Transcripts For FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast 20161223 : vimarsa

FBC Cavuto Coast To Coast December 23, 2016

What do you make of it . Clearly he was involved with isis, otherwise a dead mans switch and pull it after hes gone. Isis told us months and months ago they were going to embed fighters in the refugee flow, move them into europe, set them up, fund them and carry out attacks when the time is right. The time is right, were approaching one of the holiest times in christianity in a couple of days, i suspect everybody is on hair trigger alert over there. And we should be expecting them to act out. Neil you know, captain, back and forti talked to a number of people who say its the cart that comes after the horse here. By that, theyre saying a lot of the guys claim an isis affinity or allegiance not based on isis contacting them or recruiting them as much as them being disaffected, angry, you heard the whole nine yards and that kinship developing. That isis is not to take credit for this. What do you say to that . What i say is isis is the face representing the ideology of jihadist islam, and currently, isis, al qaeda, alnostra, they change their name. They will change, they will come and go, and youve got these guys, somewhere engineering students, theyre involved in the medical profession, and others are just no loads that didnt amount to much, they were petty thieves and criminals like this latest knucklehead. He had nothing going for himself and all of a sudden, he thinks that he can go drinking and doing all that stuff, but yeah, he gets radicalized and hes going to die for islam. Gimme a break. Neil are you surprised, i know you are not a market guy, you focus on life and death matters, which is a good start, but even with the downdraft lately, captain, markets here, markets abroad really kind of hohum on this. Not really getting shattered by it, not going nuts over it, i dont know if thats such a good thing, i always use the comparison like whistling past the graveyard, but we have a nonchalant reaction every time this stuff happens and i dont know if thats such a good thing, what do you think . I think people are realists and theyre taking a look and saying what are my chances, me personally, chuck nash of gloucester, what are my chances of getting hit by a terrorist act . Probably the same odds of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on the same day. Not deeply personalized until 3,000 people die on 9 11, or you have some massive truck thing where youre killing 80 and wounding 450 on the streets of nice. So until it comes home. Until it becomes really in your face and visceral, its a remote thing that you hear about in the news. Neil you know, captain, more details of this chinese hack attack, and this time on the federal deposit insurance corporation, the fdic who insure Bank Deposits and the like, that goes back to 2010, involves the chinese or so we think. The reason i mention it with you, weve been talking about russia hacking into our election and oblivious to the fact that others have been doing as much, if not worse over the years, and maybe the russians not alone, but this one linked to chinas military sources seems fairly widespread, and seems to confirm president elect Donald Trumps view that this is not just a one country phenomenon, what do you think of that . No, its not a one country phenomenon at all. The chinese have been after us for a long time, as have the russians, a lot of stuff goes back to Eastern Europe. You go to the pentagon, you have a cac card, you stick it into computer terminal, it says i know who you are, you can have access to the terminal. D. O. D. Did a study, it said as soon as that thing registers, there are immediate attacks coming into it. Malware, trying to gain access through your access. The systems are constantly under attack, we had a revelation that yahoo was attacked with hundreds of millions of account users and data back in 2010. This has been going on, which is in jeopardy. We dont know, what do the chinese and the russians know about Weapons Systems that we still have currently in development and wont be fielded for another several years, what do they know about it because theyve intruded into the contractors databases . Not just one country, to your point. Captain nash, thank you for your service to the country, hope you have a Merry Christmas as well. I do, neil, and if you give me a second im up to the Walter Reed National military center to visit the son of a former squadron mate of mine, an army officer that was wounded a few days ago, it brings to mind to our viewers to keep in their hearts and prayers on the tip of the spear pecially those for whom their service to the nation has caused sacrifice and trauma. Neil holy cow, you are right about that. Theyre the reason we can celebrate. Thank you very much. You bet, neil, thank you. Neil you are keeping track of this, europe and the concerns there, but not just limited to there. Peter barnes on a globe that is focused on this sort of thing. Reporter yeah, the hijacking of libyan airliner forced to land in the island nation of malta ended without bloodshed after the jets passenger and crew were released and the hijackers surrendered to authorities. Two into custody, more than 100 passengers and crew were released. Maltese government Spokesman Says the hijackers motives were unclear, the hijackers who threatened to blow up the plane were seeking political asylum in europe, u. S. State department tweeted a warning about malta saying if traveling to or in malta, stay in touch with your airline to make alternate arrangements if necessary and let loved ones know you are safe. There is good news in a foiled terror plot in australia, Australian Police say five men are accused of planning a Christmas Day terror attack targeting a number of landmarks in melbourne, the countrys second largest cities. The five suspects were expected in court to charge with preparing for a terrorist attack. Officials believe they were selfradicalized and inspired by isis. Four of the five suspects were born in australia, the fifth from egypt. Neil. Neil peter barnes, thank you very much. Incidents like this happening abroad has the u. S. Government asking foreign travelers for their social media pages to check out what theyre saying online. To the Hills National security reporter Katie Bo Williams in the latest wrinkle over the battle over privacy. What do you make of this, katie and others are going to screen these as privacy issues, youre going too far, what are they doing . Part of the larger conversation they think swells up every time theres a lonewolf attack, which is what are authorities missing . What are investigators missing . Is there a piece of the puzzle that they are not able to see or they should be looking at . And i certainly think that youre going to continue to see this play out through the opening years of Donald Trumps presidency because he certainly has indicated that he sees the key to sort of stopping these lonewolf attacks, attacks by guys have been potentially selfradicalized as a more robust surveillance apparatus, and whether that means looking at social media, whether that means looking at private communications, theres a lot of ways that can be accomplished. Neil you have to wonder not only what they say on social media, but are you extending it to what theyre searching out under social media or google searches, what have you . Where are we drawing the line here . One thing if youre saying allahu akbar online, quite another if youre searching isis or isil or infidel, right . Right, theres been a lot of conversation about how much responsibility social Media Companies themselves have in the fight against terrorism. In the fight against the lonewolf attacks. Theres been pressure placed on Silicon Valley to police their own networks, but, of course, that raises questions not only about privacy and security, but also about the first amendment. Free speech. Neil as you said, it always happens when we have incidents like these or post these incidents, i think were one more incident away from all of those, you know, personal freedoms being compromised and therein lies the balance probably for 2017, right . Right, well, 2017 is going to be a big year in the fight over privacy and surveillance. One of the most important laws that is going to govern how Donald Trumps intelligence agencies are able to wield this massive powerful surveillance apparatus is up for renewal next year, and that law is generated a little bit of controversy, a law that allows the nsa to basically look at content of foreign persons communications, but privacy and Civil Liberties groups say well, theyre accidentally hoovering up americanss data as well and able to look at that without a warrant. Neil thats the part that would trouble me a little bit. Katie bo williams, thank you very much for clarifying that. I wondered where the lines were and to me. A lot more coming up including Interest Rates backing up. The story we have not heard a lot of since the donald trump election is the fact the stocks are going up. Normally its not such a big deal unless you are in the market for a home. What you have to keep in mind is that even with Mortgage Rates backing up the way they have, they are still very, very low. The question is do buyers believe that . Or do they quit seeing what theyve been seeing. Next. Neil all right, it could sell out, but doesnt look likely today. The dow industrials questing down, off 89 points. This would be three days in a row, something weve not seen in the betr part of 7 years in a market like this. Having said that, though, the fact of the matter is that november, new home sales seven weeks, i said seven years, it hasnt been that long a week, weve got home sales up, new home sales up better than 5 clip, and weve got Mortgage Rates also running at a better than 4. 17 clip for a 30year fixed rate mortgages about 3. 32 as im showing you there for a 15 year mortgage and getting used to something or where perspective or time horizon is, fellow old guy like me Steve Hovnanian have been commiserating about that. I got the First Mortgage with my wife at 14 . My First Mortgage was 18 in 1981. Neil mine is a couple years later. The for a lot of young buyers who have gotten used to sub 4 mortgage, thats an adjustment and lenders are not making it easier, is this a tough nut to crack. As long as they dont spark too quickly or too high. 4. 17, if we went back ten years ago in your dreams it would never get low. Will buy verse to consider a 3,000squarefoot home instead of 3200squarefoot home. Neil is that what they do . Townhomes, highend homes, all prices, what do the customers do . To put it to the extreme, go back to 1981 when Mortgage Rates were 18 . Neil wow. More homes were sold and started in that year than right now at 4 . The difference is they scaled back in size, townhouses were much more popular because of affordability, so buyers need shelter its demographics. Neil are buyers seeking to own or rent . Thats a huge question, ive seen survey after survey, the millennials which are a huge group demographically postponing getting out of the house, postponing getting married, postponing having children and moving to the suburbs, the key word is postponing, not changing their mind. Survey after survey shows theyre going to get married and have children and buy a house, theyre just waiting longer than the baby boom generation before them. Neil some of the things we valued or grew up thinking, tot lot of young people dont. Im not saying most, i dont have the number to quantify it. People say my parents were burned in the meltdown so they dont trust wall street, they dont want to buy a home, they might have seen the parents lose a home. They are leery of the things that we thought were given stages of life. Getting married, all of that, to your point. This makes them a stubborn bunch when Interest Rates pick up . I dont think its directly related to that. Neil really . My own son is 26, hes a mel enl. Hes not of the mindset of getting a house, settling down, it has nothing to do with the Housing Market, it has to do with a change in mindset with todays generation. Neil of course, if hes a dad, its going change. What about where rates go . Anyoare quite right, our biggest housing booms have occurred in a period of rising rates which does make sense, reflects a booming economy, what have you. But the levels are nothing approaching what we had in prior, you know, recoveries from housing downdrafts which is the recovery is weak, which elected donald trump fwurngs it. What are you looking forward to in the next four years . I think in the end, the engine behind the Housing Market is demographics. The populations growing, demographics are working well, millennials are getting to their prime homebuying ages soon. Neil they dont have the incomes to come with it, and the job gains sounds like a wet blanket, i dont mean to be, lot of the parttime jobs are not wellpaying jobs. Overall, neil, we look at the affordability index, it measures the average income necessary compared to average incomes, it hasnt been this good in decades. Yes, it was a little better in the last two years, but overall if you look at affordability over the long term, it hasnt been this good in decades, a very good level. Neil donald trump said its all about good paying jobs, hes going to make that the centerpiece of his administration. Best of luck to him. If you are republican or democrat, doing that is great. What will the housing fallout be . I think obviously jobs as they grow help housing. This has been a more sluggish recovery in jobs than housing, but thats a good thing, rather than a boombust cycle and the fizzle out. This is going to be a gradual cycle like 91. A 15 year cycle, nothing booming but gradually Getting Better and better. Neil and the next few years . 04 and 05 were too good. Neil it wont return to the giddiness. It will. My father founded the group in 59. You get to the boom and the bust it. Always gets to the madness. A gradual recovery, it will peak and get into a frenzy at some point. Neil thank you very much, the name behind hovnanian. Yesterday Charlie Gasparino was telling you about Rudy Giuliani and potentially replace james comey of the fbi. Rudy giuliani responded to that. Come on, wake up come on, why ya sleepin . Come on what time is it . Its go time. Come on. Lets go, lets go, lets go. Woooo hoooo yeah i feel like i went to bed an hour ago. Ill make the cocoa. Get a great offer on the car of your grownup dreams at the mercedesbenz winter event. Its the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. Thank you santa now lease the 2017 c300 for 389 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. 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Were told that the president elect is planning some meetings, not detailing who the meetings might be with Charlie Gasparino, following that all very closely. He reported that Rudy Giuliani could be replacing james comey as head of the fbi. When rudy was with our Maria Bartiromo today, she naturally asked him about that. Take a look. Theres growing speculation, Charlie Gasparino reporting growing speculation within the fbi that you might take the job replacing jim comey. A lot of speculation, but ill let you know if i change my mind, but i havent changed it. Im staying in the private sector. Neil staying in the private sector. Charlie, what do you think . Havent changed my mind, ill let you know when i do. I love rudy and hes experienced politician and he knows how to give nondenial denials, he basically left the door open. He left the door open. What i heard from inside the fbi was simply this, this is from fairly senior fbi people. Hes made it known that is a job he could be interested in. People inside the fbi are obviously on edge because for better or worse, whether you agree with the way james comey handle the Hillary Clinton email stuff, whether he should have been exonerated then reopened it just before the election. Neil Hillary Clinton folks say he lost the election. Right, but the troops inside the fbi like james comey. Neil even after the back and forth . Yes, he is well liked. Neil he has a few years to go. More than a few years, theoretically seven years. Is that right . So theyre given and watching serve at the pleasure of the president but janet yellen at fed said shes going to finish her term. He conceivably could but the president could make life difficult for you. Make life difficult. Ive been told there is backdoorways to get him out. Neil go or dont let the screen door hit you. Or you screwed up the investigation of hillary so bad, you should leave and go public. Theres ways of doing it if you dont want to play ball with the president. Neil maybe hes

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