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[ theme music ] stephanie all right. Here it is travel day to dc. And Jacki Schechner and chris lavoie can confirm that i can not live as an independent orgasm, separate from you orgasm . Orgasm . If you cant do the independent orgasm stephanie organism. Here is the i will coordinate your attire but you have to physically pack my bags. Because i could be the worlds worst packer. Stephanie me too, i show ip and i have a flipper and an earring. Melissa fitzgerald is meeting me in d. C. Tonight with gowns. And you are figuring out to do the technology sure. She is only one of the throupla that is ahead of the game. Stephanie thats right. Here is Jacki Schechner with the news. That i can do. As we head to d. C. For inauguration, the president is heading into his second term. The times notes his approval numbers are similar to where george w. Bush was going into his second term, but lower than the previous twoterm president s before him. President clinton launched his second term at 60 . The economy is still a tough spot for the president and taxes. After releasing a ridiculous ad going after the president s children, the nra is attacking again, this time via a fundraising email, claiming the president is raising 20 million to jam his antigun agenda through congress and accuses the administration of trying to quote reduce your freedom to ashes. I warns of mandatory gun confiscation, and a forced Buyback Program. It sounds a lot like death panels, and the president is not acting alone. President obama is working alongside his rich gun hating friends in hollywood, and Michael Bloomberg. They fail to mention he is also the mayor of new york city. Were back after the break. Arguments to feel confident in their positions. I want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. But its also about telling them, youre put on this planet for something more. I want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. An impact that gets people to take action themselves. As a human being, thats really important. This is not just a spectator sport. [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show im walking on sunshine, we ho im walking on sunshine woe ho its time to feel good hey all right now its time to feel good stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. All right. Travel day, everybody. God. Stephanie look alive. Here we go. Okay. Packing for the east coast in the middle of winter with several black tie events. As you know im just the best packer ever as i was just saying to jacki. I frequently get places and say oh, a flipper and an earring. And you asked if you could put a dvd into your ipad. Stephanie yeah i said i got a screener, because clearly people think im dating jodie foster, and i have argo and i dont even know if i can play it in my map book. If its regular, yes, you can. Stephanie oh wait a minute who is voice . Its friday go to d. C. With whatever you got in your bag. Children, good morning its freezing its snowing here theres snuggies on the chalk body outline in new york city its so cold. Walka walka walka. Stephanie good morning, John Fugelsang. John fugelsang. I was hoping to join you tonight, but now im doing the viewpoint thing, so ill be traveling down tomorrow. Stephanie yes. And you are not letting anybody know who is coming. Stephanie one is a major movie and television show. Major. Lee majors stephanie right it is the 6 million man. Chris lavoie jim and jacki opening the show. John luminaries in the audience can i just say. Say, please. Stephanie everybody is going to be there. I was on tom hartman yesterday, he is coming everybody is coming. Love them. Stephanie like jessica, steph my husband and i bought vip tickets the moment it was announced that sexy liberal would be in dc. We bought two less esteemed tickets for our daughter. Screw her. My husband had to be a closeted liberal in 2007 in his professional environment. Were both eagerly awaiting our evening with the most awesome liberals everybody. You are our happy pill every day. Im a happy pill. Awe. Stephanie with admiration for all of you. [ applause ] stephanie and with her colonel husband, and with the entire cast of sexy liberal characters Rocky Mountain mike sue in rockville, danielle possy up. Stephanie right. John fugelsang were going to take our victory lap, right . Yes, we are. I think so. Its a great time to retire all of those mitt romney jokes i can never tell again. Washed away the same weekend as the hurricane, two years of work destroyed by you liberals. We could have an comedy orgasm with mitt romney. Instead were stuck with this competent democrat. Stephanie John Fugelsang are you a good packer . Because this is a combination sexy liberal i dont even know i know. Stephanie we are doing the radio show from there monday and tuesday. From where . Stephanie bill presss studio. Oh, thats a great room. Ill have to come back right away on sunday because ill be heading to currents live coverage of the inauguration all day long on monday. So while you are there, ill be up in new york city trying to get a hot dog Stephanie Holding down the current fork. Yes. Stephanie john mail bag your own personal jesus. Stephanie take out your organ please. [ organ music ] stephanie by the way, Sister Simone campbell on in just a few minutes. She is wonderful. Stephanie hi, steph really wish i could come to the show in dc. Went to philly last year it was so awesome i peed. Thats the show i had been talking about a lot when someone pulled the fire alarm ten minutes before curtain. Stephanie right. I know John Fugelsang isnt the be all end all when it comes to religion. Indeed i am not. Stephanie but i take his word over everyone else. Part of my thinks jesus wouldnt be against being able to defend themselves, but part of me says he would say guns are bad. John is living proof that sanity can go hand in hand. The world needs more people like him and all after you sexy liberals. I agree melissa. John fugelsang is the greatest thing ever in the history of the world. Nope, nope nope nope. Here is the thing, yeah jesus of course would support sane gun control. Jesus about doing more with your life than putting in 30 rounds so you would not have to reload during gun massacre. Our gunloving friends would try to use this one passage from luke to say that jesus actually supported guns and its hilarious because there were no guns in jesuss time. And jesus said when i sent you out did you lack anything . Nothing they said. And they are saying that that is proof that jesus said go out and buy a gun because he said sell your cloak and buy a sword. Stephanie go ahead and sell your coat on the east coast in the winter. Yeah, the story behind the story, you realize he is totally talk in metaphor. He said go get yourself a sword so you will be a criminal like me, and then they will come and get us all, and that be fulfill the prophesy. And they say we have two swords. And he said thats enough. And he says put it down he who lives by the sword will die by the sword, and jesus surrendered nonviolently. Stephanie yeah, thats true. Again, the day will come when they will perfect penis enlargement surgery, my child, and these men will never need assault weapons again. Its fitting were talking about this the day after rick perry said the solution rick perry says we dont need laws. We need to go to church and pray. So the party that prays the gay away now prays the ak away. Stephanie thats right. They say guns are absolutely essential in gods world. Thats right. We have a well regulated militia, the national guard. The real bad guy here is James Madison for weird writing. Stephanie thats enough of the organ. He said, this california lawmaker said guns are used an average of 3 million times a year. Thats like 6,900 times a day. Other people say it is only 200 times aday. Whatever the number is they are used to defend human life. [ buzzer ] stephanie what . Its all to save lives. Stephanie defend our properties, our freedoms our faith our faith . No one is coming foryour guns. If you need a gun to perfect your faith, you dont have much faith. [ laughter ] stephanie protect your manager scene. I think she might be a muuuslim. Stephanie he has also proposed a School Marshall plan that will allow teachers in california to carry weapons. The union thugs . Stephanie yes. Oh, great. Stephanie yes, it so just a sort time ago that they were thugs. I need to go talk to my fake online girlfriend about this. [ buzzer ] stephanie oh john louise dont drag defensely Football Players into this now. Yeah what a weird story, right . Its a disgrace and now you know what is going to happen, is barack obama and eric holder are going to try to take away all of our fake online girlfriends. They will have background checks on all of our fake online girlfriends. I think theres a thread of sadness running through that story. Stephanie yeah, it is. It really is. So im loathe to make fun of him for it, because i think he was either duped or hiding something there is just a level of sadness going through this. Stephanie well, my life too, so i totally related. Seventeen minutes after the hour, back with more fridays with fugelsang on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer the left roars back [ fighting cats ] announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. Stephanie twentytwo minutes after the hour. Our computer sucks ass well, its not our computer. Stephanie no. Twentytwo minutes after the hour. Fridays with John Fugelsang. John fugelsang here with this hour. I realized i actually not even just a tech class, maybe a university. Hal sparks traveling with him, hes like a little its humiliating is what it is. Im legal i will amish when im in the room with hal sparks. Stephanie exactly. He is a tech nerd. He speaks in binary. Stephanie right. I wasnt aware that my dvds dont go in my ipod. Well, you dont even have a slot stephanie excuse me . You just hasnt used it in a while. The bidens just canceled for saturday. [ laughter ] stephanie anyway, yeah and i dont know oh, i asked you because you put in an app so my yeah you can print from your ipad. But you said not to my mini printer. Well, no because your mini printer is not wireless. Stephanie john, hold me. That was mean its wireful if its not wireless. Stephanie i dont know. Kevin in d. C. Hello, baby. Caller good morning. Tomorrow cant come soon enough. Stephanie um,um,um. All right. Im going to leave that joke alone. Me either. Go ahead, kevin. Caller im actually nervous seeing you when you step a few steps out of your fantasy world into reality its disconcerting. Stephanie not since you carried me across the ballroom. Caller yes, indeed. Not the nra but anyone who watches the ad with the president s daughters and doesnt understand theres a difference between the protection that they need and the average child needs you know, i calling people stupid is not politically correct, but give me the politically correct term for that. Stephanie its beyond stupid. They know what they are doing. Its a ridiculous argument and its dragging the president s children into something which john has always been off limits. It was a pretty disgusting ad. This is a president with more Death Threats against him in history. The fact is that these people think that their hobby is more important than your life. Stephanie by the way i take offense to that, i worked at mani, mo and jack. Dale is arkansas is the guy that needs an ak47 because he frequently gets rushed by feral pigs. Caller good morning, girl. We got a lot of flax, didnt we . Stephanie thats right. Caller i love that. Im calling, you know, just to tell you that you guys are a motley crew. That means you are good. Stephanie thank you. Thank you. Caller and im a vietnam vet, you know, two tours and im a retired disabled retired military thank you. Caller and anyway i was talking i was looking in sundays paper, and there were two boys in there that had been shooting pigs. One was a big old sow and there was about six that were small unones. And i thought i wonder what they were using. And i started calling, and the father said yeah he was using my ar15. I said what. He said yeah if he hadnt had it he said he put 6 slugs into her before she stopped. Stephanie dale you have were saying you need that kind of gun because feral pig there can be 40 of them. When you have a sow, you shoot and kill the other piglets will run in circles stephanie this is turning into a sad disney movie. Caller a feral pig has more guts. They are a hard animal. Im going to tell ya. [ laughter ] caller but anyway that was the reason i was calling, and yeah, im a member of the nra, and also a member of the north American Hunting Club stephanie i dont know why i hear an air are mcglocklen song in the background of my head. Caller yeah. And i have the police radio on. Stephanie oh, okay. Caller but i know how to use a weapon for use, and i dont overuse any of them stephanie how often does that happen that you get rushed by 40 feral pigs . Caller actually i have had it happen twice in my life. But im 72 now, and i cant climb the tree like i used to if there is a big bore. How do you feel about your neighbors kid having an ar15. Caller deadly. But the father said he went through the whole course and he said he trusted him completely with a semi automatic weapon. Just like adam lanzas mom. Huh . Stephanie all right. Dale, were out of time. But thank you, and thank you for your service. Caller all right. He is awesome. Stephanie i just see a little feral pig running around i love him. Stephanie Sister Simone campbell of nuns on the bus, next on the Stephanie Miller show. Bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. I was flying at 7 00 am from tampa to louisville and we had a twohour weather delay, so naturally announcer Stephanie Miller. Got drunk. Stephanie friday, party plane. Soul plane. Stephanie i was texting with my thruple yesterday. Melissa fitzgerald had already been yelled at twice by the flight attendant. [ laughter ] [ inaudible ]. Stephanie thats when you urinate in the aisle. And become russian. In france i can run on that and win. Hes not french he is russian. Stephanie were trying to locate Sister Simone campbell shes maybe she is on a bus, is what im thinking. That could be. You are either on the bus or off of the bus. Stephanie right. Sexy liberal John Fugelsang in the new york bureau for fridays with fugelsang. On his way to d. C. Tomorrow for the big show. Very excited about this one. Stephanie thats right. Oh, we found her dr. Simone campbell sister. Stephanie sister im so excited i have given her more titles. Good morning, sister. Good morning. Stephanie i was saying i was having a Catholic School flashback. Well, im a lawyer not a teacher, but i did go to Catholic School so i understand. [ laughter ] stephanie im obviously such a huge fan of your work in talking about paul ryans budget, and thank you for speaking out about gun violence. Talk to us about what you are doing now. What we have realized is that gun violence is a serious problem in our country. And what we have done is see the links of safety for our society, especially in lowincome communities, when we heard that over 900 people have died by gun violence in the month since sandy hook, we realize this is a huge problem for our society, and is undermining our constitution. So we said we have to step up. We have got a lot on our plate, but this is one issue we need to speak up about so were doing it. Stephanie absolutely. And sister it is interesting i dont know which statistic sounds worse, but i think one of the parents at sandy hook were saying that 85 of the children that were killed in the world are killed here. Oh, my glory, i hadnt heard that one. Oh, my glory. Stephanie yes. I did get to be at the president s unveiling of this program, and when he spoke of the one child grace whose picture he keeps in his private study, i thought oh my heavens thats it. When we have a specific person who is lost to all of us whose gifts are lost to all of us because of the senseless violence. Stephanie thats right. When you see the pictures the parents of rachel madoux did an interview of one of the parents and they said their duty as parents will never end and they feel it is their responsibility to talk about this. Absolutely. My sister died of hodgkins disease when she was 20, and here i am all these years later, and there is still a hole in my life that was left but we knew it was coming and so have somebody so suddenly and senselessly taking from our family families, i cant even imagine how hard that would be. Stephanie and if it doesnt change this time i dont know what to say about our country. I know. Its time we stand up and say the constitution is bigger than one amendment. The constitution is about us coming together for the common good, and the common good does not include senseless violence like this. Stephanie sister John Fugelsang is here, who we call our collieses and call mook. Good morning, sister. I am a huge fan. I think you have really done a beautiful job of reminding our conservative brothers and sisters, that if you want a government based on christian values, that doesnt just mean im in gods special club so i want what i want when i want it. Christian values are matthew 25 are you taking care of the sick, the pour, and those in prison and are you not starting the violence. And for me im all for government based on christian violence if you go what people talk about and not what people think. Jesus never mentioned how the poor are wealthy, and we need tax cuts for the wealthiest nazarenes. Yeah. Stephanie sister you are used to a lot of people in the. Party claiming guns are their own. He said guns are absolutely part of gods plan. What do you think about that . [ laughter ] well i dont see it in the bible, but this is one of the real challenges were facing is this gun ownership comes out aside from the legitimate sports use of guns, and that sort of thing and i grew up in los angeles so im not a hunter person. It just doesnt happen for us there, but the but what i did realize is that so much of this hoarding of guns come out of a fearbased perspective. Uhhuh. And so much of the conservative rhetoric comes out of fear and pull up the drawbridges, take of myself, be isolated, and so me thats the an antishist. What is your feeling about this Republican Party . You know how when something gets really out of balance, its because there is not enough of a countervailing push that we can find a way through, and its like no one has told them no stop it, this is wrong. Stephanie right. And they need to hear it from their own party, because if i say it well we dont do partisan work, were more identified with Progressive Political values. But republicans need to reclaim their party. Stephanie we have reverend jim wallace on all the time. Absolutely. Stephanie and you just said he is considered by fox news, oh this crazy liberal stephanie and how is that considered progressive . I dont get it. You start with the gospel not with politics. If you start with politics you trim and shape everything to fit into your world view but when you start with the gospel, then you run into all kinds of challenges that open up the world as opposed to closing it down. Stephanie yeah. And were not too good at doing that. Stephanie they always say republicans try to make it about guns god and gays. Right. Stephanie and paul ryan budget so resinated. You know, a budget is a moral document, and look at in the midst of this debate sister. We have people consist antly talking about wanting to strip money from Mental Health and they say its all about Mental Health. I know. And the horrifying thing is us not being able to get any data about Mental Health. The nra and the gun manufacturers have slipped into a bunch of different bills all of the prohibitions against just basically gathering data. Because they know data is power to undercut their sales or their control, and i think we as a nation, who value education, who value understanding situations who say we want to change this dynamic, the very first thing we want to start with is gathering data. Stephanie right. It doesnt take a Rocket Scientist so know that they dont want us to study that because it will prove our point. Thats right. The first years in this mans senate was when they were lobbying against car safety. And when the data was gathered the nation said oh my glory, we can make safer cars than this. Stephanie yeah we used to scream about you cant make me wear a seat belt and its yeah well, we can because you are killing people. It is the same sort of thing isnt it . Exactly. Stephanie sister its such an honor and a pleasure. Im glad it worked out. Stephanie thank you so much, and continue your great work. Well keep at it. [ applause ] stephanie i love her. Oh my glory, thats my new catch phrase. You are going to have to fight me for it John Fugelsang. All right. Well be right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer finally talk radio you can dance to. Its the Stephanie Miller show. Armed with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. I want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. But its also about telling them, youre put on this planet for something more. I want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. An impact that gets people to take action themselves. As a human being, thats really important. This is not just a spectator sport. Hersheys Simple Pleasures chocolate. 30 less fat, 100 delicious. [ male announcer ] the exclusive air suspension in the 2013 ram 1500. Engineered to move heaven and earth. Guts. Glory. Ram. The new ram 1500. Motor trends 2013 truck of the year. At cepacol weve heard people are going to extremes to relieve their sore throats. Oh, okay, you dont need to do that. But i dont want any more of the usual lozenges and i want new cooling relief ugh. How do you feel . Now im cold. Hmm. This is a better choice. New cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. Ahhh. Not just a sensation sensational relief. Rogaine . Well, ill admit it. I was skeptical at first. But after awhile even my girlfriend noticed a difference. [ male announcer ] rogaine is proven to help stop hair loss. And for 85 of guys, it regrew hair. Save up to 42 now at rogaine. Com. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. Announcer Stephanie Miller. [ inaudible ] dancing together thats a song you dont hear much anymore. Stephanie no, but we just talked to Sister Simone campbell. Dancing in heaven. Stephanie and we this fridays with fugelsang. Oh, my heaven. Stephanie steph packing for d. C. , i get to see my boyfriend, your show, and d. C. In winter. How is that. My warm east coast shoes are huge and take up too much room. Cant wait to see the show. Will jim be there . Yes, everyone will be there [ applause ] stephanie you have to make those difficult packing decisions, dont you . Yeah. Stephanie shoes in winter. I dont like packing a suitcase for wintertime. Stephanie neither do i. I dont have use for seasons. Stephanie the casual cold weather stuff and its all bulky. Right. You guys have weak immune systems. I dont have use for weather. Damn you. I dont have use for seasons is what i said. Stephanie why must the seasons change. I like it 75 degrees all yearround, thank you. Stephanie 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Rocky Mountain Mike will also be in a hissy at the d. C. Sexy liberal tomorrow uhhuh. Stephanie oh, my god. Very few Tickets Remain for the little you know i want to live a liberal chick i been apining for a farting show shes been drinking box wine for such a long time, shes been working on a fartjoke show and shes not that old stephanie oh, that was nice. Stephs been working on a fartjoke show, and shes not that old [ laughter ] [ applause ] stephanie wow he is good with his mouth. Yeah. The only tour can fart jokes and [ inaudible ] jokes. [ laughter ] wow stephanie we were talking about the inaugural poet, young, gay, hispanic and i said it would make ee cummings start writing in all caps. [ laughter ] you win. The all caps key. Stephanie keith in texas you are on with John Fugelsang. Hey, keith. Caller hey, great to be on with you guys especially with you, john, because we are thrilled to death that you got viewpoint, and my wife and i cant get enough of you. The other night you showed a picture of reagan and brady being shot that proves a bad guy with a good guy with a gun, there were six good guys with a gun stephanie thank you. And what do you do with a bad guy good guy gun lobby. Caller thats right. [ overlapping speakers ] the good guys with runs arent prepared all the time for a sneak attack. Right. Can you imagine what that guy could have done with some of the modern weapons . Stephanie yeah were just making the mentally ill people that should havent guns more efficient at killing. Its just making it easier right, john . Yeah, im with general mccrystal. These guys dont want the maniac community to have to stop to reload during a massacre. Theres nowhere in the Second Amendment that says the Founding Fathers want people to have access to guns that kill lots of americans really fast. Stephanie thats right. Vice President Biden. That tragedy in all of my years in public life i think has affected the public psyche in a way i have never seen before parents in the streets panicking, trying to find out if the child they put on the bus in the morning had any prospect of getting on the bus and going home that afternoon. Stephanie somebody was describing that yesterday, john. And i know you are a new parent. And i cant even imagine being gathered where some of the kids were coming in. And i think one of the teachers said we realized we didnt have enough kids. Can you imagine those parents being where is my kid . And its hard to even wrap your brain around. And the majority of nra members support background checks at gun shows. And these guys dont. Stephanie yeah, thats the thing that just kills me they allow them to go on main stream media what is the other guy, the president , we have always been generally supportive of background checks. [ gasping ] [ buzzer ] stephanie you have fought them at every turn at every state. Yeah, and their rationale is i should be able to sell guns to my friends in a free country. And we had a guest on last week and he said i know my friends i should be able to do that. And im like you cant sell a car to a friend without the state having to know about it. Stephanie right. Here is david king. He says they have generally been very supportive of background checks. By generally, he means never. Stephanie yeah, and he said king dismissed the president s proposals as feelgood proposals that dont work. And far from being open to background checks they would alarm wherever states try to restore this loophole. Many states allow violent felons to petition for firearms. Over 90 of the country agree on this gun violence prevention measure. Yeah, again, we are not the nra management. We are the majority. Stephanie yes, thank you. Lets go to carol in pennsylvania. You are on with john. Hi how are you . Stephanie good go ahead. Caller i like to reference the stockman [overlapping speakers] caller i will not know, and i think some of these people like ted nugent making all of these threats. Why arent they arrested . Stephanie he sure treads the line in terms of what sounds like a threat. I believe the secret service did go talk to him yeah, ted got a visit. Stockman is the one that wants to impeach the president and what was he involved in . Caller in 94 he was involved with the nra and the mcveigh bombing and he called the nra as soon as the bombing took place and a lot of people were very suspicious and obviously from what i hear there was a big debacle in texas and they actually voted him out, and now hes back because now he fits in to the mindset of the congress. Stephanie yeah. Fiftyeight minutes after the hour. John fugelsang well see you in [ theme music ] stephanie hello, current tv world. All right. Jacki schechner here is an update as as i mentioned to you in our past emergency, our other truplet, Melissa Fitzgerald, will be meeting us with gowns but there will be drinking, so im not sure it will end any better for me. You will be like did you guys put this together when you were drunk. Right. I will be there. But you are getting in much later. Not much later. Stephanie but youll be drunk too. I promise ill try to tweet out some photos from our adventures in air travel with chris and jim and myself. Stephanie oh thats right. I wont be on your flight for reasons we dont want to talk about now. Because you get to fly on special persons airline. Stephanie yeah. Here she is Jacki Schechner. Good morning, everybody. Happy friday. Just in time for inauguration the white house is releasing president obamas new official portrait. This photo will now be replaced wait for it with this taken last month. Both photos are by the white house photographer. I like that one better. He is smiling. The New York Times reports this morning if inauguration in d. C. Feels kind of new yorky thats not by accident. Senator Chuck Schumer from new york is overseeing the planning of the swearingin ceremony. He is taking the opportunity to throw a little business back home. The bottled water served will be from saratoga springs, and everything from the snack to desert will have new yorkgrown greed ingredients. The main course was going to be long island duck, but he said the preparation wasnt that great, so now they are going to serve south dakota bison in said. There is news from the New York Times that the gop is now considering offering the president a onemonth extension to talk about spending cuts at the same time. But the president continues to reiterate the debt celling is not negotiable that we have got to pay any bills. Were back after the break. Stay with us. Honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Hey, im joey aragon. See that film . People call me about this every day. My dishwasher must be broken. You know, its not always the machine. It may be the detergent. 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Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show im walking on sunshine woe ho im walking on sunshine woe ho its time to feel good hey all right now its time to feel good stephanie were such a bunch of radio geeks. We literally are not equipped to do anything else in life. Nope. Stephanie we were talking about jim, remember somehow you would knock the stack over and we were like good luck with that. They werent labeled at all. No. Stephanie were so discombobulated about traveling today. Were not being outside of a padded room with each other, where Winter Clothes are involved and fancy clothes are involved stephanie Winter Clothes and fancy clothes, i own none of. This is what radio conventions are all about. Awkward geeks. Stephanie they are not used to being out of padded rooms all by themselves. And were all like, hi how are you doing. This d. C. Trip has us all sexy liberal palooza, ladies and gentlemen. In November America decided one term just wasnt enough. This time around Stephanie Miller and her team of twoterm comics are coming to make this a party d. C. Will never forget. On january 19th, just two days before obamas second inauguration, the sexy liberal comedy tour, will perform live at the warner theater in washington, d. C. Tickets are available at ticketmaster. Com, and if you want to skip the fees stop by the Warner Box Office at 513, 13th street north. The tea baggers lost in november, so Stephanie Miller is going to do her thing before the inaugural ball. For more information go to sexyliberal. Com. Stephanie whoo yay the sexy liberal rolland sexy liberal tour director is too busy to talk to me now, so i dont know how many tickets are left. Also my friend jeff. Stephanie my boy toy. He says to hear you guys complain about cold weather is so funny. And then he says ermahgerd, snurl whacky morning d. C. S wear the same shirts. Stephanie yeah. Were going to the white house tomorrow. We have a private west wing and situation wing tour what do you wear im wearing a buttondown shirt and some really dark like jeans stephanie do you think well get to see bo . Probably not. Were not going to the living quarter. Stephanie you never know. Thats what i am looking the most forward too. Stephanie i need to plan ahead, because if i do meet bo i need to bring something to roll on the white house lawn. We have sexy liberal and i did give a big hint didnt i. You did. Stephanie they are both huge in their own right celebrity guests on panel. One a major movie and television star. Stephanie and he has been on broadway. Stephanie dont even give genders. I hey you so much. [ buzzer ] he or she has been on broadway. Broadway does dont be for dooze and bope. Stephanie jacki and melissa and ron, were going to the green ball sunday night. Thats the thing ill be choosing an outfit for drunk tonight with the gals. Among oh, i mentioned as someone mingling [ world news tonight theme ] Stephanie William will be playing. Senator michael bennett, colorado al frank in minnesota, congressman paul tonko jared police of colorado. Peter welch, all of our congressional friends. And among those mingling will be red skin players, Melissa Fitzgerald genea gersean, and Stephanie Miller. [ applause ] stephanie look, i got mentioned in the thing. Mel will be there jim. Ummm. Stephanie lisa writes steph the extreme right is now saying by the say, the sexy liberal cause the brady center. Thats right. Stephanie steph these are the same people that want to give doctors the right to perform transvaginal ultrasounds that i dont want. But yet that is not a violation of my rights. [ applause ] stephanie thank you. You are the smartest girl in class. The other thing ill be doing on the plane drunk is writing out the skits for tomorrow. This is jay carney. The president in general when he works on a speech writes in long hand on the yellow pad, and i have seen some yellow pad with writing of late, but i dont know the speech. Stephanie all right. Lets dive into the rightwing world. Andrew dee pall tano. The president of the united states, the Vice President of the united states, their entire administration the people that brought us obamacare do not believe in parts of the constitution, the 10th amendment, and the 2nd amendment, and they will do everything they can to wear away at those parts of the constitution with which they disagree. Who is this idiot . Stephanie andrew depalatono. Jim is only half here. He is rethinking his packing. All right. [ inaudible ]. The president i think instinctively moves towards disempowering people and i think he is hijacking these tragedy i dos say were going to invest more power in the state and take guns away from lawabiding citizens that feel autonomy. Stephanie this guy and the fox what are they like a handwriting yeah, handwriting expert. Stephanie its pop psychology of the worst. Its pop psychology with a political opinion. I would tell by his aura he wants to take our guns away. Stephanie he doesnt even know the president , and he is always speculating on his various mommy daddy issues whatever they are. Rush limbaugh. They will never tell us what their real objective is. They always mask it or camouflage it or hide behind it with children in the case of yesterday, and in many other times. But you cannot have an honest debate. They will not tell you they want to eliminate the Second Amendment. They will not tell you if they could they would find a way to confiscate guns. Stephanie right. The fact that none of that is happening is proof that it is just about to happen. Stephanie and trying to protect children from being killed is using them yeah, as a prop. Stephanie shield. Much like saadam hussein, someone said in rightwing world. Rush limbaugh. Stephanie oh, there you go. [ inaudible ] fox and friends. What they do is use children cynically to try to promote their actions. And i consider it a form of child abuse and political malpractice, very toxic. Stephanie oh i see. So yesterday he was saadam hussein, today he is jer sandusky. Stephanie yes. Its child abuse. Stephanie are we going to get to hitler today . I dont think we have hitler in the rightwing world. Stephanie jim you are going to have to wind it up then. Sean hannity. Fibls are now standing up to fight back against the unprecedented gun grab that he announced yesterday. Looks like king obama should prepare for a fight. Stephanie okay. Oh king. Yes, thats rand paul has gone there. So nothing he said has anything to do with gun grabs yep. Stephanie now sean is getting his talking points from the nra. Nra warns confiscation could be next. Sure. Stephanie and liz cheney on hannity. I would like to see a president who is as dedicated to disarming alqaeda as he is dedicated to disarming the American People. Instead of doing everything he can to keep us safe, he has made america at best irrelevant and then you see a power vacuum where our enemies step do it. Stephanie we dont need to disarm Osama Bin Laden anymore, because he presumably has no more fingers to pull a trigger, because they are now being gnawed on by the bottom dwellers. I imagine giving liz cheney a hug would be like hugging a cactus. It would be like ow. Ow. Stephanie all right. Eighteen minutes after the hour. That concludes rightwing world. Well continue on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer there is something funny going on in radio. Its the Stephanie Miller show. [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for 11. 99. I cant imagine anything better. Youre getting a ton of shrimp and it tastes really good [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobsters 30 shrimp for just 11. 99 choose any two of five savory shrimp selections like mango jalapeno shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. Two delicious shrimp selections on one plate all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just 11. 99 for a limited time. Wow, thats a lot of shrimp. Im ryon stewart im the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain if youre not into announcer Stephanie Miller. If you have half a brain stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Twentythree minutes after the hour. Oh, here is to good friends. What . Stephanie friends that remember you left the bar and tried to put a margarita in your pants pocket. Yeah, and my cell phone was in that same pants pocket. It was cargo shorts when they were in style stephanie sure. Because it was the style at the time. And we thought it was a good idea to put the margaritas in our pockets and go into the store. We had too many margaritas. Stephanie i have a feeling there will be drinking this weekend, jim. [ applause ] my friends bar is within walking distance of our hotel. Stephanie you just told me that, and im like. All right, my boy toy. Jacob in virginia. Caller hi, stephanie. I love your show. Stephanie thank you. Caller i kind of believe that the president believes that assault weapons kind of are threats from the united states. And if he can Ban Nuclear Weapons in other countries, why cant he ban assault weapons in the united states. He has i believe the president has that power. If he feels it is a threat. Let him ban the assault weapons. I think a lot of people feel that they are a threat to the american way. Stephanie but not being a lawyer i dont know, but i dont think it is in the president s power to ban assault guns. Thats right. That has to be done legislatively. Stephanie exactly. Joe biden yesterday. We speak for those we lost. If we speak for our children and our families, if we have the courage to do what is the right thing to do then then well have the most powerful voice, and we, you, the citizens will change the nation. Stephanie [ inaudible ] hi. Go ahead. Caller 5 of the gun violence in this country are committed by people who have Mental Health issues, but it seems like were taking 95 of the blame. My greatest fear is separating privacy right from Mental Health, forcing doctors to report. You are then taken in front of a doctor hired by the state, diagnosed as being mentally ill, and then put in an institution. You may not have ever committed a crime, and the doctor just might feel like you could be violent. Stephanie right. The argument i have heard is people arent going to get help because they are afraid of certain things. I get what you are saying too, as we say over and over the vast majority of mentally ill people wont do this but this could have been flagged. It could have prevented some of these. Caller i agree steps need to be taken, but its not the majority of the mentally ill that are killing people in this country. Stephanie yeah. Caller its not where most people are dying, and honestly it is going to sound a little messed up but its wealthy suburban white children that die, now its the 5 of the mentally ill that will be punished for that, when 95 of that crime happens in inner cities, and those crimes arent being addressed. The only thing were looking at is putting people away and were going to create another industry. Were going back to insane asylums where you have no right to say i dont want to take a certain medication or electroconvulsive therapy because it does brain damage, and you have no right. Stephanie yes, but i think theres somewhere between here and cuckoos nest right . Caller absolutely. And absolutely i agree, something has to be done, but addressing the larger concern stephanie it wasnt helpful when reagan basically let everybody out of mental institutions. Now were using the prison system as a Mental Health system, i guess. Caller i would agree with that as well, but i dont think someone who has never committed a crime in their entire life should be locked away. I do think the assault weapons ban, and limiting magazines and taking guns out of the hands of people who pose a serious risk are steps we need to take but it needs to be done judiciously and cautiously so we dont marginalize a section of our society. Stephanie yeah. I was listening to my friend tom hartman yesterday, and he was expressing the same concerns that you have, and yet he was talking about a good friend of his in high school that got very, very depressed and got a gun and killed himself, and he wished there had been something in place that might have but you are right. It is not an easy issue. Twentynine minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Right have, about the heavy hand of government. I want to have that conversation. Lets talk about it. Really . Youre going to lay people off because now the government is going to help you fund your healthcare. Really . I want to have those conversations, not to be confrontational, but to understand what the other side is saying, and id like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table. One woman can make you fly like an eagle. Another can give you the strength of a lyon but only announcer Stephanie Miller. Can fill your heart with wisdom and know one singular joy. Oh come on. Stephanie yes Stephanie Miller make heart sore like an eagle. Stephanie jim is not feeling well. He is a little lightheaded. Awe. You need a hug . Stephanie its travel day. Were all stressy. Thirtyfour minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. I already realize i packed a few things last night after too many cocktails. Im like, yeah that doesnt go with that. Im going to have to go home. At least you have packed some things. I havent. Stephanie oh, well, good luck to you. Were off to d. C. , and my dogs are very happy. You know why . Why . Stephanie because they get a tbone. And tbone gets a mansion. I thought they were getting a tbone steak. Stephanie no, the guy. It is supposed to be in the 80s this weekend. Stephanie i know. And there is a cold snap in dc. Yay lets go to rick in ohio. Welcome. Hello, rick . Caller yeah, hi. How are you doing . Stephanie good. How are you doing . Caller not too bad not too bad. You know what, im talking about the gun issue. Stephanie yes. Caller and you know wayne lapierre, who id like to basically just basically say it pep la Pew Stephanie okay. Caller he sits there and harps on these issues about the Second Amendment and all of this, but, you know, they use john wayne as an icon, and he only used an automatic weapon when he was either a cop or a soldier. Stephanie thats right. Caller and stephanie somebody has said that before rick. But if you really want an assault weapon join the military. Caller i did back in 1970. Stephanie thank you. Caller im a vietnam era veteran and former policeman and former bomb disposal technician. Stephanie wow. Rick im not a gun person and somebody else made a good point about Home Protection. I get it. But they were saying that that if you live in a normalsized place an assault weapon is a really inefficient way you could very well be hit by a ricochet from your own gun. A handgun is a better form of self protection isnt it . Caller you know what i would recommending is a black powder pistol. What is that caller its a revolver and you load it and push it down with a tamp. Stephanie wow. That sounds muskety. Yeah. Caller yeah, its a civil war pistol. Stephanie i have heard from gun people before that the scariest sound of anyone trying to break into your house is a rifle cocking and im thinking i have a sound effects box, all i need. Why cant i just bring my box moment with me. [ gun cocks ]. I have a sound effect boxes and im not afraid to use it. But you know how often you misfire things on your box stephanie yeah listen [ farting sounds ] stephanie no, not gastrointestinal, i have a [ circus music ] stephanie no. I have a tiny a violin stephanie no i have a trombone and a violin honey get the [ gun cocks ] stephanie we know you are a loser, you are not fooling anybody. Damn i just gave away my Home Protection secret. Oh, yeah those big dog sound effects. Stephanie i have a [ magic wand ] stephanie no not a magic wand. Stephanie i have nunchucks i just knocked myself out. That is the problem. They would be like she just knocked herself out, time to go in and get the stereo. [ cartoon springing sound ] stephanie i have a listen dont make me doink you scared now. Stephanie to what degree are these people just paranoid . They make it sound like it is the zero dark thirty raid ever night at their house. Yeah. Stephanie there could be snipers and drones its the rightwing world and foxs job to make people paranoid and crazy. Stephanie who are you calling paranoid crazy . You are talking about me again arent you. Brenda in missouri. Caller hi, stephanie. You need to sell your own Stephanie Miller box. Stephanie im smelling money here. Caller thats right. Stephanie i have bounce off and you up. [ bouncing ] caller some scaring screams or something. Stephanie right. [ screaming ] caller i love that cocking noise, though. Stephanie thats what they say thats all they need is to hear that. [ cocking gun ] caller the dogs are pretty good too. Stephanie i have Reince Prebus in my basement [ dog barking ] stop barking. Caller i just wanted to complain about stewart barney. He needs to go back to britain or something. Stewart said in light of recent news on guns maybe gun Appreciation Day wasnt such a good idea, and the man that he was interviewing said there might be like a Million People there. Stephanie oh, great. Armed. Terrific. Caller and liz cheney i havent heard from her lately liz cheney is more of a danger to our country than anybody. She talks like a terrorist. Stephanie yes, the president is not interested in disarming alqaeda. What . He killed number one. Stephanie and several number twos. Who is number six. [ jeopardy theme music ] stephanie im telling you, i smell a gold mine. Its true. Why not just sell my boxes because out i have got [ applause ] a small studio audience. Stephanie thats the problem. Not only am i too spazzy to fire a gun im like look out [ baby crying ] stephanie you woke the baby. And now sam kenson is mad [ screaming ] stephanie and now announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie no announcer Stephanie Miller. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie i have fox lasers. Ill send a fox graphic right through your okay. [ laughter ] stephanie is it me am i just losing it or we all are . We are all. Stephanie i got the three stooges. I will poke you in both eyes. All right. Lets go to eric in maryland. Hi eric. Caller hi, steph. Welcome to the d. C. Area from the free state of maryland where we just got marriage equality. Stephanie thank you, but im not there yet. Caller were excited to have you here, it is very cold and will be in the 40s tomorrow. Stephanie oh. Caller i wanted to make a comment about the far rightwing about the president using children. When they attacked the president s children for having security stephanie yeah. Caller its the most absurd stupid thing i have heard in my life. Stephanie i know. Absolutely. Joe biden yesterday. How do we make our streets and schools safer . With regard to our streets, i believe and the president believes that cops make a difference. Were going to push again for another 4 billion in grants for the cops program. [ applause ] stephanie the only sound effect i need. [ mysterious music ] stephanie you are getting sleepier, sleepier. Drop your weapons. You are leaving my house. Dont you think that would work . Sure. Stephanie lets go to monty in missouri. Caller hey. I want to talk on three subjects real quick on Police Military tactics that i had when i was in the police force as well as Mental Health i had in missouri because i used to be a patient advocate for Mental Health as well as immigration, and i would like to ask the rightwing world if they would go back and ask the native americans what they think about immigration. Stephanie yeah. Caller again, whoever wins the wars gets to write the history. Stephanie thats right. Caller same thing when i was in the 80s when i was in the army. I kept asking my superiors, and basically they told me to shut up, why are we teaching them military tactics. I now have the answer 30 years later. Stephanie why is that . Caller look at all of the assault weapons. Why they have to carry ar15s police do and use those tactics. Stephanie uhhuh. Yeah, you are right. We have created our own escalation. Thats what i was saying. We were talking to cop yesterday from philly. And we were talking about really it is really like we are sending them into afghanistan, they have to contend with people in body armor with ar14s. Its ridiculous. Fortyfive minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer free speech . What a concept. Its the Stephanie Miller show. Hey, im joey aragon. See that film . Show, to be able to come away armed with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. I want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. But its also about telling them, youre put on this planet for something more. I want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. An impact that gets people to take action themselves. As a human being, thats really important. This is not just a spectator sport. Hey, im joey aragon. See that film . People call me about this every day. My dishwasher must be broken. You know, its not always the machine. It may be the detergent. Add finish power up to boost your detergent and youll see a huge difference. Watch what it can do. Look at that sparkle now thats clean cloudiness spots tough stains even dishwasher buildup gone just like that so dont give up. Add finish power up. Wow see the difference its a must have [ rosa ] im rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. When the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week. Im like. Yeah, ok. Little did i know that one week later i wasnt smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of depression or other Mental Health problems which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. If you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. It helps to have people around you. They say youre much bigger than this. And you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. We got a message i heard of announcer Stephanie Miller. There is dancing on the floor stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Oh, yeah. Inauguration weekend. Happy inauguration weekend. Were all off to dc. And well be broadcasting live monday and tuesday. And then i have a date with my 90yearold mom on tuesday. I rented a limo and everything. And you are taking her to eat some stephanie [ censor bleep ] lobster. Thats what she wants and thats what she gets. Why doesnt she just say lobster stephanie i dont know, it is a family joke. Troy in miami is going to the big show. Caller hi, stephanie. It is my husbands birthday this weekend. And he said all i want to do is to watch the president be reinaugurated, but what he doesnt know is i have tickets to go see you tomorrow night. [ screaming ] stephanie oh, my god ermahgerd. Nobody tell him caller he is asleep right now, so he wont hear this. Caller i have actually only told one other person. Nobody else knows about it except you. Stephanie well, thank god you didnt say it on National Television or radio. Caller well, it is tomorrow, so i think we can do it. Stephanie oh by the way, still time to buy your sexy liberal tshirt, which im sporting today. Are we selling merchandise in the lobby . Stephanie i dont know. I dont even understand Airplane Mode. I dont know what you can work on on your ipad what does Airplane Mode mean . Oh. It turns off all of your wifi and stuff like that. Stephanie good to know. Oh, god. Stephanie i dont leave my house. Go to settings stephanie this is my life, you two, spinning class, home max and fred. Thats it. Im like a little hamster. You know how they get confused when they get out of their little thing. Thats me. I bet you the person next to you will know how to put it into Airplane Mode. Stephanie ill be like excuse me. Okay. Vice President Biden yesterday. I have been in this fight a long time. I have no illusions about the fight that is in front of us. I have no illusions about distortions that will come from all sides, but i know full well the obstacles that will be thrown up against us are not inpenetratable. Stephanie speaking of people that might throw up obstacles. The nra warns that confiscation could be next. [ world news tonight theme ] but thats not true. Thats a lie. Also being invaded by martians could happen. Stephanie could be. It could happen could happen. Stephanie in an email oh ironically it was also a fundraising pitch. Oh, well. Stephanie in an email sent to nra members on thursday they warn that politicians in d. C. Are closing in fast on your right to keep and bare arms. [ world news tonight theme ] [ mysterious music ] stephanie president obama and antigun legislationors are on a march to ban handguns and firearms. Making difficult and even illegal to purchase ammunition. And this is in all caps, and force you to register your guns with the federal government [ screaming ] stephanie some are even talking about a forced Buyback Program [ screaming ] stephanie okay. First of all you are a lying sack of crap stephanie yeah, there is nothing anywhere about confiscating guns and Buyback Programs as we all know are volunteer. Right. Stephanie they would force you to hundred dollar over your guns in exchange for government cheese. [ mysterious music ] [ laughter ] stephanie the fact is despite their statements the main goal is not to make schools safer, but to ban your guns until they reduce your freedom to ashes mellow dramatic much . Stephanie i know drama queen much . Wayne lapierre . Twenty three executive actions none involve confiscation and buybacks. Which is proof that it confiscation and buybacks stephanie the president has plenty of rich gunhating friends in hollywood, along with billionaire Michael Bloomberg who will shower him with the money he needs to strip you of your gun rights, so please give now [ buzzer ] stephanie all right. Buy my book. Stephanie he does have a book and it is garbage. All right. Karen in new york city. Hello, karen. Caller ho karen in new york . Stephanie yes. Caller thats me then. Good morning. Stephanie good morning. Caller seems to me that the talk about weapons is a little limited. The nra a couple of weeks ago said that they really really resisted the idea of there being a national, sort of count of how many gun deaths there are. Stephanie right. Caller i think that thats the one thing when they started counting car deaths, the regulations on the roads became and Safety Measures became much more stringent. Stephanie karen i have to tell you im of an age where i hated to wear a seat belt, and who are they . They are not the boss of me. You were a young republican back then too . Stephanie yeah. Caller right. Stephanie now we look at it like its just common sense. Dont be a dope. Look at cell phone laws i remember i got a cell phone ticket once im like what there are all kinds of crime, why dont you do some police work. Caller right. Breaks and all of the things that are built into car of old. Im old enough to know before those things were required when they started giving the statistics of how many car deaths there were, the car industry was opposed. Stephanie thats right. You should just stop be your feet like a flint stone. Caller thats right. And once you have the statistics once the numbers are plain out there, they speak for themselves. Stephanie yeah, it doesnt take a genius to go the reason they dont want us to count is this because they know caller exactly. If the number of deaths like there is on the unemployment numbers, and how the stock market is doing, if every week we had the number of deaths from guns, accidental on purpose, crazy people stephanie right. Yeah. Exactly. Senator jeff merkley coming up to talk about the filibuster. Yeah. Stephanie as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme music ] stephanie oh hello, current tv land. Here we are hour number 3. Jacki as you as discombobulated as we are. Are we a man down . Stephanie jim is im not sure. What is it jim . Its its stuff its. Yeah. Oh. Stephanie an Ectopic Pregnancy we think again. But he is going to take a little nappy before we fly today. All right. Well have to carry him on and off the plane stephanie listen, he always cheers up the minute he sees you. Just wear something tight. Yeah, that will be something for the plane. High, high heel, and a tight bandaged stephanie just dress like a hooker for jim. As if flying wasnt unpleasant enough for me. Stephanie here she is Jacki Schechner in the current news center. Good morning, as of this weekend you can say hello to organizing for action. The president s campaign is going to relaunch as a nonprofit and former Campaign Manager jim messina will be the head of the campaign. The organization will be separate from the Democratic National committee and separate from priorities usa, which is the pro obama super pac. As a 501 c4 they are allowed to accept donations and does not have to disclose where the sources are coming from but it will it says. Vice President Biden and his wife are going to be traveling to europe early next month. The Vice President will meet with the german chancer will and british Prime Minister so discuss a full range of issues. A new gallup poll show that threequarters of americans support term limits. Jim demint who just retired after 13 years, proposed a constitutional amendment that would have limited Senate Service to 12 years. But it didnt get the support to move forward in both chambers. Were back after the break. Stay with us. Honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show im walking on sunshine woe ho im walking on sunshine woe ho its time to feel good hey all right now its time to feel good stephanie aha. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Man down. Jim ward is going to take a nappy before the flight to d. C. He is feeling, i dont know a little rumbly in his tummy, something. Stephaniemiller. Com, you can email us all there. Sexyliberal. Com. Dana in maryland love letter see you saturday. Hey, momma and the mook trying to round up all of the d. C. Sss for preshow flirtinis. Four years ago we witnessed the first inauguration of president obama. In November America decided one term just wasnt enough. Do that to me one more time this time around Stephanie Miller are coming to make this a party d. C. Will never forget. The sexy liberal comedy tour starring hal sparks, John Fugelsang, aisha tyler, and the goddess of liberals Stephanie Miller will perform live at the warner theater in washington, d. C. Tickets are available at ticketmaster. Com. If you want to skip the fees stop by the warner theater box office. The tea baggers lost in november, so stephanie is going to do her thing before the inaugural ball. Thats the Stephanie Miller sexy liberal comedy tour live in d. C. On inauguration weekend. For more information go to sexyliberal. Com. Stephanie wa hoo its schechner again good morning. Stephanie good morning. I said you are a helper, if you would dress like a hooker, jim will perk right off. I know im such a bad packer. I have nothing in my suit yet. You are pushing it. Im a dude. Thats what dudes do. Stephanie guys are like thats not that dirty i did all of my laundries yesterday. Stephanie i called jacki in a panic yesterday. Im like help me im not a real girl. Yeah, if you have packing this earring and the flipper. I have the other earring and water wings. Somehow i have it in my head that it will be 80. Stephanie yeah. We would probably do a service to man kind if we would publish our texts between you me and Melissa Fitzgerald. Because it tells you everything about female insecurity. And im like i dont have a long gown and you offered one, and im like no im too fat. If anybody has ever seen Stephanie Millers full body she is like a toothpick split in half. Stephanie yeah and melissa was like hush two tiny girls. Thats right. It will be a blast. Ill try to take lots of pictures and tweet out funny stuff. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie despite my body image here is another story this is why were fat. That website is defunct so stop sending people there. Stephanie why is subways foot long is an inch shorter than advertised. [ laughter ] stephanie really, people 11 inches of sandwich is not enough. Some guy took a picture and it was only 11 inches. Its still a big frikin sandwich, right. They also give you like a slice of meat. Stephanie and here is another story [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie florida signs teacher offers to [ censor bleep ] cop in exchange for letting her drunk hit and run slide. Oh, my goodness. Well, hello, florida. Stephanie yeah first of all. You are from florida. Born and raised. Stephanie a middle School Teachers poorly thought out plan offering sex and a breast grope if he would drop the dui charges. I like the added grope. Stephanie yes, an empty jug of wine appeared near the drivers seat. And she made random statements and at one point asked the cop do you understand im a School Teacher . Maybe she just wanted to teach him something . Because she has watched too many adult films, and thats what teachers do. Stephanie i have a good letter from a psychologist a Mental Health professional well with just some fun facts [ funfacts music ] okay. Stephanie steph as a Mental Health professional i think theres something missing in the gun debate blah blah blah bla background checks are certainly needed. The problem is it likely would not have stopped some of the recent shootings. These people were too young. One was a med student, one was a Mental Health professional in the military. Thats why it is so important to ban assault rifles. These mentally ill people who are dangerous, by have not been charged could get these guns legally. But obviously limits the damage at least probably less because they would have to aim at people to kill them. Most people with these types of illnesses are very limited as to tasks they can complete. If we make getting a gun easy, they are much more likely to complete their task. If we add steps, they are much more likely to not be capable of completing the task. Some good thoughts right . Absolutely. I mentioned this earlier in my newscast, when we were talking about the nra sending out his scare mongering, it has a very death panel feel it to. A very lie of the year healthcare reform death panel it to. Stephanie right. They are hoping it plays into the existing narrative that they think exists about the president. Here we go again, its government overreach. Yeah, and its total fab ration. Vice President Biden sent out an email saying here are the facts. So they are trying to preemptively fight against this sort of thing, and i think that is really important. But i do think you have to focus in on the access to firearms. We can do all of these other things, but as much as the nra wants to face everything but guns, it is everything including guns. Stephanie yeah. And you cant say it is not. Stephanie thats right. Here is senator rand paul. Okay. Stephanie okay here it is. In this bill well nullify anything the president that smacks of legislation. And there are several executive orders that appear as though he is writing new law. That cannot happen. Stephanie every single response of his is he is not the boss of me. Asking the cdc to do some research is not writing a new law. Stephanie right. And all he is doing is fear mongering. Yeah, the public you can read them, and there is nothing hidden there. It is just recommendations of actions that we can take. But people dont have time to read all of the executive actions so they depend on people like rand paul to tell them what is in it and thats where we get into trouble. Stephanie its like the health care bill, right . How many times have you had to answer a question in health care corner, like no, no that is not in there. I read it. No you didnt. Stephanie senator marco rubio. I think the president is not a believer in the Second Amendment. If he doesnt want the Second Amendment to be in the constitution, or wants to reform it, then have guts to admit that. Stephanie how many times can the president say he believes in the Second Amendment. The fact that he did nothing but expand the Second Amendment in his first term because they live in an alternate universe who say everything he does is the opposite of what he is going to do. Stephanie yep. And david king nra president yesterday. Were powerful to the extent that we are, use there are millions and millions of americans who truly care about Second Amendment issues. But nobody is threatening to take away your gun. Stephanie i know. Unless you are a crazy person, then, yes. But those are the people we are targeting, and its with evidence. Stephanie who watched lance and oprah last night. I watched the first 20 minutes of it. Stephanie all right. We have crunchy audio goodness and well get jackis take as we continue were keeping her . Thats fine. I have Nothing Better to do. Stephanie and then well have representative merckly as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. The Natural Energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. To fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. Payday. Fill up and go youve heard stephanies views. No bs, authentic, the real thing. Now, lets hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to Stephanie Miller. The only thing that can save america now current television. Join the debate now. Come to my window crawl inside wait by announcer Stephanie Miller. Come to my window ill be home soon [ laughter ] stephanie damn this tv show. I know. Stephanie i was having a secret conversation with someone. Hi Jacki Schechner. Hello. I have just unpacked and repacked again in my head during commercial break. Stephanie right . I know it. I know it. The later the evening got in box wine time, i was like that wont work. Im thinking fewer skirts more warm pants option. Stephanie right. Highs in the 40s, lows in the 30s until tuesday and thats when the cold weather comes in. Ands the when we live. I lived in d. C. For six years and new york for six. Stephanie right. I grew up in buffalo for gods sake. D. C. Doesnt have buffalos snow at all. Stephanie you would think i would be excited about getting invited to more things, but im just you panic. Stephanie yeah jeff thinks he can get me into the inaugural ball, and im like oh no [ dramatic music ] stephanie another black tie outfit. I said to stephanie what would you wear to a black tie wedding . Stephanie and she and she said im not. Stephanie i know. The big interview last night Lance Armstrong and oprah. And you ruined it for me. He was doping . Oh, chris. [ buzzer ] sorry. You really dont get out of the house, do you . Stephanie here he is. Did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance . Yes. Did you ever blood dope or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance . Yes. In all seven of your Tour De France victories did you ever take banned substances or blood dope . Yes. That was in the first three minutes, and its like okay. Why do i need to watch the next three hours. Stephanie jacki what did you think . Everybody already knows. Do you think he accomplished anything . No, i dont underwhy now. And it is totally sociopathic. He is totally disconnected and the stories you are hearing about how he went out of his way to ruin the people who called him out on what he did yeah, he called them liars and tried to go after them. Stephanie yeah, all of this place out the same way, you are like how long to the tearful Marianne Jones type interview, but i think you are right. This was different. It would be nice to get to a place where doing these sorts of awful things and saying im sorry, and hoping it will just go away isnt good enough. Well see what happens. There is clearly a pr spin machine at work here. Stephanie right. They are clearly spinning his reputation. Stephanie he sorted of acknowledged that. Here he is again last night. Here he is again last night. This is too late. Its too late for um probably most people, and thats my fault. You know, i view this situation as one big lie that i repeated a lot of times. Stephanie thats it. Its the length of time right . And the number of times he repeated it, and the whole rest of it. Its astonishing how he got away with it. Because there were so many people who said he is not telling the truth. And so many people doing it with him. Thats too. How they kept their mouth shut is beyond me . They didnt in the end. And i think he set an example. If you try to tell the truth, here is what is going to happen to you. And at some point it became what is the cost benefit here . Stephanie right. The largest, most sophisticated doping ring ever. You are right last night he said it wasnt the most sophisticated ever. He said it was pretty basic what he was doing. I dont know whether to believe him or not. Stephanie and this one interesting point he made. This story was so perfect for so long uhhuh. And i mean that as i try to take myself out of this situation and look at it. You overcome the disease. You win the Tour De France seven times, you have a happy marriage and perfect children. Its a mystic story. Stephanie we did sexy liberal, jacki, and there is a guy pushing a baby carriage in front of me, and im looking at his calfs going wow that guy is really fit, and it was him. Really . Stephanie yeah. I wonder if he and cheryl broke up because he found out that he was a liar. Somebody put up on twitter what did cheryl know and when did she know it . But i do wonder if there wasnt some component to that yeah, if he was lying about doping, was he lying about their relationship, or in their relationship or whatever stephanie yeah, and all she wanted to do is have some fun. Until the sun comes up over santa monica boulevard. Stephanie exactly. Its fascinating stuff. And a lot of people even criticized him for going to oprah. Yeah, i mean i dont know where he is supposed to go. I guess he assumed she would be gentle and sympathetic. Not in terms of not asking the hard questions, but not nasty, because she is able to handle those sorts of things but it is an interesting choice. Stephanie my guess is it wasnt one of oprahs favorite things. And you get a steroid stephanie love you Jacki Schechner. See you later stephanie representative merkley up next on the Stephanie Miller show. Right have, about the heavy hand of government. I want to have that conversation. Lets talk about it. Really . Youre going to lay people off because now the government is going to help you fund your healthcare. Really . I want to have those conversations, not to be confrontational, but to understand what the other side is saying, and id like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Get real kids you write skits mocking our president to fill time in between car commercials. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. We cant do a show on travel day, we are so d discombobulated. All right. Off to d. C. Today with the big show. Tickets almost gone for sexy liberal tomorrow night. A caller called by the filibuster, and our good friend senator jeff merkley is here to talk to us now. Good morning, senator. Good morning. Its good to be with you. Stephanie good to be with you too. I think ill see you in dc. Im looking forwarded it to. Stephanie we talked about there are two competing filibuster proposals yours and then mccain levin one, right . Yes. Stephanie and obviously i think yours is vastly preferable. Yours mean you have to actually stand there and talk, right . Its a proposal that says yes, we should get rid of the filibuster, why you should filibuster over getting to a bill. Vote up or down lets get to the vote. But very importantly when you do have a filibuster on a motion to proceed on a bill itself then people should have to stand they should have to stand and debate. One it takes time and energy so its not a freebee the way it is now to interrupt the function of the senate and second you are before the American People your colleagues and you have to make your case, and the public can weigh in on whether you are a hero or a bum. Stephanie there you go. You have seen the latest polls that congress is a little more popular that chlamydia, and a little less popular that ebole la. Yeah. It is a situation that has been with us for six years, and lyndon b. Johnson in six years as majority leader faced one, and harry reid has faced 361 in the same sixyear period. And even if you have the 60 votes to end one, they take up the power of the senate. Stephanie you know what is interesting. They just did this study this is no surprise to you, but the 112th congress was the most polarized ever. The distance between the two due to record levels between the 111th and 112th even different than the before when they used to take out pistols and shoot each over. Yes. Stephanie i look at poll after poll i mean 90 of the American People want background checks for gun and you think and yet you hear over and over were probably not going to be able to get any of this gun stuff done. But this is part of the reason right . It is part of the reason. Why are we talking about reducing food stamps and hunger programs at a time when we cant even close a loophole for a oil company. Well, its a filibuster. Dream act, why couldnt we do it . Filibuster. And we had 59 votes to close debate, and we needed 6 0. And when we had that group that said we want more debate no one would go to the floor and defend secrecy. If they had to defend their position, we would have gotten the 60th vote. Stephanie senator merkley, thats exactly right. Force them to defend their wildly unpopular ideas. If you poll half of the things they talk about i dont know if you saw this today, Republican Group brags we stole the house from democrats. They are basically bragging about gerrymandering. Yeah. Stephanie it credits the strategy with overcoming the 1. 1 million votes that went for democrats in the last election, and obviously the Republican House is going to be a big problem, right . Yes and if you think about providing an opportunity for americans to see which direction they want to go, if a senate can pass legislation even if it dies in the Republican House, then americans can say my goodness lets get the democrats back in control of the house, but if both houses are paralyzed and the senate is paralyzed and the house is doing nothing, then it is kind of like throw up your hands and do nothing. Stephanie yeah exactly. Senator merkley for those just tuning in and dont quite understand even what filibuster means. I know a lot of progressive groups came out against the mccain levin version. What is the difference between theirs and yours. Mccain levin doesnt get rid of the filibuster unless you trade it off with amendments. It does not provide any form of talking filibuster. It does not say they actually have to stand and make their case, so it leaves the key tool utilized by the minority and utilized by the democrats before the republicans, this key tool of killing things without taking any responsibility for it, saving any energy for it giving any opportunity for the American People to see who is actually opposing it and paralyzing it, so thats the key problem. And the reason they didnt include it is Mitch Mcconnell will never agree to get rid of his main tool for paralyzing the senate. So they basically punted on the heart of this and thats why that package is is very disappointing, that that the that has been in conversation between those groups. Stephanie senator so when is there a time frame. Is yours coming up for a vote . Or how does this progress . The way it will mark is majority leader reid will convene a caucus and present his vision of what he wants to see happen, and well debate it and argue over it and maybe hell modify his package, maybe we wont. And then well go forward. Hell have to have 51 votes for his package, im sure he will have those voteds, and well have them for a robust package as long as he says this is what we need to do and thats my hope on how this will unfold. Stephanie were all rooting for you. And im told i will see you at some fancy ball in d. C. So well continue talking about this but in better clothes. Okay. Stephanie thank you, senator. Thank you stephanie. I love him. [ applause ] stephanie okay. Tara in california, you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Hey, tara. Caller hey, steph. I have a question about the nra. Im curious to know what the perks are to be members because if all of the members are so disagreeing with the leadership why dont they just stage a massive unmembering . Stephanie i said that yesterday, i wish a lot of people would have torn up their cards after that ridiculous ad that criticized the president s children. And what about the video game they just came out with . They criticized violent video games, and then they just came out with one. Caller i know its crazy. I dont understand how they have so much power. Stephanie i know. There is a new poll 90 of americans want background checks. So everybody is not the nra, by the way. When you said that i looked up the benefits to membership and all you get is some extra Insurance Coverage in case you shoot somebody and representation in congress. So it should be easy to tear up your nra card. You dont get 20 off at chiles or anything like that. Stephanie so what is the point . Right. Stephanie all right. Lets go to trent in minnesota. Hi trent. Hello, trent. Caller first time caller first time listener, and so far im not very impressed. Stephanie awesome. I grow on you trust me. Caller the first part of the show is nothing but bells and whistles, and talking about foot long subway, then you add then you add a statement on there from a professional that says you dont have to aim with an ar15, and we have got to talk about the truth. Stephanie right. Well the obviously they were developed as general mccrystal said as military weapons for the battlefield it is designed to do the most damage in the least amount of time right . Caller no, a shotgun makes more damage than an ar15. It has a. 223 shell. It makes a little bigger than a quarter inch hole in a piece of paper stephanie right, but you can only use a shotgun once and then you have to reload correct . Caller no, you dont have to reload. Stephanie a shotgun is usually one bullet, right . Caller so is an ar15. It has one bullet stephanie but sir, they are having magazines with 30, 50 100 rounds in them. Caller it has one pull of the trigger, one shot you guys are trying to pass laws on opinions when you dont know the facts. Stephanie general mccrystal knows right. He is a military dude stephanie all right. You know what [ gun clocks ] stephanie im just arming myself with the sound effect box at home. [ gun cocks ] stephanie get out its in my box no. I have a cuckoo clock and im not afraid to use it. [ cuckoo clock chimes ]. Stephanie all right. Hang on i got to [ farting sounds ] stephanie no, no no. I have a dull stick. [ cartoon springing sound ] stephanie i have dangry dogs. [ scoobydoos huh . ] stephanie oh, no not scooby doo. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer read white and steph. Its the Stephanie Miller show. At cepacol weve heard people are going to extremes to relieve their sore throats. Oh, okay, you dont need to do that. But i dont want any more of the usual lozenges and i want new cooling relief ugh. How do you feel . Now im cold. Hmm. This is a better choice. New cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. Ahhh. Not just a sensation sensational relief. This monday morning current tv presents special coverage of the president ial inauguration. The circumstance the inside analysis. The president ial inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv. To the left to the left you must not know about announcer Stephanie Miller. You must know about announcer Stephanie Miller. To the left, to the left they are getting back together for the super bowl. Stephanie yes. Beyonce and her assistant. Stephanie fivetyone minutes after the hour. You just slammed stephanie im sick. Im traveling. Its a whole thing. Very few remaining tickets for sexy liberal. Get them. Rocky Mountain Mike will be there. Four years ago stephanie not that one. No. 18. There you go. When did you ask for that . Stephanie just a couple of minutes ago. Okeydokey. I want to meet a liberal chick, i have been apining for a fart joke show she has been drinking boxed wine for such a long time, and she has been working on a fartjoke show and she is not that old stephanie oh thank you. Good save. Stephs been working on a fartjoke show and shes not that old stephanie no. Woohoo Rocky Mountain mike will be there tomorrow night. He will. [ applause ] stephanie wow [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie this is perfect. Barney the dinosaurs son arrested for attempted murder for allegedly shooting a man in the chest. I love you, you kill me [ buzzer ] stephanie no. [ laughter ] thats not stephanie no. Thats not funny. Stephanie no. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Jeff in d. C. Is an nra member. Hey, jeff. Hello, jeff. Caller hey, how are you doing stephanie good go ahead. Caller general mccrystal says m4 and m16 that he carries, and he says they dont belong on the street. And they dont belong on the streets. Nor does an ar15 belong on the streets, but it does belong in the hands of a lawabiding citizen like myself. I have an ffl stephanie what is that . Caller a federal firearms licensee. A shotgun you can have a 15round shotgun with oobucks and it would do much more damage. You have to ban psycho paths, not the tool they use stephanie how are you going to ban human beings . Caller how are you going to stop you know, just by banning guns how are you going to stop them from killing someone . Psycho paths are psycho paths. Stephanie but you said ban them. What does that mean . Caller one guy used fertilizer to kill people. There was a guy down in jonestown who killed people with two words. Stephanie but you said ban people. Caller jim jones said drink this, and he didnt use any weapons whatsoever stephanie okay. I cant have a debate we put limits on cyanide and fertilizer. Stephanie i would like to have a debate, but he wont answer the question. No. Stephanie how is that a reasonable point, ban psycho psychopaths . What . Yes. Stephanie john in washington, hi john. Caller hey, stephanie. I have been an nra member and i heard a report by daniel bashell on Russian Television and what he found out was thing that connects all of these recent killings is they were all taking these antidepressants. And the ones you know. Even chantex, and he seems to have pointed out some problems these particular problems are much more frequent than the Pharmaceutical Company are willing to admit. Stephanie yes. I know they have helped some people, but i dont trust them. I know a friend that went off of them and killed herself many, many years ago. Caller and he was pointing out that when they went before the fda to get these things basically approved, it was big pharma doctored anything to basically minimize these side effects, and i think they are ending up killing a lot of people. You have other cases out here soldiers coming back who have been shooting people up, it has just gotten awful. Stephanie yeah. Hey, looky here [ world news tonight theme ] Stephanie Karl rove has resigned with fox news. But he was spectacularly bad at punditry. Stephanie yeah. It seems they dont spending their money wisely there. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie speaking of 2016 rick sanatorium indicated he is still willing to run. Oh. Stephanie he says that colleges are indoctrinenating students. Frosty the sanatorium will be missed in 2016. Stephanie senator al franken has made it clear in a statement he does support the principal we should reinstate a ban on assault weapons. I guess a press person of his said something that was a little ambiguous. Stephanie he was in a meeting, so he wasnt sure what the president s proposals were. [ world news tonight theme ] Stephanie Lady gaga is teaching her pet dog how to draw. She at patches pens to their legs and puts them on paper. Max and fred they are big. They can do a sistine chapel. They dont have opposable thumbs. Stephanie she just attaches the pens to their legs. And they just scoot across the carpet . Stephanie im that exsent rick. You are already that excentric. Stephanie all right. Well see you monday on the Stephanie Miller show

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