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With data integrity problem not improved in to those hastily arranged News Conference today does not helping does not help to lie in the prospect of of very dark month of november for democrats certainly those on the balance. Here is president obama moments ago raising more questions telling the press corps i can that his fight with republicans is not about him before predictably making it all about him. Where we still having a conversation about repeal and why do folks say any efforts to improve its this is not about me they still cannot bring themselves to limit the Affordable Care act is working. They said nobody would sign up for an affordable for the country. They were wrong about that. They were wrong to keep trying to repeal a law that is working with they have no alternative the answer for millions of americans. Lou the latest round of news bulls quantify president s credibility problem. 72 percent of americans do not believe president obama and when he claims there is a smidgen of corruption at the irs. 61 percent of americans surveyed say the president still tries to cover up his actions in regard to that bang gauzy terrorist attack. And as we reported last night more than half of all americans believe the president lives to them on important matters. The Justice Department to nitrides to manage the damage after the release of devastating emails and phone calls between the department of justice and campbell was lerner both discuss the criminal charges against teapartier groups but the Justice Department claims to different tissues were completed. My first guest is a member of the house ways and Means Committee that threaten to give criminal charges to the Justice Department. Lets start with the completing of issues. The two that we reference last night to a recurring within moments of one another id which she it knowledge there is no legal basis for prosecution even as she interchange one dash entertained the idea itself. The administration is caught up in a mess right now. Lois lerner is not an elected official just a regular citizen coming out to work for a powerful agency. Why she would do what she did it a position that has to be a political there is that a more chilling or scary agency in our government they and the irs because of what they can do to was. We have violated citizens constitutional rights, denied due process why is this going on . At the end of the days somebody has to say it is my fault. You dont plead the fifth of you were not guilty she has done things that most americans say be a bloodbath for giving you if you made that mistake but youve lied lou it was not a mistake almost every instance look at the failures of this administration with the breakdown of government it is the result of conscious political decisions taken in Government Agencies that are supposed to be nonpolitical, non partisan than the government has moved in the opposite direction. Absolutely. The gap keeps widening what the American People believe where the government takes them. This is a model that relies on faith and trust on those you elective. My duty is to have oversightqex÷ look into things and investigate and expose then it goes to the department of justice. With the breakdowno9 why it went from a legislative body to the executive branch what is going on . To widen the gap what people believe. Lou what do you say to the American People the attorney general top lawenforcement officer in contempt of congress. Civil and criminal proceeding against him as a result. The irs targeting scandal. Festive serious. Benghazi. Four americans dead not one bit of information has come forward. Fast furious. No consequence to get to the truth is i made at every turn by the administration that effectively has successfully stonewalled the American People and congress at every turn. The people expect democrats and republicans to go at each other but they expect the truth. The president cannot be the most powerful. He has to be the most honest to represent us as the people. You would think at this point he would say i would want to get to the bottom of this because that is what the people deserve. But he will not do that. He stonewallsfq t. Lou what i expect of this administration is what the fox news poll shows there is lies, distortions, and truth and a twisting of reality to suit the political circumstances and agenda of this administration. I dont expect a lot out of congress after hearing p . Qn the speaker from the house say he would not trust the president has the people dont either behind the scenes eric cantor am paul pryor and working to push through the Senate Version of amnesty for . Every turn the American People are disappointed by the parties that represent their interests. But all people are not represented right now are the American People. Big business has the seat seat, activist groups, but sure as hell the American People or told to go to hell. We are a nation of laws but the conversation has started a and mr. Cantor and mr. Ryan have an opinion. I dont think you will see moving forward to the amnesty peace. I think back comb they say break it into a lot of little pieces. Lou des Judiciary Committee put out for bills that make all the sense in the world with the major step and of the Republican Party through the efforts and they have trashed it and throwing it away as if paul ryan and eric cantor imposed who want to play cute to have decided to trash stevenss in the mid term said could facilitate the suicide of yet party and people act like we are e. Dietz whether republican or democrats to the people that i sit with them and conference dont say those things they say it is time to talk seriously. From western pennsylvania there are pieces the bill with immigration we dont like. That is what we should be doing with the piece that you were talking about. The peace. But in the house settled think there is a strong belief that is the peace they think should go forward. Break it down we cannot protect our borders. Lou for a and the insistence of the congress we build a wall. So as i sit and talk to our audience each evening i am straightforward. The Republican Party plays cute the Democratic Party supports a president that no one believes it 80 percent according to every major poll think he is taking the country in the wrong direction j 6m republicans can get that through their head . Lou 435 people that you work with, 100 senators. Keep in mind the position i hold the represent 705,687 western pennsylvania residents. My message is not to take home what washington said but what does the vegas says to bring it to washington. There is a strong backbone right now. Maybe the discussion is not getting out fell way it should be but i dont see what you talk about to give on this. The speaker made a commitment to let us have that argument. One thing i do know we cannot sit back to say it will work itself out. Helv t you dont like. H a lou over the course of the past decade because both sides whether amnesty we have produced no brazil for the people we are concerned about, illegal immigrants. We have to understand everything dan up to this point that somebody past due Talk Straight with the primary interest is that of the united states. I am tired of the will lip service it is time to talk about the middleclass bill but we have 4. 1 Million People to play by the rules to become u. S. Citizens. If we turn our backs that we are foolish to state of mind. Those are the people in the process right now. 4. 1 million waiting in line. They are going to the process. Lou permanent residency . There is a whole press process for bridal think it is over perry may be a little over a complicated. Lou let me be clear eyes understand. The congressman talks about the people we bring into the country lawfully facing the prospect 90 times of great that reaches out almost one decade to get into the country. They do not have the representation of the Business Roundtable or congress irrespective of what they may tell you to facilitate their progress to permanent residency. It is a shame. It is beyond that. They have done what they were supposed to do. I have friends that tell me about that process. With what we know today with technology, the ability logistically what is taking so long . We have to reform the process. People say just dont make the first act to come here illegally. They talk about amnesty they say if they grant amnesty do you realize the first act we give them to come here illegally before give them to commit a crime. If we do things that are good for people then do what is good for the American People and do things the right way. But it becomes politicized and turns into something it does not need to be. What to we have to do to improve our country . Those that spent money there is with the energy and effort spent on promoting amnesty as a solution to illegal immigration. It is astounding and you need to tell the case street artist to go to hell. When you show that type of cuts. Nobody is backing down if they think it is a white washable not have been. We will do what is best for the American People. Lou i hope so. I take you at your word but i cannot tell you the number of people who have sent it said that to be starting in 2005 and watch people roll over for those lobbying dollars i am sure you will stand up in those in pennsylvania appreciate your resolve. But the American People have been treated like dirt and continue to be taken for granted as we watch the Business Roundtable and chamber of commerce on and cheap labor. You are much smarter than that. Come back soon. Good york times reports 43 drop on the number of deportations. That is the term of office for barack obama. Law enforcement is in the state of collapse. The times points to a claim of deportation cases they ignored that fact last month. Homeland security chief admitted he has cooked the books on deportation numbers to include border are rest. On purpose. Not an accident. That is fraud. Administration said it deported more than 395,000 each year since 2009 compared to the 250,000 under george w. Bush. That is funny and they say numbers dont lie. I think the expression is figures dont lie. On wall street stocks mixed because of good friday the dow wasfet down 16 the nasdaq up nine. The dow and of the weekly gains more than 2 . And am pretty good dumpers 600 billion crudeoil up 104 per barrel gold down 10. The yield on the ted here moves up with innate basis points. Todays jobless claims is still right at the lowest level of seven years. Morgan stanley move sire both post better than expected earnings. Stay with us. We will be right back. Ukraine is barely a sovereign nation. Secretary of state kerry tries to cut a deal to end the violence. Colonel peters on the administration that can. You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Work with equity experts. Who work with regional experts. Thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. Afghanistan, in 2009. Orbiting the e moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once its earned, usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protecon. And because usaacommitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. Begin your legacy. Get an Auto Insurance quote. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Lou what is going on in washington . Leon panetta hits the a mixed record on National Security. Former cia director saying the concern is the president defining americas role in the 21st century hopefully she will do it. Also Hillary Clinton would be better to shape the geopolitical role whatever that means. He announced an a agreement on ukraine today. With the russian counterpart it calls all fullsize to refrain from violence and to disarm. I cannot wait until they decide who is a legal that those illegally seized buildings must be returned to the legitimate owners and they must be vacated. Ku6 and our next guest says it is a complete win for Vladimir Putin Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Thank you for being here. Here we go we can. In looks like this is tough fascinating break through and you are as well. I am glad obama was mildly skeptical because reading it, it is stunning. The foreign minister is a master. And he is so wolf and kerry is a to what. To what. But the deal in geneva obligates putin to nothing. He does not have to do anything or give up anything he can fake anything that happens they are local people like cannot control them. But it explicitly ties the ukrainian governments hands from enforcing a ukrainian law on ukrainian territory. It is startling to me. Lou talk about afghanistan usaid beholding information from congress to show the Afghan Government is completely unprepared to govern after the withdrawal of our troops suggesting there will be a collapse once we do exit. Your reaction . Obama does not want to a collapse before 2017. But whether it does or not and i am skeptical of the ability of the corrupt government to govern but i wish them well. But it is time to take their training wheels off. If after the blood and treasure and aid and training of the afghans kantian and will to defend their own government at this point than i am sorry. We cannot stay forever. The taliban has not have the largess of a bear cub but the poughkeepsie of wealth of the shins and trading and they are still there. If they can beat the egg government refunded lavishly han i am sorry that shows the Afghan Government has no legitimacy. I wish them well but it is time to go. Lou we are out of time. We cannot stay there forever. But 13 years later it feels like it has been forever. Good to have you with us. Colonel false peters. Time for a look at the last night pulled results do you believe the g. O. P. Split on immigration and ukraine nsa and other issues lessens the chance of a g. O. P. Victory in november . 58 percent said yes 42 percent said no. Vote tonight. Russian president putin says he is no interesttw to invade alaska. Do you believe him . Cast your vote. We have to have a little fun then we will reveal the quotation of the day. We will be right back. Stay with us. The stock market takes of a pause after a big runup. Our next guest on what will move the markets next. Up. A short word thats a tall order. Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, a we ought to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. As a police officer, ive helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenline is pron to help peop quit smoking. Chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. It actually caught me by surprise. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, l thoughtse announcer ] someor actionsd changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, while taking or after opping chantix. Ifou notice any of these, stop chaix and call your doctor right away. 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See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Lou yah hoo recently fired chief operating officer leaving got through with a 58 million exit package just 15 months on the job we can work out the math but the severance package more than double the amount it pays the ceo chris of meyer last years stocks closing down to a short trading week yes indeed pose the biggest gain since july with the outlook now for the markets global head of management investments, a david good to have you with us. This looks a little brighter now what does the future hold . We suffered an extraordinary weather yvette that lasted three months. Lou ze a big deal. Every betty used an excuse for every disappointing performance but it was for real. 56 use above predicted earnings that were reduced now look at the Second Quarter we see the possibility revenues will snap back do drive stocks up lou attack Goldman Sachs. Are you kidding me . They manage expectations into negative territory then get a bounce . 5zs what is frothy is the internet stocks like googles and facebook. Lou we know about them but Goldman Sachs behaving this way . Financials are cheap i will not argue Goldman Sacks but they are not the expensive stock with the book group valued at one dash value basis. Lou i will repeat managing Goldman Sachs into negative territory with those results getting a positive is crazy. We have seen Companies Get hit when they disappointed and google with that Market Reaction it is silly. Is the market going to settle . Will we see real gross sort topline growth . Limit to those 500 companies and asked to give us the rabil deal. You will see surprising Earnings Growth compared to what people expect with the weather snapback exceeding expectations. Rethink u. S. Could be up 10 europe and ukase specifically about 20 . We are bullish. Investors need t to know it is not this new bride ace news ride it will be a windfall a tile and they need to insure the of volatility to get the profits at the end of the year. Lou listen to my Financial Reports on the sale of Radio Network for the biggest market news. Stayed with us. The obamacare debate is over says the president himself. Why couldnt the president have been more wrong . Why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. The conditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com lou joining me now pluses the a team. Michael goodwin and former member of the bush staff, said gentleman great to have you here. Brad, and about their big of credibility problem i have ever seen one love the cliche a hastily arranged conference to say it is over no more debates by the way be fixed the ukraine. No wonder he has a little credibility problem. No doubt. It is like the wizard of oz. Move along. When the president says that with his recent polling that means we should Pay Attention. The worst is yet to come as rates go up this summer as businesses start their obligations to offer the employees. The American People have to Pay Attention this november. Lou just to reinforce disappointments of large measure of obamacare but they are the smallest player sova nbc the other Companies Start to report then we will get to of real feel of how big of a problem the country has got. They are cooking the books with deportation is down. What is new . What is wrong with these people . When you talk about obamacare its remains unpopular. Immigration reform but every petty wants to talk about the borders first. So across the board what the government lacks is the consent of the governed bridal knowhow the president continues to get away with it. 42 percent approval . I dont know what theyre thinking because nothing is working and everything seems to be unpopular but his popularity is bare minimum to keep him afloat. Lou going into the eighth month of disapproval being under water. Senator harry reid the most powerful senator in the country appears to be the sinisternk force in the bundy bureau of Land Management confrontation in nevada. What is going on . This may help him in nevada perhaps but it is not helping democrats nationally he is seen as a bubbly he commits libel and slander every day ,o enough is enough but let harry reid continue to be harry reid it does not help the cause whether the nevada issue where he is is still well above the senate and the power in the abusive way lou the astounding thing is we did not see of cry from the nevada delegation the senator did stand up, the governor did but we did not hear from other senators threw militia friends of the bundys comity party groups hont to god wearing is the leadership . With the of lethal force against one psittacine why would the Republican Party not be the first to stand up . Why not . People consider themselves to be innocent bystanders but let him destroyed himself but the principle no matter the direction they should stand up on principle against global leading that harry reid is doing in the name of the u. S. Government. It is wrong. Lou bill day blasio who was the resident communist how do you describe it . [laughter] he has raised the salary for the communication director to a hundred grand but nobody can take the job the Service Employees union spent 1 million on one party that is higher living for a communist worried about in come in the clock and equality . They all had their summer house is a matter what country they were in. To the day blasio is so thick headed he simply is not listening to the public i have called them the same because they are so old like with my way or the highway stuff down the throat and tell you get a revolutionary rhetoric. Lou dont they call those summer homes . [laughter] thank you. A reminder to vote on the online poll president putin says he has no interest to invade alaska. Are you reassured . We are having fun. Vote at lou dobbs in. Com. Leaving the liquidation of the day the necessity of hard work even if you lived in the white house or work on capitol hill. The russia ballerinas said success depends on a very large measure upon individual initiative and exertion and cannot be achieved except from hard work. Cool is never sufficient. Lou one of the most complete tyrannosaurus risk skeletons ever and curb one dash uncovered now with the smithsonian. Discovered in 1988 to in montano will be at the museum 50 years good to see the u. S. Army corps of engineers courtesy of taxpayers. In five years into a presidency nearly 19 of americans shop believe the president is truthful. Dr. Ludwig on why the president flies and why we put up with his flying ways. Next. Meatball yelling cmon, you want heartburn . When your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum. Tums predibut, manufacturings a means advanced technology. Do. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. The technology is actually creating new jobs. Siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. Lou the president likes the description as cool. We have no word for you to consider a substitute for cool some of whom consider themselves cool are better described in my judgment as languid beating manifesting ofsyjy disinterest of any effort slow or relaxed as san certainly you could just describe him as a cool president if you wish. Four months after the president got the light of the year award a new fox poll shows he is worthy of that accolade. Hick only 15 percent believe the president is on this. I am creating a of a kind construction leading psychotherapist dr. Ludwig great to have you with us. The president more than half believe he is lying ellis half the time. We have never seen that a with the description of our president. Even nixon who lied all the time. He was not at krupp. [laughter] long dash crook. Lou but this has to hurt the president. It is interesting you say that because it sounds like president obama is very sensitive that makes them hard for him when people criticize him i dont think he is so tough criticisms against him he feels on of very deep level. I think that bothers him more than president clinton to did not care veryuxz much but were used to politicians lining is. But not at this level no. But their sexual lives or when we want them to tell us things that are not unpleasant but the title i saw in the newspaper called nobamacare. It affected so many people who had the plan you could keep your doctor. It was misinformation so clearly obama was very interested in obamacare and wanted a buddy to sign up. Lou why would he continue this nonsense . It is unethical, and moral, wrong, but the trail of the public trust. As a psychotherapist what the hell is wrong with him . Self importance. Politicians feel they are very important. Lou he is the president but that does not give him their bright two allies deny people tonight and make excuses. Most people dont say i am a liar. I tell people false things all the time. Lou do you know, people who live like this in your practice . Do they tried to get help . People once too i to influence the to do what they want to them to do so there is a manipulative component and people make themselves good people even if they lie. So we have something to look forward to. Doctor ludwig says show. Physician or religious either one. Perts. Who work with regional experts. Thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. A short word thats a tall order. Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, and we ought to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement standard with our auto policies. So call Liberty Mutual today. And if you switch, you could save up to 423. Liberty mutual insurance. Responsibility. Whats your policy . Lou we told you about the president s quick News Conference he called to declare the debates on obamacare ended to announce the enrollment of 8 Million People in the Affordable Care act program. Then obama us to a time to talk about ending the violence against the ukraine. And that Russian Foreign minister meeting in geneva said the powers sought to the obama seemed much more certain of the obamacare success then ill lasting promise with russia because he is beginning to understand the exorbitant cost of his successes and all agreed as whether domestic or foreign. The clever negotiation with the Treasury Department releasing 458 million in frozen iranian assets after a report showed iran with a highly enriched uranium thieving a dangerously high amount of enriched uranium in the hands of the iranians. It does not talk much about libya or egypt or syria up perhaps that might remind us all of the benghazi terrorist attack or the president s demand leaders in egypt of serious step down and you might note three years after he did so obama as policies have only worsened and without effect even his friends are tiring. Former defense secretary leon panettavq mixed record on National Security says the concern is the fighting what americas role in the world is in the 21st century has not happened. Hopefully it should do it. Tpo my hope is president obama of will do much less or better yet nothing at all. If the republican identified by immigration and the nsa employe heard mid term results republicans destroy each other and democrats cleanup they need to know who the rivals are and vote them out. The fox news poll shows six and a 10 americans believe the president dies on the issues to save the other four out of 10 must not listen to him. j most americans believe in free trade but yet the government keeps making in our domestic Playing Field less competitive the problem is not that difficult to understand. It is difficult for this president to do anything about it. E mail me at lou loudobbs. Com. Follows on twitter go to facebook everything avenue dobbs. Com. The authors of the comments we read each evening receive a free copy of my new book upheaval. That is its a and thank you for being with us. Tomorrow harvard professor. We will see you then. My dad has aor afib. Brillation, he has the most common kind. Its not caused by a heart valve problem. 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Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners. Or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctors about all medicines you take. Pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. If you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. Why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. The conditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com welcome, everybody. I am neil cavuto. You wonder why i make such a the big stink to give more neil because of stuff like this, struggling michigan homeowners are finding out the hard way, money meant for them might be going to unions. At least give some union big shots have their way. It was less of the 100 million federal aid package. They want to redirect the funds to help bail out their own very sorry and very cashstrapped pension. Gas and cash strapped city now 31 2 billion dollars in tel whole

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