Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180801 22:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180801 22:02:00

the meeting but this is something they can yell about what would. help moving his arms and you think about that and that we could excel. also coming up europe struggling to secure its borders and discovering that when one door is closed people desperate to get in will risk everything to open a new one. it will see it on a puzzle them in the over the course of the entire past year we've rescued sixteen thousand people or so but this year after just seven months the number has already climbed to twenty two thousand and. we begin the day with that disturbing feeling that nothing has changed on the streets of harare the capital of zimbabwe the military was called in today to push back protesters demanding that
the results from monday's election be made public you can hear the gunfire from soldiers. and those bullets we understand were shot into the air to push back protesters at least three people confirmed dead tonight earlier today the opposition presidential candidate nelson commission accuse the electoral commission of stalling in order to falsify the results in favor of the ruling party he said we won the popular vote and we will defend it now a response came from president and in god was calling on everyone to desist from provocative declarations and statements he went on to write that we must all demonstrate patience and maturity and act in a way that puts our people and their safety first now was the time for responsibility and above all he said peace the electoral commission has declared the rulings and p.f. party the winner in the parliamentary contest but the commission now says the results of the presidential election will not be announced until tomorrow we'll go
live to harare in just a moment but first more of the day that proved it is the military that remains in charge in zimbabwe. soldiers firing live rounds and zimbabwe's capital. the army into just streets of harare midafternoon reportedly at the request of the police. the country's justice minister said the military had been deployed to maintain peace and tranquility and accused opposition supporters of going on a rampage how what the protesters claim they didn't stop the violence. that was going on in iraq because. it isn't just you know if this is the demonstration that . the crackdown came after a day of protest in the capital people were taken to the streets to protest at the law and the release of the results of presidential polling. crowds gathered outside the offices of the country's electoral commission to demand the release and
things quickly turned violent the electoral commission called for patience verifying the vote was more complicated that the opposition said the situation was unacceptable and suggested that something unusual was going on it is everyone the citizens right to demand that that is used in reasonable time ok the fact that the results far right essential that it's just next door to have not been released by off by by midday today is inappropriate and suggests that something wrong is happening we've been hit before. as tensions remain high in the country the international community is becoming increasingly concerned with governments calling for restraint on all sides. all right for more coverage tonight joined by our correspondent melanie bolshie is in zimbabwe covering the elections for as she joins us tonight from the capital harare and the human rights lawyer doug cold heart he also joins us from orange to both of you well. let's start with what we
know right now on the electoral commission has declared the zanu p.f. party as the winner in the parliamentary elections we're still waiting for the results of the presidential election do we know why there is this delay. brant there is no definite answer to that question but the m.d.c. is convinced the delay is on purpose in an attempt in an attempt to manipulate the results of these elections and if you look at the history of this country in past elections they have all been rigged so this is a possibility what is happening at the moment is that the forms with the results from eleven thousand polling stations are being brought to harare that of course can take some time but the m.d.c. is can set on route to harare these votes will be subject to fraud we cannot confirm the claims yet but maybe it will in the future. dog the military it was
ordered onto the streets today. and extreme. do we know was it president who ordered soldiers onto the streets and do we know why such an extreme measure was taken. so in terms of the constitution only the president can. can deploy the military. and therefore we can only assume that it was going to go. to deployed. in recent in recent times we do not have a history of the military deploying themselves and we had a military coup in november last year of course the president did not deploy them to to oust him from hot so so with the military or perhaps even the vice president who still has close ties to domenici being one of the generals who came to power through the coup was the one you deploy them is unclear but certainly what happened
today is virtually unprecedented in recent history for god it was a brutal dictator but he typically used the that the riot police to the previous protests when whenever they really hades but but the firing of live rounds by the military seeing the military on cars driving through the city up to protest is is really quite unprecedented and and and and extremely and one of the ballots tweeted a video today which shows ballot boxes being stolen or taken away we're looking at that video right now and maybe you could walk us through this how do we know that these ballots are being misused i mean how do we know that we're seeing the rigging going on here. so this is there's a couple of things which will concerning about that video one that they they are
the question of legitimacy is going to be easily resolved well definitely looks like we have the makings for a very tense thursday in zimbabwe human rights lawyer and a cold heart and our correspondent melanie here and a ball to both of you thank you we appreciate your insights tonight and please stay safe. but varia has become the first german state to open controversial new processing centers for refugees authorities want to hold asylum seekers there while their applications a process which can take up to eighteen months they will deport anyone who is rejected critics say that this system will get a walk and new arrivals. for many refugees arriving in germany in future this is what home will look like this reception facility in a former u.s. army barracks in the bavarian city of bam bag is the model for the new refugee
finding a job or integrating into society. the residents of the anchor facilities will be able to leave to go shopping or for other reasons despite that critics say they are tantamount to deportation centers. the plan is to open these facilities all across germany or in most parts of the country that will lead to a massive worsening of conditions for asylum seekers. currently holds around fourteen hundred migrants if things go smoothly similar centers may be opened in other parts of germany. ard joining me for more now is your old kanellis he is the founding chairman of the european stability initiative that's a think tank that has worked extensively on the influx of migrants to europe he was one of the architects of the european union's refugee deal with turkey mr good to have you on the program these holding centers they aim to bring the steps of the asylum procedure under one roof to speed it up is that practical. but i've seen
a nobody can be against accelerating asylum procedures least of all the people who want protection and get protection they have a decision to better but if these centers are presented as the solution to the problem of returning those who are rejected then it's a bluff because the real problem the returning people who have rejected for asylum is their relations with the countries of origin and not just read in the italy no france nor germany has solved this problem without cooperation by countries of origin. return is impossible right and the census will not change that all right stand by we want to talk about many of the migrants that we are now seeing come into europe are coming via a new route they're using spain as a gateway to europe now they're travelling the short distance by book through the strait of gibraltar from morocco spanish coast guard rescued nearly a thousand migrants last weekend alone the refugees there choosing this route as
other countries such as italy crackdown on the rights. rescue teams have just pulled another twenty one people from the strait of gibraltar off southern spain they consider this a slow day compared to most but these twenty one arrivals present a problem for spain the maritime rescue service wants to take these migrants to the nearest port but the port refused permission a common occurrence forty. of them are. over the course of the entire past year we've rescued sixteen thousand people but this year after just seven months the number has already climbed to twenty two thousand. for . the ship carrying the rescued migrants docked at the nearby port of august nearest instead but the situation there is no better the migrants had been stuck on the ship for days now they're on land looking for shady places to rest.
morocco would be a better idea. by refugees want to go to say now before they chose libya or italy but that was. just thirteen kilometers lie between africa and europe that spain's southernmost tip with other routes closed the country has become the new gateway to europe for thousands of migrants. i'm just using we've got a new way for migrants to get into europe are we going to have to come up with a new dio the way we did was turkey i mean how does europe deal with this new form of migration. well it would be incredibly helpful if the european union would have or would not do the things it's been talking about for three years we need two things to solve the crisis like this the ability to quickly decide who of the people who arrive need protection in europe and who doesn't and if it takes like and it's only in recent years four years until
a final decision is made it basically we don't need insight into something anybody who arrives stays we need speed so we need speed and we need to organize this in the way the dutch have put it beside in six weeks including appeal but in spain or italy or multiple and this requires a european effort so that's the first thing to secondly once we have a decision and then a lot of the people who are now coming to spain who came to it's really are from countries with out high recognition rates senegal southern nigeria ivory coast these are not countries where a lot of refugees come from if we would then decide quickly that one in ten gets refugee status the others don't then we need agreements with those countries of origin they dined interest of those countries to work with us and then meet requires them to take back to us citizens after a fixed date so it's a limited number if they do that less people will come and in return we should offer them legal migration quote us that want to be done in a relatively short amount of time but i'm sure we'll be talking about that again
a three d. printer at home and we were asking in the newsroom not many of the anyone does actually have so i mean how easy how expensive would it be for someone to get set up and start making three d. go. well it's not expensive at all you can buy the low end models for less than three hundred dollars and they're eligible on my and. various locations around the world so it doesn't take much to get started. at some point you can download the files for thirty percent guns then that would be virtually free so to get started. the barrier to entry is very very low. and talk us through the freshest in of making the different pieces for this plastic gun i mean is it as simple as downloading software and then hitting print. well yeah it's. pretty much as simple as downloading file
a data file three d. model date it represents the shape and size of the gun itself and then sending that to your three d. printer and let it rest work now the difficulty is not what i just described but producing a good quality got one that can withstand the heat and pressure of the of ammunition going up and that's the problem are at least one of a few problems with something i feel three pretty get is they can explode and they can injure not only not only yourself if you're firing but people around you that may be honest so that's one of the few problems. that we see. you know idea of three pretty. let's say that we've got a crime that is committed with a three d. printed gun what would the police do you know if they were trying to track down the
weapon are these plastic guns are they are they traceable i mean is there something like you know with a serial number or or some type of tag in these plastic go. no to the serial numbers no markings whatsoever it would be it's. impossible to track down loads and the production of these these guns virtually impossible and we know that three d. printing is the future and the advancements that that report the report that all the time isn't it just inevitable that these blueprints will be made available to everyone i mean especially on the internet it's hard it's hard to put a wall up in the internet when it comes to information isn't it. well it is. inevitable i don't know that it is not we we
have laws regulations that healthy things like food drinking water driving safety even internet use some you know some good rules and laws around that and i think the same is true here that just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be so i would hope that. our law makers in policy makers in washington and elsewhere not only here in the u.s. but around the world they think through the implications of this and they fully understand that you make the decision to allow this to happen that there's no surprise that they understand could be some real safety safety consider consideration that these things could be very dangerous in many ways so that's i think that's where we're at today all right terry well as a three d. printing expert joining us tonight from fort collins in colorado tara we appreciate your insights and come back and talk with us again i'm sure we'll be talking three d. printing in the future thank you you're welcome. well
the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at the news or you can write directly to me brant goff t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see the never. try. to.
teams such for bodies. and survivor. people here have been left to fend for themselves with little support materializing from the state. in sixty minutes. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire. africa on the move. stories for both people making a difference in shaping their nation. and their continent africa on the move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies can to their tenants. d.w.

Related Keywords

Help , Arms , Excel , People , One , Europe , Everything , Door , Borders , Course , Number , Puzzle , Them , Sixteen Thousand , Seven , Twenty Two Thousand , Protesters , Military , Feeling , The Streets Of Harare Capital Zimbabwe , Nothing , Results , Election , Soldiers , Public , Bullets , Gunfire , Air , Three , Electoral Commission , Opposition , Nelson , Party , Popular Vote , Order , Favor , Stalling , President , Way , Safety , Everyone , Patience , Peace , Statements , Response , Responsibility , Maturity , Act , Declarations , God , Winner , Rulings , Contest , Pf , Streets , Zimbabwe , Capital Harare , More , Rounds , Capital , Army , Charge , Harare Midafternoon , Country , Police , Tranquility , Justice Minister , Request , It Isn T , Demonstration , Supporters , Violence , Rampage , Iraq , Polling , Crackdown , Release , Protest , Law , Offices , Crowds , Something , Things , Commission , Situation , Vote , Citizens , Midday Today , Fact , Hit , Community , Tensions , Governments , Restraint , Sides , Coverage , Us , Elections , Melanie Bolshie , Both , Human Rights Lawyer , Cold Heart , Orange , Delay , Uzanu , Question , Mdc , Attempt , Answer , Purpose , Forms , History , Polling Stations , Possibility , Eleven Thousand , Route , Votes , Fraud , Constitution , Terms , Measure , Times , Can , Vice President , Military Coup , Generals , Coup , Ties , Domenici , Protests , Dictator , Riot Police , Firing , Cars , City , Video , Ballots , Ballot Boxes , Couple , Rigging , Lawyer , Makings , Legitimacy , Zimbabwe Human Rights , Insights , Correspondent , Ball , Safe , Heart , Avaria , Refugees , State , Asylum Seekers , Critics , Anyone , Applications , Processing Centers , Process , Authorities , System , German , Eighteen , Model , Refugee Centers , Walk , Reception Facility , Arrivals , Barracks , Home , Us Army , Bam Bag , Job , Anchor Facilities , Residents , Society , Shopping , Reasons , Parts , Facilities , Deportation Centers , Plan , Worsening , Conditions , Migrants , Kanellis , Centers , European Stability Initiative , Chairman , Ard , Fourteen Hundred , Think Tank , Holding , Asylum Procedure , Mr , Refugee Deal , Good , Program , Roof , Architects , Influx , European Union , Steps , It , Countries , Work , Example , Aside , North , Netherlands , Is , Thing , Cooperation , Courts , Procedures , Sentences , Institutions , Reality , Idea , Lot , Sentence , Term , Tension , Whether , Doubt , Interior Minister , Constituency , Tool , Course Zahle , Decision , Problem , Protection , Solution , Asylum , Nobody , Origin , Italy , Relations , Bluff , France , Return , Many , Spain , Census , Gateway , Book , Distance , Strait Of Gibraltar , Coast Guard , Spanish , A Thousand , Rights , Rescue Teams , Twenty One , Port , Occurrence , Rescue Service , Forty , Ship , Places , Land , Africa , Libya , Thirteen , Routes , Tip , Thousands , Making Migration , Form , Deal , Adio , Two , Doesn T , Need Protection , Crisis , Ability , Four , Anybody , Appeal , Insight , Speed , Dutch , Six , Effort , Rates Senegal Southern Nigeria Ivory Coast , Refugee Status , Interest , Others , Agreements , Ten , Migration Quote Us , Amount , D Printer , Someone , Newsroom , Threed Go , Models , World , Locations , Three Hundred Dollars , Three Hundred , Guns , Barrier , Point , Entry , Files , Thirty , Gun , Print , Downloading File , Pieces , Talk , Freshest , Software , Threed Model , Difficulty , Size , Shape , Quality , Pressure , Ammunition , Heat , Problems , Crime , Threed Printed Gun , Numbers , Serial Number , Tag , Weapon , Type , Markings , Plastic Go , D Printing He , Production , Loads , Internet , Information Isnt It , Blueprints , Advancements , Report , Isn T , Wall Up , Same , Food Drinking Water Driving Safety , Laws , Regulations , Rules , Law Makers , Policy Makers , Implications , Elsewhere , Washington , Consideration , Ways , Surprise , Tara , Threed Printing , Fort Collins , Colorado , D Printing Expert , Conversation , News , Hash Tag , Don T , Member , Twitter , Me Brant Goff , Try , Teams , Bodies , Survivor , Support Materializing , Sixty , Move , Stories , Solutions , Commitment , Difference , Destinies , Continent , Nation , Tenants , Dw ,

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