Transcripts For FOXNEWS Queen Elizabeth II 20240707 : vimars

FOXNEWS Queen Elizabeth II July 7, 2024

That devotion to duty established her as a symbol of british pride and national celebration. The queen was an absolute splendid person she was exactly what you would want to have as your best friend. And i also remember her as a a fantastic mother. All other sort of pomple and pageantry and Everything Else her family was always very, very important. Identified by duty so for her the sense of commitment and dedication to the country, to the position of the monarchy was absolute. She nurtured monarchy through one the biggest periods of change that society has ever seen. And shes passed on to the king something that is utterly solvent. To be queen you have to do it. I think it must have been very heartwarming for the queen to appreciate the immense amount of affection that they loved her. Elizabeth xangd are mare remay e first granddaughter but no one imagined she would be queen. The structure of things the expectation was that eldest son of the king who was the Prince Of Wales at the time went on to king of the eighth would marry and have children so there was no expectation that Princess Elizabeth would ever be placed on the throne. When elizabeth was just eight months old, her parents then duck and Dutchess Of York Set off to australia gone for six month and missed their daughters first birthday. The first time the Young Elizabeth reencountered her parents she didnt quite recognize them and actually grown closer to her grandfather and grandmother. The very stern George The Fifth and queen mary. I think she learned at a very early age the virtues of detachment and took it for granted. George the fifth was devoted to little princess, and she could sit on his back and pull his years call him big ears and called him grandpa england everyone thought was so sweet. Lil bit often called her sister margaret was born and enjoyed life and just across the park from Buckingham Palace. It was a large townhouse by our standards many bedrooms and a ballroom but still their neighbors were you know, daughters of businessmen, daughters of important doctors. And they played outside with them together so it was a very elite childhood but it was a very normal childhood and perhaps the most normal childhood that any world child has had ever before. She often referred to the fact that when she went on a walk with her mother and father mother would always offer photograph to any passerby who said could they have one, and i think Princess Elizabeth found it very erksome to be lined up with mother mother so gregarious and i think it was challenging for Princess Elizabeth to deal with that. I think it was very difficult for people to treat her normally. And for her to have normal relationships with people she was perhaps a bit weary of everybody xepght those that she knew very well. Like her first cousin all Called Margaret And was a regular playmate and beam one of the princesss closest friends. Had one record one side was really seeing something and other side was pomp and circumstance. In those days it was such wonderfully unorganized fun. Because, i mean, we played a gail called catching happy days which involved great speech catching leaves as they fell off the trees. All day you comeangts children being content to that sort of thing. She was always a more serious of the two but had a really nice elder regard for her little sister. She was fun. You know we all laughed and laughed. Had a wonderfully secure childhood. She had loving parents who really adored her. She had a father who worshiped her. She had a mother who was a warm and loving person. She herself so deeply viewed with sense of duty. That i think she probably taught the queen a lot but not so much by telling things but by showing her how to do things. Father didnt have royal duties so we was with girls when parents at that time didnt spend too much team with their children and saw them every morning, evening they went to windsor together they were very devoted family. Of course, this wasnt lasting very long. Majesty taking George The Fifth to england died at his home and staggering blow to ul aft peoples of the british empire. When her grandfather died Princess Elizabeth was nine years old her uncle queen Edward The 8th and he triggered a constitutional crisis because he was in love with the american divorcee wallace simpson. We hope that his majesty will be making to make a great personal sacrifice for sake of the people he has been called to leave. The Church Of England and Prime Minister were against any wedding and it soon became clear if the new king was to marry, he had no choice but to advocate. I have found it impossible that carried a heavy burden of responsibility and to this charge my duties as king, as i here would wish to do without the help and support of the women i love. Edward the eighth reign lasted less than 11 months Princess Elizabeths father became george the 6th. And her own destiny was set. I think the worst thing was being told that they had to leave a lovely home and move to horrible Buckingham Palace which was not a move and deering to them. Whatever to say about it its a huge working organizations home. Soon after George The Sixth unexpectedly became king, one of his friends said to him quietly you know, its not too late for you and your wife to try for another child. A boy. The idea then being that the err would have to be a boy and couldnt go to a girl and George The Sixth said absolutely not. He said ive studied by elder daughter. And i can see in her same qualities that Queen Victoria had and going to make her a magnificent monarch. A future role meant elizabeth started to receive a lot more attention in both the outside world and within palace walls. The whole idea of duty, the whole concept of getting on with the job which was at the core of the queens life was printed in her mind not any by her mother but also by father King George The Sixth. Theres a great photograph of Princess Elizabeth standing beside her father while he does the red boxes as sovereign. Here was the young princess learning from her father the king said his daughter to have lessons on Constitutional Affairs with the college and back inside palace Family Servant he is a huge influence on the young princess. She slept until her teenage years with her Maid Mcdonald daughter of a Railway Worker remote, though, that might seem old fashioned. It also meant she had extraordinary repore with the attitudes assumptions of a Working Class woman. Famous example is birthday time mcdonald in the 1930s taught her to save all her Wrapping Paper from her presents and actually to tie it and ribbon and everything and keep it safe. King and queen wanted their daughters to have as near a normal childhood as possible. They formed a special go guide pack, first Bucking Ham Palace guide company. They went camping in the grounds they did up and down Buckingham Palace corridors really idea was it would teach elizabeth how to mix a little girls her age because she didnt go to school. I was asked to be a leader and Princess Elizabeth was asked to be a trail second, and i remember thinking i was lucky to have such a very good second because she was totally reliable naturally and would do exactly what was needed. I was really impressed with her already at that age. Sometimes the princesss accompany their parents on a flicial engagements in 1939 they all visited college in devin 13yearold elizabeth and her sister were chaperoned by 18yearold trainee officer. A distant cousin they briefly met before a certain Prince Phillip of greece. He was duty to be there. Wanted to take gals around. I think everything good looking tall, blond blue eye, great fun. And not impressed with her position because, i mean, he felt perfectly unequal terms. Six weeks after that meeting Second World War started and phillip sent to serve in the indian ocean. I didnt think any of us had a slightest idea of what war could be like and it was almost sort of king arthur and his knights [inaudible conversations] what he was like. For security, the princesses were moved to a secret location which later turned out to be Windsor Castle they stayed there for most of the war. Their life appeared on the surface to mirror that of Hundreds Of Thousands of Young British children who were e vangted from cities because of the dangers of bombing. The symbolism of elizabeth being separated from her parents made it possible to make her famous broadcast to children all over the empire who were like her. Separated my sister Margaret Rose and i feel so much for you as we know from experience what it means to be away from those we love most of all. To you living in new surroundings we sending a message of true sympathy. Buckingham palace was famously bombed during the blitz and windsor wasnt altogether relaxed. I can remember we all were to get up in the middle of the night and go down to walk for miles through subterranean corridors walking slowly as she could up and she wasnt going hurry for princess parents felt desperately they should have some fun so they organized these high costume sleeping beauty, it was in the audience that one of these that it was the end of the war Prince Phillip was noted on leave from the navy applauding enthusiastly. Colonel and chief of the guards but she wanted to play a more practical role in the war and convince to let her join the territorial service. Taking a Driving Course at Training Center is Princess Elizabeth second ats. Essentially it was a mechanical service to look ever a truck to mend it, to drive it. You were training to be an ambulance driver, they were crucial to the war effort. After watching other girls at work the king returned and joke imply asked the princess havent you got it mended yet . It was tremendously important to the princess. There she was sitting in class wearing overalls bending over taking off a severing from her parents her independence. Today victory in europe, today. [cheering] on ve day Princess Elizabeth stood on the palace balcony wearing her ats uniform and waving with her parents. And then the king gave permission for her to slip out unnoticed into the crowds with her sister and cousi your record label is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, ill be watching you. The internet doesnt have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click Data Clearing and more stop Companies Like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. Duckduckgo privacy, simplified. Crowds were huge Everybody Yelling and shouting and everybody they could see and peacetime. I mean we walked a long way all the way up to fair and all the way down picadilly and it was just euphoric memory we were in front of Buckingham Palace again and shouting we want the king. She did become thanks to that experience one of the people just for a little while. What elizabeth was celebrating in london Prince Phillip remained in the pacific where the war continued. We know that correspondents fortified relationship and intensity so that when they did meet again when they were reunited they felt they knew each other. And those lovely days we were to each other and so ive got several letters about, you know, so exciting phillip is come so exciting you can spend time. But there were questioning over phillips suitability for the future king he was a greek prince whose family exiled when he was small and parents split up and mother in a Mental Health institution all four of eldest daughters married german princelings important members of the nazi party. Seen too germany too foreign and too poor that was much made to fact he didnt have much money or have huge amounts of entourage and came to stay. The public still had no idea about the relationship. It wasnt until 1946 that they got their first clue. When i married Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret all bridesmaids and theres a photograph of Prince Phillip taking the queens fur wrap from her for some reason that absolutely caught peoples imagination it was published i think from then on people began to think oh i suppose red is probably when i thought oh, how nice. Prince phillip soon told the king he wanted to marry and concerned his daughter was still too young. The king persuade her not to press ahead with the engagement until she had at least spent some months thinking about it and been on a family tour that was already scheduled to south africa. So the king and the queen put the brakes on the relationship. It was in south africa while the paren seases was thinking about her future that she made a major speech. To mark her 21st birthday she dedicated herself to the people of the commonwealth. I declare before you all with my home life whether long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our Great Imperial family to which we all belong. Royal family return to britain elizabeth and phillip separated for four month and within weeks engagement was announced. The musical oklahoma and there was a song people will say were in love that queen sang all of the time off and it was their song. The wedding itself was a huge celebration Westminster Abbey queen and fabulous dress pearls and silk and huge amount of presents so much presents miles and miles of them displayed in jamess palace. Married life was very happy for the duke and dutchessings now called Prince Charles born 12 months after the wedding princess ann arrived couple of years later and by that point navy moved and elizabeth joined him several weeks a time the children, though, remained in britain. I always think that princess was time when she was with her husband working properly a naval officer was most normal time she ever lived they were given highest i dont know if she went to local shop to buy the butter and bread [laughter] you know normal life as possible. It was during this time that King George The Sixth health started to deteriorate. Although it wasnt made public, the king had lung cancer. At the end of january 1952, the king waived off his daughter as she started a tour of the commonwealth. It was the last time she saw him alive. The queen and Prince Phillip were in such a private location Hunting Lodge in kenya no one could contact them, in fact, she was one of the last people in the world to know that she was queen because no one will get to her. The word came through it was given initially to duke and immediately he went to tell his young wife who was only 25 years of age the news that her father, her much loved father had died. I think Princess Elizabeth knew that her father was seriously ill. She would have not gone on the trip had she thought he was about to die. I think it is one of the things that caused her a lot of heart ache because she would have wished that she could be there to comfort her mother and sister. But there she was thousands of miles away. During the incredibly long Plane Journey Noample once did she portray emotion. She would go to the bathroom every hour or so and maybe there in private she wept. When she reemerged she was totally composed. And so she was when she appeared at London Airport the next morning. I think she just accepted that it was an inevitable fact that she was going to be queen and that was it. [applause] from the moment she became queen, everything in elizabeths life and everyone around her changed. The queen was an incredibly dedicated person. She minded desperately that she carried on the responsibilities her father had given her. She also had to prove herself Winston Churchill initially was unsure about her he said too young and just a child and he wasnt only person who thought that and had to prove to minister and culture and a lot people and had a lot of work to do very early on. This was something that she had not chosen as monarch, and that she must do her best for it so i didnt think that she felt it was a choice. And that devotion to the job meant the queen worked every single day of the year for decade after decade and in addition to all of her public engagements there was a lot of work behind the scenes. Twice a day you know actually private secr

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