Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20200830

FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters August 30, 2020

Headquarters. Hello, im eric shawn. Arthel im arthel neville. Police say the violence began when a pro trump caravan, hundreds of vehicles long, arrived in the city just as a counter protest was getting underway. Police say some fights broke out throughout the two groups throughout the evening, they say shots were fired, about 15 minutes after the trump caravan left the downtown area. The victim has not been publicly identified and the shooter remains at large. Christina coleman is live in los angeles with more on what happened last night as we await the News Conference from merited wheeler. Christina. Reporter this is the third consecutive weekend of tension escalating between competing groups of protesters in portland. A caravan of Trump Supporters was making its way through Downtown Portland when protesters attempted to stop them by standing in the street. Some Trump Supporters fired paint ball pellets and protesters and they threw things at the caravan. The shooting happened after most of the caravaners left the downtown area. Police havent said whether the gunfire was directly related to the protest. A freelance photographer said the victim appeared to be a white man wearing a hat bearing the insignia of patriot prayer, a group that frequently demonstrated in portland, has drawn counter protests. This morning President Trump you appeared to excuse or defend the behavior of his supporters while slamming the mayor. He said the backlash cannot be unexpected after 95 days and watching an incompetent mayor admit he has no idea what hes doing. The people of portland wont put up with no safety any longer. The mayor is a fool. Bring in the National Guard. They failed to protect their communities specifically in portland. And weve seen that. We have over 9 of o 90 , 74 dift criminal citations that the fbi is pursuing against individuals. We need portland to step up, bring this violence to a close and i think youll see a lot of this go away. Reporter mayor wheeler has declined repeated offers to send federal Law Enforcement to the city of portland, saying portland doesnt need trumps, quote, politics of division and dedennygrati ofon. You saw active paint balls being shot at Peaceful Protesters and the president in my opinion encourages that. He a retweeted the people firing paint guns. So i think he only means to agitate things. Reporter there was still some protests, sporadic fighting and vandalism in Downtown Portland after last nights shooting. At least 10 people were arrested, mostly for disorderly conduct. Arthel. Arthel thank you, christina. Eric. Eric arthel, its been one week since jacob blake, a black man, was shot repeatedly in the back by a white Police Officer in kenosha, wisconsin. That sparked violent riots there, Peaceful Demonstrations and peaceful rallies too. President trump is planning to visit the city, hell be there on tuesday where hell meet with Law Enforcement officers and survey the damage from the riots. Garrett tenney is live in kenosha, wisconsin on what we can expect. Hi, garrett. Reporter in addition to surveying the damage and meeting with Law Enforcement, there are currently no plan as of this morning for him to visit jacob blake in the hospital or to meet with the blake family. An attorney for the family says at this point no one from the white house has reached out to them about it. There are concerns, though, that the president s visit could reignite tensions here and local officials including wisconsins Lieutenant Governor are worried it will lead to more riots and destruction as the community is starting to rebuild. I dont know how, given any of the previous statements that the president made, that he intends to come here to be helpful and we absolutely dont need that right now. Reporter it has been peaceful for four days now. There are more than 1,000 National Guard troops. This morning we saw a few dozen more arriving in front of the Kenosha County courthouse. Senator ron johnson is touting the impact that the guard has had here. The way you stop the violence, the way you stop the rioting, you surge man power and resources, citizen soldiers, National Guard and you overwhelm the numbers of rioters, so they cant riot, so you protect peoples right to peacefully protest and they dont turn to riots. Reporter and a march is scheduled for this next hour. Well keep you updated on its progress. Eric. Eric garrett, thanks so much. Lets go to portland mayor, ted wheeler, who is also the police commissioner, holding a News Conference after that killing last night. Lets listen. This afternoon my heart is heavy. My heart goes out to the family and the friends of the man who was killed last night on the streets of our city. I mourn with you. Im going to support the police chief and the District Attorney in apprehending and Holding Accountable those who are responsible for the homicide last night. I stand here with the police chief and the District Attorney to again denounce the violence. The tragedy of last night cannot be repeated. All of us must take a stance against violence. And it doesnt matter who you are, or what your politics are. We have to all stop the violence. For those of you saying on twitter, this morning, that you plan to come to portland to seek retribution, im calling on you to stay away. You of course have a constitutional right to be here but were asking you to stay away and work with us to help us deescalate this situation and portlanders, im asking all of us to do our part too. One death is one death too many. Join me in denouncing all violence. Lets pull together in the name of peace and humanity. We dont always have to agree but weve long done so without violence. Thats part of what makes this nation strong. Lets end this long, hard summer and come together and work to support and lift each other, not tear each other apart. Im going to continue to work with the community on the historic changes that weve already made and have committed to making as we reimagine what Public Safety and Racial Justice can look like in our community and well continue to do that work in the weeks and the months yoahead. Theres so much work to do and ill be intentionally engaging the public as we proceed along these proceed to engage in that hard Work Together. Yesterdays events began with hundreds of cars filled with supporters of the president , rallying in klakamas county and driving through Downtown Portland. They were supported and energized by the president himself. President trump, for four years weve had to live with you and your racist attacks on black people. We learned early about your sexist attitudes towards women. Weve had to endure clips of you mocking a disabled man. Weve had to listen to your antidemocratic attacks on journalists. Weve read your tweets, slamming private citizens to the point of receiving death threats. And weve listened to your attacks on immigrants. Weve listened to you label mexicans rapists. Weve heard you say that john mccain wasnt a hero because he was a prisoner of war. And now youre attacking democratic mayors and the very institutions of democracy that have served this nation well since its founding. Do you seriously wonder, mr. President , why this is the first time in decades that america has seen this level of violence . Its you who have created the hate and the division. Its you who have not found a way to say the names of black People Killed by Police Officers even as people in Law Enforcement have. And its you who claimed that White Supremacists are good people. Your campaign of fear is as antidemocratic as anything youve done to create hate and vitriol in our beautiful country. Youve tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history and now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. What America Needs is for you to be stopped so that we can come back together as one america, while recognizing that we must demand that all people, black, brown, white, every color from every political persuasion pull together and hold all people accountable in stopping racism and violence and we together are peaceful again under new leadership that reflects who we really are. We the people of this great nation. President trump, you bring no peace. You bring no respect to our of democracy. You, mr. President , need to do your job as the leader of this nation. And i, mr. President , will do my job as the mayor of this city. And we will both be held accountable as we should. Im also calling out every other elected official in oregon to join me, not only in defeating racism, but also in helping me to stop the violence as we are and will continue to be held accountable by all of our residents. Today, we need to decide who we are and where we want to go from here. Dont let this be the spark that sets off an acceleration of hostilities in our beautiful city. Those are not our values. What happened last night does not move us forward. It sets us back. I know the values of this community. I was born and raised here. I found my living here. I raised my family here. This is where i want to be and i know the values of this community. We want to protest powerfully and peacefully. We believe that black lives matter. And we believe that its a responsibility of our leaders to ensure that the systems that we have in place to protect and serve do so equitably. Lets engage with each other in thoughtful dialogue about reform and use the power of our shared values to move forward together. We must recommit our energy and our resources to advancing the work of reform and the transformation of our systems. Weve seen the positive power of collective and focused and nonviolent action. Weve seen the change. Our responsibility to each other is to keep moving forward. Portland is counting on its leaders. The city, the county, the state, our federal partners, to partner and use the collective power of our offices to create a better you future for all of us. Thank you. Got the bell . Thank you, tim. Last night portland witnessed another homicide. This time in Downtown Portland. There are many who are sharing information on social media or jumping to conclusions that are not based in fact. A human being lost their life last night and its critical that everyone refrain from consistenconjecture and allow uo gather the evidence and statements needed to hold the person who did this responsible for this heinous act. We ask that anyone with information or video or eyewitness accounts, please come forward and share that information with our investigators so we can quickly resolve this case. Prior to the shooting, there was a political rally involving a vehicle caravan that traveled through portland for several hours. There were some skirmishes between rally goers and counter demonstrators and police made several arrests. The caravan covered miles of area and officers responded to different locations as identified problems arose and provided a presence and even made arrests when warranted. The vehicle caravan had already cleared the area when the shooting occurred near southwest third and alder. This is an active investigation and our detectives are gathering information to determine what happened and what led up to this death. In order to protect the integrity of this case, we cannot release any specific details at this time. Our constitution permits freedom of speech and assembly and individuals are free to disagree. But criminal activity, especially violence, is out of bounds. This event is already gaining extreme Media Attention and i will once again point out this is not the only life lost to gun violence in portland. On thursday, a 16yearold africanamerican teenager was gunned down i in a city park. Three others were injured. Our investigators are seeking information in that case as well. Some may not be aware it happened as it hardly generated any headlines. We witnessed an increase in more and more uncivilized activity in our city and in our nation. Its incumbent on all of us to do better. So lives no more lives are lost. Portland desperately needs calm. Were living in an extremely divided era and its time for us to start focusing on what we have in common and not what divides us. Lives are at stake. Last well bring up county District Attorney, mike schmidt. We ask that you hold the questions until after. When you do ask a question, let us know who you would like the question to be directed to and they will step to the microphone, as necessary. Thank you, mayor wheeler and chief labell. As the mayor said, my heart is also heavy today. Any time a human being loses their life, its a huge tragedy and my condolences go out to the family. Martin luther king said we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. Those words are as true today as they were when dr. King spoke them 56 years ago in st. Louis. I know today a lot of my neighbors are fearful and theyre hurting and i understand that. We are stunned and saddened, angry and frustrated that this happened in our community. That the rights or the duty to peacefully protest and speak out for an end to systemic racism that has plagued our country for generations could be undermined by this terrible act of violence. But my message today, to my neighbors, is we can never allow hatred or racism or division and violence to win. When we allow you tha that, demy loses. When we allow division to triumph, hope dies. The violence that is occurring in our city needs to stop. Far too many people have been injured and now somebodys died. Our community is being terrorized by people coming into portland for the explicit purpose of committing violence and that is not acceptable. Were seeing too much tragedy across our city. As chief lavell said on thursday, a teenager dade in a shooting in died in a shooting in northeast portland and a neighbor did what neighbors do, she tried to apply a tourniquet but was unsuccessful. We have too much violence going on in our community. Hate, division, hopelessness, too many guns in the wrong hands is fueling this round of violence and will take all of us together to stop the bleeding in our community and in our country. My office is working closely with the Police Bureau and the mayor to investigate last nights shooting. As you have heard mentioned earlier in this press conference we need cooperation of the public. It is vital that we find answers. Im thankful for the officers and the detectives working with chief lavell to investigate these crimes. The attorneys from my office that were out all night working with them to help us find answers and put together a proper investigation. I know and expect that the cases of violent acts will be investigated and then submitted to my office for review. We do not prosecute individuals based on ideologies or affiliations with political or nonpolitical organizations. We will initiate a criminal case following a review of all of the evidence and whenever legally and ethically appropriate. We support freedom of speech. We support nonviolent protests. We support speaking out to improve our communities. We support standing up for each other. What we do not support is violence. Were in a pivotal time right now. We cannot afford to allow the calls for social justice to end systemic racism, to be overshadowed by the continued violence. We cannot allow this critical moment in our history to be hijacked. This is our community. We are strong. We reject violence when it occurs. My office is ready to hold offenders accountable. And together, in dr. Kings words, lets choose to live together as brothers an and siss and not perish together as fools. Thank you. Thank you, mike. Okay, were going to now open up the floor for questions. And again, identify which outlet you are with, your name, and then your question and who its directed at or maybe in the other order, who its directed at and then your question. Lets begin. Id like to hear from the mayor [ indiscernible ] chief . So last night we had information that a vehicle caravan was going to come up to portland from klakamas county. Early on, we didnt have a good idea of the number. Once the caravan started, we had a sense of how many were in the caravan. We tried to take precautionary measures during the route to keep them out of the downtown area. The goal was to keep them on i5. But later, a group of those vehicles were able to come into the downtown core. We didnt have any specific information of a gathering where folks would be outside of vehicles. So most of our information previous surrounded the vehicle caravan that would be coming up from klakamas. I dont have much to say beyond that except that of course we are monitoring the situation on social media and we chose not to publicize it. We didnt think would help deescalate the situation or any potential flashpoints. [ indiscernible ]. This has been growing for a long time. More than one clash now with groups. What are you going to do to keep the same thing that happened last night from escalating further. Thank you for the question. So obviously ive stood at this podium on a number of occasions and ive expressed what migratest fear would be and i said my greatest fear is somebody will die and now somebody has. And we as a community are mourning and i am, as the mayor, am accountable to the public and will continue to be accountable. So heres the specific steps that were taking. Number one, i along with my colleagues on the city council committed to a number of fundamental reforms, having listened to and understood what nonviolent demonstrators were asking for in the city of portland. I put forward a 19 point plan that was very specific in terms of actions that we could take including reducing certain programs within the Police Bureau that were seen as biased by many people in the black community in particular. We made commitments to reinvest in the community, to a signi

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