Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20140807 :

FOXNEWSW Red Eye August 7, 2014

She turns more heads than my homemade head turning machine. I am here with joanne nosuchunsky. I like that introduction. You cant tell, but he is excited to be here. It is tvs andy levy. He looks like a boy scout that grew up too quickly. It is will ron. And he plays base and that means this is the only time in his life he gets an audience to focus on him. Basis for the legendary vandals and the nonpornographic show called the barely legal radio in los angeles. Sorry about that. A block. The lede. Thats the first story. Is it hard to vex the fairer sex . Thats the opinion of the wife of our alleged president , Barak Hussein obama, if thats his real name, joe. During a convo with First Lady Laura Bush an angel at something called the u. S. Africa leader summit, the florist was talking about being a role model for young women when she said this. We cant waste the spotlight. It is temporary and life is short. Change is needed. And women are smarter than men. I cant emphasize how much how important it is that even though she laughed after she said it she was being completely serious. Obviously this is something that can only happen as always to help us out in this discussion we brought in a studio audience. Welcome, everyone, and thanks for joining us. How many of you are staring at my laps right now . 10 sets of lat pull downs will give you that definition. Michelle was being serious. How outraged are you to create a decisive atmosphere between both sexes . Float us against us. This is the war on men. Do you see the word play . I am actually sympathetic to this. Sure women are smarter than men. We historically have trusted women with child rearing. Thats the most important thing in the species. All men know deep down that it is very difficult for us to be smart enough to handle this. Is your girlfriend listening right now . She is not familiar with the program. You can just look at the camera and tell her you are sorry directly. Why go through awful this . I am paying a complpliment. Men are stupid and they try to confine them to the role of child rearing, but men know it came from our insecurity and we know we cant handle kids. Joe, would it have been a good laugh if a man had said men are smarter than women . That person would have lost every endorsement and fired for whatever job they have and e knows she can get away with that. What i am offended by temporary spotlight . Do you think we are getting rid of these people . She will have a talk show and he is going to whatever with his new wife. They are happily married, joe. They are done. When they wave at the helicopter they go to two separate helicopters. I feel like i am on the e channel. It goes to you and you say what is up with the obamas . Andy, i think that is disgusting. Go ahead and defend your hero, michelle obama. Leave Michelle Hussein obama alone. If i have heard anything from sitcoms and commercials it is that women are smarter than men. Men are almost without exception fat, lazy slobs who cant do anything for themselves. When they do they screw it up and it has to be fixed by a woman. Am i right . As far as them getting divorced that is not going to happen. When they are out of office, she will run for senator. They cant get divorced. And they are happily married you sick person. Good to see yoi here. Isnt feminism about to be about being equal to men . Yes. Why would you admit women have a greater inherent value than men . Cs true. It is true, but only a dumb woman would say it out loud. We are smarter, and we are greater, but that was a dumb move. She is not dumb. She just made a mistake. I happen to agree that women are smarter. They are inherently stump lig on to the truth. Stumbling on to the truth. They are productive engines of society. Without them we would not have an engine of society. If you use the casino metaphor , man has if you if a man has a thousand dollars in chips and a woman has a thousand dollars in chips, a man has a thousand 1 and a woman as two feef00 chips. They make wiser decisions in the casino. Is that a clams casino metaphor . Exactly, my friend. By the way, the down fall of our culture was when we assumed women was equal to men. For thousands of years we considered them superior. Let me explain something though. I would rather have a thousand 1 chips. If you have two 500 chips and you drop one thats the point. You are screwed. Thats the point. Women have been making themselves less valuable by purposely dropping a chip. Thank you for completing my metaphor that i stole. At least they can tip those who come and bring the drink. That is absolutely right. Only a piece can breng her peace. Bring her peace. Taylor woolrich, a junior at the ivy league trade school could drop out because you cant carry a gun on campus without being the target of a crazed talker. When woolr cry h was lived in san diego a customer became obsessed with her. She filed a restraining order, but the cream stalked her on social media and promised to visit her. When she came home last summer he showed up at her front door. He was arrested and now is currently sitting in jail. Woolrich lives in fear and dartmouth cant make an exception to the schools antigun policy. They searched his car and found a noose and a knife and gloves, often what you drive around with, but it can mean anything, right . He is no hazard. This is a legitimate plea scary thing. Thats why we didnt have a funny video. This is horrifying and you have to sympathize with her. At the same time i am not that hot of College Students Walking Around with pes stoles. Pistols. In war, those guys are daa difference because they are men . No there are women in the military. I am going to google that later. No, it is just was i the only one who was an irresponsible idiot in college . You were. That was just me . No, college is about seeing how far your alcohol tolerance can go. The tolerance to drugs perhaps. Producing firearms and i think it is a profoundly dangerous addition. I dont know if that is your decision to make. I think it is the decision for the individual. Dartmouth said if you feel scared call Campus Security. Do you remember Campus Security . Yes. You could crank the box and they might come over. Exactly. This poor girl, she is i agree. It is a big danger, but how hard is it to pull her aside and say lets not make a big deal out of this. We will get you training and in three days she would have more training than every cop in the dartmouth area on handgun use and dont make a big deal about it. Now she can never own a gun because everyone will say thats the girl with the gun in her purse and she is a target for all of these other people. You should want people to think you have a gun in your purse. She should tell people i am carrying a pistol and screw these guys. And i am off my meds to make it scarier, joanne. Should she transfer to another school or fight . She said if he gets out on bail she will have to leave dartmouth. I recommend chico state. Thats a party school. But will you let the media know you are changing school and put it all over social media . He was reaching out to her that way. Now if you post anything it says where you are when you postit and it is very difficult to not leave a trace is what she needs to do. She will have to get rid of all social meed you media. And thats not worth it. And now we have all seen her. Here is my theory. She should have a gun and feminism should be adopting annie oakley and not what a is the word . Annie oakley . You cant get a man a with a gun. Yes, you can. Guns do more for modern feminism. She should pack and learn how to use the gun. Here is my advice. She should get a gun and carry it on campus. Best Case Scenario she will never have to use it and she can get her degree and no one will be the wiser. Worst case, her stalker shows up and she protects herself possibly using the gun. If that happens lets see them explain kicking her out if that happens and if there is an outcry pr feminists. Alternatively could she at least get a taser . This is the kind of question the reporter would get the answer to. My question would be could she get a taser . You came to work seven to eight hours to contact her there was no way i could do that. You had a lot of stuff to do. A lot on my plate. His beats stopped the beast. How many times have i seen this sentence . Justin biebers music saved a man from a bear attack. This fisherman was on his way to a fishing spot when a bear pounced on him from be behind. As the bear was beating him senseless his cell phone rang and the bear ranway. It was the hit song baby. I couldnt believe my luck when the phone went off and the bear fled. My granddaughter loaded it on to my phone for a joke. Likely excuse. In case you havent heard one of biebers songs here is an example. Joe is this the best thing bieber has ever done . And i include amanda kerr. We are not sure. Oh it happened behind a tree. It is a tipping point. He is now much cooler than orlando bloom. Orlando bloos movies havent done anything like that. Orlando bloom has never saved a bear. That kind of bear if you catch my drift, you hairy beast. Do you think your ring tone will save you . 4. I have a joke. There are times when mccurio reads go ahead. He nearly died as he lived listening to infectious pop music. That was good stuff. That was a caption for a new yorker cartoon that hasnt been done yet. There is a blank spot right there in that phrase and nothing is there. Listen, i have to come on here and compete with professional whatever it is you are. I am nothing. I got another one. Is baby a common ring tone for russian men . I think the ukraine may be safe. I would have done very well. The delivery was better. It is true though what the hell is a grown man doing with the ring tone. It is not that he was scared. He said i am not eating that. Or he loves bieber so much. Is he here. Is he in the forest . You know what i think this is is this bear was a plant from biebers camp. They made this whole thing happen to make bieber look like a hero. Real he is not. It is putinesque. Nicely done. That was the best one. Andy, should the federal government mandate every hiker have a bieber ring tone . This doesnt just work on bears. You can scare anyone away. Are we sure by the way that it was not rich chest quest. There are 10 people in the audience who will get that. The rest will be googling who is richard quest. What is a new yorker cartoon for that matter . How dare you insult my fans. You 2340e they are waive you know they are waiving back at you. Are you finished . I have nothing else. I want to ask you you are a musician and you have been around. I am a base player. I apologize for saying you play music. How much is left in the bieber bank . I have something that shows bieber on the second half of the decline. He is right about here and this i is the end. I think there are smarter people handling these celebrities. It is built into the stock market when you find out like this is going to go down and it is all built in. So we will never get rid of him either. He has an expiration date. It is baked in the cake and he will decline. Did you say baked in the cake dism. I will say it three more times. It is my understanding that a lot of ladies saw lief garretts curve. Thats bad. Ostriches, funny looking birds or tools of the antichrist. How do kids react when they saw a typewriter . More important, how did the typewriter react to the kids . Female announcer through sunday at sleep train, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. Choose 300 in free gifts with tempurpedic. Even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice. The triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. The c lie ckity clack . It shows kids encountering a typewriter for the first time. As you can predict it went predictably. Roll tape, tape rollers. This is like it takes a longtime to write these things. I would rather write. I would not want to use this thing. Why is it so complicated . Too many steps. I think it would be simpler to write. The worst is when you have to ask your mean dad for more paper, right kid with the mean dad . Dad can i get another paper and he says no. I said i made a mistake with my typewriter. No. Something is going on there. I hate when that happens. I think that is a cry for help. How do the kids feel for the old people who didnt have computers . I feel very sad for them. They continue face time and they cant do messages and cant do work and play games. You should get a computer or something. I feel so bad for you guys, but you are probably like how do you use this mac book . They do say the darnest thing. The website io9 asked its most changed your of daytoday life . Here is mine. That is perfect. I dont put it on my meat and it is not ketchup, but i use it often. Joe, what piece of Technology Saved your life . And dont say a broom. I have a joke. How strings are on a base guitar . Evidently too many. You had a question for me earlier . Yes, i did. See this is the problem with musicians. Qas there a piece of technology that changed your life . No, but it is a soft water called yelp. I used to eat at islands and now i travel around and i dont. There are good restaurants around you. You just push the button and it finds them and you dont end up at the red lobster. I love the red lobster. Yes, you do. For her it is a euphemism. Will do you have a Favorite Technology and not an electric razor . I would say twitter, but not enough of you people follow me. That was a desperate plea. You have a twitter . They have these socks that provide arch support and those are pretty gray. I actually think you mean that. Try them. You will they will change your life. You just lost 5 twitter followers. Why didnt somebody think of it sooner. Some of us are flat footed. Why do you hate america . He loves america, but his feet are tray fors. I do love america. He has comme feet. Thats tonight at 11 00 after mcgiver. You share a birthday with the iphone 3. Congratulations. What i was growing up we didnt have a computer until i hit 10. Before that we had typewriters. I never used it because i was too young to write. Still i remember it being in the house. I was happy computers came about and phones and iphones i used the gps and the maps all the time. I dont know how people got around. I had a horrible sense of direction. It is a grid. No, no, no. When i come out of the subway i dont know where i am. It did doesnt really matter. And the Security Guard goes down to get you. I just go somebody is dead down there. And then i run. I run like the coward i am. Will there ever be technology that makes having a cat easier . I guess, i dont know. I have a better question. Technology is really the rut biggest ben gnaw factor. All you do is sit at home and let the technology into your body. I am a man of the future. The obvious answer is in terms of world changing is personal computer or internet or cell phones. I will go with the kindle because it has allowed me to not have an apartment over run by books. Ipod you can say the same and Digital Music revolutionized everything. How about debit cards and atm machines. Is that changed everything. People are in dead because of that. The president said it cost the cashiers their jobs though. So you hate cashiers. You are just sticking it to the working man . You love cashiers . You are mr. I love cashiers. The things you say about cashiers off air and then come on this show and have the nerve to say you are an activist. Why dredge up this old argument . That was months ago. You come on this show. I mean i cant just you are a disgray. A disgrace. You mow what i miss . Remember when you went to macys . Thats all. No, you would go to macys and there would be a long line of what are they . Steep writer, word processor machines and mead by brother. Remember brother . They would be in a row and as a kid you would go by and ding ding ding. You cant do that anymore. You write stupid things like boobless and that is for a calculater. A Great Technology is life alert. There have been moments in the bathtub where it was over and they got me out. I would go with the ipod because of the fact that in your pocket you have every record. It has ruined the music industry. Can you call it an ipod . Go to spotify where you have every woman in every album. Probably 30 years ago you would be really, really rich. Coming up, should you share a ride with a stranger . My pairns told me it would be fun and to do it. They werent wrong. First a word from our sponsor. Tonights sponsor is my Imaginary Friend. He was created in 1986 and i cant get rid of him. Limited addition because he is the only Imaginary Friend i have come up with. Order no supplies are 1. Thanks my Imaginary Friend. Is uber pool super cool . It allows people share their ride and fare with a stranger. Uber pool matches users with another passenger who is requesting a similar route. Shared rides are cheaper and could help curb pollution and traffic congestion. Says the company, quote, this is a bold social experiment. There is the interaction between riders and uber pool. J are we doing this story . Should they talk to each other . When is it cool and when is it annoying 1234 to me it is always annoying. If you were doing uber pool you would actually try to talk to the passengers and you wouldnt be able to see the signals that they were uncomfortable. Am i right . Do i look uncomfortable right now . This sounds truly awful. If you are desperate, thats fine. With uber you already have to worry about the driver being a weird owe. Then it is a high person or drink person or a talkative freak. If you want that experience i suggest you come on red eye. Unbelievable. Whats that a . Oh yeah he will never be back. Joe, i believe that uber is one of the greatest things ever. It has reduced the arrogance of the cabdriver, the people that believe in new york city and they are doing you a favor and they dont give a damn. Now uber says we are here and we are friendly. They are hard working americans. Ride sharing can possibly ruin this. We ruined the whole industry with a german word. It makes it all the more creepy. Young kids want to save the planet. They will get in the car. They say look at us. We are saving the planet. 2 takes one more car it takes one more car off the road. They are doing a puzzle. All of the electric car stuff and the efficiency stuff has more adds more cars to the road. Thats a good point. People buy electric cars as their second or third car to make themselves feel good, but it doesnt replace and they drive it on weekends. Thats right it doesnt cost anything. As they run over children. Why do they hate children . I dont have proof of that. Why do they hate children in Obamas America . How many hookups will result from this app a . Drunken or meaningful ones . Love. There may be one instance and that will be made into

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