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Further very concrete steps that we aim to decide upon at the cop 27. 00 with the objective of reducing emissions and mitigating damage and losses. That can never be fully compensated for by assisting the countries that are most affected. And that is, ah, hardest hit, the world is already on fire. We will not be able to end this climate crisis. We can only reduce it. We stand together, we need to reverse the trend. We have to speed up to expedite actions in that regard and to expand the use of renewables. The good news is that we have all the tools we need. We know exactly what needs to be done. The only thing is that we finally off too because we are working with our african park wise and that corporation. It extends far beyond our aim to mitigate the climate crisis. That we have started a Vaccination Campaign to support located actions in that regard. The local production of vaccines in africa is also part of that initiative. We want to ensure that weve pursue a prescient humanitarian kind of assistance in order to be able to secure the, to make sure that people are safe and secure before the disasters of rise. We want to Work Together to strengthen democracies and are actively stand up to think info, news, and dis information. The area of Cyber Security is another area in which we want to achieve improvements. But it also extends to conference projects with the Actual Community in africa. In times like these you have to do more than just accept things as they are or you have to make a point of standing up for what is important. Someone might find it more difficult because they are dependent in ways that they do not allow them any freedoms. And thus it is important that we Work Together with countries that share our values that are our partners in sharing those values. And there are quite a few of them to be found in the face of our 2 thirds of the International Community have made it very clear that they just are willing to stand up for respect for the rule of law in the International Order and respect for the International Law and we have to stand up for one another. Thus, we extend an offer to all the countries in the world. We want to set up fair partnerships at eye level, showing understanding with a diversity of different views. But based on a clear, calm pass consisting as of a set of values, these values are democracy means the consistent fight to support respect for human rights, respect for International Law. These are the principles that guide the g sevens actions. These days. This has guided our political efforts and our cooperation efforts. When we look to iran guns again, a whole generation all over the country is tending up good against the suppression against a system that does not provide them a system in freedom. Self determination and self determine development, those who beat people to death who shoots dead hundreds of citizens. I hope that those people who imprison and torture thousands of their citizens and use its ray as a weapon has revealed his true face on many people in iran have come to know that phase 4 decade on the regime in tehran will have to justify its actions and we will draw the necessary consequences were thinking about with thinking of the repression or intimidation, the tyranny they practice in their own country. But it also extends to what iran does outside of the borders of its own countries by supplying weapons. For example, to russia. All of that will have consequences, and the Iranian Regime has to be aware of that being the case. Which made that very clear today as the g 7. And we have pooled our and coordinated our response to runs actions p securing piece by upholding the law. This is what minister embodies. This is what the hall of peas in the town hall represents. This is what the citizens of the city of minster represent. They have entrusted their beautiful hall of peace to us for the past 2 days and have made city the center of International Development for 2 days. At the end of this g 7 meeting, we would like to think with those who have contributed to the success of this conference. And i think its fair to say its been, it is a success. Are 254 days of war. And we have come together as the members of the International Community and have been able to note that we can achieve things despite the brutality weve witnessed that helped the people in ukraine orient. Ron, as i said, i must go of the saying, the city of minster and it slowed. May i think the citizens of minister, who have a welcome to his most homely, old though we have placed them under certain restrictions. As i noticed this morning when i was out there running, thank you all. So i went to that Many Police Officers officers and security detail to have provided for our security. And i think im any paramedics and the many, many fallen terry workers who assisted us and thank you, the members of the press for being here to day garden. Are there any questions . Missed missed fatty news . First question, a little bit, mrs. Back. All right, if youre joining us here on d. W. News, weve just been hearing there from the German Foreign minister on alina babcock, who was speaking at the conclusion of the 2 day g. 7 summit which took place in the german city of munster on chia touched on many, many topics there. Ukraine declined the crisis on iran just to name a few. And she was, of course, speaking, am after those meetings with the Foreign Ministers of canada, france, germany, italy, japan, the united kingdom, the u. S. And the high representative of the european union. And watching a closely and following this has been r d. W corresponding julius of delhi, who is there on the ground in the german city of munster, julia. Whats your main take away from that . And im just going to say good. Could it be ukraine . Definitely ukraine. And as its expected, it was the main topic of discussion at this g 7. But it has been the main topic of discussion at the g 7 this whole years and almost years since the war started. And that has coincided with the german presidency of the g 7. And under lena babel made that clear also in her her statements now to the press. The g 7 has taken on almost a new role. It was born a decades ago as a forum for Financial Decisions from the biggest economies and biggest democratic economies in the world. And 9 am in recent weeks and months. Tell us more and what she had to say on that topic. Yes, she condemn strongly. What is happening in iran, in terms of repression, in terms of incarcerating people who are protesting on the streets. And that she made clear that what the regime in iran is doing will bear consequences in that the g 7 countries are closely watching. What is happening there . Not only in iran in the country itself, but as she said, also outside, for example, referencing the delivery of iranian drones to russia that were then used to attack infrastructure and civilian infrastructure in ukraine. That is also something she said that a will bear consequences and she didnt go into talking about the nuclear deal with iran and whether negotiations on that or so open or not. But definitely keeping a close eye on what happens in the country. Thanks to william dw correspondent, julia, so deli, in munster, off the trees him so much. Thanks. Ah, are i were radically changing topics now you may have noticed something strange happening in the mans bonus league when young berlin have dominated tough spot in the table for 6 weeks in a row now. And the club that was only promoted to the top flight 3 years ago or, and i possibly title contenders, but its something theyd rather not talk about anything as possible if youre only on berlin that include scoring a goal in the last minute of a match to grab the 4th 3 points as seen here. Last sunday, against boucher mentioned blackboard. But damn mentioned the bonus, eager title, and the players are quick to wear shit off, nodded either so as far away from a rear this afternoon or from game to game. Oh, brianna. Good, boy, i with the keyboard going i this and a guy. Those are something suitable. Perhaps noon. Its just trying to keep it real. They know exactly what they good at. And thats where the focus goes. Like paying on home turf where they have yet to lose a game this term. And theyve shown that they can keep up with the big guys, beating light take endorsement as well as holding by and to a point. But that wouldnt be the full story. The defense is another factor on your own. Have only conceded 9 goes into the games, the fewest in the league. Yes. Even less than by an munich. And in attack, they have the surprise of the season shiranda becca, exceeding all expectations with 6 goals and 3 assists so far. Then again, you shouldnt be surprised at all, because coach was fish is known for making play. Its bet on. Its the fisher effect. But even he dismissed any title, talk dollars group, its a great feeling. Last, we let the fans celebrate on it and theyre allowed to sing melba for all much for us. Its just a snapshot in time. All, its great all, but we have one lopezs no coordination, sir, give on. And some might argue that seek straight matches on top of the bin as he got table is more than that, and perhaps an indicator of whats to come. Lets take a look now at some other headlines from the world, a sport legendary spain defenders u r. P k has announced his retirement from football p. K is one of our sloan is most successful tires, having 19 league, a titles and 3 champions, leaks with the catalog giants will play his final game for the club on saturday. And the a team, Brooklyn Nets have suspended their point guard carry irving for at least 5 matches after he failed to deny is holds. He holds anti semantic as semitic beliefs. Irving has been accused of sharing anti semitic material on his social media account earlier this week. And has yet to apologize. In tennis news, world number one e guess erotic of poland has breezed into her 1st w t. A semifinals with a comfortable straits at 636 to be free. Were frances helene garcia. The 3 time grands grand slam winner, one, both of her group stage matches to reach the latter stages. All right, well up next is news asia with my colleague melissa john, and dont forget he can stay up to date on all the latest news on our website. D, w dot com. Im pablo felice for made the team here. Thanks for watching to see very soon. Ah ah, can germany and china thought the frosty relationship . The german chancellor is in beijing meeting his chinese counterpart and its a controversial meeting. Would it be worth while will speak to a correspondent, also coming up thousands of the tech industrys top leaders defend lisbon, but have recent economic russians opened of the Industries Business model. Our chief tech correspondence is on location with young. Its a time again dw business. Welcome. Germanys chancellor is in china in an attempt to warm up the frosty trading relationship between the 2 countries. Schoultz noted that he and chinese leader shooting ping are coming together at the time of great tension. He pressed china to exert its influence on russia in the name of peace. Our reporter, emily lashona, has been looking at the tense economic relationships between the 2 powers. The visit comes as germany is reliance on china is being scrutinized. European leaders say it puts germany in a vulnerable position just as its dependency on Russian Energy exports, left it exposed after the war and ukraine. But entangling itself from chinas market will be complicated. For the last 6 years in a row, the country has been germanys largest trading partner in 2021. More than 245000000000 euro worth of goods were traded between the countries. Thats why

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