Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 2015

CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today October 6, 2015

Inoculate from attack. What we have found time and again in our research is that voters are not inclined to believe that, but we do need to address that to make sure that they know that the facts on their side. And so this is actually good for hardworking families. This is also good for businesses. It saves money in terms of retraining and employee turnover. And that studies have proven that places where these pollicis in effect have seen no negative economic impact, so we need to take those attacks headon because we do have the facts on our side and we have the values on our side. And finally we want to explain why this matters for everyone. This is not just about the individuals who are going to see some benefit of this if these policies pass directly. But instead the workforce and the economy will be stronger so everyone will succeed. And it will also strengthen the future generation. This is going to set families up for a successful future not just now but for their children and for their grandchildren in this country. And so and ill wrap up the presentation there. Sorry. All right. I realize i didnt have a next slide on there. And at this time ill turn it over to deidra shipling from planned parenthood action fund. Hi. Thank you so much. And i feel like these presentations kind of build off of each other. So, very happy to be following that. So, my name is deidra shipling, im executive director of the planned parenthood action fund. That is the c4 entity that does political and advocacy work. And im going to be sharing with you today some research that weve done recently on the recent attacks on womens access to Reproductive Health care in this country as well as on planned parenthood as an organization. But first i wanted to just do a level set about what planned parenthood is. And now im talking about planned Parenthood Federation of america, planned parenthood affiliates that provide health care. As folks may know planned parenthood is a health care provider. Planned parenthood provides health care to 2. 7 million women and men around the country through 700 Health Centers around the country. And we provide a range of Reproductive Health care and education. Our doctors provide well woman exams, cancer screenings, breast exams, Birth Control, and abortion. 75 of our patients are low income, 150 of the Poverty Level or below. And additionally through our educators out in the community we provide comprehensive sex ed to more than a million young people every year. So thats who planned parenthood is. And our mission is and has always been to provide compassionate and Nonjudgmental Health Care and education to those who need it particularly in underserved areas across the country and within underserved populations. Since midjuly planned parenthood has been under an intense, unrelented and coordinated attack by some members of congress. Some members of State Governments, as you may have witnessed in your own states as well as antiabortion extremists. And the goal of this attack is to kick planned parenthood out of participating in medicaid and other Government Programs which reimburse planned parenthood for Health Services that are provided to lowincome people. So, im going to share some polling that we did on that. At the end of july and then some more recent polling on this issue from the last couple of weeks. But before i go to the first slide, i just want to say at heart this issue is not about planned parenthood providing well woman exams. Its not about the Birth Control. Its not about the sex ed. Its about whether or not abortion should be safe and legal in this country or not. And as a reminder, unfortunately the federal government does not cover Abortion Services through the medicaid program, except in extreme circumstances. So, this is not about that that money does not go to cover abortion unfortunately. We think that thats discriminatory against poor women, but thats the law of the land and we follow that. So this is really an attack on whether or not abortion will be legal. At the end of july and found that 63 to 28 voters across the spectrum favor continuing funding for the services that planned parenthood provides. Interesting independents in this slide and throughout the polling that we did are especially strong, 68 here. Many recent national polls, even as recent as this week, have confirmed this finding and also show strong support for abortion access. So, the wall street journal had a poll recently showing that 61 of americans oppose eliminating funding for planned parenthood. Quinnipiac, 69 oppose shutting the federal government down over funding planned parenthood. And a new poll released by bloomberg shows that the vast majority of the public agrees with the u. S. Supreme Court Decision in roe versus wade which made abortion safe and legal by 67 to 29 . And this has been a standard this twothirds majority support for that Court Decision is the same and unchanged year after year. Contrast that with folks views on the Marriage Equality ruling, only 54 to 42 and the recent Affordable Care act decision, 49 to 44 . So, strong support for abortion access. So, this has important electoral consequences to the detriment of candidates who would run on defunding the services that planned parenthood provides. So, we tested similarly to what molly was saying about folks can support something, but it doesnt mean they vote on it. They vote on this. 58 to 26 more likely to support a candidate who supports continuing funding. Voters views dont change even when presented with the case for defunding. So, 64 to 30 64 disagree with republicans call for a vote to defund planned parenthood. And interestingly, 72 of independents disagree with republicans call to defund planned parenthood. Im using republicans as a shorthand because thats the party in power in congress, but obviously we have a lot of republicans that support funding planned parenthood so i dont want to be too broad brushed there. Voters are skeptical about the Congressional Republicans proposed hearings and investigations. So, are now have been under investigation by congress four different committees are investigating planned parenthood. They have also recently set up because four was not enough. Recently set up a select committee, just completely dedicated to investigating planned parenthood, and i think probably a lot of folks saw that our president Cecille Richards testified before one of those committees for 5 1 2 hours on tuesday. So, in terms of how the public is absorbing this, what they think of all of this . They think its just as political as we know it is. So, 57 to 28 they have a political agenda theyre trying to push. 60 to 25 , the investigation into planned parenthood is designed to score political points. So, they see through it. Women voters in particular have a high regard for planned parenthood. Not surprising. Many of them have been planned parenthoods patients. A couple things to note, 61 believe that planned parenthood plays an Important Role in reducing the number of pregna y pregnancies which is at a 40year low right now. So, very Important Role there and 59 believe that planned parenthood is one of the few Affordable Health care options. So, just to summarize, the recent attacks the last two months, so we Health Care Access under state law like never before. Personal decision but not talking about what people said or not necessary, not helpful. Do be proactive and talking about these issues especially prevention and funding so that youre able to do it on your own terms. As elected officials you want to bring this up. You dont want to wait until you get asked about this, you want to be strong and proactive in talking about the attacks on access to Reproductive Health care. And then lastly, leverage voters, strong sentiment that restricting access to Reproductive Health services should not be a dominant priority for elected leaders especially given other urgent challenges. So, the fact that we have had 15 votes restricting access to Reproductive Health care in the congress in the last two months when you think about all the other stuff these guys havent gotten done, havent taken care of, i mean, its outrageous. So, lastly ill just leave you with a plea to be our vocal supporters and to be out front and be leaders on this issue. We are at a critical moment in this conversation across the country, around whether who is going to make these decisions, is it going to women or is it going to be politicians . I think as elected leaders, you guys have an Important Role, a Critical Role in standing up for womens ability to make their own Reproductive Health care. Great. Thank you so much. So, were going to take questions and we have about 15 minutes or so, and maybe a little bit more to answer some questions. Well start over here and then well go over on this end of the room over here. Phyllis khan from minnesota, terrific presentation, and i hope were going to be able to see it all somewhere for those of us who cant right fast enough. I want to bring in another aspect of planned parenthood and people started laughing or giving me dirty looks when i said this. But i went to the planned parenthood minnesota and i said, you know, i almost joined the demonstration against you because i was so irritated that you werent participating in this tissue exchange, because even though im a total supporter of Reproductive Health, i very actively worked legislatively on donor issues and facilitating donor requests. And so i think, you know, one of the things direction i thought we should go is to kind of remove official action of and i dont know anything about it. I dont know how it was going on and so forth, but remove official action of planned parenthood but make sure that women who are having abortions know that this is an option and facilitate the women being able to make the connections themselves without because, you know, im sorry, im a im a basic molecular biologist is what my training was, so im very concerned about those issues besides, you know, basic political concerns about Reproductive Health. Go right over here and then right back there. Hello, im chris taylor from wisconsin. I want to thank all the panelists, particularly i loved planned parenthood, i used to work for you all in wisconsin. We love you, hang in there. Two questions for planned parenthood, from my perspective this is about power, this is about taking away Health Services that women desperately need to be full citizens, to be able to work, to be able to go to graduate school, so im a little worried about making it about abortion. I actually think a lot of these extremists oppose Birth Control as well and theyre going after these services because they think they should be the ones to make these decisions and take away choices to women about our lives that are so important. So, i just want to kind of frame it maybe a little bigger, that abortion is a piece, i dont think its the only piece, i think its about who decides and women having the ability to make critical decisions about their lives. So, that was one thing. And then for the first presentation on the rules and regulations, im wondering does this motivate people to vote . Like, we have massive corruption right now in wisconsin, unfortunately scott walker is back in the state so we know its going to get worse, but do people vote on this . Thats the question, you know . Im just wondering, is this an important, critical thing to have, you know, to talk about these rules and safety stuff . Perhaps issues of crumbation a bit separate from that and maybe it is a motivator, but thats my second question. Thank you. Just to respond to your first comment. Hi, chris. Yeah, i totally agree, it is about a larger issue of control. The reason i was emphasizing the abortion piece is because instead of engaging in an actual debate about that issue, they are doing the sort of backhanded thing that doesnt actually directly address that, and makes it about something else. So, anyway. I was just trying to draw attention to that. But i totally agree, i think theres a larger world view clash happening. So, the second question probably deserves a much longer answer. But rules and regulations are not what get most people up in the morning. Theyre worried about making ends meet. Theyre worried about putting food on their table. And so addressing that concern is where you want to start. I think thats whats going to lead to peoples decisions about who they vote for, so thinking about raising incomes, making the economy grow and work for all. Not just the wealthy. And then, you know, part of the argument is weve got a system of government thats corrupt. The public perceives that, and we can address that by fairly enforcing the rules. I wouldnt necessarily put it on your campaign bumper sticker. Thank you. Over here and then well go over here. Thank you. Going back to the statement on what sells with the public or not. Can you explain why 70 75 i think you said favors i will be a voice for you and only 25 favors i will speak for you. Why is there that incredible difference between two words that seem to mean the same . So, thats a study from that you can actually find in public. You can read a little bit more detail online. Its on the global strategy groups website. Theyve just found that i think what im imagining the public response is, is about voice is something that people are willing to have their elected officials do, but actually taking the words and speaking for them is it triggers something that they dont like that as much. Jean colwell, state senator from washington. And about a month ago there was an attack at a planned parenthood clinic in pullman, washington, which is where Washington State university is located. Im wondering if youre seeing signs of this type of aggression occurring . I mean, we seem to not have as much of it for a while. But also its interesting to me it was in a town with a college campus. And what youre finding out about College Students views, are the republicans reaching more of them or the conservatives, rather . Weve had a lot of polling results, but i havent seen anything about young voters. Thank you. Yeah. There have been i think an increase on attacks on planned parenthood. Since the last two months when this attack began, there was another one in california. So, yeah, we are seeing increased attacks on planned Parenthood Health centers, and i think this kind of rhetoric and focus and hateful speech really lends itself to those kinds of violent attacks. In terms of polling on young people, i dont have something i can speak to this moment. I think molly may have some more information on that. I will say that our student organizing presence has skyrocketed in the last several years. We have these incredibly strong student chapters. Now on 260 College Campuses across the country called planned parenthood generation. And those folks are, like, you know, fired up, ready to go, you know, organizing their campuses, organizing their communities, sharing sex ed, like, just doing all kinds of stuff, and its beencredibly inspiring to see that outpouring of support. And ill speak a little bit to the information that we know in polling on younger people. And the college age set is often too small to look at within a poll in and of itself, but you can look at millennials. And one thing we do know is that, you know, as much as the sort of antiplanned parenthood right wing will try to say, oh, we have a movement of younger people who are moving against planned parenthood and against choice, that is simply not supported by any polling data. There is still enormous support among millennials as there is with all age groups for funding planned parenthood, for giving women access to health care and Birth Control, for keeping abortion safe and legal in this country. You just are not seeing any trend, among any age group, against that. And if anything, what youre seeing is that as these issues are being closer and closer tied to economic, family economic security, you actually are seeing younger men who are more engaged on this issue in a way that helps us. Not to say that older men are against it. But it is less motivating and sort of less of a rallying cry, but for younger men, millennial men, they do see the connection between womens access to health care and family economic security. So, if anything, i feel like the opposite is becoming more true. Going to go right over here and then well come right over here. Loretta weinberg, senator from new jersey. I have a slightly parochial view of your map. You left new jersey out in coloring it in. Yeah. A sixyear fight since this governor took over and was the first governor to red line out of our budget money for planned parenthood. We continue the fight, and we will win it when we get a democratic governor in two years. So, please give us color on that map. Thank you. Right over here. Hi. Susan fisher from north carolina. We have had an incredibly tough year, a brutal session, where in this last long session that ended about 4 15 a. M. Day before yesterday or was it two days ago. Two days ago. One of the final debates was a fetal tissue. And to me, you know, we talked about or someone mentioned about how men are young men are getting more involved and thank goodness for that, because i will tell you that the majority of the debate around this issue was coming from older men. The drama around this issue was coming from older republican men. And i was really alarmed in a way to see the women in our house who the republican women in our house, who would just take this up. One example that was just incredible to me was a woman who said that if they wer

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