Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 2018090

Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20180903 23:15:00

soldier a lethal thomas weapon is that a soldier can be discriminate in the response in the bay the laws of war and be compassionate lethal a thomas weapon is cold and compassionate less and it would fire it could target much more accurately especially how army currently deploys autonomous lethal weapon systems yet in israel it's openly discussed how advanced the state of development is. the quote it's already technically possible but our army is not allowing exploitation of this opportunity which will be really completely automatic systems with lethal capabilities exist already but ultimately there is still a human attributable. when the battlefield and future wars be devoid of humans following orders of ai programs clever bots could dominate the seas and skies they're able to communicate among themselves and what attack the targets determined by a software program professor shockey says this kind of horrendous scenario should never
come to pass they come up the guarnteed to comply with international humanitarian law in many ways they're on predictable you don't know what they're going to do and all the unanticipated circumstances that can happen and more fair there's a very strong chance that we're going to get a new arms race like the cold war was against human dignity to have a machine delegated with the decision to kill a human. proponents of autonomous weapon systems respond that it's all just a matter of programming one of them american robotics expert ronald arkin is working on an ethical standard that can be programmed into military robots. the systems will not only decide when to shoot they will decide when not to shoot warfare is becoming so fast right now that human beings are not capable of making intelligent informed decisions we can put that capability into autonomous of the system should have. it would be if you. executing it on ethical order. another
topic being discussed in geneva is where the software can make more ethically sound decisions than a human the u.s. russia and israel are the primary opponents of outlawing these weapons they want clear definitions after five years of talks at the un things are finally taking shape. for the first time a proposal is on the table sent by austria brazil and chile and backed by twenty five other nations to say we need next year to start negotiating for a buy we've been talking for too long the other proposal on the table is from france and germany and that's called a political declaration and that's leaving it up to nations them to set themselves to decide what's good about the weapons. the talks will continue next year with an agenda based on least two proposals meanwhile the development of autonomous weapons
systems continues and international agreement on them is urgently needed. ships urged keep it you must. now passionate networkers in their projects today it's musician rush me to his daughter special. classmate as a jazz musician composer and professor at the university of music and freiburg he lives for music and wanted to find new ways of expressing themselves musically so he developed a new data craft which he calls a piano. meet wants to change the world of music he's using a day to go after introduce a whole new level of sound he can play conventionally at the keyboard while adding digital sounds. was played on a piano that was different than johnson children's piano was different than the ones we played today you can over. the centuries the instruments developed and
today we have really different opportunities and tools digital technology makes it possible to generate electronic sounds and the use of the data glove helps maintain the musical flows of college and flows so. the movement of the fingers are converted into signals and these are transmitted to a computer crush me can then use a music program to alter various compositions he's playing on his piano. of course i want to touch the hearts of our listeners the fascination with technology is one thing but at the end of the day it's simply the sounds that reach the people clinging to the mention of. musical pioneer is on target with his unique blend of alec tronic and acoustic sounds. no the cyber stars take the stage whether as a singer on tour or as an instagram influencer cyber stars are competing with genuine artists fans in the marketing industry love the perfectly styled and
and you know that people tend to like a lot of this machine learning as well going on there so they're able to see what types of behavior. people are drawn to. another example is he an amazing i have so many care of japan she's been getting live concerts for years fans will show much as much as one hundred thirty euros for ticket. you know what i've done so and a singer used to get canadian side just on my own her moves and voice. and a hologram of the late maury aubusson is currently touring the us. flesh and blood musicians and transactions that currently getting some competition in the business with true to life artificial reality is promising billions in revenues but users have that doubts i think it's a little creepy i know brands have used her to sell their products which is kind of genius because it's. an easy way to get an influencer and make her be anything you
the way we see it it's just a tool that we're putting in the hands of the does to empower them if basic medical care using a are used successful in rwanda the barber out could be used worldwide. shift says get well soon or with artificial intelligence. and as always we leave through the exit out internet find of the week today it's a trip throughout history. chinese filmmaker as our show has many painting and drawing skills has waxer in the style of different areas an art history and he's put them all together in a stop motion film that's already had three hundred thousand viewers on the nia. as a smoker pass on a cigarette piece aimlessly glide through various artistic style sun arris. whether it's european impressionism off campus and japanese painting or chinese
interests. in just one minute show tourists the well the hot. and next week the craze for the sporting events is booming around the globe especially in the middle east the future is said to be particularly bright for professional players. could set new trends in the region change through gaming next time around shift. from. claims to. missing away victory over if. i. stay for frank in the final seconds of playing against i think so because.
i would. caution fragile. porcelain art. thirty one artists have looked to this delicate material for inspiration. and created some intriguing works out of the white of. the four cylinder and i like my son. sixty minutes. his creations and his brand understandable column icon of the fashion world. look what do we really know about the man behind the dark
shades what motivates him how does he think and feel private moments in the life of a great fashion designer when someone smashes. starts september ninth w. in atlanta in sixty eight no crime occurred around the world. young people rebelled against their parents' generation. if it wasn't on city does to the stupidity entish it is. they demanded nothing less than a home to society the wanted maelstrom of euphoria and violence with the vietnam war playing which role of my generation watch to be about war every day. our documentary takes a look at the smile times how do those merlin or members of. the first time i had

Related Keywords

Weapon , Soldier , Bay , Response , Laws Of War , Development , Army , State , Quote , Lethal Weapon Systems , Israel , Systems , Humans , Capabilities , Exploitation , Human Attributable , Opportunity , Battlefield , Wars , Kind , Professor , No Shockey , Targets , Ai Programs , Software Program , Orders , Scenario , Seas , Bots , Ways , Circumstances , Law , Guarnteed , Human , Proponents , Weapon Systems , Arms Race , Decision , Chance , Machine , Human Dignity , Cold War , Matter , Standard , Military Robots , Programming , Them American Robotics Expert , Ronald Arkin , One , It , Decisions , Autonomous , Capability , Warfare , Human Beings , Order , The System , Weapons , Topic , Software , Opponents , Us , Geneva , Russia , Proposal , Time , Talks , Table , United Nations , Definitions , Shape , Things , Chile , Austria Brazil , Five , Twenty Five , Declaration , Nations , Buy , Negotiating , France , Germany , Weapons Systems , Proposals , Agenda , Two , Musician , Networkers , Daughter Special , Agreement , Ships , Classmate , Music , Jazz Musician Composer , University , Piano , World , Data Craft , Sound , Level , Keyboard , Sounds , Instruments , Children , Ones , Use , Technology , Fingers , Opportunities , College , Flows , Data Glove , Movement , Music Program , Compositions , Signals , Computer Crush , People , Target , Thing , Fascination , Listeners , Mention , Hearts , Course , Reach , Blend , Acoustic Sounds , Musical Pioneer , Alec Tronic , Stars , Stage , Singer , Fans , Artists , Tour , Marketing Industry , Instagram Influencer Cyber Stars , Lot , Behavior , Types , Machine Learning , Care , Example , Side , Ticket , Concerts , Voice , Japan , One Hundred Thirty , One Hundred Thirty Euros , Users , Hologram , Musicians , Billions , Competition , Business , Revenues , Transactions , True To Life Artificial Reality , Maury Aubusson , Flesh And Blood , Way , Genius , Anything , Influencer , Brands , Doubts , Products , Shift , Tool , Hands , Rwanda The Barber Out , Artificial Intelligence , Filmmaker , Painting , Internet Find , Show , Trip , Exit , Chinese , Art History , Sun Arris , Drawing Skills , Film , Areas , Viewers , Waxer , Stop Motion , Nia , Three Hundred Thousand , Smoker Pass , Piece , Aimlessly , European Impressionism Off Campus , Interests , Sporting Events , Globe , Craze , Players , Trends , Region , Gaming , Middle East , Claims , Victory , Playing , Stay , Porcelain Art , Of , Works , Material , Inspiration , Cylinder , Four , Thirty One , Son , Sixty , Fashion World , Creations , Brand , Icon , Column , Man , Fashion Designer , Someone , Life , Shades , Starts September Ninthw In Atlanta , Crime , Parents , Sixty Eight , Home , Generation , Stupidity , Maelstrom , Euphoria , Violence , Society , Nothing , Vietnam War Playing Which Role Of My Generation , Wasnt On City , Documentary , Times , War , Merlin , Look , Members ,

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