. You are looking at the decimals here. Some people get confused about that. It is believed the decimals that count. I wanted to make sure to emphasize that. Questions . In your first example, when to. 5, butne closest they did not reach. 5, if the group that had to delegates wo delegates already was. 49, but the other had. 44, you would still awarded to the hadegate who already delegates. Josie it is just about looking at the decimal points. It does not matter what the whole numbers are, it has to do with the decimal point. Question back here . Once you have your Preference Group sizes, if people leave, that does not change anything. Josie you need to have the Preference Group<

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