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Student stay tuned for Fox News Channel with this. Good night from washington. On the record are greta is next. This is a fox news alert. Great actor and comedian Robin Williams has died. Williams was found dead in his house. An investigation into the cause of death is underway. And this is a fox news alert. New video showing panic in iraq. Military helicopters delivering humanitarian aid to thousands of desperate religious refugees, many of dying of thirst and hunger all trapped on a mountain dan top. The obamadministration for the first time bypassing the Iraqi Government and directly arming Kurdish Forces. Forces who are fighting for their lives against isis. The u. S. Also launching new air strikes at the vicious terror group isis advances. We have live on the record team coverage across the globe from baghdad to the pentagon plus, representative former air force pilot Adam Kensinger and bob scales all here to go on the record. Tonight a bombshell from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton slamming president obamas Foreign Policy that professional relationship and friendship likely hit the skids publicly big time. We begin in iraq with grn reporter her miny whats the news. There bad day for Kurdish Forces driven out of a town mixed with sunnis and arabs. Todays defeat seems to be another contact exact of the kurds being massively outgunned. So the good news, very good news for the is todays announcement that the u. S. Will be sending them weapons. U. S. Air strikes have also been helping to retake yesterday. After the militants retake it however, in the meantime, the islamic militants have already looted banks, destroyed mosques and government buildings. Hermine. Sorry, i was going to say the refugee crisis is ongoing. Thrp may be jumping way ahead with all troubles kurdistan is having with baghdad, and is president and the people of kurdistan, do they want to break away from baghdad and iraq and form their own country . Is that where we are headed . They declared a few weeks ago now president went to the kurdish and regional parliament and requested that the particle men tearian start looking into the possibility of holding a referendum preparing for independence should that not happen. Todays new Prime Minister is probably sort of bittersweet for the kurds because it means they no longer have the option of disengaging from the country which they did have as long as Nouri Al Maliki was Prime Minister. Herminey thank you very much. Thank you. Sending arms to the Kurdish Forces. Jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. Jennifer . Overseeing the shipment of weapons directly to the kurds and about face by the Obama Administration which, until now had resisted directly arming the kurdish. Carried out a total of 15 air strikes targeting isis targets and now flying a total of 50 to 60 reconnaissance sorts a day. 14 humanitarian air drops to thousands of stranded. Air drops have dropped 75,000 meals to stranded refugees trapped in the mountains and 16,000 gallons of fresh drinking water. The u. S. Is conducting air strikes with f18s off george f. W. Bush. President obama talked about setting up humanitarian corridor but the pentagon is having trouble mapping out corridor. Red line for the pentagon and white house right now. There are no plans to expand the operation to anything other than defensive humanitarian assistance, according to the pentagon lt. General who briefed today. Kurdish leaders say that the left on the mountain are facing genocide. President obama welcomed the announcement by the new barack obama were by the president of iraq today. Political block decided to back not Nouri Al Maliki. Ordered troops and tanks to protect his office in the green zone and gave no indication he planned to step aside indication he may not go quietly. Lt. General William Mayville the pentagon chief of operations has said at the press conference shes strikes will not stop isis elsewhere. To the extent we do anything now immediately what about isis . Its clear what the pentagon is saying dont think that these air strikes, again, only 15 total to this point which are designed to push isis back to protect the u. S. Consulate there and u. S. Workers there. And as part of this humanitarian mission. But, this is a very limited mission pentagon is stating that outright. Very limited in scope at this point in time. Greta . Jennifer, thank you. Isis is cruel, vicious beyond your wildest imagination. They even cut children in half. In fact, thats what isis did to a ayearold child who our next guest baptized. White annually can vicar in baghdad joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening cannon white. Cannon white, did you can hear me sir. Can i hear you fine. Good. Can you please tell me, this is a terrible story. You can hear me . 5yearold child, can you tell me what happened this w. This family that isis did this to this child . No response. Can you can hear me . Yes, can i hear you sir. What happened to w. This family and this child . Cannon, we will try to get back to you when we can get contact with you in baghdad. Were going to move on to republican representative Adam Kinzinger joins us. Congressman kinzinger what do you think is going on with the military action in iraq . Well, i always want to be, you know, very careful to not be the guy that criticizes the president all the time. I do commend him on beginning this humanitarian operation. The story of the mountain is very tragic. The problem is if we dont have a larger crush isis in iraq and in syria, we are going to be careening literalfully this kind of crisis to the next one to the next one. I know the president is worried about getting reencaged in iraq and i frankly understand that and American People are worried about it. This is a moment that secretary hagel said today they are a major threat and almost existential threat in many cases to our way of life. The earlier you can crush this movement, he they went from a few thousand people, not that many months ago, to some estimates of 18,000 today. They are growing. I called for air strikes back in january, and i think if we would have actually done that we wouldnt be talking about isis today. But every day that goes by without, i think further air power and air strikes to stop their movement, he they are only going to get bigger and the problem is going to get larger and be something we have to deal with in a really big way. Do you have the sense is the president talking to congress at all . Is he going all alone on this with the pentagon . I realize he doesnt have to get an authorization from c ng to do. This but is there any sort of talk with leaders in the house and the senate about whats going on . Im sure there are to an extent. I havent talked to the speaker or anyone along that line what kind of coordination they are having with the president. I hope he is the president , i think, will see a congress thats willing to go along with his objectives here. The president has to make this case to the American People. I thought he did a good job of making the case about rescuing these thousands of people trapped on a mountain, but he always, in every speech, talks about what were not going to do. Were not going to put boots on the ground. Thats fine. You never really actually want to say that and we are not going to expand this to anything bigger. He has to be more tough and bring the American People with him. Is he a leader. Congressman, thank you, sir. You bet. Thank you. This is a fox news alert. Actor Robin Williams found dead in california. Lets go to fox news Trace Gallagher for the very latest. Trace . Yeah, greta. We are just getting information crossing right now. Robin williams apparently was found this morning in continue enter ron, california, thats his hometown. The 911 call came in around 11 55 just before noon west coast time. Apparently there was a male who was unconscious. The Sheriffs Department says it appears the cause of death may have been asphyxiation. Of course, an autopsy has not been done yet. We are apparently just now getting a statement from the family. The statement from the family does not confirm this was a possible suicide, greta. But they do go in and say he has been suffering severe depression in recent weeks. Were going to pull that statement up for you right now. Everybody knows, of course, Robin Williams 363 years old. Known, of course, for his primary role in the movies, the morning and mindy Television Show rather and good morning vietnam, the dead poets society. He won an Academy Award for Goodwill Hunting as best supporting actor. Also nominated for three other Academy Awards. Heres the statement from his family. It says, quote Robin Williams passed away this morning. He had been battling severe depression of late. This is is a tragic and sudden loss. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time. Again it, goes on to say, quoting here, from Robin Williams wife, this morning i lost my husband and my best friend. While the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings, im utter itly heart broken. On behalf of robins family we are asking four privacy during time of profound grief as he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on robins death but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. He did give joy and laughter to millions, greta. Again, this happened just before noon west coast time today. Found inside his home in tillable enter continue tiberon. Again, asphyxiation is what the sheriff believes the cause of death was. That has not yet been confirmed. Suicide is being speculated about. The family wont confirm that but they are, of course, saying that in recent weeks he was suffering severe depression. Were working now to get more information about the death of Robin Williams at 63 years old. Greta . Trace, i imagine listening to this. Everyone feels like he or she knows Robin Williams. We have been entertained for some years for decades. Mrs. Doubt fire was another one that wasnt in the list which some people loved. And, yet, you know, many people did know that he suffered from, you know, he he had a drinking problem or a drug problem. He had gone into rehab. So, you know, it deeply disconcerning to so many fans to see his face up there and to think that we are not going to see any more of his new performances at least. In terms of recently, do we know, you know, what he has been doing recently . Has he been on the road doing standup . Has he been doing movies or struggling with problems . Whats he been doing lately . We know, greta, that he was working actually, you talked about mrs. Doubt fire, one of his most beloved roles. He was working or at least signed to do a sequel to mrs. Doubt fire of course starring in that role with Dustin Hoffman that was where he of course played the woman trying to get back or played a woman trying to get back his kids after a divorce and he had apparently resigned to play that again. Robin williams was involved in another tv show, i forget the name of it last fall. That show, i believe, was cancelled at some point last year. Robin williams getting back into television, which is where he started. You know, you go back and you remember that the mork role began as parttime role on laverne and shirley years and years ago and spun off into its own television series. We are still waiting for comments from people who knew and loved him. The twitter sphere as a you can imagine is on fire now. Pam dauber costar she lives in this area with mark harmon. This is a shock to anyone who has ever been entertained and loved. And this was you talk about the drug problems. Late 70s, greta, the early 80s he was addicted to codeign. The death of a friend and the birth of a son prompted him to quit drugs, he said, and then back in august of 2006, williams checked himself into rehab for alcoholism after 20 years of sobriety and then he was hospitalized again back in 2009 due to heart problems. He had this great bond with the old comedian Jonathan Winters. He said they shared the very same track. Jonathan winters well known for his bouts with depression over the years. And Robin Williams as he was coming up into the entertainment world struck up a kinship with Jonathan Winters and said they would spend hours and hours up in Jonathan Winters attic and pick up toys and do impromptu adlib comedy strips. Thats where he became great at going on and on for hours and doing these different comedy routines. Of course, Robin Williams suffered very much the same track that Jonathan Winters did. Robin williams, of course, rallied many times, made great moses, was a great contributor to the world of television. He was also a genuine human being. We lived in tiberan when we started working for Fox News Channel many years ago. You would run across him and others. He was always very gracious to everybody who came across his path. I didnt know him. He didnt know me. But, still a very gracious individual and, again, Robin Williams, were being told died of asphyxiation. Wont say suicide the family says he was suffering depression. The Sheriffs Office says it appears to be a case of suicide just before noon today here on the west coast. Greta. You know, trace. When these people entertain you so much and they make you laugh, he made all of us laugh. Its sort of hard to think of being a depressed guy in the sense that its so stunning and almost more difficult to understand his death assuming that it is by suicide and certainly the indications are at least from what we are hearing so far is suicide. That he was so busy making all of us feel good and at the same time, he was feeling really bad. I suppose that the drugs, the alcohol didnt help it, but, you know, its very difficult to look at this vibrant man on our screen right now. All this tape, smiling, laughing, making all of us laugh and now, suddenly, we discover that that he is dead. Its very difficult, isnt it . It is. And, you know, you go back to the show inside the actors studio. Im not sure if its still on anymore. Robin williams was on there one time. He was very open about his addictions and expression and the fact that you know, comedy sometimes comes out of severe depression. And sometimes he said you have to laugh just not to cry. So Robin Williams wasnt trying to hide the fact that he grew up. He struggled with depression for years and years as a youth. Said that he was often bull idea as a child but he overcame that because he could make people laugh. He could make his friends laugh. Because of that he became who he is. But, you negotiation the drugs and then you go off and you are sober for 20 years and then something triggers and you get back. In you are back drinking again and get back into rehab. Its one of those things that you can never ever congress core. He was conquer. He was truly a pioneer in comedy because you could sit and watch him. And when mork and mindy first hit the air, the directors and producers and a lot of the stuff that you saw that actually became part of the show was adlibbed. Robin williams going off. That led him to have this phenomenal status as the king of the adlib. The king of a guy who could just do these improvised skits for hours on end and would entertain his friends and when he would go to these parties, which he shied away from. He would go in there and he would do these very funny adlib skits and could talk about anything for hours. And as you say, greta, it is shocking to think that someone with Robin Williams talent and his money and all of his success could be at the depths of depression to a point where he may have taken his own life. Greta . I once met him with my husband. I dont know if he is watching. He called my husband mr. Van susteren and giving me trouble about being a little bossy. So i always thought that he was sort of i always liked him a lot. Let me read his wifes statement again in case people are just tuning in to the news about Robin Williams dying. His wife suive snyder writes this, this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of the most beloved artist and beautiful human beings. Im utterly heart broken. On behalf of robins family we are asking for privacy during our time of profound brief. Its our home the focus will not be on robins death but on the countless moments of joy and. [ laughter ] joy and laughter he gave to millions. I suspect this is going to shake up hollywood and lots of statements coming out tonight, trace . They are already coming out, greta. You go on twitter, can you see that people are are just shocked. It took us a while because when the Sheriffs Department released this press release, it had Robin Williams name in there. The age matched. Of course the name matched of the it didnt say Robin Williams the actor. Just a Robin Williams had been found inside his home. Of course when we confirmed that it was in fact Robin Williams, you could just feel the internet exploding. We have Lance Armstrong who rereleased this quote rest in peace, robin, i will always remember you as one hell of a friend. There is more. Much more on breaking news actor Robin Williams found dead. New information just coming out. The it latest coming up. Our visionary cloud infrastructure, and dedicated support, free you to focus on what matters. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Moderate to severe is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Were going to go back to Trace Gallagher who is live in our los angeles studio. Trace . Were just getting more reaction coming in, greta. I at the present time read you this. We had talked about how you said he was such a funny man it was back in 1997 that Entertainment Weekly dubbed him the funniest man alive. Saying, quote williams brought audiences hours of laughter putting imaginative spin on film and television. Lauded for serious roles as well. We forget that greta that he had those serious roles in dead poets scioto and other films nominated for oscars. Wasnt just a funny guy and great comic actor. Dramatic actor. Lauded for serious roles as well. Oscar for performance Sean Macguire therapist matt genius in Goodwill Hunting and received nominations for the fisher king in 1991. Dead poet society in 1989 and good morning vietnam in 1987. Of course, williams was born in chicago back in 1951 and he resided in tiberan which is in the San Francisco bay area for many years. We talked about how some of the twitter comments. Great friend and colleague of Robin Williams just wrote this, quoting here. I could not be more stunned by the loss of Robin Williams, great talent, acting partner genuine soul. Ellen degeneres quoting this i didnt believe the news about Robin Williams he gave so much to some people. Im heart broken and against Lance Armstrong rest in peace, robin. I will always remember you as one hell of a friend. I love you and miss you terribly. Me a farrell no, Robin Williams, you were so loved. George wallace saying shout out to my friend Robin Williams 63 great years of laughter, rest in peace and Jenny Mccarthy saying rest in peace to one of the greatest comedic and dramatic actors of our time miss you very much. Greta. Trace, if you will stand by with us. He we will go with Michael Tamara who is host of in the fox light. Michael . Hey, greta. Good evening. Can you hear me. Good evening. Live right now at the red carpet for the new movie freedomming and premiering. Its tough news. People are in shock tonight. I imagine i cant even imagine a red carpet. I imagine this is going down the red carpet so quickly everyone hearing the news statement from his life is heart breaking. He made us laugh so much. Tonight he does the opposite to us. One of the great, great talents. So many good movies. Goodwill hunting, fisher king, oscar for Goodwill Hunting one those roles made us laugh and made us cry. A lot of people wrapped their arms around this news tonight as it breaks. If he were here the question i would always want to act why are you such a great actor . He was such a great actor. Why were you so funny . He was so funny and so much to offer us in terms of entertainment. Entertainment was something you could show just about everybody. It was all pretty good entertainment for all ages. It was. Not a lot of controversy with him throughout his career. You didnt see him walking the perp walk or being arrested. He was one of those aclass celebrities. People will definitely miss him. He certainly had the troubled history with alcohol and drugs. Yes. Thats not necessarily so sneak to Robin Williams. Some people have had had that trouble. As we look at on the tv we see him laughing. Let me just read again in case people are just tuning in. Susan schneider had his wife and she made this statement. This morning i lost my husband and my best friend. While the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings, im utterly heart broken. We are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. Hope the focus will not be on robins death countless moments of joy and a laughter he gave to millions. Terrible. Stunning. And i think how its all going down. I think people are very surprised to hear it. Amberbetter answer people are shocked. Twitter is going crazy with Ellen Degeneres. Everybody sort of speechless. You expect actors like robin williams to live forever on the screen. Expect them to live forever in life as well. Tragic news tonight. Robin williams only 63 years old apparently committing suicide. Not officially suicide all the reports so far say he died of of affix i cant yahweh will be back with more dontpen. Go away. Be them always watching you. Go for it, paul get open come on, paul lets go hustle what is that, chamomile tea . uh, lattes. You wanna take a nap . get the good more with nfl mobile, free with the more everything plan. Exclusively from verizon. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. Factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. This is a fox news alert. Oscar winning actor Robin Williams found dead in his california home. Actress suzanne summers joins us. Good evening, suzanne. Hi, greta. I was just watching. And what a surprise to all of us and a bad surprise at that. Its unbelievable. So young and so unfinished. His show and my show debuted around the same time mork and mindy and my show threes company. Who is this guy such a talent . In a Business People are cut throat and jealous of everyones success. No one ever felt that way about robin. He was in a category where we hoped he would advance where he might just stand up and do his things thing so few people have that kind of capacity. What a terrible loss. I have a sense that he made everyone feel good. Everyone in terms of i maybe not in his personal life but in terms of entertainment. He made everybody laugh. Dramatic roles may not have been funny. We always knew he would have a time when he would have his comedy and stand up. He would make everybody laugh. Yeah. Its sort of, you know, i know don rickles very well. The evening is usually about fingers crossed hoping they do their thing robin never failed. He would adlib. He was always crazy and outrageous. Always thoughtful he knew exactly where he was going and what his objective was. Really a terrible terrible loss. Comedy most traumatic actors have a problem with comedy. Whole different rhythm. Comedy is musical and he clearly has the music as well as the dramatic ability i bet it was very difficult. Made everyone think it was fun and exciting all the time apparently had a lot of demons going on when he was out in public making everybody laugh, everyone was having fun. You know that song put on a happy face. I dont think anybody knows the reason for his death. Hoping thats not it. When you are the clown, that is part of the job to put on a happy face. His wife has said going to focus on laughter. Its hard it to focus on that if you admired his work. You feel the sadness of the loss. Its hard to like he was enormously talented but sort of hard to focus on the great accomplishments when you are filling a big hole tonight. And his youth. If you are 20, 63 years old. If you are in your 60s and have a friend who died who is 63, it seems very young, especially in todays world where the life expectation is so far beyond that, life expectation is 90. What accelerated it. I was looking forward to mrs. Doubt fire. The fact that he had signed on for another one. Why wouldnt he . He is still at his peak. He never a career has ups and downs, his has been mostly up since the 70s. Im not aware of big dips and valleys. Never lost his box office or ability to sell tickets. Never lost his ability to sell out. That longevity is rare in this community. What is the back story . Did the actors know that these last days and weeks have been tough for him . Was the word going around or not . No. I did not hear anything. And he lived up in nordic, california, it is amazing that he stayed on top ofor so long. So many actors can come and go. Its a tough business. He was always successful, wasnt he, for decades . Yes. And i couldnt hurt him with facebook category. Everybody is scared to go after him. I think they would have been attacked. I dont know why anybody would have. He was likeable. Not like a celebrity that people want to chase the paparazziy want to chase and put horrible pictures of. People liked him. They wanted to make him look good. I think he was one of the ones who played with the paparazziy and made the funny faces. You know, he was one of the view that understood the dance between the paparazzi and the celebrities do you have a favorite Robin Williams movie . Probably mrs. Doubt fire. I was in awe of him on mork and mindy. We were working at the same time. At the same studio shows are so scripted. Every line with robin it was just kind of left open. So go for it. What will robin do . Capture the gold. Keep an isolated camera on him rare moment. Good morning vietnam. A line from a movie everybody everybody remembers. Im in are artillery. Just play it loud okay . Who gave everyone permission to play modern music. There it is suzanne, thank you. Thanks, greta. Very sorry. Yeah, we all are in our coverage of Robin Williams death will continue. The latest on the breaking news coming up. You tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. This is a fox news alert. Sad news tonight from hollywood. Actor and comedian Robin Williams has died. And you are looking live at morin county, california where williams lived. Lets go to shep williams in the fox news deck for the very latest. It breaks all our hearts tonight because we all feel we knew him. You have that feeling about so many. When you look across his work, what stood out about him was not the comedic overtures that he could lend but really the broad scope of his work. It seemed that he could reach out to some places. I once heard the host of his mind worked faster than everybody elses in the industry. He once asked him sometime, i think maybe a year before probably around 2,000 he once asked him how is it that your mind goes so much faster than everybody elses. He really didnt have an answer for that along the way he was so open about his troubles. If he, you know, as a fan of his you would see him on so many late night shows and some of the daytime shows as well talking to Ellen Degeneres about his own vulnerabilities about his long history of addiction and how difficult it had been. I read once did he that because he felt like other people who were suffering of addiction he didnt want to them to feel like they had to remain lois clod up about it he said if you are addicted and remain closed up about it the people around you wont know to do so. He spoke openly about his own addictions as maybe a hint to others about how to act around such a thing. We know he was in rehab as of july the 8th. So just about a month ago. His publicist said he had been suffering a long time we have just gotten a statement out from fox our parent company. Fox, which will release the third night at the museum film, you are whispering. What was that . Who is whispering . Oh, i thought i heard you whispering. Wee will release the third night at the museum flism has film has issued the following statement and i quote there is no words to describe the loss of Robin Williams he was imbalancely talented and cherished part of the community and part of the fox family. Our hearts go out. He will be missed. No doubt he will. Keep going back to the statement of his poor wife. I cant even imagine tonight. She wants us to focus on the accomplishments. During one of the breaks someone brought me the tv shows and movies. Suzanne somers was talking about in that business of hollywood and acting to be able to stay on top for so many decades. It goes on and on the list of movies and tv shows. He never stopped working. She said he never had a box office flop. I never stopped to look at his career but its really an extraordinary career. I think a lot of people i was looking through it a few minutes ago in my office as well, greta. Wow, i had forgot been that to one generation he is mork from ork. He is Academy Award winner. Is he Goodwill Hunting. The range is really quite astounding. I am always sort of put off when i sometimes read about the death of celebrities. I was reading a couple of my favorite sites that i go to for news gathering during the day just to see how people are talking about folks and the first comments on one of my favorite sites was i havent seen anything impressed with him in a load time good riddance. There are just haters in this world who just hate by way of default but i think the rest of us, the other 99. 5 of us will now have a chance to look through this body of work and probably be astounded. What an incredible talent we have lost. He was a terrific mentor and with his comedic work and trornd, on the social front, he was able to say look, im a man with flaws. I have addictions and troubles in my life like you do. Im seeking help with my troubles. Im not always succeeding in getting help. My understanding according to his publicist and others depression had gotten very deep in recent months. Back into rehab last month. We are waiting for morin county in Northern California to come up with results of autopsies. It was clear to those who went there in the noon hour today on the west coast what had happened. And that was that Robin Williams had killed himself maybe at some point we will be able to put meaning to it all, greta. I cant at this point. Twitter is interesting place and Ellen Degeneres who Trace Gallagher talked about before. She says i didnt believe the news about Robin Williams. He gave so much to so many people. Im heart broken. That says it so well for even those of us who didnt know him. Shep, thank you. You bet. In the entertainment world in shock tonight. So will the rest of us. Right more on the death of Robin Williams. Whos more excited about back to School Savings at staples . The moms . Or the dads . With guaranteed low prices on flash drives, its definitely the dads. Staples. Make more happen for less. Dunk,eady to crack, dip. Its crabfest at red lobster the years largest variety of crab like new crab lovers trio or try new jumbo lump crab over woodgrilled salmon. 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He was a very wonderful, caring person. Very giving person. He was what they might say in hollywood was every kind of man. And he it took his craft seriously but he had a wonderful air about him. Very hard to he is the kind of guy he you will not see Jonathan Winters was his hero. They exchanged phone messages together. Call Robin Williams phone you you got hysterical messages that he would leave. Similar what Jonathan Winters used to do. He put Jonathan Winters on his old show mork and mindy. Newborn baby from out out outerspace. Very creative mind. Also one hell of an actor. Not many people that funny are also very serious as actors. He was a very very serious actor. Wonderful man qui dont understand. We learn about it all the time. Very hard, greta, to imagine someone that successful to be that depressed some people feel sadness tonight. I dont think you think about it i didnt think about that at all. Your loss depression. You dont think obviously you think about your wife and family. The public. No you are so i cant imagine being that low that you would take your own life in the way of asphyxiation my god. Larry, got to go. Always wonderful to hear from you. Thank you, larry. Right now. Pouring in from hollywood. Breaking News Coverage continues next. Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. In the places you want to be. Where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. Twelve brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. For a chance to win one million dollars, visit wyndhamrewards. Com that would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. 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Its unique microclean formula kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. Thats why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. Cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. Hollywood stars reacting to the sudden death of will be bin williams. Many intritsz tweeting their thoughts. Katy perry tweets so dad about Robin Williams. Drew perry tweeting condolences to the whole

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