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If you want. There are more than almost 10 customers in the field of defense and that is why this is a bit of a ridiculous situation that requires a solution simply from the interaction of the ministries among themselves and the state structures of the ministers. Who has to sort out among themselves who rabinovych is and to whom, and the conclusions are as follows, i. E. The ministry of economy gives a clear explanation, they as the initiator of this resolution that brought this confusion uhuh, they as the developer of uhuh acts of bylaws for the implementation of the state defense order they gave appropriate explanations, that is, the question should have been resolved once again, lets lets lets first repeat our lesson, there is a state auditor, that is, auditors who follow the traces of where the money goes, and they say that this is all you did wrong, all of you the ministry of finance or the economy is bad, remind me, as they say, you did everything right. Well, then the cabinet of ministers, the head of the cabinet of ministers, should appoint such and such a person here. They agreed among themselves where it is right and wrong. It is just a very simple story, no, no, it is a complicated process, it is very well. You know, wartime is very kind of er. What creeps in is the suspicion that it does everything not for the good er, its just an auditor who sees the documents in front of him according to what is being purchased and asks the customer at the ministry of defense yes, what were you guided by, the customer says he was guided by such and such a resolution, such and such, the auditor does not see what i show him interprets only one and on the basis of this he says that here are your losses and such a document has been walking there since march, this audit was issued by the minister of defense reznikov, the previous minister defense with this issue went public in july that it needs to be resolved. We still have september, the second half of september. This issue has not been resolved, and these conclusions of the state audit lead to criminal proceedings to er, some er, lets say so unnecessary movements , the support of enterprises in the Defense Sector should work on that , i have a headache, er, where will i order more components, where will i do, how will i expand my production, where will i make new products and so further, not that i can be investigated for the fact that we received a profit last year during the supply for the ministry of defense, despite the fact that this profit is from this profit, taxes are paid from this profit, new products are developed from this profit, funds are invested in expansion production possibilities and so on and accordingly it was unfortunately for our part of this part we may still come back someday, but i am always in such cases when such i am with such people as you p vladislava thank you once again for coming to us, i remind you of petlyuras words that he said worry me not so russian lice, not so russian lice as our lice, and so i am convinced everywhere that there is no evil intention, they are not spies and saboteurs, but just idiots, there are spies who spoil our lives for us, i am saboteurs who simply spoil our lives, and there are idiots who are unknown to what extent or less they spoil our lives than saboteursspies and putin. Now we will have a small plot for five minutes and a small advertisement, but the plot will be about the following, quite interesting and instructive. Last name, military, military, military, matchmaker, she worked in the kherson region under bakhmut for 19 years. She shoots accurately with the help of drones and searches for russian equipment and in ayak and kills them, at least someone kills them for sure, and there will be a story about this person on espresso on our channel now, and there will be more ads after that, but first a small plot , i feel comfortable here i understand that i am here, where i should be, i like to do my job, my duties, this is also what i want to associate my future life with an aerial scout of the second rifle battalion of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade of the swat went to war last year at the end of february immediately after the start of the fullscale russian invasion. They did not want to take the girl into service because she was only 19, but she was persistent and still got into the army. I drove for 3 days, it seems, just to get me taken on, we went to the brigade. And we have a brigade close by. We had to go to the brigade. I went through a psychologists card there, and they told me that everything was fine, but youre 19. They told me to go ahead. I wont go for the first time, come on, so you write down what we take, it will be a stove because i know what will be in hand, it is of such a nature that i decided it should be like this 27 and i came again for the third time already with military troops and there just initially served in the Guard Company i was a paramedic, a gunner, i worked there for several months, engaged in selfdevelopment and mastered tactical medicine. In the fall, the girl managed to get into a combat brigade and go to the combat zone. The first combat exit. I was very scared. I didnt know what would happen, how it would happen. Well, i was scared, but then you get used to it. We had combat experience back in kherson, we were essentially in defense after the assaults, that is, i would not say that it was easy. Well, of course, that woman when you sit there for two weeks and it is very difficult, especially with hygiene food, unburnt state of hygiene, because you are used to it. Well, you are a woman, it was difficult with hygiene, but i wouldnt call it very much like combat experience in the 300s. It was a little difficult, but hell was waiting ahead, beauty , come on, we were under the very bahud on the bakfat they just stood there at that moment, and they didnt care how many people died in them, you are shooting back, everything seems like the assault ended there , well, the divorce, well, its building. You understand that no, its not all about advancing on you too. You havent seen the end because they go, die, and go again, and you didnt understand. Well, its like zombies getting up and moving on. For a while, the girl worked for zeros a few tens of meters from the enemy , then she was transferred to air reconnaissance. It was actually difficult for me to change my profession. All i ask back when i saw at first it was very scary for me, but now i understand that i dont have enough of it because you avoid it very much valery marcus and he said that war is like a drug so its true if youve been to ground zero you ll be transferred somewhere back you you youre just dreaming nevertheless, the girl has mastered drones and is now quite helpful to those who are at zero. And so that the aerial scouts have something to help the military on the front lines , volunteer larisa kovach regularly collects funds for birds. With the help of drones , the scouts detect enemy equipment every day and of the russian invaders on the last day, and it just happened. It seems that in one day there were three tanks, two bmps , it seems that there were 6 personnel of 60 people, several heavy machine guns. I would look at that village, but i dont see any artillery, but i see some movement and see what is needed there, and behind it another park and they are like that today there will be a big catch , they noticed the personnel there, it seems there were 10 people or 15 and the arteries are like that lets fire the first shot there a couple of times. We hit uh they entered the house, there is no room from under you, and some of them sat in the wings near the basement oh, and it turns out that the basement of the house and such a barn and we got into that barn and did not know what was there, but it was burning very well, it was , first of all, that i noticed an explosion in you, it was very sharp, the smell of gasoline, and then the first thing started, a very wonderful server. I understood that there was a lot of gasoline stored there. These guys are very cool. They are very cool. I really, really like the war. It changes you. You become much more mature. What changes in you here that is, i have changed a lot, they have removed their communication field, because in fact many people have shown what they really are. You start to understand people much more. I like to dream about the future there. You understand what to plan there for yes, of course you, even if you want to live, continue to live there later family, but you understand that at any moment your life can end, every time i dont know when ill be in the car in a position or position or even when a drone is flying and just the sky, but you saw how wonderful we are, shes just its incredible. You fly a drone and you understand that war is an explosion. But you look and think, god, what a beautiful country we have. After the victory, the girl plans to stay in the army and become the Deputy Commander for moral and psychological support. 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Organism herovital plus good wellbeing active life like this head from overloading one pain has different causes but there is a solution combispasm and a normal head overcomes pain and spasm combispasm there are 10 discounts on those crosses in pharmacies about the main events of this week Vitaly Portnikov and top experts about the most striking events of the last seven days, our guest will be the generator of companion forces , the former National Security adviser of the president of the united states, donald trump Herbert Mcmaster current topics hot questions authoritative comments and forecasts in the project informational marathon with Vitaly Portnikov every sunday at 20 10 on espresso collaborator a person who consciously cooperates with the occupation authorities to the detriment of their own country until recently these people lived nearby and pretended to love our ukraine home, school, family , our only ukraine, but in fact , we were waiting for russian peace. Espresso, the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians, victory and loss, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, all this will be discussed by Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 20 00, a repeat at 12 10 continues, our program will last until 20 00 approximately well , i think not approximately, maybe for 510 seconds. Blacksmith it will not be possible to do well, that means lets start if they tell me now that we have a connection with lithuania, it will be great if we have a connection with lithuania, we will have dainius zhalimas chairman of the Constitutional Court of lithuania from the 14th to the 20th years we will communicate with him in russian , you wont do anything , it used to be called a common language well , now we also have a common language Baltic States and lithuania without a doubt she said that we will not let eh cars there, many other products , we will talk about this later, but eh lithuania also said that there will be confiscation of eh these cars with russian license plates, and here there is a lot of controversy and precisely related to what if if i were a bad russian, yes, such a bad russian, and my car would be taken away, i would file a complaint with the European Court of human rights because this is the basis of european law. Would be the basis in general civilizations and what lithuania would do in this case, or in general all the countries of europe and poland and finland. Thats all outside the box , but as much as i was afraid, lithuania is more severe in the sense of confiscating cars. How to get out of this legal conflict. Good evening. Well, there is always a conflict. When sanctions are imposed on citizens of a certain country , it naturally comes into conflict with some human rights. Main page does it correspond to the restriction of human rights in these criteria, as you mentioned, and you can file in the same strasbourg , you can even better file in the Luxembourg Court there, and there is a special court, by the way, it solves questions on its own, sometimes you can even win there so, in fact, here , if someone really files for lithuania or any other state of the European Union , this is perfectly normal, but that is the principle of the rule of law, so that the court will finally decide the disputed issues, so. Its just that lithuania would have probably defended its position in court , no one here can naturally guarantee that lithuania will definitely win. You have their rights, and here confiscation is possible only if they, despite the ban , want to enter the territory of the European Union and, well, the territory of lithuania, including well and further, there is a question, of course, there is a need proportionality, this all, too, must be stopped, usually because of sanctions, they even stop, but here it is always necessary to prove the opposite, but i cant bear it, i cant say how it will actually be, but it s such a thing, its a citizen of the country of the aggressor , in fact, in history, it is something new , and just as usual, Property Rights were just limited so that here aa vopros takoy widdewijte leto is necessary and proportionately, now that the situation has arisen, well , maybe someone can prove that there is no, yes no, well, we are in ukraine , we are satisfied, we like your laws, we like them here, here is a question, look there, there are also a lot of products, there are some 150 items different from lipstick , there are some things, something, something, something, thats a lot of everything that the lithuanian law gives this proportionality to the discretion of the border guard or the customs officer, that is, the person on the border, or how is it because, well, i have a wife, i dont have any lipstick anymore, then one will be taken away from me, and one will be left. This is how it is resolved. How much can you take away, how much brown can you not take away, here is this subtle moment, here it is, we get it. I dont understand, but i also have difficulty imagining a meeting of the parliament or the cabinet of ministers of lithuania, where it will be written the amount of vomiting, three of them, two pink and one red, if there is чеtыре спрешчаеtся and so on, so too, its stupidly drawn , heres how, here, its simple. Its how to write it or say it, its decided by the Border Guards or how it s done, you see. Its not even the Border Guards who decide, not even lithuania itself where did all this come from after various explanations and the European Commission has such a regulation on sanctions . This is how the laws are. Well, the laws are legal, like everything and the European Union, and lithuania as a member is obliged to fulfill them, and since they have received such clarifications that certain goods cannot be located on the territory countries of the European Union, lithuania is doing this, i cant naturally answer, eh , there are too many different products, but if this is included passes through the territory of the European Union, but here there are also seizures in kaliningrad transit, in fact, there is a person in his car who must leave the territory after 24 hours, like ehal, otherwise, confiscation again if he doesnt do it, i cant have certain goods, but then i suspect that most likely there is not one such product. I was talking about the computer , about phones, about some other things that would help. Well, its actually very technically complicated, and we have to figure it out at the expense of specific goods. You know what has changed. If you dont know, remember last year lithuania already tried to close the kaliningrad transit of some goods , then the exact opposite happened. Positions aa to clarify that this is what lithuania cannot do so we are not now i think really glad that finally the positions of the same European Commission which a long time ago seemed more benevolent and beautiful now aa turn out to be really fair because the purpose of these sanctions is to make the citizens of the aggressor state feel some inconvenience, lets say yes, but also to make some benefits and for their authorities to draw some conclusions , because it is clear to everyone. If the aggression were not so deep ill be here, but about the kaliningrad transit, its important, that is, according to the law. If im a citizen of russia, i drive a car, i can cross the russianlithuanian border, drive through lithuania, and then cross the lithuanian russian border 100 times again and i wont be touched either or they can search something to see what i have, but they dont touch the car. As far as i understand, its natural, after all, it s a practice and it didnt last. 24 hours is given in order for a russian citizen to leave, which is traveling in transit precisely for the purpose of transit, but he still has to эtу цель, by the way, to prove something that it is really necessary for him to go there, but he has to go for 24 hours. But it is very simple to check one point. As i understand it, he cant even drive, even by transit, after that he can just leave it to the people of belarus in this, in this construction, there is somewhere if i go from russia to belarus through lithuania or i go from belarus aa how i dont know that belarussians somehow suffer in russia because of lithuania, or it only applies to russia, and as far as i understand it only applies to russian citizens, in fact, there are cars with russian registration of russian origin, another important question not clear at all but maybe you we hope you will help us. It is written here that lithuania will issue special passports to belarusians who legally live in the country. This is an important point. It is clear that we are also following the situation in belarus. We know that on our fronts many belarusians are fighting for ukraine. That is why the driver is simply how do they live . They will probably arrest and jail you, and it was necessary to get out of the situation, and now lithuania came up with such a situation as nansen passports. As you remember, after the first world war, there were such nansen passports, after soviet russia did not renew or issue new passports, then a huge number of citizens appeared in europe российский империи российской республики после еtого, who did not have passports how does it work, is this passport for belarusians or is it for noncitizens of lithuania, or is it still preserved, this is the concept i remember in 92 93 broad passports of citizens were discussed and there were passports of citizens. What kind of passports are these for belarusians . It is impossible to get any document there, and they are not issued to those who are verified, to whom a residence permit in lithuania is issued. Well, it is clear that a person must have the right to free movement, some documents for so that Even International legislation provides for the possibility of such aa takoy svojego roda na as the document for aa travels for trips abroad lithuania says, of course, they absolutely lack the permit itself , they live here, that is, this is a completely new document, i understand correctly there were no such documents before. Actually, there are such ones. Its not true. Well, yes , thats what i basically even pretended to be. Us chairman of the Constitutional Court of lithuania from 14 to 19 years old me to 20s something i belittled him if he was in touch with us about his opportunities or his work thank you all now i just want to Say Something as a result of our conversation with uh judge, what do you see . It seemed like russias war against ukraine, russias attack on ukraine, what a number of new problems it took to heal all these problems

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