Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160315 :

CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings March 15, 2016

But much more conservatively given that action. Weve got time for one question. Weve got one over here. My question is for resources and for actual and temptation, you set the individual select in the program arent necessarily eligible towards a term of community supervision. Who provides the service when you type about checking in on a weekly basis, are you checking in with the Probation Office . It is only so many Probation Officers limited to how many people they can supervise spirit at one time the committee placement of several may have four or five on their load of people because they spend so much time with each people to make sure they are successful. One of the things that we did in the alternative portion is further able to shed the community so we can watch supervision and work with partners and other state agencies to contribute training and resources. So there was no actual funding. It was just reinvestment. Please join me in taking our panel. [applause] you want me to introduce the speakers . I would like to say these people need no introduction. Its really a great honor to be here with two attorney generals. One of the most exciting things weve seen in the area of criminal justice last for years years as more and more prosecutors, Law Enforcement shares in this case attorney general not only been interested and engaged, by really taking such positive step in the area criminal just is. Is that the democratic republican here so it tells of the bipartisan nature and management and that these shoes are partisan. So i wanted to post a number of questions and then we will hopefully have time to hear from those of you in the audience about the different areas of criminal justice where one or both of you have made it possible in your state. First of all, i know we heard earlier about the datadriven process thats gone on in the state. Going into the prison system, what programs are working, which programs are, what the various outcomes are brings together prosecutors, the advocates, judges and experts on criminology to look at the data and from that highlight solutions. Georgia has gone through the process which is incredibly successful a few years ago in each of the subsequent legislative session. Leading the way at all and with attorney general. I wanted to turn to you and see if you may talk about whats going on in maryland. We actually used georgia as a model because its done such good work. Three years ago maryland can of a series to return allies small amounts of marijuana. If you have less than 10 grams marathon a comment is not a criminal offense. There is a similar climate applicable that relate to 31,000 arrests per year in our state. It took a huge load off the criminal Justice System here in my path this year as a result of the task force that was put together over the past year a series of recommendations that are making their way through the General Assembly that there is general optimism in this measure which encompasses a number of different initiatives because as you said a minute ago, and the initiatives launched by the governor, by myself, by prosecutors, public defender and it does a number of different things. They would price the strip session penalties downward. Drugs other than marijuana, acrosstheboard penalty is trying to minimize prison time and minimize incarceration. It also requires folks would drug addiction problems in residential treatment, additional money available instead of sending people to jail, they will be diverted to get drug treatment. It eliminates the disparity for in sentencing between crack and. It raises the felony threshold so that people who still relatively small amounts of money or value of good dont end up spending time additional time in jail to get convict to the felonies. It expands in prison could Behavior Program in incentive credits. So if you are in prison and you are doing what youre supposed to be doing, you have the opportunity to have credits that will get you out earlier. We passed last year legislation that created the safety valve for mandatory minimum sentences. And the plight respect of late and it allowed people who are the subject of mandatory minimum sentences to get the sentence is reviewed by a threejudge panel at this years legislation is going to apply that rule which are actively. Those now in jail and get those reviews. It expands the alternatives to incarceration in and think id mind and include sentences in calculating the guideline compliance. That is important present time down. The legislation also identifies those practices an alternative resolution admit that Great Success and resolution to try to apply that to criminal. Im sorry im going on so long that its a multifaceted approach. Let me give you a couple more. And the volume weighted raised and Needs Assessment tool to determine supervision levels in when people are released in use swift and certain and proportional sanctions for violations of probation and parole. So there are i think nine other things this legislation does. It is a broad based in holistic approach to just sending people away. Ray, could you talk about georges experience implemented as well . Candidly, i will be sure with this question because the audience already heard he was the coop there in the first panel. I would simply say that the key here as was alluded to with the collaborative inclusive transparent nature. So when you have the aclu nt party boats in the room, you are able to calm to a discussion that creates a great though. Which limits the political after the fact, which was alluded to earlier. Weve done a bunch of those things. Proboscis in a lifetime on revising parole and probation. We are now at the point where if there was a sale of drugs over x number of years, and goodness to be a process to determine whether the individual has served too much time and should be released or with this legislation if they serve more than a number of years for possession, they have the automatic way for a hearing to be released from prison because as brien said, you got to go retroactively back for your roommate saw been a small piece of the problem at a time. What is sure to bring out but the highpriority victims of crimes from victim services, the notification, compensation. The attorney general funds. Obviously the offender can pay restitution which of course if they are working maybe they can do it but otherwise the need for services counseling, whether it Domestic Violence or other types of crimes. Touch god. In fact theres a whole list of these that query whether they should be paying many or none because many of them, for instance can i relate to pensions rather than to the crime. The restitution is number one. To the extent that the defendant is able to pay first minister is restitution for the big guns and that is really important. And then we have a whole bunch of services to decrease the recidivism rate to increase the potential that they succeed everything from other issues such as spanning the box to one of the neat things we really do in that regard is also a certificate, but with specific reference to the big guns, just as you are taking extra time to figure out to send this, you need extra time to figure out how to help the big guns. For two months i was last on the list of things to do and its been much considerably. Many district attorneys now are fulltime specific to the issue i know in different states of altered different so i just wondered whether the attorney general is involved. We do have a person in our office who works fulltime on assisting the dems and the Services Since it for too long has been a backend. The legislation was cut this year also focuses on the difference versus. I will say one of the problems problems one of the things that i think has attributed to the large number of our folks in prison in maryland across the country is the banning of fees. There is an article in the Washington Post a couple weeks ago about a woman who had been sentenced as a juvenile, managed to get her ged, got out of detention. She had no family, founders of the job of the gainfully employed and yet was getting yanked back to court weekly almost or once a month because she was unable to pay the four, 500 that she had accumulated in fines and fees for restitution. She was getting pulled back by the court to account for the fact she could not afford it. That is a very, or the problem. She was in danger of losing her job because while she was performing about berkshire had to take time off for that. Sort of a different question at the end, but it is worth mentioning for too long the answer with. That is a puny issue. So what we actually do in georgia now is we have the ability to legislation to have charter and the prisons. The governor actually superintendent and that i want you to retire from their position and i am going to make it about commissioner for corrections and whos in charge of the programming. Another thing that we do, not only giving them a ged, but classes and having them walk out or they can get a good shot or wellpaid job goodenow had to type up all colleges, we have assured touch on trade shortage of walters. Shortage of plumbers. They certainly charge enough. Technical colleges if you go welding degree, it is under the state program. Said now we have folks who are released are presented with a walters heard where they are given more than my son who got a journalist degree. So not only are you help those that did behavior of the prisons system, you are actually giving them the ability to have a really good thing job. One of the things we did in texas on occupational licensing if they would be disqualified otherwise. The other interesting thing is im buying, one of the things is to charge than community service. And again the restitution for sure. Those are really excellent point. Weve seen in juvenile detention in the School District has to provide teachers they often send the ones over there want to get rid of. Having a principled, the leadership within the campus is important. One of the issues i wanted to turn to his addiction because that is something we saw huge issue opioid abuse taken to laughter in the primera Republican Democratic side and both of you have been involved in trying to deal with pill mills for making sure that treatment is available. Weve seen a number of states, for example, narcotic treatment for opioid things to basically block reset is in the brain that trigger that craving. Also Good Samaritan moss and other things. If you could touch on what youve been involved with not just as attorney just as attorney general, the legislature in dealing with addiction. Sure, i dont know whether i apologize someone whos put in context this morning, but let me try to do that. The price of has plummeted over the last several decades. I think in the 80s i was up around 1200 per program. It is now down around 400 per program. The purity of on the street has tripled and folks who receive prescriptions for opioid medication often find that they become addicted and cant get off it and turned a hair in his its a much cheaper alternative. From a Law Enforcement to, maryland joined a task force that runs from our state although it to the state of maine. The folks who were trafficking heroin and dont respect state robberies and we are the attorneys general from maryland to maine to share information and we think to a more job of addressing heroin trafficking. At the same time, you have to address drug treatment problems that arise from herriman accrues from the opioid abuse and one of the things that is making its way through our General Assembly this year is greater input into the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program that is run by our state. New york has done an excellent job here. They require the prescription. It has to be done electronically. Nobody can steal your prescription pad and forge one. And maryland where we hope to get to the point for every time somebody prescribes an opioid with my database the doctor can check whether the patient printed three other. Theres before turn down the prescription and help. Yours make better choices when they are prescribing over your actions. Finally, like all attorney general has a medicaid fraud unit and doctors who are overprescribed mlx to see if the prescription opiate medication is so high that it raises suspicion, either fraud in terms of medicaid or criminal activity. And run across the road of bill to go after pill mills. Actually, we routed in a loving, it got past 12. Like the mass can change process before you pass the legislation. Florida passed bears in alaska on trent. At the time florida had some thing this would be no feelings. There many. So its in the past so they started using georgia. My favorite was the wall street journal story said discussion with the used car lot dealer talked with such pride on how he immediately sold these drugs because you can imagine he knew all about oxycontin. So we passed a bill, and had a huge effect one year we went from about four clients is not the right word, to about 100. We are now clearly closer to the original number with the pill mills. We did see a significant uptick in the cost of pills, so foxy, hydro, et cetera is 30 with pill on the black market contrast is brant talked about a pill of dollars. To that problem in that regard you additionally, i was glad attribution. But ag jack conway paths to schools about Prescription Drug abuse. So we took jacks program and added something to it, which was a psa kind of test. A 302nd psa from elementary level. I go from 30 to 50 schools. All schools. All bring with me local Accountability Court judges, Law Enforcement. I bring with me a girl or boy whose 22, 23 who is a recovering addict. At the levels present the dangers of the drugs in her hardest to is to get off the drug. If i have a 22yearold with me that it can majority of the time, they are paying. With a female speaker, much of the girls immediately go up to her after the session either disclose their coverage. The bushes generally arent that great advantage to know what a florid. It has been very well received. When you go into his school and say you want to talk about drugs, you are waiting for the fun gang up. The Accountability Courts its easier for me to not get into the schools. If we could play one of the winning videos from our contest. Im going to go. Its okay, dont worry. Just grab the pills and go. No one is going to know. Besides, a few little pills cant hurt, right . So that was the winning video from 2014. I have an association with the Georgia Association of broadcasters in one of the pharmacy distribution associations. They paid to have the winning video shown on tv for three month after our contest so that kids can get to see their video showing off over the state on nbc, abc, cbs, it better. The whole idea is to provide that education. But we also give them a check, franka. My office cant get it at the Pharmacy Association and not after. The whole idea is to teach these kids have dangerous the drug czar. We also have a 911 bill that you just mentioned. For instance, if these kids are at a party and somebody falls to the floor, many times the kids will think its okay, they are sleeping. They will sleep it off. No, because once you get regurgitation, it didnt the oxygen to the brain and that is called death. We tell these kids you call 911. If you are the person who calls and the person who is having the overdose, there will be no arrest and must the person called. Short of the dealer, theres automatic amnesty, 100 amnesty also relates to instance for alcohol. We now have the same scenario on college campuses, for instance. They will idea is to develop into good year for. Both have their life saved. We now have a whole bunch of sheriffs and police to carry a nasal spray so when they come to the call to immediately administer the spray to start the reversal to once again save these kids lives. That is terrific. You mentioned the Accountability Court. That is something both are you having your state, veteran scores. Georgia has recently expanded their great day. Prior to being ag, i was in the county of about 700,000 folks. Before this was voted statewide, before we talk to pew and vga, my county had a dui court. Mccartney had a drug court. My county had a juvenile drug court. For a couple of us that had it, you immediately saw the game. You immediately saw the benefit. And of course it became statewide and our governors and a whole bunch of money, millions of dollars each year. One thing that was interesting that was mentioned earlier is how you get judges to agree to the hard work it takes the Accountability Court . Lets face it, you expect failure. You expect an 18 Month Program here. It takes additional time for the court to have these cases in front of them. So last year, the judges were requesting a pay raise. So what the governor did if he said if youre judicial circuit has the Accountability Court, each judge will get an extra 6000. If your circuit doesnt have an Accountability Court, say goodbye to the six grand. It worked. When they turn to you bump and also juvenile drug courts to cheer you up because georgia did house bill 242 and 23rd in reserving state juvenile custody in maryland in 2015 pass a law that used to be there for 33 offenses. Kids working automatic are tried as adults. In 2015 at discretionary. I wanted to see what she might add about the course of juvenile justice as well. You know, all the problems discussed this morning relating to incarceration apply with even greater force to juveniles. In maryland i think weve reached a point where there is general agreement. If i can digress and tell you a story. Theyve got big guys, but they lose every race. The coach finally gets fed up a post of assistant coaches cited the book, go and see why we keep losing. So the assistant coach was over, hides behind a bush and watch as harvard, comes back and says i got it figured out. At harvard that got eight guys growing and one guy yelling. Last night and now we think are moving together in the right direction republicans and democrats on all of these issues, and especiall

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