Transcripts For FBC Stossel 20160521 :

FBC Stossel May 21, 2016

Insurance company out of there. John is Government Healthcare the answer . It didnt work for the va. They have movie playing in the waiting room. Just so someone has a better experience. Our typical waiting time is less than five minute. Why does this doctor work so hard to please patient . Because they will leave. People will not stay, they have choices. John choice in medicine. What a concept. Thats our show, tonight. Announcer now john stossel. John i have reported on American Healthcare for decade but now its more personal. Several week ago a surgeon cut a small malignant tumor out my lung. I picked that hospital i didnt pick it, my doctors recommended a surgeon there, and what do i know about the best place to go . I spent more time researching which cell phone to buy. Its rated best in new york. Named the number one hospital in tampa bay. John good for them. But what does that mean . Are the ratings accurate . Do they help people shop for the best healthcare . We rarely have as much information about hospitals as i had shopping for this phone. How should we shop for healthcare . Lets talk to people who think about that. David gold hill is ceo of a grape show network. When a hospital killed his father he wrote this book about how to fix American Healthcare. An American Hospital killed your father. He died of an infection acquired in the hospital that was preventable. Estimates of errors are 250,000 a year. And the third biggest cause of death and i asked why does that happen . Why are hospitals not inventived to do more. John the season season tough ie incentive is not to kill you. Unfortunately the customer of the hospital isnt the patient, its the insurer, medicare, and medicaid, and that difference explained a lot of the things we see in the Healthcare System. John let me turn to what i wrote in the article. For all i know my care was good, but the Customer Service was awful. You had to fill out the same forms again and again. The same information. Sometimes they would say the doctor is coming an would come two hours later and they dont bother to email you and say hes not going to be there for a while. When they dismiss you, you wait two hours and nobody talks to you. There is no reup burstment for there is no reimbursement for good personalized care. Every hour they had an appointment for the preop. He single place had them fill out the same information. When they said why am i refilling this out, they go, the systems dont talk to each other. John you have a group leap frog trying to change the way we rate we have been publishing hospital data. A simple af grade. John i just discovered new york presbyterian got a c grade. Below and on infections. Good on specially trained doctors. Below average on a couple of never events. John patient dont know about this. What would help is if we are the customers. Then the providers chase you. John when i argue that people say we cant afford this. Only the rich would get good care. I dont know where they think the money is coming from. We are spend 800,000 per life. If people think they are not paying for that, they are kidding themselves. John i complained the machines beeped at night and the nurse would come in or not come in and say, oh, old batteries. Someone wrote to cam plain about the customer mentality. You cant sleep in the hospital with all the beeping and the lights are on, the florescent lights that are in your eyes. How are you supposed to get better if you cant sleep and dont get good food. John food compared to the surgery . There is no part of the economy where good service would mean more in producing the end product. When my sons appendix burst, filling out the same form over and over again made him sicker. John lets go back on why we had that virginia hav ask hy slogan. Duringer king ran that campaign because mcdonalds made it tough for customers to customize their burger. So burger king said. We can serve your bigger any way you think its proper, have it your way. John competition made them better, but people scream at me and say you cant compare it. Medicine is much more complex than hamburgers. The medicine is standard. If somebody come plains of certain symptoms, we know what tests we are going to do and what the treatment will be. Its trying to figure out which one is the best for that person. But there is more to a hospital than just figuring out the diagnosis and treating. You cant tell a patient dont move until this catheter is removed and someone will be with you in a halfhour. And nobody comes for 8 hours and they are sitting around and they are increasing the risk for blood clots and other complications. John michelle wrote, stop whining. Do you think an m. D. Has time to respond to patients email . I give every patient my cell phone and email. John they bug you. They do, but thats my job. He every industry would love to have a pass like that. For 3 trillion its oh da itss okay to expect the Health Industry to have the same Customer Service as other industry. John in a free market stossel would be dead. In a premarket i would have gotten better care, which wouldnt be dead. Another one. Lets see him negotiate the price of chemo when hes in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. This is something i do all the time which is bizarre. No one who has said this has actually been in our Healthcare System its so impossible to figure out how to get approval for things you need even during an emergency. In a consumerdriven system where the providers are competing to get customers, you do less work, not more work. You wouldnt make the decisions in the ambulance. Would you know which hospital was cheaper or better. John lots of americans want government to take over healthcare like it does in much of the world. Get the private Insurance Company out of there. John Michael Moore made a movie about that. He claimed Government Healthcare was better than profitseeking business. I pointed out when profit is involved, people innovate. Cell phones are better than i used to get. You know what i say to people . When are they going to invent a cell phone . John progressionives hatred of the free market is so bad they cant acknowledge what the market does. The pride of the soient bloc. Of the soient bloc. It the soviet bloc. But its an awful car. It pollutes heavily. This is the best governments could produce. Dont even use those for examples. I understand why some people dont like the government running things. But the government used to be really good at things. If the government is so good at giving all this care, why are patients coming from england here because they cant get an mri scan for 9 months. We get patients from canada who say i dont want to wait 9 months to fix my knee or shoulder. I need this fixed now. John lasik eye surgery and cosmetic surgery is consumer driven. The customer always pays the bill directly. So they advertise. Some of the ads are tacky. But so what . Do you have the e factor . You owe it to yourself to come she dr. E. Lasik eye surgery prices have dropped because of this competition. And the doctors compete to offer superior Customer Service. John you have movies in the waiting room. Our typical waiting time is less than five minutes. People will not stay, they have choices. John your practice operates that way . Absolutely. John how long is your waiting time . In the waiting room . Five minutes or less. But thats my choice. I decide i would rather give better care and make less money and be happy at the end of the day with how i was treating people. Increasingly people have high deductible plans. They are realiy get really sick, im paying my healthcare out of pocket. Obamacare has made it more difficult. But its a trend that can make us see how much potential there is for competition, choice and the things we value. Service, quality, value. John hope for things to get better. Thank you. Coming up. Ill fight with the doctor about obamacare and fight with one of these personal injury lawyers. We want to get you as much money as possible. John this 15yearold will explain how the fda tried to kill him. Some more good news. In spite of government there will be is some cool new medical technology coming like a way to uber your doctor. Show me top new artist. Ah, ha ha. Show me top male artist. My whole belieber fan group. Its not a competition, but if it was i won. Xfinity x1 lets you access the greatest library of Billboard Music awards moments, simply by using your voice. The Billboard Music awards, live sunday may 22nd, 8 5 pacific, only on abc. We want to get you as much money as possible, as fast as possible. Get the money you deserve for your injuries. Call me right now. John those ads help pay my salary. And sometimes they get compensation for real victims. But as a consumer reporter i have to say i hate those lawyers. For every person they help, they hurt dozen of people. Heres why. First i should bring out our personal injury lawyer guest and let him explain why hes a good guy. When people are injured, you get them money and thats a good thing. And you deter bad behavior. If they deserve it, i think it many a good thing. John dont you agree you make everything cost more . No, i dont. If somebody gets injured they have the right to be compensated for their injuries. John but you guys take so as much. You take 30 to 40 of the money, add in the defense lawyer costs and add in the unnecessary tests that get done because people are scared of you. You make everything more expensive. But the person who has been injured recovers, and they deserve to recover. Do they walk away . Do they grin and bear it . Does the person who has a brain damaged child as a result of somebodys negligence . Do they take it on the chin . I dont think so. John you kill people by denying us good things. A company came up with a safer is best. Another with an aid vaccine and lyme disease vaccine and they dropped the research because they were afraid of being sued. I heard this but i dont believe it. What you asked me to come out here about was defensive medicine, and the doctors in their surveys say its defensive medicine because of the lawyers. The only r only problem is the government have done their own studies, not surveys. Surveys, they ask the doctor, and the doctor goes, its the lawyers. These are real studies. The studies said the ama that their surveys were unreliable and the more likely cause was the income they produce from doing the test. John no doctor does unnecessary tests because they are scared of being sued to cover their rear . Thats lawyers question. Im sure we can find a doctor who somewhere along the way in his life had an experience with a lawsuit and as a result may practice defensive medicine. But thats a long way away from saying all the defensive medicine out there is practiced. Reason doctors are doing unnecessary tests is because of lawyers. John on your website you say your biggest verdict, 40 million. That was a structured settlement for a grievously damaged child. John a child with cerebral palsy. John john edwards made these cases famous. He used to say to the jury, im channeling the baby. I hear her, she is saying, doctors, im suffocating please help me be born. And juries awarded lots of money. Whats the result . Are you making it better for these children . Csections have gone from 6 of all births to 30 of all births. You are causing more csections which are more dangerous and more pain new and more expensive. You are hurting people. I know one thing, when this child went through what this child went through, and a normal child became a brain damaged child, you think that child deserves that money on so many Different Levels you cant manage it. That was a knock down drag outlayup. What they did to that child was horrific and no amount of money will ever make that mother whole and ever maybe that child whole. John doesnt it bother you that csections have gone from to 30 . It does. The doctors blame it lawyers. But i know for one thing, doctors dont like sitting there for 24 hours going through labor. Once they do the csection they are done, they are gone, they are out on the golf course and its over. And by the way, they charge more for the csection. So there may be many more factors involved. John doctors are after the money. I dont want to say that. John your colleagues ad focus on the money. Ill squeeze them forker dime i can. Er single dime. Im jim the hammer. I was in pain and he changed my pain to rain. John you rain money down on people. You know what . We dont kill people, certainly not a quarter million a year. John i think you kill people by depriving us of innovation. But we wont settle that here. Thank you, david paris for coming up. Ill fight with a doctor who says obamacare is a good thing. Land mine john that was her present explaining how obama care would reduce the cost of health care and give Everyone Health insurance. Its been six years since the law passed here to never understood how government mandate could get more People Insurance for less money. It sounded like magic and it hasnt happened. More people got coverage but the cost are up so high that now some Big Insurance Companies are dropping out of the obama carrots changes. Still lots of people say obama carries a good thing. Dr. Bill jordan says that. Hes with the proobamacare physicians group. So costs are out. Understand the people are struggling with the cost of their health care but this is a problem that started way before obamacare. The prices have gone up over decades and obamacare has actually shown signs of slowing the growth of health care costs. We have a great answer to that and looking at this i dont see any slowing of the growth and now im reading that there are going to be premium hikes of 30 , 20 next year plus theres this medical device tax. So many new Innovative Devices do we not have . Device makers have been hit or you. Lets talk about the medical device tax verse. The real problem is people dont have access to basic care. Its not that they dont have access to devices. I think the people have the choice that drives prices down. With obamacare there is less choice. Every plant is goldplated comic even the cheapest bronze plan that everyone has to have free access of a morning after bill. Alcohol screening, aspirin used to prevent heart disease. Aspirin costs 8 cents a tablet. Why does your Insurance Plan have to cover this . Obesity screening. I think a lot of people went from having no insurance to having insurance and that was john goldplated cadillac insurance. Now many people have goldplated insurance. I can tell you about a woman who took care of my kid to daycare. The daycare was too small to afford Health Insurance for their employees. We found out that she was dropping out of 14 there. It turned out unfortunately she had Breast Cancer and she hadnt had insurance. She was earning too much to qualify for medicaid so she dropped out of the workforce so she could go on medicaid and get treatment for cancer. This was before obamacare. Its really sad to see that kind of thing happen and people now have choices. If they are in too much to be on medicaid they can go to the marketplace and find insurance. John they could go into a limited obama dictated marketplace and by an expensive insurance. Aggregates still too expensive but faced with the option of not having insurance i think people are overall ahead. John mackey support going further. You would like to see singlepayer like much of the world has, like canada has. I think its a very efficient system. You get everyone in the system was low at ministry of overhead. There are a lot of advantages to it. John governmentrun systems canada and england, people have to wait longer for treatment. Care is rationed here in the u. S. And a lot of people dont have basic access. Their access to care is the emergency room. John i look at these headlines in the british paper, and other National Health service for story. Dying elderly cancer patient left screaming in pain for nine hours. The british goal is to treat you for months after diagnosis, four months and they are not even meeting that standard. A lot of those problems that come with cuts over the last decade so in the Health Care System in the u. K. And thats why you get those horror stories. John i got this graph from the World Health Organization and perperson Government Health spending, i dont think the trend is up. Write to trend is up with the aging population they have likely have here here in the u. S. The cost have been rising so they havent been investing as much as they need to. John thank you dr. Jordan. Next, why this young man had to leave america to get the treatment that probably saved his life. They tried to get the drug but they couldnt. They live in america, arizona and americas food and Drug Administration fda said no you may not take that drug. So diego what did she family do . They moved my family to London England where we lived for nine months to get this treatment. John and its working . At the moment i am cancerfree. John is a scene where they had to leave the country . Its very odd. The nurses rally surprised that we were american and we were in london getting medical treatment because they always thought that america must be ahead in every medical field. John america may be ahead but there are certain things the government says you may not have what do you think about that . I think that patients and families should be allowed to make their own informed medical decisions. John moeed too. Diego stay with us for a broader perspective on all of this. Lets turn to paul howard of the Manhattan Institute which has begun something called project fda. Its a group of policy experts and economists who look at how we regulate Drug Development today. The system we have is about 50 years old dates back to 1962 and i dont think anybody looks at the system today and says if we started from scratch today we would do it that way. Its extremely efficient and highly expensive. John you mentioned the laws started in 62. Lets look at ho

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