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Climate change is affecting us all. Rising sea levels and magic level i join us in life through our streets. Change. Through entire communities. The good news is our own choices in energy conservation. Recycling. And transport can help we draw the line find out what you can do today at redraw the lines out all. Their heads in the room to europe across the Sahara Desert its a pov trodden by hundreds of thousands of people as they try to make it to libya and ultimately europe but now the border is closed at the bidding of the european union. Are just. As europes new external border with Border Guards cracked by the e. U. And training by the e. U. We meet people who are going to make the attempt. It means risking their lives. Going to fill it with laundered around for three days without food or water we were just dumped in the desert it was really bad people were dying or falling ill and the children to. The people here tell us the desert has been turned into one big summit train is this the result of e. U. Policies in africa. Desert as far as the eye can see. Where on our way to mali in the jack. Both countries played key roles for european Migration Policy. The two african states are expected to keep refugees away in return for European Investment in development and security. Malines there are the two most important Transit Countries for west africa a journey takes us to meet people in both countries in asia to the Capital Niamey and the desert City Of Agadez in mali to the Capital Bamako and the Northern City of gar. Germanys armed forces the bundeswehr on patrol in the african desert. We go out on the field with them germany has been part of the United Nations mission to mali for five years now before rebels and islamists controlled the region many people had to flee the tourney. The german contingent is the largest part of the mission says Lieutenant Colonel sebastien colonel with more than a Fountain Troops we ask of a country so far away could be so important for germany. Effected me and after that. Its interesting we represent German Security interests here as well. As more and there is day in age we are busy with the challenges of migration flows. And because of its central geographic location mali also plays a role with regard to both migration and potential terrorist activities and Organized Crime is effective in that it is i dont want to. Sound Migration Policy extends Four Thousand kilometers away from germanys borders the german troops mission this reconnaissance who is going way back who could pose a threat the atmosphere is tense time and again the soldiers are the targets of attacks the last one was just ten days ago. Good luck with the. Commission go through also you have mixed feelings as you leave the camp. But as soon as youre out of the main gate youre concentrating one hundred percent and you keep your eyes peeled. I mean as much is considered the most dangerous u. N. Mission of them all nowhere else in the world have so many blue helmets as the u. N. Peacekeepers are called been killed the dead include two germans. The Migration Route has also become a key Smuggling Route for arms and drugs as well as people. So what has the mission achieved. This was my father to do it often i think patience is required about that for you. We have to assume that this mission. Will continue for many years. It is good its about helping the mali and states to rebuild an old structure. And stand on its own two feet of his is about as. We leave the camp and drive into the center of gowns two years ago it was safe to move around here. Now we are escorted by six soldiers from mali. Everywhere we look there are signs of violence. But very few signs of State Structures and people saying they feel abandoned that they live in terror. Small place that they are here the islamists they are here in gal that it was a lot of the body. That has them in i come from the south of mali but ive been stuck here for more than a year because the rich become too dangerous to our wood and that is that oh no there are so many europeans here so many foreign soldiers but they have not brought security there shootings and killings here every day. When they first got here the foreign sound hands were fated as liberators now people say they dont understand what the daily patrols for their city streets are supposed to achieve. They say the soldiers protect themselves first and foremost. The German Mission and then recently when news has so far failed to for phone the promise of peace and security. The lack of secure. She is one problem and gnarly poverty and a lack of prospects are never. Where in the capital bamako every second person here lives on the breadline. One of them is how many do my god for. That little or so what i left i do have his homeland and made it all i want to germany. On the day and you live here now yes yes we sleep yes while you sleep here but you were in germany yes in saxony a color in how in hama right. I am are you cooking. Fruit you have. Its the last day of ramadan and muslims around the world are preparing to break the fast. I mean to micah is celebrating with a piece of meat something he cant usually afford he fled from mali four years ago. His family sold several cow goats and chickens to pay for his passage. Syphilitic deadliest the islamists had attacked our village. So my family decided that i should go. To join you i went through the desert so far as morocco and. If there traffickers put me in a box and stacked it up with other girls to see if i was terrified i would suffocate the money they gave me two bottles one with water and the other empty the urine. There must have been drugs or Sleeping Tablets in the bottle of water because i slept all the time. To go when we set off there were two of us in a container. And when we got to spain the other guy wasnt there. I dream of having my own truck someday getting to taking son to the Construction Site to model me but i have no money to buy one with. One juicer dreams without money supposed. To do says he can never get ahead on this wages to win his family back so he says hes going to try again even if it means risking his life. As a poor country despite its Mineral Resources again even if it means risking his life. As a poor country despite its Mineral Resources including gold anyway and it has little industry to speak of seventy percent of the labor force here works in farming thats where most of the Circle Development aid flows to. Where on away to the south of mali and one of the in this model projects a project as long as anyone can remember but the farmers had no way to process large quantities and get them to market so a spanish state run Development Organization built a factory. Partly funded by even money. The staff are happy to work here as long as they can get by on their wages. Up to lie a try to a as one of them. He says he had a University Place to study law but his family cannot afford to send them to college hes the eldest son his first duty is to provide for his parents and siblings his only hope is this job as if there ever was i dont i like this work i think i can use what i learn here in the future but i dont earn enough to feed my family that is up and it over. All though to do me a is the for. Foreman of the factory and he tells us the low wages are not his only concern the whole project is on the verge of failure he says the program the problem is the spaniards built this factory and gave us a few weeks of training with the machines then they just left again if it but when. The factory has no trucks to transport the nuts now the Distribution Network no major bias just building a factory is not much help he says. But the stuff wont go without a fight when a factory closed down they collected money in the village to get production started again but the farms wont last forever. A delay says his mother keeps urging him to go to europe but hed rather stay here. As your wife and i will have to go to europe that is it if the work in the dishes were better with better pay i would stay here to help my mother and father says. The ot the village elders a warning to us that they tell us that there are hardly any young men left and that its difficult to persuade them to stay. Or delay it says europe is not only a stream but it could be his only way out. Most people trying to get to europe from west africa go through new share. And share is the most important Transit Country for migrants from all over west africa many stay in africa. Many others want to go further through the desert to libya and then across the Mediterranean Sea to europe. Where in the end they the capital of nation and the country is run. Rich in Natural Resources about gold and uranium. And samantha is the name of the biggest uranium mine the french state owns a sixty three percent stake. While the former colonial power and a tiny elite turn a healthy profit the ordinary population gains little or nothing from this wealth for me jennette is the second poorest country in the world. He shares not just richer minerals its also a magnet for migrants recently began paying the government to keep the migrants away on a large scale. In image we go to a big conference about the Battle Against Illegal Migration and about beefing up the countrys security operations. As he who is the head of the migration of already said shes full of praise for the e. U. And germany. And europe after a long look europe is a great support to our government because they give us a lot of resources. Germany for example is helping to build border posts so that the Security Forces have better control of the borders only will do to build up or is the fronts yet. Officially the number of migrants passing through nature has been reduced by seventy percent in just two years. Two years ago namely the government and that any law banning the transport of migrants and imposing a sentence of up to thirty years in jail or fine amounting to the equivalent of Four Thousand five hundred euros with the backing of the e. U. We made an appointment with the Defense Minister of malaysia otari comma he too emphasizes the importance of border security. But he says fifty percent of his country is hard to control desert. Assist solid is to secure the desert we need more research. Says than a country like malaysia air might have at its disposal. We need aircraft and equipment with state of the Art Technology to monitor these arms the more the music and thanks to our cooperation with the e. U. And especially with germany were doing much better in this Joint Project germany really is a leader who is you know you we have proudly shown one document after another recording freshly signed deals between germany and. Germany is buying the jazz Defense Ministry vehicles and Satellite Telephones officially for better Border Control and other documents suggests direct Financial Aid to the tune of millions of eras. Them a document is quickly taken away because its content is still a secret the Defense Ministry in berlin isnt giving away anything either they tell us details not be revealed. But where is the money from the German Government going and what are the consequences of this time to put a security. We get agadez in such advances this desert says he was a trade hub for centuries goods from all over west africa were taken from here across the desert to libya and algeria but the war in libya changed a lot i mean Business Model emerged adepts became a migration hope. Of Human Rights Activist wrecked by corruption agadez europes external border begins here in the Heart Of The City in one of the Transit Centers as well europe talks the e. U. Including germany is already acting in a desk. Its a camp for migrants picked up on their way to europe or brought here from libyan prisoner camps. Their data is recorded and case they make it to europe. After all. For most of those here a sent home to their countries of origin. The local man says the prospect of europe building Central Holding camps here is warring he says are going to as has become a limb are a tree for testing in europe and Migration Policy you know murders a few of us are here in the uk i didnt work either so we did not ask them to set up Holding Camps like this here. This is going to create great difficulties no we have no structures to deal with and we have no schools no hospitals no Running Water and no electricity but now were supposed to do the work of foreign governments of the europeans are only interested in one thing you know the fight against illegal migration and they use the word illegal to justify their actions. The local population is increasingly resentful of european policy migrants used to be welcome here they ate here went shopping and stayed in their towns they put money into the local economy. And he got it there was nothing illegal about it here in the center of town we had lots of different little shops Restaurants Hotels and so on the migrants you would think it was a hive of activity but now business is dead and i could as the economy that is. This is hes military bases home to an accidental granger out of sorts more than one hundred pickup trucks that used to ferry migrants across the desert are rusting away here. They tell us stories of people trying to get to a better life on the other side of the mediterranean. Nigeria. Because who conference. By the city authorities they will never be given back says the soldier as a deterrent. Use of skull is there to be used to drive migrants across the desert it was illegal three years ago he borrowed money and bought a pick up. What. I am for my i have not and im just what i think is seven years if im to like that. Tell us twenty years fifty yes to get Seven Million safe to go back to scott why is your preferred government the case of your. Money not just. Read it to do. Something like this gift to. Fund it isnt for you know to terrorism. But. Many people fear that this is the next challenge that radical islamists will find it easier to recruit people with no prospects. People with nothing to lose cant be stopped by a buddha says rashid color now matter what europe does to seal off the route through the desert. He says it just makes migrants even more dangerous route. Was ordered is that what is going on in the desert right now you dont know i dont know the International Community doesnt know thats the problem before they all thorntons checked everyone passing the border post they had an overview of venue and yet what to sell now the drivers with the migrants avoid the border posts as they take different routes the more dangerous or lots of southie it could be very quiet why nobody knows how many people died trying to cross the desert. On purpose or what sort. Its difficult for camera teams to. Research into units who dont look too good student yet this is what. We want to take a look for sounds at the root leading from agadez to libya. Its a centuries old track it used to transport goods and people today its dangerous territory where bandits and islamist terrorists hold sway. We cannot go without an armed escort. On the way we encountered a Military Patrol looking for traffickers and smugglers. Theyre not interested not spy. After three hours drive we reach the first checkpoint. Cameras are not welcome here. Everybody has to show their papers. The border guard says that people from Nigeria Liberia and senegal potential refugees wouldnt get through here without a visa. Never never never felt two years ago it was different this stopped letting us know years ago the us the us young and now know it all but. West africans can no longer pass through here without a visa despite being a member of the Economic Community of west african states. World its the end of the road trust him. No cameras no witnesses to see what happens in the desert. The problem says rashid colo. He shows us from times he got from his contacts. Spotted the by the beautiful blue look at these pictures the corpses are totally dried out the people dying of thirst this man appears to have trying to take off his trousers in the throes of death they say that when a human being dies or first every scrap of clothing feels like too much nobody knows whether these people died a few weeks or a few months ago. Those who drowned in the mediterranean might be seen says rashid khalidi. Those who die in the desert. After much negotiation we arrange a meeting with someone who can tell us more about the desert. We can only go at night hes afraid his whereabouts will be discovered. We meet in a socalled catarrh a secret camp for migrants. Is a traffic jam no he still ferries migrants across the desert. Seafoods yeah it is in the it never stops at us you used to see the migrants everywhere now we have to hide them from centers but in secret the migration continues. It has grown more dangerous but we used to stop at Watering Hole was there in villages along the way women and now the military is everywhere. So we stop fifteen kilometers away from the village and hide the migrants then i drive into the village to buy food and drink and then i drive back. But if you run into a Military Patrol and they ask you questions you get scared and dont contact for the migrants who are in the migrants are totally lost in the desert she proposed to keep you busy this week. With no water and no change the most and that means certain taxes build a self only narrowly avoided death while trying to flee across the desert. The indian media media you know done as in there was a Military Patrols over our driver saw it and threw us out. When the military got to us they said you are illegal we dont care about you and drove off after the truck. In his own wandered around the desert for three days. To somebody we need. This is. The driver love many people fell ill. Children and two women died. They were eventually rescued by and workings but despite an all day wants to try again. I think it was that it be. The only thing that could stop us is if europe would stop funding our african dictators and military. If we africans were truly independent and could profit from our Natural Resources. But we and the african children get nothing of it. And as long as thats the way it is it will keep coming to europe lucky in the sense of a gamble on. Sunday says he sees migration as a form of resistance to turn justice and exploitation thank gold is written on the wall. Over europe for nothing. Europe no nothing and there are a few little punks to this gone the only way nafta is across the desert on route to made more dangerous by european policy. They say the desert is a graveyard a graveyard where the data mining invisible. On. 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