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A whole. Steel production accounts for well over Seven Billion Euros of income each year at Towson Corp Steel made products like elevators are worth almost as much products made for the car industry and socalled Industrial Solutions are also lucrative but the biggest unit by far this material services. A merger is the companys response to overcapacity in the steel Market Worldwide to some cough and ta ta believe a Joint Venture will make them more efficient but workers feel their futures are being put on the line. And cripps chief Financial Officer calque often often why the company wanted to manage its european steel business with indias tata at a time when the segment is profitable and substantially contribution to overall results. One thing one clearly has to say about steel markets if we look at the recent past im Going Forward as well it is a volatile market so you see periods of good good earnings and of worse earnings and the underlying issue of that is that we still have overcapacity in europe and in china and what we want to address with the Joint Venture is clearly these underlying things to make it a stronger business in europe overall and therefore more sustainable for all involved parties be of the work force be it the companies and the onus that was a good account off to encrypt chief Financial Officer well for more lets get the Market Reaction with our financial correspondent khana got a boson in frankfurt conrad lets be honest negotiating this merger was a nightmare it took eighteen months Union Representatives say theyre going to vote it down anyway so what are investors making of that. All this really has scared off a lot of investors in the course of this year shares in to some Crude Trading significantly lower than at the beginning of january and if you compare this with the german dax which has gained more than thirteen percent since the beginning of the i think its becoming pretty clear how much. You know investors are hesitant to really believe in. A very soon materializing merger of the steel section of his group with tata steel but if you talk to analysts and if you read their reports a majority of them believe that eventually this merger will happen the pressure from the side of investors of shareholders of to some group is immense and also you know not all of the Board Members at his from corporate representative which represent workers represent Steel Workers there are for example the representatives of the workers of the Car Parts Maker of the Elevator Maker and they might eventually change their mind conrad briefly weve seen a bounce back in the steel market recently so is now the moment to downsize. You know the future is not very bright for the steel sector with all those over capacities and you know a porton client of to some Croup Steel The Car Makers for example they produce more and more in china they produce also in the united sates this is where they need the steel factories those clients of his group conrad in frankfurt thanks for that. And with the end of room and the presidency comes hope for a better livelihood for many zimbabweans the i. M. F. Said that zimbabwes cleared its Credit Arrears with the institution but any financing for the future requires more reforms with mugabe gone can the new leadership bring quite normal to it in six. It will be insiders in the greedy it in the world of food i think. Within five years i think we all its just a couple of times a year. The worms are a sustainable source of nutrition containing fifty percent protein. They only need a fraction of the space water and feed the breeding higher orders of animal requires. Under c o two emissions are minimal. The environmental benefits were decisive for the books bogus creators. Max creamer and bearish ursule set up their foundation in twenty fourteen with only Ten Thousand Euros Venture Capital they spent over a year developing their Burger Patties the Ground Buffalo Worms a mixed with peas water and a secret spice mixture. That is often a model for the same time were hoping will become a model for other countries for instance in developing countries and where they used to eat insects and but stopped doing so in order to adopt the western lifestyle and eat beef burgers following the mcdonalds lifestyle. Next year it becomes legal to sell processed insects in germany the two young businessmen hope their books burger will give them a head start on any competitors. But the woman is not exactly a cheap snack belgian and dutch restaurants which already serve up the exotic delicacy between twelve and seventeen year olds for the pleasure. Not have had my lunch already thats what youre up to date with the latest from the world old business for more find us on Facebook Follow us on twitter but you on the School Business is a handle on there as well had an Essay Humphrey is mine thanks for your company right now hes at the World Markets in the next hour. And the. Long and old house on the island of crete. Created their own little palace. Playful style place to feel good. About. Your romance next on d w. Its all about the moments that. Its all about the story is in so. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us and inspired by distinctive instagram others at g. W. Story the topic each week on instagram. Climate change

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