Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150408 :

CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings April 8, 2015

But this is for the four or five of you that are a little bit younger than the rest of us. Im over half a century old. Ready, here we go this one is for you. It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv. I started us on to the superman tv show and i started with the theme to the Gilligans Island show and the theme to the family guy tv show and none of you had to go to a website, read a program, look it up because you had seen them hundreds if not thousands of times. You have taken them into your brain in a way that you dont take things and when you get a pamphlet. You believe it. Because you believe it it goes into a deep part of your brain. So, if you are one of those people that can look up at the sky its a bird plain because the superman got into your heart and anything associated about into your heart as well because it is america. It was a positive view of america, it is of a god that lives on earth and is limited in power and is only inhibited by his own moral decency. It is the control of limited power when into your hands you watch superman thats the political message and if you can say look up at the sky everything. The only thing that you could learn all you have to do is kill gilligan and your problems are over. The capitalist message of the christian method that comes into the show every single week is as deep in their heads as superman is in yours. We are paying people to put those messages into the minds of our kids and they can recite this stuff in their sleep. They dont have to go to the website to figure out what the messages are. Its in the blood stream. Its in the pop culture because it isnt just a fish in the ocean. Its not just getting a big fish in the ocean. Controlling the pop culture isnt just landing a whale in the ocean the pop culture is the motion. Every political issue that we face in the country today swims in the pop culture. Its everything. Its the air that we breathe and we have to get into this battle space. I am talking about the wrapper. I want to be Crystal Clear on this. Theres nothing about the ideals and message that i would change not a dot or a i think that the constitution is a religious all about the document dropped because of its divine inspiration we can discuss but the amount of work that went into it the amount of study and history and constant debate. Im not talking about changing the message some of the im talking seriously about changing the package when we put that in because succeeding in the worst political messages the level of collectivism and tierney and dependency and envy and hopelessness and all that stuff but they are putting it in a diamond box and we have the most brilliant in history. And we are wondering why nobody is buying it. Frankly if you are a politician on the right and you cant sell freedom to people, you are probably in the wrong line of work. How hard is it to sell freedom virtue and the private property to people in this country if you cant do that we need to find another line of work. So lets get down to the actual message and talk about the packaging. I know i make this joke every time that on behalf of our cspan viewers. [applause] he gave his career to make it safe to drink in the middle of the speech. [laughter] so what is the message, what is it that we believe aqwex we have brochures, constitutions, websites, all things of the simpler the better. The simple messages that are. Albert einstein determined the relationship between matter and energy the relationship could have killed 60 blackboards with key quotations and could have been astonishingly complex. But when he set it equal to and see square you know its on the truth because it was so simple it have to be true. So what is the message of the conservative view of america it is three things into three things only. Then we will talk about how to sell it. Freedom, private property and virtue. How do we do that to young people today . Theyve never been told anything about the founders or how this was worked out. They dont know how it started. No. We have to start from scratch. All they see is freedom. Everybody is free. We are all free. When we get down to it its pretty simple. Do you want to be left alone or do you want to be told what to do which won and if you go to a group of current students anywhere, berkeley or anywhere else in the city than do you want to be left alone or do you want to be told what to do. They will all say they want to be left alone. Its very likely was over when the college cant the most liberal. Thats where free demand logic go to die. How many of you think that you are socialist and seven out of ten were used their hands. So i said to them were socialist, im capitalist. What is your belief . You ask them to define what they mean in the socialist and they couldnt tell you. After a time i kind of city you know its not really my job to argue your position for you but i will do it anyway. Arent you basically saying from each according to his ability to each according to his needs . So if you look at the suburban students and say to these liberals coming and we dont want to use that word anymore and you just ask them to the site of the labels, raise your hand if if you want to be left alone and they will. Now raise your hand if you want to tell people what to do it if you are the kind of person that likes to tell other people what to do. And none of them well raise their hands, not one of them. So if you want to be left alone that means you value freedom so which party is the party about being left alone . Who is it that is trying to tell you that you have to have a certain kind of health care that only approved . Which party is telling you that you have to very safety helmet if you want to get out there and ride your bike, do it which party is talking about wild guns and fast cars and hot women in which party is constantly trying to tell you this is the temperature setting, this is what you have to do, which party is the party saying you cant do that or that and the other party says get out of my face and leave me alone. If you want to be left alone and you dont want to tell other people what to do then dont you want the smallest government possible because they are the only people. If you dont like mcdonalds, dont go to mcdonalds. But if you dont like what the government is doing, sooner or later they will show a so if you dont like being told what to do wouldnt you be in favor of reducing them the only thing that can force you into doing what you dont want to do ask you for a third of the way to being a conservative. If you want to be left alone . Me too. We are on the same page. Now private property is a tougher sell because wealth has been demonized to cause the entire reason for existence and reason they obtain political power is saying to some people vote for me and we will have the guns of the government to take stuff from people and give it to you. So it has to be demonized because if wealth is not demonized and is in fact a read leave word for hard work and more hard work then taking it is stealing and stealing is wrong. We dont want to be thieves. So it has to be demonized and we have to take their fair share which is what justifies stealing it from them and giving it to other people so it is a little tougher but you can pull this off and heres how i did it. You have a group full of students that claim they are socialist 70 raise their hands and i would say to them okay fair enough. What kind of phone do you have aqwex iphone five and im going to get this has is my plan upgrades. They will tell you first look at the little suspiciously quiet you want to know . I am not going to steal them from you. Not the capitalists can adjust the socialists remove the smartphone. Why do you want our phone . You are the ones that said to each according to his need. Thats what you believe. You are the socialists. So bring them the phones. We are going to have to thousand dollars worth of electronics and we are going to put them in a basket. Im not going to take them. Im not the government or a collectivist. We will take these and liquidate them and sell them for 2000. Its 120dollar bills and we will go through cleveland and distribute that money to the poor because it will be each according to his ability and give to each according to his need. Guess what . They dont bring them down. You know why . Because they are not socialist. William f. Buckley conservatives that believe in this idea of Wealth Redistribution as long as theres someone else. But when it is time for them to take their wealth and redistribute it to other people all of a sudden they think Ronald Reagan is a swell guy and thats where you can put people in the position they have to put their money where their mouth is. Of course they are in favor of the Wealth Redistribution. You dont have any wealth to redistribute. You will until you start getting jobs at which point your opinion will change and thats normal. This is in fact my phone. I have it because they work like a slave i work seven days a week i work very, very hard and this is one of the benefits of the work i do that i dont have to do. I earned it and its mine. Its my god mine if my phone , mine. [applause] and those are yours, while technically they are your parents but we are not going to split hairs. But you can call them on it and you can put it on their moral code. I will say you have an xbox and playstation. I know you are playing all these games, so lets just remember the poorest americans are richer than 93 of the rest of the population of the earth. If you were to take it to the punjab and so that you could probably feed a village for a year and you dont. You say that you would, but you dont. You are all hypocrites. Its your property and you feel like you probably have that you could take that xbox and sell it for 300 and feed a family certainly for a year and you dont because youre not socialist, because you understand that these things are products of the life you that you leave and your willingness to be charitable is not determined by whether or not somebody has a gun to your head. You can get people to understand the value of private property when you ask them if they are going to be willing to sell any of theirs in order to live up to their superiority and the answer is that they wont do that because they are not socialist. They are regular people just like us to feel like if they were they work hard they should be entitled to the reward for that work. Pretty simple. Third thing you need to sell his virtue. They think that means not having sex until youre 70 but that isnt what virtue means. Its very simple. It just means dont be a jerk. When i talk to college kids i say dont be a dick. Same thing, dont be a jerk. Dont be a jerk. Do you think raise your hands out there, College Students of america, raise your hands if you think you have the right to hit somebody or the right to take what is in their backpack right now do you have the right to take whats in that persons backpack, yes or no. He would be kind of a jerk if you hit than or take their stuff so if you dont believe in hurting people were taking their stuff that means that you are virtuous and the thing about that then we can leave you alone if you behave without hitting people and taking their stuff we can let you do whatever you want to do limited only by the point where you start to hurt people or take their stuff. If you dont want to take their stuff or heard or hurt them all of a sudden now we need a policeman and wardens and Prison Guards and the whole thing that is necessary to stop some of you from being jerks and i dont know why the rest of us all have to pay the penalty because some of you are jerks. We ought to do with those of you that are jerks and leave the rest of us alone. Thats what i think. And thats virtue. A fosco congratulations you are all the way there. You are in fact a conservative because you have understood that these principles are lost to the principles of hatred or selfishness or anything. They are simple common sense values we all share. Everybody wants to be left alone and once the rewards of their stuffy and everybody agrees that its wrong to hurt somebody and take their stuff. So if you have these three simple things, just a couple things how did you actually sell this stuff . While i had a really remarkable epiphany about this a few months ago down in florida and i fly to Fort Lauderdale and every single time i go i will fly Virgin America, two towns im not even going to. Thats how much i like Virgin America. There is a point to this. The first time i flew on the flight it was a red eye i walked into the plane at 11 00 and walked into a room that was dark and the lighting on the airplane was purple and red and the seats were white plastic and black leather and the music they played was the kind of jazz you will hear in a club and i thought this kicks butt. I couldnt believe how cool it was and about a year ago, Virgin America did something i would like you all to go home and watch when you get the chance. Virgin america that used to have an extremely funny animated safety video spent it must have been millions of dollars to do a new airplane safety videos if you get a chance go home and look up the video. Its been seen by 11 Million People and i probably put about 40,000 of those on there myself. I get off the flight having watched the safety video in my chair, got in my car drove home, fed the cats went to youtube because i wanted to hear it again. Thats how good it is and it is that a good because the music is that good, the dancers are that hot, its interesting, so cool couldnt get enough of it and it was only after about the time i came back and saw it for the eighth or ninth time i realized i just got off the plane and im sitting here watching at 2 00 in the morning. Why am i doing this . Kozicki is so entertaining and well done that i am willing to spend four and a half minutes to hear the most boring information on the face of the earth. Heres how you operate a seat belt. Heres how you blow up your emergency vest and do not tamper with the smoke detectors in the bathroom coming here is how you find the exit doors. Its not only the most boring information in the world it is what ive heard 200 times and totally blanked out on every flight ive been on but i couldnt get enough of it because it was magnificent. Each was unique, they had these robot dancers and it was absolutely fantastic. If it can make me watch the most boring information in the world for the 20th time after hearing at 300 times commercially and 11 Million People on youtube then this is important. We need to reimagine our values, not reinvent them or change them at reimagine. There is a great example i can give you for this. When you talk to Young Americans about George Washington who know anything about them thats all they know, when you talk to young people about George Washington asked them to describe George Washington they will say he had a frilly shirt and stockings and a waistcoat. Thats pretty much what George Washington looked like. But thats what he looks like two is 250 years later. Youre going to look a little stupid 250 years from now you may not believe me but believe it. Thats going to look pretty absurd round a hundred years from now, 200 years from now and a 250 years from now people are going to laugh at you because of how you are dressed. So not many people know this but George Washingtons marketing message through enemy lines to London England who hes been at war with for six or seven years now and the message was simple. George washington sent a message and i got it almost memorized i would like to purchase for waistcoats and the latest designs using the most fashionable colors that are currently available without them looking ostentatious. What will that cost . Why did he send that message to london . Because George Washington was the best dressed man on the planet earth. He was the best dressed man on planet planet earth and heap of being the president of the public meant that its especially important that i be the best dressed man on planet earth so if George Washington were standing next to me today he wouldnt be wearing a powdered waited and stockings if he were standing next to me today when everybody else was three for four, he was six for the 16 would be wearing a 20,000 suit and a 900 shirts, 200,000 shoes for 800000 other haircut and he would be holding a laser target because George Washington was a swinging deadly dude. George washington today would look like money because he was money. That is who George Washington is. She would be dressed in a 20,000 suit and i thought to myself how do we get this idea across to young people because the people of George Washington wanting to be king. They thought of it against the kings and the first thing they wanted to do is make him king because he was so glamorous and interesting as sexy and cool. He was every celebrity you know gold into one and he was the founder of the nation. They wanted him to refer as the excellency. When people hear this they start to reimagine the entire thing. George washington and a 20,000dollar armani suit is accessible in a way that an old guy in a powdered wig isnt and you can do this for all of it. If i were going to talk a story i would do what they did in the safety video i did have a guy standing there in the tri corner hat with a wave and a waistcoat and then i would have three of the hottest young women on earth and i see them in los angeles every day. They would walk up to this 6foot five model and grab this outfit and pulled off and he would be standing there, this 35yearold super super god wearing a pair of boxer underwear and these women with cervical him and to start to the 9,000dollar watch on his hand and do the cufflinks and washington would do the james bond coupling, come out of the action and do one of those. They would say that is who the father of this country was committed and always be. That is who he is and thats why they worshiped him and when he said im not going to be your king thats why we loved the guy and thats why we love the guy. That is the problem of reimagining these things and you can do this all the time by using the language. Its very important. I was at an event in phoenix and during the q a period this is when i started to think about the messaging period. A young woman from the loca

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