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Corrupt Government Agencies and criminal cartels. Targeted environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. W. Ah, ah, there at the top of the food chain, and yet there endangered a little bit we went to get jackie was established here again and it turned into the biggest project in south america. And missy shaggy was play a t well, so their thoughts are if we release them that will help re balance the entire ecosystem to letter that over with the sandwich. Ah, their mission is huge. In sco, they want nothing less than to rebuild a lost habitat. An american multi millionaire spearheaded the project ah, but his plan was highly controversial. It burst and many argentinians were skeptical and respectfully, emma, when many cowboys in the wetlands didnt get well, people the lamb and say the other number to man from the us comes along and buys up yet rolling plots of land to re wild. It seems on skimming ones but yet body. See ah, many locals opposed the Nature Conservation project. Ah, a so if opinion all into in because him people got suspicious of way so given. Yes. Him but out if we just been farming, no one would have batted an eye, but restoring an ecosystem and yeah, other many people so we were hiding something. I dont owe us up inside. Okay. Yeah. I will. Oh, i i am. Her name is isis. The goddess of birth, this 10 year old female jaguar is here to reproduce. And while she grew up in captivity, her cubs are to be released into the wild. Come off e animal, he. So he go, mike, we brought jag you as i says from sues to help read offspring. Been sunday, we want to prepare more and more cubs growing up in these enclosures for life in the wilds. I thought alice, so my grandma, Sophia Heinen and her colleagues start each day by feeding isis. The mother jaguar plays a vital role, but she doesnt have to hunt for food herself. Since there is no plan to release her into the wild. To day, wild boar is on the menu. Jaguars are the biggest cats in south america, and they eat only mean this treat is an easy catch for the older feline. Only her offspring will have to be taught how to hunt. And sophia hine, and in hopes isis will soon give birth to little ones. You know something the other, i mean, the main thing i went around here to call project seriously. At 1st, even though most people generally have a positive image of jack usa ship, isis is an important component of a vast re wilding project in northern argentina spearheaded by Sophia Heinen. And the team is following an elaborate re wilding plan. Numerous species are being prepared to live out in nature here in the iep at our wetlands. Even the rivers, the flopping sound in this barrow is macro through their food for another species, meant to be saved from extinction giant otters. Ah, successful re wilding means the animals have to learn to hunt. So the young otters have to catch the mackerel themselves. The aim is for them to be able to live in the wild. The otter dives down and after just a few seconds, finds its meal. For sophia, the animals are clearly ready to be released soon. Think unit contina it decades after these river dwelling predators were driven to extinction. We were leasing the 1st ones back into argentinian waterways. Thats always been our big dream that wasnt and because these are the biggest wetlands in argentina, we absolutely need otis in the waterways, just like jackie was on lambs. They released more giant otters into nature each month. Ive been out in dublin into gosselin, under hyundai is an athletic la giant. Daughters are at the top of the food chain in the rivers, and their return can help stabilize the ecosystem. Load us . Yeah. Le, let me know that, ah, this project wouldnt be possible without the hard work of environmental conservationists like biologist, Sophia Heinen. Shes head of the re wilding argentina foundation. Usually he lost his, you say son . Yeah, so yeah, the, the, the, i mean delete that me, me, i causing to Environmental Protection. When i was 16 enough. I participated in Bird Conservation project was in for to create to big National Park. Sell your me, if you want to do something for the planets. I mean, you have to start nature reserves to protect endangered id. She said, well, this is, i mean, ah, jaguars, and many other species disappeared in the 1970s farmers and hunters drove them to extinction. But now the area is specially protected thanks to sophia huntingtons unwavering efforts. Although initially, she could never have imagined what would eventually take shape here. Yes, hello, she had 1st i worked for the or sorry seasonally simply going to be on the and id never heard of someone turning their private property into a National Park and handing it over to the government. But i think boy, not what it did. Our article ladder aint erosion of business. I mean, as others. If it been by releasing endangered species back into the wilds, we hoped to create a functioning ecosystem. Him, when he got it, they monkey up beside, or they go see where we need a highly robust ecosystem. Despite Climate Change and extreme, whether it Resilience Unit resilience. Yeah, but i thus it, it gum, yost gazillion. Ah, it all began with an initiative by Douglas Tompkins, the american multi millionaire, purchased these sprawling wetlands in the mid 19 ninetys. And he was immediately fascinated by the spaces and dimensions it middle, but on our own here, local and Environmental Protection, openness. Zation had told him about property for sale here he and it was love at 1st sight seen from the plane. He noticed there were hardly any animals left your phone. So he thought up a plan to re balance. He has that am. That would assume that it was hit them, he didnt hesitate to buy up all the land with the aim of restoring nature. The funds came from the sale of his clothing companies, the north base and esprit it is february may 9th. And that if i could come back then many of the cowboys in the wetlands didnt understand, sandal get an american, buys up vast plots of land to re wild them. That it seemed unreal. But the locals thought it was some kind of shady business deal. Caviello that us, they said people were suspicious. I will not fantasy along with on north you a thought if acquainted or linda, if we just been farming, no one would have suspected anything data given yeah. For the data. My dont know. We but restoring an ecosystem. Yeah. You know many people thought we were hiding something to secretly tap water or mine Precious Metals to build space rocket. So something through yet or what a law gave been some even thought Douglas Tompkins was a c. I a spy where the seller luna gave yes. There were many conspiracy theories see that i did that i did when i thought people that got beat su on this on the info. But once we worked together with the locals, things change did on in our life i. We started releasing anteaters later pecorino. And now jackie was they realized we were keeping our promise elsewhere new i thought im leaving willows. In 2005, the biologist began collaborating with tompkins and his wife chris. Ah, today this building houses the control center where they monitor their most important project. Re wilding, the jaguars, they use dozens of cameras to watch the big cats around the clock is wrong with not just 10 year old isis, but a little jaguar. Family is also being prepared for release into a larger enclosure. Yes, to go home when he got in early day. Accordingly he got on checked in as the preston dublin with some sons. We cant monitor them directly in an enclosure. We use cameras, gps positioning, and maps to see how they behave and if theyre eating while them william or the female sharona and her 2 cups are set to be moved to an even bigger enclosure soon. And later released into the wild forever biologist magole longo uses the jaguar spur to tell them apart. Each coach is unique odyssey like a fingerprint. Now now now let me just uncle mall. We can recognize the patterns in our female jaggers fur using these photos in the seat that way we know which ones walking by in every video he learns you. I think im out of them. But the jaguars, future pray also has to be re wild it a family of bores is patiently waiting to be set free. This species was also nearly extinct not long ago and began to you guys out. It is so fidelity, like i said, he hagaman, which i feel like like i thought the boys used to be haunted on math 40. I mean, in, at their gasoline a thought for their meat and for their fur had said that i and other animals. And they were hunted to make leather for export and cnn in his ear by sal get aloe he thought. Ah, at the other end of the wetlands, the foundation runs another breeding station thats the only of its kind in the world. For aunt eaters says elder fernandez, hampers the orphans living here, beating them cat food, enriched with fruits and yogurt them. I mean, some have been hit by cars and others have burns. They can live quietly and safely here before being released that they will, athletic, they ill later play a lot better. This, erica, i am lucky to be so close to these animals. Yeah, the icon land ali miley, i see their progress and it fills me with pride though i never would have thought wed grow so close gala. That then was that dan said vacant. Theyre gonna honey melissa. But they have to part ways at some point and make that to to stay there and, you know, said bliss. Yes, never said, im sure theyll cope fine. What the ladder he gives a cousin releasing them in a park. He gave us f yasenya again in the hall. Somebody what i mean, even though im close to them, i want them to be released as quickly as possible in virginia is as soon as theyre ready yet. And even if theyre not with those a boy needle alhambra, ah, theyve already released over 100. 00 anteaters. And their work has paid off. Nature has returned. Ah, the marsh dear, is yet another species. The team is working to re wild. And its working. There population is on the rise. Ah, ah, the jonas this is contina and wound up in the rest of argentina. Only small populations of these animals survived to day. Really go on to eat the router up the marsh deer, a crazy fantasy. You might mistake them for antelope, but are they jump far and have stumpy tails . And they smell like onions on by the way, hell have ye lucky milton. We transported the 1st marsh dear here by helicopter and set them free. Are you . It almost like a life where aiming to restore the original natural state of these marsh lana, i would assume there were less and less grass lands like this around the world due to farming. Fema, marcia the most important species in these areas equal to dental e. Now we hope theyll become endemic to all of north and argentina. Again at some point, says he, chloe, this him, me enter that i lawyer, will. The guy is leopard unsalvageable article, bitter and thought not there in the moon. Ah, our journey takes us to chillen. Patagonia ah lush forests, grassy landscapes, lakes, and homer ah, there population has grown again here in the via chaka book go. Because the area has been specially protected since its purchased by christmas divot in 2003. Thats gonna look like you can see along here it says there is no grass line here. And this is, this is so this is spring time when there should be stocks in the grass and all sorts of new growth. And as you can see, its eaten down because the minute it begins to grow, she eat the new growth. She worked with volunteers in 2012 to restore the nature in this part of patagonia and return it to its original state. They would sometimes go on days long expeditions to collect grass seeds. For instance, the do, the aim was to re wild these scarred lands including bast steps that looked desolate. 10 years ago it was strenuous work. It took forever to build the sacks. The workers came from across the globe, and many volunteered to put their beliefs into action because they were thrilled that Chris Tompkins was biting so ardently to restore the nature. I me but if it still gain, sienna, if i dont care whether its an american or chillin or some one else, old accounts is conserving nature high. Yeah. That gets in the finale going to and that very positive than really sango a concert of us on the bus. It was her an idea that got italy. Yes, i live with you. Ah, chris make David Tompkins and Douglas Tompkins are married. The Douglas Tompkins from the jaguar project in argentina. We accompanied them in 2012. They still owned the land back then. And they were re wilding, just like the wetlands in argentina. The park spans 263000 hectors and it was another dream and the making for the couple. They built themselves a house on the hill top in the middle. From there, they had a great view of the surrounding nature. Chris also used to be a business woman in the fashion industry. She used her wealth to buy this bast property from ranch bosses. What came next was hard work. Nature doesnt conserve itself after all. Her goal in 2012 was to later hand over an intact nature reserve to the to lay and park service. Youre going to regret it at day when they cut the ribbon, like everythings forgotten. So i think we remember that as we get a start another one and this, this one is taking both of our full efforts. So its her at the critical moment when were just halfway through and were very impatient to, you know, have it down because we have a clear idea. You know, what needs to be done is we know that there are many years a still to go. And as how it is gone, the nature has been largely restored and is magnificent. And the tompkins absolutely wanted to preserve it for coming generations. Their plan was both elaborate and extraordinarily costly that they couldnt have pulled it off on their own. Even if they are very rich, the tompkins needed support. I mean, thats why they were constantly on the lookout for partners with. They frequently held events and presented their visions and their accomplishments. With people they invited entrepreneurs interested in conserving nature because and tried to convince new organizations to join i. They always hoped to get new partners involved. You can see my medical this year, but then they go back and the tompkins felt there was a new awareness of the need for sustainability and Environmental Protection. They could add yes in the 1000, in parties due to the increasing interest in climate protection. Because it represents an unique opportunity, whether its a arab spring or either by wall street or the Environmental Movement or piece or the slow Food Movement or community finance. Or there is a huge awakening. Say theres got to be a better way. We are self destructing. But not everyone saw things that way, especially in poor regions like pat a gonna. And chris experience that up close and personal to the man she visited on this day once opposed the tompkins idea. Oh, our sillier suppose. But i used to hunt pumas. Oh, yeah. He worked for the ranchers killing the big cats since they threatened the sheep . No, no, no i but then switched to working for chris. And for the moment the hunter gone, conservationist had little to say and preferred not to talk about his former job. But he did tell us about his change of heart because the tompkins efforts to protect the puma were contagious. Even for a former hunter like him. That in for a single my an i always get up at 5 and then ride off around 630. 00. I have to cover a lodge area and im always out for a really long time. I used to look after herds of cows to in the open on did not hear you can them up although his job may have a hint of wild west romanticism, its absolutely grueling. Thanks to the special protections. Palmers have been multiplying in the areas adjacent to the nature reserve, where herds of sheep and cows still graze. Ranchers happened raising their voices against the big cats. The animals are considered a threat to the herds, and they claim everything has just gotten worse. Since the tompkins arrival and are celia supposed that his job is to prove the poem as dont pose a threat. He tries to track the pumas, which have been fitted with transmitters to find their territories, and how they move around. And to show they rarely prey on sheep. At 1st, he doesnt notice any trace of the pumas, but then a all there bolton, thats where the signals coming drawn. They snatched wild, gwen arcos. I found their bodies were in a 2nd. It takes a lot of luck to film pumas every winter when its easier to track the cats through their paw prints in the snow, the pomo conservationist and his team from the nature park catch a few animals. And theyre examined and fitted with tracking devices about 34. 00 promos are estimated to be living in the entire park. And we stopped the killing of thomas. That really became the number one issue of the park, which is so interesting because theres no controversy surrounding this park at a national level. The controversy is really here with local people worrying about the fact that payments are no longer killed here and there. And theres no life stock here to take the pressure off of neighboring ranches, so they see it now as a kind of puma breeding center. Ah, the tompkins ignored such beliefs and Chris Tompkins later handed over the entire property to chile. Ah, the 2 business minded americans deeply cherished nature and their project proved a success ah no, back in the e, but i, wetlands of argentina. The tompkins and Sophia Heinen had to do a bit of persuading to win over the local population. In the, in the key was tourism and cottages like this one where tourists can relax in the middle of paradise. Isnt adding that, but he is here by doing the tourists enjoy spending the night here. Yeah, the main idea is then to experience the couch as day to day lives, ito and come in contact with them. Yes. Hello. And if they dont get him with go chose our argentinian cowboys. The wetlands are their traditional domain and their farms are located at the edge of the marshland. Theyve been working on horseback for Cattle Breeders for centuries, but they only recently joined the Nature Conservation project. In canada, senator, come with a new attic in of song. Weve established tourism here from scratch. I was looking to host the gout shows, didnt know about tourism savvy case if theyd never hosted, guess its not with you yet. So we worked out a concept in some of that article and we emphasized that, even though cappy bar as may seem pretty common to them, theyre special to tourists. Its uncle morning, but i use open interests, love taking pictures of them. No duty day. We got a pin till the new colo, your i la la la, like i thought, the visitors get to go on horseback adventures right through the wetlands and with real cowboys. Tourists get a look at the traditions in this part of northern argentina. And its all possible in harmony with nature. This seems to be the beginning of a new source of income for the gout shows who were initially skeptical about Nature Conservation. Li, i dont think you know, the in order for a Tourist Destination to work, you need a few different aspect. Good infrastructure, trained staff and advertising, and weve been helping the couches for years. Sometimes we provide assistance for 5 years. Once things are up and running, we hand over our bungalows to the local towns, so they have a new source of revenue. The park itself is free of charge, of course. I suppose you could at least mm hm. These changes may be small, but the aim is sustainability and reconciling humans and nature. The cobit pandemic of 2020 and 21 may even have sped up the whole process. With me. Until now people felt safe and city. But since the coven crisis, theyve been seeking out safer places that often in nature, but he can feel it when youre here. Ah ah but gout chose hope the people will come in. Ill visit us, go back home with pleasant memories. We tried to inspire them, got me on hold. But the gout shows are more than tourist guides. There also rangers in the newly established National Park, re wilding has changed their lives. The tompkins have also included residence in southern chile as well. Their Environmental Company employs about 40 people, houses were even specially built for them. For the tompkins, it was a project of passion. The mom, my and there was a lot to do. You go no, once a business woman and outdoor apparel is gonna be, chris took the reins and the Nature Conservation business ones. Oh no. You have biologist. You have veterinary you have you have people who are involved in repairing heavy equipment. Its like a town. Its like being a mayor at a town. Ah, the Small Organization re wilding, the entire region on behalf of the tompkins, also runs a school for the employees. Children. Ah, there are 2 teachers for just 11 students. And thats quite special for southern chile because its hard to find good employees for jobs in this remote area if their children dont have access to a decent education. English i with the american conservationists, had to take these factors into account. Would anybody whos willing like its all important . Not just in terms of our school to people from abroad, came here and opened our chilean eyes. Theyve shown us that we have to value our nature with the teaching may be strict, but recreation time is a must and its usually outside. Recreation is often combined with outings into nature. So students can learn about its significance while having fun move. There was a tragic accident in 2015. Douglas tompkins, the initiator of the conservation projects in argentina and chili, died while out kayaking here. It was a terrible shock for his wife, chris, and the entire team at the Environmental Protection foundations he had founded. He loved south americas nature, and he done a lot to protect it. When one more day agony lawmaking salem, and we were all taken by surprise when douglas died in an accident in 2015. Seem like you asked that i got what we thought he was unstoppable and would always be around founding new National Park example. Huh. So, but at the were and then from one minute to the next all he was dead. Hm. Wonderful. But we quickly realized we just had to keep on going to now debate, then him. Okay. He said, what would become of the nature parks, Douglas Tompkins had purchased his wife chris handed over the sprawling re while did landscapes to the governments. She gave the via chuck a book o and pot to go nea to chile and the e, but i wetlands to argentina. In both cases, she made it a condition for them to be permanently maintained as nature reserves. Now a few years later, the Nature Conservation center in the wetlands of argentina appears extremely quiet. But after decades of preparation, the moment every one has been waiting for has come, the jaguars are to be set free. The unique project was long in the making, simply at that time ive been to a lateral bless. We tried to sing long time since about what will happen in one or 200 years. One thought that less chris and all of us have put a lot of money and energy and this project was yet okay. Thats why we realised the government was in a better position to protect this property in the long term. And if it were to remain in private hands and be reliant on donations tianna, when we were glad, the Argentinian Congress finally declared the property and National Park and protected by the constitution known about the holy cl. If youre in a parking at united, ah, it would have been a nightmare for sophia hine in it if there had been no long term perspective for the newly created ecosystem. But now one jaguar family has already been released along and preparations are underway for the 2nd one. The head of the institute of tourism from a neighboring province arrives to witness the jaguars being moved to a larger enclosure he wants to implement. A similar project is us it as well, and we want to do something similar in chaco province, though. Know how gaining a lot of what we want to benefit from their experience. Weve been it, only sophia and the others have achieved a lot with alika. But i can present thing, been evaluated until july, and the National Park finally has jaguar offspring. Im in new york on in the same year that ive seen dalio charles in anybody can us an unrepentant. Here biologist magole longo uses an acoustic device to search for the 1st jaguar family set free a month ago. It has a range of one and a half kilometers and shes receiving sporadic signalfx it alan laughing. Now listen, satiyakubi live close to their mother. Then they hunted in the open, where they can run and they never moved too far away from their mother and where they were born. And what on thats why we built an enclosure right in this area. Said that the jackie was the define their surroundings as their hunting grounds complete, and thats whats happened about the really low week. Assume that its interactive is little gordon is alexi lampe. Ah, now the female jaguar is sharona and her 2 cubs are to be moved into the big enclosure in preparation for their own release. Later. This requires a range of extensive measures. Ah, what Sophia Heinen and her team need to be able to monitor any step toward freedom both day and night. So they installed cameras with night vision everywhere. But there was no room for error. With godaddy it just in the big enclose. So we teach them to hump seesaw. They have to learn to kill big prey, such as cappy bar as obviously as on. And they are supposed to get used to people said that there were no conflicts of later out in the wilds. Russia knew completely, emma, you know, they could be in the us had gotta say hello loaded. Ah. Then they opened the big gate so that jerone can move to this enclosure about the size of 40 soccer fields. And the 4 year old female under 2 cups begin inspecting their new territory. The biologist entered team are excited. Theyve been working towards this day for years. Ah, i filled out. Meanwhile, magole longo monitors the already released family using gps coordinates and is surprised. The family is only moving around within a relatively small area. Im in my own show when it is in the family is just easy. 50 hex has it, but you know, many jack, you have to cover much larger areas. Thousands of heights has humility study up. Would some jackie was even need tens of thousands of hacked. Has went to the fact the family be released into the wild is using just 50. Hacked has implies that theres a not to eat, that for the female adults, him the 2 cub aesthetically perpetual. Ah, serona is now managing to hunt for copper barrows in the enclosure. So shes ready to be set free. So be a highland and tracks the families every step on these monitors. And in the middle of the night, it happens. The family steps through the open gate and into the National Park. Amazon. Its when you complete much, i will tell you this. Our dream is coming through the looking pick on the jackie was live in the wilderness again, and the people are happy to be involved with all this project weve been working on for over 20 years. Wouldnt have been possible without the local load. I mean, so if were plant della selling dennis it was Douglas Tompkins, who had the idea and the funding unfortunately, he didnt get to see the jaguars be released in the end. But his legacy lives on and grows stronger every day. Killable yadda bellow, you know, but its a real pity that douglas didnt get to see this and take part in it, because before together, for so long up against so much adversity let keep the matter on. So when you get out of those, but again i no one believed in our dream at 1st month in to what i, but about that is, but at least his wife chris got to experience this moment. Is youll go katies ear after in, during the pain of douglas his death. She worked with the government to turn this property into a National Park a legacy. And now jag you as the finally running free out of finance them, if they momento get some of you in the order call, i leave it as much. I would have been it all took a great deal of willpower resources and perseverance. But the tompkins pushed on and succeeded in their Nature Conservation efforts as a family, as a just personally, i seen those jaguars walk through that. Gay was kind of an epiphany that these things that just 10 years ago or 15 years ago, we thought, i dont know that we thought it was impossible. But we thought that it was a long shot in the absolute long shot. For the 1st time in 50 years, jaguars now live in the wild here in the e. But i wetlands and if Sophia Heinen has anything to say about it, this wont be the final project. She has new plans and store for an even bigger nature park instead of land or con condo, who am i load a soda . I thought would i, we want to engage with politician this and ensure this an even bigger, coherent eco system takes shape in north and argentina. Obviously with today e. So to thought it be set out, we want new, similar, National Parks to become established elsewhere. I said no money caught fuel, but a salary. Does it better to save endangered species and rebalance our ecosystem function aliyah quasi them a couple. Im also then owner last younger than they showered at this august. Lacking faith lory aykl, more new, large populations of jag, you as of the fruits of progress, all of south america, so urgently requires that can be naughty, but cannot also americanize, youre good. Okay, so america, the continent needs and ecological shift. We all went there. But a boy to sell well as a busy boy, a him out of the will. Power of environmental conservationists like us to enable this shift to succeed, leaked us, but up already an animal combo on or went, ah, the last images of jerone and her cubs came from this surveillance camera. They later disappeared into the wilderness without a trace. Exactly as planned. Ah, its a difficult time for italys Rainbow Family for monica and maria george, some maloneys election victory is a nightmare. They see a hostility against the l g b t q Class Community a. In a worst case scenario, would they be ready to leave the home country focused on europe . In 30 minutes on d, w is the end of the pandemic in site. We show what it could look like will return to normal. And we visit those who are finding it difficult with successes in our weekly coven, 19 special. In 90 minutes on d. W. O. A white and the pillar of sticks and society. Taxes the right to living taxes and the obligation to pay them both inherent in the sovereignty of invasion, states and their citizens. But what happens when the power of taxation is undermined . Cant pay wont pay. Taxation and politics starts october 21st on d w. Ah, this is d w news and these are our top stories. Lawmakers have some and donald trump to give evidence about the january 6th storming of the u. S. Capital. The Committee Investigating the riot voted unanimously to compel

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