Promised to help. During the campaign, President Elect trump put out a list of promises. He put out his contract for American Voter and in it, very specific promises for his first 100 days. Lowering taxes and tax reform. Free and fair trade deals to protect American Workers and their jobs. Fixing our nations infrastructure and sending education back to the states and school choice. Repealing and replacing obamacare. Affordable child care, pulling a border wall, keeping community safe, rebuilding our nations military and doing what he calld draining the swamp. If he can keep those promises come of this country will be in a much better place one year from now, two years from now, four years from now. So on the eve of this inauguration, my advice for the incoming president is very simple. Dont let the washington establishment, republican establishment, democratic establishment, Media Establishment that in the way of
but i think we will get there and i think this very much is a new beginning. I think your counsel and warning is exactly right. Its impressed on him, one can see. They were at holy sites today, at our civic religion, we call it that. The tomb of the unknown soldier, Lincoln Memorial. Look, this guy comes to washington as a certain man, and liberals dont understand him. The media doesnt. A lot of American People do. Sh ive seen in him a lot of what i sound ronald reagan. He had two goals, really, destroy the evil empire. And two, restore the good sense of the American People. Sean and he did it. And he was the same man that he was when he came. I think donald trump will be the same because there is this irrefutable, irrebuttable core to the man that is not going to change. I will take a handful of theut things you mentioned. And i will be very pleased. Let me just say i dont say this bitterness. The last act that barack obama performed in office, he performed today. He commuted the sentences of drug dealers. Its time for this to end and us for us to have a new beginning. Sean the only question nowow is will he give Hillary Clintoni a pardon and as gerald ford did for crimes committed or that have may have been committed. Bill bennett, good to see you, itll be a good day tomorrow. Thank you, sean. Sean joining us now, Fox News Contributor is there any other job you need . Welcome to my town. It is my town now. Sean there were a few of us that really believed that this could happen. Can we just enjoy this veryf moment . First of all, look at this. This is where donald trump is going to be living, with his family. I cant believe sean put the itching powder in the bed, as a prank on trump. Obama would let you do that. Think about where we came from 18 months ago when you and i were talking about this movement that we had seen on the radio for years. Ov economic populism, questioning these trade deals, having borders that matter. Having immigration, but smart immigration. They look down upon those, and called them protectionists, isolationists. And trump said, i am with the people. Im going to win ohio. How many times on Election Night did we hear that . Sean think back to Election Night. People crying, there was shock. And then there was such sadness. We werent exactly thrilled eight years ago. But we bucked it up. We held the tea party. Then the midterm in 2014 we did the same thing, tried to help romney. In this case, this unlikely vessel, we had someone who had a better pulse on the americanun people than all of the elite journalists were moping around h washington in the last few days. All the elite media, the elites in hollywood. The financial community. They all look down on trump and by the same token, were looking down on the millions of people going to the rallies. Sean thats when i knew it. Al you could see it, you could feel it. I was doing all of the candidates and giving them equal time. They were never anywhere near the enthusiasm. You saw in your twitter feed. They were on fire. His verbal slipups, i think people were willing to look pasr it because they knew that heba loved america and he has the best interest. Sean i doubt youre going to do the Howard Stern Show just a couple years earlier. Not just on howard but its a controversial show. All right, the question is, i think there are a lot of pitfalls in the city. The point is, there are pitfalls. Th what you think is the biggest challenge hes going to face here . The sheer bureaucracy that bill hinted. The sheer volume of regulations that have to be gutted, the size of the bureaucracy. The career of civil service. Many of them good people but many are left wing. Burrowed into the bureaucracy
who wont want to help donald trump and his agenda. They are newbies, coming in with him. While its good to clear out the old underbrush of government, you kind of have to have a few old hands and theyre too who know where all the tangles are to avoid. I think its the size of the bureaucracy. The malcontents that are burrowed within it, and the lobbyists who are still crawlin all over the city. Pushing for the same special interests. Sean you are right. Er you really are considering a run. I know you would want to talk about it. In the commonwealth of virginia. Im your first endorsement. You are, sean, if you want to run in new york, i will support you. In florida. Sean i couldnt win the dog catcher in new york. I like you against rubio. Sean thank you for being here. Up next on this historic night, tonight on hannity. I think it is going to be
less of it agenda and more of a philosophical document. A vision of where he sees the country, the proper role of government, citizens. Sean incoming press secretary sean spicer, what the President Elect will talk about tomorrow in his inaugural address, Michelle Malkin will join us next. Later tonight. I am especially pleased, i know the President Elect is. We are wrapping up this transition on schedule and on budget. Sean Vice President elect mike pence. We will check in with anthony scaramucci. Much more, as hannity continues in our Nations Capital on the eve of the inauguration of donald trump. Is going to visit and make sure that hes tells them how much he appreciates their service to our country. The most notorious drug kingpin landed on u. S. Soil. Joachim El Chapo Guzman broke out of mexican prison twice, was extradited u. S. Tuesday to face other charges. El chapo is spending the night in a new york jail before his first appearance in a federal house in brooklyn on sunday. I am jack ibanez. Now back to hannity. It is a movement that began. , and is a Movement Like weve never seen anywhere in the world, they say. Theres never been a Movement Like b this. And it is something very, very special. Sean welcome back to hannity. That was President Elect donald trump at the make America Great again concert at the Lincoln Memorial. Earlier today during his First Official press briefing,e sean
spicer spoke about whatt President Elect trump will include in his inauguration speech. All coming up tomorrow. Watch this. On it will be a personal and sincere statement about his vision for the country. He will discuss what it means, to be an american can, the challenges that we face. Infrastructure, education, manufacturing base. I think its going to be less of an agenda and more of a philosophical document. Of where he sees the country. The proper role of government. Citizens. Sean joining me now with reaction, the host of Michelle Malkin investigates, its on crtv. Com, how are you . Im great, sean, how are youm ive been Walking Around the city all day today, its electric. I think that people need to be reminded that as many long faces
and tearyeyed hollywood celebrities and media type people there, here on the ground, people have come all over the country to yes, celebrate. Sean i love Donald Trumps answer in the interview he did with ainsley earhardt. Ce i hope people give the tickets back. The congressmen and women. This is the only time this has happened in these numbers since 1860 and 1864 with Abraham Lincoln and Southern Representatives Wouldnt Go . Yes, thats right. Shame on these empty chair democrats. They came out, cant put their partisanship aside. For this very historic moment. It tells you everything you need to know about their disingenuousness when it comes to preaching about healing and understanding and peace. Sean there is a certain majesty to all of this. When you see the peaceful
transition of power. Thereve only been 45 people, that hold that position as the president of our great country. And what an honor. And to make it the solemn event that it is, the celebration, iha think its appropriate for anybody who wins. It is in the literal sense, awesome. It is aweinducing. Especially Something Else about being on the streets of d. C. Hearing from Small Business owners. I dont know what their politics are. A lot of them dont know what mine are either. When you just see the excitement and the reinvigoration, i was reading some of these liberal media headlines. Oh, there will be healing. What is trump going to do to bring people together . Guess what, people, he won. Sean even people he has brought in, like steve harvey. He gets an invitation from theeo President Elect and gets beaten up for going to talk to him about solving the countrys
problems. As big as it is to win the presidency, thats kind of the qualifier. The hard work really begins. After all we see tomorrow, then youve got to dig your heels in and to me the biggest challenge i think donald trump faces a republican establishment, democratic establishment, Media Establishment. T. Yeah, thats right. They transcend. He will fight tooth and nail. Fighting republicans that were never for him, thrown in with Hillary Clinton rather than embracing what we are seeing now, truly a revolution. Sean look at the difference between thehe republicans. They want a 9. 7 trillion increase in debt. Rid of earmarks, some ethical issues, and then donald trump is in the paper talking the last 40
hours but a 10 reduction in spending in washington. A cut, a realsp cut. And he talked about a 20 cut in the workforce in 2 washington. Yes, a somebody who has been involved in conservative politics and media for 25 years, i have more hope than ever that we will fulfill the vision that so many of these establishment m republicans abandoned. They there are a lot of things i disagree with in they direction with what hes going with but in general, we are headed in the ruppercaseletter right direction. Sean do think its a problem if i wear jeans to the ball . It is that a problem . What you need is your cowboy boots. Sean i left them at home. Thanks for being with us, congrats on the show too. Coming up next on this busy newsnight from washington, d. C. , on hannity. I am especially pleased and i know the President Elect is a especially pleased that we are wrapping up this peaceful transition on schedule and under budget. Sean thats what americans i think want to hear a lot of in coming years. I will speak with the inauguration communications director, Boris Epshteyn and anthony scaramucci. I plus, 68 Democratic Congress men and women will be boycotting the inaugural address tomorrow. Austan goolsbee and Geraldo Rivera will debate. Tomorrow. Austan goolsbee and Geraldo Rivera will debate. I i i i i
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that he is looking to cut federal spending. 66 say they feel optimisticra about the u. S. Economy. Last year only 49 of americans felt that way. Here now with reaction, the special assistant to the President Elect, Boris Epshteyn. And anthony scaramucci. I know this may sound crazy but on time, under budget. Washington. Right . Hes the man. Hes very disciplined. Hes a most like the project
manager in chief. He lays it out and tells you what to do. Sean it was watching ao couple of things, and paul ryan said, well we will repeal it within the next year we will replace it. Trump said we will repeal and replace, republicans with earmarks coming back, 9. 7 trillion in the debt in the next ten years. Donald trump is tying about a 10 reduction in spending. Eliminating baseline budgeting. And an over bloated bureaucracy workforce. Its such an outpouring of support from across the country and is because of that. Compared to other politicians with all due respect. Now the Trump Movement is fully coming to washington, d. C. Its Uniting America behind it. Things are not good to be the same as they are. We will be playing by differenti rules. Sean anthony, you and i have talked about the economy a lot. The Success Track record you have. Isnt it pretty simple. You repatriate National Corporation money. Below are the corporate rate to 15. I dont want to overstate it but if the deal with the hill. Theres a little bit of a grind there. What i love about him is the revenue side of the equation. We have so much energy under the ground. Youre going to be a net exporter of energy. A result of which you will start to see, these longterm liabilities. Hes a disruptive entrepreneurur at the top of The Food Chain in the u. S. Government. Sean lets put these together. Repatriated trillions at 10 , low rate. 15 Corporate Tax rate. Down to four rates on the individual income tax. Sean seven to three. The point is that you have simplification which you and i
know, 76,000 pages of code, the are more on avoiding taxes than they are in making stuff. Sean took him two and a half years to see the impact of his policies. The going to be a two and half year wait . Itll be a much sorter a much shorter wait. America is open for business, sean. Hes at the top of The Food Chain letting people know that. Look at all the job announcements hes made. Look at what he has done. Carrier, gm, ford. Sprint. Then on the International Arena too. Yemen talking about the resolution as well, china. It really is acrosstheboard, such an unusual transition. On time, under budget, resurgence in manufacturing in america. Sean we have 95 million americans out of the labor force. How many can we get back to work
work . I havent done the calculation, but lets go with it about 9. 6 . If we can get that down to 7. 2 , its maybe 17 million jobs. We have a home run. We can get them reelected. Sean congratulations. This guy has done an amazing job though, by the way. Sean both of you guys have. When he calls me forh, i have to call him. Sean i never asked for anything for myself. Please, no more calls. Sean when i mentioned on the air you know how many favors i owe this guy . Thank you, boris. Sean getting him angry is not good. Thank you both. Coming up, democrats are digging in their heels. At least now 68 liberal lawmakers will not be attempting donald j. Trumps inauguration tomorrow. We will check in with Geraldo Rivera, austan goolsbeew also later tonight, Motorcycle Group. Bik