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Germanys military capability and readiness and that goes hand in hand with someone that was enough on the line has tried to present she on the one hand has tried to obviously improve the capabilities of the military and on the other hand she has tried to present a vision of a germany that is more and more ready to act internationally more and more ready to lead also on an International Stage not going to last surely but something that she described a few years ago as leading from the center and otherwise in other words leading alongside other liberal countries something that she stressed in the past as i said under something that in a way could help her position if she is indeed chosen as the head of the European Commission. The Dutch Social Democrat of france to months because particularly of his more open position on migration but also funding that we should say she was a very supportive stood behind Trance Americal and her policy towards migration and refugees during the migration a crisis here in 2015 wasnt she. Yes and when you one day calls legacy you will probably also have to look at the role that rules were found alive and played not only as Minister Of Defense but also in previous positions positions as Minister Of Labor and Family Minister as well shes described as someone who also helped Angela Merkel move towards the center of the political spectrum something that has helped Angular Merkel in the past but on the other hand also led to the rise of the if the the far right a danger when you look at our Founding Line you also have to consider that a role that she in particular defended when she was Family Minister and Labor Minister she then moved to a position as germanys Minister Of Defense germanys 1st female Minister Of Defense a very difficult position on their views not one genius there are not the same views if you ask different parties and different members here in germany different politicians there are those who support her role there are those who criticize her role as germanys Minister Of Defense there is still a Long Way To Go Thomas we have to wait to see if the European Parliament indeed confirms her to be the next Commission President but if she is confirmed what would that mean for germany. It would certainly mean 1st and foremost a victory for Angela Merkel probably a rather quiet victory for on them a call in particular after a few days ago she was seen as someone who could probably lose out in all of this as her preferred candidate month was day and day and day seen as someone who were not good that top position but in the end. Did manage to get that top german position on not only a top position for a german but a top position for one of her closest political allies as i already said it was a reform deadline has been described as the only person the only minister who has continuously since the 2005 that is since im going to call became german chancellor so if theres one partition here in berlin who can who knows im going to call from a to say that is a foreign deadline and the other way around as well so thats why some people are describing it as a victory for Angela Merkel the other side of the coin sumi is a Social Democrats The social democrats who are the junior partners of the Grand Coalition here in berlin they have been very critical of this nomination they were in favor of the socalled spits and condi dot proses they say there was enough on the line and was not even a candidate for one of the top positions on that why they will not support underly and becoming the next head of the e. U. Commission all right our Political Correspondent here in berlin thomas farah thomas thank you will come back till a bit later and if youre just joining us a reminder that you leaders have no agreed on the blocs top jobs the outgoing european Council President donald presented all the names at a Press Conference a little while ago he also talked about the Decision Making process heres what he had to say. 5 years ago we needed 3 months to decide it and only those who are against. Us and nobody wants against. Even if germany ups its on their Commission President to do it through subtle issues in their Government Coalition but. The whole book. All right lets bring back idea to barbara vessel who is in brussels following all the latest for us barbara we heard there that donald tusk stressing the solidarity that is being shown by the fact that this package of names has been agreed upon we heard france is also say that the agreement ensures that europe is not divided that being fat it was a lot of work to get to this point wasnt it. Oh it was 2021 hours i think from sunday till monday around noon and it was a devastating picture afterwards because leaders had to leave without finding this resolved without finding this Common Ground that was sorely needed and they had in that process sort of as we heard from mexico from an earlier shot down the 2 candidates off the European Parliament and now they finally managed to pull together but they were quite aware of that they had to have a Success Today They Couldnt Carry On like this i mean they were absolutely looking ridiculous if they just started haggling and sort of infighting amongst each other they just have to sort of become constructive and pull a few names on to the head that would be acceptable to all sides and now we have heard from the Eastern Europeans from president mike wrong even from the spanish Prime Minister Peterson Sanchez and others that yes they could live was the german candidate with the german in the top job for president and it was a lot fun to line and is so that is the pros says to us describes it was more painful than it has ever been before but in the end they got there and this is what we look to for the future were going to spend more long nights in this Council Building here certainly certainly something to look forward to barbara now weve come to as a fund line as the nominee for the european Commission President why was she chosen wasnt really a case that there were no other candidates that everyone could get around. There were there was good does not candidates or even more our names were being floated from the creation of Prime Minister plank of the church to i mean more or less everybody who has ever held office in in europe i mean some International Newspaper sort of made a game on of it and sort of had those long list of 101215 people just a week ago and said like one as everybody and their uncle is applying and sort of trying to get into this job and so there was a lot of competition but then you had to lets talk about Gender Balance i mean the european leaders had promised that this time they would fill the top jobs with 2 women and 2 men now women in the top tier of european politics are not that easy to come by and if it had to be now and the circumstances a conservative woman not that easy to come by so yes after some thinking on the line emerged her name has been floating a couple of days ago we even asked her if you daisy to nato background what she would say to that would she care to comment and she sort of barely grinned and quickly left the room she really didnt want to be burnt in that case is so it was not easy but it was i mean there were a lot of names in the had a lot of names were being bandied around and in the end yes she was the candidate that was left that everybody could say yes she might do a good job and yes we can agree to her and we think she she will not sort of deep divisions in europe as some of the candidates might have done or at least their reputation is for doing that we mentioned shes a close ally of german chancellor Angela Merkel she spoke a little while ago at a Press Conference lets listen to what she said. I think its important to underline that we were able to decide in great can image it today it is important because this affects the ability of the European Union to work in the future because we only have to give her bait we all have to move but once again the European Council has been able to furnish proof of the fact that it is capable of doing so and that. Given the disparate conceptions in europe and amongst the various party groups and families and the various Prime Ministers i believe not to be an asset that weve been successful in doing just that the European Council has proved its ability to take action just think thats a Fair Assessment the European Council after 3 days of negotiating has proven its ability to act. I mean thats the way to put a way to put it and we know that angle americal always stays very honorable that she never shows triumph and that of course this is a political triumph or a she in the end managed to sort of put germany into the top job and. A close ally of off for herself so yes she is the cat that got the cream in a way but of course she sort of points to the council and says yes its all my colleagues its the european leaders who have made this possible and to in the end sort of manage to agree i mean better than having not agreed because some observers here fear that this might drag on for days and days and that would have been a spectacle that they wouldnt really want to show for the rest of the world and barbara just briefly tell us about one of the other big nominees that we saw Christine Legarde from the i. M. F. Being nominated for the post of the head of the European Central bank how significant is that. That is extremely significant maybe the at least the 2nd most important job in the European Union because shes the guardian of the year of stability and she is responsible for Fiscal Policy and we heard earlier from the business side of things that of course in case of new turbulence at the Financial Markets or how will she react she is the one who holds europes economics and Economic Future in her hands wall and so that is extremely important then we have the belgian Prime Minister sean michel to lead the council he needs to have a lot of steadfastness to sort of survive these extremely long negotiations and then we have to spend a foreign minister burrell as a top diplomat in europe that is a compromise because spain absolutely wanted to have opposed as a gift for agreeing to fund a line so thats the whole package thats the people who are going to lead europe if this is still the if the European Parliament in 2 weeks time it to them indeed barbara right Barbara Basell there in brussels for us thank you lets bring in max huffman who since trust back max we just heard barbara vase all say it these are the nominees they would be the next leaders of the European Union if the parliament confirms that what will we see there and stress part. They dont have to confirm all of them they thats why you have a very different wording in what the European Council in brussels published so they proposals it off on the line because thats the one that the parliament actually has to approve the council can elect its own Council President shall michelle in this case but really the key position is was it off underline the most powerful position the Commission President and i think you know a really interesting twist in the whole story is that you have now a candidate or a proposal for the Commission Presidency from the conservatives the European Peoples Party which is also the party of im going to cook and also the party of months did they vote who was the official lead candidate for the conservatives so he must feel pretty bad and what were hearing is that his party who fought for him who farts fought for him being the lead candidate and afterwards the Commission President today had a very emotional meeting here in straws burke rare month of a boss said that he was giving back his mandate as a lead candidate as a spitz and cut it out saying my journey started right here in september and this is also where it and this is so although you have a victorious at least for now it was a tough on the law and there are a Wouldnt Say Corpses but there are a whole lot of political careers in the wake of that decision right next we just have a little bit over a minutes time left to talk to you but just as you get some things up coming from the European Parliamentary election 6 weeks ago to now what do you take away from this entire process and the package of nominees that we end up with. What im really taking away from is is that the whole process in the e. U. Right now is so in transparent and so complex that you really dont have a system where it is evident for those who go to the Voting Booths who they are electing because it doesnt work the principle where you have a lead candidate for one of the european parties for one of those groups doesnt work because you dont only need a majority in parliament but also with the leaders back in brussels and weve seen over the last 3 days how complicated that is are it all moved to the parliament there in strasbourg now max Huffman Reporting for us there thank you so much. And a reminder now this top Tourist Story that were following for you European Union leaders have nominated German Defense minister was a funded line as the next president of the European Commission that is the use of top shop if confirmed to find a Parliament Fund aligned with make history as the 1st female commissioned president now Christine Legarde the current head of the i am not has been nominated as the head of the European Central bank. Thank you for watching did the news broke off will be with you with more on the story at the top of the hour. Just today. Tomorrow the caribbean stock. The disney dis talented the key players. Please take a close look at a few. Inches projections. The founders lead is a rising stars on. 60 minutes. Probably will not succeed in dividing us not succeeded in taking the people off the streets or because were tired of trying to show. Taking a stand global news that matters. This is news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the fight against Climate Change in africa its being spearheaded by they do this one woman in sambir is using the Radio Platform to educate the community about practices harmful to the environment but. With governments across the continent Planning Popal of grants or if its like there is invade. And will meet the cyclist and beating traffic in

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