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Rt this party, dance everybody, make it hot in the party, dont stop, move your body, rock this party dance everybody, make it hot in this Party Everybody dance now stephanie uhhuh. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Karl frisch joins us to continue the rightwing world. Hello, again, karl. Good morning. Stephanie [ inaudible ] on fox business channel. We have come a long way from where unions seem to have their interests at heart before the customers. We have seen the damage it has done in the Auto Industry more recently twinkie. Oh, wow stephanie hang on. I got this one karl. [ laughter ] stephanie first of all, Auto Industry [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie an example of how they made so many concessions that was part of how the Auto Industry is the success it is. Right. Stephanie okay. Twinkies hostess misran their company they gave the top executives bonuses with the Union Pension funds and then they went out of business and blamed the unions. Well they did it more than once at hostess. Stephanie right. If you look at this in the big picture, what were seeing is a Republican Party that is hell bent on rolling back workplace protections like the number of hours, benefits pensions, you know, workplace conditions. Uhhuh. Stephanie yeah. This is why they love all of those trade bills that let us second jobs to places that dont have those things. And how better to roll back those things if people cant collectively bargain. Stephanie yes, thank you. So what were looking at is an industry that wants to push us back to a time that is preunion, preworkers rights. So if you are having a child right now, i cant wait to see them working in a factory. Stephanie yeah. No more weekends. Stephanie yeah. Bill oreilly. Theres no question that the reelection of president obama has emboldened the left and angered the right. Right now liberal america is more powerful than conservative america, even though there are more self identified conservatives than liberals. Stephanie no. Every poll were seeing is more and more and also its always skewed when they ask the question are you conservative moderate liberal, independent. And people say conservative yeah, im conservatived with my pocketbook. Stephanie so there. Rush limbaugh. Obama took advantage of his honey moon [ inaudible ] first black president. The aura of a new presidency to basically defraud the American People. Please explain. Stephanie he used his tricky blacksness. Rush has had so many honeymoons maybe its hard for him to recognize anymore. Barack obama didnt get a honeymoon, okay, folks . Within hours of him being inaugurated, you had people on fox news saying the president was a racist, and people like Rush Limbaugh saying we had to bend over and grab our ankles because his father was black. Thats the tip of the iceberg with these people. This president never got a break. And im not saying he deserves a honeymoon period but they have been in fullon attack mode and divisive mode since the day he started running for president. Stephanie yeah exactly. And there wasnt even a pause before the election. Karl by the way a couple of awesome tweets this week. When do we stop calling it a think tank . And the resignation [ inaudible ] shuffling of the deck chairs on the teatannic. Thats awesome. I used liberal bias known as grammar to create a pun. Stephanie you see what you did there. You could give comedy lessons to brian if you really had to. I could. Stephanie awesome stuff. See you next week honey. Watch for my next aol message. [ laughter ] [ applause ] stephanie all right. We have a skosh more rightwing world to get to and we have judy chu to check in with us on the fiscal thing. Yeah. Stephanie right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Those types are coming on to me all the time now. She gets the comedians laughing. Thats hilarious . And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so theres wiggleroom in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. Absolutely and so would mitt romeny. Shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. Rich, chewy caramel rolled up in smooth milk chocolate. Dont forget about that payroll meeting. Rolo. Get your smooth on. Also in minis. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Its all right. Thats in every contract. Thats what they call a sanity clause. You cant fool me. [ laughter ] stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. I said that very line when i was playing chico in a benefit for the museum of broadcasting. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie thank you for that little tidbit. Listen, we would like to hear more about this later, but hear are the only two headlines you need to know. Poll, obama has a mandate to raise taxes. And fiscal cliff talks appear stalled. Almost twothirds of americans say the Election Results give president obama a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy. And 64 say obama has a mandate to protect entitlement programs like Social Security and medicaid. And its not raising taxes on them, its letting the old tax cuts expire as they were supposed to do two years ago. Thank you. Stephanie good morning, Congress Woman judy chu. Good morning. Stephanie thanks for take time with us. Its great to be with you. Stephanie im sure you are looking at the same polls i am, the vast majority of americans agree with him exactly on these issues, right . Exactly. In fact it is really upside down. The people who lost the election are protecting the top 2 the people who won the election are fighting to protect the tax rate of 98 of americans. Stephanie thank you. I thought i read this wrong this morning. I dont think john boehner understands what compromise means. The president reduced the income from 12. 2 billion, and boehner responded with the exact same proposal. Its not a compromise. In fact i would say that republicans dont want taxes to go up on the middle class, so why arent we reaching an agreement . The only reason we are now is if republicans are too stubborn to reach a compromise. Stephanie right. Boehner is pressing towards increase in the medicare eligibility age,. Again it americans dont want that. Where do we go from here with this . It feels as usual just completely stalled. I believe a deal will be made. Theyll extend the middle class tax cuts or all tax cuts will expire. Does anybody really believe that republicans will vote against a tax cut for 9 of americans. Stephanie i agree with you. Obviously your colleague and some others are also talking about the fact i have an increasing concern that the speaker is trying to string this out until january 3rd, because thats when he would be reelected speaker. And this is holding the whole country hostage for your power, isnt it . It is. Stephanie representative so what is your take on what is going to happen now, and on what time frame . This changes it seems to me daytoday. I just shake my head when i hear that boehner came back with the exact same offer that he made originally. I think he is trying to look like hes strong for republican values, even though it goes against what the American People want. 65 of the American People agree with president obamas tax plan, and republicans lost miserably in the election. Now is the time to come to a compromise, but boehner is holding out for for his own his own survival. Stephanie so if you had to guess today, representative would you say we are going over the cliff . I dont want people to think as of december 31st we going to fall into the ocean and the world will come to an end. We could just let this expire of course people dont pay their taxes right on january 2nd. In reality if we come back on january 3rd and reinstate the middle class tax cuts then the American People dont have to suffer like they would stephanie right. I agree with you. Thats what i keep saying. I dont know why were even talking about accepting a lower tax rate on the wealthy or any of that, and i know a lot of progressive lawmakers are saying dont go there, dont go there with medicare or Social Security, right . Exactly. Raising the medicare age doesnt give us any savings. We can improve our safety net programs. In fact really these are earnedbenefit programs, and we can improve these programs without cutting benefits. Take medicare, we should be able to negotiate drug prices to get the best deal possible. Stephanie yep, i agree with you. Representative we really appreciate your time. It a got to be tense in washington, and i apologize in advance for your holidays being ruined, probably. Thank you. [ applause ] stephanie she is awesome. She is awesome. Stephanie are we back on in l. A. Yet . I believe so. Stephanie we had a technical glitch, so unfortunately the people in l. A. Didnt get to hear my appearance on hannity, which has lead to a raft of entertaining email, a lot of Death Threats a lot of c words courageous . Stephanie yes, thank you. We dont like to hear it again, because apparently i make the leftwing hate speech on hannity every week. The liberal garbage that is has been broadcast over the radio airwaves the Progressive Movement is built on hate i think this makes it clear. Lets go to Stephanie Miller. This is a narrative of the left to demonize conservatives and republicans. Listen to this. Everybody knows a turkey like sean hannity gets an audience thats white to train viewers who just dont know that what he says just isnt right she also says the black guy is still in the white house, nbc, everything is a dog whistle. Really sean we adopt mind poking fun at ourselves, if they werent so nasty, they might be funny. Stop being so nasty he has the thinnist skin in the world. Stephanie lets read more christmas presents. Rocky Mountain Mike finally made the foxolicious news. And he is very excited. Im like what did i say . Oh, its a song. I didnt say it. Poor hannity he has a sad. [ applause ] hateful hateful left speech stephanie terry, subject line, your racistssscomments. Move to venezuela crazy woman. Why are you peaceloving libs the ones that get violent. There is nothing violent in that song, was there . Nope. Stephanie get a life and a job. Well, this is my job, or you wouldnt be writing to me. Seriously i feel sorry for you. You are very ignorant. Joey, why is the subject line . Why stephanie sort of in a Nancy Kerrigan sense. Why . Why must you torture sean hannity with a Christmas Song . He must have cried all the way to the bank to pick up his paycheck. And tears coming out of that giant noggin. Stephanie so bring racial innuendo into the mix is classless, totally classless. Its people like you who divide this country. [ applause ] Stephanie Ron writes ms. Miller i was listening to your song, and wondering if you are some type of liberal idiot. Well are there multiple choices . You should be ashamed of yourself for try to be so bitchy. You dont have to try to be bitchy. Stephanie oh, my god does it come naturally. I eat a big bowl of bitchy every morning. It wasnt your song. Stephanie no, i didnt even hear it. I bet the conservatives dont make songs about you. Oh stephanie i was wondering why you liberals are so hateful. Was there anything hateful hannity said it was hateful there yes. Stephanie he said that i said all racists are conservative, which i never said, but okay. God will judge all you idiots at some time or another. Good luck on how he judges you. Has anyone ever gone to hell for a parody song . Seriously . Im not saying im not going to be judged, but is that what is going to come up . I think god has Better Things to do than to send people to hell for parody songs. Stephanie ill be like wait a minute sean hannity just sent me this parody song. Why you are going to hell for that where is dr. Deminto. Stephanie weird al im going to have to give him a leg up in my ring of hell. [ applause ] stephanie maybe some noted theologians can tell me well ask John Fugelsang tomorrow. Stephanie yeah im ascared now. [ laughter ] Stephanie Jones in alabama. Hi, jones. Hello, jones. Caller hello. Stephanie hi. Caller how are you today . Stephanie good go ahead. Caller i was so impressed with a little song you would poke a hole in his armor. Stephanie yes. Thank you. Caller down here in the south the church runs everything. Stephanie apparently thats why god is going to send me to hell. Im an excatholic girl. Im a little scared now. Hell just second you to purgatory. Stephanie you think . Yeah, its like going back to catholic school. What purgatory . Yeah. Stephanie i been there done that. Fortysix minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Its a combination of low blood sugar, blow selfest steam and mixing red wine with my dogs painkillers. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. That im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Did you get chips for the party . Nope. Cheese plate . Cheese plate. Nope. I made something better. You used the oven . Boom [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. Let the making begin. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread . Heres a better idea. Pillsbury grands flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. Pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. The chill of peppermint. The rich dark chocolate. York peppermint pattie get the sensation. Always outspoken, now unleashed. Joy behar. On my next show i get serious with comedian kevin kealon and i have a few laughs with the actor jeremy irons. Only on current tv. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Please pray for me i was the black sheep of the family too much wine and too much song wonder how i got along we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone oh the whine is there on the hannity show. Stephanie we both enjoy wine. We have that in common. Fiftytwo minutes after the hour. I hate them making fun of us. [ baby crying ] stephanie sucks to be me. Im going to hell for a parody song. That you did not write or sing. Stephanie no. [ dramatic music ] stephanie calling sean hannity a turkey in a parody song i didnt write or perform. Stephanie yes. All right. Tc you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, tc. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Stephanie im good. Go ahead. Caller you are doing a beautiful show there. I just want to ask you a question. Why do you waste time with sean hannity. Because its fun. Caller talk about him. I called his show once and he started asking me [ inaudible ]. Stephanie hum. Caller thats exactly what he said. And people always calling him such a great american. If this guy is great by america, then we have got a big problem. Stephanie okay. Lets read some of my other christmas presents. I actually feel bad about this. Travis got caught in the cross fire. They call him dear mr. Travis maybe they thought bone was dirty. Stephanie his last name is bone. [ mocking laughter ] stephanie i watched hannity and heard you disgusting little song. Sic discussing hateful sick stephanie im not going to call you all of the names you deserve. Thats what liberals do. Oh come on debbie let one rip. Dont be a puss. I would really like to but im not going to go down to your level. The deference the deference . The vas deference. Stephanie quote unquote caps we have manners. Its beyond words how disgusting that song was. Would you please grow up. Disgusting twisted angry hateful no, not really. Stephanie yep, i am a white woman and i have the right to watch or listen to whatever i want. Merry christmas oh, thats one of those aggressive Merry Christmases like im a communist. Merry christmas, bitch stop saying those nasty wores. Stephanie that was my last letter it said Merry Christmas bitch hey where the white women at . Stephanie with sean hannity like debbie. I am a white woman Merry Christmas to you too wow. Stephanie wow. Merry christmas you hateful awful, hate hate hate i hate you stephanie she actually signed off Merry Christmas bitch. Well, make your christmas wishes where you can get them. Stephanie wait, i have other people caught in the cross fire. This is from somebody i dont know. Warhall. Miller, how is americas favorite dumb ass liberal dike . [ applause ] stephanie im just fine thank you for asking. With mugs like these you clowns need to stick to radio. Keep up the good work loser. He sent a three stooges picture. [ applause ] stephanie there is no need to drag them into this. You want to know the first email i saw when i got up this morning. Where do you have this slimy [ censor bleep ] on the air. C word. [ applause ] stephanie you are like i have called her that too. But its like your mother you can call her names but nobody else can. I have been informed that i am not allowed to call you the c word. Stephanie oh, look its the john and pam show. Hateful angry john and pam show its the john and pam show its the john and pam, john and pam, john and pam show you and your hateful jingles caller stephanie what the hell happened . Im not letting john talk this morning, im so fired up. Are these people fools or idiots . Stephanie let me defend my producer. He has nothing to do with putting the c word on the air. All right. Go ahead. Caller do they kiss their mammas with these filthy mouths and also get spell check. Please. Caller and im going to tell you something else. They want to talk about racists, and all of that. Well, did they forget old fat boy out there Rush Limbaugh. Stephanie oh, dear now with the namecalling pam. Caller well, im old enough to be able to do that. Okay. Caller and steph one more thing, im going to be in hell before ya, and im going to save you a place, and well party and party and party. John says hi and he loves you too. Stephanie oh i love you. Fiftyeight minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme music ] stephanie thank god. There she is my bff. I need to cling to her like a water weanny. This hate mail is voluminous. I think when people type an email and it is spell checked and it gives that red underline, maybe they just think its highlighting their cool words. Stephanie exactly. There is no way these letters have this much misspelling, and it has no spell check. Stephanie i think you right. They take it as encouragement. Exactly. Good job. Stephanie Jacki Schechner these poll results, im telling you everybody agrees with us that the president should not be touching medicare. People like medicare. Its wildly popular, always has been, happy to get into detail you know that. Its a good thing, innovative and we should keep it the way it is. Stephanie 65 mandate to protect medicare. You heard her. Here she is in the current news. Good morning, secretary of state clinton is going to testify about the september 11th attack in benghazi that killed ambassador stevens and three other americans the state department has created an accountability review board, and it will focus on whether u. S. Officials paid enough at attention to potential threats in libya. Barbara walters sat down with clinton for an interview in which she flat out asked if she is going to run for president. She said she was glad she did it once, but doesnt think shell do it again. One nyu grad student is determined to draw more attention to u. S. Drone strikes and he is using twitter to use it. Apple rejected the app three times, twice for tech issues and once for content. So he got set up and went to twitter. Attack dates details, to an account dronestream. Then he discovered it was two much and he needed more time. He said he just wants to show how extensively the u. S. Is using drones and allow people to draw their own conclusions. There could be as many as 495 strikes to date. Were back after the break. Exciting issue. From financial regulation, iran getting a nuclear bomb, civil war in syria, fraud on wall street, destruction of medicare and medicaid. There are real issues here. Having been a governor, i know that tradeoffs are tough. Things everyday exploding around the world that leave no shortage for exciting conversations. I want our viewer to understand why things have happened. At the end of the show, you know what has happened, why its happened and more importantly, whats going to happen tomorrow. [ theme music ] our computer is malfunctioning. [ applause ] announcer ladies and gentlemen and there is it goes again. Stephanie i just want all of our fox news viewers to know we dont usually have these kind of difficulties. Sunshine walking on sunshine stephanie really . You may need to shoot the computer and put it out of its misery at this point. [ gunfire ] there. Stephanie thank you. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Because it is the Magical Christmas season i have made hannitys hate speech segment again for a rocky Mountain Mike jingle. And he joins us now. What do you have to say for yourself rocky Mountain Mike. I had to rush to confession this morning. Oh, poor mike. Do you think that might be why you are having problems with the computer . Stephanie i think so. I was just thinking what would they think of frothy rick santorum. Stephanie yeah. Congratulations rocky Mountain Mike, i love you. I love you guys. Did you get any hate mail . Not yet. Stephanie and you are welcome, taking this bullet for you. [ laughter ] stephanie see how you get on with your day when you get called the c word that many times. Love you mike. Thanks, guys. [ applause ] stephanie you know what i would give somebody for the holidays a ticket to the sexy liberal show in washington, d. C. Sexy liberal time is near stephanie january 19th. The time to see the show is here [ applause ] stephanie okay. Thats enough. I just wanted to put the Christmas Spirit into it. Let me read some more of my hate mail. What . You think the computer yeah. Stephanie thats fine. [ Christmas Music ] stephanie somebody named joey. Hah hah. In subject line. Good job playing the race card idiot. You do realize hannity and williams are friends, right . You are a dumb ass and your thirdrate show sucks okay. Hannity knows a black guy. Gotcha Stephanie Chris what have we learned when the word wow is in the subject line . It never ends well. Stephanie yeah. I used to be hopeful, it was like wow your show is great wow, you are pretty but it doesnt ever go that way for me. Fun wow stephanie susan writes your song wow gee stephanie im one of the small brained people who watch hannity and he just played your song and i have to tell you how much you disgust me. I am white but then so is half of your wonderful leader socialist in the white house. He is our leader. Stephanie what a loser he is and anyone who was stupid enough to vote for him further i dont think your leader won the presidency. Ah. Stephanie he stole it. How . Stephanie well, wait its quite elaborate like from giveaways. Stephanie no, this is a new one. Between soros, and his false wink, wink Voting Machines its the help america vote republican act. Stephanie it becomes like a rightwing conspiracy gumbo. George soros has nothing to do with Voting Machines. Stephanie jim dont start now. A between the Voting Machines and the votes when people voting for romney, people voting two, three times and bussing in the illegal immigrants, felons and mental patients, not to mention the votes obama received by dead people somebody has been listening to glen beck. Stephanie how could your hero not win . And the fact that he won by a small margin is further proof that the pollsters were correct in predicting a large win for romney. Wow. [ scoobydoos huh . ] you are right. Dick morris is a genius. What was i thinking. Stephanie i hope you and all of your liberal friends and audience go bankrupt under this president. Lord knows everyone who deserves to lose their jobs are the morons that voted for that president. And Merry Christmas. [ applause ] stephanie wow wee. By by the way, the huge financial collapse happened on george w. Bushs time line. Stephanie yes. This one titled bitch. He will very cleverly avoid the fbi stack. Thf this one is just a wish that i kill myself. Oh, okay. Stephanie happy holidays sometimes the Holiday Season is the saddest time for those who are lonely, without family or homely oh, my god. Thats awesome. Stephanie or sexuality undesirable. Huh . Stephanie apparently i am sexuality undesirable. Or maybe just unknowing [ censor bleep ] holes. Adjectives, adverbs who needs them. Stephanie if you suffer from these afflictions, there is a solution, i call it murder, suicide. Kill yourself then hide the gun. Number two suicide pack. Its pact. Wow. Stephanie you kill yourself and then your partner kills him or herself and then hides the gun. Or tell a cop your [ censor bleep ] is bigger than his. All of these suggestions are far better than hurting someone who enjoys life unlike your sorry ass. Merry christmas wow. Borderline actionable. Stephanie i think maybe some helpful suggestions for killing myself. He brought in the murder suicide thing stephanie all right. Put that in the fbi file. Okay. Thanks. Stephanie okay. The fbi are a bunch of liberals stephanie okay. I think i should cleanse my pallet with an actual love letter. This from tim [ romantic muse ] Stephanie Stephanie i thought it was great when we got a progressive radio station, now the station is all sports. I was devastated until i found you on current tv. I knew you had to be a fox, but i had no idea you were so alluring. I have a huge fantasy, where you and i are intertwined on a bed of your palatial hollywood home. Dont laugh. Were obviously basking in the after glow of an epic grope. Dont judge me. As you narrate a series of todays political blogs. I lovingly pull back a hank of sweaty hair from your alabaster neck. A hank . Stephanie let me finish. And despite the fact that my tongue is numb from quivering, and whispering sweet obamas in your ear. Wow, that was nice. Er than the other ones. Stephanie wow. Hannity doesnt get letters like that. Wow. Stephanie a hank of hair . Maybe he meant hunk. Stephanie no. Here is the president balking with barbara walters. Obama i think the key is to make sure that tax go up on highend individuals like you and me barbara we can afford it. It is entirely possible for us to come up with a deal, but time is running short. Im very very scared about the fiscal kwiff. Stephanie i have been talking about it all morning, but what more do we need to know . Almost twothirds of americans give president obama a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy, and it echos all of the other polls we have seen and Marcus Baucus says mandate did you get that new fox viewers stephanie 65 say including 45 of republicans say Obama Campaign ran and won on his pledge to rise taxes on the topearning americans. President obama has a mandate to protect Social Security and medicare. And his mandate is just getting largerer. You could make a broach out of his mandate. The results give obama a mandate on his tax proposal, but make it clear that the government is deeply of posed to any reforms. Again the tax increase is just the bush tax cuts expiring which they were meant to do two years ago stephanie 53 Approval Rating up from 49 in september on the specific issue of the economy, obamas Approval Rating is up seven points from september. [ applause ] stephanie so thats why we will tell you how deeply ridiculous the boners offer was. The president said 1. 4 trillion instead of 1. 6 trillion in revenue, and boner said all right my offer is the same as before. My offer is you shut up and do what i say give me another bourbon he has no power. I dont know why he thinks he can wield something he doesnt have. Stephanie thank you. You have no power here we are so loopy, and making hannity last night was just the icing on the cake. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie i want to love him and hug him. Mmmmmmm. Stephanie okay. Im sorry if i hurt you shawn. [ magic wand ] hateful, hateful parity songs usually you are the one who makes it uncomfortable for your meetings at these radio conventions. Awkward. You know what im going to do . What . Stephanie share some soda stream with him and make everything better. Made fresh at home in less than 30 seconds. I think that we could sean and i could achieve detaunt over sodastream. Its environmentally friendly. Cases of canings are about as big as his head. Stephanie right . All you do is fill it up and snap it on. You can even choose your level of carbonation. Wow i like it less fizzy. Stephanie i would not care about that less if you paid me. But thats great. [ laughter ] stephanie over 60 flavors of soda do they have name brands . Why yes. Stephanie yes country time, crystal light, stuff like that. Better for you flavors, no high fructose corn syrup. At walmart macys coles, sodastream. Com you can fine the nearest location. Thats a lot of zeros announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. Like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. Perfect combinations of natures delicious ingredients from Nature Valley. I was thinking that i hope this never ends [ female announcer ] Nature Valley granola bars nature at its most delicious. Fofqfq jennifer its these talking points that the right have about the heavy hand of government. I want to have that conversation. Really you know, id like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Shake down break down take down, everybody wants in to the crowded line, shake down break down, you are busted wow the 80s are back. Stephanie yay twentyfive minutes after the hour. Oh, my god, how much does momma love her listeners . In my last fox hate letter i head hannity last night, encase you just tuned in. Very exciting. To review, im going to hell for playing a parody song about sean hannity. So someone and you think it belongs in the fbi stack because it still wishes for my death, but this one is more hopeful that i will kill myself. Right. Stephanie however, one of our very smart listeners pointed out it was a bunch of people on twitter. Stephanie he offered various suggestions for how i could kill myself, and he said number one suicide kill yourself and then hide the gun. Yeah. He buried though lead there. Stephanie how do you kill yourself and then hide the gun no, you hide the gun first and then stephanie no, wait a minute. That doesnt work either. So right away his plan has some kinks. Like i could just move the gun i could just just shove it across the floor. Stephanie i probably wouldnt be able to find a good hiding place because i would just be a little oh under the couch. Yeah, come on, thats the first place everybody looks. Stephanie why would i have to hide the gun if i killed myself . Because you might be arrested stephanie yeah. He should have focus grouped that. Stephanie yeah. He should have spitballed that. [ applause ] stephanie oh, that is so hilarious. And then patsy fox news saved my life. I was in an awful accident and near death and in a coma. Someone came into my hospital room and turned on fox news i had to get out of bed to change the channel. [ romantic music ] stephanie i can walk. Zombie patsy. Stephanie zombie patsy. She is probably like flat lining wait a minute. Oh, my god i have got to turn that off. I love today. Liberals. Stephanie i love today so much. Could i have my Christmas Music. This one from paul Stephanie Miller racist grin go. I heard your little song on a blog. And i wanted to comment briefly, if i may. All right if you have to. Unions are the racist groups. They hire mostly whites and hardly ever allow, blacks or indians, or american indians. So in conclusion i would have to say you are the racist. Right. Clearly. What . [ applause ] stephanie thats great. Um. So there are only white people in unions. Thats interesting. Stephanie yes, thats a fact you cant deny okay. Right back on the racist gringo show. You are not going to kill santa claus, because he doesnt exist. Really . Really brian . He doesnt exist . Who else isnt real . Huh . Are you going to tell me that elmo isnt real . Announcer Stephanie Miller. Is she not real brian . Stephanie thirtyfour minutes after the hour. This portion of the Stephanie Miller show brought to you by mr. Dui, if you or someone else you know was arrested by mr. Dui. 18004682125. Just in time for the holidays. Stephanie kevin claims he is black and in a union. [ dramatic music ] stephanie what . Caller that statement got me off of my sleep bed. That woke me up. Okay. I am African American, and clearly stephanie you are not just African American, you have carried me across the ballroom. I saw that happen. Caller stephanie is so racist that she smooched the African American. Stephanie right . And i meant ballroom in the dirtiest way possible. Caller right. We have witnesses. But i just spoke to my head rep two weeks ago who was black, and i talked to the shop foreman who is a black female. So what the bleep you attract an Interesting Group of people. Oh, we know that. Stephanie and we want to say again, welcome fox viewers welcome. [ applause ] stephanie i think make it ever week. The leftwingers love to go on television and spew their hateful venom. The Progressive Movement is build on hate. Lets go to Stephanie Miller one of the worst things you can call somebody is what . A racist especially somebody is not. This is a narrative from the left to demonize and punish conservatives and republicans. In this case im the victim. Listen to this. A turkey like sean hannity, gets an audience thats white tiny brains you just dont know that what he says just didnt right she also says the black guy is still in the white house. Nbc, everything is a dog whistle. Every conservative is racist. Really, sean we dont mind poking fun at ourselves. If they werent so nasty they might be funny. They are nasty stop it sean is so thin skinned he is practically translucent. Yes. Stephanie chris i would call this the most voluminous amount of hate mail i have ever gotten. How did you escape this jim . Stephanie you know. I need to make sure your email address is on the website. Its not like i have ever made any nazi references or anything. You know who made nazi references . Hitler. Stephanie hitler. We have an fbi stack which are explicit Death Threats. And then the rather illogical death wish that i kill myself and then hide the gun. [ mocking laughter ] Stephanie Steve says i am a person that is not a republican or a democrat. I like to listen to both sides. [ mysterious music ] and i just stumbled on your show. Stephanie and i find you objectionable. I am just an independent person that votes for the right person not the right party. You crossed the line of dee sensy. Oh good heavens, clutch the pearls. Stephanie a lot of pearl clutching last night. You must not be able to sleep because of your conscious. Stephanie well, i have insomnia, but not because of that. It seems as though if the liberallyminded people dont get their way they resort to personal attacks. First of all we did get our way in a landslide. [ applause ] stephanie he says personal assassination. It is clear to me that obama did not win this election because of his record but he is clearly effective of smearing everyone. Please allow both points of view. Are you kidding . Rightwingers go to the front of the line. Absolutely. Stephanie not try to destroy someone who does not hold your view. I have destroyed him victory is mine i crushed your head no, his head is too big to do that just car smashers oh dare you suggest he crush his knead a car smasher you hating liberal haters i hate you. Stephanie your show and commentary are just another indicator of a failing country. Merry christmas. Thank you. They think we take Merry Christmas as an insult. Stephanie right. And we say Merry Christmas back. Thats right. Stephanie you can tell its the angriest dog in the world. Yeah i said it Merry Christmas oh, no stephanie subject line typical liberal. Kay writes liberals like yourself cant show the least bit of tolerance from though who hold views different than your own. Meaningful dialogue requires mutual respect. Engage sean hannity in a dialogue without name calling. I would but chris explain why. Because you have been banned from the show. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie yes, there was some sort of scheduling conflict of some sort. They found a more pliable liberal. [ laughter ] stephanie and sean hannity i invited him on my show, and he wouldnt come on. Seriously, he is like a chick. I have to call and write him like twenty five times and assure him i will be nice to him, and he still wouldnt come on. Dave writes just got my first brief tidbit of you and the content of your show. Wow fun wow stephanie it never ends well. Never heard of you, and now i know why. Progressive liberal talk show. What do you have five listeners . Well, a lot more now thanks to fox news. I know what the radical left looks like. Actually if you google that you will find out i have the number one comedy tour and cd in the country. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] uhhuh. Stephanie im not looking for a debate. That will be over quickly. All right. I dare you to call anyway dave. Call me. It shocks me when i see such clueless antiamericans, and a radio show to boot. Stunning. [ applause ] stephanie awesome theres a lot more. Oh, yeah. Stephanie joshua in ohio. Hello, josh. Caller hello . Stephanie hi josh, go ahead. Caller im calling in about the Steven Crowder assault video. Oh that. Caller yeah that piece of fake edited trash. Everywhere you turn on the tv since yesterday, everybody d Chris Matthews al sharpton they all point out how highly edited the tape was. Stephanie right. Caller but then they go we dont agree with the violence, but i found a less edited version of the video stephanie right. Caller in the strangest of places, on hannitys show. I have the link and everything but if you watch it this must have been his preliminary edit but theres about five seconds of footage that is not in the official one on crowders youtube channel. And in this one you see the union guy get shoved down by crowder . Caller yes. Wow caller he has his hands up in the air, and you see the guy laying on the ground and then he gets up and starts swinging on crowder. Stephanie huh. Thats so weird. Its like angry union thug footage with palm tees in it. Yeah. Stephanie sandy in ohio hello there. Caller listen it is such a bitchy day i thought i had to call and give you the real definition of [ inaudible ]. It means being in total control of herself. Stephanie there you go. I will drink an extra cup of bitch this morning . Honor of all of you fox viewers. Lets go to mary. Caller hi. How are you . Stephanie good. Go ahead. Caller my grandson is home from school, he is nine years old, and we watch your show and he he cant talk because he has strep throat but he is very, very angry that these people slander you is the way he put it. Stephanie oh thank you, noah. Caller you have taught him an awful lot about many things, and we appreciate it. Stephanie huh oh. Caller what he doesnt understand, why do people watch your show if they dont like you . Stephanie noah is wiser than his years. Caller seriously, i have to tape your show so he can see it after school. And we were laughing here so hard at all of you. He said what you have to do far as committing suicide, you shoot yourself in an area of your body, where it is low dying stephanie oh so you have time to hide the gun. He understands there are knobs on your television and radio, so you dont have to watch me. Caller right. And he also says he loves you and Merry Christmas to all of you. Ah stephanie oh thank you. [ applause ] that is adorbs. Stephanie all right. Back with the new boner offer, as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show. So who is responsible for these outrages . Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show jeremy irons. Only on current tv. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry thats been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design . A toaster strudel. Pillsbury toaster strudel. So delicious. So fun. You, hang up first. No, you [ female announcer ] after school, get to pizza pleasin faster than mandy can hang up on mr. Monday. You hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, youve got snackdefying, satisfying totinos pizza rolls. [ ringing ] its on. Lets roll. vo when the clock runs out when the last card is played what will be remembered . Explore the lives of the famous and infamous who changed our world forever. Experience the drama, back to back to back. Of all the hours in all their days, the ones youll never forget are the final 24. Dont miss the final 24 minimarathon this sunday on current tv. Save the best for last. Oh my god look at her butt. It is so big. I only talk about announcer Stephanie Miller. I like big butts and i cannot lie you other brothers cannot lie stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome it to. Fiftyone minutes after the hour. The awesome tina dupuy joins us at the top of the hour. And the awesomely hot. Stephanie okay. All right. We posted on our Facebook Page the me on sean hannity yes, the video from last night. Stephanie and do you want to do a couple of other christmas hate mails. Sure. Stephanie as you said last break. We love today. Hey, miss miller why dont you play the film about the union thugs fighting in michigan. Americans dont want socialism. Yes, they voted for it. Well stephanie well your version. We dont want to have communism in america, got it george writes the problem with people like you for you people attacking white people is a soft target. Your show would never have the balls to attack other races well, you dont listen obviously. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie i dont see what the boner doesnt understand about compromising. Can you imagine him trying to buy a car . Im going to give you 10 and thats my final offer. Stephanie and then i say im sorry the car is 14 but ill give it to you for 13 and then boner says im going to pay you a dollars stephanie that was pretty good. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie boner does not view as acceptable the president started initial called for 6. 1 trillion but reduced it by 200 billion in his latest offer, and boner responded by saying shut up stephanie he just wiped the bourbon and cheetos off of it he put it behind his back and shuffles it around. Here is my knew offer [ magic wand ] thats something a five year old would do. Stephanie its the same offer. [ laughter ] you just pulled that out of your ass, right . Yeah, so what is your point [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie and the republicans have offered a new they have also offered a new deal to avert the cliff demanding the bush tax cuts for the top two percent of americans be made permanent. Oh my god. [ magic wand ] stephanie house spoken john boner unveiled the position during a, quote unquote sense phone call with president obama. The president is probably going are you drunk again . Seriously. Here is my final offer stephanie and the president s carney yesterday. Those magic beans are just beans. [ farting sounds ] and that fairy dust is just dust, its not serious. Its a serious plan stephanie here is the boner yesterday. The president and i had a had a deliberate call yesterday, and he spoke honestly and openly about the differences that we face. Stephanie honestly. And i i i offered the same thing. The same thing that i offered before, and he turned it down. So how is that compromise stephanie i think he drunks dials the president until he passes out and then he just hands the phone guess who was one of the signers on this letter to republicans. Jenny thomas. Please and thank you. Wow. She of the allegedly drunken call. Stephanie aledgedly. I would like to hear a drunken call between her and boehner stephanie how you doing . I offered a compromise and hes he just spit in my face. [ world news tonight theme ] Stephanie John boner is negotiating with president baum bomb on a deal. Conservative leaders are urging republicans in congress to resist the pressure to compromise in any way. An open letter circulated and signed by more than a hundred conservatives warns republicans they are entering into a period of testing. Because they maintain control of the house ah, thanks to gerrymandering. Stephanie among the signers jenny thomas. Phyllis shafley, and foster freeze. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie it also warns of possible primary challenges for republicans. Kind of a little bit threateny. Well go back to the froster freeze after the top of the hour. The boner again. The president has called for 1. 4 trillion worth of revenue. That cannot pass the house or senate. It is not going to pass. Im going to make sure its not going to pass. Stephanie here it is. Its not new. There are cheato fingers on this letter. I see it. Were all going to go down to the foster freeze as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show. V [ theme music ] stephanie wow, Jacki Schechner, i get called the c word more times before 6 00 am that most people do in their whole life. [ laughter ] can they get a little more creative with their use of derogatory names . Or do they just use that word over and over again. Stephanie i know. Disappointed. Stephanie on behalf of Jacki Schechner, we are disappointed stephanie we have many names to call Jacki Schechner [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie and news goddess is what were calling her now. Oh. Good morning. Today a new poll out from nbc and the wall street journal shows that 59 of republicans favor the party making concessions. Compare this number to just 38 last april. 61 say they would be okay with raising taxes on the rich. What they dont support is giving the president more authority to raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval. 70 of democrats are in favor of compromise. They would be willing to extent tax cuts for the rough if need be, but they wont consider cuts that impact Social Security medicaid or medicare. [ inaudible ] said it is absurd for republicans to accuse the president of not being specific enough. Lets get real. Yes, lets. 11 republican governors have asked the president to meet with them to discuss the Affordable Care act as if it is negotiable they want to talk about ways to make the plan more affordable. This comes on the heels of the administration saying if states want 100 of funds, then they are going to have to implement it the way it is designed. As politico talked to experteds, and one said he could get the program up and running in just 90 days. Were back with more show after the break. Stay with us. Bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Hersheys drops. A lot of hersheys happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. And cookies n creme. Pure hersheys. [ piano plays ] Troy Polamalus going deeper. And so is head shoulders deep clean. [ male announcer ] with 7 benefits it goes deep to remove grease, gunk and flakes. Deep. Like me. [ male announcer ] head shoulders deep clean for men. [ male announcer ] red lobsters hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under 15 menu. Oh my goodness oh my gosh this looks amazing [ male announcer ] our new maine stays 15 entrees under 15 seafood, chicken and more oo the tilapia with roasted vegetables im actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. That pork chop was great no more fast food fridays were going to go to red lobster. Yep. [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food differently and introducing 7 lunch choices for just 7. 99. Salad, sandwiches, and more. Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Allstate safe driving bonus check . What is that . So weird, right . My agent, tom, said. [ voice of dennis ]. Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accidentfree. But im a woman. Maybe its a misprint. Does it look like a misprint . Ok. What i was trying. [ voice of dennis ] silence. Ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. Are you in good hands . [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. They dont know it yet but theyre gonna fall in love get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married theyll find some retirement people who are paid on salary not commission. Theyll get straightforward guidance and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isnt rocket science. Its just common sense. From td ameritrade. [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show im walking on sunshine woe ho im walking on sunshine, woe ho its time to feel good hey all right now its time to feel good stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Six minutes after the hour. Sorry we have had a lot of c word email to get through this morning. Hello new fox viewers, hello hi. Stephanie i made hannitys leftwing hate speech. Im going to song parity hell for playing a vicious rocky Mountain Mike parity. I got a lot of Merry Christmas bitch. Karen writes your team won why do you accuse the other side of being racist. Ps you are a very mean female. [ laughter ] stephanie you are mean. How come hannitys black viewers havent written in to tell you how off you are. Stephanie heard the song about hannity, and so untrue. Almost every night there are black conservatives on his show. So much ugliness comes from the left with nothing to back it up with. We back it up. Yeah. Stephanie okay. All right. And lots more where that came from. [ applause ] stephanie speaking of rocky Mountain Mike who got me into all of this trouble in the first place. Thank you mike. Stephanie tina dupuy will join us in just a moment, but you heard the lie of the year was named and mitt romney won [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie for jeep moving they plant to china. What does this world come to for lie of the year . Is the claim by the Romney Campaign that jeep was going to move its production to china at the cost of american jobs. The 2012 lie of the year guess what the truth is this cant speak anymore the most outlandish liar liar pants on fire stephanie liar liar untrue statement of the entire year in politics. Born born to be a liar born to be a liar he was born stephanie he was born that way. Thank you rocky Mountain Mike. All right. So you have tina dupuy has the the 2012 naughty or nice list. Thats right. Editor and chief of thecontributor. Com. Stephanie i was get doing that. Good morning, tina. Good morning, stephanie. Stephanie would you like some festive Christmas Music for your list . [ laughter ] my favorite. Stephanie i love first starting on the naught David Petraeus for choosing a mistress who clearly cannot keep a secret. Seriously. This is just a sex thing. Were obsessed with sex scandals. Im obsessed with people who are the head of the cia and cannot stay away from people who apparently cannot keep a secret. Stephanie and [ inaudible ] made your list. Thats right. The party of lincoln wants to meet the union. Stephanie you said who liking playing chess with a person who flips the board over and walks out of the room. Yes, its astounding and its the same as last year before obama won a second term. Stephanie and i wonder if they are polling people as they are coming out of the theater after watching lincoln . Yeah. Senator john mccain has made the naughty list for campaigning to take down susan rice. Its amazing he gets crankier every year . Right. But it was stunning that he would call her not very bright. I thought that was kind of the low mark for him. And the whole campaign is incredibly cynical to go on television and go john kerry is awesome. We love john kerry. All of a sudden he is the best thing that has ever happened to the phrase secretary of state. Because thats what mccain wants. This whole campaign is really creepy and and just you know, disturbing. Stephanie its interesting he would go on television and say a woman isnt very bright knowing how many people are silently mouthing you picked sarah palin. Right. Steven colbert calls her honey boo boo, sarah palin. And i am so jealous, all week im like why didnt i think of that . It was there and i could have plucked that out, and i didnt. Honey boo boo you bet ya. Stephanie and there its black friday stampedes or running of [ inaudible ] what is with the trampelers. I know they like to step on people in the crowd. Stephanie john boner made the list. Under his leadership the house has done nothing but rename post offices, talk about ringworm and talk about how the president isnt trying to get along with them. It really is stunning. Yeah you i said under the [ inaudible ] victory, you should have John Boehners picture. He has done just the worst job imaginable in order for obama not to win. Well, that clearly isnt working, so maybe he should try something else, but i think as we are talking right now he is having a press conference talking about how his compromise is that he wants the bush tax cuts to be permanent for wait for it the top 2 . Stephanie right. The one thing that the president has run on and won an and said he wont compromise on. Exactly. The least popular piece of policy in the entire country is what he is responsible as putting in there as part of his compromise. Stephanie right. And he followed up his 800 billion in revenue offer with. 800 billion in revenue. Right. Stephanie the nice list, candy crowley. She gets accused of liberal bias for fact checking. Fact checking a president ial debate takes two things courage and being correct. Can you imagine if she wasnt right. That would have been awful. I was in the filing room i was at at you know, [ inaudible ], and we were all sitting there going oh man we hope she is actually correct. Because it is in the transcript. Theres video. Theres a transcript. Its right there. He said that word. To hinge this whole takedown on that word was kind of ridiculous, since the word is there. You can do a search for it, done, and she is correct. But yeah that was awesome that she had the courage to actually do that. Stephanie yeah that lead to much rightwing gnashing of teeth and outrage. Fact checking live. Thats bad form. Right. Boo. Stephanie boo and you put nate silver on here for putting the sexy back in statistics. Oh, gosh. I love him so much. Stephanie i know. The people that made them feel better, dick morris completely wrong on everything, the people that made us feel better, completely right. I was on the Eliot Spitzer show with a dude that was like not only is romney going to win, he is going to win all of his home states. Did he also mean california where he has a house in la jolla . Yes. No oh, my god stephanie thats so sweet. Bless his heart. Stephanie all right. Tina great stuff at contributor. Com. Happy holidays. Happy holidays honey stephanie there she goes. [ applause ] [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie republicans not budging on taxes democrats resisting steps like raising the eligibility age for medicare. 65 of the American People agree with the president on both of those issues. Boner said serious differences serious differences stephanie remain between him and the president after serious offers. He disagree with my new offer which is the same as my old offer its a serious disagreement. Stephanie president started 1. 6 trillion in new revenue, he made a new offer of 1. 4 trillion. Flabbergasted stephanie right. So he responded with the same offer. Also pressing for an increase in medicare eligibility age, and cost of living race for Social Security. And nancy pelosi talking about that yesterday. Raising the retirement age does not get you that much money, so you are doing a bad thing when it comes to seniors, and you are not achieving your goal. Were saying does it work . It is fair . Or is it just a trophy the republicans want to take home whether or not it achieves contributes to reducing the deficit, and creating jobs. Stephanie she said dont go there. She said dont go there. And made the very points that she just made right there. Uhhuh. Stephanie we were talking about the threatening letter. She got a letter from foster freeze among other people oh jenny thomas. Please and thank you. Stephanie exactly. Clarence thomass wife. This weekend foster freeze invites you to come to frothyville. Well see you this weekend at frothy stephanie yay [ applause ] be sure to wear your brown sweater vest. [ wah wah ] stephanie oh, jim louise. Kids what are they going to think of next, go to meeting. In Business Today you need the right tools to be successful. You know that. Thats why i recommending go to webinar by citrix the very same company that brought us go to meeting. It is the simplest way to reach an audience right from your desk, you can hold an event with up to a thousand at tendees. Wow. Stephanie people cannot only hear your presentation but get involved at the same time. No it support needed right . Right stephanie i want you to see how they can help your Small Business communicate better start your free 30day right now, today. Gotowebinar. Com and click on the try it free button. Nineteen minutes after the hour right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Its a combination of low selfesteem, low blood sugar, and mixing red wine with my dogs painkillers. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. The chill of peppermint. The rich dark chocolate. York peppermint pattie get the sensation. Before the sneeze, help protect with a spray. 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Before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. V all i need is the air that i breathe and to love announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie twentyfour minutes after the hour. 1800steph12. Our friend Chris Van Holland said i do have increasing concern the speaker is trying to string this out to january 3rd because thats when he would be reelected as speaker. We were just talking to Congress Woman chu this morning, that is your personal power over the good of the country im flabbergasted by that. Stephanie he is flabbergasted that the sun comes up every day. Democrats Holding Strong i got up at the crack of noon. Stephanie Holding Strong on medicare, Social Security. [ applause ] stephanie Social Security is off the table. Oh, Mitch Mcconnell made a joke. The president has taken so many things off of the table the only thing left is the varnish. [ circus music ] [ mocking laughter ] stephanie that killed in the terrarium. And meanwhile nancy pelosi she is being sweet. She said she understands its tough its hard being speaker. Thats what we all take the job to do to risk it for something, not to just sit in the office but you have to do it. So is the point that you dont want to put your members on the spot, figure it out. We did. Figure it out. Im not going to take advice from the chicks stephanie my friend tradition and i start ever phone conversation like this, oh its tough, its hard here it is our favorite Maria Banford bit. Its hard being single in the holiday, and i cant listen to love songs where are you calling from tonight what are your requestings and dedications, happy holidays where are you calling from . [ inaudible ] hi what is going on with you tonight amy . [ inaudible ] so you and matt broke up, thats hard. Thats tough. What do you want to say to matt tonight . [ inaudible ] [ moaning ] well play that for you thats lionel richie. [ applause ] when she is playing a d. J. Thats when she sounds like she has a great voice. Stephanie its tough. Its hard. Thats probably what boehner sounds like on the phone. Im flabbergasted he looks like jack haley stephanie exactly. Jack haley was the tin man. Stephanie yeah. Steve in indiana, you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, steve. Caller hi, stephanie, how are you . Stephanie good go ahead. Caller i hate to tell sean hannity that he is racist. I never actually said that. Caller i say it, because he is. Caller it was a song parity that was talking caller yeah, i know. Stephanie thats what he does with everybody. He creates a straw man. He says things that liberals never said. He literally said i said every conservative is racist. Never said that. Caller lets go to stephanie in illinois. Hi, steph. Oh stephanie in illinois . Hello . Caller hello. Hi the caller who said the unions are racist . Stephanie yeah. Caller first of all the last time i called you, i hung up on you because my two cats thelma and louise started attacking my feet do not let the them drive the car. Stephanie no. Caller thegy with the unions, my brothers are electricians and the unions will let anybody in. Its the private Sector Companies that wont hire them after they get in the union. Stephanie thats a fox viewer comment by the way. Unions will not take other races. Thats a fact. And then our next caller was an African American with a union. Stephanie yes. Well be right back on the Stephanie Miller show. From silver screens. To flat screens. Twizzlerize your entertainment everyday with twizzlers the twist you cant resist. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Hello santa now we have got a slight problem here, because i have been rather naughty. Out where the river runs stephanie thirtyfour minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Lets go to queenby in tennessee. Chris its for you. Hi, queen bee. Caller hi yall. Stephanie hi, queen bee go ahead. Caller okay. Stephanie you would not believe what i have been subjected to waiting to get this call. Stephanie huh oh. Caller im going to have to have chris give me some i dont know, nurse me back to health. Ill nurse you back to health any time queen bee. Stephanie what is happening here. Caller okay. I would like to apologize to all of the disabled people all over the world, really for the two senator we have here from tennessee for voting down that disability treaty whatever it is called. Someone needs to apologize for them, so please let me do that. Stephanie and done and done. And guess what were giving you back in return, a 100 pro flowers gift card. Wow stephanie no to pro flowers. Com, and click on the promo code stephanie. Fun wow stephanie right . Exactly. [ applause ] [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie before the break i said the democrats for once, were standing together. We have the president s back. Were going to stair down the gop on the debt limit. Flabbergasted stephanie yes, exactly. What about rank and file if the gop is serious would they unite behind obama [ inaudible ] social programs next year and then leave town before the deadline. Will they really call boners bluff. Early signs suggest they will. [ applause ] stephanie hooray i think democrats will make clear you cannot threaten the economy of the United States for your personal career. We fully support your view that congress should not play this game. A growing somebody of republicans are encouraging Party Leaders to put the fight behind them and then force them to agree to cuts to Social Security and medicare, no. Computer says no stephanie that is nothing we have never negotiated with in the history of our country. Gabberflasted. Stephanie exactly. John frank talking about the president. He has got a [ inaudible ] senate and a president that is simply out of touch with reality. Stephanie see what he did there. And the democratically controlled senate is recalcitrant. Stephanie 65 of americans back the president , say he had a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans and he thinks the president is out of touch. Stephanie rand paul. Why would we ever consider as republicans think about raising taxes. I tell them come to me after you have gotten rid of all of the spending, and come to me when you got rid of the 3 billion you used last year to watch monkeys on methamphetamine. Stephanie huh . Lets go to lawrence in boston. Hi, lawrence. Caller yes. Stephanie hello. Caller yes. Stephanie go ahead. Caller okay. While i was on hold they had bill handle on the law on. I got a little discombobulated. Stephanie i apologize for that. Caller im the official observer of the media who is not in the media. Brian maroney is a failed rightwing talk show host in boston. We had two fulltime radio stations broadcasting nothing but rightwing talk. He never god a weekend gig, and he is deeply deeply frustrated. So to see successful people like you on National Media he goes ballistic. Stephanie yeah he goes on sean hannity almost weekly to talk about what a failure i am as a radio show host. Right. [ laughter ] stephanie we will review our favorite hate mail of the day, but this was last night on hannity. The leftwingers like to spew their hateful venom. The Progressive Union is built on hate red. Lets go to Stephanie Miller. One of the worst things you can call somebody is what . A racist. Especial someone who is not. But this is meant to demonize republicans. In this case im the victim. Listen to this. Everybody knows a turkey like sean hannity, gets an audience thats white tiny brains viewers who just dont know that what he says just isnt right we probably wont have time for it, but she says the black guy is still in the white house nbc, everything is a dog whistle. Really, sean we dont mind poking fun at ourselves, were okay with that. If they werent so nasty it might be funny. Dont be so nasty stephanie that was a rocky Mountain Mike parody song. Hateful and Brian Maroney who is saying you have been a failure for the eight years that you have been on the air stephanie right, and he hasnt been on the air. Exactly. Stephanie do we have Christmas Music . [ Christmas Music ] we do. I woke up to the c word this morning. Stephanie christmas and the other one. [ laughter ] stephanie i was culling from the stack all morning. This one from ross. Seasons greetings bitch is the subject line. He was the one i suggested i kill myself he started out with seasons greetings he is propagaiting the war on christmas. Yes. Stephanie kill yourself and then hide the gun. What . I suppose while you were falling to the floor, you could kick it across the room under the couch. Stephanie right. Maybe. Stephanie okay. He should look into the war on logic. Stephanie this is a little more to the point. To quote from another white tiny brains guy jimmy hoffa, jr. , yours bitch that goes over in your fbi file. Thank you. Stephanie bob writes this message brought to you by a white fox viewer. Im smart enough to not listen to your dried up [ censor bleep ]. So have a nice christmas bitch. You are listening to the right orifice, because i dont there is nothing going on down there. [ crickets chirping ] and dried up old eggs. [ wind blowing ] stephanie and this guy john was our personal favorite. Because ahe couldnt get out of the subject line. And spelled the f word incorrectly. [ applause ] maybe he was thinking about that town in austria. Yeah. Stephanie i need to do a love letter to cleanse my palate. [ romantic music ] stephanie this is bucky the christmas believer that someone sent me. He subs for jim when he is gone. Stephanie no hitler references. Listens to everything i say. You dont do you jim . Sorry, what . Stephanie would you be so kind as to snip off the white label hooked to your Christmas Beavers butt. I got it. Wow stephanie you bitch Merry Christmas bitch [ laughter ] stephanie he becomes an enraged fox news viewer. It looks like he unwittingly left a tiny scrap of toilet paper between his cheeks. Clearly he is a radio trooper and too shy and demure to acknowledge this. Okay. Since your are an infamous animal help super here you, and renowned beaver aficionado. Im assured by the Christmas Beaver protective services that this is a painless procedure. Yeah, you try it pal ow he is not bleeding. He went through surgery fine. Stephanie yeah. Fine. Thank you john thats very sweet you are concerned about my believer. Oh we havent talked about zero dark thirty yet. The place where dreams come true. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. Tell them its like being nestled in an eightway, adjustable, heated and ventilated seat surrounded by a 500watt sound system while floating on a suspension made of billowy clouds. Or you could just hand them your keys. vo missed some of the insights, analysis and laughs . Im a slutty bob hope. The troops love me. The sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Get down boogie boogie, boogie i might boogie. Stephanie come on, jim. Its the holidays. I hear disco is making a comeback. Stephanie thats right. The senor to fold used his fairwell speech to foreshadow his potential return to congress. Because what would be great is John Kerry John kerry we love john kerry. We here hes making a come back. Stephanie just like this show. Victory and defeat is temporary, we may obviously meet again. All right. Whatever. Whatever stephanie whatever. Jim, Reince Preibus. Reince preibus [ dog barking ] stephanie you are a little slow on the uptake today. Stephanie Reince Preibus. [ dog barking ] [ mocking whining ] i added that queued up stephanie right. All right, rnc chairman Reince Preibus Reince Preibus [ dog barking ] stephanie said theres an opportunity to take control of the upcoming debates. Help us control that situation. Meaning the situation of our candidates being aaaawful. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie oh, by the way mitt romney lie of the year. But the Readers Choice Rush Limbaughs claim that the tax increase is the largest in the history of the world. You are a lying sack of crap stephanie so we we were talking amongst ourselves yesterday. Zero dark thirty is morally reprehensible, because they have water boarding. Water boarding more like awesome boarding. Wow. Wow. They are not trying to censor stephanie no. And they were all outraged because they thought i was going to be a love letter to the president yeah. Stephanie and a lot of people disagree we didnt get bin laden because of water boarding. No, they got information through talking to people stephanie because the fact that there was water boarding too but theres no link right. That was information they had had for years that they just discovered later according to this article. Yeah. Uhhuh. All of these secrets were let out during a civilized dinner, not not under torture. Stephanie so you are a typical liberal. You want to feed liberals a mooozbush. Wheel of rightwing hypocrites stephanie crystal palins failed reality show received 257,000 from the government. I dare say she is sucking off of the government teat. Stephanie yeah. And also they are pointing out for alaska to spend money to attract a show to the state that probably would have filmed there anyway. [ wah wah ] stephanie 47 percenter. Barbara wallers is coming up it was last night. Stephanie oh anyway she secretary of state Hillary Clinton making her third appearance. Bill wants hilary to run, but she is not so sure. You know who the number one most fascinating person is . Stephanie who . David petraeus. He refused to been interview stephanie you know who else . Chris christie. [ drum booming ] oh. Stephanie he said he is more than a little overweight but fit enough to be in the white house. Some people say he is too heavy to be president. He said that is ridiculous. I dont know what the basis is for that. Well, there was grover cleveland. He could use the taft bathtub. Stephanie right. He walter started the discussion by telling christie that he was a little overweight. He said more than a little. He said if i could fix it i would. Maybe stop eating so much [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] if you look at him and obama there is no way he could get that big. You can control it through diet and exercise but only to a certain exsent. Stephanie the governor asked about his weight and he said he has developed a shell about it. But he said it still hurts. Stephanie he said he hired a personal trainer about a year ago. Who im guessing does not put that on his resume just yet. [ buzzer ] not all of us have a pathological need to exercise like you. I need 20 hours of spinning class stephanie we all have our issues. Obama could sit on the couch all day eating cheese whiz out of the can and he is never going to look like that. Stephanie thats true. But christie is at one end of the scale, im just saying you have to make an effort. And he is he hired stephanie a personal trainer. Yes, so we wish him well. Stephanie exactly. Im just saying he might not want to take a government helicopter to his kids baseball game. Okay. Pope benedict is tweeting. Everybody immediately unfollows him because he tweets too much. [ laughter ] stephanie he has a weekly ask the pope thing. That you can ask him is it in english or german most likely. Or maybe latin. Oh, god. Really . Thats what we need more of latin on twitter. Stephanie nick cannon masturbates to his wife, mariah carrys song hero [ buzzer ] wow. Whatever. You know, we all have our things, i suppose. Stephanie i didnt really need to know that. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie spice girls musical, not so much. Critics are scathing about the spice girls musical. One critic wrote i tell you what i want what i really, really want is for this terrible show to end. Oh yall are mean. Tomorrow fridays with fugelsang. Yes, and joy behar. Stephanie well see you tomorrow on the Stephanie Miller show

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