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Harrison in the south has been liberated, overjoyed, residents, who suffered months of occupation or welcoming the ukrainian soldiers as they re establish control of the vacated areas. Russians, retreat marks the largest withdrawal of its troops since the start of the war. And even now, the Ukrainian Government continues to announce the liberation of even more occupied territories. One of those recently liberated areas is in the east of ukraine, including the city of both trans. For now, most of the city resembles a ghost town. Not only because of the damage sustained during the fighting, but because the war remains so close and also because of the residents who openly sympathized with the russian occupiers have fled. One ukrainian who stayed put throughout the occupation is there he carnival of. Hes glad is town is once again under the control, the ukrainian army, but he also knows that piece, or a sense of harmony, will not be coming back anytime soon. Ah, it takes 5 hours to drive to love chunks from the regional capital, hot give or 3 times longer than before the war. You have to take small local roads because all the major roots and bridges are destroyed. The town was home to 17000 people before the invasion and dis, just 4 kilometers from the russian border. The russian army occupied off chunks on the very 1st day of the war. But in september the ukrainian flag returned said he can. Of allah was here. Throughout the 8 months russians occupied the town. He calls them rashes, meaning russian, fascists, doors, job or groceries than before. The rashes was came. I had everything was i had a job. My wife had nice clothes and our fridge was full booth of holiday live bull. And now theyve come and messed up our lives on the bush. The town is basically gone. George. Hardly any one is left. Which end was ye cause it was most of the residents have fled, and there are traces of combat everywhere. The Ukrainian Military has taken over control and set up, jack points at the entrance to the town. They fear russia might send in saboteurs. What russia has been sending over lots of shells from the other side of the border when it was good. But when you didnt make a michelle us the most on mondays the same way the firearm big cities on monday mornings they wish oscar morning to that and we respond. However we can. Lets go go of the world. Traces of the blasts are everywhere. There are regular blackouts. Theres no more gas because the town was connected to the russian gas grades before the war. The people are preparing to face a cold winter without heating and not enough humanitarian aid makes it over the bad roads into the remote town. So not everyone here is happy about being liberated liberal in when the russians were here. We had relatively normal lives, there was work and we were getting regular humanitarian aid, or they would also even hand out money. Now we have nothing, excuse me. Even before the war, the town was considered pro russian, and many residents fled together with the occupying forces. According to local authorities, no more than a faith remain, mostly elderly people and those who want nothing to do with russian values, lula blah, blah. We had a rough living under russian rule, a for with russian fashion, roaming the streets such a rosky. It was terrible, civil football got it. I think these 2 women pull the intoxicated man away when you all one to imply that were collaborators. Sure. Of the jail redid the distrust runs deep among those who stayed behind accusations a rampant about who collaborated with the occupiers or might even still be passing on information, making it hard for the military administration. Yet when the police could you confirm any claims of duplicity, open the books that those who denounced people to the russians are now coming to us and announcing others were having been collaborators with them, which all tumbled to feel like elsewhere. Russian rule here was violent. Young men would disappear into dark basements, and some came back with serious injuries. One of the torture chambers was found below this factory. Sir, he too was targeted by the occupiers or for when he was caught on the street after curfew and summoned the yard doing little villages. I was afraid that they would torture me here or Something Like her yup recorder or what i was only forced to work for them to be at the word should i able to go while i had to show up at 8 in the morning and slave away for them until 5 in the evenings digging trenches was carrying stuff around and stacking sandbags. Let your husband me said he has moved his wife and young daughter out of the town. And as soon as he has helped his mother to prepare for winter, he also wants to leave, at least for a while. When we were on our list of them, they had had to us, not the other way around. Thats how i see it. Yeah. And i think thats how many theater, thats how ukrainian feel about it. This is our land. We didnt attack our neighbors. We dont want anything from them, not just on another 10 and re fire the latest early morning, reaching from across the border. 4 years ago, the death of jamal ca shogi cause outrage around the world. The journalist who is one of the harshest critics of the Saudi Arabian regime, was brutally murdered inside the saudi consulate in his symbol. His body disappeared without a trace and co shelbys murderers. As well as those who enabled them have not been brought to justice. That is something that his fiance had teach a jingle of turkey cannot accept her world me of collapse that day 4 years ago. But she has not stopped fighting to find justice for her partner and punishment for the perpetrators me. I own a big pain in my life. In my heart, the malware hope you will part of my life, my identity consulate in a stumbling. The place has haunted her since that day in october 2018. When jamal has shown g was murdered here, the famous saudi diffident, her teachers husband, to be we came here because we need to take some documents to complete our money to officially. He went in and i started waiting size. I waited and waited, and he did not come back. I knocked on the door and some man said there is no one in fight. While her teacher waited outside jamal her show g was brutally murdered and dismembered by a team of 30 agents. Silenced for being a critical journalist. A monument of whitestone now stands near the consulate. It has jamals name on it, but its not a greystone. Because to this day, he has remains, have not been found. They wanted him. Still, i am asking this question like his body. What happened to his body . From that day on to now im fighting. Im fighting for justice for jamal ah, had teacher met jamal at a politics conference in east amboy and soon they became jos. Ah, his mom was in my life. I will never forget. I said, okay, this is my new wife. Read this guy with this man for a while with jamal its never came to that. A few months later jamal was dead. And her teacher, devastated by the loss, made a decision that would give her life a new direction. Then i told her, i cant say silent. It is time to act. And from that day i thing my life changed. And i put myself under this at age, speaking up and saying the truth, my power is my words. Mm hm. Put it in today, but ill be a teacher started to travel the world. She testified in front of the u. S. Congress, the european parliament, the United Nations human rights council. A u. N. Investigation found evidence that the saudi leadership was responsible for the killing of jamal, who shall g. U. S. Intelligence agencies concluded that crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon had approved the assassination being. So an accusation he denies, had fisher livable. For some time, her teacher was certain that justice would prevail until she learned the meaning of reality. In a world of turmoil and hungry for energy resources, pariahs can become partners again, court cases can be closed. And just as for jamal, her show teeth may never be achieved. It will then easy to understand, is israel politic . It was, were heard disappointing for me. Every one also for politic efficient. Ah, the couples on the banks of the bus for us remind her teacher of her loss. But also of the fact that life is worth living and justice was fighting for i have a duty. I have because false realty on have to remind people what happened to jamal a research, aton human rights defend her teacher, jenkins have found new purpose in her life. Speaking for those who are silenced, listening to those who are not heard. Please speak up, watch we need our feature, isnt humanity. More democracy on human rights. Not give up my message. I would like to introduce you right now to some of the luckiest pigs in all of europe. Theyre the ones owned by chemo. Hi colo. Chemo owns the largest pigment farm in finland, and he can think of nothing worse than fattening picks up for a terrible and very short life, in a cramped stall in semi darkness. Thats why he make sure his pig lips get enough exercise and are kept in a healthy environment. He wants the animals on his farm and roost, go to the west of helsinki to just be happy. And in europe, that is anything but a given. These pink lights are probably among the happiest in europe. They belong to timo. Hi killer. A finnish farmer who works hard to ensure all his animals are well cared for. Another thing thats unusual about high kaylas herd of pigs. They all still have their tails. Been deaf once i in the ring, when their tails curl up a means the pigs are doing well and i know theyre happy in clerkley. Its something many pigs wouldnt know about it. Most European Countries, they have their tails cut off from early on using a caught arising iron that burned them off. The idea is to stop the pigs from biting each others tails. But Animal Rights activists have long seen it as a brutal practice that needs to stop and talk. These are well high kaylas pigs never bite each others tails. He says they just need enough space and appropriate toys to distract them. Onassis, i know this here is made of rubber and feels a bit like a tail. The eye on that in front of him is so if a pink has a need to do something with its teeth, they can just chew on this room of buffalo and im still here color at his farm in southern finland. High kilo rears over 100000. 00 pigs each year to sell to farms that then fattened them up for slaughter. He also used to cut off their tails. But in 2003, the practice was declared illegal in finland. Its supposed to be banned right across the european union. But nearly all Member States allow exceptions on mass. Well, thats something taro. Auntie kaiden is working to change. Shes part of an organization that advises european pig farmers. Together with people like team or hiker. Shes fighting to improve standards on europes pig farms are only stressed animals bite each others tails go so they need larger sheds and more variety both she doesnt accept the argument that its too expensive. Biggest obstacle always his attitude. If he think that, oh, i cant do it. Of course you cant. You have to think from the animals perspective, from the how the animal things and stop thinking about money. How much money can i make for me. But even here in finland, not all farmers prize Animal Welfare over profit in the capital. Helsinki we met with activists from the organization i k o t. I think if they frequently visit pig farms under cover to document the conditions there many pigs are living in appalling conditions including being kept in very narrow crates, vandalism or re housing is so crate. And in many of foreign neighboring countries, weve seen Pearl Crescent getting rid of this. But in finland, norton is animal have only has the space to move for about a couple of steps and go back. The problem is not something illegal in this image is the problem is not fit is perfectly legal team or high killer would never treat his pigs that way. He make sure they not only have sufficient space, but also that theyre not too hot or cold. Well, on her out their loved comp even installed his own ventilation system and tried it out for himself to check its effectiveness. Ill be help here. Give me your leg. I laid down right here. I was half naked. And then i felt the air coming in and i thought, no, i wouldnt want that for myself with abroad under and so i developed this new ventilation system, this megan hobbies under the live doing system. And because with this much love, its no wonder that team or high killers pigs or thriving, he cant understand why 30 years after the law was changed, the ban on amputating pigs tails still is an enforced across europe. He says, whats good for the pigs is good for the farmer. When vendor dumping golf best at at the if your animals are healthier and perform better when you soon recruit your cost tech life rules. When you have a form that you can be proud of. And that is more acceptable to the general public adults. You are not by like yourself, lawfully. Accept, done in finland, you cant sell pigs. If their tails have been cut. The e u wants to put the issue of pig farming back on the agenda. Then there could be many more happy pigs like team oh hi killers. All across europe, brewing beer. Its kind of been seen as a mans job for why ill hasnt it . Well, in spain, a growing number of women are working against that all to sticky perception. Like and boost arvizo or in vigo. Their groups of women are united by their love of the happy beverage, and by their desire to create brand new beers. Now if you think this is all kind of a new trendy thing, it is not in the past. Women in the country were also deeply involved in brewing store operator, susanna. He neer, is fighting to revive that tradition with the help of some very passionate women from across the country. Susanna he now is a beer expert with a store and bar and barcelona. She specializes in craft beer made by women out from berlin. Nowadays people enjoy drinking b a, but it used to be a food stuff and made by women. It is from barcelona to calisha in North Western spain. Susanna seeks out women broo masters under beer for her store and her blog about beer made by women. She meets isabel ga. It says near vigo, under say, how much do you break out . I validate with 250. 00 leads, but now its more than 10000 liter a month. I think when i met jill appetite, they only look at my see myself as a professional brew master. Im business woman is nadia a ive brought up my own success is how just so long. Isabel started 6 years ago, breaking with her familys winemaking tradition. Deal sellers now housed are modern unsuccessful craft beer brewery. Hercules improves a real hit and it will soon be in stock at susana store in barcelona. Ah no, its on to post of you a mountain village, 70 kilometers north of madrid. This is belinda, a cooperative of for women. A former architect, media, designer, journalist on psychologist paul around 40 unless their previous careers to pursue their passion of brewing beer. Ah, was come a lot of money for that. We wanted to be able to walk in the town that we live in with our families. I mean, i think that there are, wed already made barrett home and when we thought of starting a company, it had to be brewery. Down to 5 was eva for beers are a product of inspiration and imaginative ingredients, using mango, blueberries, and even her viscous flowers. Today a lot of cinnamon is going into says on his beer, voluntarily sell some 45000 meters a year, making a good living for the families magazine. I mean, we also have a bar which seats 20 people inside and a 120 with the beer garden. There are 2500 people in the village and weve created 9 permanent jobs, including our own leader, myself. Ah, women brewers may seem uncommon today. But centuries ago brewing was primarily a womans job. Ah, medical ha, ha ha women with a homemakers, baking bread and brewing beer for the family. They sold any extra barrett the market, especially in the 14th century when be a consumption rose sharply because of the plague. This was the lab, is the never go be, was healthier and cleaner to drink than water that with that particular almost right on the ask it out, walk hops brought the great change because it allowed beard to be stored. Here became big business women brewers were reviled as witches punished and burned. And when i fought mad them in this, it was a way to force women out of a business that was becoming lucrative. I said men began to take over the b a industry, a monasteries, and businesses and women were driven out of it with that. But a yeah, is clue you in law is green that im will head the lasting says on a has to do is removed the most from the kettle. A beer will be ready in 2 months. Either. Does anyone ever ask what women are doing brewing beer . Yes, a lot. Thats why we take a provocative sign to be a phase that shows women with moustaches and be a mistress written on it. And it really, yeah, will show you its a joke. Its great. They ask us where the brew master is. Why master were bery of women ah, with humor and prowess, the women brewers are intent on taking beer back into their own hands. Do you know what a town leader does all day long . Well, in caughtington, in the south west of england, the primary job of a very special honorary mayor is simply to spread good cheer. Hes open to selfies, doesnt mind being photographed, and hes also present at the opening of schools and hospitals. The only thing hes not very good at though is making speeches or shaking hands or signing documents. Thats because patrick, the mayor is a mini Shetland Pony and one with a long history of helping those in need. Ah, what child here comes the boss. Patrick the local mare is allison, a bounce in his constituency, the village of caughtington in the south west of england. And of course, hes dressed for the job. Like all men in england, he has a chain of office. Local residents signed a petition last summer to have patrick become mer his main task to spread a little happiness, a job he performs with distinction. Hes wonderful. I think there are too many annoying maids and he sees a perfect. Where is a good, good carts. Its around the town is a key and to saw i with the idea was born at the local pub. Patrick was training to be a therapy pony. His owner kirk took him along to get in use to people. Patrick was an immediate hit and when the job of mer became free, he was the 1st choice. The tourist love him to. Patricks biggest part of his role is to bring happiness to everybody all over the world. But he does attend events as well. So if theres a ceremony patch, it will turn up in, in his mares outfit and done, you know, rather than cut the ribbon, he will bite the ribbon. Unfortunately, the local council didnt share the joke and his band patrick from the pub. The problem is hes gained quite a taste for beer. Thankfully he still allowed to quit drink off to work. Take some a few steps of that, but yeah, he really look at him so excited arent you . Ha, if youre in trouble, just cool is ne locals and im hoping a song about patrick will make the charts every one hearing talking to an is convinced he has a great future ahead of him. A patchy will say 30 and if youre wondering patrick actually change the laws to allow horses to drink alcohol, it was one of his 1st acts as mayor. Thats it from us here at focus on europe until next time. Goodbye. Ah ah. With who entered the conflict with tim, sebastian, russia has suffered key reversals on the battlefield. As curious. Horses have come to attack and seize back a wide sway of territory. My guest this week from moscow is andre kalashnikov, senior fellow at the time to come in government for International Peace amounts among some of the may uprooting supporters. How vulnerable is conflict zone in 30 minutes on d. W . Yes. What fact is spook trial . Im saying im convinced you have had become a role model ecological training account or produce more energy is the burning issue in many European Countries right now. But can leaders are great on Common Solutions . The future is being determined, but now the europe revealed part 3 in our series, ah, in 75 minutes on d, w. O. Natural world. The return of the spiky yellow with louse will ensure the survival of the entire ecosystem. One of the many Success Stories from a bastion of biodiversity say tony not starts november 18th on d. W or not with matt. Shes met said, can i get the country . I came up with an increasing number of women in latin america. Im guessing fed up for needs of monitoring and depressing net fighting against sexism, violence, and full access to abortion. Pressure from the street has already proven successful. That opposition is on the rise. Fed up with menchies dogs november 25th on d w. A oh frankfurt a lot. International, a gateway to the best connection, south road and radio. Located in the out of europe. You are connected to the whole world to experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. Be our guest at frankfurt. Airport city managed by frappe, bought lou. Ah, this is the w news, and these are our top stories. Nato and poland have said a missile that struck polish territory on tuesday was lightly fired by ukraine. In self defense, 2 people were killed when the suspected a defense miss ill exploded in a village near polar

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