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Laura ingle is live in new york city where, thankfully, we do have power. At least for now. Reporter yes, indeed. You know, jon, this is being described as a multiday event for folks in New Hampshire, that means a lot of people arent going to be seeing power back on until sunday, and that is just no fun. Its been a miserable few days for them. It is the fourth largest power outage in New Hampshires history. According to the New Hampshire Homeland Security and emergency management, there are 127,000 without power, that is down from the initial number which was over 200,000. This, of course, meant many people had their thanksgiving meals by candlelight or with the help of a generator and had to make the best of the situation. We had our turkey in the oven for about an hour, and the power went out. All of a sudden i hear a crack, and i turn around, and i see the telephone pole go like this, and i thought it was just going to come down. Reporter and big problems, power problems in maine as well. 31,000 right now without power. That number has changed from the initial 104,000, thankfully. And the snow causing some pretty scary moments for one new york family. Did you hear about this . Two little boys buried in the snow in newburg about 60 miles north of new york city. They were trapped for several hours, the 11 and 9yearold boys had gone outside to build a fort but were accidentally buried in the snow bank by a snowplow. Searchers began frantically digging and found them cold but alive thanks to an air bubble in that snow bank. A neighbor says it was a really scary ordeal. The overall mood was like a panic mode. The mother, the father, they were scared, they were frightened. No one knew what to expect. Youve got two kids bury buried at the bottom of a snow bank in the winter, and its still snowing and freezing. Reporter those boys are said to be okay. Jon . Jon that is really lucky after a situation like that. Wow. Laura ingle, thank you. Reporter thanks. Leah thanksgiving day a travel mess for some people, some drivers couldnt handle the snowcovered roads in upstate new york. One pileup near buffalo closing a major highway. So how did it look for people who may be looking to head home today . St maria molina is in the fox extreme weather center. Reporter hi, leah, good to see you. Hello, everyone, and we still have snow lingering across portions of the northeast and across the great lakes, and some of this is lake enhanced, but we do have some snow across the boston area, as much as 2, even 4 inches of snow with Winter Weather advisories in effect. And you can see some snow coming down as well across parts of northern indiana. Were not looking at anything too significant, especially when you compare it to our noreaster from this past wednesday that dumped more than a foot of snow from West Virginia to parts of maine. So this time around just a couple of inches, if any, so be careful on the roadways. You are going to be encountering some slick spots. Otherwise farther west we do have a snow system rolling into washington state, oregon and even Northern California bringing in some rain out there, and some of that moisture hitting the rockies, and it is bringing in some areas of snow across parts of montana and also idaho. Now, those temperatures across the eastern half of the country are very cold this morning. Weve been looking at temperatures in the 30s as far south as parts of georgia and also the shrine carolinas. Atlanta, 40 degrees for your current temperature but much colder as you head further north, teens in minneapolis, 20s in chicago and clearland, you cleveland. Currently feels like the Single Digits in chicago and also in minneapolis, teens in the city of cleveland. By the way, in Southern California we did set some record high temperatures, and that was yesterday. Temperatures reaching the middle to upper 80s, that has changed. Today were looking at temperatures in the 70s out there, and by sunday youre going to be in the 60s in places like l. A. But take a look at the forecast, leah, coming up for sunday across the eastern half of the country, much better than today and thehe last several days. Youre going to be in the 60s across parts of the southeast, and in new york city we potentially could get to 50 drees. Right now the forecast is at 49. Lets head over to you. Leah sounds like Southern Californias the place to be this weekend. Thanks so much. Reporter thank you. Jon lets talk politics now. Democrats turning on each other now since their massive losses in the midterm elections, and it is getting more obvious. For example, senator Chuck Schumer taking the white house to task for its focus on health care after the financial meltdown. And president obama promising to veto a bipartisan tax plan promoted by Senate Majority leader harry reid. Lets talk about it with jamie weinstein, Senior Editor for the daily caller. Those Chuck Schumer comments first, jamie. He says that the democrats blew the opportunity that the American People gave them by focusing on the wrong problem, health care. Are other democrats feeling that way . Right. So i think were seeing two different things. Were seeing two different types of splits. One ideological and tactical differences emerge. And what we see with the Chuck Schumer comments, i think, are tactical differences. They believe the president wasted an opportunity after his election, wasted his Political Capital in pushing the Health Care Bill through congress which they say only affected a small number of people who were uninsured when they could have used their Political Capital, the white house could have used its Political Capital pushing other policies. But now after this disastrous 2014 election with the president not having another term, youre seeing democrats come out and saying say that openly, most notely as you mentioned, Chuck Schumer. Jon dont you think, though, that health care would have proved more popular if all of the things the president said about it turned out to be true . For instance, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor . Absolutely it would have turned out to have been more popular. But they knew when they passed it, as the gruber comments show, that was not going to be true. So they had to mask the Health Care Law in this wall of lies in order to get it passed. And it might have been more popular as well if president obama reached out to the other side and was able to get some republicans onboard with the bill. But this was, as you remember, straight down the line democratic vote to get this Health Care Law passed which, ultimately, which i think is Chuck Schumers criticism, poisoned the well and ruined president obamas Political Capital to push anything else through congress over the next several years of any significance. Jon and then theres this tax cut bill which is rather extraordinary, both houses have agreed on this tax cut bill, and the president is promising to veto it. Right. You have harry reid, who has been in there negotiating this bill, a lot of these provisions are basically things that have to be renewed every year. Theyre trying to give some certainty to businesses saying these tax cuts will be there permanently, and the president has said he will veto it because he wants other provisions that are not in the bill that have been stripped from it in order to get it through congress before next year when the Republican Senate takes over, and it will be a far less good bill to go to the president s desk from the democrats perspective. But the president s coming in here and saying, no way, i want it my way or the highway here. So were seeing a kind of a different split there where youre seeing the president not trying to look for bipartisanship, not trying to compromise but basically kind of asserting himself saying for these next two years, you know, im not chastened by the 2004 elections, im still going to pursue my very ideological agenda no matter what, even if we have a compromise in the senate as we do with this bill. Jon republicans have long complained this is not a president who wants to reach out to them, but even many members of his own party are saying president obama simply doesnt like to pick up the phone and get enhanced, you know, get his hands dirty doing the negotiating that it takes to get laws passed in washington. Well, he is notorious on washington not only for not reaching out to republicans, but not reaching out to democrats very well. And i think what were seeing here beyond the democratic infighting is a president who is not interested in over the next two years, even after the 2014 defeats, of reaching out to congress or republicans. We saw that with the executive order on immigration, we might see that with the iran deal where we hear reports the president is not interested in bringing any iran deal he might negotiate to the senate, so were seeing a president who is more interested in using executive action as much as possible and ignoring congressional together. Jon he is, obviously, a lame duck, not running again, hes got two years left in office. How does all of this affect whoever the democratic candidate is going to be for president in 2016 . Well, expect to see more Hillary Clinton coming out to speak out against this president trying to distance herself, maybe subtly in the beginning, but more and more that will be much more out in the open to. She was a part of this administration, part of its Foreign Policy team which is not turning out too well around the world. But she is going to have to run against this president as long as he remains as unpopular as he is. If things dont change, youre going to have to see these Democratic Candidates speak out against the president and his policies and come out with a different course because right now the barack obama brand is toxic. Jon yeah. Popularity Approval Rating at 40 or less in most polls these days. Jamie weinstein from the daily caller, thank you. Thank you. Leah police and protesters absent from the streets of ferguson, missouri, last night with a thanksgiving calm taking hold in the downtown area, allowing folks to clean up after days of violence watered the st. Louis suburb following mondays grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting. No protesters are shifting tactics to focusing on stores just in time for black friday. Garrett tenny is live with the latest, what are you seeing today . Reporter last night it was the most peaceful, quiet night that weve seen since monday. There were zero arrests, its the first night that there have been zero arrests since mondays grand jury announcement. And really that is a big step here. Officials are keeping a close eye on this though. While it is a good step, they want to wait for the weekend to see how much progress theyve really made. You can see here though, and were just about half a mile from the stretch where those violent protests took place, this looks like almost any other target parking lot in the country. Folks are out here doing their holiday shopping, but one key difference and it is a big one youll see here youve got the presence of the National Guard has added extra security here, and that is acting as a constant reminder that things arent back to normal. Protesters are boycotting black friday by going into local businesses, and they are making their voices heard like at one walmart last night. Heres what some local shoppers had to say about those protesters. It seemed like theres been a lot of security riding around, police and things like that. Im not too fearful of it. Its their right to do so, but i have also my fair right to come by here and try to provide for my family. Reporter protesters are planning to keep it up throughout the day, going to those different businesses, but moving into the weekend we will be having warmer weather, and that is Something Police will be keeping an eye on as well because over the last couple days we have had this cold spell work its way through. While it has been improving, thats something theyre going to be watching as well. But, of course, everyone does hope these demonstrations remain peaceful. Leah . Leah all right, garrett, that National Guard presence certainly seems to be able to make a difference out there. Good to see people shopping on this black friday. Jon talk a little more about the coming christmas season. The north portico of the white house, you see it all wrapped up there. The National Christmas tree, First Lady Michelle Obama set to receive it. Members of the National Christmas Tree Association have presented the official tree for almost 50 years now, since 1966. This years grower comes from carbon county, pennsylvania. The third time that farmer chris bo,tek has won the Associations Annual contest and the fourth time that one of his trees will be the starring attraction in the white House Holiday display. Then on december 4th tom hanks and his wife, rita wilson, host this years National Christmas Tree Lighting in president s park near the white house. The first family also helping to light the tree. So christmas is almost here. Leah smelling a lot like christmas in the white house. [laughter] well, a frightening morning in the capital of texas where someone opened fire on a federal courthouse and a Police Station, but when cops saw what the suspect was wearing, they called for the bomb squad. Plus, reports are now out that the Obama Administration might try to fast track the release of detainees as a way of closing the door on the Guantanamo Bay detention center. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Right now youre gonna ask for my credit card so you can charge me on the down low two weeks later look, credit karma are you talking to websites again . This website says free credit scores. Oh. Credit karma yeah, its really free. Look, you dont even have to put in your credit card information. What . credit karma. Really free credit scores. Really. Free. I could talk to you all day. Leah growing violence in egypt ahead of what are expected to be some tense antigoth protests. Antigovernment protests. At least two egyptian officers have already been killed. Were following the developments from our mideast bureau. What are you seeing out there . Reporter well, ya, were getting a lot of reports that these demonstrations are starting to get increasingly more violent. Remember, it is a fluid situation, so were really keeping an eye on whats going on really by the hour at this point. Things are getting a little more bloody. With that, let me bring you up to speed on what were seeing and hearing. As you mentioned, leah, so far at least two from the reports were getting senior military officers have been killed, possibly a third after an attack earlier today in cairo, and now were also getting reports that as many as four protesters have been killed or were killed when Security Forces opened fire during a demonstration east of cairo, also a little bit earlier today. So again, these numbers are fluid. Were keeping an eye on i want. Egyptian eye on it. Egyptian forces have been really been bracing for large scale antigovernment protests, and at this point have already arrested 107 alleged members of the band muslim brotherhood. Remember, that group was banned in egypt on suspicion of planning attacks to coincide with todays demonstrations, with todays protests. Also another group, the radical islamic salafist front, has called for a, quote muslim youth intifada or uprising. These demonstrations, remember and this is a critical point and a very serious concern for the Egyptian Military these demonstrations come about a month after a terror attack in the northern sinai killed 31 egyptian soldiers at a checkpoint very close to the border of israel and gaza. And that group, by the way, that claimed responsibility is aligned with the Islamic State or isis as we know it and has called for more attacks, leah, in egypt and also here in israel. So again, numbers are fluid, things are changing by the hour, were keeping a close eye on it. Leah all right, jon huddy from the mideast bureau, thank you. Jon a mystery sends College Football shock waves after a big ten football star vanishes without a trace just before a crucial game with a longtime rival. Plus, new york senator Chuck Schumer breaking with the white house this week, going public with a rather stunning rebuke of president obamas Health Care Law. We just talked about it. So why are is Mainstream Media seeming to give this story a pass . vo nourished. Rescued. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Youre down with crestor. Yes when diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. 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An officer standing in front of the Police Station reportedly fired back, killing the suspect. But Police Officials say the tension quickly escalated when they saw what the suspect was wearing. The officers noted that the subject was wearing some type of vest. At that point, you know, being the fact that we were dealing with possible improvised explosive devices, they backed away from the suspect, and at this point we formed a perimeter, ask we are working through that process right now. Our bomb squad is on scene, and theyre trying to ascertain the nature of the potential explosive device. Jon part of interstate 35 through downtown austin was shut down as police and the bomb squad work to clear that scene. Leah the next chapter in the ferguson case is the Justice Departments inquiry which is actually two separate investigations. In the first, federal investigators are look into whether Darren Wilson used Unreasonable Force when he shot and killed Michael Brown, in the second, the feds are trying to determine whether officers used unlawful and discriminatory practices. Eric holder admitting that federal law imposes a higher legal standard. What outcome can we expect from the departments findings . Lets bring in our legal panel, fred tecce and dianaizeman. Fred, lets start with you thanks for having me. Leah thanks for being here. You know, this criminal case that could be brought against officer wilson, federal case, you know, what are they really up against in trying to prove this . Well, in order to get charges, they have to show that he acted with open disregard or wanton disregard of Michael Browns constitutional rightings. Its a very, very difficult standards. As eric holder has admitted on a couple of occasions, although this is the same Justice Department that recently released a memo telling the president that despite the fact 26 times he said he cant grant amnesty for immigration, he can. So if they follow the law, the charges against officer wilson will not go forward against him personally. Leah diana, how do you see prosecutors going about trying to do this . I actually agree with fred. I think its going to be difficult to make any kind of a case under any circumstances. I think the facts were clear that when he initially approached Michael Brown, he told him to get out of the road, and there was a struggle that ensued. The altercation that existed between those two parties resulted in that shooting, and he was an aggressor, brown was an aggressor, and its going to be very difficult with such a High Standard to prove that wilson violated his institutional rights. Leah fred, a lot of testimony before this grand jury including from officer wilson himself. How will this play in . It shouldnt play in at all. Officer wilsons name could be used against him by the federal grand jury, but part of what youre seeing is people who want officer wilson to be charged and convicted are going to look at this process and pick out the stuff that supports their process, and other people are going to not. And thats why our burden of proof in these situations is not by 100 . Theres going to be things that go one way or the other. I think at the end of the day, charges against this Police Officer would be a flat out travesty of justice. Leah diana, lets move on to the other investigation, feds are looking into the Ferguson Police department, whether or not there was bias there. You know, the federal the d. Of justice has looked into 20 Different Police departments across the country. Whats your take on this, and what can we expect . I think its a great idea for them to look into the police department. If there statistically has been issues involving injustice and, you know, racial relations that are obviously very strained between the citizens of ferguson and the police force, i dont think its inappropriate at all for the federal government to come in and just make sure that the Police Agency that is tasked with keeping these citizens safe is doing their job. Los Angeles Police department was under a federal Consent Decree until 2013. Leah and, fred, one last question. Does the family, does Michael Browns family, do you expect them to file a lawsuit . I fully expect them to, its a wrongful death case. The burden is a much lower burden than in these criminal cases. But given the grand jurys findings and the facts of the case, i think that would be a very, very difficult civil suit for them to prevail on. Leah okay, fred, and diana, thanks so much for joining us this morning. Jon a mystery underway right now. A senior Football Player for Ohio State University has been reported missing by his family. Reportedly left his columbus, ohio, apartment wednesday, has not been heard from since. His roommates reportedly told the family he went out for a walk but never returned. He never misses practice, but the family says he missed practice wednesday and thursday ahead of ohio states game against michigan. Former osu lineman matt finks is offering a 1,000 reward to find him. Leah the Obama Administration may be trying to fast track closing of Guantanamo Bay. Now were getting word that more detainees may be shipping out soon. And the madness is underway. Leftovers in the fridge, and folks are hitting the malls for bargains. Welcome back to happening now. We are getting wordy pentagon is transferring more detainees from Guantanamo Bay cuba. A currently wall street journal report. Many believe the white house is trying to fast track to release of a terror suspect and close the prison. Chief washington correspondent reports from washington. Fox news has reported several transfers from the area are in the pipeline and mulling over what they can do to slow the process down. It was home to some 800 suspected terrorists now just over 140 remain. The Obama Administration quietly arranged 90 inmates since 2009 with the exception of the five least part of the trade, the administration is providing the required 90 days notice to lawmakers on the house and senate committee. For each inmate was transferred to a foreign country, the law requires a signature from the secretary of defensesignifying the move. Chuck hagels own exit from your administration no space make sources say the Obama White House had grown impatient deliberating longer than they had referred. Issue raised earlier this month when suspected al qaeda carrier was transferred from gitmo where he resided since 2002. They have vowed to tighten the process for such transfers making them more difficult. Concerns president obama slow but steady emptying is incurring greater risks. We have to be very careful about the release of any one of these detainees because of the potential to go back into the fight. Providing a leadership role in that fight because that is these people are. President obama softened here term of his office to close it. Wall street journal article reported an estimate for each of the detainees still there, and will cost runs as high as 3 million. James, thank you so much. Jon this week Chuck Schumer dressed down president obama for the obamacare during the depths of the recession. In a major speech said economic matters should have taken precedence. We saw virtually no coverage of his remarks on the television networks. Lets talk about it with our media panel. Bureau chief for talk radio news service, both are Fox News Contributor skid Chuck Schumer isnt just a random senator. He is the senior democratic senator from the state of new york, widely political tactician, and when he goes in front of the National Press club and says they made a mistake on obamacare, why are the Major Networks not paying attention . They are doing what they said theyre going to do. Not to be covered as it wasnt jonathan gruber. If it is good news about obamacare, that i managed to find time for in the evening news but there is a kind of a bias against bad news on this signature program. Jon why . Most people think the numbers on obamacare, the media buys the line this is a great success. 10 million americans are getting insurance who didnt have it before. This does what the president said it would do, 71 according to the gallup poll said they were happy with the coverage they were getting, larger than the ordinary population. I found Chuck Schumers decision to go out much more related to Democratic Party politics than i did anything having to do with obamacare. Jon some of those statistics could be quibbled with but lets talk about the news coverage. If you are running one of the networks and Chuck Schumer says we spent too much time focusing on obamacare, do you put that in your newscast . I think it is extraordinary it came out. I happen to agree with that, but it is irrelevant. The big networks should have covered this, it was a big news story and it is true when there is some divide in the republican party, the News Networks do not hesitate to carry it, but they should have because there is a divide in the Democratic Party. Jon suggest president obama is going to have a rocky last couple of years at least within democratic policies. Chuck schumer was very close to president obama and many of his policies. Now distancing himself from the president president s signature. 2016 is well underway. Jon think where we were in 2008. People getting laid off left and right but Unemployment Rate was through the roof and the president spent the first two years of his term focusing on blowing up the Nations Health care system. I wish the news would have focus on the fact there were the only westernized country that did not have some sort of compounds of health care, it did affect our economy and that is what i think the president could have been more vocal talking with how health care will affect our competitiveness as a nation and the news media didnt pick up on that either. That is where i am from. He made all kind of promises but turned out not to be true. His rollout was a disaster. People like jonathan gruber. The American People dont believe him on this program at least a lot of americans dont and i think that is what you are seeing in Chuck Schumer running away from him. Jon who going to be able to keep our doctor if they want to do. I turned out not to be the case. That has been blown out of the water. Theres not a lot about the way this program was sold that has turned out to be true. There needs to be an investigation into how the health care is delivered in this united states. I am talking about malpractice costs. There should be a caps on malpractice costs. There hasnt been a good investigation wider are so many increasing cost in health care. Jon and yet when Chuck Schumer who knows the issues and is a wily politician comes out and says we made a mistake here. Normally Chuck Schumer would be with obama now he seems to be aligning himself with the Elizabeth Warren fraction of the party that says this is totally e wrong way to go. We need to do more for the working poor, more to do with wages and minimum wage, creating jobs. Jon he is thought to have an aspiration to be the first jewish president. I dont see that. Jon you dont . But what i do is some discussion of the Democratic Party, why did we lose and a lot of that is because they say the message to not reach the people. Chuck schumer a joke about him, very able of a tactician is between him and a camera. All of a sudden to have the Major Networks not cover him when his criticizing the president , that is news. Jon in front of a National Press club i might add. Thank you both. The discussion. Black friday as well underway with shoppers making a mad dash for the best deals. What they are doing this year to compete for your hardearned holiday cash, plus a major crisis for former rockstar creed front man, why police have placed him on a psychiatric hold, we have the fox 411. Aho pk is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Toasty or frosty . Exactly the way you want it. Until boom, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. Enter the sleep number bed. Dont miss the ultimate sleep number week going on now. Hes the softy. His sleep number setting is 35. Youre the rock, at 60. Silent night not so silent . Elk bellow sleep numbers even got an adjustment for that. Give the gift of amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. This week only, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Know better sleep with sleep number. Jon lets find out what is coming up on outnumbered at the top of the hour. What do you have . As folks are hitting mall today, they might see something the white house wants added to their shopping list. Obamacare, but will b the shopps be buying them . And despite sleeping victories at the polls, whit why does it k like republicans are not swinging back at the president on immigration . A big event to keep track of in the next couple of days. If you want to land for the clinton for a speech, why it will cost you more than her standard 300,000 fee. The new details i could get her trouble if she runs in 2016. And wearing those high heels . They dont just make you look hot, there is a big possible benefit to your health. All that plus hashtag one lucky guy on outnumbered. Jon heels for health . You should try it, jon. Jon no. We will see you at the top of the hour. It is black friday. Many began the mad scramble for bargains as early as yesterday afternoon. Of course some were more polite than others with the occasional scuffle breaking out. Peter doocy in springfield with more. It is really interesting to see the kind of things shoppers are interested in on this black friday. Sears and walmart according to reports, and walmart pass a law a few moments ago, top five categories overnight, tablet, tv, childrens apparel and video gaming and. Disney snowblower is a top selling toy and expected that all along. The Big Box Stores overnight with stampedes of shoppers breaking down the doors, but malls like what we are at today have steadier crowds and this is why. It is the tortoise and the hair again. We are here for the long haul, not just 20 minutes deals, great value throughout the day. The customers are here with a multitude of choices not just one store. Black friday Sales Forecast calls for 13. 1 billion in sales up from last year 12. 9 billion the projection for the whole weekend 36. 7 billion almost 2 higher than last year. It is still early in the day if you are still on the fence whether or not you want to brave the crowds, have one final figure to share, 39 , the average discount across all retailers this black friday. Jon im still try to figure out the sheets. I can see waiting to get a flatscreen tv or something but sheets . That is the third thing. Pick me up some sheets while you are at the mall, would you. I have got all day. Appreciated, thanks. Big problems after placing the front ma and i psychiatric hold. Joining us now with the fox 411. It is not looking good. He has been placed on 72 hours psychiatric hold following bizarre behavior. Acting delusional and paranoid and believes bad guys are after him. Filed for divorce last month asked for full custody of the two children and said he hears voices in his head and worried kids will get attacked by isis. A Police Report obtained by tmz detailed his condition which say cops took him into custody saying november 13 they found him on the side of the road and he appeared wasted, incoherent and rambling as if somebody was trying to poison him. The ways described divorce papers being out of whack claiming the drug use has made him a poin paranoid shell. Also says he has visions of people on fire. He blames the hallucinations on abuse of drugs including steroids, marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth among others. The front man a not always been out on drugs, he is apparently broke. On wednesday he posted desperate rambling video on the facebook pages say he sometimes is homeless and goes without food. Claims he started two months ago after an audit that showed money was stolen from him. Write right now im under soe vicious attack. I still havent figured out the reasons why people have taken advantage and stolen money from me and they are trying to discredit me, slander me. His wife is trying to convince in his sick and is broke because it was money on drugs. Apparently he had written a note and left it at the school that isis was going to attack and left with the dean of the school. Thank you. Jon so what kind of deals are out there for shoppers giving up the Holiday Season . May be a need some. The black friday bargains and what else we can expect as stores compete for holiday dollars. And talk about decking the halls, they managed to smash the Guinness World record for most christmas lights. We will tell you how massive this display really is. Unbelievable. 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Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. So it is the day bargain hunters have been waiting for. Like friday. With traditional start to the Holiday Season retching into thanksgiving, what kind of deals can shoppers expect . Senior editor of retail me not. Com. So, do we really have to go out and try to get some of these deals . Yes and no. Love the bigger door buster deals are only in store, but looking at all the deals across the board i am seeing lot of them available in both places. You can shop in a way that works best for you for the most part. Where your favorites . The many ipad on sale, it is exciting to see that. Macbook air, those are things to definitely jump on. Seeing a lot of apparel deals solely her Favorite Clothing retailers, they are offering 4050 off. Jon how much can be will save by getting out today quick mark 4070 off in some cases. This Party Decides i get a deal now or wait. If you see something you should jump on it today especially if you made the trek out to the store and are bearing the crowds. A lot of decided to open on thanksgiving days of waiting to black friday, are we seeing the bang we normally do quick mark it is just a little bit different now. It is a spreading into thanksgiving evening. Lot of deals when its the weekend as well be it i suspected to be five days of savings from things giving all the way through cyber monday and shoppers can shop in store, online, whatever they prefer. Jon i want to pick the things on my computer and order them, can we just do that . Surprisingly a lot of people have to work cyber monday. People will be shopping for four hours at work. Jon you said there is a strategy how to go and do the shopping. Tell us some tips. Black friday requires some strategy just because limited store hours, limited time, certain lines of certain stores sell retail not. Com black friday cage has all the strongest deals in one place. I think it is a good place to go and your favorite retailers, follow them on social media and keep a list, stick to it. You will not go over budget as much. We will try to stay sane this Holiday Season. Thank you so much for joining us he had thank you for having me. Jon just one dad putting together this dazzling lights display. In time for the holidays, where you can find the Largest Christmas display of its kind ever. Ever. Is a really big deal. U with aches, fever and chills theres no such thing as a little flu. So why treat it like its a little cold . Theres something that works differently than overthecounter remedies. Prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. So call your doctor right away. Tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. So dont wait. Attack the flu virus at its source. Ask your doctor about tamiflu. Prescription for flu. Jon a sparkling new christmas record what you have to go to australia to see it. Hey dad put together this massive lights display. Breaking the previous world record for the led display ever. Very cool. Good to have you in today. Have a wonderful weekend. Jon outnumbered starts right now. This is outnumbered. I am andrea tantaros. Here with us, dagen mcdowell, todays hashtag one lucky guy, dr. David. He is here and he is outnumbered. Welcome, doctor. To be around all of these beautiful women. Was feeling a little dizzy, could have used some jumper cables

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