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Personally happy to introduce to you on the present. Hello there felicia great to have you join us on the court africa thank you and hello im so happy to presenting this unique environmental magazine show along with our partners d. W. In germany and c. T. V. In nigeria im felicia ends be here in Johannesburg South africa and weve got such an exciting show lined up for you today havent. We had to namibia where a Small Company has become a trailblazer and immobility. Then were in the german capital of the city has now become a host of wild animals foraging for food and finally where in south africa to meet an activist who is showing people how to deal with the dangers of Climate Change. In the media the outlook for effects is bright against according to a Company Called sun cycle and its based in the capital of wind hook where they produce bicycles that are powered by the sun in a place where the sun shines at least three hundred days a year and appears to be a promising concept the firm tell us it spikes for different uses with the aim of promoting sustainable and affordable mobility lets take a look at how that works. To deliver medicine to pharmacies around the capital. He doesnt want one of the countrys first. His deliveries need to arrive at the pharmacies early in the morning this way he gets to avoid traffic. So. This one. Gave me the strength to do everything all the time. So far each bike saw the rare exception on the maybe as roads a return bend hardwell to introduce them in twenty forty their social enterprise sun cycles is based on the converted shipping container in a back yard close to the city. Some cycles not only manufacture the bikes made in namibia the company also builds recharging stations powered by solar cells the bikes run on clean energy thats part of the concept so our main aim is to provide an alternative in the form of transport to specifically low income commuters but also private cast a mez game gods Health Care Workers kindergarten teachers anywhere where normal bicycle is limited in its usefulness and way car can be substituted. More than one hundred sun cycle bikes are already in use around the country including here at the Community Conservancy the reserve is situated in the north east of namibia where the job a river forms a natural border to botswana the wildlife here not only attracts tourists but also bush meat hunters and ivory poaches for a long time the rangers had to patrol the area on bikes with just one gear. Thanks to donations they now have eight ebooks which allow them to work far more efficiently. On a normal day the ranges cover up to twenty five kilometers of a bush. See. By. The rangers wouldnt want to trade their bikes for a car the bikes may not be as strong as a four by four but theyre much more agile they need to be recharged after every sixty kilometers. During the daytime we charge the car battery and in the evening we can take the cable and charge the battery of the bicycle with the car battery to do so with this so we can still charge the bicycle battery when its dark with it did you know that the robust and simple design of the bikes is well suited to working in the bush and allows the rangers to do most repairs themselves the team at sun cycles are already working on the next project. The city plans to build bicycle lanes on the major arteries between the city center and the residential areas. This marks a major opportunity for the social start up. Our next initiative will be focused specifically on low income households low to middle income households and people that spend much of the disposable income on transport and then we will introduce a low a low range electric bike which will be more affordable because electric bikes are still quite an expensive luxury item and to provide this is an alternative to the tax. The vision is that high sales will allow the company to lower the bike price from about six hundred euros to three hundred fifty sun cycles also wants to convert more shipping containers into solar charging stations where commuters can exchange their flat batteries the team are hoping that a crowd Funding Campaign will bring in the necessary capital to get the project off the ground while it may take some convincing to make commuters switch from car to bike the ranges of the conservancy have already been well and truly want to over. If you live in the countryside then you may know the feeling of when a wild animal suddenly turns up at your front door here in south africa some cities are also getting some cheeky visitors like apes your guide for the show the promise of prosperity in the citys doesnt only attract people. Also notice its easier to find food in the city gardens than outside in the countryside in the german capital no even in commission or wild animals the responsibility of a person is to deescalate conflicts between humans. A wild boar strolling through berlin and. These. Were not deep in the forest but in a large park where thousands of people are out and about they dont appear to be frightened of us. Still the boers keep their distance. Is the citys point man for wild animals people often call them when they see a boar in the garden or a record on the roof you know is where the various species like to hang out locals out for a walk tend to take the company in their stride. And while the poor have been here for ages since i was a kid. When he got to know how to deal with them theyre coming towards me i walk towards them and they scatter. There are probably between two and four thousand and berlin. Several other species also feel right at home in the city. These are species that have got used to us and have adopted thats why this is there are various reasons first the physical environment in the country intensive farming deprives them of their habitat or here they can reproduce with abandon. Second in the city they are hunters a few to. See. On the other side of berlin and the tear pocket zoo leon bottle is looking for a hedgehog nests hes a biologist at the lightness institute for a zoo and wildlife research. Going to home. When eager to make use of this tree trunk but hes not here at least. Not in the third nest. Hedgehogs go out at night and sleep all day but as weve just seen not always in the same place. There are more hedgehogs in cities than in the country thats because im gardens and parks offer great Natural Habitats. The project hes working on has about how hedgehogs bats boars record moons and other wild animals live in cities. Not the ones in zoom enclosures but those living free. Large its in front of our aims is to inform the public about the animals that might be living in their gardens and to encourage them to leave the creatures a little space and leave gaps in their fences so animals can come and go with you about the week and thats important if certain species are to survive what many people dont realize is that because weve deprived so many species of their Natural Habitats their numbers are declining. Back to the park where we met the wild boar in the middle theres a large lake. And its not just humans who like to chill on it shores. Bores arent known to be keen swimmers but they are if you go to consumers of crisps and cookies. I know as i says not tradition it is really interesting to see the animals in the city always happens always great to be able to show them to my son but we all know about the downside to that breed fast they roam it in the garbage and they can spread disease. On my head as idea also works with the public thats really important because people need to do their part to enable the peaceful coexistence of humans and animals in the big city as africa is was even done in africa other animals say want hogs or elephants move into towns and villages and cause a commotion. Australia has similar problems he said it will be initial we have to engage with both the supporters and the critics are having animals in our midst and we have to find a way to live with animals it cant be right to simply fight them off but many cities have blossomed into hubs of biodiversity its often in the urban jungle that wild animals find what they need to survive and even to thrive. Lets return to africa to poor harcourts in southern nigeria its very important all the industry and is a major center of commerce in that region so firemans our protection has meant very little there but there are some exceptions one Company Seeking to improve nigerians Living Standards by providing affordable houses Renewable Energy clean water and recycling strategies. A myriad of challenges of thanks nine june and interest and amongst them up poor Housing Conditions and possibly not only ninety five million passes to lead to city thats just over half of the population and even if there is a necessity it is very expensive this is that in many areas people dont have access to save Drinking Water and good sanitation. It seems of Green Architects and engineers want change that in southern nigeria they build low Energy Houses these houses are designed to be environmentally friendly and cost efficient they have inbuilt selfhood in systems use solar energy and we used to water to date sixteen adults and twenty two children live in what they call the eco village one of the residents safe tells us how his life has changed since he moved eighteen miles away with some of his neighbors for now i have to sit in a room and bottle boil it ever and there is no community stopping me here in the mean ive come back i walked out of miles nobody molest me of august place is very very good. The house is wrong completely on Renewable Energy thanks to clever systems that need only one third of the amount of energy of a normal house and half of the amount of water so the residents are also saving a lot of money the architects also took care of temperature control the protozoan full compressed earth blocks keep the interior is cool because affordability is that one is brutally bricks and then wood cement blocks and basic knowledge to see how they are in Time Software Climate Control within the houses a room or ventilator from two sides yes about how for free floor. Faith and his family are chill to be living in the village and he would never move out again so far there are eight apartment each worth fifty thousand years but the project leaders want to do move. Next. Maybe that oprah poor sauce is our government you know to our plight on the way to or maybe get out there for up off the screen conditions in which they live in interesting the houses might be expensive at first sight but only if then tell you hopes that people will invest in houses that in the long run save them money and also help the environment. We all know about the importance of wearing sunscreen is to protect us from the Sizzling Summer heat but a few people think about it and by mental impact they just want to enjoy themselves every have tons of stuff end up in the seas lakes im not seeing pools often containing chemicals that dont break down easily one scientist decided to do something about it he set out to solve the problem by creating sunscreen out of Natural Products eco friendly sun screens that are doing your bit for this week. Getting sunscreen right. Of the sixty percent of the ingredients in conventional some not products have unwanted effects on human health or the environment. Or some chemical u. V. Filters can cause allergic reactions or mono imbalances. Theyve also been blamed for harming coral reefs. A swedish startup has now developed a new environmentally friendly sunscreen and. Its basic ingredients are Coconut Oil Cocoa Butter dancing oxide. And. The young firm sun tripe suncream hit the market two years ago. It sounds very well insert shops. The cost a little more than conventional products. Some tripe is the latest in a list of environmentally friendly alternatives sunscreens. Protect those skin and the oceans from chemical toxins. Like that. If you are also doing your bit tell us about it. Is it our website or send us a tweet. During or better share your stories. Or call of us monkey can be found in kenya as course thought forests and highland regions in the past their animal was hunted excessively for its beautiful for its skin was used to make dance costumes. And capes today the biggest threat to the caller is human encroachment on its forest habitat. For two decades the color boss congregation group has worked hard to prevent reason usuals machine from going extinct it works with local communities to raise awareness. This looks like a wild habitat but its not the monkeys here even a rescue center kenyas d. N. E. Beach resort. Behind of this entrance is a strip of forest which between hotels unquote edges deforestation has put the monkeys and the pressure on. The community has been really helpful since then edition was fun when they come across any scenic but good monkey i dont know my lick or less we do have that clinic yeah we have baby take cattle by day my guess is the black and white collar bus monkeys especially endangered they hunted for the exotic far or injured by touching overhead power cables there are only a few hundred call of us monkeys left in the area the center keeps the rescued ones in cages for their safety. Many people view the monkeys us pests that sometimes still fruit from the fields the rescue center runs an Educational Program for young people to give them a better understanding of the creatures that sleep around them. My name is drugs and the strain. On young not because of thats mucking around they get back to give back to the children which are right because. We have been able to to understand that this. Case are very important in their system they open. I despise seeing of see it that the city spouts off and that theres continued to. Of forest because when one says i despise. Continue growing slowly the colobus monkeys contributions are being appreciated but the habit it is still shrinking thats why the risk encourages people to plant trees before. We do. Indeed. He said. I dont. Read them to plant trees around. The indigenous because those are the best. We have around here. Trees like the baobab tree colobus monkeys eat their leaves and blossoms the monkeys tend not to forage for human food but rely heavily on the trees and humans who are wise enough to protect the forest. We end the program with you in south Africa Felicia on the issue of Climate Change which we in the solvent hemisphere are spending just as much as. In the Northern Hemisphere right and that became clear with the months long drought in and around cape town water was rationed tourists stayed away and people and animals suffered enormously under the sizzling heat for environmental activists and given them a question Climate Change arrived a long time ago she helps female farmers to deal with the economic and social impact of Climate Change the focus is on local Solutions Take a look at our profile of a woman who is passionate for the cause. Individually mcilwain or shows us one of the mine dumps around in and around south africas biggest city janice the soil here is full of. Toxins like arsenic lead and radioactive uranium the heavy rains and dust storms that have become more frequent in recent years have spread the gone terminations especially around the way to and its neighboring townships. Change largely is viewed as an environmental change however its encompasses everything its a different mentality its a human face each instance social change you find when we look at it impacts of Climate Change and how one can adapt the most Vulnerable Women and children. Environmentalist mcilwain and grew up under the racist apartheid regime. Back then mining debbie was dumped directly next to the townships where black people lived at a safe distance from affluent white suburbs. As a young girl she saw how much more vulnerable the poor and disadvantaged were to environmental problems. Women suffered doubly not only were they exposed to the hazards in a deeply entrenched patrie arkell Society Women have fewer choices and fewer means to protect themselves. That men could dictate a womans fate was a notion to feel he grew up with. To feel he did study anyway earning the money she needed as a bank teller and later as a marketer at a big national newspaper. She got more and more involved in community work. Eventually she quit her job and organized environmental cleanup campaigns in soweto. Today mcwane is the south africa coordinator for the gender into urban Climate Change initiative in south africa the Initiative Works together with two cities. And johannesburg. Dealy is especially interested in introducing climates not been angry culture. We know these things are hunted specks too but park an abandoned green house has now become a community garden. The cooperative grows vegetables and medicinal herb. Currently the project provides work for formerly joe bliss women. Everyone. With a changing climate agricultural practices have to change to the project teaches Women Farmers how to adapt sustainably in order to ensure income and Food Security in the future. So. That was. Making themselves heard by policymakers remains a big challenge. The City Government had agreed to renovate the green house but cut the funding at the last minute. Its still a long way to cool. Voice and keep commenting and. Make recommendations identify. Its work that takes strength and perseverance and. Has plenty of both. And thats what africa this week. The bright idea from africa and europe. Together with my colleague thank you so much it was fun having you on the show today thanks and see it was simply great to be here im already looking forward to the next show now if you have any points to make or ideas on Environmental Protection that you. Ok is there contact us on our social media the address is will be coming up in a moment thank you for joining us im finishing end this baby from Johannesburg South africa and until next time. Im going to. The by. The by. The full volume on the phone tom long summer long the fine from. This stunning band has been rocking the world for more than two decades. Please explain the secret trunks. Subsists. Public support thirteen dollars. Fund betoken. His work that god is for turning out. The monsters and favors. Beethoven first bond twenty. His creations roof his brand on a mistake of it comes out of that nikon of the fashion world. Look what do we really know about the man behind the dark shades what motivates him how does he think and feel private moments in the life of a great Fashion Designer on a sun smash. It starts september night w. The. Scars still. The pain still tangible. For good. To see these edge but. They have survived but do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. New beginning in peace time for the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. Out of darkness cities after war. Starts september second on g. W. This is did all the news live from the un investigators issued a damning report on man miles crackdown on the revenge or using the words genocidal intent they say military commanders must face justice for crimes against humanity change the armys brutal offensive a year ago led hundreds of thousands of britons or muslims to flee the country to get reaction from amnesty international

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