Transcripts For CURRENT Liberally Stephanie Miller 20130118

CURRENT Liberally Stephanie Miller January 18, 2013

[ theme music ] stephanie all right. Here it is travel day to dc. And Jacki Schechner and chris lavoie can confirm that i can not live as an independent orgasm, separate from you orgasm . Orgasm . If you cant do the independent orgasm stephanie organism. Here is the i will coordinate your attire but you have to physically pack my bags. Because i could be the worlds worst packer. Stephanie me too, i show ip and i have a flipper and an earring. Melissa fitzgerald is meeting me in d. C. Tonight with gowns. And you are figuring out to do the technology sure. She is only one of the throupla that is ahead of the game. Stephanie thats right. Here is Jacki Schechner with the news. That i can do. As we head to d. C. For inauguration, the president is heading into his second term. The times notes his approval numbers are similar to where george w. Bush was going into his second term, but lower than the previous twoterm president s before him. President clinton launched his second term at 60 . The economy is still a tough spot for the president and taxes. After releasing a ridiculous ad going after the president s children, the nra is attacking again, this time via a fundraising email, claiming the president is raising 20 million to jam his antigun agenda through congress and accuses the administration of trying to quote reduce your freedom to ashes. I warns of mandatory gun confiscation, and a forced Buyback Program. It sounds a lot like death panels, and the president is not acting alone. President obama is working alongside his rich gun hating friends in hollywood, and Michael Bloomberg. They fail to mention he is also the mayor of new york city. Were back after the break. Arguments to feel confident in their positions. I want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. But its also about telling them, youre put on this planet for something more. I want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. An impact that gets people to take action themselves. As a human being, thats really important. This is not just a spectator sport. [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show im walking on sunshine, we ho im walking on sunshine woe ho its time to feel good hey all right now its time to feel good stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. All right. Travel day, everybody. God. Stephanie look alive. Here we go. Okay. Packing for the east coast in the middle of winter with several black tie events. As you know im just the best packer ever as i was just saying to jacki. I frequently get places and say oh, a flipper and an earring. And you asked if you could put a dvd into your ipad. Stephanie yeah i said i got a screener, because clearly people think im dating jodie foster, and i have argo and i dont even know if i can play it in my map book. If its regular, yes, you can. Stephanie oh wait a minute who is voice . Its friday go to d. C. With whatever you got in your bag. Children, good morning its freezing its snowing here theres snuggies on the chalk body outline in new york city its so cold. Walka walka walka. Stephanie good morning, John Fugelsang. John fugelsang. I was hoping to join you tonight, but now im doing the viewpoint thing, so ill be traveling down tomorrow. Stephanie yes. And you are not letting anybody know who is coming. Stephanie one is a major movie and television show. Major. Lee majors stephanie right it is the 6 million man. Chris lavoie jim and jacki opening the show. John luminaries in the audience can i just say. Say, please. Stephanie everybody is going to be there. I was on tom hartman yesterday, he is coming everybody is coming. Love them. Stephanie like jessica, steph my husband and i bought vip tickets the moment it was announced that sexy liberal would be in dc. We bought two less esteemed tickets for our daughter. Screw her. My husband had to be a closeted liberal in 2007 in his professional environment. Were both eagerly awaiting our evening with the most awesome liberals everybody. You are our happy pill every day. Im a happy pill. Awe. Stephanie with admiration for all of you. [ applause ] stephanie and with her colonel husband, and with the entire cast of sexy liberal characters Rocky Mountain mike sue in rockville, danielle possy up. Stephanie right. John fugelsang were going to take our victory lap, right . Yes, we are. I think so. Its a great time to retire all of those mitt romney jokes i can never tell again. Washed away the same weekend as the hurricane, two years of work destroyed by you liberals. We could have an comedy orgasm with mitt romney. Instead were stuck with this competent democrat. Stephanie John Fugelsang are you a good packer . Because this is a combination sexy liberal i dont even know i know. Stephanie we are doing the radio show from there monday and tuesday. From where . Stephanie bill presss studio. Oh, thats a great room. Ill have to come back right away on sunday because ill be heading to currents live coverage of the inauguration all day long on monday. So while you are there, ill be up in new york city trying to get a hot dog Stephanie Holding down the current fork. Yes. Stephanie john mail bag your own personal jesus. Stephanie take out your organ please. [ organ music ] stephanie by the way, Sister Simone campbell on in just a few minutes. She is wonderful. Stephanie hi, steph really wish i could come to the show in dc. Went to philly last year it was so awesome i peed. Thats the show i had been talking about a lot when someone pulled the fire alarm ten minutes before curtain. Stephanie right. I know John Fugelsang isnt the be all end all when it comes to religion. Indeed i am not. Stephanie but i take his word over everyone else. Part of my thinks jesus wouldnt be against being able to defend themselves, but part of me says he would say guns are bad. John is living proof that sanity can go hand in hand. The world needs more people like him and all after you sexy liberals. I agree melissa. John fugelsang is the greatest thing ever in the history of the world. Nope, nope nope nope. Here is the thing, yeah jesus of course would support sane gun control. Jesus about doing more with your life than putting in 30 rounds so you would not have to reload during gun massacre. Our gunloving friends would try to use this one passage from luke to say that jesus actually supported guns and its hilarious because there were no guns in jesuss time. And jesus said when i sent you out did you lack anything . Nothing they said. And they are saying that that is proof that jesus said go out and buy a gun because he said sell your cloak and buy a sword. Stephanie go ahead and sell your coat on the east coast in the winter. Yeah, the story behind the story, you realize he is totally talk in metaphor. He said go get yourself a sword so you will be a criminal like me, and then they will come and get us all, and that be fulfill the prophesy. And they say we have two swords. And he said thats enough. And he says put it down he who lives by the sword will die by the sword, and jesus surrendered nonviolently. Stephanie yeah, thats true. Again, the day will come when they will perfect penis enlargement surgery, my child, and these men will never need assault weapons again. Its fitting were talking about this the day after rick perry said the solution rick perry says we dont need laws. We need to go to church and pray. So the party that prays the gay away now prays the ak away. Stephanie thats right. They say guns are absolutely essential in gods world. Thats right. We have a well regulated militia, the national guard. The real bad guy here is James Madison for weird writing. Stephanie thats enough of the organ. He said, this california lawmaker said guns are used an average of 3 million times a year. Thats like 6,900 times a day. Other people say it is only 200 times aday. Whatever the number is they are used to defend human life. [ buzzer ] stephanie what . Its all to save lives. Stephanie defend our properties, our freedoms our faith our faith . No one is coming foryour guns. If you need a gun to perfect your faith, you dont have much faith. [ laughter ] stephanie protect your manager scene. I think she might be a muuuslim. Stephanie he has also proposed a School Marshall plan that will allow teachers in california to carry weapons. The union thugs . Stephanie yes. Oh, great. Stephanie yes, it so just a sort time ago that they were thugs. I need to go talk to my fake online girlfriend about this. [ buzzer ] stephanie oh john louise dont drag defensely Football Players into this now. Yeah what a weird story, right . Its a disgrace and now you know what is going to happen, is barack obama and eric holder are going to try to take away all of our fake online girlfriends. They will have background checks on all of our fake online girlfriends. I think theres a thread of sadness running through that story. Stephanie yeah, it is. It really is. So im loathe to make fun of him for it, because i think he was either duped or hiding something there is just a level of sadness going through this. Stephanie well, my life too, so i totally related. Seventeen minutes after the hour, back with more fridays with fugelsang on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer the left roars back [ fighting cats ] announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. Stephanie twentytwo minutes after the hour. Our computer sucks ass well, its not our computer. Stephanie no. Twentytwo minutes after the hour. Fridays with John Fugelsang. John fugelsang here with this hour. I realized i actually not even just a tech class, maybe a university. Hal sparks traveling with him, hes like a little its humiliating is what it is. Im legal i will amish when im in the room with hal sparks. Stephanie exactly. He is a tech nerd. He speaks in binary. Stephanie right. I wasnt aware that my dvds dont go in my ipod. Well, you dont even have a slot stephanie excuse me . You just hasnt used it in a while. The bidens just canceled for saturday. [ laughter ] stephanie anyway, yeah and i dont know oh, i asked you because you put in an app so my yeah you can print from your ipad. But you said not to my mini printer. Well, no because your mini printer is not wireless. Stephanie john, hold me. That was mean its wireful if its not wireless. Stephanie i dont know. Kevin in d. C. Hello, baby. Caller good morning. Tomorrow cant come soon enough. Stephanie um,um,um. All right. Im going to leave that joke alone. Me either. Go ahead, kevin. Caller im actually nervous seeing you when you step a few steps out of your fantasy world into reality its disconcerting. Stephanie not since you carried me across the ballroom. Caller yes, indeed. Not the nra but anyone who watches the ad with the president s daughters and doesnt understand theres a difference between the protection that they need and the average child needs you know, i calling people stupid is not politically correct, but give me the politically correct term for that. Stephanie its beyond stupid. They know what they are doing. Its a ridiculous argument and its dragging the president s children into something which john has always been off limits. It was a pretty disgusting ad. This is a president with more Death Threats against him in history. The fact is that these people think that their hobby is more important than your life. Stephanie by the way i take offense to that, i worked at mani, mo and jack. Dale is arkansas is the guy that needs an ak47 because he frequently gets rushed by feral pigs. Caller good morning, girl. We got a lot of flax, didnt we . Stephanie thats right. Caller i love that. Im calling, you know, just to tell you that you guys are a motley crew. That means you are good. Stephanie thank you. Thank you. Caller and im a vietnam vet, you know, two tours and im a retired disabled retired military thank you. Caller and anyway i was talking i was looking in sundays paper, and there were two boys in there that had been shooting pigs. One was a big old sow and there was about six that were small unones. And i thought i wonder what they were using. And i started calling, and the father said yeah he was using my ar15. I said what. He said yeah if he hadnt had it he said he put 6 slugs into her before she stopped. Stephanie dale you have were saying you need that kind of gun because feral pig there can be 40 of them. When you have a sow, you shoot and kill the other piglets will run in circles stephanie this is turning into a sad disney movie. Caller a feral pig has more guts. They are a hard animal. Im going to tell ya. [ laughter ] caller but anyway that was the reason i was calling, and yeah, im a member of the nra, and also a member of the north American Hunting Club stephanie i dont know why i hear an air are mcglocklen song in the background of my head. Caller yeah. And i have the police radio on. Stephanie oh, okay. Caller but i know how to use a weapon for use, and i dont overuse any of them stephanie how often does that happen that you get rushed by 40 feral pigs . Caller actually i have had it happen twice in my life. But im 72 now, and i cant climb the tree like i used to if there is a big bore. How do you feel about your neighbors kid having an ar15. Caller deadly. But the father said he went through the whole course and he said he trusted him completely with a semi automatic weapon. Just like adam lanzas mom. Huh . Stephanie all right. Dale, were out of time. But thank you, and thank you for your service. Caller all right. He is awesome. Stephanie i just see a little feral pig running around i love him. Stephanie Sister Simone campbell of nuns on the bus, next on the Stephanie Miller show. Bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. I was flying at 7 00 am from tampa to louisville and we had a twohour weather delay, so naturally announcer Stephanie Miller. Got drunk. Stephanie friday, party plane. Soul plane. Stephanie i was texting with my thruple yesterday. Melissa fitzgerald had already been yelled at twice by the flight attendant. [ laughter ] [ inaudible ]. Stephanie thats when you urinate in the aisle. And become russian. In france i can run on that and win. Hes not french he is russian. Stephanie were trying to locate Sister Simone campbell shes maybe she is on a bus, is what im thinking. That could be. You are either on the bus or off of the bus. Stephanie right. Sexy liberal John Fugelsang in the new york bureau for fridays with fugelsang. On his way to d. C. Tomorrow for the big show. Very excited about this one. Stephanie thats right. Oh, we found her dr. Simone campbell sister. Stephanie sister im so excited i have given her more titles. Good morning, sister. Good morning. Stephanie i was saying i was having a Catholic School flashback. Well, im a lawyer not a teacher, but i did go to Catholic School so i understand. [ laughter ] stephanie im obviously such a huge fan of your work in talking about paul ryans budget, and thank you for speaking out about gun violence. Talk to us about what you are doing now. What we have realized is that gun violence is a serious problem in our country. And what we have done is see the links of safety for our society, especially in lowincome communities, when we heard that over 900 people have died by gun violence in the month since sandy hook, we realize this is a huge problem for our society, and is undermining our constitution. So we said we have to step up. We have got a lot on our plate, but this is one issue we need to speak up about so were doing it. Stephanie absolutely. And sister it is interesting i dont know which statistic sounds worse, but i think one of the parents at sandy hook were saying that 85 of the children that were killed in the world are killed here. Oh, my glory, i hadnt heard that one. Oh, my glory. Stephanie yes. I did get to be at the president s unveiling of this program, and when he spoke of the one child grace whose picture he keeps in his private study, i thought oh my heavens thats it. When we have a specific person who is lost to all of us whose gifts are lost to all of us because of the senseless violence. Stephanie thats right. When you see the pictures the parents of rachel madoux did an interview of one of the parents and they said their duty as parents will never end and they feel it is their responsibility to talk about this. Absolutely. My sister died of hodgkins disease when she was 20, and here i am all these years later, and there is still a hole in my life that was left but we knew it was coming and so have somebody so suddenly and senselessly taking from our family families, i cant even imagine how hard that would be. Stephanie and if it doesnt change this time i dont know what to say about our country. I know. Its time we stand up and say the constitution is bigger than one amendment. The constitution is about us coming together for the common good, and the common good does not include senseless violence like this. Stephanie sister John Fugelsang is here, who we call our collieses and call mook. Good morning, sister. I am a huge fan. I think you have really done a beautiful job of reminding our conservative brothers and sisters, that if you want a government based on christian values, that doesnt just mean im in gods special club so i want what i want when i want it. Christian values are matthew 25 are you taking care of the sick, the pour, and those in prison and are you not starting the violence. And for me im all for government based on christian violence if you go what people talk about and not what people think. Jesus never mentioned how the poor are wealthy, and we need tax cuts for the wealthiest nazarenes. Yeah. Stephanie sister you are used to a lot of people in the. Party claiming guns are their own. He said guns are absolutely part of gods plan. What do you think about that . [ laughter ] well i dont

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