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Harnessing up wind and solar energy is increasing faster than ever because at some point in the future we will have to live without fossil fuels. Electrification of society Renewable Energy whether its bio gas hydrogen or electric cars if it will become more and more prevalent as we move into the future. Here in the industrialized world we consume huge quantities of resources but will we be able to satisfy our demands in the future too. As for the show the problem is so big that the hope and the chance of human beings changing their behavior in a massive way within a short space of time is extremely small and it. Says it can. Today there seem to be no limits to our mobility but industry and the Scientific Community face enormous problems what will we use in the future to power our cars airplanes and ships. As it got older people. And of course come to the do you think i can yes but the more difficult thing these are people of the minds. For the future. Industry is producing growing quantities that are growing pains and this digitalization increases so does the i. T. Giants hunger for energy. Tech companies such as microsoft will probably consume the amount of energy to a midsized nation in a few decades and other Companies One that went to the same. Union hoffman is visiting coral a wind turbine your home ward and its 2 owners. And clubs. For the last 4 months youll be honest been getting her electricity from karl but has yet to see a wind turbine from the inside karl is 18 years old and 120 meters tall which is one thing thats about 20 meters but the engine room is a height of 65 meters there other than how a cable and thats where the electricity comes down before entering the control system. To get something here you can also see the engine room above in crosssection. Here of the rotor blades and here we can see how much energy its produced so far 14000000 kilowatt hours which i reckon would be enough for many many years. Yes hydro on and klaus started building their 1st wind turbine many years ago today they run 15 of them. At 1st they sold their electricity to Energy Companies but a few months ago they began selling power directly to consumers. To set up works like a small scale private Energy Marketplace via their anyway Online Platform based startup. Anyone who has their own wind power facility or solar cells and generates more electricity than they need can set up a profile with any way to present themselves and look for potential buyers. Yes. I got there but the price is determined by each individual Energy Provider and if we dont have a say in that and if things logically are with a platform a price is settled that guarantees the supplier a profit well at the same time being very competitive on the Consumer Market and. That is heat. Energy market places like anyway are part of a growing global trend. The electricity market is becoming more customized and is linked to the question of how much clean energy is worthless one thing is clear electricity will play a pivotal role as a future Energy Supplier we are heading towards an electric and renewables future. So in 40 years we will have the distributed generation which means that we will make an edgy wherever there is sun or wind in particular so electricity will be very cheap much cheaper than today we should just move full speed ahead into electrification i like to say not through gas but from what. Norway illustrates what an electrified society could look like the country is currently tackling the most daunting challenge of all in the ship the green energy transportation. People in industrial countries have greater mobility than ever before world wide the transportation of people and goods accounts for around 30 percent of Energy Consumption and continues to rise. Over 90 percent of fuel used today is still sourced from mineral oil c o 2 eMissions Continue to rise instead of going down. Can our mobility be maintained without fossil fuels norway is the 1st country in europe to embark on a fully electrified Public Transit system. For all of our tom is chief of strategy as oslos Public Transportation authority the citys ferries are set to become the 1st in the world to run on electricity this 1652024 all ships will be electric and it sounds complicated but weve been surprised on this front to have it simpler than we thought. A prototype is already in operation the past of ferries vehicles and passengers across the 6 kilometer wide zone if you order north of baghdad the new technology was developed by german industrial giant siemens. Instead of one regular Diesel Engine it was fitted with 2 electric motors each delivering 450. 00 kilo watts of power the batteries are recharged during the 10 minute loading and unloading time between trips. Downtown oslo is almost now entirely car free the authorities are installing a large battery by the harbor to supply ferries and busses with electricity the 1st 100. 00 electric buses are set to come into operation this year and these large scale orders in norway are in turn boosting the production of evie it cools. It when this rain is also to encourage supply is but we have to place orders now and for them to start making the buses that we need in oslo let me finish we have done ill probably get those he say we want to buy the technology for the future today if we dont the future will arrive too late. When it comes to electrification norway has 2 major advantages over the rest of Europe Energy here is cheap and clean norway acquires around 95 percent of its electricity from hydro power plants. Plus the state has money to invest. In norway is a very strange mix i think we have a lot of this unknowns in this country and this announces that were speaking a lot about the climate and environment electrification of the cars at the same time were producing a lot of oil and Petroleum Gas where we say we are dependent on our oil exports so i call that the new. Schizophrenia. Maybe we do some of this because we have a budget conscious for all the Oil Production but i think theres a genuine enthusiasm as well. Also because we have a lot of hydro power which makes electricity very cheap here so its been a good place to start. And thats especially true with cars. Does and works for a company that makes charging stations for ecards hes in charge of Customer Communications and has no shortage of customers norway is a Global Leader in the field. The share of electric cars on the streets of oslo is already at 40 percent despite their limited range of around 300 kilometers and the fact they need far longer to refuel think gasoline models. The main reason for the high demand is not that norwegians are more environmentally aware he cars are simply far cheaper than vehicles powered by Combustion Engines in norway in eagle costs around 8000. 00 euros less than the regular model electric cars are completely tax exempt. And there are other financial incentives. No diesel cheaper insurance texas so. Thats was you see this issue in the moment and its cheap to join you know just changing so probably it will be sued no sooner or later will be that the missing though. So theres so much incentives to buy him electric cars theres no brainer i think come see this. Although it costs a lot of money the norwegian government has just extended financial backing for ecommerce through 2020. Perry has been stalking this is a researcher specializing in the Energy Transition and knows why people are resistant to new developments. Such as electric cars we have to overcome a human aspect which is the resistance to change we know what we have that we dont know what we get this is something we call loss aversion and psychology i dont i might loose on this fear for losing its double as strong as what i feel in pleasure if i gain the same thing in order to really get a through z. Some for this we have to make it simple and cheaper for people to get the go we so people can feel that oh its not just good for the army its good for my wallet as well and by the way my neighbor is doing it so i wanted to get all those 3 factors working then the human brain really gets into it and the change happens much more quickly. Excluding scandinavia the market share in europe is a paltry one and a half percent scientists a german think tank a gora blame a lack of incentives and investment theyve seen how europe has lost its pioneering role in alternative Power Sources now other countries most notably china are forging ahead in the development of electric cars and battery cells and in government authorisation. China has even set a quota to increase the proportion of ecommerce despite the fact that the country is still some way from producing enough Renewable Energy for electrification europe is under pressure to get up the pace but how. We couldnt put it to says politically if were to take climate protection seriously then we can no longer afford to proceed sequentially as it would mean 1st making the Electricity Sector totally clean and then talking about electrifying the transportation sector that will not be possible because we need too much time to meet the climate protection targets instead we have to pursue both strategies at the same time. Konstantinos below horse on the other hand i would not buy an ecard at the moment. He heads the efficient Mobility Research team at switzerlands federal Technology Institute and says Clean Electricity in europe is not yet advanced enough to make the leap into electrified transport. Is the quality of the relevant factor is the quality of the extra electricity i need for the mobility is off which power plant is hooked up at the moment i refuel my car at a charging station it will often this is a difficult task and. You have to know whether you will have additional Renewable Energies in addition to those you need to replace Nuclear Energy and coal fired power plants heaters it. Whats the priority when deciding where to invest it. Just yet as is finished if the government has to have a coordinated approach when it comes to the decoupling a zation of the electricity system we have to tackle this a little bit faster than the electrification of mobility if not of course we are doing it all wrong to fudge while other countries in europe are busy deliberating the norwegians continue to advance their infrastructure showing with the future might look like and the more bell the sicker. Charging points can be found in parking garages this one alone has over 100. And not just there the authorities have a range of cooperative deals with Shopping Centers for Nature Stores and fast food chains. At the same time new rapid targeting stations have been developed that are now being installed the traffic junctions. The idea is to extend the range of ecommerce for models that do not even exist yet. In a few years there will be cars on the roads which can charge much faster than the electric cars we have now and we believe that we. To build this infrastructure for these cars before the cars actually come so for the people driving these cars when you charge at these charging stations you can drive for instance from all slow to stockholm with a 20 minute stop because the batteries will be bigger so you can charge more electricity on to the battery every time you charge it and the process of charging will actually be much faster. And time is of the essence because norway plans to phase out cars with Combustion Engines by 2025. From the electrified climes of scandinavia we travel halfway across the globe. To japan which is embarked on a different route as a catapult itself into the Energy Revolution as a leading industrial nation japan has huge electricity requirements but precious few resources of its own. Most of its electricity came from Nuclear Power plants until the fukushima disaster in march of 2011. The country has since been expanding its Renewable Energies at full speed although they currently only account for 15 percent of the Energy Mix Japan also has a growing number of ecards on its streets but the government is still concentrating on another source of electricity hydrogen. There are 3 aspects that are crucial for us. Economic efficiency and the environment. And energy security. We examine is what would be best considering those factors must be an option for hydrogen. And its. A press conference in tokyo hosted by the ministry of economics and toyota showcases the 1st Hydrogen Powered truck to go into mass production. I. It. Is a need to meet. The need will fix your safety wally in boston fix the holes hold the muzzle of the exit polls fast and shut that its all or shut the deal its over officially fall evolved. This is just the starting fall it will almost trial. The advantage of hydrogen is that refueling is faster than with Battery Powered vehicles the truck needs just 10 minutes plus the range is further. Toyota says it has invested a quarter of a century in the development of the technology the mere i fuel cell car went into large Scale Production in 2015 for now it is still being assembled by hand with output currently at 3000. 00 cars per year. These tanks contain compressed hydrogen a colorless and odorless gas when mixed with oxygen it is turned into highly explosive oxy hydrogen with combustion leading to the release of large amounts of energy. The oxygen and hydrogen are introduced into the fuel cell a controlled flow rates the end product is electricity which powers the motor instead of Carbon Dioxide the waste product here is water. Physicist sheiko hirose is one of the fathers of the battery based hybrid drives pioneered by japan now hes committed to promoting Hydrogen Technology. But to ease. Combating that its going to. But they eat at the very limited amount. Time. We need to store the energy for balls. And more on the guys saw i do it in their activist seaview. To make it happen thats why we believe how to do this and. Hydrogen is a such an Energy Carrier and one of interest not only to carmakers Electronics Giant panasonic for example has developed hydrogen based fuel cells for domestic heating the Company Already has a partnership with a german manufacturer. Hydrogen is finding interest in a wide range of countries but there are still a number of reservations one factor is that electricity is itself needed to produce hydrogen and in many countries in addition to japan that electricity still comes primarily from fossil fuels. But plans are now in place to change that hummel wing is the nickname for a new experimental wind turbine in the harbor of yokohama city it generates electricity that is used to produce hydrogen gas. The hydrogen is transported to factories by tanker trucks one turbine can power about 30 forklift trucks the aim is to convert industrial vehicles to hydrogen to. Japans ministry of economics already has plans in the pipeline for the large scale import of hydrogen. From countries with plenty of sun. This will use nestle move. Going to get it to. Be produced very effectively from Renewable Energies and when i look at other countries especially the middle east i think they have the scope to do that cheaply. So we can imagine importing hydrogen from mayor. Huge solar power plants are currently under construction in morocco egypt and other countries with desert regions it is until now proved difficult to export electricity from these locations due to the lack of suitable power lines and Storage Capacity for such large quantities hydrogen could perhaps be an option for the future and it would have another advantage for the developing nations involved with mobility growing rapidly there as well fossil fuels have to be imported a considerable cost could self produced hydrogen eventually make these Countries Energy selfsufficient might even lease. In those counties and take charge advise him self how did income people use from by all for anything id be a devil you are around them so they and all their money. So to be mean this for education. Including that i. Japan now refers to a Hydrogen Society although the country still has some way to go on the infrastructure front Building Hydrogen filling stations is an expensive and time consuming enterprise the hydrogen has to be stored and fed in under extremely High Pressure and subzero temperatures. Japan currently has around 100 filling stations in 2 years that number is set to rise to 160 right now there are 3 fuel cell buses on the streets of tokyo but production is being increased. To one think the idea of a Hydrogen Society is not yet that widespread. We want to use the 2020 Olympic Games to change that. Event will be an opportunity to present some new technologies. You know on the most. Of us. Will this need by then for example well have 100 of these Hydrogen Buses in operation in tokyo. Will go to his us and how could i just pull things. The buses carrying the athletes will also be mobile advertising banners for the technology meanwhile the Olympic Village will be equipped with fuel cell heating facilities. Japan is advancing Hydrogen Technology to help meet domestic demand and with an eye on eventually becoming a large scale export product. Back to europe. And home was a major hub of container ship traffic and shipping were a country it would be the 6th largest climate offender in the world. Stefan kluger is an engineer and chip designer at the moment however his is a somewhat depressing task. Over 90 percent of world trade is maritime a figure that is growing every year meanwhile the United Nations International Maritime organization has made a. It meant to reduce emissions targeting a 50 percent drop in Greenhouse Gases by 2050. For Stefan Kruger this does not compute in light of constant global growth. Difficult to find out why shipping faces a range of problems in fact theyre almost impossible to resolve the difficult part is not separating the individual sector has any plan for shipping in the future also has to consider how well generate energy on land then this air traffic and what kind of car we want to drive its a no thats the difficult part is the huge pressure on every industry and also from governments to measure is it being pushed that havent been thought through no one has a coherent overall concept. Aviation experts are also looking at options for the future their bus and siemens have joined forces to establish a special research department. Their hopes now rest on this small aircraft powered by electricity. Global passenger numbers are forecast to rise by a further 50 percent over the next decade this will also mean an increase in the number of flights and aircraft at the same time the Aviation Industry has committed itself to reducing its emissions so how are those seemingly contradictory some supposed to add up. Their bosses biggest competitor boeing is also experimenting with electric power is flying with electricity really the solution frank until one is a passionate physicist and a keen pilot he is head of siemens b. Aircraft unit and naturally flies the electric prototype himself. Instead of a Combustion Engine this plane is powered by 9 battery banks which provide enough energy for a 40 minute flight the system works fine with 2 seat. Aircraft but what about larger scale planes here the batteries would still be too heavy the team at the siemens lab are developing lightweight solutions the 1st electrically powered passenger aircraft is set to take off in 2020 although it will not be all electric. The battery will support the engine during takeoff and landing when Energy Consumption is at its highest. This technology will reduce kerosene consumption. Hes a mix hybrid electric set up is the key and all then be suitable for regional flights with up to 60 or 100. 00 passengers. Long haul aircraft however are not so easy to electrify fuel efficiency is improving with modern planes Missions Continue to fall but not to a sufficient degree by 2050 low emission options will have to comprise 40 percent of commercial Aircraft Fuel the search continues for a substitute to kerosene. In 2015 Solar Impulse became the 1st airplane to circle the globe on solar electric power. Proved that solar powered flights are possible. A number of Research Groups are currently working on this development albeit without solar cells. They want to use the suns rays to generate fuel for aircraft. 1000 times the amount of Energy Consumed by humankind. Just a 10th of a percent of the energy. Human needs. Hoping to achieve. This is the largest artificial sun in the world soon light at the germ. Aerospace centers institute for Solar Research zoo night is investigating how sunlight can be used to optimum effect each of its 149. 00 xenon short arc lamps as the output of a large cinema projector together they function like bundled sun rays. The test on the steel plate shows just how a mess with light energy is. It took another 10 seconds for the steel to start bubbling in flowing like water. And after 2 minutes it burned a hole through the metal. At temperatures of up to 3000 degrees celcius thats why its purely a demonstration to show the high energy that light has we want to use that light to generate electricity all the fuels of the future. One possible option would be producing solar gasoline using water and Carbon Dioxide from the air and extremely high temperatures the heat would drive the Chemical Reaction resulting in the formation of a gas that is converted using a special technique into artificial kerosene a fuel that is essentially c o 2 neutral when. Researchers at switzerlands federal Technology Institute in surrey have already managed to produce a minuscule amount of solar fuel in the lab. The project aims to produce synthetic kerosene and a real conditions preliminary small scale solar fuel plant is currently being built in spain. Producing really large quantities would involve building gigantic refineries experts estimate the Financial Investments would be a mix. One thing is certain the solar fuel would definitely be far more expensive than kerosene today like gasoline and diesel for cars kerosene is not taxed so that is one reason why flying is cheap. Unless this form of subsidy changes solar gasoline has no chance of penetrating the market. For scientists difficult notion to grasp given that the technology could be available in the foreseeable future. Ones with full steam. Whether Something Like this can reach market maturity depends a lot on related underlying conditions about old oil and gas prices. They are currently far too low in our opinion due to a range of factors including subsidies. And if they really is sufficient political backing then id say that 10 years as a time that we have convened to cut. Solar ringback fuel would mean that flying would become cleaner but also more expensive alternately however this is probably a fair price for a future worth living. By the year 2050 over 2 thirds of the worlds population will be living in urban areas where will all of the energy come from is it possible to build a house that can cover its own energy needs. Yes switzerland is home to the worlds 1st energy selfsufficient Apartment Building it is not connected to the public grid all of its energy comes from the sun harnessed using state of the Art Technology the electricity is generated via solar panels on the roof and facade. The basement houses power converters a fuel cell and a Hydrogen Production unit for storing electricity the building was developed by the shites an Environmental Engineering center the building comes with its own smart control system that manages all energy resources. So is this building a model for the future. Shops here when i have huge respect for the people who do these kinds of things because shifting the boundaries of what is feasible these are very good pilot projects are on a larger scale this is not selfsufficiency for fixes here we have into dependencies that are coordinated feeding the costs much more to make each individual building selfsufficient than having interconnected buildings for cooperation not selfsufficiency is the model of the future large corporations have also developed an interest to new ideas on the electricity market. Penna sonic has designed and built the worlds 1st smart city in fujisawa on the outskirts of tokyo its 650. 00 Single Family homes are designed for maximum Energy Efficiency the electricity comes from the sun. Theres a long waiting list for those eager to move in here. He dickie talking more to needs a lot of time to explain the Energy Supply set up when showing prospective new residents around all the relevant information can be seen on a large monitor in the living room. Its. There. Everything from the fuel cell heating to the status of all batteries as shown on meters and displays located all around the house the lamps have motion detectors the walls and windows have special insulation People Living here have to commit to saving power. On from the living room to the bathroom for residents theres no escaping reminders of their electricity consumption and what to do by dentist i think. She would tell me about how efficiently they live they can get by with the electricity they produce themselves. And that applies to most of the residents. What also makes fujis always so popular is the high level of safety the streets and squares are all monitored electronically. Meanwhile the electricity consumption of each household is also registered centrally in minute detail when is there a light on and for how long how long did the residents open or cooking how long was their heating on this mystery. This information is gathered from the various control elements around the house this information is then summarize monthly and forwarded to the owners so they can see exactly where and which appliances have consumed how much electricity. The idea is for them to become more aware of how to use and save energy. The most. Comprehensive surveillance batteries that communicate smart electricity management in the home all possible only thanks to digitalisation. In the upper echelons of both politics and industry huge hopes are being placed in digitalization because it comes with the promise of efficiency and saving energy. Ringback but is not actually the case tillmans on taleo is an Economics Expert currently researching the digitalisation of our society he does not share the excitement. He did but for the tell you see on the debate about the link between digitalisation and sustainability is only just beginning. We recently had a brief discussion about block chain and big coin how Energy Intensive others transaction and. We calculated that one deal consumes as much an atrocity as 7 german households in one day. Click one click burns up a lot of the. Electricity because block calculations are so c. P. U. Intensive that sometimes pops up in the public eye but how an increasingly Digital Society is also to evolve into a Sustainable Society that Consumes Less Energy and more renewables hasnt been properly fought through. This. Every year our computers for example become more efficient in terms of power consumption but at the same time the Computing Power increases at best the end result remains the same. We can feel it by. Many examples where its now possible to say the energy in our daily lives takes streaming today a lot of people streaming films online and no longer go out and rent a d. V. D. To watch a movie. I mean if he wants to drive down to the video store to rent a d. V. D. Which 1st pressed and brought to the store then go back home to watch the movie. Streaming instead you can save about a 3rd of the energy. But what we also found out is that because streaming has become so fast and convenient people are watching more movies so part of the savings potential is eaten up and you can see that in other areas too these rebound effects that is growth increases due to digitalisation that ultimately lead to an increase in power consumption. The digital networking of people machines and products is in full swing this is the era of industry 4. 00 the pace of production continues to Grow Together with output. Driven by the internet the real and Virtual Worlds are emerging immense amounts of data are generated and forwarded and also need to be stored. So there are projections on the subject of data volume involving very large figures they all assume that the volume of data will double every year. For 2025 ive seen estimates of 150 zettabytes thats a 15 followed by 22 zeros although data volume does not play a very Important Role for us were all used to data volume constantly increasing and storage to pass. He is almost always available by your cup of tea i didnt festival. In our private lives the socalled internet of things buildings Household Appliances vehicles and Consumer Electronics with more things from our every day lives being constantly added but this also has an impact on our electricity consumption. Today the internet accounts for about 80 percent of the worlds electricity consumption which is a gigantic amount and all the projected scenarios in visit further growth in consumption of the moderate scenarios are based on a growth in global electricity demand of only 20 to 30 percent by 2030 the most extreme scenarios i mean on an incredibly high degree of digitalisation could involve the internet accounting for 50 percent of Global Demand by then it. Can Renewable Energy meet that increase in demand. The province of North Holland close to the i saw mer in one day microsoft has built a huge server farm here all over europe tech giants also including apple and google are setting up data centers that are looking to renewables to provide the huge amounts of energy needed to operate and cool the facilities. The corporations are reluctant to talk about their own Energy Consumption however. Only microsoft was willing to do this subject to certain limitations. We dont disclose the data center locational energy was from nation but just to give you an estimate for for how our Data Center Operations. For the energy that we use in our Data Center Operations currently microsoft uses. Around the data centers all over the world the amount of energy thats lets say a small european state or a small. American state would you like to state like small town if you think about the future with digitize ation data centers are becoming one of the Largest Consumer of electricity so at one point in time in the future. Microsoft and other Tech Companies will use the amount of electricity needed to power of any size nation for example the largest on shore wind farm in the netherlands is currently being built right next to microsofts server farm its operated by new one dutch subsidiary of swedens Vattenfall Energy group and will eventually comprise 82 state of the art wind turbines. Its. Surprising total waste 1300000000 kilowatt hours which means approximately half of them should go to the city so its one of those 350000. 00 households. The sole customers microsoft its the biggest wind power deal in the Software Giants history the company also has a 2nd smaller project in ireland where we had the beginning in your its a great milestone its our 2nd energy deal and obviously looking into the future we will be looking at similar or different Partnership Models on the one hand giants like microsoft google and apple are making an important contribution the more Renewable Energy they need the more is produced. On the other hand more data centers means more power consumption and less clean power available for other applications. For electrifying transportation for example. If you had an order in order to achieve 100 percent Renewable Energy is a jamming and in many other industrial nations there needs to be a decrease in the absolute Energy Demand not an increase so thats a challenge on the one hand we need digitalisation to help renewables achieve a real breakthrough but at the same time we need to ensure that consumption rates stop rising and if anything start to decrease. But how consumption is continuing to increase in the industrialized nations as is global trade and the mountains of waste from our disposable societies we also travel more and are reluctant to surrender our beloved cars this is about how we want to live in the future and as long as you close your eyes and say i can go on like this ill have my cake and eat it it wont work you have to drop an overall plan for reducing Energy Consumption and you have to accept restrictions in certain areas. In my opinion this can only work in the long term with sensible taxation on the consumption of resources anyone involved in these issues will say that you have to make energy more expensive in accordance with a schedule the only way to stop consumption is if it hits your wallet. That our energy world must and will change but what about our awareness alternately we face the familiar question what price are we willing to pay for Clean Electricity. Quadriga international top. For journalists discuss the topic of the week. During the making say some predicting a big surge for far right parties in this weekends european to launch a full will of video scandal you know strip persuade people to twice before voting for the. Final push for a good short play. Quadriga 90 minutes on. The good of the big idea the book whats become of it and what it looks like tomorrow. Douglas gets ready for an indepth look at the European Elections across the questions that matter so what are european voters hopes for the new parliament what challenges fly ahead. Cant wait to long for the positions that the people in power have come their way with not doing anything to fight the kind of crisis play and European Election a trip to the best of luck. Next for discussions for a good deal for the britons or we have to as citizens voters 1st. The g. W. Has it all the be. Elections on may 26th g. W. Play. This is g. W. News live from berlin and hes won a landslide victory and now indias prime. Mr must make good on his promises after a Divisive Campaign to nationalist the run from modi pledges to unite the country im told unleash its potential but how we take a closer look at the challenges facing him and also coming up its day 2 of voting in the European Parliament elections the Czech Republic and ireland will go to the polls to me explain why does elections could be the most important thing for

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