Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181225 04:0

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181225 04:02:00

with just a week to go before christmas we are getting ready for the celebrations with a special week of year x. rays have seen that over here for the next half an hour taking you through the theme of the day which is creativity in winter. playing a cool or a visit to the i c s music festival in the well. below in a way how to make the package from the bible. and its signature script by handwritten i to tell a favorite. each day this week we'll be focusing on the theme of winter and what you can do in this season be that for eating drinking or getting cozy today we look at cold weather activities both in
and out doors scandinavia is known for its extreme weather conditions and yet it is often the far north of no way that an outdoor annual concert takes place temperatures are so low that the instruments a made from ice for this concert but that is no guarantee that they won't melt before the star is hired. as the day draws to a close in the norwegian ski resort to vi low and the temperature plunges to well below freezing you sometimes hear strange sounds for miles around. once a year one of the strangest and certainly oldest music festivals in the world taking place here on a frozen lake. musicians playing instruments made entirely out of. the audience members are impressed.
this is really impressive stage and. i'm still wondering how they made it but didn't go to experience. on their own. hard on the water. if magic. norwegian percussionist teria is sunset came up with the idea for the festival in two thousand and six he has an ecological message that he's. already heard the climate change and some of the things on the ice. promising to demonize i'm told are. becomes very important to us are common to all those things. the annual festival last three days and always attracts thousands of visitors. the twenty six musicians who will perform make their instruments themselves almost
at the last minute before the concert. they use ice that's been collected from the frozen lakes around. to take some time to fine tune the instruments and find just suitable sound. which right music's. i normally work my job is to come up with ideas to get to the program or so yeah so. this year we are these enormous to put on the thing for you also have the drums the african style drums that we haven't done before. the annual highlights is the midnight concert i mean i love those frozen lake improvised from beginning to end.
the musicians never know if their instruments will survive the two hour concert they tend to melt and the sound changes accordingly. oh i. see a strange and unique music performed in the arctic chill. wow i never used to living is that cold temperatures the possibilities are endless i mean what is a few degrees even cooler and messy is out and frozen water wouldn't seem that ludicrous if you got used to it whatever it well that is what a less rancor and
a group of filmmakers do in central finland they ship videos upside down below the surface of the ice at first glance it looks like a sea bed but keep watching the direction of the bubbles and you'll soon say that there's no more to this than meets the eye. they're. late already become a hit on the internet the weird the nice clips from the finnish diving group led by a lisa donkey and you saw me. this is lakeside a yard here's our love. once again at the group of video artists meet up here and go diving under the ice to make their films.
in winter the ice is up to half a meter thick. the main actor a lizard uncut is preparing for his on camera performance and is fitted with special equipment the spikes on his shoe soles are especially important to prevent him from slipping on the ice. thankfully dark as a performer i always have to know exactly what i'll be doing before i dive under and once i'm under water it's difficult to communicate with. his friend and cameraman you also met a lot will be busy with his underwater camera under the most taxing conditions. the fact that. he was.
above the ice itself was takes care of the props. in the crazy to do this in the middle of nowhere. no not at all. predicates. which from. acrobatic talent is a must and both performer and camera man have trained for this for a long time. the diving gear provides enough buoyancy none the less excellent orientation and perfect balance are required to work upside down under the frozen surface. suddenly up becomes down on the bottom of the icy surface transforms into a bizarre film set. the rules of nature are turned on their head as the team plays tricks on our perception. bubbles no longer float upwards but slowly sink to the
ground. meanwhile the viewing figures of the crazy videos from finland keep rising they've gone at more than five million hits. the shoots can take up to an hour. a minute so metal is always happy to finally get out of the icy water. there are so many underwater films in the world. with it but we put our own twist
on it and the diving film. that's something special. and it's fun looks like are you happy for. her. whether they're fishing from underwater through a hole in the ice. sledding upside down beneath the surface. these finnish divers never seem to run around crazy ideas. and if you want to say well from the finnish divers then you can easily search for them on you tube why ten outs of focus on two german artists who are lighting up forests for their projections and imagery within and it's a combination of techniques they bring life to the dog history of nights and images they produce about magical and mesmerizing that you may also have perfect to not digitally manipulate anything in post-production so the key for them is in the
preparation and i could take hours in the cold winter nights. glowing shapes in untouched nature surrealistic images from a short film lucid by the german artists collective. and none of this is done with computer animation even images that seem inexplicable are real objects and were actually installed in the surroundings. tarik my world and pretty fun sure put a lot of physical work and creativity into their art. among other things they use luminescent wires and objects to create their illusions.
we can use and the thing that blows where it all depends on how you stage it today i think. the techniques and materials i use range from household items for example the sphere she has a layer. projections for example we have one shot with a triangle we cut it out of cardboard and then just projected a colored light onto it. the some point it would have. in twenty fourteen the artist duo shot the short film bio luminescent forest here to all the light effects are projected directly into the setting rather than manipulating the images on a computer. direct my wad and freakish one sure employed and even now protect knology for the projection mapping parts of the forest or illuminated effects on irregular surfaces and textures are taken into
account this requires not only a precise plan but also patients. especially when the illuminated objects are not only three dimensional but also animate. as we usually we only project light onto inanimate objects but we also wanted to use animals ones that don't move much or that hold still for a while but with a frog we have to film for five hours because it kept jumping away because. for other projects the light artists bring a bit of nature into the city. for example their new blanched project in paris in twenty fifteen i hunt astonished the audience with the projection of a gigantic spider. the dimensions and perspectives had to correspond precisely. when says mr noir for us it's important to trying out new techniques for example in
our next project we might work with fire or with water with or whatever. with a wide range of things we don't want to limit are so innocent i'm saying that i think that's what enables us to always have new themes and to be able to convey a feeling. of truth. i hunt will continue to create illusions in the future without image editing using physical exertion and ingenious idea. now of allowing us a people is usually something that you'll see kids doing in the summer time but as you know our show today is all about winter activities and strangely enough blowing bubbles can be done in the cold tape in fact if they conditions are almost frosty the bubbles were actually free and the crystal eyeballs make a great subject the king photographer.
a different take on the concept of ice sculptures frozen bubbles. in subzero temperatures soap bubbles become rigid and well when they collide with another object. as long as they stay frozen they can last for several days. for amateur photographers from northern germany want to take the perfect ice bubble at night the conditions are good hardly any wind that's when the bubbles freeze best. not to time august alsina the before they look so magical and they're frozen a bit like a crystal ball and oh it's fascinating to record on camera the way i drive just a freak and gradual becomes the fall of glow of victory. a time lapse video of a frozen bubble in the making at minus sixty three celsius in real time it takes
two minutes. and the perfect bubble mixes half dishwashing liquid in half water plus starch. it's scary because we're using sugar but you can also use glycerine or quark. it's just there to make the consistency a bit stronger so the bubbles are more stable when they're forming blossom but in. another tip use a straw to blow them up they're easier to position and they hold better. when the longer go north and i could read in the cold for long enough is what i looks like you really think one has gotten this glass now but if we touch it it cannot smell test. just like chewing gum yeah because like jim. the results of the ny times shooter quite spectacular a long stint in the cold paid off.
and melanie are conducting their next experiment at sunrise they want to see the effect of a backlight but it's too windy this time and the bubble won't freeze completely. but they managed to get a decent picture. just in time. for more construction if you play from the. length of stay perfect. you were lucky what you mean. there's not much i thought it would be almost impossible in the wind. and the bubble hadn't frozen entirely but there are a few but literally ice crystals and as soon as it's cold enough the four will be l. again on the hunt for that perfect ice bubble until then they'll have to make do with the regular variety and they're pretty nice to. have all of the images
resemble bubbles that you appear on christmas trees as well very festive it is the time if the decorations of course and something that is popular to have in many hinds during the holidays a candles we missed out with a gem an artist who works with waxes have material of choice she loves the transparency of wax and the effects she gets when putting lights behind them has helped her receive well wife recognition. flowing room installations glowing objects. creations are made out of wax. eager to promote starts her day in her studio at the stove where she melts large paraffin slabs she started out studying painting but in the meantime she's worked with wax for many years. it's the perfect material for the effects she seeks. to construct since the strands
loosens a man in claiming that something is there but she can't really see it. and is it wants and the blur ness that you have when you remember something it's never absolutely clear it's about trying to recapture impressions and feelings and i think the material i work with expresses that very well. when i'm back of alice the . caliber from fish i work with five different kinds of paraffin is one of them gets a chapel surface when it cools. or and i'm going to the other extreme is one that creates an incredibly smooth surface on this i can affect that but in reality every slab i bore is always surprising for me and that's what keeps it interesting for me that this one and. color light and form it's there interplay that creates the effect in your group once. she's won many prizes for works and she's
exhibited them all over the world here's one of her wax rooms in omaha nebraska. where one experiences were shown in glasgow scotland. cd made of wax also in glasgow at the lighthouse design museum. in her dancing water lilies piece she floated wax discs on a pond in toronto canada. in a good protos cast countless wax slabs in discs over the decades and melted countless ones down again if their color surface texture or degree of translucence didn't please or. no one exam jets are stable as long as they aren't exposed to excessive heat or direct sunlight. the light sources in her wax lamps all burn cold.
people who have bought my last repeatedly tell me that when they switch them on it's like turning on their hearts the lamps bring a smile to their lips but what could be better than that skips. a deal for this time of year as well now we end the show today by looking at the handwriting something that probably many of us have not done for a while but at christmas time it's fitting to have calligraphy on christmas cards and christmas party invitations the style is both traditional and festive and there are many people who make a living by bringing the beauty of this dying art form back to life. there was a time when everyone wrote with a flourish. today hand lettering is an art form that is ever growing in popularity
. because it's not just visually appealing it's a rewarding past time. this old fashioned way of writing as taught in calligraphy workshops. it's hard actually because you aren't accustomed to that it's fun and you see results pretty fast. i only ever saw it on instagram and admired how beautifully some people are able to write mom. calligraphy classes are growing in popularity in many places and germany is a case in point by day long workshop with expert chris concert in hamburg cost more than three hundred euros and attracts professional graphic designers as well as amateurs it's an analogue trend. how my rebuttal i once heard that a technique turns into an art form when it becomes obsolete and maybe hand
lettering popularity comes from the fact that nowadays people even type their grocery lists into their phones and generally write less and less by hand so there's a yearning to go back and take a pen in hand precisely because you hardly need one in daily life anymore. chris comprehends made a career out of calligraphy apart from holding workshops she's written a book on hand lettering para labrat handwriting also graces the book cover she's been commissioned to design for publishers and agents. as the world goes digital many companies have recognized the appeal of adding a personal touch through hand lettering mom i'm publishing as are currently doing everything they can to lend books a special and tactile touch so a font that you can tell is handwritten to. it's the bill i see it as a counter trend to all the polished surface as we have on our phones and computers . and wrong lettering that grabs the eye is
a trademark of artists ryle see who boast one hundred thousand followers on instagram optical illusions i want to specialties see comes from the french speaking part of switzerland but he now lives and works in berlin. he calls his work one hundred percent analog. even when he draws computer pixels by hand. while c. creates logos for sporting goods firms and restaurants. he also shows his lettering art and galleries. i think that one of the main reason why i like to do it by is when you do it with a computer it can be as beautiful as you want but somehow it doesn't exist. it it's all need pixels whereas this is and then we can talk to it's here with us.
after a few hours of intensive tutoring at the workshop in hamburg the novices are already producing some impressively swirling scripts mindfulness patience and dedication and lettering demands qualities that have become rare in our fast paced world. but rather than spelling an end to the art of handwriting it appears the digital age is fueling its renaissance. unfortunately though that is the and all of our show today a focus changes each day of the week so do you keep watching i'm going to reveal what we have in store for tomorrow i'll be on the show tomorrow as well but the now from myself and all of the team here in the studio up i'm. coming up on the next special edition of your america a look at the man otherwise known as roller man extreme athlete johnny. plus
one of the best free riders in the world even vacs now. and surfing in the most northern spots in the world that and more next time on your own acts. would germline down by an. adult a guy with data to sell that any is thinking about possibly buying di camillo completely exposed. each time we are
on line we need behind traces which say a lot about our lives. and i was saying to advertises is there any escape. to our world today next on t.w. . the first time i saw the northern lights or something in my brain changed to visitors from all over continuity in sweden to experience this spectacle of nature and a spiritual something that comes from the sky a fascinating winter journey to the northern lights solar storms and midnight magic . in forty five minutes on t w.
natural riches. precious resources. and a rewarding investment. of farmland it has been called ethiopia's gold. the country has an abundance of life and leases it to international coverage for giants the government is after high export revenues and the corporations high profit margins. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. would give you when i saw the bulldozers clearing the land i was devastated can you give me how could they bulldoze the land without my permission what they knew would belong to me. expropriation environmental destruction starvation. the price for government and corporate greed. the sowing out of the country. dead donkeys fear no hard nosed. starts

Related Keywords

Eating Drinking , Season , Ice , Way , Concert , Instruments , Conditions , Place , Doors Scandinavia , Temperatures , Guarantee , Weather , Temperature , Close , The Star , Norwegian , Ski Resort , World , Year One , Music Festivals , Sounds , One , Musicians , Lake , Audience Members , Stage , Didnt Go , Water , Festival , Idea , Some , Magic , Climate Change , Message , Norwegian Percussionist Teria Is Sunset , Two Thousand And Six , Things , Us , Visitors , Thousands , Three , Twenty Six , Sound , Lakes , Music , Ideas , Job , Program , Thing , Style , Highlights , We Haven T , Changes , Two , Arohi , Wow , Arctic Chill , Cold Temperatures , Wouldn , Rancor , Possibilities , Surface , Bubbles , Group , Videos , Filmmakers , Direction , Central Finland , Seabed , Eye , More , Internet , Clips , Diving Group Led , Hit , Lisa Donkey , Films , Video Artists , Diving , Love , Meter Thick , Performance , Soles , Shoe , Equipment , Spikes , On Camera , Actora Lizard Uncut , Performer , Friend , Fact , Lot , Camera , Cameraman , Crazy , Props , Middle , Nowhere , Talent , None , Balance , Must , Diving Gear , Buoyancy , Orientation , Team , Nature , Rules , Bottom , Perception , Film Set , Head , Tricks , Viewing Figures , Ground , Five Million , Shoots , Metal , Twist , It , Diving Film , Something Special , Fun , Divers , Fishing , Underwater , Hole , Sledding , Artists , Projections , Imagery , Forests , Outs , German , Ten , Images , Life , Techniques , Mesmerizing , Anything , Post Production , Combination , Key , Preparation , Winter Nights , Shapes , Surrealistic Images Froma Short Film Lucid , Objects , Surroundings , Computer Animation , Creativity , Art , Illusions , Work , Wires , My World , Materials , Household Items , Example , Shot , Cardboard , Point , Sphere , Layer , Triangle , Artist , Effects , Setting , Duo , Short Film Bio Luminescent Forest , Twenty , Fourteen , Surfaces , Computer , Forest , Textures , Projection Mapping , Teknology , Wad , Account , Patients , Scanimate , Plan , Hold , Animals , Frog , Don T , Five , Bit , Project , Projects , Projection , Audience , City , Fifteen , Dimensions , Spider , Perspectives , Mr , Noir , Themes , Range , Fire , Whatever , Feeling , Image Editing , Truth , Physical Exertion , Something , People , Show , Kids , Tape , Winter Activities , Photographer , Crystal Eyeballs , Subject , Soap Bubbles , Concept , Object , Price Bubble , Photographers , Northern Germany , Wind , August Alsina , Bubble , Time Lapse Video , Glow , Victory , Crystal Ball , Freak , Making , Sixty Three , Half , Starch , Consistency , Sugar , Quark , Glycerine , Straw , Blossom , Tip Use , Cold , Glass , Test , Chewing Gum , Ngo North , Jim , Results , Nytimes , Shooter , Stint , Effect , Experiment , Melanie , Back Light , Picture , Construction , Length , Stay , Four , Ice Crystals , Few , Bubble Hadnt Frozen , Al L , Hunt , Variety , Do , Material , Decorations , Candles , Chinds , Course , Gem , Choice , Waxes , Christmas Trees , Wax , Lights , Creations , Transparency , Room , Recognition , Wife , Studio , Stove , Paraffin Slabs , Strands , Painting , Man , Blur Ness , Feelings , Impressions , Paraffin , Fish , Caliber , Kinds , Alice The , Extreme , Chapel , Reality , Interplay , Slab , Works , Prizes , Experiences , Wax Rooms , Glasgow Scotland , Omaha Nebraska , Cd , Lighthouse Design Museum , Protos Cast Countless Wax Slabs , Pond , Dancing , Water Lilies , Canada , Toronto , Lamps , Jets , Exam , Translucence , Burn Cold , Degree , Ones , Color Surface Texture , Heat , Sunlight , Sources , Last , Hearts , Turning , Lips , Skips , Deal , Smile , Handwriting , Calligraphy , Many , Invitations , Fitting , Christmas Cards , Hand Lettering , Art Form , Popularity , Everyone , Flourish , Living , Beauty , Writing , Calligraphy Workshops , Mom , Case , Places , Instagram , Calligraphy Classes , Expert Chris Concert , Germany , Hamburg , Rebuttal , Technique , Graphic Designers , Trend , Amateurs , Three Hundred , Three Hundred Euros , Lettering , Phones , Hand , Yearning , Grocery Lists , Book , Holding Workshops She , Pen , Career , Chris Comprehends , Hand Lettering Para Labrat , Touch , Companies , Publishers , Agents , Appeal , Font , Computers , Special , Books , Everything , Counter Trend , Bill , Trademark , Optical Illusions , Specialties , French , Artists Ryle , One Hundred Thousand , Part , Computer Pixels , Switzerland , Berlin , One Hundred , Sporting Goods Firms , Restaurants , Logos , Galleries , Reason , Computer It , Need , Scripts Mindfulness Patience , Workshop , Dedication , Tutoring , Novices , Qualities , End , Renaissance , Age , Store , Focus , Look , Special Edition , Plus One , Roller Man Extreme Athlete , Johnny , Surfing , Riders , Act , Spots , Data , Adults , Guy , Germline Down , Di Camillo , Escape , Line , Lives , Traces , Time , Spectacle , Northern Lights , Brain , Continuity , Tw , Sweden , Storms , Sky , Midnight Magic , Winter Journey , Tw Natural Riches , Forty Five , Resources , Investment , Farmland , Gold , Ethiopia , Country , Government , Abundance , Revenues , Profit Margins , Coverage , Giants , Business , Land , Permission , Bulldozers , Expropriation Environmental Destruction Starvation , Donkeys , Price , Greed , Sowing , Hard Nosed ,

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