Transcripts For DW Business 20190321 18:15:00 :

Transcripts For DW Business 20190321 18:15:00

but further to the period where you sense of exaggerating the. loss of the roses over here we're going to reach out. by sort of a lot of what are some of the most urgent challenges that need to be resolved in the short term. i think one of the main things is trying to develop a system in the process where you can get to with many people as efficiently as possible hole as it is that is going to separate a huge area as i said setting up those systems where we're going to get. moving closer to those people who said the biggest areas which i. call a system that is going on. now in the early stages of all providing humanitarian relief to those people. sole voters assistant director for mozambique for the aid organization care thank you so much there are. crossed
the border in zimbabwe the situation is just as dire there was also badly hit by cycling many today. during a flood victim in zimbabwe money money district the elderly man died when the mudslide crushed his home. in the team i'm in pain my father in law had a painful death the house collapsed because of the cyclists it's hard to accept that he died that way and i think all want to be sure we are fortunate that our mother survived. she was rescued alive so he's. the official death toll from cycling is in bob way stands at around one hundred but hundreds more injured money money all missing for your dad. people worry they won't have a body to bury with reports of corpses floating down stream into neighboring mozambique
flash floods and landslides swept through this region leaving piles of rubble behind. by desperate moments and a desperate situation for the two money money community in the eastern part of zimbabwe where this community was the hardest hit when cycle on the day swept through most of the and zimbabwe you see some of them have lost their entire belongings and they have nothing that they asked to do on trees. and nothing to do but wait. to move would all of this. ended their hope or my family we've afflicted because we are here to think don't we have nothing to. even. ourselves it's not this disaster is happening my only consolation is that my family and i are alive.
people. help is patchy roads and bridges that haven't been swept away are often still impassable. helicopters are lifting out the critically injured when they can a low cloud means they can only fly occasionally. if. he's. been crushed by admired or storms or houses for them over the summer fractures broken limbs and doctors here say they're now seeing rooms turned septic because it's taking so long to reach the injured for those bringing help it's a race against time. police in south korea have arrested two men for lately running a spy camera operation in hotel rooms around the country intimate footage of unsuspecting guests was lifestream to paying customers online well the case is part of
a bigger problem in south korea and our reporter william i know a good craft has been tracking this story it is creepy it is disturbing i don't know where to begin let's begin with what the police are saying right so the police as mentioned arrested two men two for additional people are under investigation for implanting into these hotel rooms forty two rooms and thirty small hotels and ten cities around south korea. very small cameras into things like phone boxes and hair dryers and t.v. digital boxes. to spy on people six hundred people at eight hundred couples and to essentially make sex tapes illicit sex tapes these videos were then live stream to a website that these people had allegedly set up with as many as four thousand members watching these videos live some of these members even paid forty five dollars the equivalent forty five dollars a month for extra features like replaying the videos and this has been going on since at least november and police say it's the first time that these kinds of
videos were broadcast live online like live stream live stream people to watch them and live through them ok how i'm imagine there's been public outrage and how have authorities reacted to that public outrage i mean outraged is not just with this case this is unfortunately one case in a very long string of such cases south korea's facing what people there say is a crisis a spy cam porn crisis that authorities are just starting to wake up to we see in two thousand and eleven there were thirteen hundred cases of illegal filming and this includes you know filming up women's skirts filming it putting secret cameras in changing rooms in toilets and in two thousand and seventeen and we're looking at sixty five hundred cases so we're looking at an increase in cases or at least more attention being paid to these kind of cases so much so that the police in seoul for example have hired women to go into public toilets as many as twenty thousand public toilets to an almost daily basis inspect them for hidden cameras not so much of a problem this is theirs even digital undertake or what they call digital undertaker
companies and the government is doing this themselves to scrub the internet of photos and videos of people with that were taken without their permission and yet still advocates and women are saying it's not enough the laws are not strict enough in fact of all the thousands of cases that have been registered less than three percent of the queues were arrested and of that five percent only face jail time it's an endemic problem that the authorities will have to tackle assume a reporter william no i glue cross thank you. chinese president xi jinping has started a five day tour of europe which will take him to italy france and monaco mr cheney's plane touched down a row earlier today any of these seen as a promising partner for china's belts and wound infrastructure initiative as its sports and motorways offer easy access to europe's markets chinese president's visit comes shortly after the european union released a ten point plan outlining a shift to more assertive well ations with beijing.
from a distance tree s new port area built on reclaimed land doesn't look like much yet in future this section of the harbor may be operated by china as a trance shipment point for markets in central and eastern europe the northeastern italian city is currently celebrating the port of tree s three hundredth birthday for local politicians and businesses china's planned investment is a huge opportunity c.f.e. we don't want to sell the port we just want to rent it out i see that as a huge economic opportunity for the entire regional market cardio. it's not that china is offering us something to participate in the belgian road we have something to offer them as a stake in the harbor that's how you have to see it we've been developing this port for four years now. the harbor basin is eighteen meters deep meaning that even large container ships can unload their cargo here china has
already purchased a majority stake in the greek port of paris in the mediterranean tree asked in the northern adriatic would be a further foothold in the region. the european union is investing around one hundred thirty five million euros in the port that sorely needed to modernize much of the infrastructure. i put cash strapped italy also welcomes financial backing from china there's only occasional criticism of its role as a strict. investor. but if you. believe anyone is thinking about the role china is taking on in the world but if i just think about how they treat their workers then i don't know if they're the right partner for us in a boyband whether that can have a good future. pull toward each other. such concerns aside most interests see only positives in becoming a further gateway to europe for china's belt and road initiative. nears elance
prime minister just under our town has announced that the government hopes to have a ban on semiautomatic and military style weapons in place by next month the move follows friday's fatal shootings at two mosques in christ church which left fifty people dead. one of the many vigils taking place across new zealand this week to our right as the country continues to come to terms with its worst mass shooting it's also taking radical steps to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. today i'm announcing that new zealand will ban all military style seamy order magic weapons we will ban or pats with the ability to convert seeming automatic or eny other type of firearm into a military style simi or dramatic weapon the lone gunman who opened fire on
worshipers at two mosques in christ church was armed with semiautomatic rifles he's believed to have modified them with high capacity magazines to make them fire faster from now on all of this along with assault rifles will be banned in new zealand owners of such weapons will have to turn them into the police but we as always want to do everything we can to ensure those people. get to bring the far arms to soarin surrender them to us and make that possible and possible quickly new zealanders in christchurch and the cross the country had largely welcomed the law change as a necessary step to keep their communities safe. i think it's a step on the right direction something must change for space on the last experience i know some people could see this as a reaction. across reaction because of one person the consequences from what we've seen is this terrible and something must change i play nothing like that so i
haven't gotten a hard gun laws will stop them from happening again the two mosques will reopen their doors on friday when must commemorations to mark a week on from the attack are due to take place. aren't to take you back now to this story that's dominating the political agenda here in your brags a british prime minister theresa may is still in brussels on that mission to delay the u.k.'s departure from the european union now while she's just scrambling to avoid a no deal bragg's it e.u. leaders are meeting in brussels for a summit. they have now said in a draft statements that they would be prepared to hand britain a short break to delay but only until may twenty second that's a whole lot shorter than the three month delay that tree semi was originally asking for and that offer would come with strings attached britain's parliament would have
to ratify the brakes a divorce agreement by next week. while germany as an american gave a speech in the bundestag ahead of that high stakes meeting in brussels let's take a listen to a part of what she said about to china to reach a compromise it's been nothing short of it is my firm conviction that we need to have a structured withdrawal of britain from the e.u. it's not just in the interest of britain itself which of course many then believe as well but it's also very much in the interest of germany and the interest of the twenty seven other member states of the e.u. . missed been about toy. and i believe the key problem that has to do with the whole question of ireland let's end this do not move. it out i'm going to talk about that in a minute with your chief political correspondent linda crane who is with me here in the studio let's start with the cautious optimism that was displayed
a little earlier today by the chancellor she believes that a compromise was possible now that we know that there is a draft agreement on extending it maybe until may twenty second giving may until may twenty second was she right to be cautiously optimistic well she basically said you know we really need an orderly solution and i believe one is possible and it's absolutely necessary and because this is a very momentous event that we all need to work as hard as possible right to the last minute to make that happen. but there was a but attached to her optimism she said absolutely it depends on the parliament in london they have to agree on the exit plan otherwise she said we are preparing nonetheless for a no deal for the worst oh my for us what berlin's take is on the ireland issue the
chancellor repeated again today that berlin does sign off on the amendment to the backstop that was agreed to in strasbourg basically this amendment saying that the parties will not regard the backstop as a permanent long term measure but that there will have to be negotiations nonetheless in order to find an acceptable process for a long term exit that would then allow the backstop to to become essentially no longer necessary now the chancellor said today this that germany signs up to that but it is sufficient as it stands and that this is a very well negotiated agreement in other words there is no more room for maneuver in germany's eyes this is it this is the deal either parliament signed up to it or it's not you all right now how what about other e.u.

Related Keywords

People , Areas , System , Al L , Assistant Director , Stages , Relief , Voters , Aid Organization Care , Mozambique , Situation , Many , Border , Zimbabwe , Father , Man , Law , Cyclists , House , Death , Home , Flood Victim , Team , Spain , Zimbabwe Money District , Mudslide , Mother , Way , Mo Ney , Cycling , Reports , Death Toll , Dad , Corpses , Body , Bob Way , One Hundred , Piles , Region , Landslides , Rubble , Flash Floods , Part , Money Community , Two , Some , Cycle , Community , Hit , Nothing , Family , Move , Trees , Belongings , Hope , Don T , Disaster , Consolation , Help , Roads , Haven T , Helicopters , Storms , Iadmired , Cloud , Houses , Police , Rooms , Men , Injured , South Korea , Doctors , Race , Limbs , Case , Country , Footage , Customers , Lifestream , Guests , Hotel Rooms , Spy Camera Operation , Problem , Story , William Noi Glue Cross , Investigation , Craft , Lets Begin , Things , Cameras , Hotels , Cities , Phone Boxes , Spy , Boxes , Hair Dryers , Couples , Forty Two , Thirty , Ten , Eight Hundred , Six Hundred , Videos , Stream , Members , Sex Tapes , Website , Forty Five Dollars , Forty Five , Four Thousand , Time , Kinds , Features , Authorities , Outrage , One , Cases , Crisisa Spy Cam Porn Crisis , String , Facing , Filming , Thirteen Hundred , Two Thousand And Eleven , Toilets , Changing Rooms , Kind , Attention , Increase , Up Womens Skirts Filming , Seoul , Sixty Five Hundred , Two Thousand And Seventeen , Women , Example , Undertaker Companies , Basis , Twenty Thousand , Government , Internet , Laws , Photos , Enough , Permission , Xi Jinping , Chinese , Fact , Queues , Thousands , Five , Three , China S , Partner , Tour , Infrastructure , Cheney , Plane , Initiative , Belts , Europe S , Row , Wound , Italy , Monaco , France , European Union , Offer , Visit , Markets Chinese , Motorways , Sports , Well Ations , Shift , Point Plan Outlining A , Beijing , Harbor , Tree , Port Area , Section , Gland Doesn T , Port , Investment , Politicians , Opportunity Cfe , Markets , Trance Shipment Point , City , Birthday , Central And Eastern Europe , Something , Road , Opportunity , Market Cardio , Container Ships , Stake , Cargo , Harbor Basin , Eighteen , Four , Majority Stake , Much , Foothold , Paris , Greek , Northern Adriatic , One Hundred Thirty Five Million Euros , One Hundred Thirty Five Million , Role , Criticism , Backing , Cash , Thinking , Investor , Anyone , District , Us , Workers , World , Each Other , Belt , Future , Positives , Boy Band , Gateway , Concerns , Interests , Prelance , Place , Mosques , Style , Weapons , Semiautomatic , Prime Minister , Town , Shootings , Ban , Christ Church , Fifty , New Zealand , Vigils , Steps , Terms , Order Magic Weapons , Tragedy , Xpats , Gunman , Firearm , Automatic , Deny , Type , Ability , Fire , Weapon , Worshipers , Rifles , Assault Rifles , Capacity , Magazines , Everything , Owners , Arms , Soarin , Step , Safe , The Cross Country , In Christchurch , Reaction , Consequences , Direction , Person , Experience , Space , Commemorations , Aren T , Gun Laws , Doors , Attack , Theresa May , Mission , Agenda , British , Leaders , Draft Statements , Summit , Departure , Meeting , Iteu , Deal Bragg , Hand Britaina Short Break , Lot , Parliament , Second , Tree Semi , Strings , Delay , Twenty , Germany , Speech , Divorce Agreement , High Stakes , Brakes , Brussels , Bundestag , Interest , Course , Compromise , Listen , Conviction , Withdrawal , Member States , Toy , Twenty Seven , Linda Crane , Optimism , Question , Ireland , In The Studio , Draft Agreement , Chancellor , Giving May Until Twenty Second , Solution , Event , Need , No Deal , Worst , Exit Plan , Issue , Berlin , London , Amendment , Backstop , Strasbourg , Process , Term , Parties , Measure , Order , Negotiations , Exit , Deal , Room , Agreement , Maneuver , Words , Eyes ,

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