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Of theindeed two now trump tragedy. Who wants to be in my next movie here . I woke up this morning and the headline read trump takes power. I dont think so. Heres the tower, heres the majority of america right here. We are the majority. The new president faust and american carnage. Mr. Trump we are here to about to end the trump carnage. I will pick that up later. Recycle it. A reporter asked me on the way up the stairs here, what do you hope to accomplish . I said, well, i would say if you just look that way, we have already accomplished it. The majority of americans did white house. [cheering] mr. Moore and we are here today as their representatives. Ok, i dont want to give the standard demonstration speech. We have a lot of great speakers here today. Oh my god, i got to listen to gloria steinem. How cool was that . [cheering] mr. Moore i would like to give you a to do list of what we all can do starting immediately. Real things that we can do. Are you with me on this . Im going to go through them really quickly. Take notes if you want, but i will post them on my facebook and twitter and you can follow it there. But we have to get busy, folks. Weve got our work cut out for us. Number one, this is what i want you to do. I want you to make this part of your new daily routine. I want you to Call Congress every single day. Every day. Each of you have one representative in the house and two senators. They have a phone number. I am going to give you that number right now. Are you ready . It is easy to remember. 2022253121. Can you repeat that with me . Ready . 2022253121. Now you do it. Go. 2022253121. Michael what are we going to do with that number . When are we going to call them . Every day. It is so easy my friends, if you are watching at home. There is a human being that answers the phone. They pick it up. Even if you dont know who your member of congress is just give , them your zip code. They will connect you to the office. Its that easy. It will take two minutes. Each day. I and others are going to be posting things for you to Call Congress to do. On monday, call it and tell your senators and you get them at the same number we do not accept betsy devos as our accept betsy devos as our secretary of education. [cheers and applause] mr. Moore 2022253121. I will post this is my commitment to you. Every day, i will post something on facebook or twitter. Other groups are doing the same thing. Actiongroups. Net, 100 days of resistance, indivisible. Go to them. Lots of groups are doing this. Follow them and call your member of congress, call your two senators, and you know what . Thats only three. Theres five days. On the two other days, call your state representatives and your state senator on the other day. Im telling you, these calls work. When they tried to get rid of the government Congressional Office of ethics two weeks ago, we got online and the switchboard was jammed and overloaded. We shut it down with phone calls. Two hours later, they pulled back from closing the office of government and congressional ethics. That is how powerful you are. Make it part of your daily routine. What you going to do . Wake up, number one. Number two, brush your teeth. Number make the coffee. Three,number four, walk the dog. You have a cat . Just stare at it. Number five, what you going to do . Call Congress Make it part of your day dont , even think about it. Everyone of us doing it every day, they will not know what hit them. Number two, the second thing im going to ask you to do, join. Join, join, join. Join groups. Join planned parenthood. Join the aclu. Join a group. I was thinking this morning as i was writing this up. I supported planned parenthood forever. I contributed to them. I have done fundraisers for them. But i realized, i never joined. So this morning, i joined planned parenthood. [applause] you will who amongst join planned parenthood . Aclu . The environmental groups . Join every group. Lets make these groups huge. [applause] mr. Moore huge bernie number three, you need to form your own, personal, Rapid Response team. All it takes is five to 10 family members and friends. The people you are going to call text or send in a melting to on every single that any single date when we need to move fast. Who will form a Rapid Response team of five to 10 people . [applause] earlier, there is a Rapid Response team here from asheville, North Carolina nine , of them. Where are you . The asheville nine. They have their own name. I said to them how many of you have been to a demonstration before in d. C. . Eight of the nine had never been to a protest before in washington, d. C. Eight of the nine are new for the first time. How many are here for the first time in d. C. . Look at this [applause] mr. Moore wow. Number five, we have to take over the Democratic Party. [applause] mr. Moore god bless the democrats who have fought with us. Who have done so many good things. It is no knock on them. Were coaching the Womens Basketball team twice in friends, we won, and then we lost. We have let this happen twice in 16 years where we win at the white house, but they walked through the door. Are you going to let this happen again in your lifetime . I am not. I am sorry, but the old guard of the Democratic Party has to go. It has to go. We need new leadership. We need young leadership. We need women leadership. We need people of color. We need gay and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. I support Keith Ellison as the new dnc chair. He is a great organizer, and he is our only muslim member of congress. Number six, do you from the blue states and the blue cities, dont feel alone. You have a job to do. We are going to look to you over the next left just a month. Just say months. [applause] michael i heard on the radio this morning that las vegas has already placed odds on how long trump will last in office. [applause] michael they only give him four to one odds of lasting only six months. That is pretty good. You have to form regions of resistance. What that means is this for the young people, let me give you a little history lesson. Roe v. Wade did not happen in a vacuum. It did not happen by itself. It happened because of our two largest states in 1970, three years earlier, made abortion legal. New york and california. [applause] michael because abortion was legal in those two states for three years, they helped to create the new normal. The new normal being that a woman has a right to control their internal organs and their own body. [applause] michael so new york, you have a job to do right now. California, minnesota, massachusetts, all of new england, the entire west coast, you are a region of resistance. Virginia, you are a region of resistance. In virginia, this is how we take back the south we start with virginia. Form a region of resistance. What you have to do in the states, you have to create laws that show the rest of the country what it looks like to have health care for all. What it looks like to not have mass incarceration. Wat it looks like to pass laws that prohibit discrimination in employment for gays, lesbians, and others. Show the rest of america how it works. If you are in a city in a red state, if you live in detroit, if you live in traverse city, michigan, Bernie Sanders got 70 of the vote in that town. Form a region of resistance there. Say to the people in power that you are not going to comment to come in to my city and take my mexican brothers and sisters away. [applause] michael i will stand in front of you nonviolently and peacefully. The other night, i asked 30,000 people in new york city who will join me to block off the holland tunnel and the lincoln tunnel if the government comes to take our mexican brothers and sisters away . 30,000 people said they would do it. [applause] be willing to put yourself on the line. It is that simple. The next thing on your to do list you have to run for office. You, yes you. I can see your faces. No, no mike. Not me. Im shy. This is not the time for shy people. Shy people, you have two hours to get over it. If you knew me personally, you have no idea how shy and how much of an introvert i am. Anyone who knows me how true is that . Wen i was 18 years old, a senior in high school, i could not stand the principal or the assistant principal and their backwards ways. I decided to run for the school board at only 18 years old. I called up the city clerk, and i asked him what i needed to do to be elected onto the school board. He said i needed to get names on a petition. How many names do i need . 20. 20 . 20 to run for school board . I am like i know 20 , stoners who will sign anything. I got the signatures, iran, and i ran, and i won. I became the first 18yearold in michigan to sit on the school board. I did this. Im shy. I went on to date andoh. To date in high school. If i can do this, you can do this. Who is going to run for office, city council, school board . [applause] michael shy people there is an office for you precinct delegate. Who will run for precinct delegate . [applause] michael you only have to go to the county convention once a year. Michael all right. Next on the to do list, when we take over the dnc ashley michael, my name is ashley. I am a feminist. I want to say hello to someone down in the back near 17th street. [laughter] i bring you words from nina donovan, a 19yearold. She has given me the privilege of telling you what she has to say. I am a nasty woman. [laughter] [applause] i am not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in cheeto dust. Electoral college sanctioned, hate speech contaminating, i am not as nasty as a Confederate Flag being tattooed across my city. Maybe the south is going to rise again for some. The never really felt. ,lacks are still in shackles just for being black. Slavery has been reinterpreted as the prison system. People whofront of see mallon and as animal skin. The melanin as animal skin. I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a pride flag. I did not know devils could be resurrected. But i feel hitler in the streets. A mustache traded for a toupe. Nazis renamed as the cabinet. The new gas chambers shaming the out of america. Turning rainbows into suicides. No, i am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, Sexual Assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege. [applause] nasty as yourt as own daughter being your favorite sex symbol. Dreams infused s. Th your own gene i am a nasty woman. Woman. Vulgar, proud i am not nasty, like the combo ncedrunk pets trump pe served up to me in voting booths. Fight for like the wage equality. Scarlett johansson, why were the female actors paid less of half than what the male actors earned last year . Even we do go into higherpaying jobs, our wages are still cant with cut with rage. Why is the work of black woman and has back woman work only 60 seat . 63 and . 54 of a white and mans privileged daughter . Mess . A feminist this is an equality. Inequality. We are here to be respected. We are here to be nasty. [applause] i am nasty, like the bloodstains on my bed sheet. Whennt actually choose and if to have our periods. Like throwing away our favorite pairs of underpants. Pads andats and still taxed with viagra and rogaine are not . Your direction really for ection more er important than the blood stand on my jeans . Is that important than the running of your hair . To look ats hard your amid entitlement and privilege. You may be afraid of the truth. I am unafraid to be honest. It may be petty, bringing up a few extra set cents. See, my eyes are too busy playing to my feet. I hope you dont mistake i contact for wanting physical contact. [applause] life i have been zipping up my file best smile. I am unafraid to be nasty, because i am nasty like susan eleanor, eleanor rosa, condoleezza, sonja, michelle, hillary. [applause] ashley and our pussy aint for grabbing. Es are for our pleasure. New are for nursing generations of bilby, vulgar, christian, muslim, buddhist, new generations of nasty women. Hell yeah. You say hell yeah. Yeah. L ashley i love you, thank you. [applause] and american muslim woman. [laughter] [applause] a daughter of immigrants, a person of color, community organizer, and a civil rights lawyer. I, like you, am proud to work to be amongst Donald Trumps worst nightmare. I speak you on behalf of the council of American Islamic relations, or care cair, americas largest muslim civil rights organization. For everyone in a country where People Like Us are targeted. We stand on the shoulders of diet giants. Our mothers and grandmothers, who started the right long we march so women younger than us can grow up into a better world. We are unafraid and will not be silent. Me,nd american muslims like are committed to putting our faith into action. We live and breathe the understanding that justice cannot be for just us. Our liberation is interconnected. We cannot be free at each others expense, or if any of us remain targeted. [applause] when muslims are harassed by the fbi, when our new friends lgbtq friends are attacked in hate crimes, when our Black Brothers and friends are gunned down by police officers, and when undocumented individuals are targeted. Y heart hurts we all hurt, but we are also fired up. [applause] americamerica, our includes all of us and our beautiful diversity. That weica requires march to protect each other. Build aica needs us to better future. Cut out for us, but we are ready. This is the time to roll up our sleeves, to be courageous, and to be radical. Leave here prepared to put in work. Neighbors,uslim videotape police officers, interrupt racism. Hold the media accountable and make your Public Officials here you. Action everying single day. Make resistance your lifestyle. This march isnt about me or any of the other speakers or organizers, it is about all of you. The communities you represent. Thank you for being here and for being such an inspiration, is rejoining us together in strength, unity, and action. [applause] im here to bring you my warcry. This song has been in five languages. It is a song calling out that we might come together in justice and healing and freedom and love. I want to put your hands together. We are going to lift everyone up to the ancestors and ask for protection on this journey of justice. One more time, i want you to put your hands together again. Are going to sing for justice across the world, so everyone can feel it. Laments. S and here are warcry from the top of the mountain. Are coming in, and hear this. Piece of love. Peace and love. My name is van jones, im with the love army. [applause] i just want you to know yesterday was a hard day. President flying away in that helicopter, i felt like something beautiful was dying. I felt that something that we had all given our hope is an too was dying hopes and dreams to was dying. Because of you, something beautiful is being reborn right here and right now. Know, when we started the love army, i am here as a ride it in the love army, and we started the love army, people actually started hating on the love army. Said love, that is some weeks. Week staff. Weekt want to be on some love thing. Love, look, if love is weak in your life, that sounds like a personal problem. Get off tender and grinder, and get some real love. Stuffove is the strongest in the universe, am i right . [applause] this movement is built on the mama bear love. The mama bear loves her cause, cubs, and shes not going to let you mess with her cop, and this movement is not going to what you mess with the muslims, women, the earth, black lives matter, this movement is based on that kind of love. And let me say something. When you have a Movement Based on that kind of love, you can talk to both people on both sides of the aisle. We need the conservatives to realize they have to be better conservatives than that. You have to better conservatives than that. The conservatives loved the constitution. We have a president who seems to be an authoritarian. Real conservatives stand up for and believe in clean government. We have a president to seems to become better at committed to a club talk receipt klepto cracy. He seemed weak for russia. Conservatives, do better than this. Be better conservatives than this. We love you enough to tell you that. And we also love you enough before liberals and progressives. We have to be better liberals and better progressives. We do. Us sayred of hearing love trumps hate, but sometimes sound more hateful than trump. I have been guilty of it. We are putting down all the red state voters and saying they are all stupid and uneducated. We have to stop that. Just because somebody made a bad vote doesnt make them a bad person, and it will not make us into that people either. I will not let us become bad people. We will fight for them anyhow. We will fight against them on the bigotry, and fight on the justice and equity as well. This movement had the opportunity to stand up for the underdogs in the red date and blue state. Also the coal miners who are going to be thrown under the bus by donald trump. Them wed up for will stand up for them. We have to have a position that is clear. When it gets harder to love, lets love harder. When it gets harder to love, lets love harder. Movement that came into the town yesterday. They had red hats on. They were proud of their accomplishments. They thought they had taken america back, but what they never counted on was one million women in pink hats who are going to take america forward. Thank you very much. [applause] good afternoon. Organizers. Nal [applause] is our honor and privilege to bring the next speaker to the sage stage. Only author and janet mosh. We are here. Not merely to gather, but to move. Our movements require us to do more than just show up and say the right word. It requires us to break out of our comfort zone and be confrontational. It requires us to suspend one another when it is difficult and dangerous. Ever requires us to truly see ourselves and one another. I stand here today as the daughter of a native hawaiian woman and a black veteran from texas. I stand here as the person that first person in my family to go to college. I stand here as someone who has written herself onto this age. To a pollock we unapologetically complain proclaim ima trans activist woman of color. Oftand here today because the work of my forbearers, from , fromner to sylvia ar harriet to marcia. I stand here, most of all, because i am licensed deeper my sisters keeper. [applause] my sisters and siblings are being beaten, brutalized, it neglected, extinguished, and exiled. My sisters and siblings have been pushed out of foster homes, intolerance schools. My sisters and siblings have been forced into detention facilities and prison, and deeper into poverty. I hold these hearts harsh truths close. They enrage me and the only fuel me. Today, by being here, it is my commitment to getting us free that keeps me marching. Approach 98 need not be identical, but it need to be intersectional and inclusive. [applause] it must extend beyond ourselves. With surpassing certainty that my liberation is directly trans to the undocumented latina journeying for refuge. Fighting to make her living safely. [applause] collective liberation and solidarity is difficult work. We will be struggling together and with one another. Oppressedse we are does not mean that we do not fall victim to enacting the same unconscious policing, shaming, and erasing. We must return to one another with rater accountability and commitment to the work today. By being here, you are making a commitment to this work. We are creating and it a , one that statement sticks a claim on our lives, loves, our bodies, babies, identities, and ideal. What a movement, a movement is so much more than a march. Spacement is difficult between our reality and division a vision. Our liberation depends on all of us. People returning to our homes, and using this experience and all the experiences that have shaped us to act and organize, to resist. [applause] thank you. [applause] hello. Campbell. E i am honored to be here today. Nation,traveled this but i must say that i have never seen a site like this. Together in one place. Scriptural, if you will. Those who know the christian scriptures. They say we were gathered in one place, frightened, afraid. We were afraid to go out, and then a mighty wind came. A wind that lifted the hearts and courage and let people know we are not alone. We are together, regardless of our faith. Regardless of our color of our skin. Of who we define as neighbor, we are all neighbors to each other. That is the deep truth that our nation was founded upon. We our our our sisters keepers. Our our sisters keepers. Are our brothers keepers. Was that true that will help us heal the economic divide. We, the people, can bridge this gap. We can bridge the gap of grace and division, where africanamericans and whites and hispanics, all of that ise the one story underneath whatever skin we have , it is all red sinew and blood, cap passion, engagement, and bridging the divide that is sucking the life out of us. So my friends, can we commit in joy, toent to exercise claim our passion, to have curiosity about our neighbors, and then share it around . Part, as if weur do, then we the people will triumph. We the people are what our nation needs, and we will make a difference. Lets do it together. We are the people. [applause] how is everyone doing today . We are feeling really good. Ive the social media manager for the womens march on washington. [applause] and i am one of the youth cornet or womens march on washington, and the sean this is sean. It is an absolute honor to introduce our friend cecile richards, the president of planned parenthood. Hello washington. [applause] site. Are a beautiful it is on honor an honor to be here on behalf of the women who have been to planned parenthood for health care. I wish every single one of them could eu. You are beautiful site. For some folks in congress, a terrifying one. We are here today to thank generations of organizers, troublemakers, those who formed secret sisterhood and demanded the right to control their own bodies. Today to deliver a message. We will not take this lying down. [applause] back, forwill not go people in this country, planned parenthood is not the problem. We are the solution. We have been part of the fabric of america or 100 years, and our doors stay open. [applause] now is the time for us to link arms together for the right of working women to earn a living wage, for the right of immigrant families to live without your. Fear. For the right of mothers families ino raise safe communities with clean air and drinking water, including in flint, michigan. And we are here for the right to live openly, no matter you are the love who you are or who you love. And we are here to fight for roductive rights in rights, including active axis to save and access to safe and legal abortion. Because according to Hillary Clinton a woman who know something about never giving up, read the rights are human rights. [applause] you need to know that starting this week, congress will be working quickly to try onpass restrictions reproductive access, and we cant let them. You need to call your senator and a we will not go back area back. Us can be dismissed, two of us can be ignored, but together, we are of and a sample a movement and unstoppable. It is an honor to do the work like inspiring leaders, the woman standing next to me. I see some nasty women out there. So nasty. Is ithat the voice see some nasty boys out there too. Imd i amiera and the head of this company, and i am unapologetically abortion positive. [applause] that is not the only reason im here with you today. I want to talk to young people in the crowd, those Live Streaming right now on twitter and on his book facebook. I want to say thank you. For the young people who continue to be on the front lines and in the streets, and who showed up at the polls and voted for equity, justice, and better country. Us to seefor forcing the humanity at standing rock, thank you. Reminding the world of black lives matter. Thank you for letting us be an on the dreamers dream. Thank you for holding boldly supporting the right to say, legal, and acceptable abortion in your state and nationally. Thank you for demanding to be seen, heard, and control of her death he. Destiny. But we know of someone else themols your body, it is and not you who controls your destiny. Fueled by racism, sexism, and xenophobia, building walls on our borders and constructing jails. Profiling and constructing muslim registry. Funding cuts for poor families, and restricting health care based on gender, and nine the fort denying the right who, when, and how to build their families. These are all attempt to control us. Not some of us, but all of us. Donald trump is president. There are a million of all out here, we should say the latter. [booing] but the good news is, he is working for us now. That means, he is to hear from us him and not just today, but tomorrow and every day of the presidency. We will not consent to your violence, mr. Trump. We refused to let politicians chart our destinies and youll our dignity seal our dignity. We will stand together in solidarity and Work Together for economic security, racial reproductive freedom, and equity for all. Thank you. [applause] i just want to be i all of my life lately ends how it does it have a prayer . [indiscernible] look at me i just cant believe what they refuse to see i just want to be i just want look at me get u never i just want to be i just want to be baby help me the world forgets i know you you know me baby you wont forget i know you you know me baby you know my just want to see i just want to see i just want to see baby me at i just cant believe what they dont believe we could love a great deed i just want to see i just want to see i just want to be i just want to be baby both together in the same boat [applause] i have another announcement. Fromsa has been separated amos gonzales. You can reunite over on this side of the stage, stage left. Vanessa and a most gonzales reunitezales, please onstage left. On stage left. Womans march. D. C. That is right, that is right, this march is about us, the people, the women in the country who refused to be marginalized, sexualized, abused and silenced. March. Donna hilson my name is donna hilson. I am formally known as an moment, in in this this movement, i am here to talk about those women and those girls that society refuses to talk about. They continue to criminalize. They continue to abuse, sexualized, denigrate, dehumanize, and i stand here to two here today to tell you that we are human. We are women, and we are you and you are we, and we count. [applause] donna and who said we couldnt break the ceiling . This is the Glass Ceiling right now, and this is our ceiling. And how amazing and wonderful it is to be in this powerful moment of sisterhood . And as we march today, we march in solidarity with millions of women and girls who have been told all their lives that they have no right, they have no value, and they have no poise. But today, we in solidarity are marching to change that narrative. We are marching to rewrite, reclaim, and reimagine the humanity that has been taken and stripped from these women and girls, and they cannot march with us today, but they are here. Five years ago, i was released from prison after serving 27 years. I thought that would get you. [laughter] donna and when i walked out those gates of primitive prison, i made a promise to those women who are our friends, our neighbors, our sisters that , i would do all that i could do to tell their story, tell their narratives, and to tell their truth. So today, in solidarity, as 620b06 i call into this moment judy clark, teresa hollins, pamela rosslyn smith. ,i call you to this moment alex johnson, michelle west. I call into this moment, this movement all of these women who have been overlooked, marginalized sexualized, silenced tod and say we march in solidarity to feed their voice. We are their voice. We are changing that narrative today. We are changing what has been said and used to denigrate into the fight, and to silence them. Twoe march dehumanize humanized and for every woman and girl in our country and across the world. Today, you march alongside those of us from the women in justice project. One billion rising. To stand up for justice, and the National Council for incarcerated and formally incarcerated women and girls. Join us. Join us as we continue to march and walk. Lets walk because we are beautiful, we are amazing, and we are not silent anymore. Today, today. [applause] donna we all of us. ,your voice, our voice our voice , is one voice. And together, that voice is powerful. My name is donna hilson, and this is what democracy looks like. [applause] [cheers and applause] hello. [cheers and applause] [indiscernible] i am the president of emilys west, i am committed to elect proud, Democratic Women all over this country. These are all the brave women who fight for us every day in washington dc in the capital. Every day. [applause] stephanie and i know we are all here to ignite change, and we know that donald trump and his male appointees, yes, they are mostly men, my friends, are going to tear apart our rights , our opportunities. But here is the thing. You should be the ones writing the laws. You should be the ones writing the policies. And at emilys list, we will stand with you. So here is the thing. We have got two choices, my friends. We either run for office or we support a sister who is running her office. That is what we are going to do, and together, we are going to win. Let me introduce our brandnew, fabulous senator from california, senator harris. [applause] alright. All right, all right, all right. What a beautiful sight i see. What do my eyes behold . This is an extraordinary day, and we should be extremely out extremely, extremely proud. Here is the deal. I believe we are at an Inflection Point in the history of our country. I believe this is a moment in time that is the Pivotal Moment in the history of our country. I think of this as being a moment in time similar to that moment in time when my parents met when they were active in the Civil Rights Movement as students at the university of california, berkeley in the 1940s. It is a moment in time that is similar to a moment in time many of us have experienced in our personal lives. You know, when that circumstance or situation required us to look in the mirror and with for for road brow, we asked the question who are we . , this is that moment in time for our country, where we are collectively looking in a mirror, and with furrowed brow, asking this question, who are we . And ladies and gentlemen, i believe the answer is a good one. Imperfect though we maybe be, i believe we are a great country. [applause] senator harris and part of what makes us great is we are a nation that was founded on certain ideals. Founded on the ideals that were spoken in 1776, that we are all and should be treated as the equals. Founded on the ideals that guarantee every persons right to worship freely without intrusion, founded on ideals where our immigrant communities represent the heart and soul of what it means to be an american. [applause and cheering] senator harris and when i look out at this incredible crowd today, i know one thing. Even if you are not sitting in the white house, even if you are not a member of the united dates states congress, even if you dont run a big corporate super pac, you have the power. [applause and cheering] senator harris and we, the people, have the power, and there is nothing more powerful than a group of determined sisters marching alongside with their partners and their determined sons and brothers and fathers standing up for what we know is right. [applause] and here is the thing, we know that it is right for this nation to prioritize womens issues. [applause] harris now here is what i am talking about in terms of womens issues. So when i was first elected District Attorney of San Francisco or attorney general of california or the united senator from the state of california, in , in each of those positions, i was elected as the first woman or the first woman of color, and folks would come up to me, and they would say, kamala, talk to us about womens issues. And i would look at them and i would say, im so glad you want to talk about the economy. I would say, great, lets talk about the economy, because that is a womans issue. I say, you want to talk about womens issues . Lets talk about national security. You want to talk about womens issues, thats fantastic, lets talk about health care, lets talk about education. Lets talk about criminal criminal justice reform. Lets talk about Climate Change. [applause and cheering] senator harris because we all know the truth. If you are a woman trying to raise a family, you know that a good paying job is a womans issue. [cheers] senator harris if you are a woman who is an immigrant who does not want her family torn apart, you know that Immigration Reform is a womans issue. [cheers] [applause] senator harris if you are a Woman Working off student loans, you know the crushing burden of student debt is a womans issue. [applause] senator harris if you are a black mother trying to raise a son, you know black lives is a womans issue. [applause and cheering] senator harris and if you are a woman, period, you know we deserve a country with equal pay and access to health care, including a safe and legal abortion protected as a fundamental and constitutional right. [applause and cheering] senator harris so all of this is to say, my sisters and brothers, that we are tired as women of being relegated to simply being thought of as a particular constituency or demographic. We, together, are powerful, and we are a force that cannot be dismissed or written off onto the sidelines. But i have got to tell you what we all know is this, we have our work cut out for us, and it is going to get harder before it gets easier. I know we will rise to the challenge, and i know we will keep fighting no matter what because weve got the power, and i promise that i, along with my sisters and brothers on this stage will be fighting for you , every single day, and i know, fight we will do and fight we will win, especially when they say it is unwinnable, especially when they say you may be the only one like you in that room. We know we will always be in that room together. [applause] so in closing, here is what i think we should be thinking about today. This will stay a day for all of us to come together in our seen, tocapital, to be be heard, to be felt. Today is also a day we must recommit our power and our purpose, and lets make today a beginning. Lets buckle in because it will be a bumpy ride. And then lets go back to ohio and new york and florida and california, and lets get to work. [cheers and applause] wow. You look so damn good out there. [cheers and applause] i am here because i have a message. I want to ask donald john trump, are you disturbed that over 250,000 people, mostly women led by women, are here in washington today . [applause] and you know that we are here rallying and protesting against your presidency . [applause] let me tell you further why we are here. Your words, your actions have shown us that you do not respect us. That both you and all your nominees for your cabinet posts are dangerous for us and all of our families. [cheers and applause] rep. Waters i want to talk to you about those nominees and why they are dangerous. First of all, you have jeff sessions. Sessions has a history. [booing] representative waters he has a history of racism. He voted against women against violence act. He threatened civil rights workers who were just trying to register people to vote, and what about that betsy devos . [booing] waters a billionaire who he is picking as head of education who has never seen the inside of a classroom. She has no experience, she has no background, that is dangerous for our children. What about that exceo of exxon . Tillerson . [booing] rep. Waters oh, he is a big friend of putin and the kremlin, he hid the that reports on Climate Change so that we would not know what exxon was doing to us and our families. Oh, we know about your nominees, mr. Trump, and then there steve mnuchin. [booing] rep. Waters the predatory lender closing on families and putting them out on the street. Well, donald, we are here to tell you that we want you and bannon to stop sending those dog whistles to white supremacists. [cheers and applause] rep. Waters we have a lot we need to tell you today. We are here because we want equal pay for equal women. [applause and cheering] rep. Waters and donald, in the final analysis, youd better keep your hands off of planned parenthood. [cheers] [applause] rep. Waters and so, donald, while we are concerned, we are rallying, and we are protesting, you dont intimidate us. You dont scare us. We are going to fight against you and your policies. We are going to struggle. We are going to do everything necessary to show you that you cannot take this country down the path that you think you are going to take it down. We are not going to allow you to do it. And so, i want to thank all of you for being here today. Are you ready for the fight . [applause and cheering] rep. Waters are you up to the fight . [cheers] rep. Waters are you going to continue to fight . [cheers] rep. Waters thank you all so very much. Now, you have all of these members of congress here, and all of us Work Together so very well, but i would like to introduce you to the black women of congress who belong to the black caucus who are struggling every day along with our sisters in the congress for justice and equality. First, our organizer, yvette clarke. [cheers and applause] rep. Waters that powerful woman from oakland, barbara lee. [cheers] waters one more. You just heard from kamala blunt rochester. Sheila jackson lee, carrie sewall, val demings, and brenda lawrence. Give them all a big round of applause. [cheers and applause] rep. Waters thank you. Just more than 100 years ago, women and men, but mostly women of courage just like you, marched on washington to tell the then president before his inauguration that they demanded the right to vote. Now today, those women, they were trapped, insulted hospitalized, but they knew the , right for the vote was important for them, their families, and this country. Today, after Hillary Clinton put a 65 million crack in the hardest and highest Glass Ceiling, we are marching on washington for similar reasons. We want to be counted, we want to be heard, and we are going to fight for what we believe in. Just as the women stared down their own future as the impossible, we are not turning back. We have so many issues to fight for. We dont have equal pay for equal work in this country. We dont have a National Paid leave plan. We have to fight for what we believe in. We know that, not until every woman and girl in this country has the chance to reach their godgiven potential, that america will not reach hers. We only have 20 of women in congress, and many of them and our male colleagues stand here firmly for you. But i promise you, if we had 51 of women in congress, do you think we would be debating access to contraception or do you think we would be debating whether to have paid leave . Do you think it would be so hard to end Sexual Assault on College Campuses and in our military . It would not. [cheers] gillibrandlebrand this is the moment of the beginning of the revival of the womens movement. This is the moment you will remember when women stood strong and stood firm and said never again. This is the moment that you are going to be heard. [cheers and applause] sen. Gillibrand its tammys turn. Its tammys turn. Sen. Duckworth hello, everyone, i am senator tammy duckworth. [cheers] senator duckworth you guys look great. By the way, i wore my dont f with me jacket to this rally. A bunch of people are saying the same thing. You know, yesterday, i got to tell you, i was pretty depressed. I brought my daughter here today because this is her first protest. She is two years old. So all of the girls and boys out there, thanks for coming out. This is about our country. I didnt shed blood to defend this nation. I didnt give up literally parts of my nation my body to have the constitution trampled on. I did not serve along with the men and women of our armed forces. We did not serve to protect the constitution so we have to roll back our rights. And this is what its about it is about you going home after today and standing up and fighting in your communities. Dont take what you do today, and dont let it end. Take it home. Run for office yourself. Get out there and be those voices. Be that change that you want to see in the world. They are not going to roll back the americans with disabilities act because without the ada, i would not be here today. [cheers] senator duckworth to all my folks in the disability community, they are not going to water. Our air and our and you know, i just sat through two weeks of confirmation hearings through what seems to look like a swamp cabinet. People who forget they have billions of dollars in the cayman islands. Oh, sorry, we forgot to disclose that. People who do not know if there is a safe amount of lead that can be in your drinking supply. These are things we need to fight for. This is what every single one of the people standing on this stage will fight for. Join us, come together, go home and fight. In your communities, on your school board, run for congress, run for the legislature, be that voice, because without you we dont i saw a sign that says women are the wall. Where is that sign . Women are the wall, and trump will pay. That is absolutely right. We are the wall, and you will not roll back our rights as long not as long as we are here. Not as long as we are breathing. God bless each and everyone of every one of you. I am the president of new that event prompted a response from President Trump. Even if i dont always agree, i recognize the rights of people to express their views. Witht on cspan, q a benjamin ginsberg. That is followed by british Prime Minister theresa may taking questions from members of the house of commons. Later, President Trump and Vice President pence speak to white house staff at a swearingin ceremony earlier today. Announcer 1 this week on q a, benjamin ginsberg, professor of political assignments assignment Political Science at johns hopkins. He discovers his book, what washington gets wrong, the people who run the government and their misconceptions about the american people. Ginsberg, author of what washington gets wrong. Can you tell us your story that you open up your introduction with . Benjamin absolutely, this is

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