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106,000 people were able to buy Insurance Coverage in the first month of obamacares open enrollment, instead of the expected half million. The fact that some 4. Million americans received notices from their Insurance Companies that policies the president promised they could keep were in fact being canceled. But regardless of the laws stunning failures and disappointments, president obama has defiantly declared that obamacare is here to stay. We learned not to make wild promises about how perfectly smooth it is going to be at all times. Do not let the initial problems with the website discourage you. Were going to keep on working to fix whatever problems come up, whatever comes up, were just going to fix it. Were not repealing it as long as im president. Lou our first guest is here to serve partly astute for you and me. He says obamacare is the biggest middle class entitlement ever conceived. He says beyond the flawed website we need to stay focused on the fact that the Health Care Law spend too much on the wrong people. Joining us tonight is tom scully. Set former administrator at centers for Medicare Medicaid services during the bush administration, the last. Also a Health Policy staer in the bush 41 white house. Hes currently a general partner with welch carson, a nework private equity firm investing in health care. Good to have you back with us. Tom, first, the administration is claiming Great Success and progress here. Were also hearing great skepticism. We just recounted our own corresponde, steve doocy sir, ter doocy, going through and getting error messages. It stillll looks to be a bit ofa mess. What do you think . Its a mess. It cant be a lot worse than it was two months ago. It is a lot better from the consumer point of view as far as i can tell. Insurance companies, theyre finding huge problems with income verification. That will be a big problem for aetnas and cigna, blue cross plans next few months figuring out who get whats subsidies. It is a complex system. Theyre having a rough time. It is better than a few months ago but it will be march or apri take that long. Lou march or april, actually Jeffrey Zeints the man in charge of getting this thing fixed, h said he could make it by the end of november. It hasnt quite worked out that way. David plouffe says he is confident this thing bill be working by 2017. Were you just a little astounded when you heard a man say that, i thinks as soon as there is new management in the white house the program might be working . Well look, all these companies are offering insurance. Its a mess. The fundamental mess is trying to take a huge number of people, 15 to 20 Million People and income, verify income and decide what subsidy will be and they are huge subsidies. That is the fundamental problem. Telling aetna how much of your 15,000dollar Insurance Premium will be subsidized by the government. Will take a while. Zeints is a smart guy. I havent talked to him in years. They have smart people working on it but they were far behind from the start. Lou you talk about smart people, worked in the private sector a little while, worked in management and as well as on air, i have known a lot of smart people. One of the first rules i can remember being counsed on by my boss when i mved into management was just remember this. This is the axiom. Once you got people involved its screwed up. And it appears that that very basic lesson in management, no matter what level you work at, was ignored by a government, an administration frankly had very little obvious experience in management of any kind. Obviously this is much bigger nut than they expected. Not to defend them. I think curre administrator, had my job, marilyn tavenner. She is very smart. I know her that years. She is great. On i. T. Side they have a lot more than they can chew. They have a long way to go. It will be a mess for a long time and its a political disaster. Too me the bigger issue this is a 200 billiondollar Entitlement Program and giving a lot of subsy it is to a lot of people. Primary reason it will work eventually, whether it works next election, one reason it will work eventually, it will give huge subsidies to a lot people. That is in a lot of cases wrong amount of moneyoing to the wrong people and huge amount of taxpayer dollars going to the wrong place. Lou our ed henry at white house pointed out, chuck todd talking this weekend pointed out a line in the administrations report saying that they had decided, talking about the performance now of on the website, theyad gone all private sector. They were meeting new levels of efficiency. Private sector efficiency. Actually doing things correctly. As it is done in the private sector. An outright admission that the government is not the solution. Why in the world o we continue to entertain with literally trillions of taxpayer dollars the silly notion that government is the appropriate agency of resolution for so many of tese problems in our society and our economy . Couldnt agree more. If they left this more, gotten aetna, cigna, united, blue cross plans in room together, lets figure this out, why dont you twice get the website for us, would have been a lot more ccessful and done a lot more quickly. The more they delegate to private Companies Better off they will be but theyre learning it the har way. Lou theyre learning it the hard way. I take your point that these are good people, smart people, but these are franky not the people i give a damn about. Im frankly concerned about the American Peopleho were promised much by the administration that seems to be capable of very little. The idea weve gone through over the last three fiscal years. They have raised over 50 billion in revenue for the Affordable Care act. Theyre on track right now, there will be aitional 500, could we put that up. Just to go through that. 50 billion collected 2010 through 12. This year and next. We, through the next 10 years. Welldd 500 billion. Creating, in just medicaid unfunded liabilities because of the enormous shift to medicaid as a result of obamacare, 17 trillion, tom, in addition unfunded liabilities. What are we to do here . These are massive, massive entitlement expansionsoth in medicaid,hose a poor people who probably need it, you could argue about that but these new expansions in the exchanges are huge amounts of subsidies to people way in the middle income streams. 62 of americans qualify for subsidies. Lou in obamacare. Yeah, the obamacare, 62 of the americans, family of four with 94,200 gets a subsidy. Lou never before imagined. It is crazy. I upset about the website, i think its a mess. I hope the bigger discussion on social policy who should we subsidizing. You cant subsidize 62 of the americans for anything. Eventually this program will work and eventually the website, maybe two years or five years from now it will work and for better or worse this thing will not be repealed. Many of us wish we could start over. We cant. Ese are massive new subsidies for huge number of people. Once the sig got gets turned on it is probably not coming back. Lou there is another way to frame this based on what you said, tom. Just tell me, were over on time, tell me if im not correct, by the time this does work, we wont be so much thrilled it is working as we will be scared to death how in the world to pay for it . That is my point. You can debate whether it will work. It will work eventually. Scares me amount of money we spend on middle income and upper income people that shouldnt be subsidized. Lou we sure need to raise i. Q. Of folks running this government, republican and democrat, i mean that in the mosby partisan sense. Thank you very much. Lou tom, come back soon. Well need the help. Thanks. Lou up next, he exposed obamacare navigators, teaching enrollees how to lie for subsidies. He wasnt done. James okeefe, tonight, right here reveals his latest bombshell obamacare video. Dont miss it. Stay with us. Were coming right back. Lou project variry taos, has icdeo of obamacare navigators counseling people to lie on applications, again. Following earlier criticism from dallas an irving, texas, were isolated incidents, project veritas, visited nigators in houston and fort worth. What they found was more of the same. Sa jt like that . Me no. To get a lower premium i wouldnt include it. Cutting grass on weekend and they would give me money. It is worse to go with the silver plan. The lowest one on here right now is for you and your son is 469. My republican friends, they hate this. And they said that they would go into my bank account. No. And find out about money. I hang wallpaperer on the side and people usually pay me cash. No, no. If you dont report that, then no. Lou joining us now, project veritas founder and president james okeefe. James, congratations again extraordinary expose. This latest video, it was a peculiar defense at best that many charged this is, focusing on isolated instance. It didnt take you long to prova it was not isolated at all. What do you think is going on here . Well, i think it is two things. A lot of these navigators are not qualified to be in the Insurance Brokerage business to begin with. Lou right. Theyre in over their heads. They haveo formal training in anything medical and, as you can see a lot of them are eitherou incompetent or dont really know noat the rules are but it is deception n th case change happens is a local Community Organization in houston. They received somewhere aroundhundred thousand of your taxpayer dollars, federal. Theyre advising our reporter wearing a hidden camera not to h report our income to the irs so we get more obamacare subsidies. If youre federal poverty line, yosuu get 100 subsidy. If youreour timesver the federal poverty line, four times, less money from the federal government. It is systemic thing. If youre familiar with my work, i release videos one at time to grab the naysayers that say it is isolated. Lou not isolated. You haveet a another video comig out next w week. U tell us about that. In the first video, lou with, we focused on relationship battleground texas, political metion committee and enroll america a 501 c 3 group how they Work Together to achieve a political agenda which i not thought what health care wouldha be about. Well dive into how peoples private medical information and medical data is shared with Political Action committees orh shared to achieve political purposes. I think that is what fundamentally i think that is what this is all about. I think that will be really explosive when we release that. Do you establish a connection, a direct connection, or can you tell us or do you want to tell us at this point, between the Democratic Party and its various ancillary v arorganizations, and what you hu discovered amongst navigators yes. So far weve released two different video pieces. The first video established that the battleground texas, which is an organization trying to turn the state into a blue state, was on tape with enroll america. O they crosspollinate their data. It is illegal for a 501 c 3 ll group, in this case, enroll01 america, to giv anything to aur Political Actional committee. In fact theres a letter sent to the attorney general of texas, the was a letter sent, saying in media today, theyre actually thinking of taking away this nonprofits taxexempt status for that relationship. What were going to do, is were going to go a step further than that well expose on video some of these people willing to givel out private medical data, which is even further than sharing information. Now they will potentially give it out, explicitly for political reasons. And that is totally illegal and immoral. Im sure it will be aat big, big story when it comes out. Lou n james, already it is a big story. Congratulations on your work. This i i hear people trying to describe you variously as anis activist, provocate. N act right. Lou as if labels matter. I want to ask you, what do you refer to yourself as . How would you describe your role in all of this . Well, i think, im a journalis you know, the mediano longer does this type of work, for i think it is some of it is liability. A lot of people simply become pundits ora agra greattores. What we do, we knock on doors. We go out into the field. The we do shoe leather journalism. It is risky work. It is eensive. This invesgation took us three, four months to do. We gathered 100 hours of footage well release a little bit at a time. Im a journalist. 60 minutes used to do this. Abc news dont do it. They consider me an adversary. I dont understandd why. Im just trying to expose fraud and abuse and waste. That is something that journalists ought to be doing. Lou youre really following a very long line in american journalism. Youre close as i imagine anyone in the country being a muckraker. And that is a, for me, i think thats a pretty high, pretty High Standard that youre setting for yourself and i thini you ought to be proud of that b label. We salute you l here. Keep up the great work. I really appreciate that. If you want to know more about sort of why people dont do what i do, or why people are deterred from what i do, read my book, breakthrough. It will talk about what the media and government put me through to get me to where i am today. Lou well do it. Thank you very much. James okeefe, thank you. My new book debuts january 7th. I hopeou think about reading it and hardcover and audio book version. I narrate that audio book mysef. Great fun. I hope you will pick it up. Welcome back. How is everything . Theres nothing like being your own boss and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. Fedex one rate. Really makes my life easier. Maybe a promotion is in order. Good news. I got a new title. And a raise . Management couldnt make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. And the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. This magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. This magic momt and of those o believed they had the power to do more. Dell is honored to be part of some of the worldgreat stories. That began much the same w ours did. In a little dorm room 2713. This magic moment this magic moment so ally bank really has no hthats right, no hidd fees. Nts . Its just that im worried about, you know, hidden things. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Surprise um. Well, its true. At ally there are no hidden fees. Not one. Thats nice. No hidden fees, no worries. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Joining us now to assess the psychology behind the obama statement and misstatements and the millennial rubble, doctor robbie ludwig. Its great to be here beyond the president talked as if he hadnt been around for five years as he criticized the income gap on this income. He was talking about his own policies, protecting that he was blaming this. So what kind of madness is that . Its a verbal gymnastics and it is a way to igore his own incompetence incompetency. Hes really good at giving speeches and playing to th mses but after a while you have to conrail and clearly we havent seen that. So its a great speech, fantastic. But do the job. Are people really doing better . Are they feeling more confident in the government . Know they are not. Lou deeply this man believes is best as you can assess that his rhetoric an his talks i think he is a very ineffective speaker but he was exciting at one time. But i think hes become dull and dour. And why does he think that words have more power and impact than unemployment checks. And people who are watching an entitlement system just low up in their faces. There is a grandiosity there. I think that obama really believes in itself and his mission. And so he doesnt think that he is failing. And he believes that this is the right track and that if thins arent working out right now it is not his fault. And maybe its something that he inherited. But i think this is a man who really Still Believes in his vision. Lou if you want in your office and said hes going to sit down or lie down on your couch. I would love that. Lou [laughter] maybe the country went. I mean, is help available to him . The president s have psychologists and people to say this or that . E had been inviter. You have to be willing to listen. Therapy doesnt work magically. You have to be open to the idea that something that im doing is not working. Lou does he strike you as a fellow that would be open . No, he seems very seduced by his own ideas and image and putting people in place. Telling people what he wants them to hear. And this includes people with different ideas. Lou here is a crisis of credibility. But certainly the is the potential here for his enre Administration Health care is a complete mess, but it looks like obama is in denial about this mess. In his only interest is making sure we put this in place. He wants to create Health Care System that he feels is in americas best interests. He won even if its not americas tradition . Right. Because he believes in his rightness and his vision and even if its not working out. And its scary and exciting. Lou thank you for your analysis. As always, its great to see y. If president obama wants to talk to me, i am open. And up next, a recall election. He won a great deal more. Governor scott walker joins us now. Unintimidated. Unintimidated. We are coming right she keeps you on your toes. You wouldnt have it any other way. Unintimidated. We are coming right but your erectile dysfunction it could be a question of blood flow. Cialisadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can beore confident in your ability to be ready. And the me cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequent or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medices, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates forhest pain, as it may cause an unse drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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This s the third consecutive year, we have seen a budget deficit and its becom a surplus. And we have improved the economy l because we made decisions and prudent ones as well. Lou you argue that this is critically important. You are an example of what you aretrying to communicate to the republican party. So what is the reaction from the Party Establishment to your book and your thinking. And to your counsel that desperately needs some guidance. In the book i talk about how late wisconsin but across ameica. And nearly as many that have majorities whether it is establishing republicans or anything in between. It is happening in the states and that should be a model because we are optimistic and speaking in terms of this and we have the courage to act in the convictions. Lou the wall street journal so tell us about the forces at work and what are your thoughts. In that state, nothing is ever dull. In is case, every time we get near an election, we get excited. Andits one of those things, what they said in the wall street journal. About as much as i know rit now. And itsnot going to describe whether its tax reform and were working on enitlement reform and hopefully give some explanation here as well. Lou i dont hear that word and m delighted that youve used it. Because American People are not being inspired by their political leaders and i referred to democrats and republicans. And this administration has seemingly advocated have they any interest in creating jobs and growing the economy . And tearing outhe basic responsibilities as a success in large parts. And this is part of the Unemployment Compensation and as conservatives they put the focus in the power of the government and we should put our power in the hands of the people. Lou what about in the Teachers Union than he is a strong and viable candidate for the party particularly in battleground states, there are reformists and reform minded republicans. The book is entitled unintimidated. The chief eecutive branch, all of those things, and the reason that we say this is we can see the house as part of the republicans and the democrats and we can elect these people in the United States senate. Lou do you think that this is a ground operation specifically with tactics, seeking an assessment to hold the house and to take the this on and prepare for 2016. I hope that in key states, it will model what we did in wisconsin between january and june of last yearwhen we had a recall election and we weighed more than 4. 5 million and contacts of voters and that is connecting with real voters across the spectrum. I think that it is for reformers and conservatives can be reformers and we did it back in the 90s like relative reform and School Choice reform and we need to do it with entitlement reform and many other areas going forward. And that is what we are doing and we are hoping to do it all across america. Lou the book is unintimidated. On bookstore shelves now. Online as well. And governor, we thank you. Governor scott walker, and up next, the man he became and how it energized fdr. It did not break him, obviously en though many thought that it would. And he has given credit in the nihilists book, making him the man he became and the leader that he became. Coming u [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnustreet the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and t southbound bus barreli down i95. This magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. And of those who believed they had thpower to do more. Dell is hono to be part of some of the worlds great stories. That began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room 2713. This magic moment so i deserve a Small Business credit card with amazing rewards. With the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2 cash back on ery purchase, every day. I break my back around here. 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He wouldnt have been president had it not have been for polio. Joining us tonight is james chairman whose new book is the man who became how fdr won the presidenc Available Online and at amazon. Com. It is great to have you with us. Thank you for having me. How did you decide to seize upon this issue and examine it carefully and closely and compellingly to explain fdr . Well, i think that when i read a biography, i thought that previous geographers have gone to quickly over the polio episode. And we all grew up with the idea that they had become preident. But had anyone realy told the story of how that happened . And had they told the story the way willie could be told, and i was hoping that i might find that story. And so th is what i worked on. Tell us about that . Its pretty clear that if you look at thi. Fdr was infected at a boy scout picnic campout of all things in the summer of 1921. He went to the campout and was chairman of the boy scouts. And he came back to new york in about 10 days later he began to exhibit symptoms and put him in contact with the polio virus. And it might have come from the polluted water at the mountain. And it had been overrun, it wasnt proper sanitation. There were a couple of things working against him making him susceptible toinfection. Lou you talk about his family and wife and children and how polio affected and altered the relationship. Yes, its interesting to look at the relationship between fdr and eleanor. She discovered this now famous relationship. The trust had been damaged. But one fdr became ill, she ame to his aid and nursed him and help him through the early stages of recovery and i think it brought them closer together. He was going to have to be away fromhome often and she was getting involved in plitics. And not running for office, but politically very active and he followed his own path. But the marriage was on a different point from that point on. The one he had a compelling story and this is a man who overcame polio and you dealt with this discomft in the awkwardness and many public moments. And yet had he was a man of great character and personal strength and energy. I think that fdr himself did not understand the depth of his strength and character until he was faced with this great trial. And up until that point, everything had gone a different way. He was brilliant and charismatic and he had all the tools of this. And harvard, wall street, and so forth. Lou im going to have to interrupt you to say thats why you should read the book, the man who became fdr. Available online, bookstores have it everywhere. And up next, detailing the future first president in the book George Washingtons secret book George Washingtons secret six about his just by talking to a helmet. It grabbed the patients record before we even picked himp. It found out the doctor we needed was at st. Annes. Wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. It even pulled strings with the stoplights. My ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and adiums. But, of course, s a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. So erything works like never before. Lou my xt guest youre very familiar with. In this book he uncovers the kent plannetest acties lou my next guest discusses his book George Washingtons secret six. The author is fox and friends cohost, brian. Its great to have you. Its great to have you as well. And you do a great job on your show. And this is such a great book and what a great idea. How did thisidea occur. We stumbled onto it. It goes from one to another and its like, stop, and 1989, they were commemorating 200 years since George Washington and his spies were together. And i said, whats been going on at that and ive been studying it. And i went to the cia and i said tell me about what we did. And we keep some of the things that they learned before they do this and they said it would be great. Lou what information was part of this . Washington knew, and he said it will be a major thing, hes been by my side and he said finding people we can trust, find people that know the land. And you find a bartender and you find a drygoods owner and a guy that has a printshop and you find a woman whose upperclass has nerves of steel to penetrate the social system. Lou . Gro of people. It does so much. So how can i possibly be . Because we are watching Benedict Arnold and all sorts of things unfold. And we didnt have a ver good counterintelligence. And none of our mutual friends want to publicly be a part of it. And this is where Benedict Arnold started and i thought, oh, i have to stt with that. So one of the things that they did, they all have numbers and they were always searching and she got it out to washington. And this includes the urging of his kids, in 1840 they say they were ableto stop and work with the major and he will give him the cosign all because of this group that infiltrated it right into the nexus of the british command, which was new york city where we sit today. Lou and the people that mmde this up. Do you know anything about them . And are there new areas to explore . In this book, its posted like a news story. And the step grandson of james rivington, rivington street in manhattan. A royalist newspaper author, but he also was a patriot who switched sides in the war and was able to get the naval codes to the british navy t washington to move to the battle of yorktown and he turned it over to the french and the british still dont know what had happened. And they said washington did not defeat us but he outside us. The one that is often the case, especially for revolutionaries. They were outdone and outmanned and had a far more exrienced opponent facing them and to be able to come up with this approach with guerrilla warfare, doing everything intelligent, americans i mean, its no wonder that they were considered ingenious. They wanted to crush us, but they couldnt. And we like these guys. And it took the average everyday person to be successful. And that is why put some of the pictures in the book. Its theone we want to give you credit. The book is we recommend it to you highly, title is George Washingtons secret six. Bookstores and online and everywhere. Thank yo [ me announcer ] this is the story of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. And the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. This magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. And of those o believed they had the power to do more. Dell is honored to be part of some of the worldgreat stories. That began much the same w ours did. 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Neil the election countdown is on. Welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto and a big Midterm Election year coming up. Democrats and republicans better look out. A third party is getting ready and many states about time. You are just frustrated

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