Be for claims under a certain amount, say claims that are worth i think the number they propose is 30,000 or less. Nobody is going to litigate over that, right . It gives authors and ability to have a real life. So that we are supporting. We are also supporting legislation that would change the notice and takedown rules. Theres a section of the copyright law 512 which was an active with the digital copyright act that allows any Service Provider, Internet Service provider can escape liability for Copyright Infringement if they comply with certain rules, and one of them is notice and takedown. We have to a good hour just on this subject to explain the nuances, but basically the way the courts have interpreted it, which we think is incorrect, but it has left rights holders including authors with the only remedy that is to say, send notices to the Service Provider to take it down which the Service Providers generally do but then it goes right back up. Theres no obligation to you have to give the url for the infringing copy. This is for infringing copy. You have to tell the Service Provider the exact url. Theres nowhere for the offer to even know where all the copies are, where as the Service Provider can search their service. They know where copies are but they have no obligation to take on those of the infringed copies, no obligation stake out a copy at the same user put it right back up which is called the game of whackamole. Thats how it is known as. Service provider spend a lot of money on dealing with these notices and from the other perspective, you dont actually achieve getting anything taken down. We are asking for a number of changes to that part of the statute. Were also looking at collecting licenses for books to libraries can access copies of books and actually pay for them instead of having libraries and the googles saying we cant possibly license all these books, so it has to be fair use. That takes away a lot of income ultimately out of the market and from authors. So those are the big ones but there are a bunch of issues. Host when you look at where the on publishing in 2016, has there ever been another period in history where this revolution is happening like it is now . Guest well, when the yeah, i mean, the beginning of publishing was a huge change in terms of the written word. It was enormous. I mean, people who never had access to books before suddenly have access to books. It took a hundred or so Publishing Industry to realize that we can use this technology for mass distribution, cheap books that many people could provide access to. The digital revolution is just a big. The implications are huge and we are already starting to see some of the entrance of the ability to access knowledge. Its very, very exciting. We just want to make sure that authors get some of that money, right . Right now whats happened, whats happened is a result of the information wants to be free movement, is that its not as though no one is making money off of the content. That technology companies, the Service Providers are making huge amounts of money off of content. The googles, amazon, apple, facebook, they are called the big four, the four horsemen. They are profiting from content now, if the creators are losing their shirts. Its not fair but its also just a very shortsighted because if creators cannot afford to keep creating, they wont. Host mary rasenberger, executive director of the authors guild. Thanks for joining us on the booktv. Guest thank you very much. Every year online bookseller amazon puts out a list of the 20 most well read cities across the u. S. Its ranking is based off of sales data purchased books, magazines and newspapers. Authoa clark. Discussion her my name is tom paschalis and like to give a special thank you to all the festival sponsored. Social media club, the thing for this years festival is whats your story courts we encourage everyone to share the story you here this weekend on twitter, instagram and facebook using hashtag prlf16. You can download printer for and app which gives you all the Chicago Tribunes premium book content free and discounted ebooks for subscribers and the complete schedule. If you download today you can get a free ebook and 5 off lit fest merchandise. Todays program is being broadcast live on cspan2s booktv. If theres time at the end for a q a session we will ask all of you to line up to your right and use the microphone so that the home viewing audience can hear your question. Before we begin the last thing i ask is for you to silence your phones, turn off the flash on any camera you have. With that lets please welcome Chicago Tribune reporter David Heinzmann with marcia clark. [applause] good morning to thank you for being here, waiting in line. Were excited to see some people in the seats. Several weeks ago, a couple months ago the players of printers row asked me if i would be interested in anything marcia clark. I have just finished watching the ethics miniseries, the people versus o. J. Simpson, and my reaction was this is great. I have some questions ill be able to ask her. How many people saw that miniseries . We will talk about that. I talk to marcia earlier this week and give some thoughts on that. But for me it started, when she became a publicly household name 20 some years ago you were defined in a very certain kind of way that would not have been your choosing. The series for me is certain tot be defined you and all of the series focus on your character. And probably defined you a little bit more of a way that you would like to be seen, whether the rock walls with theh portrayal of the whole story are not. Can you talk a little bit about the experience of being just a career prosecutor in the office and suddenly becoming famous in that way, and your eventual path . Who we are today 20 years todayy enter a novelist. Tell us a little bit about that evolving career for you. Is this on . Thanks for throwing me a softball. Tell us about your life can all become every bit every bit and yo how did you feel every minute . Will the i became a prosecuted i did a criminal defense lawyer first and then decide i wantedt to stand up for victims and became a prosecutor and expected to do that for the rest of my life. That was my plan. That was my big input. In the simpson case happened. Suddenly everything about the trial, everything that ive been doing for 15 years at that point trying cases was turned upside down and it became this incredibly insane circus presided over by a judge handed the reins over to the defense and courted celebrities. It was bizarro world. It was a comic book thing. I didnt even, i was kind of in denial about the whole celebrity business and how we all have a become public figures. That worked well for me and teld it didnt, and it stopped working well for me when it was before jury selection, a couplee months and in the case have become so hot so fast that it was like i want to say so the murders happened in june, but august there was no way that i could go without being recognized. E the first time that became ain problem, i was shopping with my kids and they were little, like two and a half and five, little boys are like electrons. Im alone and im running after them and i got packages. This group comes up to me and says, give me your autograph. And i, just, why . I just didnt have any, whyy would you want my autograph . So weird. She got mad and she said, youre famous. Give me your autograph. L coulnd i was like this group could wind up in my jury pool. Give her a damn autograph last night strong my name, ran after my kids and thats when it realized things had changed and i dont know if they will ever be the same again. It became worse more so and more secure the point where going out to dinner became no longer an option, or if we did go out to dinner you would figure out how to do it in a secure way. Have to be careful about going out with the kids, where i went with the kids. Fortunately, though as people to reduce the photographs of the with the kids the news media block out the kids faces, what to look at the very few things i can thank them for. And then the trial happened, it was a nightmare that didnt end. From day one there was something exploding and going wrong, and insane thing going wrong with it. E as everyone seemed to forgetpe that there are two innocent people who were brutally murdered. A this is a double homicide trial. It is not a dancing show. Is not the site you. To forget. I dont know if i can ever express the pain sensing justice subverted every single day no matter what i did, objecting to it every day, feeling like im screaming into a hurricane. It just didnt matter. So when that was over i was w really spent. I was really disillusioned and disheartened, and i had had a. T i walked out at the courthouse on the day of the verdict and i never went back. And just thought i dont know what else im going to do but im not doing that. T i did recover. It took a while to figure out how to be, and to be. E,o i wound up being a correspondent, a Legal Correspondent for entertainment tonight. [laughter] i did a lot of really weird things but that was the funniest because hardhitting news agency that was, i go and cover the Michael Jackson trial. I covered robert blake. Robert blake, i go running out. They argued this motion about know, marcia know. What was he wearing . [laughter] spewing how did it feel to be put through the wringer in a public way . And then for your next act to our bills be the best opportunities for you, which is tested in the public eye . I didnt want to. It was a series consideration. K they came after me to write a book about the troll. I do want to write a book aboutl the trial because i do want tot kill everybody the truth. I was on the inside of it from the day the bodies were found to the very, very end. I can tell you about not only the investigation of the trial and with no else can. I want to do it now while i remember it all so that i dont have to keep remembering it myself. It will be there. If you want to know, there is. But if i did that, then id have to be in the public eye again and it was so hot after the trial i could go anywhere without being followed. E Nation National enquirer a newspaper, a photographer sitting on my front doorstep practically. Is nothing but watch out your front door and seeing a camera lens trained on the front door, especially with children. I really thought maybe i shouldi do this. My agent said its going to be like this anyway for you. You may as well write the book. Pakistan became, like this is the way it is. He said it will die down and again. It was really cool, and now a truly fine. People, they dont recognize me that much, benefit of age. It can be a good thing. Who knew . I recognize right away walking down the street last [laughter] this book starts out, bloodrs defense, very first scene, doing a scene in debt because thats what you do if youre a lawyer in l. A. You have to get your name out there. Ouou its part of the game, right . Yk yeah. You know well how that goes. After the Simpson Trial is became a cottage industry, covering trials became a new form of entertainment. And lawyers. Th especially the younger ones who need to get any out there and pump up the product is. Pu go on these cable talk shows. So in blood defense, the lead defense attorney and corporate so much of my Life Experience as a defense lawyer, and im doing criminal defense now on appeal. I got a courtappointed appeals for the indigent. I get to incorporate all the wild characters i get to meet in it, and talk also about the way the world is for a lawyer now. Hy shes sitting in the very beginning of the book, shes sitting in a studio tweaking, come see me. Come check me out. T. The responses she gets on her twitter feed, which are not always as friendly as it might be, and how she handles that. Ive incorporate everyday life todays world and the world of legal practice. And so you draw on, she has a younger defense lawyer. Tell us a little bit about your experiences as a young defense lawyer that inform this book. Shes on social media and she is on tv a lot but she still living off of it and to not just because youre doing all this media stuff doesnt mean youre necessarily rolling in dell. Thats a great point, such a great point and its true. People see on tv and they think you therefore must be rich. N wek its basically will make but its not true. A lot of the people that you see talking on tv are just livingesi regular lives, or in some in this case, not even quite as good as regular. Shes sitting there with scuffet up issues and her skirt held together with safety pins but you cant say that because the camera comes to your. Chest hair and makeup whether to make her look fantastic. She looks like a million bucks which need to in order to acquire clients because clients dont want to go to a lawyer. When she also, she also has a back story of not great youth and some abuse, and it gives her some ideas sympathy for her clients and maybe. Can you talk a little bit about having that defense lawyer then becoming a prosecutor and now back doing defense work of how you, how it changes you, criminal element and how theev default and goes back and forth to be which side you find yourself on . Im really glad i started as a criminal defense lawyer because it demystifies theective defense side, the defense perspective. T you realize very quickly that the majority of your clients are just goofballs. Most of them have that impulse control. They just dont of great judgment. To act in the moment. They dont think about consequences and then they get bit by bit. T. They are not as quite, which few of them are actually evil. Much fewer of them are out to be people harm for the fun of it and thats a rare percentage. Think of others. Theres a mix but the balance with is on the goofball side of things. I understood the defense perspective and this is something i think most people dont get. A a Defense Attorneys job is to protect the clients interest, advance the clients interest as best they can. Aa they are not concerned with a fair trial. They are not concerned with following the rule of law. That is not their problem. M i tell you about that mindset from smith is plan b because it is a very distinct and different mindset than the prosecutor when i went over to the side of the prosecution i understood where the Defense Attorneys wereom coming from. There was one so much i expected from them. I know you try to push the envelope, get everything you can for your plan. My job is to object to thebe judges is to sustain my objection. My [laughter] if you want to laugh, you might want to let him know. Better late than never. [applause] one of the powers you see as a novelist is you get to write the ending. Yo you get to control theeenol o outcome. What you just said was from day one it was this steamroller and was just out of control and unit no ability to exercise the kind of control the prosecutor usually gets to exercise. The prosecutor, no lawyer gets to exercise control. Its up to the judge. The judge has control. If he hands the reins over to one side or the other thats a big mistake. The judge is supposed to be sitting in the middle and be the referee that holds down the rules. If that doesnt happen enough chaos. You have chaos, yet miscarriage of justice on either side. Someb somebody who gets convicted for shooting, somebody doesnt get convicted you should. Thats where the power lies. Thats why when people say being a prosecutor, being a trial lawyer is kind of like staging a play or filming a movie. You get to call the shots. You set it up in a certain way. We do it for dramatic impact, doesnt matter which side. We all do it. Too many but the jury. N at the end of the day on friday afternoon when a note your critical of the weekend and think about what you just heard im going to try to make my last witness of the day be a rock e sock em blow your mind knock her socks off witness. As best i can. However if the defense objectsed is something and it should be overruled and the defense instead the judge says, by way this gets cut off at the knees, it doesnt work. So its kind of like what he really is more like is your somebody whos working on a film and the doctor gets to say cut whenever the ticket. You dont have that control. You have to control you do. He said is that she can but if so its console throwing a spoke in the wheel, you know. In this book, two friends are murdered brutally with a knife. One is famous, one is not, and the conduct of the police is called into question. So where do you get ideas like that . [laughter] spent i do not because no one would buy it. Actually, it does have that kind of superficial similarity. It does. Except the defendant is an lapd detective, and the actress, theres actress and her roommate that are murdered in the was dating the actress. The theory is, he is arrested for having murdered her, and the roommate because the roommate was a witness, and samantha doesnt want to take the case even though its a high profile case. It will bump up her practice. She hasnt paid the bills in two months in which is where paralegal and best friend said youre going to take this case. She does wind up taking it. She resisted because she really hates cops. Eason th t she does for reason that it was her own personal childhood where police were definitely not there for her and should have been. She but luckily does take the case and winds up revealing a personal secret in her life a complete turn to world upside down. I do want to give too much of the plot away. Is a questions book of which they do matters and which one doesnt because one of them is famous, and thats obvious is something is a huge thing for you, both in prosecuting oj but also in giving with the goldman family. Exactly. I couldnt resist. I have to. I do use my novel to make observations about the world and things that happened and the icing. I think all officers of do that. But, of course, i the perspective of that particularpa trial, and it was a painful thing to see every day, that ron goldman got forgotten. Its not that a dont think nicole is important. They are just both important, and so i did observe that same kind of dynamic happening in blood defense where page was the actress and she been a child star who fell on bad times violent up falling down the tunnel with drugs, and then pulled herself up into a role that was really going to make her a star again, and in that moment was murdered. Everybody we love you page, we love you page. Excuse me, chloe. She was one of whom was carrying about and then putting teddyve bears on the sidewalk, and roommate was completely forgo forgotten. I remember when the miniseries came out, once a