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Your work, the news editor will briefly tell about important events, stay with us Ukrainian Defense forces liberated the village of andriyivka, which is south of bakhmut, this was reported by the deputy minister of defense, hanna malyar, as the socalled russian soldiers write , ukrainian artillery worked for several days, so the occupiers were forced to leave their positions, now the front is passing a satellite image appeared along the railway line that may indicate damage to the Russian Air Defense system near yevpatoria, radio svoboda writes about it, osinz analysts posted it online a photo with geolocation where the russian s400 battery was located two weeks ago, in the picture that appeared today, you can see the approximate places of damage, the picture corresponds to the geolocation where, according to reports, the s400 triumph complex was located, russia has not yet officially reported the destruction of its complex, it flew ukrainian pilots were trained on gripen fighters this is stated in the statement of the minister of defense of sweden, paul jonsson , familiarization training includes test flights on aircraft and simulators, as well as training for ground personnel, according to the experience gained will be the basis for determining whether the conditions are favorable for sending gripen aircraft to ukraine. I will remind you that the issue of providing these fighters was discussed during the visit of president Volodymyr Zelenskyi to sweden. Crimean partisans helped the defense forces. Nadonu reports the center of National Resistance , agents from various fields were involved they are loyal servicemen of the Russian Black Sea fleet and workers of the Ship Repair Plant , the result of coordinated work was that the large Amphibious Assault ship minsk and the submarine rostovondon were successfully hit. The International Criminal court has opened its field office in kyiv. Kostin emphasized that ukraines cooperation with the International Criminal court is a fullfledged partnership. Ukrainian prosecutors work side by side daily with partners, International Experts of the criminal court can see the consequences of the aggressors crimes and draw conclusions, the law should be at the forefront and i think that what we see in the issues of partners and the International Criminal court with ukraine, the development of partnerships with Civil Society with other un member states, state and nonstate participants of the icc is not simply iskra is the dawn of a new time in which we must show and we show endurance and perseverance so that our words are not empty words in the lviv region, parents, students kicked out the school director, he is a supporter the residents of the moscow patriarchate behaves superiorly with students, humiliates them and beats them. The incident happened in the village of verkhnya yablunka of the sambir district. The video was published on social networks. The footage shows that people are trying to push the director out of the classroom by pushing and shouting, but he is handed over to the ukrainian station akademik vernadskyi. They return. Penguins, their number on the island of glandes has increased from 50 to 60 in recent days. Polar scientists expect there will be much more black and white birds, because the warm climate due to the return of penguins to vernadsky changed in september in the antarctic spring begins this year it is quite warm at the moment the average air temperature is 5, there is almost no sea ice so the penguins come earlier this is how things are for the moment i tell you see you at 5 00 p. M. Be close we lie the most important thing in particular, it is about the reforms of the ministry of defense, which were announced by the new minister of defense. Of veterans, the Lieutenant General of the police in reserve olga, mr. Mykhailo, we are moving on to the great fight against dishonest representatives or heads of the vlk, but in odesa region they uncovered a whole such woven network, and we understand that these are not isolated phenomena, but our Law Enforcement officers began to work very clearly on this from the second side appeared, looked at the president ial decree, the decision of the security and Defense Council regarding the review of previously adopted decisions, and i can only imagine what the scope of work is , and there is a fear that it will somehow block work well, first of all, Law Enforcement officers must constantly work where there is information about the possible commission of a crime, and in fact there was a president ial decree before that, a decision of the National Security and Defense Council on vlk, because of what, because in fact it was talked about more than once, a lot of complaints were received and it reached er, the upper limit of cynicism when some managers and members of military medical commissions called only those who could not give money, this is a really scary thing, but it is very important that this work of commenting it is professional and in order to be punished, only those who are actually guilty should practically check all the decisions of the vlk. It is unrealistic that we are only talking about those where there is a large or High Percentage of being recognized as unfit by military medical commissions , so it is precisely the body that Law Enforcement officers should Pay Attention to, moreover, the created commissions from the number of military military medics and now such work continues selectively because in fact it must be honestly said that the majority of military medics and just medics are courageous people who save lives on the front lines in the rear treat both civilians and military, and for this they have great respect, but there are units that decided to profit from human misery during the war, and really , it is necessary to react very harshly here, and now such a reaction has already begun, the result. Odesa region, kyiv and others talk about the fact that it is necessary to reform and one of the laws that have already been passed he says that most of these certificates need to be digitized, they need to be made paperless and reduced the participation of the person himself, eh, moreover, a serious step has been taken when the state already has more than 850 military medical commissions, while there were about 300 before, that is , the number has increased, and this has relieved the burden, and eh, logically , the quality of the work of military medical commissions should have increased to things, er, it is now practiced that they include military medics who have returned from scratch due to their Health Conditions and cannot carry out their medical service there, and this issue is also in our medical troops and its leader there is a brave woman the general heads them also, they are currently working to create conditions for work, but it is very important that civilian hospitals join in. Where were such vlcs created . By the way, lviv oblast was one of the first to join, and there is already a military medical commission in every district, except for the military hospitals of the ministry of defense the Border Guards of the mia system , etc. Of the Document Management mentioned about this electronic Document Management, which is lacking at the same time. I am still an old bureaucratic story. Of papers is truly a cosmic number and we understand that this generally applies not only to military medics, but to the restaurant itself. When will i be able to explain to him what is important . This is us before you. Of defense anna malyar, but reports are coming from the third separate assault brigade that works directly on the flank bahmuts eh i am quoting them now the statement about the capture of andriivka is false and premature at the moment serious and heavy fighting continues in the klyshivka and andriyivka regions , such statements are harmful, they pose a threat to the lives of personnel and harm the performance of combat tasks. They are read not only by the citizens of ukraine, but also by the enemy and makes certain corrections regarding the strengthening of their troops, etc. I think that the leadership of the ministry of defense will draw conclusions based on such statements. Lets go back to the simplification of what is called a large paper document and bureaucratic er, well, it is a factor of hard labor for many responsible er, not only doctors, but also officers. Of a person and this is also important, here you have to think about reviewing and these papers are already laid in stacks of parts of hospitals where archives, etc. Are stored , and on the other hand, digitalization is already a requirement of time and it gives the opportunity to react more quickly and im sorry not e these the military should not be directed to different offices, uh, now this process is ongoing, some documents have already been digitized, some certificates have been canceled, and i think that in the near future, uh, first of all , the military, because they use them more , they will feel it, moreover, double control is carried out, for example, when the military the medical commission mobilizes a person aa and directs the Recruitment Center to the Training Center, then there is another branch in the Training Center that checks and monitors its colleagues whether they have correctly established the state of health and there are already cases and i was personally informed that the branch in the Training Center deemed unfit for military service ee mobilized who have already been directed, it is very good that first of all emedics take such responsibility and act objectively because unfortunately in this structure, medical staff are so e is a professional guarantee , in order to prove that it was a medical error, it is necessary to have an examination that is also established by doctors, because of that, people already feel that doctors are extremely important for the fate of this or that mobilized person, thank you, mr. Of social policy and protection of the rights of veterans, the Lieutenant General of the militia and we have a short pause on the air, pain can become an obstacle when walking up the stairs, not with my knees from knee pain. 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Something like a hobby. On thursday, september 14 at 5 45 p. M. , watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. Hello, this is freedom in the morning. Radio information project svoboda is a guest every day, this is the shipbuilding district of kherson, inclusion live, we try out bahmut, we tell you the main thing on weekdays at 9 00, i congratulate you this is svoboda life on radio svoboda, we have already come to the very change, the following frames may shock you, news from the scene of the events, live kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis about objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom life frankly and impartially draw the biggest conclusions vasyl winters broadcast two hours of airtime two hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like 2 hours to keep up to date with Economic News and new sports two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeminded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours vasyls big air in winter, a project for intelligent and those who dont care, in the evening, this is the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. Now we are already in such a significant salient. And in fact , we are holding the defense at the very edge of this salient. Right now the military needs our help fighters need drones to lead development and destroy the enemy even on the approach we will save each drone it is the lost enemy and the saved life of our soldier join the gathering lets show our fighters that we are next to them informing about the most important things in our studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk narodniy deputy of ukraine , we are talking about the need to simplify and ease what is called the military bureaucracy, mykhailo, your colleague, the peoples deputy of ukraine the secretary of the Verkhovna Rada committee on National Security, defense and intelligence colonel kostenko put forward an initiative in order to somehow simplify the moment of reporting and removing the key history of military property from the register, we understand that the same volunteers very often experienced tragedy or unpleasant moments when they wanted to hand over to the parliament a military unit. We cannot take because if something happens how do we prove that we are not deer, and so on. And this is another story, we understand the issue of customs clearance of this or that car, that is , the military unit has to take it to the balance , cars, pickups, rovers, and so on, this is the cost and they burn, this means that it is necessary to carry out such a whole cycle of reporting and so on. I am already silent about the fact that the Balance Sheet is very often simply in order not to have to conduct certain investigations and to avoid this bureaucracy. This is scary and this is really scary, there is really such an unpleasant situation, now several things have been resolved, firstly, it is allowed to take on ee an outofstate offBalance Sheet ee account, that is , for example, there are not 10 cars in the state, but they brought the 11th, that is it is allowed to put on a simplified account for transport, the issue has already been resolved. Now we will only fix the legislation that it will be allowed to transport cars for volunteers not only for military units , for the military itself already. I think that we will vote on this in the coming days. Now we are having a discussion with the general staff on how to do it in such a way that we can really solve the issue in order to put it on the record and it does not entail, it is meant to simplify life leaders, that is, commanders and chiefs of units, because they are responsible for this logistical and technical responsibility, moreover, we have already voted on the bill , which is very important regarding the reduction of responsibility for our pilots, we know that there were paragraphs below nine meters of helicopters flying is already a risk in case of losing a combat vehicle, it is criminal responsibility and you pay for life, it was like that until recently, but there were our military pilots , they say that they fly specially low so as not to be noticed. They take risks and instagram violated the instructions, thank god, and we changed it into the legislation , that is, in fact, there are many problems that are partially solved, but there is a great dependence on the military itself, because we cannot pass laws during the war that are not agreed with the military leadership, because they are ultimately they are fighting, they lead brigade units in other directions and they know better what is needed and where because of that we listen to our military rankandfile middle officers, but still, when passing bills, we consult with the higher the military leadership, the central committee, his deputies, heads of departments, but what to do if in the highest military leadership, well, at least they have data that there is no problem, that there is one or another need of our military is 100 covered. And im sorry, those who perform tasks on the ground and in this case the paramedics shout that there is no problem, it remains, and it concerns the medical supply of firstaid kits, turnstiles , lets say so, we are starting paramedics yaroslav university , the head of the allukrainian union of paramedics , please contact us, yaroslav thank you join the broadcast, asked the ministry of defense what is happening with the provision of tactical medicine, and they answered that everything is happening at the level of about 100 , but the volunteers were a little indignant at such statements and claim that it is their efforts that ensure the filling of firstaid kits in the vast majority of the military, and not by the efforts of the command of the medical forces or the ministry of defense in general, well, here we somehow have a little dissonance. I am not at all sure that this 100 is now because they are reporting on Different Things our military but is there a problem in this topic now, perhaps in this letter they made just one mistake, two letters missed one word, they are not provided for almost 100 . Then it will be a true letter, that is, our army is provided with medicine, maybe five percent is the maximum, that is how it used to be in the last two months, everything got worse, that is , all these initiatives to check the harnesses so that there would be no chinese tourniquets, the guys ended up with the fact that the men were severely reprimanded and with this he could be forced to be silent and write anything 5 of the combat personnel are normal american rafts, and we have 5 of normal harnesses, and the rest of these harnesses are a couple of doctors from odesa, turks, etc. , any chinese root that does not work, because of which our soldiers die in our country, ours are not started ukrainian and normal manifested itself in the chic er ukrainian yellows, what about these two only ukrainian yellows that work , because in ukraine 160 varieties of harnesses are produced in the last two years, yes, 160 turnstiles, of which there are only two that work, and 158 these are baryghs who earn money, and unfortunately, in our army, in most of these 158 of these are bad tourniquets of my parents, they are yaroslav , what a story. Well, we heard information that american volunteers or the American Military handed over something of this plan to us , in particular, it is about the same tourniquets and tourniquets it is clear what was transferred and we purchase there and transfer but you have to understand there , for example, in our country there are 200 wounded a day , for example, yes, this is not an exact number, and for each one, sometimes two, three , sometimes six, sometimes 8 are used a turnstile for everyone a day, count the number of how many bundles are used every day at the front, approximately like this, its simple yes, at a discount, its very, very economical, its 1,000 gold per day, 1,000 approximately, er, how many days of fullscale war have we already had there for two years, yes, count 365 2 1,000 that is, they need a colossally unrealistic number. I am talking only about the tourniquets. I am not talking about er , tamponaderan for pneumothorax and so on. After that, you just need an unrealistically colossal number, and the ministry of defense should write it as a variety of slobbers. Well, what about volunteers . They fulfill their task by a maximum of 3 , and 97 is provided by the state. So, in the same way, some jerk blurted out that everything is provided by 100 . What is the purpose of writing this, why are these witches disks, if it is real, people who are related to the war know that we are provided for 0 , they are provided for 100. Well, mr. Yaroslav, you have five thousand firstaid kits, and the question of the turnstiles there is not okay sil ostashchenko said yes, in principle, we do not receive any complaints , we spoke with Oksana Korchynska at that time, who emphasized the problem of what they really do not want to raise these reports to the top and report that their situation is not okay , that is, how despite the fact that there is a threat of reprimand the mayor should intervene in this process and speed up what has not been done , will he interfere or not intervene, the mentality simply will not be removed, you understand that this kind of modernism is happening absolutely everywhere and in the ambulance and in the Emergency Department because everywhere in our country, all Public Services and structures are simply the bottom, they do not work at all and, accordingly, everyone is afraid to complain because they only get paid for nuts , and recently there is a story when one nachmed complained and he was severely reprimanded and but he was provided with tourniquets. He he received a suvorogan and 200 and 2000 american tourniquets. Well, you see a set for american normal tourniquets. He received his enemy. Thank you, the fairy tale was yaroslav muz, the head of the allukrainian union of paramedics in the studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk peoples deputy of ukraine, we have literally one minute left, mr. Mykhailo, you heard the cry of the soul, yaroslav musa, the allukrainian union of paramedics, caught it, something must be done urgently, next week there will be another meeting of our working group and the minister will be present, i will definitely contact him so that he delved into this problem, which is not the only one in the system of the ministry of defense, and still put an end to the actions of this. The lives of our soldiers depend on it, they say about it both those hospitals and those that today, not only on the front lines. And what else is in the training, this is the issue of government procurement, the issue of budgets, and so on. Now we will budget our army for the next year , funds are now allocated to cover the arrears for military payments, and so on. And so on. Well, this is what must be done to centralize the sector defense funds are the responsibility of those who purchase what quality and it is their responsibility, we do not forget that supporting our worthy National Producer would also be cool and we have if we raked relatively speaking all the american turnstiles in the world well, lets say we can rely on our own, only support them, then we need a word, we are resting on such eternal problems , thank you, thank you for this conversation Mykhailo Tsymbalyuk , peoples deputy of ukraine, was a guest of our studio we will say goodbye to you with burkovsky yes but not for long, so to speak, soon we will strengthen on the espresso tv channel. Thank you colleagues for your work, the news editor will continue to work , stay with us , i will start with the fact that the third assault brigade denied the information about the capture andriyivka near bakhmut, this was previously reported by the deputy minister of defense, hanna malyar, how do the socalled russian soldiers write , ukrainian artillery worked for several days , etc. , the occupiers were forced to leave their positions

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