Transcripts For FBC Stossel 20140601 :

FBC Stossel June 1, 2014

Is evil. It clogs up the arteries. John what if it doesnt . Is everything weve been told about eating fat to date wrong . John food fight, thats our show tonight. Theres lots to debate about food. We start with the newest fight. Gmo food. 90 of all corn grown in america is genetically modified now. That means it grew from a seed that scientists altered by playing with genes. The new genes may make corn grow faster or make it less appetizing to bugs so they can grow it with fewer pesticides. Say no gmo. John this upset some people. Gmo is not natural, they say, Food Companies put us and the environment in danger by selling it. And there are big campaigns to kill gmos. Heres a scene from the antigmo movie seeds of ath. It causes holes in the gi tract. It causes multiple organ systems failure. John another group made this video which they pretend to take the point of view of an evil gmopushing business. Just because tests on rats eating genetically modified potatoes showed them growing slower after generations and Organ Development issues. Some goody two shoes scientists and whiney campaigners worry that might happen to humans, too. Well, lets wait and see wait and see . That sounds scary. And it is says Michael Hansen of Consumer Reports, jon entine says its scaremongering. But jonathan, seeds of death and holes in the gi tract, that sounds scary. There is no Scientific Evidence that supports the scare. John there must be some. Not that theres any harm. Weve eaten about 17 trillion meals since gmos first came on the market. There is not evidence about someone getting so much as a sniffle. You can create scare stories, fear of the unknown, if were going to rely on empirical science, no evidence. John michael, i got to say i agree with him. I think Consumer Reports scares everyone about trivial risks. The fact of the matter is genetic engineering is different it. Raises risks that should require assessment before the crops come on the market, and those assessments havent been done. John jon, they havent been done . Hes wrong. Hes verging on lying because hes implying that very strong words, i understand that. Hes implying we dont have a regulatory system in place to evaluate the safety of gmos. Thats flatout wrong. John back up a second, you say this is new and what you mean is for years weve had genetic modification but done slowly by cross breeding. No, the new techniques that allow you to move genetic material between organisms that couldnt happen before. Thats the technology were talking about, not an extension of what weve been conventionally doing. John i would think its more precise than cross breeding, which is just they made it and you see what you got. Its more precise in the sense of you can move one or a few genes. Big problem is you have no control where you are inserting that genetic material if you cant control where you are inserting that genetic information, it can have different effects depends on the location. Thats just not right. Let me give you an example. Ruby red grapefruit, you can buy organic ruby red grapefruits. How is that createed . In a laboratory subjecting it to radiation and chemicals. Thats organic. John one mutation was the stuff we like. One mutation out of thousands over eight years of laboratory study, now its called organic. Now we can reduce it to one, test it in a laboratory, evaluate it, we know its safe and effective. The European Commission said its safer than conventional. The grapefruit was actually, yes, texas ruby red grapefruits came from an irradiation, mutation breeding, all that does is. We support a ban on that. John i tricked you here, you took chemistry, right . Whats di hydrogen monoxide. Water. John water, talking about water. Banning water. John too much kills people. We dont support banning water on this program and neither does liz reitzig, she is upset about the chemicals on food. On her blog she writes articles like symphony of the soil, raw milk. The evil of chemicals like gly phosphate. You want to buy organic food. Exactly, it is a win, win, win situation. John does that mean its filled with chemicals . One is organic, the definition that the usda has and farmers need to go through the certification process in order to use the term. The other is used loosely by people like me, farming practices where the soil is restored and revitalized. John and no pesticides. Thats right. John and whats wrong with that, jon . She said something that is totally wrong. Theres about 30 pages of usda regulations john this is my wonk horn, deep in the weeds. Organic farmers use pesticides as much or more than conventional farmers. Many of the farmers are much more harmful. Go on usda. Bacteria and listeria are natural, doesnt mean its less harmful. I have to agree with jon, there is poisonous mushrooms and plants we could eat. There is definitely good bacteria as well. That is one of the points of organic farming, when i saw organic, i mean beyond the usda certification process of organic where farmers looked at soils and see whats going on in there. There is three metastudies showing theres no value to this. John we are losing the debate, liz is winning. Most people agree wither. Do you know what organic food is . Yes. John what is it . Food that you eat thats healthy for. You it feels better, feels healthier. I dont know, i can feel less guilty about buying it. John why is it healthier . Thats what i hear on tv all the time. John youve won this debate. Good. We are seeing the organic sector is fast growing segment of agriculture. John why is it good if its much more expensive and dont know its better. It doesnt have to be much more expensive. John it is. 94 . People are producing their own. If you get a 2 packet of seeds and grow something in the yard, thats a lot cheaper. John the organic market is imported from china. Grown in disgusting soil, very, very cheap, undercuts the american market. Thats the staple in the organic market. John really, the biggest part of the organic market . The fastest part of the organic market is dangerously polluted from china. John true . There is a lot of Certified Organic items coming from china. I advocate going direct to the farmer. John am i an evil person because i admit i do what this guy does. Do you eat organic food . No, i think its overpriced. I think that the grocers are using that as a way to increase prices. My wife is into organic bananas. And sometimes i change the labels. Ill take the organic banana and put it on the regular banana. She doesnt know the difference. There are people who recognize the taste difference and the freshness when they get it direct. So many studies show there is no taste and freshness difference. It has to do with how its grown by an individual person and farmer. Thats a fallacious argument to bump up prices and justify essentially extorting money from innocent consumers. John last word. Well, you know, there are some people who dont recognize the taste difference but the vast majority do. They recognize when they are eating something fresh or cand or frozen. It is not an issue. It is, absolutely. John id love to give a blind taste test. Were not going to settle this here. Thank you, liz and jon. To keep the conversation going use the hashtag food fight. Let people know what you think. Coming up, some people say dont eat anything with a face also how Michelle Obama is just wrong, and how i was just wrong about saturated fat . That ones next. If you eat too much of this, over time fatty deposits could build up in your arteries, and this increases your risk of Heart Disease. Saturated fat can clog this pipe, imagine what its doing to yours. John a Public Service announcement from the British Government and over the past 50 years, Health Authorities have told us dont eat this stuff. Bacon, cheese, butter, food cooked in butter. Tastes great but when i was a kid my mom watched commercials like this a great change in eating habits is taking place in homes all over america. More and more women are using both Mazola Corn Oil and mazola margarine. So if youre concerned about too much saturated fat, remember the best combination for cutting down saturated fats in the diet is Mazola Corn Oil and mazola margarine. John Vegetable Oil is in margarine and most people switched to them. New Research Suggests we were misled. Saturated fat may be just fine says this article in the wall street journal titled the questionable link between saturated fat and Heart Disease. Nina teicholz wrote it, and you just published a new book called the big fat surprise. Whats the surprise . The surprise is that saturated fat, the kind of fat in meat, cheese, butter eggs, its not bad for your health. And the idea, its been our main dietary culprit for the last 50 years, but the evidence is never strong. John how could it have been sold to us for all the years if it wasnt strong . Well, it became basically institututionalized before it ws tested. The idea that saturated fat is bad for you came from a researcher in the 1950s in the face of the Heart Disease epidemic. And researchers were panicked and looking for answers, and one scientist proposed saturated fats he. Got that idea implanted as into the American Heart Association, the first saturated fat guidelines came out in 1961. When that became our National Guidelines it had never been tested and when subsequently tested there were tremendous problems at the trials and researchers have gone back and looked at the evidence and found that the evidence was never strong. John but this is horrible. Bacon is good and things cooked in butter taste better. Well, thats it. These foods are delicious and theyre also good for health. We believe the fat in the bacon would become the fat in our bodies and clog up the arteries. John it wont . It seems like so much common sense, how could that not be true . But it will not the evidence that saturated fat leads to Heart Disease is just completely dissolveed. Twoig studies have come out and saidait a second, we cant show that this is bad. Two groups of scientists looked at the entire history of all the evidence against saturated fats and concluded that they are that its worse to eat carbohydrates, a big dinner of pasta than meat, butter, cheese, dairy, eggs. John thats what americans did, they switched to carbohydrates. We eat 25 more. We eat 11 less saturated fats and switched from meat based dinners to having pasta and grains and weve just gone too far in that direction. John we contacted the heart association. We stand by the guidelines that saturated fats could hurt your heart while polyunsaturated fats may help them. Well, yes, the American Heart Association and other National Institute of health, its awkward for them to say that they were wrong for all these years. John ill bet. And thats not a message i mean, institutions are the opposite of good science, they cant flipflop on the public. Science needs to be public, nimble, its hard for institutions to stay on top of the science and do good science. The food pyramid, eat carbohydrates, eat lots of them, stay away from meats, saturated fats. The big slab has been over 50 of our diet is supposed to be bread, past awhole grains, we shifted too far in that direction. John i havent had whole milk for 20 years. Saturated fat is essential for health. Whole milk without the fat, you cant digest the vitamins and minerals, saturated fat is good for health and has many biological functions. John i sure hope your right. Coming up, katie couric wants governme to force us to eat better. The epidemic here is worse than previously estimated. Much worse. Over 95 of all americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. Also not only is this bacon filled with saturated fat. Its made from pigs and some people are saying dont eat anything with a face. Thats next. X÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ [ shutter clicks ] hi there [ laughs ] im flo i know im going to get you your rental car. This is so ridiculous. Were going to manage your entire repair process from paperwork to pickup, ok, little tiny baby . Your car is ready, and your repairs are guaranteed for as long as you own it. The Progressive Service center a real place, where we really manage your claim from start to finish. Really. Easy as easy can be bye . Making. John whitney, you first. I personal areally feel eating meat is unnecessary, given all the nutrients. It tastes good so do plants. I find it ironic that the vegans try to turn nonvegan sources into things that look like tofurky. There is a drive that we want a meat based product. John singer Carrie Underwood said this to oprah. I dont eat meat. You are vegan, right . I havent made a steak ever, i dont think. So you are vegan. Yeah. John so is Jennifer Lopez who recently said i recommend the vegan diet because you wake up and feel great. Ellen degeneres and Natalie Portman had vegan weddings. Tia mowery cut this ad for peta. It is filling and full, its acidic, full of fat and clogs up the arteries. John yeah, robb. You paleo folks push lots of meat. I mean really when you look at the literature on the paleo diet, the predominance is vegetables, fruits, nuts, tubers, nuts and seeds. The guardian reports that french vegans face trial after the death of a baby fed only on breast milk from a vegan mom. Clearly its not enough for everyone to live. I disagree, there is so much evidence of the vegan diet being healthy for pregnant women and for their children while breastfeeding. In this particular case, they were fed soy milk and replaced breast milk as well as apple juice. It wasnt a nutrient rich and the right diet for the baby. John you say its all healthy, all this stuff is vegan certified, right . I dont eat that stuff. John vegan doesnt mean healthy. No. Thats why i advocate for whole food diet. This is something we agree on a lot is getting back to eating whole foods that are nutrient dense. John most of these are American Heart Association endorsed. Goofy. This is not a healthy diet even though it is vegan. John more americans are eating processed foods, doing the opposite pretty much of what each of you say in your own particular diet. And living longer. So maybe youre both out to lunch. The projection is by 2030 spending 300 of gdp on managing obesity. John you say they get fat because they dont eat enough meat . All the foods are processed foods which started driving the obesity epidemic. John some of the things you say are hard to believe, you are happier and healthier, being a vegan makes you happy. Absolutely. John why . Im happy eating junk food. We might have a sugar high from it, but if we want longterm, health and happiness, eating foods can make a difference, it affects hormones. We totally agree on that. This is something we can agree on vegan and paleo is reducing the processed foods. And probably both disagree on the hot dog. John you say dont eat anything with a face. This doesnt have a face. It did have a face. You might not be able to see the face anymore, there was a face involved there. Thats why the reason why people still eat meat. Theyre not seeing what happened to get to the point. John i dont see it. Thank you whitney and robb. Next, Katie Courics new movie about evil sugar. Your brain lights up with sugar like it does with cocaine or heroin. Youre going to become an addict. You end up with one show me the carfax® hi need help finding a dependable used car . Yeah, im worried about things like flood damage. Oh, our team doesnt keep quiet about those cars. Frank to carfax®. Found an suv here heres a sports sedan ill get the vin number theres a convertible avoid that one large mouth bass. They get the word out. Now theres a whole new way to shop for used cars. Thats it start your search at the new carfax. Com for that moment, where right place meets right time. And when i find it i go for it. announc at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so youre always connected, wherever you are. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. I am 12 years old and my doctors have said that im a statistic. Were blaming willpower, and its a crime. Over 95 of all americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. Were toast as a country. John were toast as a country because were too fat . And its not the fault of eaters lacking willpower. According to a new katie couric movie called fed up. Americans are overweight because evil Food Companies sneak sugar into our food. There are 600,000 food items in america, 80 of them have added sugar. Your brain lights up with sugar like cocaine or heroin. Youre going to become an addict. You end up with one of the Great Public Health epidemics of our time. John a Public Health epidemic of our time the last guy was former commissioner, has his own issue with weight. He is eager to ban things for you, if its the governments job to protect Public Health why not ban certain bad foods. Lets ask Baylen Linnekin who runs an operation called keep food legal. Food is legal. Less and less so, i guess in recent times. We have soda ban in new york city. John proposed in new york city. Currently in the courts. Used to be they fought polio and smallpox and now theyre fighting against food choices. Next theyre going to tell us when we should go to sleep. I call them the totalitarian left but they have a good cause. Katie couric says over 95 of americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. Can they make a Statement Like that. Only 95 . I dont know where the science comes from, im sure its not from scientists. John one part of her movie we could both agree with. The sugar industry is extraordinarily powerful. Theyre in business to make money not to keep america healthy. John theyre

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