Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics Public Policy Today 2015040

CSPAN3 Politics Public Policy Today April 9, 2015

Duck the issues. Lets make sure its a civil debate, not driven by nigel farage. David cameron. Thank you for your question. What we need in our country is to recognize that people who come here and work hard and contribute to our companies and communities, they help make this a great company. But we need immigration controlled and fair. And in recent decades it has been too high. I would like to see it come down. Weve reduced the immigration outside the eu. But inside the eu not because weve created more jobs than the rest of the union put together, immigration has been very high. We need to bring that under control. Here are the proposals that ill put in place as Prime Minister. First if youre coming from the European Union wu wont get unemployment benefits. If youve within here six months dont have a job, youll have to come home. Third, if you come here and work youll have to work four years paying into the system. And finally if you leave your family at home you wont be able to send child benefit back to your family at home. Those are fair changes that i can deliver. David cameron thank you. Nigel farage. I told you at the start they were all the same and they all agree. They should be part of the European Union. As members of the eu what can we do to control immigration. Let me tell you. Nothing. Nothing. The Prime Minister can talk about benefits. This isnt about benefits. This is about numbers. We have a total open door to ten former communist countries and to the euro zone where people are suffering very badly. I dont blame a single immigrant that comes here wanting to better their lot. Its depressed wages. We have to build a new house, one house every seven minutes just to cope with current level of immigration. We need to change the relationship with europe. One of trade and friendship. Take back control of our borders and put in place an australian style point system and 77 of british people want something down. Nigel farage thank you. Nick clegg. I will never spread fear about immigration because i think we just need to remember theres basically good immigration and theres bad immigration. In a bad immigration of course that needs to be stopped. Thats why ive introduced new checks for the border to bare down on illegal immigration. People now want to seek benefits, they have to learn english. Theres also good immigration. We should remine a generous open hearted nation who wants to come here and pay their taxes, create jobs. If we turn everybody away the nhs would collapse overnight. So i guess my approach could be summarized a this. I want britain to be open for business but not open to abuse. Nick clegg thank you. Natalie bennett. In turns of european immigration, we celebrate the immigration. Many britains have been able to take advantage of that to do what they want with their life. Thats a real plus. But if we think about noneu immigration we need a controlled, fair humane system. Thats not what weve got now. Take one example that the fact that a quarter are of the appeals, people who have often been victims of torture in their own country, these people would come here for yearance eventual eventually say yea you are a refugee after all. When people talk to me about immigration theyre concerned about three things low wages crowded schools and hospitals and housing problems. All of those are important Critical Issues we need to deal with but theyre not caused by immigration. Theyre caused by failures of government policy. Natalie bennett. Thank you. Ill turn to David Cameron as we open up now after your Opening Statements to the debate to pick up on Natalie Bennetts point that she puts across the immigration is to be celebrated. I think the choice really boils down to this. Nigel is saying theres nothing you can do inside the european you on give up and leave, ed doesnt want to renegotiate anything in europe, regroesh yat all together i say get the changes we need and put those in a referendum to the british people by the end of 2017. Ive sat around the table in europe and negotiated for britain. You can get things done. Ive set out what i want to get done so we can sort out the immigration issue once and for all. Ms. Merkel who is the real boss made it perfectly clear that you can negotiation lots of things over the next couple of years but you cannot renegotiate the Free Movement of people in the European Union. And thats back ud up by the overwhelming majority of the european parliament. Do you accept or not that Free Movement is not up for discussion. I dont accept that. Really . Look at my track record. I have. People said it was imboss nl. We cut the european budget. I said lets get out of the bailout funds where british tax murn was being put in countries like greece. Instead of giving kick me out if i fail to deliver. I suggest you do. But he failed on that promise and hes going to make the promise again. Its falls solutions from nigel farage. I want to be frank with people. It will be a disaster for jobs and families and businesses. Lets change europe so it works better for us including immigration but lets not sacrifice jobs businesses and families. Nick clegg. First id say the freedom to move around the European Union should not be the freedom to claim benefits on the first day you arrive, no questions asked. Secondly, sit a twoway street. There are almost as many brits living and working elsewhere in the European Union than there are here. And if you want to make sure that our own youngsters get the jobs weve got to train them up. One of the things im most proud of is that weve now got 2 Million People starting apprentice ships. The biggest increase in apprentice ships. And over half of those are women starting apprenticeships. Train up our workers so they get the jobs they apply for. That makes an important point. If you want to control immigration, youve got to have an Education System that turns out young people that can do the jobs that our economy is creating. Youve got to have a welfare system that makes sure the worker is paid. And youve got to have the immigration changes that ive been talking about. Its not simply about what happens in europe. When i think of what we inherited, we had bogus colleges handing out visa. Weve shut them down. People who could claim benefits literally on arhode island. We had people appealing in our courts against decisions made here. There are changes you can make if you make this a priority. Nicola sturgeon. Diversity is one of our greatest strengths. I can see that as we look out into the audience. Decisions on immigration should be driven on what is good for the economy. The problem is that its been led by nigel farage is its leading to wrong decisions. When david came to office e abolished the post study visa. Its making the universities more difficult for them to attract international students. But i also means that we deprive ourselves of the Economic Contribution of young foreign students that weve helped to educate here. It makes no sense. And the last point i make is changes need tore made in the European Union, surely the best thing to do is build alliances to make those changes. Its better to try to Work Together for that change. Leanne wood. I think uk has shown their true colors tonight. All of this immigration talk is all about pulling out of the eu. Now i recognize there are many problems with the eu but with benefits of being a member ap and i wont say that if there is a referendum on the future membership of britain into the eu, then the board should be taken separately in each of the four countries so that if we are to pull out, it only happens when all four countries agree so you dont just have the biggest nation pulling everyone out. Ill come to you in a minute. Natalie bennett first and then nigel farage. I would partly agree with nicola but i disagree with her that this is a debate about economics. First of all its a debate about human lives. If you look at one particular aspect of our policy now, if you have a noneu spousal partner you have to be earning more than 18,600 pounds a year. Your spousals earnings cannot be counted. 19,000 britains cant live in their own country with their family because of that rule. A challenge to David Cameron Syrian Refugees the u. N. Asked us to take our share of the vulnerable Syrian Refugees. You said no were not doing that. Were taking our own program. The last figure i saw, we had taken 143 Syrian Refugees. I say to you we should be taking our share of the most vun vabl. Let me answer debate about human lives. Nigel farage. Youre quite right and i was the first person to say we should take some Syrian Refugees refugees. Joans question. Weve forgotten the question here. Can we get some sense of history on this . If you go back even to the 1990s, from 1990 up until 1998 net migration is a measure into britain was about 40,000 a year. In the 80s, lower than that in if 50 was slightly higher. Since world war ii weve operated at an average of 33 a year. It is now net 300,000 people a year. Its ten times anything this country has had to live with. And what its meant is ordinary folks on minimum wij or not high salaries, their wages have been compressed. It is the people of britain that has paid a big price for the corporate employer yoo to raise the minimum wage. I want to bring in nick clegg at this point. I think the answer to that is to raise the minimum wage which were now doing. Train up for apprenticeships which weve doing on a scale that weve never done before. Nigel farage talks about remember history. The farage family were foreigners. Im married to a foreign. Youre married to a foreigner. Lets be open hearted. No should we control it . But dont how . How. Paint everybody with the brush. Joans question is how do you control immigration as an eu member. Be honest with me. Tell them the truth. I will exactly tell the truth. Tell them the truth. The freedom could not be the same. Thats irrelevant. It is not irrelevant. Its about movement of people. Your problem is you see to apply anyone who is foreign and comes to this country is a menace. We must remain open minded. The truth is theres nothing we can do. David cameron said earlier that work pays in our country. Rubbish. Work doesnt pay in our country. There are so many people in our country, millions of people, people watching am home tonight who cannot feed their family and make ends meet at the end of the month. If work is insee cure if work doesnt pay properly then you dont get the security that working people need. Now i say we should deal with those contracts. Its an absolutely crucial part of this debate. Thats what i will do. Let me answer these quest. First of all to ed miliband weve created 2 million jobs. When he sat in the cabinet, about half a Million People lost their jobs. With ed there would be zero jobs. Let me take on nigel on this. You want to leave the eu. Its a very clear position. But the only way that can happen is by having a referendum. Stay in, fight get a better deal but hold the ref ren dpum. The irony for nigels position is they vote for him and end up with miliband. I want to come back. Thank you. Nigel farage. Thank you David Cameron. Second tame in this debate. I want to come back. Thank you, David Cameron. Twice in this debate. Thank you nigel farage. Lets hear the point op syria. Thank you. We have taken some people from syria, some of the most Vulnerable People including elderly and disabled people. But the most important thing we can do in syria is maintain the fact that were the second largest bilateral aid donor helping people in the refugee camps to be clothed and housed and try to find a solution so they can go home. There are 6 Million People who are in danger of being refugees. We cannot take all those people in. It makes sense to use our aid budget to help them in the issue. On the issue of leaving Europe Nicola sturgeon. Nigel farage want to take the uk out. David cameron is takes us dangerously close to the exit door. I would like to issue a challenge, they spent a lot of time in scotland talking about the uk family of nations. Will they give a commitment that if there is an inout referendum no one part of that family of nation wills be taken out of europe against its are, that the votes will be counted in each of the four nations so none of us can be dragged out. Let me answer that question. My priority is not to have a referendum. Let me explain why. My priority as Prime Minister is to build the future for the young people. The british people have a decision to make tonight. David cameron will spend the next two years trying to exit the europeunion. Can we be clear tluld not be a discussion about a referendum if it wasnt for the rise. If 2012 David Cameron was opposed to britain having an Eu Referendum saying it wasnt in our national interest. The people out there that want a referendum, the only way its going to happen freely and fairly is to put enough nick clegg. Nigel farage seem to think every problem in the world can be solved by a referendum on europe. At the end of the day europe is not perfect. But it is the Worlds Largest marketplace of 500 million shoppers who buy our goods and services. If you do what nigel farage or significant parts of the conservative party want, to yank 0 ourselves out the family of nations, unemployment would go up. And would never ever ever approach an approach which would make our country poorer and see more people out of work. I think its deeply irresponsible. Natalie bennett. I will endorse trusting the voters and believing in the people. You have to be in your late 50s to direct a vote in europe. The green party does support a referendum on europe but we would be campaigning strongly in that referendum to stay . Europe. We believe theres certain decisions that should be made at that kind of level like protecting our environmental status protecting the workers rights. Those kinds of decisions we need continent wide. But also what we need to do is have a different kind of europe a europe much lez centralized much better for local communities and local decisionmaking. Leanne wood. I think that the rhetoric on immigration has not helped the economic situation. There are gaps in the welsh economy that need filling and this debate does not help. The one thing i would agree with nigel farage on and i never thought i would ever say that but you are right when you say that you kntd control immigration from within the eu. Thank you. As a member. One member of the panel. Well done. You have to accept that people will come here. We have Free Movement of people and people will move out to other parts of the eu as well. And we expect our citizens to be treated well when they move to other countries and likewise we mistreat european citizens well when they come and live with us in our communities too. Nigel farage. Well, admission of the truth. This actually worked rather well. The Free Movement of the people, when we were in with countries like france, germany, the netherlands, roughly similar standards, education and health systems, it didnt pose any problem. The problem was irresponsibly stupidly, we let in ten former communist countries where the anyone mum wage is about a tenth of what it is here. And we you say to poor countries they can move to the rich countries, they do. The labor government got it horrendously wrong on the figures. But we now face the potential of the collapse of the euro zone and we have no control over but we now face the potential of a collapse in the eurozone and we have no control. Ed miliband. We did get it wrong and ive said we got it wrong and i changed our approach. But i do think theres a wider issue about the opportunity for our young people. Nick and david were saying how brilliant everything is in apprenticeship. Take an issue, i. T. We bring lots of people into this country who are contributing to our country from other countries. In i. T. Especially with skills in i. T. But apprenticeships in i. T. Are actually falling in our country. The answer is we should say if you want to bring in a skilled worker from outside the European Union you must provide apprenticeships to the next generation because homegrown opportunity thank you. Is an essential part thank you. Of dealing with peoples concerns about immigration. Nick clegg. I sprong strongly agree that apresent i. Ships, which is an old idea the idea you sort of earn and learn you learn the tricks of the trade while youre actually working on the shop floor in the office or elsewhere, is a great old idea that weve given it new life. Weve got 2 million new apprenticeships created over the course of this last parliament. Its never been expanded on such a scale. And i think its something i hope all future parliaments will continue with because its a fantastic way to aw loungsteres to get their first rung of the jobs ladder. Thank you very much. Indeed all Party Leaders on that issue. Now, if the arguments tonight have fired your political passions youve still got time to register to vote on may the 7th. You can do so online. Now our next question is from rebecca creamer. Im a 25yearold graduate with a good job. But my generation as a whole have got it pretty tough. It cost us more than our parents to go to uni, well work well into our 70s for smaller pensions and high rents make saving for our own home difficult if not impossible. Well be less well off than our parents and it feels like were paying for other peoples mistakes. If youre elected, what will you do for my generation to help us feel optimistic about our future . Rebecca thank you very much indeed. Leanne wood. Played cymru believes we need to invest in our young people especially education because thats the best route out of poverty. Youre right when you say young people today are

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