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The American Public needs to see this because we need to know was an entire investigation of a president based on an accusation from a Campaign Opposition research . If thats what were basing an investigation on and people are talking about on the democrat side trying to topple a president over a campaign research, thats a big problem. Even james comey weighing in the former f. B. I. Director tweeting the following. American history shows that in the long run weasels and liars never hold the field so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for joe mccarthy. John roberts is live at the white house with the latest. John, there are a lot of opinions out there about what should happen with this memo. No shortage of opinions in washington the charm of this place. Were waiting to hear whether the memo and accompanying letter that states the president has no objection to the declassification of this memo will be transmitted to the Intelligence Committee. Sources have said they have not received it. It will likely be headed their way in a little while. The president has been silent about this all week with the exception of the open mic moment saying 100 he wants to release that memo. The president now with the release of the memo being imminent weighing in full throated on twitter saying the top leadership and investigators of the f. B. I. And Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of democrats and against republicans. Something which would have been unthinkable a short time ago. Rank and file are great people. The ranking democrat on the House Intelligence Committee accuses the Republican Party and the white house of playing politics. Releasing the memo simply to discredit the russia investigation and tarnish the reputation of the f. B. I. Republicans in congress and the white house insisting no, this is about revealing bad actors and not attacking the f. B. I. Listen here. Wants to release. This is designed to impugn the credibility of the f. B. I. , to undermine the investigation, to give the president additional fodder to attack the investigation. The president has stated many times that he respects the rank and file of the f. B. I. The 25,000 men and women who do a great job there. This particular investigation has taken a lot of twists and turns and it has led us to a few bad actors who had direct responsibility for an investigation about his political opponent and who are obviously biased against him. Kellyanne conway speaking to us from West Virginia where the president laid down the gauntlet to the democrats on the deferred action for Childhood Arrivals Program and immigration reform. He tried to push ahead for a fix for daca, enhancing security and ending visa lottery programs saying the democrats face a stark choice. Listen. President trump the democrats choose to filibuster a framework that includes a generous path to citizenship or something that is not fair, we are not going to approve it. We are not going to approve it. Well either have something that is fair and equitable and good and secure or we will have nothing at all. That same speech the president accusing democrats of doing nothing to move the ball down the field on daca and that they better get with it because that deadline is looming march 5. Im told by white house official else there will be no agreement in daca on place by the time the government is scheduled to again run out of money. That will be on the 8th of february next thursday. But that they should have legislation on the president S Immigration proposal shortly after that. Then it will be a race that got literally just a little more than a month right now to get this done before those daca protections expire. John roberts. Thank you very much. Jon meantime the speaker of the house paul ryan discussing the memo yesterday. Listen. What this is not is an indictment on our institutions, of our justice system. This memo is not an indictment of the f. B. I. , of the department of justice. It does not impugn the Mueller Investigation or the Deputy Attorney general. Jon for more on this the chief editor for dow jones news wires. Lets cut through some of the chatter about this. Republicans have been anticipating this, democrats are blasting the release of this memo. What do you think is the central issue here . Getting lost in all of the Politics Around this is that there is an issue. There is a question about whether authorization to spy on american citizens was done the right way. Thats a very grave responsibility that is given to the f. B. I. When it wants to take a look at issues related to domestic investigations that they are doing. It shouldnt be taken lightly. Jon it is not supposed to be easy to spy on americans is what you are saying. Thats right. There is a specific process. Evidence and documents that should be based on the f. B. I. s own investigations. Were told it is pretty unusual for the f. B. I. To use outside Research Like this Opposition Research that has been discussed here that is at the core of all of this memo to justify getting the authorization to spy on an american citizen. Jon it gets back to the trump dossier compiled in part by fusion gps and paid for in part by Hillary Clintons campaign and the Democratic National committee. Exactly right. Thats at the core of this. Is that the correct kind of documentation on which to base the authorization for domestic espionage . The wall street journal has reported that was not all presented as evidence in order to justify this domestic surveillance. Jon what about there are some at the white house who have said that this thing is kind of being oversold. Americans might read it and shrug their shoulders and say so what . Thats exactly a possibility in all of this. Ive heard many republicans also are calling for the underlying documentation to be brought forward, not just this memo. As you know, some of the f. B. I. Are concerned that the memo takes things out of context. It should be clear this is a republican memo and there is a democrat memo that some are calling to be released as well. The question is the underlying documents, what do they show in terms of whether the process to authorize domestic surveillance was done properly or not. Jon democrats are saying republicans have cherry picked the f. B. I. Files to release this memo. What about the notion of releasing the democrats counterpart . Should that memo come out as well . It seems the American People should have a right to understand whether this very serious responsibility for domestic surveillance was done correctly. At this point there has been so much discussion without evidence and actual underlying documentation it is hard for anybody to know whether this is being handled appropriately. I think there will be a need for more transparency as a result of all this. Jon it comes back to the fact that the Republicanled Congress just passed the fisa 702 bill. There was renewal of the fisa legislation before this very controversial fisa information is being released to the public. Yes. Underlying all of this it should be made clear it is congresss responsibility to have oversight about how fisa operates and how these programs are conducted. So if democrats and republicans would take that responsibility together that would be an appropriate response, i think. Jon i want to read a quote from kimberly the white house looks set to release the house memo an government surveillance abuses, the attacks on the documents by democrats, f. B. I. And media will get wilder. The memo needs to provide a few facts for the country to understand if there was abuse. The rest is noise. It represents the view that i think Many Americans also share. Which is lets get to the bottom of the underlying issues and not get focused on the Politics Around this. Did the domestic surveillance get authorized appropriately or not . I think thats the central question here. Jon glen hall from dow jones news wires. Thank you for coming in this morning. Republicans huddle at their annual retreat to get on the same page with the president s agenda. Will they find Common Ground on immigration . Congressman greg walden of oregon will join us next to discuss. The jobs report out for january. How did the economy do . Well tell you. Jon the numbers are in for january and the u. S. Economy exceeded expectations. Employers added 200,000 jobs last month. Analysts predicted about 180,000. Hourly earnings rose 2. 9 . The biggest gain since the recession ended. The Unemployment Rate stayed at 4. 1 for the fourth straight month. The lowest level since the year 2000. All that good news not helping wall street. The dow is down more than 270 points right now. Well continue to keep an eye on that throughout the morning. Julie President Trump meantime trying to rally republicans behind hiS Immigration plan during the annual gop retreat. Deep divisions remain over parts of the president s proposal with the clock ticking toward a deadline for the dreamers march 5. Joining me now is congressman greg walden. The chairman of the house energy and commerce committee. Thank you for talking to us. The president has put on the table a compromise, another compromise to try to reach across the aisle. And basically what it does, it awards millions of Daca Recipients legal status. Why did democrats reject it so quickly . They have trouble taking yes for an answer. The president has reached out his hand. We need to fix the broken immigration system, protect our borders and take care of these young adults brought here no fault of their own as little kids. Probably known no other country. We can do that if they work with us. The president has an offer on the table. I hope they dont want it just as a political issue. This is important in the lives of many people in this country and we need to protect our borders, secure them better and take care of the dreamers. Julie the proposal comes at a price. There are republicans, not just democrats, have that issue with some of the details in here. What would you say to your republican colleagues who dont necessarily agree with every element in the proposal . First of all when the senate sent us a proposal it was 40 billion. A lot of senators in both parts voted for that. What do we really need . It is our responsibility to get transparency and accountability in how any federal dollars are spent. We can protect the borders with a wall, new technology and whatever it takes. We can do that to make sure our Border Patrol agents have what they need to keep themselves and our country secure. I wouldnt get hung up on the exact dollar amount. Lets fix the broken immigration system and take care of these kids and protect our borders. It can be done. Julie purdue thinks the proposal hit a sweet spot. He said the president is willing to go well past what the democrats were asking for on daca. How do republicans work toward a solution if the democrats continue to block a deal and will there be compromise . We tried to do that with the Childrens Health insurance program. The democrats blocked that. They delayed that. Then we eventually passed it. You know, we will move forward because thats what the American People want us to do. We would rather have them at our side. No reason this would be partisan. Lets Work Together and get this done. We can do this but we arent going to stand around and just be dragged around and delayed. We arent going to go through another schumer shutdown. That accomplished nothing but disen enfranchised our federal workforce. Lets be adults and get it done. Julie youre talking about washington, lets be adults. I like the optimism. I want to talk about this memo. Were expecting potentially for it to be released any minute now. A lot of people complain about transparency. So then why not release the memo . That is a transparent thing they can do in this scenario. Why argue against it . Why would the f. B. I. Not want it . Its not engulfing the retreat. Ive been at the retreat on the other side from where the press is all weekend. This has been a very minor topic. Most of us have read it and we know whats there. I dont think we should overblow whats there. I cant talk about the specifics because i read it in a classified setting. It should be released. Its one piece of a much larger mosaic of what went on. The public should see that. I believe in transparency and accountability in government. As long as there arent any intelligence we want to protect sources but otherwise they can redact that stuff and people get the essence of the memo. I found it troubling. I think it should be released. Julie there were some minor changes to it why not release both versions . Bottom line, when you dont release something it raises speculation and if youve been watching Media Coverage there has been a lot of speculation. Lets start out by saying unless you have classified status you probably havent seen the memo. And from what im told by the chairman of the Intelligence Community they were minor technical changes and done in concert with the f. B. I. And Justice Department. I think there is no there there. The democrats want to drag it out and not make it available. Im for more transparency in government, i guess theyre not. People should read it carefully in the context of Everything Else and make decisions. It is troubling. Julie congressman greg walden. Great to see you. Thank you so much. Good to be with you. Jon hollywood stars life cut short. Are police closer to discovering the death of nataliewood 30 years after she drowned off the coast of Southern California . Massive crowds expected in minneapolis for the super bowl. What authorities are doing to keep everyone safe. We can guarantee folks that come will have a great day, a good time. A good game. And certainly what youve seen here today is all that were doing to make sure that happens. Tries to get in my way . S watch me. Ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. Think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx®. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. 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But a unitedhealthcare dual complete plan can add even more benefits and features compared to original medicare. You could have lots of doctors and hospitals to choose from, Prescription Drug coverage, dental and vision coverage too. All at no additional cost to you. To learn more, a licensed agent can visit your home and take you through everything, step by step. You have medicare. You have medicaid. So call now to see if youre eligible or to enroll in a dual complete plan from unitedhealthcare. Jon new developments to tell you about in the 1981 drowning of Actress Natalie wood. Los angeles investigators tell cbs theyre looking at woods thenhusband actor Robert Wagner as a person of interest. The actress drowned during a yachting trip off the coast of Southern California. Police are telling fox news the case is a suspicious Death Investigation and new witness statements with a new sequence of events that took place on the boat. Officials ruled her death an accident but reopened the case in 2011. We have other contingency plans about what we would do if this happens and that may not address every possible scenario but those can be changed instantly if there is a need to react to a mass casualty type event or terrorismtype event so we have the resources in place so we can do what we do well if we need to do it. Julie Law Enforcement beefing up security ahead of the super bowl on sunday. Minneapolis has tons of events and a Million People expected downtown. That includes Rick Leventhal from the mall of america in bloomington. The mall is serving as headquarters for both teams and the media. Thousands of fans are coming to get a close look at some of the live broadcasts and interviews with current and former players, coaches and celebrities and 15,000 fans will be prescreened on super bowl sunday. The first time the nfl will offer security screening fully indoors because the weather outside is so brutal. Fans can park at the mall. Get their bags checked and board light rail trains for a direct ride to u. S. Bank stadium and walk 30 feet into the venue which is indoors. Considering it was 7 below zero this morning and could be as cold or colder on game day. Many of the thousands of security personnel including local and state police and federal agents and National Guard will have to work outside so thats a concern. So is the variety of threats that authorities are preparing for. We spoke about that with the Minneapolis Police chief. As chief, i certainly review and look at the tragedies that have occurred over the past year or so, las vegas probably being the most memorable of recent memory. We continue to learn from that and tweak our plans. This will be the largest deployment of Law Enforcement for a single event in the history of this state and also no doubt be the coldest super bowl ever on record. Julie all right, Rick Leventhal. Thank you so much. Stay warm, i guess. Jon President Trump escalating his battle with the Mainstream Media. What he says about reaction to his state of the union address. And police giving an update on yesterdays School Shooting in los angeles. What theyre saying about the suspect as parents wonder how a gun got into a middle school classroom. A 12yearold, yes, with a gun, wow. Thats something. What about the parents . What about locking down that gun . Julie welcome back. Were getting an update on yesterdays shooting at a los angeles middle school. Police taking a 12yearold girl into custody on suspicion of firing the gun that injured two of her classmates. Authorities say they believe the shooting was unintentional. William la jeunesse has the latest from los angeles. There are conflicting stories of exactly what happened. This 12yearold allegedly told friends the gun was inside her pack back and accidentally fired and also reportedly said she thought the gun was a toy. Witnesses say she sobbed afterwards saying i didnt mean it. Then asked a classmate to hide the firearm and he refused. We dont know where or how she obtained the gun since her father told police the family doesnt own one. Yet yesterday morning two 15yearold students were shot at the middle school. One in the head, one in the wrist. There was a pop, didnt sound like a gun but it was. I saw a student was bleeding. And the blood was going all over the floor. Police arrested the 12yearold girl. Her grandmother claims she was bullied at school but students believe the shooting was an accident. It was an accident because they thought it was a toy gun. Okay. But then they shot. Doctors expect both children to fully recover. Three others were treated for wounds caused by flying glass. The 14th School Shooting this year compared to 65 last year. Police will run the weapon for a serial number. The owner could face charges for failing to secure it. She is in Juvenile Hall on charges of negligently discharging a firearm. Julie thank you. Jon a fox news alert and that controversial memo from House Republicans about abuses of the fisa law is in the pipeline we understand. John roberts chief White House Correspondent tells us it is being transmitted from the white house back to the House Select Committee on intelligence with no redactions. The way this works the house of representatives, the committee i should say put this thing together, sent it to the president for his review to see whether there were any classified bits of information in there that should be removed or redacted. President trump decided on no redactions. He sends the committee back the memo essentially with his blessing and the committee then decides to release it. So we understand that the memo is in the pipeline being sent from the white house back to the committee. What form they are doing so we do not know at this point. It should be momentarily, i would think, that memo, that controversial memo ultimately does see he the light of day. Well certainly bring it to you the moment it does. In the meantime President Trump is firing back at the Mainstream Media after mixed reviews for his state of the union address. Mr. Trump gave the press the boot five minutes into his speech at the republican winter retreat. President trump we just had did anybody not see the state of the union . Even the haters back there gave us good reviews on that one. Hard for them. They came up with some fake polls. They had fake polls. The fake polls were even good. And they said what are we going to do . Took them a couple of hours before they went negative. They got calls from the bosses. You cant say that about trump. Jon joining us now our media panel judy kurtz columnist for the hill. Vince is editorial director for the daily caller and host of mornings on the mall. Judy, to you first. Sometimes the president surprises the media by letting them stay in meetings, important meetings like that big daca thing he had with republicans and democrats at the white house a month or so ago. This time he kicked them out. What is going on . He is full of surprises as you know. File this one under trump trolling the media 101. Listen, President Trump doesnt really believe that the Network Bosses called up their anchors and told them what to say. He is disappointed in the coverage and that it maybe wasnt more effusive and didnt last as long as he might have liked. He is needling the media with a little embellishment but picking at them after his state of the union. Jon he did get some positive coverage. Probably more than he gets on some of these issues. It didnt take the Network Bosses calling the press in order to give a dour impression. On abc, gloomy, divisive, sad. Elsewhere he was getting applauded. In the leadup to the state of the union speech if you checked twitter, i recommend you dont. Reporters were talking about dont call it president ial. Dont say it. Very few people used the phrase. They are cow one poll had the president at a 75 Approval Rating that people who watched the speech and half of democrats. A big sign he succeeded this week. Jon a lot of media analysis over his year in office and before he took office, judy, that suggest that he does not get a fair shake from the press. So why doesnt he accept the half a loaf that he got this week and say yeah, some of them were pretty nice to me. Studies have shown the majority of coverage of President Trump has been overwhelmingly negative. He does have a bone to pick there. If its not effusive praise for President Trump it is not praise to him. I think he is taking a line from the great shakespeare of our time, taylor swift in this case saying listen, haters going to hate, hate, hate. Jon well put that one to music. Vince, you know, there has been some reasonably good news for the president this week and if you look at the Opposition Party democrats have had a basket full of bad news this week. It would seem like the president would want to make more hay out of all that. He should be walking with a bounce in his step and when you see him address republicans in congress and the rnc meeting he seems more jubilant. One reason is the success of the state of the union speech. The other is the positive case he has to make in 2018. The economy is doing very well. Thats the big piece of legislation they passed last year regarding tax reform and resulted in a bunch of businesses deciding to increase not only their investment but the pay of people in the United States including a couple of businesses who wouldnt normally side with donald trump. Starbucks, apple, a couple others who have given him credit for the tax reform package. He has a positive case to make. The democrats are looking for a foothold. They dont know how to run against trump other than to attack him personally. Looking for a policy reason theyre searching. Jon those people who have received a february paycheck are already starting to see the results of those tax cuts. They are. That is as vince mentioned something he should be touting going forward. And, you know, maybe get over the coverage of the state of the union, move on to other things that he could get even more praise for. Jon he is a numbers guy. He is a numbers guy and why it was odd he was touting fake polls. When you have a poll that shows you did well dont say it was fake. Its the real deal. Jon general public in numbers far greater than this president is accustomed to seeing people liked what they saw. Encourage him and tell him he did great. They dont want him to be better. Everything is cast trump stinks, lets figure out a way to report it in that way. State of the union was a good way to get visibility on the way the press views all these things. An opportunity to attack him is one that they will seize even if one isnt there. Jon media not likely to get too many pats on the head from this president. Thank you both. Julie the march deadline on daca is approaching fast and be here before you know it. Democrats are mia on negotiations for the dreamers. What are the chances for the deal . Our Political Panel will weigh in next. A Yoga Instructor accused of murdering her twin sister by driving off a cliff in hawaii. A very emotional ordeal for her. You cant imagine losing your twin sister in that kind of a tragic, catastrophic accident and then be charged with the murder of your sister, which you didnt do. When i received the diagnosis, i knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors that Work Together. When a patient comes to ctca, theyre meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. 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Defense maintains the crash was an accident. We are very pleased with the acquittal, the not guilty verdict. It has been a long ordeal for my client. She is very relieved. The judge obviously considered the facts very carefully and i think the judge correctly picked up on the fact that the death was not caused by my client. It was her sister that caused the death by interfering with her driving to the point of pulling her hair. Jon the prosecution expressing disappointment arguing the evidence showed reckless behavior at the very least. Julie President Trump accusing democrats of dragging their feet on daca after the administration laid out a proposal extending a path to citizenship to nearly 2 million undocumented immigrants in exchange for a border wall and funding, 25 billion in all. Also cuts to legal immigration. They arent calling the white house to negotiate a different plan. President trump our immigration situation, i think it has a chance. You know, the democrats are a wol, they are missing in action, were saying where are they . We have a proposal. We never hear from them. I dont think they want to solve the daca problem. I think they want to talk about it. I think they want to obstruct. The name is resist. Thats the name of their movement. Resist. Thats all they do is resist. Julie lets bring in our panel. Jessica is a democratic stageist ed is a speech writer. Thank you for talking to us. Jessica, i want you to address his comments on democrats. They dont want to solve the daca problem. What do you say about it . I would say its a very unfair analysis to make of the democrats. The Democratic Party in our Congressional Democrats julie we have breaking news. Keep going. Were waiting for the memo. Any second now well get it. All im saying is the democrats have been the ones pushing for a solution for the dreamers, for our Daca Recipients. Republican party hasnt been easy to work with. Not just democrats throwing up opposition to the plans laid out somewhat. Republicans have been doing so. Julie all right. We apologize. Weve been waiting for this muchanticipated and controversial memo. We have more information on that now. Jon lets go to Catherine Herridge in washington thank you, jon. Fox news can confirm the fourpage memo has been declassified. A letter was sent this morning from the white house. Based on intelligence we can report the memo states that a highranking Law Enforcement official told the House Intelligence Committee in a closed door session the bureau would not have pertained a surveillance warrant without the controversial dossier funded by the dnc and Clinton Campaign. The f. B. I. And Justice Department for the fisa court used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier compiled by the Opposition Research firm fusion gps. Whats key here is that fox has previously reported based on British Court records that former british spy Christopher Steele briefed six American Media outlets on the dossier and allegations against then candidate trump. It appears it was reporting. After steeles contact was cut off with the bureau the fourpaim memo states that steele and fusion gps continued to pass information to the f. B. I. Through the Justice Department official bruce ohr who was recently demoted over his contacts with fusion gps and steele. His wife worked for fusion gps and on the Trump Research as early as may 2016. That connection was revealed through banking records sought by the same committee and told there is evidence that steele had a personal an mouse against then candidate trump. Those are the main highlights. The key thing for viewers this morning is that the memo has now been declassified and that letter, that certification has been sent by the white house to capitol hill, john. Jon we want to bring this to a wider viewership so stand by there if you would. We are going to continue to cover the release of this fisa memo. It is a document compiled by republicans on the House Committee on intelligence. Democrats have their problems with what is being talked about in this memo but we are about to get the first indications. We are going to pause now for one moment to let our fox stations join us. So the fisa memo that has been talked about so much in washington for the better part of a month now is about to hit the public eye. This is fox News Coverage of the controversial release of that fisa memo. The House Intelligence Committee has now declassified the memo containing details on alleged surveillance abuse. Im jon scott in new york. Catherine herridge is our chief intelligence correspondent and has some inkling of what this memo contains and it really starts with that fusion gps dossier that was compiled by then candidate donald trump, kathryn. Fox news confirms the fourpage memo has been declassified and notification or certification came in a letter from the white house. That means these documents will now be available publicly for every american to read. We understand based on our reporting that there are some key findings in this memo and one has to do with this antitrump dossier and how it was used to obtain surveillance warrants or warrant during the 2016 campaign. We understand that a very senior Law Enforcement official at the f. B. I. Sought a surveillance warrant and told the committee, the House Intelligence Committee it would not have been possible without the use of this dossier. Thats important because the dossier was funded by the Clinton Campaign as well as the dnc. We also understand based on our reporting this morning that this kind of information about the sourcing and financing of the dossier was not shared with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that provides the ability of Law Enforcement to track the communications of american citizens. We also understand the f. B. I. And department of justice relied in part on media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier and the issue there is that the firm behind the dossier had been briefing reporter, a half dozen American Media outlets about the dossier. It appears there was circular reporting in this case. We also understand based on the information weve gathered that once the british spys contact was cut off with the f. B. I. Over his connections with media and other reporters, he continued to funnel information into the f. B. I. Through a Justice Department contact bruce orr. Bruce orr has been demoted when the revelations came tonight and his wife also worked for the same Opposition Research firm. Were also understanding that there is information in the memo that indicates that the british spy who compiled the research had for a lack of a better term, a severe dislike, an agenda against thencandidate trump and was working in part to make sure he would not be elected president of the United States. So the bottom line we can say from our reporting this morning is that the memo has been declassified, the Key Highlights relate to the use of this trump dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant. At least one warrant from this National Security court. And that the National Security court didnt have the full picture about sources, methods, and who was financing the dossier. Now just for some context democrats have said that they feel the fourpage memo is not accurate and its findings are exaggerated because key facts are missing. So it will be important to see what the democratic response is and to what extent it undercuts the claims that are in the memo, jon. Jon from what you are telling us, the indications from this memo are that the surveillance would not have been approved of the Trump Campaign or members of the Trump Campaign absent this dossier that was prepared by fusion gps and paid for by the Democratic National committee and the Clinton Campaign. One of the question marks for investigators is at what point the f. B. I. And Justice Department made that connection between the dossier and the dnc and the Clinton Campaign and based on my reporting, no one has been able to give them a firm answer on when that was known to them. That would be the data point at which they should have shared this information with the National Security court that is in charge of getting warrants for surveillance. But that is one of the big headlines that absent the dossier they would not have obtained at least one of the surveillance warrants in this case. Jon fusion gps is headed by Glenn Simpson, a former wall street journal reporter. You are saying that fusion gps was trying to get this dossier published by major American News outlets. He was meeting with reporters and saying here, i have this great stuff. You should publish it. So there is a defamation suit going on in the British Courts that has to do with the publication of the dossier by buzz feed. A number of russian businessmen are suing, among others, because of the allegations contained in the dossier they say are false and libeled them. What weve learned through the British Court records in the months leading up to the president ial election from about september on wards there was a Concerted Campaign by fusion gps along with the british spy Christopher Steele to brief the findings of the dossier with major American Media outlets. The outlets did not run with the story prior to the election. There was one or two pieces of reporting that this intelligence or that this report the dossier may exist but what was going on here is that you had a situation where the f. B. I. And Justice Department, based on what weve learned so far, was using media reports to lend credibility to the dossier when they applied for these surveillance warrants but at the same time it was circular reporting if you will. These same group behind the dossier was briefing reporters and some of these stories were getting used to help lend credibility to the dossier. Jon the process was happening in reverse. Normally reporters get material from the f. B. I. And in this case the f. B. I. And maybe the department of justice were looking at media reports and going to the court and saying hey, we need this warrant. We need to see what it says exactly but the limited information ive been able to get is that media reports were used to lend credibility to the dossier and what we know is that during that same time frame fusion gps and the british spy Christopher Steele were actively Briefing Members of the media about their findings. So the thing to look at in the memo is whether the reporters who were being briefed by fusion gps and Glenn Simpson whether think of their reporting shows up in the fisa applications. Julie what will be interesting is how intelligence agencies and the court system overall will be dealt with moving forward. For a warrant to be issued without credible information to lead to that warrant that points out a glaring fault in our court system in order to prevent this from happening again. You had false information that clearly wasnt vetted properly in order for this to happen. It wound up in something that ultimately heads should roll over this. What i would say, speaking with lawyers who have dealt with cases that include the National Security courts, warrants for the surveillance of american citizens, is think of this as almost the equivalent of the supreme court. This is one of the most highlyrespected, secret institutions and the bar is very high to obtain a warrant to track the communications of an american citizen who is living inside the United States. And what i have been told through my contacts is that the use of a dossier in any way, this particular dossier, would not in their mind meet the threshold for that level of surveillance. So we need to see the memo. What else it says about the use of the dossier. Our reporting is it was one factor in the application for a surveillance warrant and would not have been obtained if not for that dossier research. Jon the white house has signed off on the release of this memo and given back to the Intelligence Committee and they will release it. Is it coming in paper form . Is this an electronic transmission, do we know . I believe it will be posted to the website so everyone can read it for themselves. And i think there is some contingencies in case that website gets flooded, right, to find it through other leaks but people at home will be able to read it for themselves probably by the end of the afternoon if not earlier. Jon Catherine Herridge, busy day in washington thank you. We want to please invite you to stay tuned to Fox News Channel and this fox station for continuing coverage of this story. So the fisa memo is about to be released. It has not to my knowledge not publicly arrived on the website yet of the House Intelligence Committee. But the testimony from top officials is suggesting that the trump dossier and f. B. I. Would not have been released. Outnumbered is next. Thanks for joining us. Im jon scott in new york. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. 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That has not been released, but fox news has exclusive first excerpts from it. The houses approving for it to be made public and we are told that there are no reactions in this. That is big news in itself. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridges live in washington with the very latest. Fox news and been able to confirm that the fourpage memo has now been declassified in the letter was sent from

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