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Heres the thing that you always wonder of course about your own safety and whether or not a terrorist can get on board your next flight. Heres his next quote. What are the chances of you being on a flight when something happens . We always said its not a question of if terrorists get through its a question of when. Our feeling is that nothing bad has happened because they havent wanted it to happen, meaning the terrorists. We are not any big deter rant. Its all for show. Thats in the back of our minds we have all feared its just because al qaeda or whom ever hasnt launched yet another attack. It is not that we have stopped them. Thats they havent wanted to. You know they are harassing old ladies and small children. Theres a lot of og elling female passengers. Cover up when you go to the airport. These guys are checking you out constantly. I saw that. I witnessed that first hand. Absolutely. I was coming through there was my wife was coming through and there was some of that. I also noticed another flight that didnt involve my wife there was a group of gaggle of male screeners pointing having a conversation about it. I am going to make sure i take care of her. Furthermore they also this guy also says when you are padded down in some of the more sensitive area with the back of your hand like this you say you cant feel anything with the useful reason for using the front of the hand. Thats why i use the front of my hand with you. Much more effective. Heres what is troubling to me is that we have known this we have talked about this here on the show we have had the head of former security for the airlines who talks about the screening procedures and how terrible they are we know all of this. When they were putting the massive machines the back scatter machines we know they werent effective they were still in airports. There were reports saying they do not stop anything. We spent over 60 billion on the tsa since 2001. All this does is presumes any one who gets on the airplane might be a criminal. You are treated like a suspected criminal every time you go to the airport. It is a violation of your privacy at the very least. You are treated like you have done something wrong to no effect. We were putting up some of the blunders. It is not just the fake bomb that made it through last week. There are all sorts of other blunders that have happened. It is interesting, any time granny is roughed up from a wheelchair or a child is subjected to a very invasive search, then that screener they say well that person needs more training. Obviously they are not trained enough. When in fact thats exactly what they are tasked to do. That is what they are supposed to be doing. When theres out cry okay that person needs more. Also pc. You are not allowed to profile look any Effective Police department makes hard determinations about who is likely to commit a crime and whos not. There are all of these Interest Groups putting pressure on them day in and day out to treat everyone as an equivalent risk. Speak to go the head of the airlines who said we dont profile them the way you may think we do. Maybe they do. They say they dont do racial profiling they do behavioral profiling. If they are nervous about flying thats the guy you want to have a conversation with not the grandmother you see on a regular basis you see someone flying to see their grandchildren. Someone who has yemen stamped. Last time i was in israel they put me in the special room because i didnt have any stamps on the passport. You should be. I didnt think i should be i am a journalist. It didnt work. Speaking to the tsa the agency coming under major criticism for a new decision to allow small knives on airplanes. Peter doocy joins us live. John mccain doesnt like the idea of pocket nyes being on planes. The tsa have decided are okay for air travel beginning april 25th have blades up to 2. 36 inches long that are less than half inch wide because the tsa does not think these short blades could help someone brein down an entire airplane. Now the air marshalls union says they werent consulted about letting small knives on planes and many pilots and Flight Attendants stepped forward to express their concern saying they dont feel safe knowing how many easier it is for passengers to attack them. John mccain says we need a congressional hearing on the whole issue of what is a danger to the entire flight. I think we need to call witnesses since they have made this policy change. The tsa administrator is for now standing by this new policy and has not indicated any kind of a change based on the concern of these advocates for flight groups. We are dedicated to preventing terrorist attacks, reducing the vulnerability of our transportation terrorism improving the experience of 1. 7 million passengers who travel by air every day shifting away from a onesize fits all construct we have introduced and expanded a number of risk based security or rbs programs. And those in favor of the policy change want to make sure Everybody Knows fox bu box cutters and razor blades still banned. And knitting needles still allowed. What about the cuticle pushers. No. This morning we are hearing the confusion at jfk slicing through the details of another plan. Got jerked around pretty good. I dont know what happened if somebody hit us or what. An air air india plane no one was hurt. The planes were taken out of service to be inspected. So she gave up the flawed version of what really happened during the benghazi terror attack. She may still end up with a good job. United nations ambassador susan rice are emerging as the overwhelming favorite to become the National Security advisor. This is according to the Washington Post. Rice lost out on a bid as secretary of state after benghazi spontaneous on the separate sundays. We heard the rumors for months now it appears ashley judd is about to run a run for senate. Judd told advisors she will announce her run for may. Judd is still denying the reports. If true she could face Mitch Mcconnell for the kentucky seat. Coming up on the show more Companies Hiring temporary workers while that may sound like a big thing our next guest says its a recipe for disaster. Lets talk about the buzz kill. Buzzer makes the shot but his team lost anyway. We will tell you why. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. Prego . but ive bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices ive made . 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Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. Never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Shift away from long time employment bad for the economy and particular for the middle class. Weigh in for Research Fellow the Employment Policy institute. Thank you for joining us. Is the idea when the Government Forces employers to provide benefits they cant afford some of them provide no benefits at all and hire fulltime. Is that whats going on . If you look at some of the industries that are making these changes right now the service industry, retail industry, employment in the industry is up but the hours being worked in the industry are down. The reason is, if you look at things like Affordable Care act for instance, some of these cities are trying to avoid a 2,000 dollar per employee charge they are only earning 2,600 in profit for each employee. I think the transitions that are happening right now are in direct response to a lot of the legislation some of the new mandates that have come on. Wasnt this inevitable . Wouldnt we have foreseen this maybe three years ago when obama care was being debated. You would have thought so. I think when we are having these debates whether its about obama care or lets say right now minimum wage increase we tend to talk about the legislation. After the fact we wake up to consequences i think in this case we are looking at a really shortening deadline when employers sort of have to make these decisions about what their staffing and situation is going to look like. Thats why you are seeing especially in the job numbers now a lot of the immediate transition to another parttime staff where your staff again may be growing but you are not working as many hours. For some parttime employment is a blessing people in school, mothers in some cases, but when workers want fulltime employment and cant get it then that of course is a problem. What percentage would you say these parttime workers will ultimately become fulltime . Its tough too say based on the current numbers. We can look at the number of people who were working parttime for economic reasons in recent months. We dont know how its going to shake out. I will say i think you are right parttime employment not just for the groups you mentioned but employees its a first wrung in the career ladder nobody became a ceo overnight. The concern is some of these fulltime opportunities or chances to learn additional income are being eliminated and so that we are seeing a situation even if they want to earn the extra income they dont have ap opportunity. There is a huge number of people working fulltime. Is there any precedence to this . We dont have a precedence. We talk a lot about obama care. But if you look at things like for instance some of the western States San Francisco for instance its 10. 65 cents an hour to employ somebody who is 16 or 17 there. If you are a retail error restaurant it will make more sense not having a lot of people hanging around doing things. You bring people in during an hour or two during peak times. People used to have more opportunities to earn income. So it turns out regulations do have consequences. Would you spread the word around washington do you mind . I will. I think some people may have been doing it for years but i will keep it up. Thank you for joining us. You bet. Shocking mistakes in the operating room not just small mistakes but surgeons leaving behind something inside patients. It happens thousands of times a year. We will tell you how it happens and whether its dangerous. We are talking to a surgeon coming up. Al gore calls the nra a complete fraud quote. Aljazeera they celebrated 911. Thats honest news . According to gore. Thats ahead. Im phyllis, and i have diabetic nerve pain. When i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course, i had no idea what it was. I felt like my feet were going to sleep. It progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals to like a thousand bees that were just stinging my feet. I have a great relationship with my doctor. He found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause seris allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell yo doctor right away if you havehese, new or worsening depression, or unusuhanges in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sit including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling ofhands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Ose whove had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Having les pain. Its a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. To hear more of phylliss story, visit lyrica. Com. 23 minutes past the hour. Quick ledhead lines. Most travelled secretary of state in history. What was the secret to her stamm ma . Hot chilly peppers. She would eatons of these to wake up and flush any viruses trying to creep into her system. She has been banned from saying story. Last decembers royal hoax wanted to reach out to the family of the nurse who took her own life but the Radio Station has ordered her not to contact them. Costly medical mistakes. Doctors leaving sponges and other supplies inpatients in the operating table. It is happening and its happening thousands of times a year. What can you do to make sure they dont leave them inside of you. Thank us. Good morning. Hard to belief this is actually happening. I think patients are always shocked when instruments can potentially get left behind. It is a very scary thought. We sdo so many operations 32 million operations a year. This happens about 1 in 5,000 cases. I would have thought it was one in a million. When i saw these numbers 1 in 5,000 are shocking. Here are some of the items left signed of people. Sponges is the number one offender here. 67 percent there ends up being spong sponges 9 percent sucher needles what are the other . Lap stopic equipment we use, sometimes little instruments can be found tiny little screws. At the end of the day many of the instruments we use have a number of components. Those come into the other category. Do you check for your watch to make sure you have it after every operation. How do you not do this . In all seriousness for every operation we have what is called a surgical count which is a visual and verbal counting of surgical instruments and surgical swabs. Its a mandated count which is usually done by a minimum of two scrub nurses. Before during and after the case. Here is one of the troubling things is medicare of course denies payment for these errors. If you go home with a sponge inside of aund then you start having all sorts of pain this reversible procedure can cost 60,000 dollars. There are tracking devices which are on certain sponges but a lot of hospitals dont have them. They are such a minimal cost to put tracking devices on these sponges. The 60,000 dollars is referring to the hospitalization. Thats the average cost it will cost a hospital to keep somebody in who has to remain a surgical instrument. The medical malpractice is higher. In terms of these electronic tracking devices they are an excellent idea. The actual Software Costs 300,000 a year and it adds 10 per case. The problem is many hospitals dont have a budget for this. I think we should be using these much more frequently. But after when it happens so infrequently we dont really know the true true influence its probably actually 1 in 7,000 cases. Nobody looked at whether shes can replace the surgical count or whether we should be using them in addition to this account. I am all for not leaving sponges. Have you ever done this . Almost every surgeon i know has left something inside a patient but thats usually taken out before the patient is scrubbed up. A nurse says we are missing something. Your count is off. Any surgeon who has operated. Doctor, thank you very much. Talk about the buzz kill. Watch this buzzer beater. He makes the shot but his team didnt get the victory. That is like a word problem at home. Figure out why and we will tell you the answer when we come back. Does daylightsavings time have you a little sluggish. We will have more right outside. Rl [ male announcer ] what . investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401 k s . go to etrade and roll over your old 401 k s to a new etrade retirement account. None of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. Etrade. Less for us. More for you. Why do people count on sunsweet prune its made only fromn the prunes, nothing else. It works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Its the smart choice for me. Stay fit on the inside with sunsweets amazing juices. Wake up. Wipe the sleep from your eyes. We jump forward for Daylight Savings. If you are struggling to wake up the 24hour mega bus has pulled into our plaza to give you tips on boosting your energy. Doug is here from v8 senior grand manager. Nice to see you this morning. I got that right, doug brand, right . You are the brand manager. I changed the name to get the job. I dont know if you can see the size of this bus. This thing is massive. Can we take a shot of it across the street to see how large this bus is. Did you decide to bring energy to people . America is tired this is the worst day of the year. You are tired you lose an hour. I saw our staff running around this morning drinking v8 fusion. When i think of Energy Drinks i think of other brands out there. I hadnt thought v8 was in the energy drink business. What does yours offer . We wanted to give a consumer a product where they could get energy and feel good about tit. You get a full serving of fruits and vegetables combined and Natural Energy from green tea in flavor that is taste like fruit. Have your energy and make it a good choice. Feel good about it. You are driving around manhattan bringing energy to people. I want to see how i can be energized as i watch your bus roll in. The ladies are going to like this. We are inside the bus reenergizing. We have marilyn right here. She is giving man tours. Manicures. If you are coming in you have a bad cuticle. Do you feel energized . I do. Here are some of the drinks. You can you are fully stocked. One per every person in manhattan. I am going to crack one of these open. Orange one. This is an orange pineapple. We also have peach mango and pomegranate blueberry. Back here my shoes are a little stuffed up. I see that you have a shoe shiner there. Shining shoes anything to help you get your job done. Good morning. Good morning. How are you . How are your shoes doing . Impressive. You mind if i slide in do a little shoe shine . You mind if i kick the lady out . Thank you so much. And back here what do we have back here . Robert is giving neck rubs. Just helping everybody reenergize and get through the tough day. Thank you for coming out and bringing all of these great drinks. I think i will be on the bus for the rest of the show. Is that cool . Just relax take a load off. Manicures and rubs. Do i do foot rubs . No, i do not. Cant beat cant blame a guy for asking. Tell you whats happening at this hour. A small Kentucky Community is realing from a terrible tragedy this morning. Two adults and five children were killed in a house fire on saturday. A man his pregnant girlfriend and her two children moved into the home a few months ago. They were hosting a sleep over with children from other families when the fire started. Neighbors spotted the flames and called 911. Flaming coming out the window and smoke. I called them. This whole road we live on real close together. We know each other. Its a tragedy. No word on what caused the fire. They dont not expect foul play. Al gore bashing the National Rifle association and bashing aljazeera. He thinks the nra is a complete fraud because they are funded by gun manufacturers. When asked about the sale of current tv to aljazeera they were quote honest to goodness use. They are based in the middle eastern country of qutar which gets monfunding from the government. She is forced to remove her fatigues on a flight. British navy officer claims the Virgin Atlantic told her to take off her military uniform because it was quote offense i have to others. They gave her a pair of pajamas told her cover up or get off. Virgin atlantic head calling the incident a dreadful mistake. It may be the most shocking buzzer beater ever aired not because of the incredible shot but because it was in the wrong basket. Talk about confusion. With a onepoint lead and less than 4 seconds left Oklahoma High School player tray johnson takes the inbound pass instead of dribbling out the clock he lays the ball into his own basket giving the other team a onepoint win and a spot in the regional semifinals. That is something i would do. In fact i believe i have done that in grade school which is why i was always chosen last on every sports team during grade school. You are still a great person. Thank you, thank you stewart smally. I appreciate that. Can you tell us whats going on . Yes. Take it away. 115 cardinals prepare to go choose a pope are celebrating mass with their honorary perishes. Started a conclave twodays away from now preparations are wrapping up and lauren green is live from rome. The cardinals are having mass this morning at their particular churches they have one of the magnificent churches in rome. Cardinal dole land as he went into the parish to say mass he said to the media i am happy to be here at this perish. I am eager to get a new pope and get back home. I am running out of socks. That is typical cardinal dolan. When the cardinals move in they are seek questered living quarters at the vatican. Fanl touches were made to the sis steen chapel. The smoke stacks that will bill low the black or white smoke. Black the vote is inconclusive white means there is a pope. Also the final touches on the chapels interior where cardinals will sit under Michael Angelos painting the last judgment. They will have the meetings they have been able to talk about the needs of the church what kind of leader it needs. Get to know each other. It might be considered a bit of an audition. Cardinals are genuinely expressing concern. Some cardinals may be grand standing. This isnt for us to say. The media lock down that has happened before the conclave some say its to prevent leaks. Speaking of the media there is lots of speculation on what the frontrunner would be who is in front or whatever but there is no clear frontrunner but theres talk about how americans have the long shot they would have been in years past. One web site has cardinal Shawn Omalley coming out on top with 37 percent of the vote. The only vote that really counts the only one that ever counts is a vote in the conclave. That begins in earnest on tuesday. Thanks a lot, lauren. Osama bin ladens soninlaw finally captured. Hes not in gitmo he goes on trial steps away from ground zero here in new york. Did he get the same rights as any other american citizen a man who lost his relative on 911 is outraged. He joins us next. Red wine can cure cancer but you need about 100 glasses a day. The pill is about to solve the problem. Coming up. So you say men are superior drivers . Yeah . Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Silence. Are you in good hands . Who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasnt quite the same. The recipes not the recipe. Ohhh. [ female announcer ]. Without swanson. The broth cooks trust most when making soup. Mmmm [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. Michael, tell us why you used to book this fabulous hotel . Well you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it, and i got a great deal without bidding. And wheres your furry friend . Oh, i dont have a cat. Now you can save up to 50 during pricelines spring hotel sale use promo code spring for Additional Savings on all express deals, including pet friendly hotels. Express deals. Priceline savings without the bidding. Quick headlines for you a plane crashed into a Washington Home killing the pilot and leaving a teen passenger in critical condition. The plane was sputtering the propeller stopped. Two teens inside the home were not hurt. Scientists are calling them red wine pills. Researchers at harvard said its like drinking 100 glasses a day. It contains the natural compound that fights cancer, alzheimers and type ii diabetes. No word yet on the hangover it produces. He was found not guilty in a courtroom friday one mile from ground zero leaving some concerned about security. Here is new york city mayor Mike Bloomberg. We went through this before where the federal government decided guantanamo. Its the federal governments choice if they ask help from new york city, particularly the pd we will give them whatever they need. Security issue . No. If you are in a federal court here in new york you go from the holding pen to the courtroom under ground. His trial one of the first prosecutions of 911 on u. S. Soil. A Family Member joins us with his thoughts. When you heard ghaith was to be tried in the United States a few blocks from where the World Trade Center went down what are your thoughts . I was very happy we caught him. I was appalled he would be tried in a u. S. Civilian court. It was an issue when ksm was first going to be brought here for trial. Why is it an issue now . I heard another quote that bloomberg said he said he didnt want to discuss it because it might make the president s job that much more difficult. Its not about Mike Bloomberg its about the people the security of the American People and the people of new york city. Those people went that their jobs on 911. They didnt have the security they were killed. I want to hear the politicians arent here to protect each other they are here to protect us. The controversy stands whether or not he should be tried in a military tribunal or here in civilian court. Could we get more information out of him were he to be in an american tribunal . I think any time we face someone in civilian court they are subject to our laws. They have already been mer ran died. He has four lawyers we understand. How much information are we getting from him and how much information will we get from him in the future . He can put americans on the stand and have our people testify and maybe force him to december close our secrets we dont want to disclose. Its a very dangerous precedent. Now we see ksm tried at gitmo. Mccarthy said the other day he might be able to use that to get his trial back on civilian courts as a precedent. You feel strongly about this. This is personal to you. Can you tell us about 6911 and what happened with your family . I commuted through the trade center with my brother as we do every day. I worked at 60 wall street and heard the felt the explosion and turned and saw the side of the building first building blow. I called my cousin who works for canter, fitzgerald his name is steve. Couldnt get him. Called his cell phone left him a message. I finally got my brother on the phone he was working there and finally when the second plane hit i was on the phone with him we met on the street and we ended up at my cousins how is that night with his family. Horrible. Thats your cousin . Yes. Handsome, young. He was a good guy. You mentioned thanks to the folks who managed to catch this guy. When you saw this guy on this videotape shortly after 911 you saw Osama Bin Laden coming out abu ghaith was sitting next to him you see this guy is going to be near ground zero. Think about it. It brings him back to the site of his greatest accomplishment. This is not the worst thing you can do this justifyiies everythg he did. You seer rick holder who killed my father who i was a kid. Your father was killed fwier wrists in 1975 obviously not al qaeda but another horrible situation. Can you briefly tell us what happened . He was killed at a tavern in 75 when i was 9 years old. My cousin steve was his god son. We went through this already. In 99 that puts him and eric holder released the terrorist that claimed my fathers murder and now united eric hoyou have holder talking about how we are going to bring these terrorists to justice and we will never stop. My feeling is with politics anything can happen with these guys. He is not being charged with murder. Hes being charged with conspiracy. Now they changed the story saying these guys werent charged with murder they shouldnt be in prison theest are of their lives. I want the American People to be first and foremost on our politicians minds and not some political agenda. Joe connor, thanks so much for sharing your personal story. Thank you for having me. Sex education for kindergartners is about to be reality. Is that really appropriate for 5yearolds to discuss . Is your personal ality making you fat . We have the character traits that could be packing on the pounds. Show you the character traits. Try falling into one of these categories. Im a conservative investor. But that doesnt mean i dont want to make money. I love making money. I try to be smart with my investments. I also try to keep my costs down. Whats your plan . Ishares. Low cost and tax efficient. Find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock. Call 1800ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. Sex education taught to kindergartners. Should 5yearolds be learning comb things such as reproduction. With us now is counselor. What are kindergartners being taught. From what i understand they are going to begin sex ed in kindergarten instead of 59 grade it will be a slow transition inis heed of teaching basic reproduction at 5th grade. Starting in kindergartner they are going to talk about good touch bad touch. Basics about anatomy pro production and personal safety. I understand good touch bad touch. Something could be going on in the home that they need to know isnt okay. I am a bigger believer of like let me teach my kids good touch bad touch on my own. I have a kindergartner myself. Unless the parent is doing something. Working in school for so many years i think the schools are assuming too much responsibility for things almost in a parental role in a way. One of the concerns i would have is this is going to open up potential i am not an attorney but theres a lot of suspicious activity in schools. It is going to back fire a kid will have something outside of the school now the school is going to be held liable for not teaching it correctly. It strips away parental rights shouldnt i get to sdecie when i get to teach my children about sex. If you are a parent you can opt out of having your kid in chicago getting sex ed in kindergarten. Kids are going to Start Talking sexual talk at a younger age. If you are a parent like myself i would opt out of that is it fair to my kid to be exposed to all of this sexual jargon. A lot of parents want to out source the birds and the bees talk. Chicago Public School system this is their announcement. It is important we provide students of all ages with accurate and appropriate information so they can make healthy choices in regards to their social interactions, behaviors and relationships helping them to fill the foundation of knowledge who can guide them not only in preadolescent and adolescent years but in their lives. Why dont they just speak inge lsh in school . What about english skills and writing schools . I didnt understand a sij word of that. I know. Radical suggestions. Doctor, thank you. Coming up a bench clearing brawl at the world baseball classics. What sparked this fight . For over 75 years people have saved money with. Ohhh. With geico. Ohhh. Sorry directors voice here we go. From the top. And action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so. Directors voice cut it . What. What did i say . Gecko . I said gecko . Aw. For over 75 year. laughs. But still trying to keep it contained directors voice keep it together. Im good. Im good. For over 75. uncontrollable laughter . What are you doing there . Stop making me laugh. Vo geico. Saving people money for over seventyfive years. Gecko dont look at me. Dont look at me. Thank you orville and wilbur. Amelia. Neil and buzz for proving theres nowhere we cant go. But, at some point. Giant leaps gave way to baby steps. And with all due respect, youre history. If you taught us anything, its that you cant cling to the past. If you want to create the future. Thats why, instead of looking behind. Delta is looking beyond. Pushing u. S. Aviation to new heights. All 80 thousand of us. Busy investing billions in the industrys boldest moves. Its biggest advances in technology. Bringing our passengers the best, the most spacious fleet in the sky. And earning more awards than any other airline. To show for it. So rather than simply saluting history. Were out there making it. Accomplishing even Little Things can become major victories. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. When i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doct if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or palens. Nce enbrel helped relieve my joint pain, its the Little Things that mean the most. Ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. It is sunday march 10th. I am allison cam rat ta. Wait until we tell you what he said. We are not that surprising. Overnight we sprung forward for daylightsavings time. Should we do away with this tradition . More and more americans are taking the perverse position that yes we should. Its not worth it. We will correct them coming up. It is worth lost, sucker. Is your personality making you fat . New traits or the category of traits that cause people to pack on the we are going to go throu and show you where you fit in. Fox and friends hour two begins right now. Hope you add justed your clock. It is not the beginning of the show. You missed an hour. We will be off our system for the next week they say. My biological clock is ticking. The only people awake right now are nursing moms. There are also newering dads out the nursing dads out there. Dads get up. Maybe i am not one of them. My wife remind me i am not one that gets up and gets the bottle. She nudges me. I wish i could do it but bile logically i cant. Lets talk about what is in the New York Post today. Americas newspaper has a greatest expo say. The transportation security add membershipstration twrint by a tsa agent who recently left. Let me sum it up in the first line. I am quoting. A lot of what we do is make belief he says. It comes on the heels of what they do this on a regular basis. They have the federal agents they go through try to sneak certain items through the security screening to see if airports are up to snuff. Last time we learned tsa under cover agent managed to sneak through an improvised explosive device in their pants. According to this agent it is no surprise. It happens all of the time. When they are say being the Agency Confirms all of your worst fears about the tsa. For instance did you know that you kneed a High School Diploma or ged to be a security skreern. Chief and Homeland Security ry Janet Napolitano our first class line of defense on the war on terror. They could never get a job in the private sector. I wouldnt trust that to walk my dog. He is saying they are not bringing their a game. They think its a joke. A small amount of delusional dell lats who think they are keeping america safe by taking your snow globe. Most say think know their job is a complete joke. It is a stepping stone to employment in another agency. This airport after 911 was one of the big problems. According to him it is one of the most unsafest airline of all. When we pat down children and wives they are not a threat we pat them down because we know there are cameras above us they think if they dont pat arms if they see we havent patted down child they get through security we have to shut down the entire airport and have to rescreen everybody because of the security violation. They call that a security breech when it is just they werent doing the full extent of their job. They say if you are a woman and you have gone through tsa screening and you have been pulled over to the side for extra screening you know when they do if they run the back of their hand over some of your more sensitive areas he admits the back of their hand cant feel anything. They dont feel for anything including the bomb that was missed. Its useless. It is to make the public feel like we are pulling you over for additional screening its a farce. He says this quote there is a lot of ogeling of female passengers by male screeners. Cover up next time you go to the airport. They are checking you out constantly. It pavents of picture of low iq people who are checking out the ladies. I have witnessed this first time in security lines where there are attractive women, not that i have noticed smief. But there will be a gaggle of tsa agents trying to po sthimgs selves nearby them and budding arms with the other guys around. Its happened with my wife i have noticed. There are a long history of issues here with the tsa. The Biggest Issue is this stuff doesnt work. The Security System has been broken for years and we continue to throw money at it when we know the big xray machines they are trying to remove them took them two years after the report came out that they didnt work. They say el al has never had a terrorist attack. You have to do it. It is possible that terrorists have decided there are other more vulnerable parts of American Society to hit. The rest of us are treated like criminals. Every time we go to the airport people who are dogs it are taking it seriously. I was out of the country in a foreign country. I was going back through security. Guys looked at me and laughed. We do do that here. We dont do any of that here. There is a policy where our airlines are allowing you to take pocket knives on board. As of now you may be able to take your pocket knife. We have a Flight Attendant coming up who is opposed the policy of being able to bring knives. The New York Post makes a point that you are already allowed to bring scissors and knitting kneeleds. You bring a knitting needle on a plane to worry about your cork screw its a tough one. Tell us what you think about the policies. What else is happening at this hour. This morning we are hearing the conclusion at the moment that two planes collided at jfk airport yesterday. Got turked around really good. I dont know what happened if Somebody Just hit us or what . It just landed when the wing went into a jetblue plane sitting at the gate. The planes were taken out of service to be inspected. Xho another federal employee claiming the Obama Administration wants the public to feel the plain of se pain sequest sequester. They forced cuts on programs that would have an effect on visitors like the tours. The national pshg service says parks must be specific and include the number of visitors affected and indication of the effects on communities and businesses. Both deny the cuts were intentionally made visible to the public. Well players in the world of baseball classic are supposed to make their country proud. Pretty sure this is not what people had in mind. Wow. After the warning arnold leon just drilled casone knee. And its no and its on. Benches have cleared. Tell me whats happening here . The batter believes he was hit tingsnally by the pitcher. He got out there and tried to man down the pitcher. The teammates joined in. Frankly you have a lot of highly entertaining behavior going on. I bet theres not one person in that crowd who is not thrill to do see this. They alike watch ago fight d hockey. Looks more like a wrestling match during baseball. Bunting for a single with a sixrun lead. That is like rubbing dirt. It is it. 6 run lead. Thats basically like saying we are going to run up the score on you right now. To think theres a north america only brawl going on we are not involved in. Canada and mexico . How does that happen . Its really unbelievable. We are just a bystander. Good for you, canada. Never happened before. Didnt know they could fight that way. Now extreme weather a powerful winter storm moving to the west today. Colorado getting pounded overnight with blizzard conditions. Hundreds of flights some highways were shut down entirely. There were areas that got up to 14 inches of snow. Maria molina is tracking that storm. We go to her for the latest. Good morning. Thats right. The storm still on the move. We have frigid warni blizzard warnings in effect. We are looking at significant snowfall accumulation and strong winds gusting up to 45 Miles Per Hour. Thats really what produces the dangerous conditions on the roadways and canceled flights we have to deal with every now and then. We have areas of rain across sections of the great lakes chicago dealing with the rainfall and all of the way down in through areas across texas. In the dallas area we have widespread storm system on the backside of it where it is closing up thats where we are picking up the snow. Blizzard warnings in kansas and nebraska. We have one warning in effect through iowa, wisconsin. This is the zone as we head through later on today and tonight and monday morning you will be dealing with anywhere between 49 inches of snow. Very strong winds. White out conditions will be possible as well. It will be a very tough monday morning commute for you out here as we head out to work. Rain to the east of us chicago you are not expecting to get any snowfall out of this storm system. Maybe a couple of snow showers by the time it gets over with as we head to tomorrow. Very mild out here. As we continue tracking eastbound the east coast today dealing with very mild temperatures. Its going to be a beautiful day. Chilly during the Morning Hours in the northeast. D by the afternoon upper 40s in new york city a lot of sunshine more warmth by monday. 50 degrees for a High Temperature in new york city. Dc the same goes for you in the 60. 00 sunday into monday and across the city of boston. Tomorrow will be a much milder day High Temperature on monday at 61 degrees. Eventually that system impacts portions of the east coast with areas of rain by tuesday. Otherwise further quewest High Temperatures today in minneapolis. 34 degrees for the High Temperature. Much cooler today in dallas. Yesterday we were looking at High Temperatures widespread in the 70s. Today High Temperature at 67 degrees. Tuck tuckerally . Nice to see the mild temperatures dont go away. A city wants to require all residents to own guns. Why they want guns to be mandatory. My gosh. That is fantastic. Thats a rude awakening. Creative ways to get your family up after losing an hour of sleep to Daylight Savings overnight. Some include firecrackers. Why sta chasing him. It just made my day. music throughout why turbo . Trust us. Its just better to be in front. The sonata turbo. From hyundai. [ ding dong ] 20 off teleflora. Oh. Save on roadside assistance from allstate discounts from enterprise, avis and hertz [ male announcer ] aarp has great deals at aarpdiscounts. Com. Popcorn . [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cinemas, walgreens and kelloggs. Theyre great [ male announcer ] and on exciting entertainment [ taxi whistle ] cmon guys, the millers just got their cards, too [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Should gun ownership be mandatory . Thats what the next guest is proposing. Family protection ordinance. They are hes a nelson georgia councilman. Thank you for joining us. Tell us how this works. This would require every person in your town to own a gun. Why . Well, it was an idea from the second amendment. We thought that nelson people would approve it. Do you think this would cut down on crime . Is that the purpose of it . Yes, sir, it is the purpose of it. The Family Protection ordinance basically is two sentences. The first sentence says all head of household will maintain a firearm for the new jersemergen protection of their family or home. If you are a convicted felon you will not have a firearm. If you are mentally or physically unable you will not have a firearm. If you cannot afford a gun you will not be required to have a gun or if you dont believe in owning a gun you dont have to have one. It is simply a deter rant. So the law basically says you have to own a gun unless you dont want to . Yes. Its like putting a security sign up in your front yard. People put their security signs up in their front yard. Some do and have Security Systems some do as a deterrent and do not have a Security System. Thats basically what i liken it to. The idea if criminals were driving through georgia they would not stop in your town they would keep driving . Yes, that is we hope the outcome. There has been a fair amount of research on the connection of gun ownership and crime. I think the consensus is the more guns that are owned the lower the crime rate typically. Virgin utah did, green leaf idaho 2006, spring city hue taw and theres a town of byron maine who are considering the same ordinance. Has there been opposition to this . Very, very little. In our city right now we have only been contacted by two people. By two people. The majority are in favor of it. The majority of our people in our town have firearms. Our police chief is also offering free gun safety classes if this passes next month he is going to offer free firearmty f take it. Also a free firearm inspection to inspect the firearms to make sure they are in proper working order. We are trying to move forward and make sure we try to take care of everything that needs to be taken care of so people will know how to properly use a firearm. Interesting part of this is all of the hoop law on national and International Media because its going so smoothly in nelson it is incredible. We had no idea it was going to have such an impact. We are of the finance it is a good thing to do because the local government affirms our right under the second amendment. Sounds that way. Sounds like a friendly town, too. Thank you for joining us. Still to come, is your personality making you fat . Sounds like it may be. People pack on the pounds to eat too much. A blind dog and his seeing eye dog they are both in the need of a new home. The story of their amazing unbreakable bond coming up. More than two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. And every day since, weve worked hard to keep it. Today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. Weve shared what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Bps also committed to america. We support nearly twohundredfifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Our commitment has never been stronger. Is your personality making you fat . There is a link between certain traits and emotions. Which emotions are going to pack on the pounds the most . Hi dr. Ab ablo. Good morning. How are you guys . They did a study they say certain personality traits make you higher. Doesnt anxiety depression your appetite or height ten it . This is a 50 year study. 5 decades to find out what many psychiatrists already knew which is people seek out liquid molecules fat molecules because of many mood and anxiety traits that need evening out. Lipids are mood stabilizers. Yes, anxious people may be trying to have a moenlt of calm and using lipids to try to stabilize that feeling of anxiety. And eating carbohydrates. Allison does that . Exactly. How are aggressive people more likely to over eat . Probably the people who are more gracive and compulsive they are more likely to grab food. All of the different categories that were lie highlighted by the National Institute are ones that are experiencing discomfort. They are feeling as though they are not at even keel. Fish oil for instance is known to be a mood stabilizer to reduce anxiety, potentially increase moods, why . Again these lipid molecules. People may be reaching for fridays and ring dings if they still make them in order to artificially boost their lip ki pidz and try to bring them equilibrium. We notice santa claus portly the grefrn thin as a rail. You wont find it many serial killers who are fat. Risky behavior was also part of the study as well. If you are a risk taker are you fat or thin . Risk behavior. When they lowered lipids in this massive trial when are where they tried to reduce lipid levels the one thing that went up violent death. When you lower lipid levels people become more impulsive. We have a picture of someone who is sin kel. We were wondering if he would be can we see what we found in our archives . Sure. Thats not the picture i was image aning of someone who was sin kel. Tucker said he was a cynical eater. I didnt know there was a connection between cynicism and eating. Is there . The people you think of as britt tell thgritty they grit a on every issue then people when in fact thats your problem you may grab more of this food to try to hes those feelings away. They are uncomfortable. I am just cynical about dieting. I always tell people be careful when you diet. If you feel like getting depressed so many of the patients ask me what happened right before you got depressed. Many of them say i did lose 30 pounds. Mood stabilization should be linked to this. Impulsive thats the number one food personality trait in impulseivity for food. We will be talking about this later on in an hour or two on this show. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Great to see you. Next on the rundown the government is cutting back og con tuition for our troops why are you paying for illegal aliens to get Higher Education subsidy. Talk about a rude awakening. Oh. Some creative ways to get your family up like letting fireworks underneath them. Like lighting fireworks off. Hour of Daylight Savings. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. Prego . but ive bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices ive made . I choose date number 2 whooo [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. Choose prego. A combil layings of the best ways to wake up your family. A bugle. Get your families in trouble. Heres my favorite. Watch this. Watch this. I love that they had a kau zoo. Whats happening here . They are knocking his hand back. Oh my god. Oh my god. What . What . Thighs are horrible. Oh my gosh. That is cruel. Our producer melissa i think we have to move on. No, we dont. No, we dont. We have two hours and 26 minutes left. I think i could just watch that. That is really cool. That is horrible. Mostly all men doing those . Of course it was all men. The lamest was the snake. There is a show devoted to men i wont say. Tell us how you are waking up this morning to daylightsavings time. Dramatic rescue following a sailboat accident that left one person dead. It happened off the coast of southern california. You can see the coast guard helicopter lift the five surviving sailors to safety in a basket. The crew abandoned the boat after the rudder failed. Nelson mandela is back in the hospital. They under went tests for existing medical tests. There was no cause for alarm. The 94yearold spent time in the hospital for a lung infection and gallstones. Canine buddies in denver looking for a new home together. Jack and chico share a special bond. Sheik co chico is blind and relies on jack to get around. Jack is chicos seeing eye dog. They a theron their owner died last year. They come as a package deal. Its upsetting for them to be apart. We would rather see them go together. They need somebody to love them. Both are well behaved and friendly. The shelter says jack and chico will stay there until they find a right home. I will tweet out how you can help jack and chico if you want to adopt them. I bet they have already been adopted by the time you finish reading that script. We just sprang forward into daylightsavings time. Is it worth the extra hours of precious sleep . According to a new rasmussen poll most people say no. Only 37 percent of people think daylightsavings time is worth the hassle of one more hour of sun. Send it to foxnews. Com. I say get rid of daylightsavings time. That is just sick. Thats like atalking the country. I think its terrible. What is so great about it. More sun. The idea is it saves energy, its garbage. We will debate this through out the show. Send us your tweets on this topic. Maria molina is out idside i believe or getting a manicure. I they have chanel nail polishes inside the 24th hour v8 fusion plus energy ribu right outside of our plaza. We have manicures in here and also massages in the back. Also just a nice place to get away from the chilly temperatures in place this morning across new york city. We are looking at temperatures in the upper 30s low 40s across the northeast. By this afternoon, though, take a look at the High Temperature in new york city. 48 degrees. So very mild. 76 for you in new orleans. Parts of the midwest dealing with chilly temperatures like minneapolis. 34 degrees for the High Temperatures today. We have a storm system across the center of the country that will bring areas of snow across parts of the plains. Even into monday and tuesday next week. Take a look at new york city. 50 degrees for a high. Eventually we have to deal with rain as the planes impact the east coast by tuesday. Lets head back inside and i will stay out here getting a manicure. After an hour of tweets. You deserve it. Our country is the bravest. Being hit hard by the sequester. Is the military order to do halt the college. Why are they giving college aid to immigrants. New York State Assembly men karen lawler is here. Thank you for joining us. You see the disconnect . I do. Why is it politicians in new york find it more appealing to help Illegal Immigrants than they do military veterans. Thats a good question. When there are cuts it seems military is often the first to get cut especially some of the education benefits not directly related to combat operations pay which has been stagnant the last four years. Our priorities are messed up in this state and in this country. These are federal sequestration programs for the military and these arent State College assistance programs put in place for illegal aliens. We talked to michelle mal pin because they were trying to do the same thing in colorado. Are they newly exclusive . There is a real connection because the fed put 200 billion a year into education. Thats federal money flowing into the state. If you look at new york states budget about 40 percent of it is federal funding. Theres a big financial connection between our state budget and the federal ones that flow into it. One of your colleagues new York Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver who suggested helping provide tuition for the Illegal Immigrants, what does he say . I havent heard his thoughts on that. But on monday i will be introducing a bill that says these military personnel who are caught in this situation where they are in the middle of a course of study they should be allowed they should open to the military personnel shouldnt cost very much. We have the over head we are paying we are going to encourage private schools to do the same thing in new york state. I hope other states will follow suit. If you are in the middle of a bachelors degree you can continue through new york state. We have an opportunity to make that right. There are some democrats to be specific who see illegal aliens phoningsly bigger voting block online. That is part of it. We have the sequester games we have going on painful high profile cuts. This is one of them. He becomes the lieutenant those make some of your great officers while you are in the military. It will hurt those leaders who are mustangs we call them those that go from officer to rank. There is a lot of problems. Good luck. Thanks so much. Family of a florida mom who went missing after hearing a Court Tv Show filed a wrongful death lawsuit from her ex fa fiancee. You remember the story of the mother of twins who dispiered the sdhafz supposed to head to court. The mother has filed a lawsuit against the father of her two children. She has been missing since november of 2011 here was her appearance on the Peoples Court television show. They appeared to talk about a lawsuit involving a engagement ring. Dale smith the fiancee was never charged with anything even though he was basically the only suspect. He has never been charged now her family wants to file a wrongful death suit against him. If the police dont have enough evidence how can the family bring evidence against them . They can file a civil suit. It is a little easier to get a conviction because of the pr preupon danponderance of eviden. We saw it with oj. He had been through the trial and had all of the records. We all believe not all believe but most people think he probably did it. Once it came to the civil case they had enough to get a conviction. Goldman and browns family has dozens of millions of dollars. They cant collect it but they won in court. What a tough situation it is. How tough do you think it is . They dont have every single bit of evidence they have. It is open to families its an open case. They can keep it to themselves. I dont know what they are working with. The problem with the case also is he rubbed off with the shoulder. That family could have taken him to federal court because the evidence was really strong in that case as to the fact that something happened in that home. We dont have that here. What we have is a missing woman and a pretty good suspect. But i dont the family i dont think will be successful in court. That may not be what they want. They may want to get him in there. Maybe they think they can get some of that evidence. It is hard to know what their purposes are. They want to fight it. Most families wont do this wont admit their daughter is probably dead. Many families are saying you are out there some place when we should push for something. That is what they want. They are not asking for a lot of money at all. They just want some answers and they want information that they will try to figure out what happened to michelle. You are right. It does take a leap for the family to say we are going to admit she is dead even though no body has ever been found. All they ever found basically was her car parked in a parking lot and her cell phone was found many miles away from her car in a lake miles from where he lived. She is probably off with Stacy Peterson some place in thailand. They believe something happened to their daughter. They believe dale is involved. Dales lawyer it was kind of funny he came out and said he has nothing to do with her death. Did you just say death . Because it hasnt been proven. That is the problem. It hasnt been proven that she is dead and hasnt been proven harm has come to her. That will be tough to prove that he did something to her when nothing can be proven has been done at all. Lets hope the family can get a few more sleds of information. Shreds of information. The tsa is allowing more knives on planes. From hollywood to capitol hill. Ashley judd is about to make it official. There are new reports she is ready to run. We will explain. Clear whats next . Hes going to apply testosterone to his underarm. Axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. Do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. Serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. See your doctor, and for a 30day free trial, go to axiron. Com. Welcome back. For the First Time Since september 11th passengers will be allowed to carry small knives on an airplane. Tsa is loosening the rules. They are getting mixed reactions. Many concerned about the safety risks including sara nelson with the United Airlines Flight Attendant and International Vice president of the association of Flight Attendants. Nice to see you this morning. Nice to see you, too. You have a problem with this policy issue. We have a problem because we work in the cabin. Flight attendants are First Responders in the last line of defense on board that aircraft. We deal with passenger disturbances every single day. We are able to address those issues de escalate the problem and have passengers help us contain it. Knives, blades that were used on september 11th makes no sense. It makes our job harder and makes the public less safe. Lets be specific what kityp of blades they are a little over 2 inches. We have a screen shot here of what exactly this looks like. These are the knive that is will now be allowed. Take a look at your screen. You have topocket knives in the the knives associated on the back of cork screws for opening wine bottles. We all remember the box cutters used on september 11th. Those are not allowed. Dare i say these are bigger than a box cutter. They are deadly weapons. Kit holly says we should go ahead and bring battle axes and machetes on board. First of all he should be put on the no fly list for saying that. What they are really saying is they are sacrificing the cabin for keeping the cockpit safe. Its not just about landing the aircraft safely but its making sure everyone on board the aircraft lands alive as well. We are concerned about this. These knives need to stay out of the cabin. We have initiated a petition to the white house. You can find it at snow knives on planes. Com. We encourage the public to join us in signing that. The air marshals are on board with us pilots are on board with us. Ition is boarding every single day. This can not go into effect. I am curious why the tsa would decide to roll these back. As passengers we get frustrated with the tsa we take our shoes off we take our sweatshirt off grandmas are being padded down. We are upset with that. Cant bring baby food on the flight we have to get that checked. Knives seem to be an obvious restriction what is the benefit of having a knife on board the plane . At what stage do you say i wish i had a pocket knife . I could really use it . For the last 12 years they have put them in their checked luggage. Thats where they need to stay. Tsa has kept us safe from a terrorist threat. The pants bomb he have went through security in amsterdam. Flight attendants addressed that issue. We have to think about the threats that we face every single day being on board the aircraft. These knives simply do not help us do that. What was the web site again . No knives on plains. Com. You can go there now and sign the petition. Sara nelson on board Flight Attendant. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Strange bed fellows. Friendship with former republican Vice President ial candidate paul ryan. Sequester while dining on fine food in washington last night. Tell you who is on the menu. Cli e carful . How about. By the bowlful . Campbells soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. Campbells. Theyre coming. Yeah. British. Later. Sorry. Ok. Four words. Scarecrow in the wind. A baboon. Monkey . Hot stew saturday . Ronny hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico . Jimmy happier than paul revere with a cell phone. Ronny why not . Anncr get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Its sunday march 10th. I am allison cam rarati. Wait until you hear some of the other blunders. Sex ed for kindergartners is about to be a reality. Is that a good idea to teach 5yearolds co 5yearolds about sex . We will report you can decide. One man 20,000 dollars in cash couldnt have come at a more you are gented time for this fath urgent time because the wife battling cancer helping to pay the medical expenses. We will help meet that couple coming up. Fox and friends hour 3 coming up right now. It is daylightsavings time. That we are going to rub it in. We lost an hour of sleep. The show is about to get very interesting. Is there one clock in your how is that stays the wrong time . Yup. It is 5 after 5 right now. In my family room its 5 after 5. Why are microwaves so difficult to figure out how the clock works on those things and the oven . Why do microwaves have a clock . This is a cooking appliance. Has all sorts of weird functions. Do we need the popcorn only button or defrost meat button on there. You are doing too much microwave take a break. Speaking of which. Tsa agents are also tasked with doing a lot. We now know this morning they found a whistleblower who recently left the agency. He or she was an agent and what they are reviewing sadly confirms some of our worst fears and that is most of what they do is entirely for show. This comes in the wake of what happened with the improvised explosive device smuggled through security by an under cover agent who got through security in his pants he had this thing. Now it is a system wide look at the problems. Look this is all of the problems we have. If you are sitting at home groggy treat yourself to the New York Post. Some of this is remarkable. They do not take their job seriously. Thats what the agent says we do not take our job seriously. Tucker is so choked up by this. Did you know you dont need a High School Diploma or ged to work as a security screener this former agent said in these are the same screeners that john crystal and Homeland Security secretary. These are the employees who could never keep a job in the private sector. I wouldnt trust them to walk my dog. Furthermore the reason they do all of the things you see them doing taking off our shoes patting us down making us go through checkpoints all of this stuff is because someone came up with this protocol. Theres no evidence that it keeps us safe. I am glad you bring that up. We havent touched on that left. We have a lot of viewers we travel a lot and see tsa agents who are fans of the show and they watch the show and they are good people. We often think they end up being a lot of the policies that they have to follow they have to add here to these ridiculous ideas that the tsa heads come up with. They have to go by them. It is a job. It is a security check. As you said the point is not to keep us safe its to touch base. Its to fulfill a bunch of pointless requirements to assure people. Heres what he said a small group of screeners are delusional zell lots who think we are keeping us safe. Most tsa screeners know their job is a complete joke. They use it as a speping stone to another agency. Another wants to know are you save on a flight . A terrorist may get on board. What are the chances of you getting on flight when it happens . Its not a question of if the terrorist gets through its a question of when our peoplifeel nothing that is happened because they dont want it to happen. This is the whistleblower where they worked at. This is one of the airports they hijacked. They left from the airport. The wiles blowers said theres a lot of og elling female passengers by the mail screeners. It is unbelievable. They are checking out to the females. The clothing half falling off as it is. It is an opportunity for guys to og el woman like that. We are in coats. Did also know about the vast boredom they suffer from. Its not surprising there is ogling and all sorts of busy work they are doing. Let us know what you think about that friends at foxnews. Com. Next time they treat you like a criminal its for no good reason. Here are the headlines. Confusion and chaos more income news. It came alive at jfk airport. Got jerked around pretty good. I dont know what happened if somebody hit us or what . An air india plane landed when the wing tore into a jetblue plane sitting at the gate. Luckily no one was hurt. The planes were taken out of service to be suspected. She gave us a flawed version of what really happened during the benghazi attack. Susan rice emerging as a favorite to become the president s new National Security advisor later this year. This is according to the Washington Post this morning. She missed out on a dead on five sunday talk shows. Knew deal president obama leading the Gridiron Club dinner. The political elite. He joked saying with theres one thing that didnt get cut the length of this dinner. It is a three course meal including girng roasted bean soup. All unaffected by the sequester. Now here is actress ashley gud. She said she will announce in may. If true judgment could make face for the kentucky pete. That will be int entertaining. The weather has been entertaining and a powerful winter storm moving into the midwest today. Colorado getting wounded overnight. Blizzard conditions cancelling hundreds of flights and causing icy road conditions. Some got up to 14 inches of snow. Maria molina is tracking that storm. Maria whats going on . Good morning. Still tracking the storm that is producing areas of snow across kansas, nebraska. We could pick up 6 inches in some of the areas. Moves on from iowa and we have pride spread areas of rain light showers in sections of the southeast heavier batches in chicago all of the way down into the widespread area. Otherwise we have crosssections of nebraska and kansas. Not just how much snow we are expecting but also the wind they consumed you see the wind gusts up to 45 Miles Per Hour at times and thats really what produces the white out conditions and dangerous conditions if you are doing any driving. Winter storm warning in effect across iowa and wisconsin you should be seeing some of the worst conditions as we head into later on today and into tonight and into tomorrow. You can see the snow already moving in to the northwestern sections of the state of iowa. Looking like it will be a nice day across sections of the United States. 70 raleigh. 70 atlanta and unusual florida 10 degrees for a High Temperature in the city of tampa. Over the next several days we will continue to enjoy mild temperatures across the northeast in dc for the 60s today monday. Stay in the 60s monday and also into tuesday. Tucker, alley, clayton. Thank you maria. Should kindergartners be taught sex education. Starting beginning in january. Beginning in kindergartner they will learn will reproduction anatomy and safe touch. Heres the new policy. You will learn the basics about anato anatomy. Reproduction, healthy relationships and personal safety. Thighs are the things they are adding now. Kindergarten through the third grade. They teach kids all about personal questions like this. They are afraid like three times what it was when i was a kid. Where is the evidence this works . Oo that was for kindergarten. It would be focused on familys feelings and inappropriate touching. In 4th grade they start puberty and hiv. 5th graders nutrition and prevent. Suv bullying and contraception. What made you want somebody else a teacher ing your kids about contraception . How graphic . They need to sell this out there. We are not like the others we are just bullying. Maybe sexual harassment. I think it is important to teach kids about safe touch, good touch and bad touch. You mean like creep combriem. They need to hear about creepy people. I recall in health class whatever it was in third grade we would separate the boys and girls and show the real to real film from the 1930s. I dont know that any one retained anything from that thing. Had a guest on this earlier in the show. I think the school is assuming responsibility too much with this thing. It is now going to open up a potential litigious activity going on in schools. It will back fire and they will have the schools held liable. All of the parents have a conversation. Parents find it a difficult time to have this conversation. It is their this is one of those decisions that is uniquely a parental decision. It is not up to some state employee to teach my kids about values its my job to impa am p it to the kids. Sometimes maparents do this d things for their kids. They are fine they are not creepy. Dove kids know what to do, who knows fwhl they implement ex the big. Its daylightsavings time. Oo sdl al gore. Jal jazz the network kra celebrated. Strange budget betted follows. Former republican Vice President tal paul ryan. Can these two ficommon grund on the budget. There is no mass produced human. So we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. A collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs each of your bodies. Youll only find sleep number at one of our over 400 stores nationwide. Where queen mattresses start at just 699. And right now enjoy the lowest prices of the season on our most popular bed sets. Sleep number. Comfort individualized. President obama reaching across the aisle to have a power lunch with paul ryan. Ings bre can breaking bread together break the gridlock. He breaks a lot of bread. I am fasting. Enjoy a nice sunday meal. I am not saying anything about your physique. These guys might be having a meal together. It is sometimes suggested this week it is part of a posturing to be out there showing hes being bipartisan so he can put the face forward dfz only a week ago the president was bashing republicans for their failure to block the sequester. The new events with dinner with senators lunch with paul ryan. The answer will be what happened. He is willing to he is willing to compromise more revenue out there. Having said that you would have made a lot of money if you had voted against or bet against deals with the last couple years. They are open to tax increases and closing loopholes. You have heard people like lindsay gram say it is part of serious spending cuts serious entitlement reforms. You will see more revenue put on the table. On the other hand leaders like Mitch Mcconnell in the senate and john boehner in the house saying he got the revenue during the fiscal cliff negotiation period thats it. It is interesting the president president made a calculation if they dont make the deal they cant sell it to the membership. It is support from the grassroots of republicans in congress. Isnt the question what took so long . Why were there four years where these guys were not having lunch together and not having dinner and not talking to each other . In fairness to both sides the president was meeting and has the several sets of negotiations with john boehner the speaker in the house and majority that met also with mcconnell. He hasnt met with rank and file. I think some people in the white house would say he was late to come to the realization that he had to deal with the rank and file not just with the leaders. We will be talking with paul ryan at the top of the hour. Also talking about jeb bush about his controversial plan and leaving the door open for a possible run for president in 2016. He will announce his bid for presidency on your show today. I will make a bet he wont announce that. All right coming up here on the show want to know what george w. Bush has been up to since leading the white house. Knit until you see this. You often tear stay tuned. Not just the stuff looking at her hearse. Flush im over the hill. My body doesnt work the way it used to. Past mprime . Im a victim of a slowing metabolism . I dont think so. New great grains protein blend. Protein from Natural Ingredients like seeds and nuts. It helps support a healthy metabolism. New great grains protein blend. We replaced people with a machine. R, what . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. That is not a photo of the astroid that went by the earth. It came bewithin 600,000 miles earth. Next up two that is how many rounds peter king box against the former kick boxing champion. He laces up his gloves in his district. Looking pretty good. 57 million. Thats how much taylor swift paid last year kierd to go parade magazines annual what people earn issue. Singers salary more than ann hathaw hathaway and brad pitt combined. Speaking ch money with 300,000 people leaving the workplace last month more families are feeling the pinch of the economy. Next guest has everyday items that wont cost you a penny. Here with fabulous freebies is the channel editor of kipplinger. Com andrea brown. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. I was astonished to read the things that you can get for free. The first one you say you can get Free College Tuition at some schools. How . You definitely can. This is good for parents who have high School Aged Students who are concerned about how they are going to foot the bill. There are few schools that cover the entire cost of tuition. A couple we have around us that stood out are Cooper Union College located in new york city. How can they afford to give k s students free tuition. They have funds theal lum my can donate to as well as the public. You can find out about school rar ships if you scholarship. They have a data base full of scholarships. It lists all of the requirements for each scholarship and the application deadline. Its a great tool for parents. Talk about apps you can use to manage your finances. Which is free . One that we really like comes from mint. Com. It allows you to track your daily spending habits as well as how much you are saving and it allows you to set up reminder alert so when it is time to pay your bills you dont get hit with late fees. I like the surcharge free atms are. There are two one of them is all points the other is money pass. It comes in handy if you are out and about. One helps you with business expense reports. They drive people crazy. Talk about free food. Everybody likes to eat. I know i do. There are a lot of restaurants that have Free School Days one is march 20th you can get a free water of ice at italian ice shops. On earth day april 22nd this year starbucks usually has a free coffee day they come in bring their own travel mugs and get a free cup of coffee. Go to kids meal deals. Com to find out where kids get to eat for free. With parents with small kids he can be finicky. Free travel. Spring break is right around the corner. People may be planning summer travel. You want to check in with your airline to see which flights they offer or southwest they allow free bags which amounts to 120 in savings and on jetblue they allow passengers to check one bag. They also offer tv satellite radio and all you can eat snacks at no additional cost. You are making a road trip you suggest theres an app gas buddy app. What does it do. It allows you to track each andrea brown. I will tweet it south soon. This will be on our web site. John gren nan got corn in as a krishg thshg director. It wasnt with the ril of ritz and not from the bottom. This man netted 20,000 dollars and the cash could not have come at a better time than this father of 7 whose wife is battling cancer. We have that amazing story straight ahead. So you say men are superior drivers . Yeah. Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. Are you in good hands . Prego . but ive been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices ive made . [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. Choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] music throughout why turbo . Trust us. Its just better to be in front. The sonata turbo. From hyundai. After a pretty bumpy road to confirmation john brennan was finally sworn in as director of the cia. Josh earnest described the unconventional closed door ceremony. Listen to this. Director brennan was sworn in with his hands on original draft of the constitution dating from 1787. Brennan had requested document from the national ar kooi that is sim poll lieses the United States is a nation of law. Before he was sworn in director brennan told the president he made the request of the archives because he wanted to reaffirm his commitment to the rule of law as he took the oath of office as director of cia. He choose to use a first draft of the constitution bhiens the document did not include the bill of rights or any constitutional amendments. Is he actually sworn in because they are missing . We are going to ask president ial historian. I love this kind of history. You recall during the inauguration nick the first inauguration they had to redo it because there are certain things that got flubbed by john roberts. Is that the same situation here . Does this count . This is a symbolic gesture. With john rollins and the president they needed to get the wording right. They went back to do it just sob safe. The white house went out of its way to point out that to use this craft of the constitution because it wanted to up load the rule of law they might not have known the bill of rights was not in the original draft that was added later by James Madison a few years later. It is more of a symbolic gesture. It is interesting he made this choice. He is obviously sending a message. You are a president ial historian what message do you think it sends . Its abraham lincolns copy wasnt it . The constitution was the original. But the message is simply this. Two other president s by the way have used a bible and not used it. Teddy Roosevelt John quinn see adams. I think whats interesting here is the choice of the original constitution verses the constitution that contains the bill of rights. I think thats given cause to people who are concerned about the bill of rights and what it means for particularly drone strikes against our own citizens. It is more of a pr thing. Teddy roosevelt why didnt he do the swearing in with the bible . Its a good question. Nobody knows for sure. I think he felt like the separation of church and state was something that was important. John quinn see adams i think the same thing. I am not sure how much controversy it caused back then probably quite a bit they didnt use the bible. Think about president obama in his recent swearing in he not only used one bible he used two bibles. Typically the swearing in ceremonies is it is symbolic. Greats to hear your president ial history. Thank you for sharing. Tragedy bought the small Kentucky Community two adults five children were killed a man his pregnant girlfriend and her three children had just move nude the home a few months ago. They were apparently fixing it up. They were hosting a sleep over with two children from other families when the fire started and neighbors called 911. Flames coming up the window and smoke and then i called them. It was too late by then. This whole road we live on very close together, it is a tragedy. No word yet on what caused that fire. Her son left and now she is krezitying the cat with saving his life. Last September David just 17 feet from monorail and climbed over a 16foot tall fence so he could reportedly be one with the tiger. 25yearolds mom claims the animal saved his life by causing a bad reaction to a drug named adder roll. Former Vice President al gore bashing during aljazeera. He is fraud because they are funded by gun manufacturers. When asked about the sale of current tv to aljazeera he said quote they were honest to good newsness. It is in qutar which gets funding from the countrys dwotment. The former president for the first time we are hearing from george w. Bushs teacher by flood. What did she have to say about the arts students . Picked it up so quick. For 3, he has such a passion for painting. Its amazing. It will go down in the history books as a great artist. For bhount spent 6 hours a day teaching the form president the ups and downs of her craft. She reveals he painted around 50 dog portraits and scenes of his texas ranch. Thats incredible. Who knew . He drew janets dog. Theres a big painting of the dog. Oh, bush painted that. Didnt Ronald Reagan wasnt he a dude eller . Doodles at the reagan president ial lime brar rei canned see in my family. In bub kau good morning. Good to see you. We keep talking about how mild it will be across the northeast. We will see a lot of sunshine. It is still pretty chilly. 36 degrees right now. There is a breeze that makes it feel a lot cooler right now. 50 degrees cleveland. Memphis, dallas, upper 50s low 60s. We have a winter storm we are tracking this system has a couple blizzard warnings across sections of nebraska and kansas. Through this morning gusts 45 Miles Per Hour possible. Later on today into monday we will be seeing that snow across parts of iowa and into wednes y wisconsin. Snow total could be anywhere from 49 inches. Ahead of this system where temperatures are mild we have rain we are tracking across parts of arkansas and tennessee and as we head into the 48hours we will see some of the moisture make it into portions of the east coast. The good news we like to end on a positive note we are in Drought Conditions and this will benefit those areas. That is good news for florida and we will have moisture coming up in the next few days. That was a beautiful painting. Great job. I actually created those graphics. That was impressive. Coming up in the show is your smart phone making you a target for thieves . How can you protect yourself and your jamming ets with an inside look at the global black market for stolen iphones. The Police Department theres a Voting Department depicting this. Red wine some say can cure cancer. Pe will col of the problem. Hey, we got our cards, honey great, anything come with it . [ ding dong ] 20 off teleflora. Oh. Save on roadside assistance from allstate discounts from enterprise, avis and hertz [ male announcer ] aarp has great deals on dining, entertainment, travel, and more. Like geek squad, expedia and british airways. All in one place. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Popcorn, your favorite. [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cin, Norwegian Cruise Line and walgreens. Hotel savings at hilton, hyatt and best western. And everyday discounts from dennys and kelloggs. Theyre great [ male announcer ] all chosen just for aarp members. Papa johns [ male announcer ] with new offers every week. Find deals on electronics and technology. And save on tickets to exciting concerts and shows. [ taxi whistle ] cmon, guys, the millers just got their cards, too [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Wherthe deals are. She has been banned from saying sorry. Mel greg the center of the royal hoax wanted to reach out to the family of the nurse who took her own life. The Radio Station ordered her not to have any contact with them. Aside from calling it the wonder red wine pill, researchers say its like drinking a hundred glasses of wooifrn ry day you can look at the natural compound that fights cancer alzheimers and type 2 by detroits. Bring on that gar tol. Smart phones could be making you a target for thieves. How can you avoid becoming a victim . Joining us now is the founder of gadget track. His name is ken west. Where are we seeing a spike in iphone theft and tablet theft . Half of the tpopulation has smart phones. They also become status symbols. They are easy to sell for cash. There is a high demand for them. Before the phone is stolen you take us through some of the tips before the phone is stolen. People dont do this. It is sim teple to do. Write down the unique id of your device. The ifei number. Little techy but worth while. There are unique identifiers usually it will be on the box whatever your phone comes in. The i number your carrier will have that information for you so it is something good to have written down. It is helpful when you want to file a Police Report that you will have that please do come across it. Apple noticed that number and somebody tried to activate that phone they know the exact number and pinpoint where it is. You talk about setting a pen or writing a pass code on your device. I dont have to worry about setting the pin on the phone. You have to do it. Not only data of the doe vice some your photos contact all of the information that number what else could you do before your phone is stolen like backing up and tracking . You want to install software as i showed that allows you to track the device. You can wipe information from the device and make sure the information gets backed out if the device is ever stolen. You can also back up if its an iphone you can back it up directly when you are near your commuter. It is always safe to make sure the data stays safe. They go over wifi. Gadget track there are a few things you can do. When you are Walking Around this happens here in the subways of new york. Not just happening in new york. Right. Pretty much every where. If you look at people, you look on a train everyone is looking down at their phone. They have their white ear buds on which are a key indicator you have an iphone. This they are calling them smash and drabs come up punch you in the case and grab the door when you run. Make sure you are round the since the train stopped. You see this a lot. We have to be aware of it if it is stolen. Starting with the Police Report. A lot of times people dont realize if you follow the report thats no chance i will find is back. We recovered both. I am oo huge fencing operation so please what they have a lot of phones but they dont know who they be long to a Police Report was ne filed. It is critical that even the district phone got stolen it is important to you file a Police Report. It was part of a burglar reon that. Could we follow the Police Report keeping it online. New york city and nyps you also state immediately contact your carrier att, verizon, t mobile de activate their service. Activate the tracking on the device you can remotely wipe the data yourself. You have to have apps, apple is on my i knowns it has to be on the device. If it is you can activate that tracking and hopefully that will help you with information you can then get to Law Enforcement to recover your advice it is important to get the ma enof force me to they can it ut. Thank you veesh yat it. Fauf any questions you ask fee at litter stterritory. I can help you find the straits that can literally cause people to pack nt cash couldnt have come at a much more urgent time than thi is battling cancer. A a a joins us from new york city. How are you doing . Oh oo how are you doing . We are doing great. That shot is incredible. We have seen it several times this morning. I cant get enough of it. How much pressure was there on you during this moment to make this shot given what was going on at home with your wife . Well,s is such an unusual thing to be able to make this shot. My personality, i just like the experience of being out there, and then you know what . I really felt like it was kind of weird. I was trying to talk to my students at school about this earlier in the stay. I know its cleared but i had a swelling take a shot of your wife during court time. Heres a picture of you court side holding a check there. What was her response after you hit that shot . You saw her. She was on the floor. We had to do a little free throw contest against another couple that had the opportunity to shoot the half court shot. Her response was unbelievable on this you probably have seen it on the big screen. She was in shock. A good news probabhusband would ran over to her after the shot. I forgot about her aftfor a lit while. I want to be clear. You had to do free throws first. Shaquille oneal cant hit free throws you managed to hit them. My wife had two. As i understand it, you predicted you were going to do this. How many hours did you spend in your driveway practicing. I am a basketball coach i shot half court shots. I have shot a bunch of those. How would your how is your wife doing. We know she had a stomach bug. She is very disappointed. Loves your show. Loves talk news. Caught up yesterday morning. She was disappointed she wanted to tell you guys hi. Give our best to jenny. So happy you made the shot. We will put your web site up on ours so people can get in touch with you if they like. Tlau so much. No problem. If you want to donate and help keith and his family we will update it for you. A gun shaped ice cream dangerous. What sparked this play . Hey. Theyre coming. Yeah. British. Later. Sorry. Ok. Four words. Scarecrow in the wind. A baboon. Monkey . Hot stew saturday . Ronny hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico . Jimmy happier than paul revere with a cell phone. Ronny why not . Anncr get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. I honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didnt think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. It put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depresd mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chanti if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of depression or otr Mental Health proems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. With chantix and with the support system it worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. So we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. A collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs each of your bodies. Youll only find sleep number at one of our over. Where queen mattresses start at just 699. And right now enjoy the lowest prices of the season on our most popular bed sets. Sleep number. Comfort individualized. Your finances cant manage themselves, but that doesnt mean they wont try. Bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can, a certified Financial Planner professional. Cfp lets make a plan. Happy Daylight Saving time, everyone. Its sunday, march 10th. Thanks for joining us bright and early. Confessions of an extsa agent. Days after a bogus bomb makes it through security at one of the nations busiest airports, a former screener says he would not trust the tsa to walk his dog. Thats not all. Well tell you everything hes revealing. An amazing story. A 8 resident gets served with her a waitress gets served with her own id from the person who sold it. Well tell you how she kept her cool until the cops shown up. Talk about a rude awakening. Creative ways to wake up your friends. This is the greatest video you will ever see. Watch this. Mouse traps on the ears. Some creative ways to get your family up after losing an hour of sleep to Daylight Saving. Fox friends hour four starts right now. Look at how gently were wakinweighing you up with a soft graphic. Not slapping a mouse trap on a body part. You should try that. In one of the videos the guy uses a blow torch on the guys. Area. Its Daylight Saving time. Set your clock forward. Well have a daylight coming up later. The majority of the country is behind my position that of the day savings is worth. Are you for sunlight or walking towards the darkness . Well debate it coming up on the show. First well talk about the tsa. This is an incredible story. If you pick up the New York Post this morning, this all comes, of course, in the wake of what happened at new York International airport where a guy, one of the undercover agents at the tsa was able t too through with an improvised explosive device. Now hes coming out with his bombshell story, just about how basically worthless they all think their job is as a tsa agent. Theyre not the only ones who think that. He has evidence of how much of what they do, all of these pat downs, all of these machines, all this being pulled over is basically for show. Their feeling, as he said here in the arm, is what are the chances you want to know of being on a flight when something happens. When always said its not a question if terrorists get through, its a question of when. Our feeling is the it hasnt ha, its because they havent wanted it to happen. Were not any big deter rent, its all for show. You take off your shoes and coat and belt at the airport. Youre touched by strangers. Treated by cranial and you think its all for a good cause. Im keeping the country safe. Im keeping terrorists from bringing down this plane. According to someone who does this for a living and im quoting now, most tsa screeners know their job is a complete joe joke. Their goal is to use this as a stepping stone to work at another government agency. We said this early and ill say it again. I travel a lot, and there are great people, great tsa agents we meet, fans of the show. Very kind individuals who go to Great Lengths to help the family, make sure the kids get through. You get the impression, and this is the case confirmed in the article, that its higher ups. Its rict wicked ridiculous pol. They have to pat down children because the cameras are above. They know theyre not finding anything. Theyre only doing it because the camera is actually watching. If they dont pat down that child, because the camera is offing with a, there will be what is known is a Security Breach at the airport. People have to come back from their gates and have to be rescreened. One of the revelations in the article in the New York Post that i found was when they pat down women, they dont want you to think theyre groping you, so they use the back of their hand. He revealed that you cant feel anything with the back of your hand. They cant feel anything if you have anything in your clothes. I can. The irony is the sad irony is anybody watching this from afar, if you actually were a terrorist, you would conclude were not serious about airport security. More evidence to back up your point about not being serious about it. This new roll back in some of the restrictions. You can now bring small knives on planes. Box cutters, of course, were used in large part by the terrorists on 9 11. Heres a photo of what you can bring on. Two inches or so. Theyre actually larger in many respects to some of the box cutter plays used on 9 11. Theyre going to let pocket knives, as you said, two plus inches long. So many Flight Attendants, federal marshals are opposed to this. And pilots. If youre going to open up the restrictions, how about you let shampoo on or how about you let water . You have to empty out your water bottle. Baby formula. On the other hand, you can bring knitting needles and scissors. We had a Flight Attendant on the show earlier, and she spoke out about it. Flight attendants are First Respond ers and the last line of defense on board that aircraft. We deal with passenger disturbances every single day. Were able to address those issues, did escalate the problem and try to contain it. Introducing a weapon into that scenario and specifically knives, blades that were used on september 11th makes no sense. It makes our job harder, and it makes the public less safe. Senator john mccain agrees. He wants to do away with this new policy that will allow pocket knives. Look. The system is widely inconsistent. Why do you need a pocket knife during a flight . Are they going to give you a bottle of wine . Theyre allowing you to bring cork screws on. Theyll open the bottle of wine for you if you order a cocktail. Why do you need a pocket knife . I had one until it was confiscated by a tsa agent. Fingernail clippers or you get caught somewhere in an emergency situation and need to live in the wild for a month or two. If tha theyll allow things e that on, let us keep our shoes on. Yes. Friends o foxnews. Com. Lets get to the headlines. We have a fox news alert. Afghan president karzai accusing america. Hes telling his people that america is trying to scary them into thinking they need our troops to stay safe. He plans two deadly taliban bombings yesterday on americas behalf to prove troops are needed past the 2014 withdrawal dead line. The u. S. Has spent billions in afghanistan since 2001. President karzai cancelled a News Conference because of security concerns. Were hearing the confusion the moment two planes collided yesterday at jfk airport. Weve gotten jerked around pretty good. I dont know what happened. If somebody hit us or what. An air india plane just landed when its wing tore into a jetblue plane sitting at the gate. Luckily no one was hurt. The planes were taken out of service to be inspected. Another federal employee claiming the Obama Administration wants the public to feel the pain of sequester. National park officials forced cuts on programs they would have that would have an effect on visitors. A memo from the National Parks service said, quote, parks must be specific in their description and include the number of visitors affected and anindicatf nearby communities and businesses, and a spokesperson for the National Parks denies the cuts were intentionally made to the most visible public programs. Clayton . The world baseball classic, supposed to be a good Hearted Exchange of teams around the world. Not so much. This is what happened yesterday during the world baseball classic between canada and mexico. After the warning, arnold leon just drilled a player. Its on. Benches have cleared. Looks more like a wrestling match at a baseball began. Fans throwing things at players on the field. Mexico took exception to canada bunting for a single with a sixrun lead. Thats something you dont do. Running up the points. So the mexican pitcher hit the next batter with a fastball. The benches cleared and seven players were ejected. No one was injured. Looks like a hockey game. Were those really canadians . Theyre so passive and sweet, the politest country on earth. I thought they i wont say it. I dont want dont blame canada. Im not blaming canada. I was about to Say Something and i bit my tongue. I was going to say they played baseball on the back of horses. Youre not going to say that. Youll use your own filter not to say that. I didnt realize you were so belli c oss. Colorado was punte pounded overnight with blizzard conditions, areas getting up to 14 inches of snow. Maria molina is tracking the storm. Its headed east, but fortunately well see mild temperatures over the next couple of days. In new york city as we head into tuesday, once the storm system arrives, youre expecting to see rain, not really expecting to see any snowfall. Temperatures will not be cold enough. Behind it well see a bit of a cool down. So later in the week, new york city, back down into the 40s after enjoying a couple of days with High Temperatures in the 50s. Right now the storm system is producing areas of pretty heavy rain across western sections of the great lakes, chicago youre dealing with rainfall as well. Youre likely going to be seeing delays today if youre doing any flying out of the big airport hubs like ohare. Southern areas also dealing with the rainfall, parts of northern louisiana, eastern parts of texas. Onon the northwestern side of te storm system, temperatures cold enough for snowfall. We could pick up a couple more inches across parts of kansas and nebraska. We still also have some blizzard warnings in effect out here because wind gusts could reach 45 Miles Per Hour. So of course, ill blow around the snow and produce whiteout conditions. As we head into tonight and through monday morning, the good news out here is were not thinking the wind will be as big of a concern. It will be breezy at times, but again, not expecting to see blizzard conditions across parts of iowa, wisconsin, as much as four to nine inches of snow can fall. Thats going to be an issue as far as travel goes. Otherwise High Temperatures today, nice in texas. 73 for you in san antonio. Today dallas will be a bit of a cooler day in comparison to yesterday. 57 degrees for your High Temperature. 34 in minneapolis. In new york city. Not too bad. 48 degrees for your high. Well take it. No choice. Thank you, maria. Coming up on the show, is your personality making you fat . Yes, it turns out that there are certain traits that cause people to pack on the pounds. You just hear hurt my feelin, clayton. Remember the 7yearold boy suspended for a gunshaped pastry at school . One law maker thinks zero toll ran may have gone too tolerance may have gone too far. Go to etrade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. Spoiler alert its low. Its guidance on your terms, not ours. Etrade. Less for us. More for you. Who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasnt quite the same. The recipes not the recipe. Ohhh. [ female announcer ]. Without swanson. The broth cooks trust most when making soup. Mmmm [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. Thank you orville and wilbur. Amelia. Neil and buzz for proving theres nowhere we cant go. But, at some point. 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Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting morehan four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30tablet free trial. One maryland law maker is trying to send the dc police packing. Hes trying to push through legislation that would put a dent in zero tolerance policies in school like the one that got a little boy suspended for eating a pastry in the shape of a gun. Is this proposal a good idea and what is going on with our schools . Fox news contributor, a former teacher is here, by the way. When you talking, did anybody pull a croix sanit croissant ore danish . Heaven for bid a child come to school with white or black paint on their face for halloween parties. I taught middle school, high school, college. This is prevalent. I was not spiefd to see these stories popping up in the news at all. Theres a hypersensitivity in particularly in light of newtown. Obviously theres a zero tolerance policy about guns and weapons. However, it seems as though teachers have sor sort of lost r common sense. Kruger a pop tart into the shape of a gun or pastry of some kind is not going to hurt anybody. Yeah. Ooften times the student gets suspended and it goes on their permanent academic record which is what this particular senator is trying to prevent. That affects their performance over the year, it affects the way they view themselves and the way teachers view them. They become a problem child when theyre just kids being kids. Essentially in most cases theyre not doing anything wrong. You have parents sitting down with kids trying to explain why biting their cookie into the shape of a gun or doing this on a playground because theyre playing cops and robbers is a crime at a school level. It will take prean take parental involvement and outrage and say im not going to take it, were not going to tolerate the behavior. You want teachers who are not only well informed and smart but are wise. Thats what you hope when you send your kids to school. You want them to be wise. Hohow many teachers are there tt cant discern between a pastry and a fire arm . Theres a fear around school culture, a fear of offending, a pair that parentfear that parena certain way. This is how to avoid a problem, by being hyperhypersensitive and beincatholic politically correc. Anything that involves a gun be it someone bringing a fire arm to school or someone biting a cookie in the shape of a fire arm, theyre treated the exact same way with a suspension. Thats what zero tolerance means. Youre not looking at things on case by case any more, but youre creating a one size fits all treatment. It makes no sense. All of these situations with are different. Its too bad we need legislation to try to tell teachers that sometimes a cookie is just a cookie. Yeah. Thanks so much. Thank you so much. Well, shes being called the Silicon Valley marie an ton ante tte. Shes saying women should put their career first. Thats coming up. A little pig making big waves on the high seas. Meet zoro, the surfing pig let. Thats coming up [ male announcer ] its a rule of nature. You dont decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. The vegetables do. At green giant, we pk vegetables only when theyre perfect. Then freeze them fast so theyre are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. Green giant im your hot water heater. You hardly know i exist. Thats too bad. cuz if my pressure relief valve gets stuck. [ booooooom ]. We hot water heaters can transform into rocket propelled wrecking balls. And if you got the wrong Home Insurance coverage, its your bank account that might explode. So get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. Good home. Make sure you have the right home protection. Talk to an allstate agent. Its a struggle that many women face, juggling work and careers and families. The coo of facebook, cheryl sandberg, has a new book out in which she says, quote, the very concept of having it all flies in the face of the basic laws of economics and common sense. Being a working parent means making adjustments, compromises and sacrifices, but sandberg and the ceo of yahoo are apparently in agreement that workin workinm home should be banned in order to boost productivity. Are they sending the wrong messages to working moms . Joining us is the author of how to choose a husband and the book war on men, suzanne venker. Nice to see you this morning, suzanne. Hi. Thanks for having me. What do you make of these recent comments by sandberg . Do you agree or disagree. I disagree with them. I think sandbergs overall message is a destructive one for young women. The reason why i say that is that her message is very clear, that career when she said lean in, what shes referring to is women womens careers and ty should lean in or make it the focal point of their life until the last possible moment when they need to make a decision. Thats what she said in her ted talk. What hes referring to there about making a decision, of course, is whether or not to opt out or step back when you decide to have children. And so all of my work has been about trying to help women get what they say, what the Research Shows that they want which is a balanced life. And following sandbergs advice is not going to help them get there. Well, i mean her argument in her book, as you say, is called lean in. Its that women are stepping out too early. If they have the notion that at some day, at some point they would like to have children, theyre dialing back their careers. Theyre not shooting for the stars, theyre not putting their names in to work their way up the corporate ladder because they assume it wont be possible. Shes saying that, you know, give it all. Give it a go rather than stepping back. What do you think about that . And so i think thats a great message if you want that life, and if the Corner Office is your alultimate goal. So you have to really ask yourself what is it that you want out of life . What we know from the research is that knots what th thats non want. Women are multifacetted creatures. Part of that is our biology and how to be wives and mothers and how to marry that desire with this other desire. What im trying to do with helping women to get what they ultimately want which is both of the pieces of life, work and family, is to absolutely incorporate your choices and desires for marriage and motherhood into your career plans. My message is actually the opposite of sandbergs. Im saying when youre young, start thinking about it, start planning for it. Make decisions that will allow you 10 years down the road that will get you where you want to be. If you follow sandbergs advice, thats not going to happen. Lets put up some statistics on where women currently hold positions as it relates to the fortune 500 executive positions. Only 14 of them are women. They only occupy 17 of board seats, and you know, one of the issues and one of the controversies, of course, Marissa Mayer has suggested a no work from home option, get back to the office, she said recently, but yet she has created her own nursery in an office next to her after just having a baby. What do you make of that, hi hypocritical. Of course it is. Of course it is. Although i have to say the telecommuting decision i dont think is the worst thing in the world. There can be. Im a work at home person, so i like that. Yeah, i think that is hypocritical, but the larger messages for what sandberg is promoting is that what you just said, about the fact that there are such few women in the top positions today despite the fact that 60 of College Graduates are female. Thats whats so bother some. Thats whats so bother some to women like sandberg. They dont understand the disconnect. I understand it, and i think most of us do. Women choose to scale back and dont want that life to accommodate their desire for a family. Thats okay. It doesnt mean that were not equal. It doesnt mean that we have to change all of society so that theres 50 reception of men at home and 50 reception of women in the workplace, but thats what sandberg wants. Her vision is very big. Its a huge diversion from the way weve always really functioned as a society. I just disagree with it. Her feeling, since i just read the article last night, is that women dont necessarily want to scale back, but they assume because were women, we will have to. Were not sort of stepping up and changing the landscape. Its a fascinating topic and great debate. Wed love to hear everybodys thoughts. Suzanne, always great to have you on and get your perspective on this ageold debate for women. Thanks so much. Thanks, suzanne. Thanks for having me. More women creating their own businesses, becoming entrepreneurs and they dont have to answer to the man. They say you know what . Im having flexibility because i built the company myself. Coming up on the show, is your personality making you fat . It turns out there are specific traits, certain ones, and well see if youre on the list that cause you to pack on the pounds. Overnight we sprung forward for Daylight Saving time, as you may know. Should we do away with the tradition . Yes. Clayton and tucker have very strong feelings about this as apparently you do as well. More americans are saying its not worth it. Well debate it. Im over the hill. My body doesnt work the way it used to. Past mprime . Im a victim of a slowing metabolism . I dont think so. New great grains protein blend. Protein from Natural Ingredients like seeds and nuts. It helps support a healthy metabolism. New great grains protein blend. Its your shot of the morning, putting mouse traps on peoples ears to wake them up. This is a whole collection of rude ways to wake people up. Its in honor of Daylight Savings time. Theyre terrible. Some of my favorites are coming up. He almost gets electrocuted. Sees the dangers of this, of these pranks . Oh, my gosh. I didnt see that. I like that one. I love a bugle. I think thats a great idea. Not cruel. Do we have the one where he pushes the bed into the wall. Oh, my gosh, the collection. Why is other people suffering so hilarious . I feel like a bad person. You should. Well weigh in on our discussion about whether to get rid of Daylight Saving time. First well talk about this. Is your personality making you fat . A 50year study was just completed. This wasnt a flybynight twingtwinkie study. This was a study object whether or not certain character traits make you fat. Dr. Keith ablow said were all self medicating. Youre eating because theres an actual physical response that you get to the fat molecule and it makes you feel if you have certain knew rosies. For instance, when im studying for the show. Thats me being anxious. Feel the anxiety. Im popping things into my mouth because it is sort of soothing to be eating while youre studying and thinking. He said thats a really syndrome and part of why people are overweight. Better m ms than pills, though. I dont know. Then you could end up in the hospital later from being obese and having issues. Tucker, you are a cynical eater. What does that mean. Im not sure, but ive been diagnosed after all these years of working around the News Business as being cynical. That apparently in some way makes you fat. Im just hungry, basically. Thats kind of my problem. My problem is like if a bag of chips just shows up here or like a pastry tray like that, im just impulsive. Ill just grab that puppy and shove it in. Thats my problems. A bag of chips, cheese. I ate most of the pastries and you didnt. They were all gone. Its because you know youre impulsive, you have to keep that in check which you do very mindfully now days. Ive lost a lot of weight as a result because i have to fight that. If im hungry, dont hover near a bag of chips. Heres what dr. Keith ablow had to say about the connections. These lipid molecules, fat molecules cause many mood and anxiety traits that need evening out because theyre mood stabilizers. Santa claus, portly, the grinch, thin as a rail. You wont find mayb many serial killers who are fat other than john way ga wayne gacy. It owrn turns out that peoplt a quick insulin rush from eating carbs. People need bread or chips, that was a crutch for me, pizza, that sort of stuff. The insulin boost you get from car bow hydrates is a rush. We want to get to your headlines. Heres a fox news alert. A News Conference between defense secretary chuck hagel and afghan president karzai has been cancelled. The pentagon spokesman citing security concerns for the cancellation. The news comes as karzai is accusing the u. S. Of working with the taliban to scary afghan citizens into thinking they need our troops to stay safe. Karzai claims two deadly taliban bombings yeth werbombings yesten americas behalf to prove troops are needed past the 2014 withdrawal deadline. Brand new video from rome. The 115 cardinals were preparing to choose a new pope, spending this morning celebrating mass with their honorary parishes. Preparations are underway for tuesdays conclave. Workers installed the chimney that will release smoke. It will signal whether a new pope is elected. Tomorrow the cardinals will meet for the final general congress congregational session. In the wake of the sequester, House Budget Committee chair paul ryan is set to introduce his latest plan this week that he says will balance the budget in 10 years. Moments ago on fox news sunday, ryan said that congress owes this to the American People. The reason we do a balanced budget is not to make the numbers simply add up. It leads to a healthy, growing economy that leads to jobs. Its a means to an end. The means it to get to a growing economy and create opportunity. Im glad the Senate Agency doing a budget. Its the first time in four years. Our concern is they may never propose to balance the budget. We think thats irresponsible. Ryan says his plan takes advantage of high spending and lower revenue. It also has a few minor tweaks. Can i read some serious breaking news . Hang ten. Meet zoro, the surfin surfing p. Hes two months old. His owner started teaching him to ride the waves when he was two weeks old. How do you know . I asked him. Well get him to the size well keep him surfing until he gets to the subsidize thats unmanageable. Zorro is amazing. Hes like i fell off, ill get back on. His owner said hes a phenomenal swimmer. Hes totally radicular. How come my two and a halfyearold cant swim like that. Just put him on a suffer board. Only 37 of americans polled say Daylight Saving time and its saving time. No s. Is worth it. Thats down from 45 last year. Americans, in other words, losing faith in one of the great advancements in human history. They started around world war i. The idea was give farmers an extra day of daylight. Then it really took off in the 70s to save energy during the energy crisis. Thats when it really came into full bore. Were not using ouriti our ls late as night. More daylight at nighttime. It turns out thats garbage because indiana, remember, did not have full Daylight Saving. Like 77 of their counties did but the remaining amount did not. Yeah. So they actually got to look at the counties and research what would happen when they went full into Daylight Savings. It turns out theyre borng more electricity. Theyre burning their air conditioners more in the afternoon to keep up with the extended daylight. Take that, Tucker Carlson. Pencil si penicillin is expe, but its worth it. There are some improvements to quality of life that are worth paying for. Do you embrace the darkness or do you embrace the light . As batman, i embrace the darkness. I enjoy you admit it. My parents or my sorry, my children are now going to be up later because theyll see the daylight and say hey, we can stay up as late as we want. How do you combat that, Tucker Carlson . Let them do it. Theyre children. Daylight is a good thing. Maria molina is outside with some people. Do they like or dislike the Daylight Saving . I have to say they actually like it. Im out here. We have people from houston where its much warmer than it is in new york city. A very brisk mor morning for us. Caleb, antoine, and emily. Thanks for taking time to talk to us and tell us a bit about why you think Daylight Saving time is worth keeping. Well, i like when it stays light out longer. I think its thats what i like. That makes sense. Keep it light longer. You get to do more stuff. The more light you have, the more time you have to see stuff outside. Enjoy the outdoors. Kids can stay out a little longer. Most of the younger kids stay out during the daylight. You hear that clayton . Definitely after school they get more time. Ive known theres been several kids that its weird to go to bed with the light out, but its nice now that we have the time to play, so its good, and it makes seeing the city better, too. Yes. Yes. Thats right. And for me, it doesnt really benefit me because i have to wake up very early, so i get more nighttime in the early Morning Hours, but we do want to take a quick look at the weather across the country because while it is brisk here in new york city, its also much warmer across places like houston. 59 in san antonio right now, 54 in dallas, minneapolis on the chilly side as well, 36 for you right now. Teens in rapid city. A storm system is producing winter conditions. We have winter storm warnings in effect in iowa, in wisconsin, 49 inches 49 inches of snow expected. Blizzard warnings in effect in portions of nebraska and kansas. Low visibilities with guflts up to 40 miles an hour. Why, thank you, maria. Weve got new information on kelly osbourns seizure scare. What doctors think might be responsible. Are you already tired for losing the hour of sleep . Clayton morris cannot stay awake. Somebody hand him a teddy bear. I think the first tip is sleep with a suit on. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness . By the armful . By the barrelful . E carful . How about. By the bowlful . Campbells soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. Campbells. The people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. , and every day since, weve worked hard to keep it. Today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. Weve shared what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Bps also committed to america. We support nearly twohundredfifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Our commitment has never been stronger. Voa playground of innovation, n color, and design. Showing up where we least expect it and taking inspiration from our wildest dreams. Because bold doesnt see the world in fixtures and faucets, it reimagines. Coloring our lives in ways only bold can do. Its no wonder the world cant wait to see what bold does next. To get our adt Security System. And one really big reason the house next door. Our neighbors house was broken into. Luckily, her family wasnt there, but what if this happened here . What if our girls were home . And since we cant monitor everything 24 7, we got someone who could. Adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, adt has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. We have more monitoring centers, more of Tomorrows Technology right here today, and more value. 24 7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of Carbon Monoxide starting at just over 1 a day. And now get adt installed for just 99. Isnt your family worth aricas numberone security company, adt . Our girls got us thiin but the breakin got us lling. And after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one Security System adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just 99. And ask about adt pulse, advanced Home Management here today. Adt. Always there. Welcome back. Its 45 minutes past a later hour than you think. Heres some quick headlines. A plane had crashed into a Washington Home, killing the pilot and leaving a teen passenger in critical condition. Witnesses say the plane was sputtering and then the propeller stopped. The plane flipped over and slammed into a garage. Two teenagers inside the home were not hurt. The daughter of rocker Ozzie Osbourn might have epilepsy. The 28yearolds recent seizure may be recentled to the brain condition. Shes reportedly staying in the hospital while doctors run more tests. Over to clayton and tucker. A customer at a lakewood colorado applebees tried to use a stolen drivers license as an id. She got searched but not in the way she expected to be. It turns out that license belongs to the waitress who served her. Yeah. Thats right of her nam. Her name is brianna pretty. She joins us from denver. Thanks for losing extra, extra sleep this morning out west to get up early with us. Youre welcome. So what happened . My wallet was stolen, and two weeks later i was serving tables at apple bees and some people came in and ordered drinks and a girl handed me my own i. D. As a fake i. D. To try to buy a drink. This is remarkable. This isnt in the same town. You were out of town and you had your wallet stolen. You lost your cash your credit cards, your drivers license, and you later found out that even from your bank that your checks were being issued in your name. Yeah. It was a big ordeal. In fact, i got a phone call yesterday about checks that have been still bounced from that she had written that are still coming back. Im still dealing with. How did you keep a straight face when she handed you your own drivers license and you looked at your own face. How did you not dissolve in anger or laughter or something. I dont know. I i guess i just dealt good with the pressure situation. At first i was really confused and then really angry and then i just figured well, how am i going to keep her here . How am i going to keep her here until i can call the cops, so i handed her back i handed her back my i. D. And told her that id be right back. Did she recognize she didnt seem to notice, right, or she didnt put two and two together when she handed it to you. She didnt really get a good look at me at first when she handed me the id. After i called the cops, i had to keep them there. As i went up to the table serving them a water at first, i was asking them if they wanted to order appetizers. All the people at that table looked me in the face, so at that point i feel like it should have been some sort of a clue. Did you look like her . Did you two look alike. No. More important, did she leave a tip at the end . No. They ended up not getting anything except for water, so they didnt have to buy anything. They were all going to jail, but she one of my other tables asked me if she looked like me, and one of my other tables said absolutely not, not even a bit. So what happened to them . Are they behind lock and key right now . Whats going on . I dont know exactly the status of everything thats going on, but i do know that the girl who handed me my id, they searched her car and found my student i. D. In her car and somebody elses wallet but not my wallet, and then they found a bunch of narcotics and so she got in trouble for drugs or something. What an amazing story. The other guy that was with her had a warrant. Well, you broke up a whole criminal underground. Brianna, we thank you for waking up early with us this morning. I think you might have a future in Law Enforcement. There we go. Fantastic. Thanks. Have a great weekend. Coming up, already tired from losing that hour of sleep last night . Of course you are. Are you exhausted all the time . Next, some expert tips on how to get a better nights sleep including putting a bed on your set or not reading in bed. Wheel tell you more. Were being surrounded by men with cameras. For over 125 years weve been bringing people together. Today wed like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. Obesity. And as the nations leading Beverage Company we can play an important role. That includes continually providing more options. Giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. And offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks. It also means working with our industry to voluntarily change whats offered in schools. But beating obesity will take continued action by all of us. Based on one simple common sense fact, all calories count. And if you eat and drink more calories then you burn off youll gain weight. That goes for coca cola and Everything Else with calories. Finding a solution will take all of us. But at coca cola we know when people come together good things happen to learn more visit coke. Com comingtogether wyoming and shine, everyone, are you feeling groggy . Not you. Are you groggy after losing an hour of sleep . Were sounding the alarm because its time to clock in on some tips that will get you back on track to feeling refreshed. Sorry for all the fun. I love the fun. Joining us now, one of the best rested people in the country, dr. Carol ash, the director of sleep medicine at meridian health. Thanks for joining us. Should you sleep in wing tip shoes and a tie. Maybe if youre batman, for the rest of us, no. Daiflt savin Daylight Savings dreamed up by ben franklin and was an effort to change energy. The fact is it doesnt have that impact. Think about it for a second, tucker. If you change the clocks, you have to wake up in the dark. For most of us, that change in our schedule, just that hour, is really enough to pose Significant Health risks. We try to take indianapolis occasionally. Mid afternoon you start to feel groggy. Youre at the office, not a great place to take a nap unless you have one on the set. Should you be taking nap every day. It suggestion youre not keeping a regular schedule and the same amount. Thats the first thing you have to recognize is that sleep is important. You want to keep a regular schedule. In terms of catching up after Daylight Saving, you say today everybody listening should be taking a 20 to 40 minute nap. That will help . Thats exactly right, a. We should have adjusted our sleep by fifteen minutes a night. Its done. Its too late. 20 to 40 minute nap is a great measure to try and offset that sleep loss. Can we dim the lights in here . Thats another one of your tips. Absolutely. You want to keep it calm. Set the mood. Dark at night, light in the morning. That help sets the tone. A lot of people rely on chemicals, ambien, malt liquor. Would you recommend any of them . No. Stay away from the malt liquor, not help for. For some people, as a transient benefit you can use sleeping pills. If you stick to the right habits, it will really work. Unfortunately we have a 24 hour a day,iv, 7day a week society. Its hard to stick to the habits. 17 million americans have sleep disorders. Does exercise rev you up or make you tired. The National Sleep Foundation Sleep in america poll shows actually exercise is great any time of the day, even before you go to sleep at night. Thats contradicting advice we use to give previously. Dr. Carol ash, stick around. Maybe we can answer some more tweets. Shell answer some in our after the show, show. We want to thank tempurpedic for making us comfortable. More fox friends after the break. Its not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. Love your passat um. Listen, gary. I bought the last one. Nice try. Says right here you can get one for 199 a month. You cant believe the lamestream media, gary. Theyre all gone. Maybe ill get one. [ male announcer ] now everyones going to want one. You cant have the same car as me, gary im gettin one. Nope [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and theres no better time to get a passat. Thats the power of german engineering. 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